Katie miller Katie Miller from Severna Park, Maryland, first came to New Hope Christian College as a sophomore transfer student. Katie Miller chose to attend NHCC because she discovered that all the credits she earned while taking classes during an internship in South Africa were transferable to NHCC. Not until she came and experienced NHCC did she realize how much God had blessed her with finding out about this college. Katie is majoring in Christian Counseling and hopes to become a missionary who goes to where the missionaries and their families are serving and provide them with counseling. She’d like to also help them with their ministries while there. She is involved with yearbook, volunteering in the campus café, and cheering on the Deacons basketball team! She loves being able to have the opportunity for so many different experiences whether it be photography, journalism, editing, or being a barista. “The possibilities are virtually endless here. If you are interested in something they are always willing to help you learn!” If Katie were talking to someone about attending NHCC, she would say that “they should first try preview day when you are able to experience what it would be like to be an NHCC student, with classes and all. NHCC is very different from most colleges in that you get to know your professors. If you are having a hard time understanding a subject, you never have to hesitate to ask a question or get extra help. You also are able to form close relationships with your peers. You are also challenged spiritually in a way that will grow you closer to Christ, through the Ignite program, and through chapel. Lastly I would tell someone who was considering NHCC that they should pray about it, and if God prompts them to come, Welcome!”
WORDS: Danell Bemis PHOTOS: Derrek Miyahara/David Delaney
Meet Kylie Saito, a returning sophmore from Honolulu, Hawaii. Kylie Saito described herself as a “fresh, freshman” when she first came to New Hope Christan College last year. Although new to this college life, she felt that she is determined and focused on her studies and education. She also enjoyed the new experiences that came with living in the dorms, working in the bookstore, and starting a new ministry here. “All in all, I would say that I am up and ready for anything new that this new culture and community has to offer.” Saito came to NHCC to further her education and knowledge in theology and God. She hopes to follow the path God has marked out for her. She does not like to set her plans in stone because she knows God can quickly change them.
With the worship arts degree, she hopes to continue to promote and nourish the development of the arts in the church, from missions to teaching Christian classes and educating the next generation. She’s also considering an Intercultural Studies degree with which she hopes to travel to various countries while bringing the Gospel to them in unique and innovative ways somehow incorporating the arts. During her freshman year Saito was involved with the music and dance ministry “Momentum” and also helps out in the college bookstore. She also spent her first year working on the yearbook staff and wrote and photographed for the Ignite news. “Although small, this school offers opportunities for many varying interests. Not only do you further your knowledge and growth in God and His Word, but in many other mainstream studies too. Also, because NHCC is a smaller, private college, you get to know your fellow students and faculty on a much more personal and intimate basis.”
“Teachers will be able to make classes more interactive, its got a longer battery life than most laptops, and its green”
iPads arrive @ New Hope Christian College Thanks to the generous gifts of private donors, all full-time faculty and students at New Hope Christian College have received Apple iPads this fall. The college has increased its wireless coverage and classroom technology to accommodate the new tool. The new college management system is called Populi and has a grading and attendance tracking system that can be accessed online. Not only will grading and assignments be done electronically, but course books can be purchased online as eBooks saving the students both money and makeing it easier to always have their textbooks with them. “There are so many advantages,” said Peter Thourson of Information Services at NHCC, “Teachers will be able to make classes more interactive, its got a longer battery life than most laptops, and its green because it saves on paper used to print out assignments and papers.” The students have expressed excitement over the new electronic devices. “I love it! It’s really slick” said Casey Craigie. “I love being able to sync my google calendar with it.” Each student has found unique features to highlight. Will Wrisley said, “I can play the piano on my Ipad and sync via bluetooth and play with other people.” Noemie Ely said, “Its delightful! I love Doodle Jump, its really exciting”
WORDS: Andrew Fish/ Laura Goss PHOTOS: Derrek Miyahara/ Andrew Fish ART: Gary Hisaoka
WORDS Laura Goss PHOTOS Gary Hisaoka >>>
“There are a lot of super people--I am really impressed... This is a beautiful location.”
More than a hundred volunteers climbed Bailey Hill to help with the clean-up day this August. “It’s gone well, “ said Executive Director Gary Matsdorf, who organized the event, “ All the volunteers that showed up are great. There’s so much to do.” “I think I am doing some good - its a challenge, but its coming along,” commented Joel Gestman as he washed windows in OBC. A member at Willamette Christian Center, he said that Pastor Wayne Cordiero has preached five times at his church.
“I am still working on his first sermon on Bible reading,” Gestman said, “It has helped me a lot.” He heard about the clean-up day that was announced during the Radix summer series and enjoyed meeting people while he worked. “There are a lot of super people--I am really impressed.” Jim and Terisa Spencer also heard about the volunteer opportunity at Radix. They live in Springfield and have been in the area a long time. “I remember Wayne from Campus Life,” said Terisa. “I think its fantastic, “ she said about the changes to the campus, “This is a beautiful location.” Stewart and Tresia Stevenson came all the way from Cottage Grove to help out. “I’ve been listening to New Hope on the Radio,” said Tresia. They both came to the work day last year and have noticed all the changes since then, “I think its great-- so fresh and nice” The college staff is also happy about the updates. “ I can’t wait for everything to be done,” said Deng Pham, sous chef at the college. “We’re glad we’re going to get a bunch of new students and hopefully next year there will be even more,” said Chef Pat McDaniel. Even some of the new students were pitching in to help. “Its worse now, but it will be better,” said Chris Kiriakos of the clean up underway in the Hunt building. Kiriakos is a sophomore transfer student from Pacific Rim in Hawaii. A creative arts major, he is looking forward to studying voice, guitar and piano this year. He had visited the college twice when he came to help out the spring Spiritual Growth Seminar and at Radix this summer. He is currently living with the Steve and Cindy Kenny family.
“A student athlete is a student first, and an athlete second.”
New Hope Christian College Welcomes New Coach!!! After being undefeated in city league last year, this year’s volleyball program is off to an exciting start with Mike Heckard, the new volleyball coach brought in by athletic director Jim DeGroot. Heckard’s extensive coaching experience began when he was 18. In addition to NHCC, he coaches for Webfoot, a community volleyball club. “Skiing and volleyball are the two sports I’ve done the most,” he said. “I love the sport of volleyball.” Heckard is a local real estate broker. When he’s not busy coaching and selling real estate, he enjoys spending time with his wife Nicole, and their children Chloé, 6, and Karch, 3, named after American volleyball player Karch Kiraly. Heckard grew up in Boring, Ore. “Yes, it’s a real town,” laughed Heckard. Heckard sees this year’s biggest challenge as moving up into a Christian league, and eventually the Cascade Conference. “[NHCC] is a different environment. I’m excited about the process. I’m competitive so I want to get started.” NHCC player Lauria Montgomery says, “This year will be more of a challenge. In city league we will be playing people who will challenge us more than last year.” “I’m looking forward to the students getting involved,” he said. “Come out and support our team.” Despite his excitement about sports, academics is still Heckard’s number one priority. He said, “A student athlete is a student first, and an athlete second.”
WORDS Timothy Bemis PHOTOS Laura Goss >>>
The Ignite Contributors Cover Photo Derrick Miyahara Page Designer Ryan Bluebaugh Photography David Delaney, Gary Hisaoka, Laura Goss, Andrew Fish and Derek Miyahara Writers Danell Bemis, Timothy Bemis, Laura Goss and Andrew Fish Editor Laura Goss Contact theignite@newhope.edu © 2010 New Hope Christian College
Dorm Life
Brendan LeLaCheur
IIgnite Team Advisor Living in the dorms is one of the greatest benefits of college. Doing so is certain to push many of your buttons and to teach you about who you really are. In my four years in the dorms I made some of my best friends, learned to survive on no sleep, had ready access to help on homework from other classmates in the dorms, always had a group of people willing to go to the movies or play catch, and most importantly, was constantly surrounded by men that were hungry for God.
It’s important to remember that you will have frustrations with your roommates. When living in such tight quarters it’s easy to annoy one another, especially under such great stress. The best advice I can give is to always openly communicate with your roommates about the positives and negatives, to always keep your things clean, and to always consider your roommate when making noise, messes, or having guests over. Also, it’s important to prioritize. Because there will always be a group of friends wanting to go play, remember to get your homework done first and to not put off sleeping until the weekend. It is a great idea to have fun, but that doesn’t change the fact that we all need sleep
ACEing Your Classes Achieving College Excellence (ACE) is a tutoring program designed to help students at NHCC achieve and maintain the required academic standing.
Katie Miller
Emilie Forsberg
Living in the dorms is a lot of fun! My advice for everyone living in the dorms, is to make an effort to pursue strong healthy friendships, with your other dorm-mates.
Cling to the word of God. Let it be top priority no matter what! Being in a Christian atmosphere doesn’t mean that other Christians will make you stable. Going to classes and talking about the Bible won’t make you stable, but having a daily time where you meet with God will allow you to be patient and more loving with the people you will be living with for an entire year!
IIgnite Team Advisor
It is easy to stay in your room and not make an effort in friendships, or to do the opposite and make flippant friendships with people who do not edify your relationship with the Lord, but pull you down. Your friends may not stay the same throughout the year, but the decisions you make with those friends can make or break your time in the dorms and at NHCC.
Ignite Team Advisor
Students in the ACE program will be assigned a tutor with whom they will meet for two hours a week to learn and apply skills needed for college excellence. The focus will be on academic skills such as understanding exactly what the requirements are for homework assignments, reading for comprehension, taking notes efficiently and effectively, memorizing important information, and preparing for tests. Special attention will be given to time management skills such as coordinating work and study schedules, organizing homework assignments and due dates, and making choices according to priorities.
Campus Study Spots
Student Center Hours
Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-curfew (either 11 p.m. or 12 a.m., this depends on the dayClosed for chapel times
Saturday 10 a.m.-curfew Sunday 1 p.m.-curfew
Café Hours
Monday-Friday 8 am - 9 p.m. Closed for chapel times and during Fire By Night once a month
Saturday 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Library Hours
Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 10:00 pm Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Saturday1:00 pm – 8:00 pm Sunday 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm The library is closed during chapel and small group sessions
In order to get more of the collection of books and magazines into the hands of students, the library has started stocking a shelf in the Student Center in the Hunt Building. Current offerings include: Relevant - Leadership - Christian Research Journal Biblical Archaeology Review - Intercollegiate Review - Group - Pray - Message of the Open Bible - Youth Worker - Charisma - Today’s Christian Woman Pentecostal Messenger - Reader’s Digest LIbrarian Jan Kelley plans to monitor the collection weekly to check-up on student usage and make updates.