NJ Realtors® Will Continue to Offer Forms in 2022
f one of your 2022 goals is to work smarter and mitigate
transactions wherever you are. Members can create and
risk, you’re in luck. New Jersey Realtors is continuing its
manage transactions, send e-signatures, and more from their
partnership with Lone Wolf Technologies through 2024.
smartphone devices.
With this renewed partnership come valuable membership
benefits that are available to all members at no additional cost.
The transaction management system helps you manage deals from start to finish while helping you stay compliant. Log on to
New Jersey Realtors Library of Forms
zipForm Transactions for fillable forms, templates, transaction
The best way to protect yourself and your business is to utilize
checklists, transaction guides, and unlimited document storage.
NJ Realtors Library of Forms, available at ® The industry is constantly changing,
Broker Edition
and the forms library always updates forms to follow new
Managing transactions isn’t the job of one agent, which is why
laws and addendums. It has everything you need to conduct
including the broker edition with our partnership was at the
business smarter.
top of the list. Brokers will have insight necessary to manage transactions from listing to closing, while agents will have the
Unlimited E-Signature
tools needed to get them to the table. Continuing to offer the
Digital Ink 2.0, powered by Authentisign, will help agents,
broker edition as a member benefit helps brokers connect with
brokers, and clients to streamline the transaction and sign
agents, provide guidance, ensure compliance, provide cash
documents digitally. All forms in the NJ Realtors Library of
flow, and pipeline insight, and more.
Forms come pre-tagged for e-signatures, making your signing setup faster and easier than ever before.
Hit the ground running with all the NJ Realtors® Library of Forms member benefits by watching how-to videos at
zipForm Mobile
The most requested benefit added through our renewed partnership is zipForm Mobile Edition. All NJ Realtors® members now have access to help stay connected to your
NEW JERSEY REALTOR ® | January/February 2022 | 5