New Jersey Realtor® Magazine–January/February 2023

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NEW JERSEY REALTOR ® | January/February 2023 | 1 ©2022 @randrealty JOIN OUR TEAM! YOU SHOULD KNOW • Industry Leading Health and Wealth Benefits Program • Agent-Centric Family Culture • Interest Free Advanced Commission Payments • Unique 100% Money Back Guarantee • Sales Incentive Travel Perks • HannaMobile Mobile Marketing • Best-in-Class Marketing and Productivity Suite • World-Class Sales and Technology Training • Regular Agent Awards, Recognition, and Rewards • Strong Local and Global Referral Network • Leading Luxury Home and New Development Marketing Programs

A publication of New Jersey Realtors®

10 Hamilton Avenue

Trenton, NJ 08611

Phone: 609-341-7100



President’s View: Let’s Lead in 2023


Laura Lemos | 973-822-9274


Rebecca Ryan McQuigg | Encompass Media Group

New Jersey Realtors® provides legal and legislative updates as well as information on a variety of real estate related topics solely for the use of its members. Due to the wide range of issues affecting its members, NJ Realtors® publishes information concerning those issues that NJ Realtors®, in its sole discretion, deems the most important for its members.

The content and accuracy of all articles and/or advertisements by persons not employed by or agents of NJ Realtor® are the sole responsibility of their author. NJ Realtors® disclaims any liability or responsibility for their content or accuracy. Where such articles and/or advertisements contain legal advice or standards, NJ Realtors® recommends that NJ Realtors® seek legal counsel with regard to any specific situation to which they may seek to apply the article.

New Jersey Realtor®, publication number 13260, ISSN number 00285919. Published bi-monthly each year. Member subscriptions allocated annually from annual dues: $3. Non-member annual subscription: $10. Known office of publication: 10 Hamilton Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08611. Periodicals postage paid at Trenton, NJ 08611 and at additional mailing offices.

POSTMASTER: Send address change to Editor, 10 Hamilton Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08611.

CEO’s Desk: Riding with the Brand in Atlantic City

Legislative Update: Thank You for Your RPAC Support in 2022! Tech Column: 5 Apps to Up Your Game in 2023 Introducing Your 2023 Leadership Team

Important Dates & Deadlines
Realtors® 2022 Triple Play Recap Expect Adjustments in the 2023
Market Town
2 4 5 7 10 12 14 16 18 2022 Realtor® of the Year and Realtor®-Associate of the Year Awards 2022 Good Neighbor Award Winners Realtors® Q&A: Meet the Decision Makers: Assembly Speaker Craig
2022 Quarter Century Club & Realtor® Emeritus Recipients Marketing Trends Board/Association News 20 21 24 26 28 29 10 18 NJRealtors
Spotlight: Merchantville
J. Coughlin
Sudoku puzzle solution:
Jarrod C. Grasso, RCE Chief Executive Officer
Colleen King Oliver Director of Public Relations & Marketing |
Erin McFeeters Deputy Director of Public Relations & Marketing Nicole O’Rourke Communications Coordinator Lisa Fant Communications Coordinator
Manis President Gloria Monks President-Elect Kathy Morin First Vice President Gloria Siciliano Treasurer
@njrealtors NJRealtors @NJ_Realtors NJ Realtors 2 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR ® | January/February 2023
January/February 2023

You focused on fi nding them the perfect house, in their favorite neighborhood, with the schools they wanted. Now all they need is the right home insurance to protect their investment. At NJM we’ve provided award-winning service for over 100 years. Just check out our fi ve-star rating on Trustpilot. Our customers love us because we focus on what matters most: top-notch service and a great claims experience. See our reviews and more at

Excellent based on over 9,000 reviews on as of September 2022.

Let’s Lead in 2023

When I was growing up, like most young kids, I wanted to be just like my parents, and follow in their footsteps. My father earned a Ph.D. in physics from Princeton University and for most of my childhood I wanted to be a professor. It wasn’t until he sat me down right around the time I was applying for college that I realized my passion wasn’t the same as my father’s. He encouraged me to go into business for myself, earn my broker’s license, and open my own office. And so, my love for real estate began.

Many years into my career and I wanted to get more involved. Kathy Picardo from the Hunterdon Somerset Association of Realtors® encouraged me to join the local board of directors, and so my involvement with the Realtor® family began. This opened countless doors not only from my local board, but also from New Jersey Realtors®. Sixteen years later and I’m officially your 2023 New Jersey Realtors® President.

The 16 years of cumulative experience as a Realtor® volunteer have prepared me to stand up for our members, get in front of vital private property rights issues, and empower future Realtor® leaders.

This year I hope to tap more Realtors® on the shoulder as Kathy did to me and jumpstart their involvement in the association with the first ever Realtor® leadership academy in New Jersey. It’s time for the new leaders of tomorrow to accumulate their own experiences, shape themselves to help the future of the NJ real estate industry, help their professional careers, and expand their personal lives.

I challenge each of you to dive in 100% and begin your leadership journeys by asking yourself: “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” In 2023, I encourage you all to face your fears and follow your hearts.

4 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2023


Riding with the Brand in Atlantic City

We were thrilled to have the Realtor® brand ride into Atlantic City in early December for the first official stop of the Riding with the Brand member activation tour. More than 6,700 Realtors® from New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania gathered in Atlantic City for the twenty-first Triple Play Realtor® Convention and Trade Expo for several days of education, networking, and a trade expo. This year, in addition to 350 vendors, 300 education sessions, and 100 speakers, members were treated to the Realtor® brand experience—the Riding with the Brand bus, activation area, motorcycle, and more. Triple Play also contracted with businessperson Bethenny Frankel to give the keynote—The ‘Skinny’ on Building Your Brand—where she spoke to a packed room about staying true to your authentic brand.

It was a unique Triple Play experience, and we were excited to be the first stop, so thank you to NAR and 2023 President Kenny Parcell for allowing us to unofficially kick off the tour to help drive home the Realtor® difference.

Kenny was also on hand to help install our 2023 Leadership Team at our annual President’s Installation and Gala and we

are really looking forward to a fantastic year of building future leaders with President Nick Manis.

At the gala we were also able to honor someone who had be a true advocate and leader of not only New Jersey, but Realtors® across the country. 2022 NAR President and NJ Realtors® Past President Charlie Oppler was awarded the first ever Leadership Legacy Award, which was created and presented on behalf of the 2022 Leadership Team.

The award recognizes outstanding guidance, initiative, and stewardship of the association, its members and goals, and the real estate industry. The 2022 NJ Realtors® Leadership Team felt strongly that the first recipient of this prestigious award be Charlie Oppler, due to his commitment to not only his own state association, but also the National Association of Realtors®

NEW JERSEY REALTOR ® | January/February 2023 | 5
Congratulations, Charlie! We are proud to have you call New Jersey home. THE CEO’S DESK


A729 – Rumpf (R9), Gove (R9)/S177 – Connors (R9), Holzapfel (R10)

Makes certain immunity permanent relating to COVID-19 spread in planned real estate developments.

New Jersey Realtors® Position: SUPPORT

We support this bill as it provides important protections for planned developments related to COVID-19.

Bill History: 1/11/2022 – Introduced in Assembly and referred to Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee 1/11/2022 – Introduced in Senate and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee

A1294 – Greenwald (D6), Calabrese (D36)/S2103 – Singleton (D7)

Authorizes conversion of certain office parks and retail centers to mixed-use developments.

New Jersey Realtors® Position: SUPPORT

We support this bill as it is in line with NAR goals of converting unused space into housing to increase the amount of available housing stock.

Bill History: 1/11/2022 – Introduced in Assembly and referred to Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee 3/3/2022 – Introduced in Senate and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee 3/7/2022 – Reported out of Assembly committee with amendments, 2nd reading in Assembly 5/9/2022 – Reported out of Senate committee with amendments, 2nd reading in Senate 6/2/2022 – Recommitted to Assembly Housing Committee and amended

S1025 – Singleton (D7)

Provides tax credits to developers for certain affordable housing projects.

New Jersey Realtors® Position: MONITOR

We are monitoring this bill to track its effects on the creating of new affordable housing units in New Jersey.

Bill History: 1/31/2022 – Introduced in Senate and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee

6 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR ® | January/February 2023 IMPORTANT DATES & DEADLINES JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL Women’s History Month 6-7 Purim 7 Holi 12 Daylight Saving Time Begins 17 St. Patrick’s Day 20 Spring Equinox 22 Ramadan Begins Black History Month 2 Groundhog Day 14 Valentine’s Day 20
Day 21 Mardi Gras 1 New Year’s Day 2
NJ Realtors® Office
Day 7 Orthodox Christmas
NJ Realtors® Office Closed—New Year’s
Directors Meeting
1 April
Day 2 Palm
5 Passover 7 Good Friday 9 Easter 16 Orthodox
18 Tax
NJ Realtors® Office Closed—Martin Luther King Jr. Day Fair Housing Month
Board of Directors Meeting
Eid al-Fitr
Earth Day


Thank You for Your RPAC Support in 2022!


14, 2022

• Dollars Raised - $1,106,206

• Goal - $1,093,250

• 101% of Goal


$75,000 Level

Christina P. Clemans

$50,000 Level

Christina J. Banasiak

Mary Davis

Allan H. Dechert

Drew S. Fishman

Jarrod C. Grasso * William J. Hanley Randy L. Ketive Charles S. Oppler Angela Sicoli Robert White *

$25,000 Level

Judy N. Appleby

Eric Birchler

Eugenia K. Bonilla

Nelson Chen

Rosanne L. Citta

Bonnie J. Fitzgerald

William Flagg

Tg Glazer

Ilene Horowitz * Bryan Hutchinson

Rose LaPira

Cindy L. Marsh Tichy

Lynne Mortimer

Robert Oppenheimer

Christian Schlueter *

Bruce S. Shapiro

Carol J. Tangorra

Douglas M. Tomson

Diane S. Turton * Edward Ward Gloria Woodward

*Indicates Induction to RPAC Hall of Fame in 2023

RPAC NJ REALTORS® HALL OF FAME Gold Level (Over $10,000)

Graeme W. Atkinson Janet Barton Terry Brannin Roxanne Daiuto Genette Falk Brian Groetsch Kathleen Ann Houston Edith Josephson Ellen W. Kale Scott Lauri

NEXUS Association of Realtors® Gloria Nilson Michael Oppler Bowen Pak

Michael Pennisi

Jeanine Pescatore

Jairo Rodriguez

Wendy M. Smith

Robert Southwick Marc Stein Sussex County Association of Realtors®

John Terebey, Jr. Diane Traverso


Surpassed the following goals:

• Fundraising Goal

• Disbursement Goal

• President’s Circle Member Goal

• 162 Major Investors

• Over $117,000 raised for RPAC year 2023


Kim Ward Bacso Randolph Wine Ronald Woods John Zennario

Platinum Level (Over $15,000)

Gene Azzalina Annekee Brahver-Keely Erin Brown Mary Burke

Cape May County Association of Realtors® , Inc.

Cape May County MLS Central Jersey MLS Sherry Chris CORE Association of Realtors®

James J. Elek David Fialk

Marlyn Friedberg

Gloucester Salem Counties

Board of Realtors® Barry S. Goodman

Greater Bergen Realtors® James W. Joeriman

Jeffrey A. Jones

Roger Love Nick Manis

Metro Centre Association of Realtors® Gloria Monks Monmouth Ocean Regional Realtors®

Kathleen Morin

New Jersey MLS North Central Jersey Association of Realtors® Andrea Schlosser

Ann Schuld Gloria Siciliano Diane Streichert


Christina J. Banasiak

Colleen Camillo

Laura Castella

Christina P. Clemans

Mary Davis

Allan H. Dechert

Drew S. Fishman

Tracy Freeman

Tg Glazer

Jarrod C. Grasso

William J. Hanley

Ilene F. Horowitz

Bryan Hutchinson

Jeffrey Jones

Randy L. Ketive

Scott Lauri

Nick Manis

Gloria Monks

Kathleen Morin

Lynne Mortimer

Mary Nuziale

Charles S. Oppler

Steven Pagan Jeanine Pescatore Heather T. Robillard

NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2023 | 7


Jairo Rodriguez

Samy Sabbagh Shana Sanchez

Gloria Siciliano

Angela Sicoli

Wendy Smith

Carol J. Tangorra

Douglas M. Tomson Diane Traverso

Robert White



Platinum Diamond ‘R’ Bright MLS

Platinum ‘R’

Monmouth Ocean Regional Realtors®

New Jersey MLS New Jersey Realtors® North Central Jersey Association of Realtors®

Sustaining Platinum ‘R’

Lynne Mortimer *

Charter Golden ‘R’

Gloria Woodward

Golden ‘R’

Laura Castella *

Central Jersey MLS Allan H. Dechert * Greater Bergen Realtors®

Sustaining Golden ‘R’

Christina J. Banasiak *

Eugenia K. Bonilla

Nelson Chen

Christina P. Clemans * Mary Davis *

Drew S. Fishman * Jarrod C. Grasso *

William J. Hanley *

Ilene F. Horowitz *

Bryan Hutchinson * Randy L. Ketive *

Scott Lauri *

Nick Manis * Gloria A. Monks *

Kathleen Morin *

Mary M. Nuziale *

Charles S. Oppler * Heather T. Robillard *

Bruce S. Shapiro

Angela Sicoli * Carol J. Tangorra * Robert White *

Crystal ‘R’

Cape May County MLS

Cumberland County Board of Realtors® John A. Terebey Teresa K. Trigas-Pfefferle

Sustaining Crystal ‘R’

Angela M. Fusaro

Tg Glazer * Jeanine Pescatore * Jairo Rodriguez * Wendy M. Smith *

1st Time Sterling ‘R’

Teresa M. Barba Mary Bianchi

Joseph Campagna Stuart L. Davis

Melissa M. Florance-Lynch

Robert T. Funabashi

Corinne A. Geiger

Alan Hack

Carlos Alex Jesus Derek Kelly

Colleen King Oliver

Kyle C. Kovats

Stephen H. Lee

Robert N. Lopez

Lisa Mathews

Steven Pagan * Shana M. Sanchez *

Jeanette Schlapfer

Walter A. Smolenski

William Thompson David L. Wyrsch

2nd Time Sterling ‘R’

Atlantic City & County Board of Realtors®

Nicole Banbor

Carolyn Bardach

Dawn Bricker Barry Bruno

Ellen Calman

Colleen Camillo *

Maria “Mia” Carina


Michele Chiles-Hickman

Christopher Coccia

Brenda Connolly

Manuel Couto

Maria Dargan

Teresa DeLorenzo

Sarah M. Drennan

Robert J. Durso

Nicola G. Esposito

David Fanale

Frank D. Glaush

Felix Greco Marcia G. Klioze

Susan LaRue Ya Yuan Lien Rosemarie McGeehan Mary Mitchell Judith A. Moriarty Susanna Philippoussis Patricia Salzer Beam Katty Velez

3rd Time Sterling ‘R’

Gene Amsel

Valerie Archer Belardo Catherine Best Kristen DeLeo

Larry J. DePalma Valerie A. Dickson Cathy Fernandes Enrique Hernandez NEXUS Association of Realtors® Eileen O’Driscoll Brenda A. Richmond Colin A. Somerville

4thTime Sterling ‘R’

Frances Blakely Angela B. Bonica-Ponticelli Susan Giacchi Harold Maxwell Sussex County Association of Realtors® Sherry J. Tamasco

5th Time Sterling ‘R’ Kenneth R. Freeman

Tracy Freeman *

William F. Gilsenan

William O. Keleher

Robert A. Russo Nicole Sabarese

Samy B. Sabbagh * Gloria V. Siciliano *

South Jersey Shore Regional MLS

6th Time Sterling ‘R’

Orna Ben-Or Jackson

Daniel Corrigan

Nina Eizikovitz

Gloucester Salem Counties Board of Realtors®

Michele Kolsky Assatly Judith F. Mizzone

7th Time Sterling ‘R’

Maritza Aleman Dennis S. DeCarlo

8th Time Sterling ‘R’

David DePaola

Patricia Gray Hendricks Kathleen Ann Houston Alireza Memar David Miller

Christine Lynn Rothwell Diane Traverso * Zohar Zamir

9th Time Sterling ‘R’ Jorge Ledesma Christian Schlueter John A. Zennario

10th Time Sterling ‘R’ Terry M. Brannin

11th Time Sterling ‘R’

Brian Groetsch, Jr. James W. Joeriman

Jeffrey A. Jones * Ocean City Board of Realtors® Randolph L. Wine

12th Time Sterling ‘R’ Graeme W. Atkinson William Flagg

8 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2023

Robert L. Oppenheimer Ronald L. Woods

13th Time Sterling ‘R’

Erin Brown

Mary Burke Michael Oppler Douglas M. Tomson *

14th Time Sterling ‘R’

Cape May County Association of Realtors® , Inc.

Metro Centre Association of Realtors® Diane M. Streichert

15th Time Sterling ‘R’ Andrea Schlosser

16th Time Sterling ‘R’

CORE Association of Realtors® Barry S. Goodman

17th Time Sterling ‘R’ Annekee Brahver-Keely

18th Time Sterling ‘R’ Rose LaPira

22nd Time Sterling ‘R’ Eric J. Birchler

26th Time Sterling ‘R’ Bonnie J. Fitzgerald

27th Time Sterling ‘R’ Diane S. Turton

CAPITOL CLUB ($250 to $499)

Jennifer Alexander Deanna Anderson James Arakelian

Maria Baratta

Rhonda Beck-Edwards

Marilyn Becker

Donna Bennett

Jason Berg

Scott Bixler

Norma Bonilla Bonnie Borghi Emily Bowden Michael Brand Teresa Braunworth Nancy Bunin Leon Burach John Calandruccio

Laurie Catizone-Jordan Eileen Ceconi Renee Christie Kirk Colon Lisa Comito Heather Corrigan

Erin Crawford Audrey Dalton Amy DeBellis Robert DeKanski Michael DePalma Maren Dinsmore Barbara Duff Pamela Farmer

Jeffrey Fellers Carla Flitter

Audra Fontanella David Foudy Sandra Franchino

Jennifer Francis Tina Frye

Lorraine Gardenier

Sara Gladden Scott Gleason Amy Gumble Kathleen Harron


Christopher Heine

Robert Hennessey

George Hobson

Susan Hughes Denise Jasinski

Pamela Kotter Anne LaBate

Leonora Lacqua-Caminiti Keith Langan Angela Larkin Michael Lastella Amber Linsky

Daniel Lorch

Eric Macon Maureen Mamunes Christine Marcoullier Ann McCarthy Marie McCready Joanne McLaughlin Jeanmarie McSpedon Tamie McSweeney Pettiford Elizabeth Morris Eric Morse

Elaine Mosera Val Nunnenkamp

Shawn O’Brien Evelyn Paladino Kimberly Pavlik Joseph Pino Michael Quinn Monica Reddin Regina Reynolds Rhoda Russo Helen Saitta Sherri Schneider Alexis Siciliano-Bell Sandra Solomon Beth Steffanelli Christine Stout Young Tak William Troy Nicholas Verdi Blossom Vernon Pamela Volek Wendy Wallace

Wendy Wineburgh Dessanti Jungae Becky Yoo Carolina Zocco

PRESIDENT’S CLUB ($500 to $999)

Margaret Ajamian Matthew Amato

Charan Bajwa

Carolyn Barszcz

Madiha Boraie Joan Bostonian Ginger Boyle

Dawn Braithwaite Louanna Branca

Nora Jane Burrows

Gloria Carpinello Lorraine Colavito Meg Dwyer-Giobbie Genette Falk Gareth Farmer Debra Flower Brenda Foley Frank Isoldi Susanna Lee Kathleen McDonough Donna Murray

Arthur Napolitano

Mary Ellen O’Boyle

Sean O’Driscoll Elaine Pardalos Brian Pierce

Klaudia Piotrowicz Sally Ponchak

Mary Sgobba

Karen Sluyk

Anthony Soares

Linda Trapp

Stacey Vilardi Andrew Zastko

*President’s Circle Member

Contributions to RPAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and are used for political purposes. The amounts indicated are merely guidelines and you may contribute more or less than the suggested amounts provided your contribution is within applicable contribution limits. The National Association of Realtors® and its state and local associations will not favor or disadvantage any member because of the amount contributed or a decision not to contribute. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, any request for the refund of a contribution must be made within two (2) business days of the date on which you authorize RPAC to charge you for said contribution. Your contribution is split between National RPAC and the State PAC in your state. Contact your State Association or PAC for information about the percentages of your contribution provided to National RPAC and to the State PAC. The National RPAC portion is used to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 52 U.S.C. 30116.

NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2023 | 9

1. Hurdlr

There’s no better time than now to start tracking your mileage and expenses.

Come tax season, we’ll wish we were more organized, and vow to be next year. Get started with Hurdlr and keep your 2023 New Year’s resolution! Hurdlr can link your bank account or credit card to automatically import and categorize your business transactions, and actively track your trips with auto start, making business mileage hassle free. It also estimates your income tax liability for federal and state while accounting for potential tax deductions. Try it now for free at

2. Photofy

Up your marketing game by quickly and easily personalizing professionally designed templates with Photofy. You’ll find customizable posts with creatives from the National Association of Realtors®, New Jersey Realtors®, and C2EX. Looking for a post to wish your followers a happy holiday? Want to show you’re “Riding with the Brand” in 2023? Why not tout your commitment to Fair Housing? Head to to claim your free account and start customizing.

3. Earnnest

Paper checks are slow to receive and clear, and wire transfers are rife with security issues, with $6.9 billion in losses due to wire fraud in 2021 alone. It’s time to move into the digital age and take the pain out of moving money with Earnnest. Set up Earnnest money requests in just a few quick steps and let Earnnest safely, securely, and privately confirm identity, link to bank accounts, and send real-time updates to all parties. Earnnest works where you do, integrating with the top

transaction management systems, including NJ Realtors® member benefit and preferred platform, Transactions (zipForm Edition), where you can request and submit Earnnest money deposits right from your transaction in zipForm. Earrnest is free for agents and an $18 flat fee for homebuyers. Learn more at

4. RentSpree

Ease the pain of the rental application process while saving time and reducing liability with RentSpree. After a two-minute account setup process, send your personalized link to an online application; potential renters enter personal information securely online and authorize credit and eviction screenings; you’re instantly notified of new applicants and can quickly share access to reports with your landlords. RentSpree, trusted by over 90,000 agents, landlords, and property managers, is a NJ Realtors® Member Perks partner and offers a free account and just $38 per application, paid for either by the applicant or covered by you. Get started at njrealtor.

5. RPR® Mobile

Take the power of Realtors® Property Resource with you on the go. RPR® allows you to search for properties displaying detailed listing and market data; view RVM®, RPR®’s proprietary automated valuation model accounting for on- and off-market MLS and publicly recorded data; and generate professional and comprehensive reports on properties, markets, neighborhoods, and more. RPR® is a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Association of Realtors® and is available exclusively to Realtors® at no additional cost. Visit to get started.

10 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2023
TECH COLUMN 5 APPS TO UP YOUR GAME IN 2023 With the calendars changing once again, it’s time for you to up your game with these five apps and services. Let’s make 2023 the best, most productive year yet! Extending Far Beyond A Conventional Brokerage Firm.



Nick Manis was the New Jersey Realtors® Treasurer in 2018 and 2019, First Vice President in 2021, President-Elect in 2022, and held roles as a Division Officer from 2015 to 2017. In addition, he served as chair and vice chair of several state committees, has been a member of the Executive Committee since 2015, and has served on the Board of Directors since 2011.

On the national level, Nick was the 2021 Chair of the National Association of Realtors® Federal Taxation Committee and has been a member of several additional national committees since 2009. Currently, he is the NAR Federal Political Coordinator to U.S. Senator Cory A. Booker and a member of the 2023 NAR RPAC Major Investor Council.

On the local level, he served on the Board of Directors for Hunterdon/Somerset Association of Realtors® and the Grievance Committee in 2010, and was a member of the Young Professionals Network in 2013. Furthermore, Nick was awarded the NJ Realtors® Good Neighbor Award in 2012, the NAR Good Neighbor Award in 2013, and the NAR Realtor® Heroes Award in 2012.

Nick currently lives in Monmouth County with his wife, Ioanna, and their two children, Siena and Constantine.

A resident of Mercer County, Gloria is the managing broker for Compass, located in Princeton, and holds a broker’s license in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. She is a member of the Mercer County Bar Association – Real Estate Section, Asian Real Estate Association of America, National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals®, served as a Nominating Committee Member for Bright MLS, and was Membership Director for Women’s Council of Realtors® Mercer County Chapter.

She is a current director and former committee and workgroup member of NAR and was an Inaugural Mentor for the NAR Spire Program. She is also a Realtors® Political Action Committee Golden “R”.

On the state level, Gloria serves on the NJ Realtors® Executive Leadership Team and Board of Directors. She has served as Triple Play Convention Committee Chair, Risk Management Committee Vice-Chair, Division Officer for Legal Affairs, Professional Standards and Risk Management Committees. Gloria also serves as an Issues Mobilization Fund and RPAC of New Jersey Trustee.

Locally, Gloria is a CORE Association of Realtors® Past President, Mercer County Association of Realtors® President, Board of Directors Member, and has served and chaired numerous committees at the local level since 2008. In 2020, Gloria was named Realtor® of the Year for New Jersey Realtors® and CORE Association of Realtors®.

Gloria and her husband Bill have been married for 37 years and have three sons and two daughters.

12 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2023


Kathy a resident of Middlesex County, is Team Leader/ Broker Associate for RE/MAX ONE- Team RoKa-Cranbury. Licensed for more than 28 years, she holds a brokersalesperson’s license and is a licensed instructor.

She served as a National Association of Realtors® Committee Member for Professional Development, AEC Volunteer Leadership Advisory Board, Commitment to Excellence, and Communications. She is also a Realtors® Political Action Committee Golden “R”.

On the state level, she serves as a member of the New Jersey Realtors® Board of Directors, has served as Division Officer for Professional Development and Industry Advocacy, as well as several committees, and is a RPAC Trustee and Housing Opportunity Foundation Trustee. She received the New Jersey Realtors® Realtor® of the Year Award in 2017.

As a board member for Metro Centre Association of Realtors®, she has served on and chaired many committees. She was named Realtor® of the Year by the Metro Centre Association of Realtors® in 2017.

A Women Council of Realtors® member, she served as the first Regional Vice President from NJ for Region 6, State President, Governor, and Local Chapter President. She is also a member of AREAA Central Jersey and NAHREP Somerset.

Believing in always keeping current and bringing her best, she holds the ABR, SRES, PMN, CRS, SRS designations, and the AHWD, PSA, SFR, RSPS certifications. She is also Commitment to Excellence endorsed.


Gloria, a resident of Monmouth County, has been a Realtor® since 1998, and a broker since 2001. Siciliano opened her first real estate office, RE/MAX Gateway in Ocean Township, in 2006. In 2015 she opened an Ocean Grove location and in 2016, Gloria partnered with her daughter Alexis to open an Asbury Park location.

On the national level, Siciliano has been an active member of the NAR Board of Directors since 2012. She has also served on the Resort and Second Home Committee, Membership Policy and Board Jurisdiction Committee, and looks forward to serving on the Multiple Listing and Policy Committee for 2022. She is a member of NJ Realtors® Board of Directors and served as a past Division Officer of Association Operations, as well as numerous committees. Locally, Gloria is a Past President of Monmouth Ocean Regional Realtors® in 2016 and 2017. She served on the Professional Standards Committee, the Budget and Finance Committee, chaired the Insurance Committee, and served on the Board of Directors. In 2017, she was the Monmouth Ocean Regional Realtors® Realtor® of the Year.

Gloria is a proud supporter of RPAC, is currently a Silver R, and was inducted in the Presidents’ Circle in 2021.

Gloria is a loving wife to her husband Frank and mom to her two children, Frank and Alexis, who are all in the real estate business.


Robert is a lifelong resident of Monmouth County, became a Realtor® in 2001, and earned his broker’s license in 2005. He is currently the Branch Vice President-Managing Broker of Coldwell Banker Realty in Spring Lake.

Robert since 2008, has been an active Director of the Board for the National Association of Realtors®. Currently, he serves as Chair of the Resort and Second Home Real Estate Committee and is a representative on the Top 75 Large Firm Directors. He is also a Realtors® Political Action Committee Golden “R” and in 2016 White was inducted into the NAR RPAC Hall of Fame.

Robert has also served on the NJ Realtors® Board of Directors since 2008. He was New Jersey Realtors® President in 2022, President-Elect in 2021, First Vice President in 2020, Association Operations Division Officer in 2019, Professional Development Division Officer in 2018, and has chaired and served on numerous committees.

On the local level, Robert has been an active member of the Monmouth Ocean Regional Realtors® since 2002, been a member of the Executive Committee since 2008, and served as President in 2014 and 2015. He has also chaired many committees such as Associates, Budget and Finance, Grievance, MLS, Legislative & Political Affairs, and RPAC. In 2005 and 2015 Robert was named Monmouth Ocean Regional Realtor® of the Year.

Over the years Robert has volunteered for a number of local organizations and is currently on the Board of Trustees for the Boys and Girls Club of Monmouth County. Most recently he served four terms as President of the Interlaken Borough Council and was the Chair of the Administration & Finance Committee and the Public Safety Committee.

Robert lives in the Wayside section of Ocean Township with his husband of 25 years, Andrew DePrisco.

NEW JERSEY REALTOR ® | January/February 2023 | 13

Realtors® 2022 Recap

This year’s Triple Play Realtor® Convention & Trade Expo took place Dec. 5-8, 2022 at the Atlantic City Convention Center with 6,700 attendees. New Jersey Realtors®, Pennsylvania Association of Realtors®, and New York State Association of Realtors® hosted the convention as members took their careers to the next level with best-in-class education sessions led by industry leaders and connected with fellow Realtors® through networking and special events.

Realtors® Triple Play 2022 was the first stop of the Riding with the Brand tour, a multi-stop member activation initiative from the National Association of Realtors® to showcase the value of Realtors®, the association, and the importance of real estate and Realtors® to local communities. Through the Riding with the Brand initiative the convention was able to welcome Bethenny Frankel, founder and CEO of Skinnygirl and BStrong, as the 2022 keynote speaker who discussed small business issues in her session, “The ‘Skinny’ on Building Your Brand.”

Following the first day of classes, festivities commenced with the member-favorite event, the Kick-Off Party at Caesar’s Wild Wild West. Realtors® connected with colleagues, danced the night away, and learned more about the Realtors® Relief Foundation from the Young Professionals Network.

At this year’s awards ceremony, NJ Realtors® honored NJ Realtors® state and local Realtor® and Realtor-Associates® of the Year, 2022 Good Neighbor Award® winners, and announced Realtor® Emeritus and Quarter Century Club inductees. (Read more on page 20).

Members gathered at the NJ Realtors® President’s Installation & Gala to honor 2022 Immediate Past President Robert White and the 2022 Leadership Team and to induct 2023 President Nick Manis and the 2023 Leadership Team, which includes President-Elect Gloria Monks, First Vice President Kathy Morin, Treasurer Gloria Siciliano, and Immediate Past President Robert White.

Following the ceremony, attendees spent the evening celebrating the 2022 and 2023 Leadership Teams at Ceasar’s Atlantic City. Congratulations to NJ Realtors® 2022 and 2023 Leadership Teams and NJ Realtors® 2022 award winners. Thank you to all who attended and made Triple Play 2022 a success.

14 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2023

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Expect Adjustments in the 2023 Housing Market

Gloom and doom about prospects for the U.S. economy and the housing market have been rampant for months, but industry insiders have varied opinions about local markets.

“The national housing market is different than what we’re seeing in New Jersey,” said Jordan Moskowitz, managing director of single-family business for the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency. “Nationally, home prices increased a lot higher than in New Jersey these last few years, mostly because prices are already high here. As a result, we’re not likely to see the same correction that the rest of the country will see.”

Still, the pace of sales in New Jersey noticeably declined in recent months, according to Michael Borodinsky, branch manager of Caliber Home Loans in Edison.

“There are pockets of areas getting activity and even some residual bidding wars,” said Borodinsky. “Mortgage rates are up, and mortgage payments are up, but home prices haven’t adjusted yet, which is a bad combination.”

Nationally, recession fears, inflation, and higher mortgage rates are taking a toll on the housing market.

“Talking about the possibility of a recession so much becomes a selffulfilling prophecy,” said Selma Hepp, interim lead of the office of the chief economist for Corelogic, a financial services and data analytics company based in Irvine, California. “Employers start not hiring more workers and consumers slow their spending.”

Hepp believes the U.S. economy will see a lower level of growth in 2023 because of the aggressive pace of tightening economic policies by the Federal Reserve. “I expect 2023 will be a challenging year for the housing market, but 2024 should return to more normal conditions,” said Hepp.

Housing markets that didn’t experience rapid growth during the pandemic, such as New Jersey, will continue to see slower but steady appreciation in the coming year, said Hepp. “It’s good to be in New Jersey right now, where there’s steady demand.” said Hepp.

Why This Isn’t 2008

Some media reports warn of an impending housing crisis similar to 2008, but there are multiple differences in today’s market.

“Mortgage loans are underwritten to much better standards today than they were in the leadup to the housing crisis,” said Borodinsky. “Housing prices dropped fast then because so many borrowers couldn’t afford their payments and they didn’t have any cushion of equity from a down payment.”

Borodinsky points out an abundance of inventory from overbuilding contributed to the precipitous drop in prices. Now, the U.S. continues to face a severe housing shortage that will prop up the market, said Borodinsky.

“Even if a more severe recession hit and unemployment became more widespread, we’re not likely to see rampant foreclosures because homeowners have a lot of equity in their

properties and are more likely to sell,” said Hepp.

Home prices in New Jersey are not anticipated to drop steeply in 2023, said Aaron Galileo, a mortgage banker with NJ Lenders Corp. in Edison. “I think we’ll see a little more rationality in the market and maybe a slowdown in bidding wars, but that’s it,” said Galileo. “New Jersey was a tight market before the pandemic and people weren’t selling because they couldn’t buy anything.”

Mortgage Rates May Level Off in Early Spring

Mortgage rates aren’t expected to stay at 6% or higher forever, but when they come down and by how much is difficult to predict.

“Rates will definitely come down later in 2023, but don’t expect them to dip down to 3% again,” said Galileo. “That was related to the pandemic recession, so unless there’s some other unforeseen event they’ll level off at a more normal rate.”

Hepp also anticipates mortgage rates to come down during the second part of 2023. “If we see a more severe recession, one of the tools the Fed will use is to purchase mortgage-backed securities again, which could bring rates down close to 5%,” said Hepp.

Borodinsky anticipates rates coming down sooner than some other experts. “Mortgage rates are forward-looking, so I think they will peak over the next few months and back down in early 2023,” said Borodinsky.

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Supply, Demand and the Housing Market

Mortgage rates impact both demand and supply dynamics in the housing market.

“If rates go down, we’ll see buyers come back into the market quickly as we did when they dipped a little in August,” said Hepp. “But sellers are locked into such favorable rates that they have no incentive to put their home on the market.”

Hepp is more concerned about the ongoing lack of inventory than demand.

“The biggest problem is that first-time buyers are squeezed out of the market by the combination of higher rates and higher prices,” said Borodinsky. “You need first-time buyers in the market because it’s a chain reaction that allows for move-up buyers.”

Creativity to Keep Market Moving

Down payment assistance programs through the NJHMFA are a growing incentive for first-time buyers, said Moskowitz. “We’ve helped more than 1,900 buyers with down payment funds from January through October of 2022, compared to 1,650 in all of 2021,” said Moskowitz. “We’ve also seen a 15% increase in the number of lenders offering our programs.”

In addition, the maximum down payment assistance of $10,000 has been increased to $15,000 in 12 counties with higher home prices.

“We also offer competitive mortgage rates for all our loan programs and don’t upcharge for borrowers who use down payment assistance,” said Lakesha White, manager of business development, single-family division, for NJHMFA.

Another option for buyers to consider in a changing market is a renovation loan that wraps purchase and remodeling costs into one loan, which Borodinsky said is an underutilized option.

Seller offers to pay closing costs are beginning to make a comeback in some markets too, said Borosinsky. “Sellers are offering to buy down their buyers’ mortgage rate for the first couple of years because that’s less expensive than reducing the price,” said Borodinsky. “We’re also seeing buyers choosing ARMs that are fixed for five to seven years with a plan to refinance before they adjust.”

While most experts agree the U.S. economy is in for a bumpy year, the New Jersey housing market is likely to continue to thrive.

NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2023 | 17
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This small South Jersey suburb earned its name from a group of merchants who developed its farmland and brought small shops and homes together to create Merchantville Borough, according to the town.

“Merchantville is an eclectic Victorian town with a diverse population and tight-knit community,” said Adrian Rowan, owner of House of Rowan and one of the many businesses that help run Merchantville’s downtown business group.

To someone who has never visited, Carolyn Busa, owner of Peak Secondhand, describes Merchantville as “equal parts Gilmore Girls, Hallmark movie, and Hocus Pocus 1 & 2, with a few scenes of Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory thrown in,” said Busa.

Today, many of the same homes from the town’s incorporation in 1874 still line the streets, but with a new mile-

long path for walkers and bikers around town, unique businesses, and a strong sense of community.

As a lifetime resident of Merchantville, Realtor® Rita O’Brien can also attest to the town’s community ties. Her family moved into town when her father worked in Center City, Philadelphia when she was just three years old, and her family has lived there ever since. “I raised my family here, and my son just bought his house here too,” said O’Brien.

Generational families aren’t uncommon, according to O’Brien. On just one street block, “there are four families that are all second-generation,” said O’Brien.

Merchantville’s centralized downtown is just one of many reasons why so many residents stay in Merchantville for a lifetime, and according to O’Brien is one of the town’s best selling points.

18 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2023 TOWN SPOTLIGHT

Affordability is another reason families stay in town for generations. “The market is still strong here, but it’s always pretty strong,” said O’Brien, who specializes in commercial and residential real estate. “Merchantville holds its own because it’s affordable.”

Homes consist of mostly bungalows and Victorian-style homes, and “there are lots of older homes from the 1800s, so there are no cookie cutter houses,” said O’Brien.

According to New Jersey Realtors® housing market data reports, the yearto-date single-family median sales price in Merchantville is $356,500, $118,500 less than the year-to-date median sales price for the entire state. Inventory is especially limited in this small town, but the single-family market remains competitive, with homes receiving 104.7% of the list price year-to-date.

On the commercial side, O’Brien said some storefronts were vacant during the pandemic, but today, any unfilled storefronts are “because the owners aren’t ready to put them up for lease,” said O’Brien.

These vacancies are not apparent with countless unique and small businesses around town. O’Brien’s favorite Merchantville spot is the Station, a

locally owned business in the former town train station repurposed for a café. O’Brien describes it as the town hub where most residents meet for the Station’s seasonal food, coffee, and baked goods. It also features the work of local artists, hosts art classes and live events, and sells one-of-a-kind goods such as homemade coffee syrup, handmade soap, and jewelry.

The local businesses and residents all come together for community events throughout the year. A resident favorite event occurs throughout October to celebrate Halloween. The town even goes as far as to change its name to Monsterville in October. “Merchantville is also THE Halloween town in NJ,” said Rowan. “We have a lot of Halloween events and a fantastic decorating contest.”

But, throughout the year, Merchantville hosts events to support its small businesses and bring its residents together, such as holiday parades, art festivals, town-wide yard sales, and vendor pop-ups.

“I am both a resident and business owner, so I have a unique perspective,” said Rowan. “As a resident, I enjoy the events and as a business owner, I have opportunities to support and donate to local events.”

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Sandra Gardner is a licensed Realtor® with Weichert Realtors®—Sparta. With 10 years of experience serving Sussex County, Sandra has significantly contributed to high levels of professionalism in the industry with her continued dedication to education and commitment to community service. Sandra is the Sussex County Association of Realtors® 2022 Board of Directors President elect and has proudly served on the board since 2018. Her contributions to her local association include her service to the Finance Committee, Golf Outing Committee, and the Education Committee. As Co-Chair of the Education Committee for NJR, she has worked to establish and develop future educational programs and projects for the association, including over $69,000 raised by Sandra and her colleagues to provide scholarships to 46 students in the state.

This year, Sandra received the New Jersey Realtors® Circle of Excellence Sales Award ® at the Gold level. She

was named Top Listing Agent, Top Buyers Agent, and Top Sparta Agent in the Referral Exchange. In addition to Sandra’s service to her local and state Association, business accomplishments, and advocacy for education, she is greatly involved in her community through humanitarian services. Sandra serves as an Executive Board Member and Secretary for the Sussex County Habitat for Humanity and has led the Sussex County Habitat for Humanity and Sussex County Association of Realtors® collaboration for a new home build for Realtors® Care Day this year. Her personal community service involvement includes participation in annual toy and food drives, Secret Santa, anonymous donations to families in need, and providing hand-sewn masks to Atlantic Health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sandra’s innumerable contributions and dedication to the advancement of her community and the real estate industry are a testament to her achievement as the 2022 Realtor® of the Year winner.



Marcus Pinto is a licensed Real Estate Salesperson with Compass-NJ. During his six years in the industry, Marcus has completed the National Association of Realtors® At Home with Diversity® certification program and was a recipient of the New Jersey Realtors® Circle of Excellence Sales Award® from 2017 to 2021. Marcus prides himself in creating personalized, authentic experiences for his clients and keeping current with the real estate landscape and trends in the tri-state area. His previous knowledge and experience as a Creative Director for a meeting and event planning company have served him well in the real estate industry, helping buyers and sellers realize the fullest

potential of their properties and transactions.

During his time at Compass, Marcus has impressively more than doubled his business, maintained an impeccable reputation within the real estate industry, and has an outstanding rapport with his clientele. His specialties in staging, renovation, marketing properties, and hosting open house events make him a stellar connector and trusted resource for his clients. An active member in his community, Marcus’ community involvement includes a toy collection drive for children during the holidays and a coat drive in the Jersey City and Hoboken area.

Marcus’ achievement as the 2022 Realtor-Associate® of the Year is a reflection of his professional expertise and devotion to his clients and the real estate industry.

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Award: $2,500 Lunch Break

Barbara Carr Mahon was born and raised in Middlesex County and currently resides in Monmouth County. A real estate professional and trusted advisor for over 20 years, Barbara currently serves on the Legislative & Political Affairs Committee, By-Laws Committee, and the Budget & Finance Committee with Monmouth County Association of Realtors®. While she has proven her dedication to excellence in the real estate industry, Barbara’s commitment to her community is equally evident.

Since 1999, Barbara has devoted countless hours of service and fundraising efforts contributing to Lunch Break, an organization that works to aid underemployed people in Monmouth County and beyond, providing them with hot lunches and a food pantry, clothing, life skills, mentorship, and fellowship—all free of charge. During her time at Lunch Break, Barbara has served on the Development and Gala Committees since 2017. Since 2021, she has served on the Board of Trustees. She has helped raise more than $20,000 in monetary and in-kind donations to support Lunch Break’s programs. She has also shown exemplary leadership in the organization by garnering additional support from her network of Realtors®, securing valuable auction items and artwork for Lunch Break’s annual Gala and art auction.

As a passionate advocate for poverty-level and working-poor individuals, Barbara has brought a contagious level of genuine enthusiasm, active engagement, and volunteer spirit to thousands of families and individuals in need. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys cooking, gardening, skiing, biking, and live music.


GLORIA VOTTA Award: $1,500 Ocean City Ecumenical Council

Gloria Votta is a seasoned Realtor® at RE/MAX At The Shore with over 20 years of experience in the field. Gloria, her husband Hank, and her rescued fur baby—Vinnie Votta, reside in Ocean City, NJ. She has worked in real estate since 2001 and is actively involved with her local board, Ocean City Board of Realtors®. She was honored with the Realtor® of the Year Award in 2013, served on the Board in various positions, and served as President in 2015. Knowledgeable in all things Ocean County as a Realtor® and resident, Gloria is also a devoted volunteer with the Ocean City Ecumenical Council.

The organization gathers food, monetary donations, and clothing for those in need. Gloria worked with the Ecumenical Council as Chair of the Community Service Community. Following Superstorm Sandy in 2012, Gloria worked to sort, pick up, and deliver clothing donations for families in need. She coordinated the Warmth for Winter Drive, collecting blankets, comforters, coats, jackets, boots, gloves, and more. Gloria has also contributed to the organization by raising monetary donations for through several fundraisers benefitting the Council. Acting as an organizer, leader, and participant, Gloria worked consistently to ensure all projects were successful, all during her full-time career as a Realtor® Gloria, described by the Council as “driven, with a strong personal vision of charity and generosity,” draws on her years of leadership as Past President, Director on the Board of Directors, and increased participation from her Realtor® colleagues. She continues to serve on the Community Service Committee (Chair), Grievance Committee, and Finance/Budget Committee.


KAREN FOLEY Award: $1,000 Lake Hopatcong Foundation

Karen Foley is a licensed Realtor® representing the North Central Jersey Association of Realtors® and resides in Morris County. Since 2006, Karen has represented luxury lakefront homes and unique estates throughout Northern New Jersey. In her first year of being a Realtor®, she earned the title of Rookie of the Year. Karen believes in honesty, integrity, professionalism, customer service, and a strong work ethic. She believes in creating long-lasting personal relationships with clients, ensuring that she pays attention to detail and provides clients with the knowledge and expertise needed to make informed decisions.

Outside of her business accomplishments, Karen is actively involved in the community as a founding member of the Lake Hopatcong Foundation. As a Realtor® specializing in lakefront properties, Gloria has a personal connection to the cause. Over 10 years ago, Gloria, her husband Thomas, and a few other concerned citizens started the foundation as a way to foster a vibrant and healthy Lake Hopatcong. Through a variety of programs and initiatives, the Lake Hopatcong Foundation has raised a significant amount of money to give back to lake area communities through education, historical and environmental preservation, supporting small area businesses, recreation, and more. In 2012, Gloria and her husband made a significant contribution as Founding Members to activate the organization. Gloria has volunteered over the past several years at meeting for the Lake Hopatcong Foundation Gala, selling program ad space, creating invitations, and assisting during the event. The 2022 Lake Hopatcong Foundation Gala was attended by almost 300 guests and over $130,000 was raised—the highest contribution the foundation has seen.

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22 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2023 Go interactive with Zillow 3D Home® Hello, interactive floor plans. Goodbye, boring listings. Reminder : 2022 NJ Realtors ® Circle of Excellence Sales Award ® advertising is prohibited until Feb. 1, 2023. Did you know? Entering your transactions is easier than ever before! We are excited to announce MLS Integration with all MLSs in New Jersey. APPLICATIONS DUE JANUARY 6, 2020 1 2 3 Head over to Select your MLS and enter your agent ID if applicable Click “Add Connection” Circle of E xcellence Sales Award ®
NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2023 | 23 February 2023 CE Bundle Complete all 12 CE Credits in one go and save! LIVE VIRTUAL CLASSES X • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pricing: Members: $100 Non-Members: $135 Scan code for details & registration Residential Lending Fundamentals: For Real Estate Agents (2 Elective Credits) Advertising Regulations (3 Core Credits) Fair Housing and Cultural Diversity (3 Fair Housing Credits) Tax Stories Part 2 (1 Elective Credit) REALTOR® Code of Ethics (3 Ethics Credits)

Realtors ® Q&A Meet the Decision Makers


I entered politics more than 35 years ago, serving on the school board and city council in South Amboy. After taking nearly two decades to raise my kids, coach Little League and serve as a Municipal Court Judge, I re-entered the arena and was elected to the Assembly in 2009 to serve the 19th legislative district and had the honor of

becoming Assembly Speaker in January 2018. As a lifelong resident of Middlesex County instilled with the passion for public service by my mother, I wanted to do more to help my community. I wanted to improve the lives of all New Jerseyans, particularly our seniors and middle-class families. I knew that having a seat in the General Assembly would give me the opportunity to make a positive impact, help maintain the things New Jersey does well like our public schools, and to be a voice in the room as important policy was being debated. Today, with the privilege of serving as Speaker, I continue the work of standing up for my constituents and the more than nine million people who call New Jersey home.

What does the job of Speaker entail in the state of NJ?

As Speaker, I am tasked with setting the legislative agenda for the General Assembly — the 80-member lower chamber of

our state government’s legislative branch. In large part, my job involves deciding which bills will be voted on, which ultimately influences the course of legislation and what can eventually become law. My cardinal rule is to be very thoughtful when I consider legislation — who does it help? Is it going to make people’s lives better? Is there a better way to do it? Who is paying for it? Prior to serving, while sitting on my couch reading the Sunday paper, I used to think about how easy these policy decisions would be, but quickly learned that it’s an entirely difficult experience from the inside when you learn all sides of an issue and have to balance the interests of so many stakeholders.

What have you been working on that would help the real estate market in NJ?

This year as part of the FY2023 State Budget, we are exceptionally proud to have delivered a bold increase of direct property tax relief to working and middle-class New Jerseyans. The new Affordable New Jersey

24 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2023
Welcome to our new series for New Jersey Realtor® Magazine, where we interview key decision makers on their influential roles within New Jersey. First up is Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin. His verbatim responses are italicized below. Do you have an idea of someone you’d like us to interview? Email
Can you tell us a little about yourself and how you got started in public service?
Craig J. Coughlin

TOP FIVE QUESTIONS one word response:

Communities for Homeowners and Renters (ANCHOR) is making up to $1,500 in property tax relief available for more than a million incomeeligible households and $450 for nearly a million renters. By making good on our promise to deliver on property tax relief, we are beginning to tackle the top of mind ‘affordability’ issues that may have kept people from entering the New Jersey housing market in the past. Combined with the more than 14 tax cuts we have put in place since 2018, we’re making real and tangible progress in several areas of affordability.

What other issues have you been tackling as speaker?

Since becoming Speaker, it has been one of my top priorities to tackle food insecurity. Nearly a million of our New Jersey neighbors struggle to keep food on the table and I believe that no one’s greatest challenge on any given day should be how to feed their family. And

so, New Jersey has been hard at work to reverse food insecurity in our communities. The result is more than 30 pieces of legislation signed into law. From $85 million in direct support to our food banks and pantries to creating the infrastructure needed to strategically target hunger among our children, our college students, our seniors, and so many others vulnerable to food insecurity, we have become a national model. It is my view, that when we bridge the gap between the front lines of hunger and create opportunities to access healthy and nutritious foods reliably, we will have brought people to true food security.

What do you think is the most impactful piece of legislation you have worked on?

There is always a list, but a piece of legislation that took months of work and will result in huge impact for some many across our state is the

Economic Recovery Act of 2020. The ERA created a seven-year, $14 billion package of tax incentive, financing, and grant programs that will address the ongoing economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and build a stronger, fairer New Jersey economy. We are only beginning to see some of the fruits of these programs, but already businesses and projects of all kinds and sizes are being funded, which together will prove invaluable as we work to attract, retain, and develop the talent and industries that will fuel New Jersey’s future.

NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2023 | 25
. Does Central NJ exist? Yes 2 . Go to Pizza topping:
3 . Pork Roll or Taylor
4 . Favorite Sports Team: St.
5 . Dead or
John’s University
Storm (men’s basketball at alma mater)
Alive, who is someone you would want to meet?

Shashi Aggarwal

Alka Aneja

Sanjeev Aneja Susan M. Backer

Lisa Bassett

Valerie Archer Belardo Linda J. Bitetto

Marian Ryan Bloete

Eugenia O. Brunone Joseph W. Burris

Mayra C. Cabrera Pardo

Andrew “Andy” Chernin Dagmer Chew

Karen Contreras

Tammie Costello

Audrey Dalton Colleen DeMio

George E. Denney III

Phillip P. DiGiacinto Elizabeth DiRuocco

Ronald F. Ensana

Deborah B. Frank Eileen Furey

Albin Garcia

Maribeth Germinario

Janet Ginsberg

Penelope Gomes

Maxine Greenberg

Michael C. Harbord

Angela Holder-Grassano

Marianne S. Infusino

Anthony C. Jankowski James W. Joeriman

Ruby Kaplan

Robert M. Kievit

Daryl Heather Land

Susan Lucas-Sterling Marlene Debra Mango

Joan Martinez

MaryAnn Mason Kathleen McDonald Barbara A. McPherson

Donna M. Murray John J. Nash

Georgeanna “Tracey” Newmones

Roger E. Nicholson

Robert NorthField Jennifer Parsekian

Terrisa Petersen- Svecz Wayne J. Piersanti

Simone Pietrunti

Patricia E. Pomeranz

Liana Puseljic Douglas E. Ramos

Joanne English Rollieson Ronald H. Rollieson

Susan G. Roppenecker Joseph T. Ryan Phyllis Sabo Valerie L. Sands

Tito B. Santiago

Jeannette Seijas-Gisonna

Susan Simone

Adele Smith-Jones MaryAnn Stack JoAnn C. Torcasio

Susan E. Torrance

John Tunny Josephine “Joey” Tuscano Jill Valentine

Diane V. Walker

Alicia Weister

Ingrid L. Williams Jungae Yoo


Clement Bottone

Metro Centre Association of REALTORS®

William Flagg

North Central Jersey Association of REALTORS®

Denise Gibbons

Atlantic City and County Board of REALTORS®

Robert Kolar

Metro Centre Association of REALTORS®

Robert Rosenthal

Atlantic City and County Board of REALTORS®

Louisa Sagarese

Monmouth/Ocean Regional REALTORS®

Mitchell Schanen

Metro Centre Association of REALTORS®

Richard Steinberg

Metro Centre Association of REALTORS®

David Weisbrod

North Central Jersey Association of REALTORS®

26 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2023



For New Jersey residents looking to buy their first home, saving enough money for a down payment often comes second to more immediate costs of living – student loans, childcare, rent, insurance, and additional expenses.

There is a significant income-ready segment of the New Jersey population poised to buy a house, yet the initial down payment and closing cost hurdle are the # 1 impediment to becoming a first-time homebuyer. New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency can help them over this hurdle.

NJHMFA’s Down Payment Assistance (DPA) program provides up to $15,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance to eligible first-time homebuyers. These funds are completely forgiven after the borrower lives in their new home for at least five years without refinancing or defaulting on the mortgage.

Learn more at To partner on homebuying webinars for your current and potential clients, email

NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2023 | 27



2020 taught us the value and reach of virtual events. People appreciate the flexibility of virtual events when in-person events are not possible or convenient. “The global virtual events market size could reach $504.76 billion and grow at a combined annual growth rate of 23.7% between 2021 and 2028,” according to Global Newswire. Virtual events offer the ability to extend meeting invitations locally or nationally, while also allowing companies or business owners to measure engagement and gather useful data for targeted marketing.


Short-form video has become increasingly popular on many social media platforms. TikTok, most known for its short-form content, has popularized this format that has expanded into other apps such as Instagram with Reels, or YouTube with YouTube Shorts. Short-form video tends to fare best with a younger audience who seem to prefer quick-witted, punchy, relatable content. According to HubSpot’s 2022 Social Media Marketing Trends Survey, “Short-form video is the most popular and effective social media format.” Engagement and relatability matter most for short-form video, rather than longer, more informative content that can lose viewers’ interest.


More than ever, audiences best respond to engagement and connection. According to Inc., “If consumers have an experience that is clearly optimized for their tastes and preferences, they feel their time is not being wasted with unnecessary or unwanted information.” Personalization aims

to change a one-size-fits all marketing approach and cater to an audience on an individual basis. Information overload and ineffective advertisement has the potential to deter an audience as they may feel the information is irrelevant to them, or brands don’t value their individual needs. Increasing engagement through customized email, connecting with individuals through social media, building relationships, and delivering meaningful, targeting content shows clients you’re aware of their needs, and in turn, builds trust.


Think of your website as the face of your brand as a Realtor®. Does it reflect you as a professional, your values, and your commitment to clients? According to the NAR® Real Estate in a Digital Age Report, “95% of individuals visit a website to find a Realtor®.” An attractive, welldesigned, and functional website will not only attract your targeted audience but will invite them to take action and reach out to you. Take the time to craft your website to reflect you as a Realtor® and keep listings and information updated so clients know you are active and credible.


The Close reports that according to a case study conducted by AccuData, “Direct mail marketing driven by predictive analytics saw response rates more than double that of marketing without algorithmic smart targeting.” Staying on top of market data and fine-tuning specific messages to clients delivers personalized information they care about, but also provides insight into who your buyers and sellers are. Targeted marketing saves you time and money as a Realtor® by focusing on the clients you want to reach.

28 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2023


Fall Fundraiser

Monmouth Ocean Regional Realtors® held its Annual Fall Fundraiser at Jumping Brook Country Club in Neptune. MORR members raised over $20,000 for two local charities, Jason’s Dreams for Kids and Liv Like a Unicorn.

NEXUS Members Deliver Food Supplies

NEXUS Association of Realtors® Community Service Committee held a food drive and delivered food supplies to a local charity. Then, members celebrated the close of the project at JBJ Soul Kitchen, a nonprofit community restaurant owned by the Jon Bon Jovi Foundation.


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MORR members and staff present their donation.
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Realtors® from NEXUS supported JBJ Soul Kitchen after a successful fundraiser.

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