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Meet the Decision Maker: Troy Singleton
Welcome to our series, Meet the Decision Makers, where we interview key decision makers on their influential role within New Jersey. For this issue, we have Senator and Chairman of the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee Troy Singleton. His verbatim responses are italicized below. Do you have an idea of someone you’d like to see us interview? Email editor@njrealtor.com

Can you tell us a little about yourself and how you got started in public service?
My start in public service began with a college internship. I thought I was going to pursue a career in finance, but once I started an internship at the State House, the public service bug got me and I haven’t looked back since.
What does the job of the Chairman of the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee entail in the state of NJ?
This committee has the primary responsibility for housing policy in the Senate. It’s an important committee because so much hangs on the ability of individuals to have access to safe and quality housing. Ensuring families have a place to lay their heads at night essentially cements the cornerstone of the framework for the other policy work we do on healthcare, food access, education and so much more.
What does the job of the Chairman of the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee entail in the state of NJ?
This committee has the primary responsibility for housing policy in the Senate. It’s an important committee because so much hangs on the ability of individuals to have access to safe and quality housing. Ensuring families have a place to lay their heads at night essentially cements the cornerstone of the framework for the other policy work we do on healthcare, food access, education and so much more.
What have you been working on that would help the real estate market in NJ?
I have been working on many policies, but a particular area I have tried to focus on is augmenting housing inventory while being hyper-focused on driving more affordable options across the continuum of housing options. Through the efforts I have led on the affordable housing trust fund to create down payment assistance and first generation homebuyer tax credits, I believe a strong real estate industry is key to our state’s economic fortunes.
What other issues have you been tackling in your role as Senator?
Making New Jersey more affordable is an important component of my focus as an elected official. Whether that is the work I have led on creating more affordable housing, lowering prescription drug costs, or supporting historic property tax relief through the ANCHOR program, being laser-focused on making our state more affordable will always be my top priority.
I proudly authored the recent sweeping prescription drug law, which sets up a state council to apply downward pressure on pricing. Additionally, I led the efforts to get expanded property tax relief through last year’s state budget by increasing distribution to municipalities from the Energy Tax Receipts Property Tax Relief Fund. These funds would increase payments to municipalities to restore previous municipal aid cuts and require a corresponding reduction in the municipal property tax levy to ensure the tax relief is reflected in the property tax bills.
What do you think is the most impactful piece of legislation you have worked on?
I proudly authored the nation’s first Environmental Justice Law. This law ensures no community will have a greater environmental burden than a benefit. It requires the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to analyze the cumulative impacts of a project on a community before granting a new permit or a renewal for certain types of facilities that have the potential to be hazardous to the community in which they are located. This law literally can mean the difference between life and death for so many of our fellow New Jerseyans who live in communities that are oversaturated with toxic facilities that compromise their physical well-being every day.

Does Central NJ exist? Yes
Go-To Pizza Topping: Pepperoni
Pork Roll or Taylor Ham: Pork Roll
Favorite Sports Team: Philadelphia Eagles
Dead or Alive, who is someone you would want to meet? Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.