Are You Interested in Running for Office?
s natural leaders in their communities, Realtors® are
It is with this in mind that we will be hosting a candidate
exceptionally qualified to hold office on all levels of
training tailored for women this October. The training will
government which is why we’ve held (in-person and virtual)
be a four-part virtual series on Oct. 6, 13, 20 and 27, and
National Association of Realtors ’ Candidate Training
attendees can participate in all sessions or attend just one or
Academy. This training offers invaluable information to
two. The sessions will include presentations from experts, and
members on the ins and outs of running for elected office.
discussions with peers. The sessions will cover the realities of
running for office, political fundraising, developing a campaign Women face challenges when it comes to running for political
plan, and the truths of serving in office. Our goal is to build
office. While it is shown when women run, they win at the
a support system of women to learn and ask questions from
same rates as men, it takes an average of six times for a woman
experts or peers who know exactly what they’re experiencing.
to be asked to run before ultimately decide to run for office.
I hope we can be seen as a vital tool in assisting Realtors® in
This is often due to work-life balance, the lack of monetary
deciding whether they want to run for political office.
support, and the lack of proper support from party leaders, activists, and elected officials.
Please keep an eye on your email for additional information on this training, we will share it when it becomes available. If you
As the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg once
have any questions, feel free to reach out to our Director of
said, “women belong in all places where decisions are being
Government Affairs Catherine Best at
made.” This training will be geared toward women, but all members Here at NJ Realtors , we are proud to have women serving ®
in leadership positions on the state and local levels. In fact, according to the 2019 Member Profile, 66 percent of our membership is female. Recently, we conducted a membership poll pertaining to independent contractor status. The results affirmed the uniqueness of the real estate industry because, as independent contractors, members have control over their work schedules and earnings.
are welcome.