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FEBRUARY 23, 2020


We are courageous because Jesus breathes bravery into our fearful hearts! Courage does not always ROAR! Let all the powers that are after your life and purpose stumble and fall in the name of Jesus! Not to spoil the ending for you... But everything is going to be okay! It is well with my soul!

then shall I have an answer for him who taunts me, for I trust in your word. - Psalm 119:42 Do you desire God to work with you in every area of your life? Make it your purpose to obey Him and lead others to the cross of Christ. Do what He's asked you to do and watch Him work! God is greater than the crisis you are facing. He never said that you wouldn’t have to go through the fire you’re going through, God just promised that when you got in the fire, He’d show up. He didn’t promise you wouldn’t go through the storm, but He did promise that He will be with you in the midst of the storm. No matter what you’re facing today, you can have confidence and strength because the God that you serve will always be with you, even in the midst of your trial! God Bless You Abundantly

Don't despise small beginnings. Beautiful flowers start life in the dirt! If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in larger ones. Luke 16:10! Let the power of God saturate and renew your mind today! Even when you don't understand it, God has a plan! Trust Him! God Bless You Abundantly Pinterest -NEWLIFEforu

God has you exactly where He needs you to be today. He is ordering your steps and opening doors that no man can shut! You are in the right place at the right time! God Bless..

For through the blood of Jesus, ALL things are possible. God will restore everything you lost in your life better than what it was before! We call it forth in the name of Jesus! Sudden restoration! God Bless. Twitter- newlife4_you 1



You hold the supernatural rod of God, His Word. It's the bread of life and living water. Take the rod of God and open your mouth and speak His word! In this life, there is no such thing as a total absence of tension. To pray for a peace without risk or responsibility is to pray not for the peace of God but a peace that brings death. Instead, seek a peace that remains even in the face of trouble, stress, and tension. The world can’t provide peace even close to God's peace. Only God Almighty can give you the peace you’re searching for! Today, God knows you. He knows what you need, He knows who you are, He knows what you’ve been through, He knows what you’re facing, He knows what you will face. He has promised that He will be with you every step of the journey. He has promised that He will never abandon you. He has promised that He will provide for your every need. Put your hope and trust in the Lord, and He will lead you down paths of righteousness! God Bless

FEBRUARY 23,2020 Build your life on the rock of God's Word and no storm can shake you! God's love is constant, not fickle. He'll never change His mind about us! Yesterday, He loved you. Today, He loves you. Tomorrow, He will love you. Nothing will change that. Hebrews 13:8! God is willing and ready to perform everyday miracles for you! Rise take off thy bed and walk! John 5:8! Courage is fear that has run to God in prayer! You never cross the ocean unless YOU HAVE the courage to lose sight of the SHORE! God Bless You Abundantly God is looking for ordinary people empowered by Him to do extraordinary things!

Satan comes into your life and robs, steals, and destroys. God gives and restores what Satan has taken from you. Do not mistake an attack from the enemy as an action by an unloving God, for there is no darkness in the Lord. He is full of light and He is eager to return to you all that Satan has taken away. All you need to do is ask Him to! Jesus said, "whatever you bind on earth, I'll bind in heaven." God is not waiting to fix your problem. God is waiting for you to take action on the problem that you need fixed. God is waiting to hear you charge the gates of hell in the authority of Jesus' Name. He is waiting for you to shake heaven and earth with the power of your prayers! Whatever Satan has mangled in your life, only God can heal it. If he’s caused your marriage to suffer, trust in God. If he’s caused your finances to go to ruin, trust in God. If he’s caused you to enter a season of trial, trust in God and know that He is faithful to keep the promises in His Word! God Bless You Abundantly. INSTAGRAM- NEWLIFEFORU

Don’t let anyone or anything rob you of His peace- it’s not worth it in the end! Give it over to God and move on! This is your season of double portion and divine inheritance in the name of Jesus! God is doing a Suddenly for you!! God is shifting your season! What took a long time will now happen quickly! I hear “suddenly” for someone! No matter how long you went in the wrong direction, you can always turn it around with God! Every day that you put off or delay living true to your heart, you lessen your happy tomorrow’s’! God bless you Facebook- 2 NEWLIFEINCHRIST2k17

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