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JANUARY 1, 2020



God is working for you tonight. Heaven is holding conversations about you. Angels have been assigned to you. Be at peace! No matter what you face. No matter where you've been. No matter how you feel. He has overcome it all, and loves you wholly, fully, deeply still.

And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:19 Why would you live a life of defeat when God has already secured your victory! Get up and win today! Don’t doubt what has been destined for you.. God is faithful to deliver!

If people spent more time praying for others instead of talking about them, they'd get better results! Don't Judge My Breakthrough Until You Know My Been-through! God Bless You Abundantly Pinterest -NEWLIFEforu

Let every spirit of infirmity, poverty, lack, death, destruction and all wickedness be overturned in the name of Jesus! Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! “Suddenly” keeps sounding off in my spirit! I declare a SUDDEN restoration, victory, deliverance and revival in your life! In the name of Jesus!! Get ready for God to do a quick work!! God is a vindicator!! The “wrongs” in your life will be made “right”! When your life is built on the Rock, Jesus, storms will come but you will stand & not be defeated! God Bless You Abundantly

For through the blood of Jesus, ALL things are possible. Your situation may be rough, but don’t let it steal your vision. Don’t give up on your dreams. Be confident that this year, you will see God’s favor in a new way..You may slip, but God isn't going to let you fall. His loving arms will ALWAYS be there to catch you. God Bless.. Twitter- newlife4_you 1



Sometimes your trial will not have any logical reason why it is happening at the time, but have faith that there is a purpose for every trouble you face. Trust God and know that He will reveal His answer in His time! God does not struggle against Satan. He does not have to strain Himself against Satan. He does not take breaks and wear down. He defeats Satan with ease! God is always victorious, and we have victory over the world because Jesus Christ won us the victory at Calvary!

JANUARY 1,2020

People can hurt, abuse and neglect you! But only God can heal you, deliver you and set you free! When something doesn't work out, let it go. God has something better in store! Build your relationships on a foundation that lasts! Your relationship with Jesus will set the tone of every other relationship in your life!

God put you on this earth for a reason. He has a definite plan for you and a divine destiny for you to fulfill. There are blessings that God has for you that you cannot contain. His favor is above and beyond anything you can imagine. All of this is available to you because you are a child of the King. So ask, and know that He is faithful to answer!

There is nothing that can keep you from the blessings of God! There is no challenge or obstacle too big for God. Grab hold of His strength today!

God Bless God is with you, and you will have great success in all things.

You may be up against a giant today. But don't focus on how big your giant is; focus on how big your God is! God Bless You Abundantly

God has already established our plans. Seek Him, trust Him & He will lead you!

The moment that Christ arrives and we are caught up to meet Him in the air, Christ is totally victorious over death, hell and the grave, but until then, we are called to stay in the fight and fight to win! Remind yourself in trials that God is getting ready to promote those who are in the furnace. Trials are nothing but the way God uses to burn out your imperfections. Lift your head and square your shoulders. Press on and endure, for the Lord is faithful to be with you and bring you through every trial! Too often we get so concerned with the cares in this life that we face that we forget to enjoy the simple joys of this life. Don’t ever forget the good news when you’re dealing with today’s news, and don’t ever let God’s promise be overshadowed by the problems you are facing. Rejoice, lift your head up, and live with the confidence that if God is for you, no one can stand against you! God Bless You Abundantly INSTAGRAM- NEWLIFEFORU You may be up against a giant today. But don't focus on how big your giant is; focus on how big your God is! Be patient and wait on God. He's got it all under control! Your miracle may be taking a long time but God didn't bring you this far to leave you. "For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." -Joshua 1:9! Put actions behind your faith. Talk, walk & believe like it's going to happen! God is the best listener. He hears even the very silent prayer of a sincere heart! You may not know where life's road will lead you. But keep moving. God is walking with you! There will be no crown bearers in heaven who are not cross bearers on earth! God bless you Facebook- NEWLIFEINCHRIST2k17 2

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