8 APRIL 2019
MOVING FORWARD “Do not be afraid. Stand firm. And you will see the deliverance of the Lord. The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent.” (Exodus 14:13-14) God then told Moses to tell the people of Israel to “go forward.” Moses lifted up his staff and stretched out his hand over the sea and divided it. God intervened, for sometimes He prefers to work in situations that some deem impossible. He dramatically caused a strong wind to blow. The waters parted. And the people walked on the sea floor, on dry ground, safely to the other side. Similar to the Israelites, at times you can be put into a temporary, yet difficult, place or a seemingly impossible circumstance. Yet, what looked like a mess for the Israelites, God turned into a miracle, and today He can do the same for you.God Bless When you face situations that seem impossible, don’t talk about how big your problems are. Start declaring, “The gracious hand of God is on my life.
God Will Put You in Impossible Situations to Prove He is God Are you facing a seemingly impossible situation? Is what you’re asking God for seem unlikely to come to pass? Is your faith being tested? Perhaps, you feel completely trapped, hedged in and overwhelmed, with no solution in sight. Maybe you’re confronted with a challenge where there is no resolution. Or, your heart is heavy with doubt as you can’t figure out what to do next, for there appears to be nothing you can do about what you now face. On an emotional rollercoaster, you could be wondering, “How can things change for the better?” However, impossibilities are the platforms upon which God does His best work. Have faith. With man it may be impossible.But with God, all things are possible.God Is Preparing Way For Victory. God Bless You Abundantly Are you in a very impossible situation? Or you might think you're already an impossible person? Like nothing is going to ever change in your life? Hey, i got good news. God specializes in impossible
situations. There is nothing too hard for Him! 1