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19 MAY 2019



Don’t magnify your problems! When you give God praise, He gives you the victory! Consider trouble a blessing not a curse.God is preparing you for your future. Today declare that I AM WALKING IN MY DESTINY AND I GOT THE VICTORY.. GOD BLESS.

RESTORATION Whatever the enemy has tried to take away from you, God wants to restore it. God wants to make it better than before. That’s the kind of Father He is. Every day we have choices put before us. We can be tempted to get hurt, wounded, or depressed. We can complain and remain in the same awful condition. Or we can praise God and be raised up.

One of the first things the enemy will try to steal from us is our joy. He wants to get us sad, sorrowful, and oppressed. Remember what it was like when you first were saved? There was joy unspeakable. God doesn’t want us to lose that joy! Nehemiah 8:10 tells us, “The JOY of the Lord is your strength.” It is important for Christians to have joy in their life! If you don’t have joy, you don’t have any strength. Don’t stay in that valley of despair and depression. Don’t allow what people say to control you. You control your own destiny. Maybe everyone isn’t going to be thrilled about you. But God is. You are who God created you to be. And God likes you just fine. He’s thrilled about you! God Bless You Abundantly.. @ “... if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.” (Romans 10:9-10). 1

“The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14 We can focus on the problem or we can choose to trust God. The Israelites were terrified when they saw the enemy coming their way. They doubted their leader, they questioned God, they complained, they grumbled, they panicked. Yet God didn’t get mad at their humanity or fears. He only asked for their obedience. And their trust. Keep your eyes on Christ. He will never fail you. Even when things are not done your way, trust Him.. God bless Pinterest-NEWLIFEforu

Jesus died for your sin!



19 MAY 2019

Joel 2:25 says, “I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm.” Some of you have been down with a lot of “worms” in your life. Some of you have lost years to a bad marriage. Some of you have lost years to health problems. But the Lord put something in my heart. He said, “My mercy is greater than your mistakes, and I am a Master at fixing any disaster.” God loves us that much. Whether we’ve done things that are our own fault, or whether it is the enemy who has stolen from us, God is still the Restorer! God wants you to have that dream fulfilled. He wants you to have joy. He wants you to have health in your body. God is a good God! And He’s got good things in store for us. Don’t let the devil steal anything from you. Declare restoration over your life! Take what belongs to you, in the Name of Jesus! When a lion is walking, every other animal goes into hiding because the king of the jungle is walking. Wherever you go today, because you carry the lion of the Tribe of Judah inside of you, every challenges, problems, and obstacles around you shall not only go into hiding but they shall disappear and melt away, in Jesus Mighty name.God bless.. Instagram- newlifeforu

Step out on faith and walk into purpose! No matter what the devil throws at you, you can overcome through Christ! You were not created to merely survive, but to thrive! You have the ability to make choices. But don't forget who has the power! Things in life may be here today and gone tomorrow, but as long as you are humbly serving the Lord, you are going to be alright because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! God Bless You Abundantly..

We've all made mistakes in the past. We've all made poor choices; but when God sees us, He doesn't see us as failures. He sees us as champions. He is full of grace and mercy. The Bible tells us that if we repent and turn away from our mistakes, God will make us new again.. The Word of God promises that if you'll step out of that prison and become a prisoner of hope, God will restore back to you double for your trouble! That means if someone does you wrong, instead of getting negative and bitter, your attitude should be, "They just did me a favor. They just qualified me for double." That attitude will make you a prisoner of hope. When you're a prisoner of hope, you simply can't stop hoping. You are locked in! Lock into that attitude of victory that says, "I will not be defeated. It may look imposible, but I know God can do the impossible. They may have treated me wrong, but I'mnot worried. I know God is my Vindicator. It may be taking a long time, but in due season I know Iwill reap if I just don't give up"Stand in that place of hope knowing that you will come out with twice the peace, twice the joy, and twice the victory today! God Bless.. Facebook- 2

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