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1-10 NOVEMBER 2019


GETTING RID OF YOUR PAST, LOOKING FOR THE BEST TO COME ! You have a problem which you have been trying to solve by yourself for so long and you have failed.I don’t Know what’s the reason,I know you might be discouraged, despondent and filled with doubt looking at the situation and listening to the opinion from higher authorities. But just remember about this for a second that “discouragement always comes from the Devil”.But today ask the Lord to solve it for you. He can and He will perform a miracle for you, if it is for His glory to do so. He is a miracle-working God, and nothing is too hard for Him. Look up the following, and see how His power was put forth in the solution of His people’s problems. God Bless.. Pinterest -NEWLIFEforu

I will tell of the decree: The LORD said to me, “You are my Son; today I have begotten you.Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession. PSALM 2:7-8 Stay faithful to your "Yes!" Don't give up, trust God! God will answer those prayers in your due season! Trust His timing- He has Something Greater for you! Let every wolf in sheep's clothing be exposed in your life! God open our eyes to see by Your Spirit- in the name of Jesus!! God is your life source! Let Him fill you with His Peace & Presence right now!! God will open a door that no man, no devil, no hater can shut! Get ready! Get ready for blessing, get ready for restoration, get ready for favor! Keep your faith and follow Him! God will take you right where you belong!!

You had to be rejected by "that one" to get you to "this one".. Don't cry over what didn't work out! God Bless You Abundantly God's timing is always perfect. He isn't a minute too early and He isn't a minute too late. When you feel impatient in the moment and uncertain about the future remember that God always keeps His promises. He will never stop taking care of you. Sometimes some answers take a little longer to come than others. Trust Him in your time of waiting. God Bless

For through the blood of Jesus, ALL things are possible. 1



See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19 God, I don’t know how You are going to do it or when You are going to do it, but I trust that You are the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth and You are going to do a new thing.According to Your promises, I am looking to You in faith believing that, despite my circumstances, despite my past failures, You are making a way for me in this wilderness. If you feel like you’re living in a barren wasteland, looking for the streams of mercy from God today just BELIEVE that my God will make a way for you w here there seems to be no way. God Bless "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" Hebrews 13:8 Nothing ever remains the same in this world. Things change. People move. Time goes by. Kids grow up. We may experience deep or unexpected loss. And sometimes our footsteps falter on things we’ve depended on so very much, but really aren’t meant to fully support us." Yet in all of this, we still have one sure place on which to lean, God never changes. And He is with us always. God Bless. Twitter- newlife4_you

1-10 NOVEMBER 2019

Great things have small beginnings. No matter what your current situation, keep trusting God and watch Him work for your good future! Great miracles have small beginnings. How soon we forget to remember from where God has brought us! The Bible says that in every conflict, you are the conqueror, and in every struggle, you have the promise of success! Scientists can tell you what happened to the earth once it got here, but they cannot tell you how the world got here. It got here because there is a God of such awesome power that He can make something out of nothing and it happened according to His sovereign will. That’s the how. Trust God! God Bless đ&#x;”š God will not FAIL ME. đ&#x;”š God will not FORGET ME. đ&#x;”š God will not FORSAKE ME. This truths will transform your life today. Today start changing your thinking and confess these words over your life over and over. Speak it with a heart full of faith and then act on these truths. No matter how often I fail, I will not give up, because God is with me to strengthen and sustain me. He has promised to never leave me or forsake me(Hebrews. 13:5).

God is with you, right here, right now. No matter what you face, you do not face it alone. What feels so big and powerful and hard right now in your life will get smaller and weaker and easier when God steps into the situation. So, ask Him to overwhelm you with His presence today. He will make a path of peace for you to walk on and lovingly assure you that you are not forsaken or abandoned. If Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us?If our God is with us, then what can stand against? GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY INSTAGRAM- Newlifeforu

Sometimes we want immediate relief, don’t we?When something in life is painful, we want God to immediately relieve the tension point.And sometimes, that’s exactly how God works. Our trials melt away quickly at the work of His hands.Yet, other times, God seems quiet. We pray, and pray and there is no immediate fix. It’s discouraging, frustrating, and can plant doubt into our hearts if we let it.Friend, it only takes one seed of doubt for us to start believing lies. “Is He listening? Does He hear me?� As soon as those thoughts enter our minds, we question if God is paying attention to us in the quiet. It’s in that moment satan begins to get a foothold in our lives.Don’t let doubt deceive you into believing God isn’t working. Even in the quiet, through the discouragement and frustration, He’s working.Remember His past faithfulness when doubt starts to creep in. List out ways in your life He’s proved Himself trustworthy and faithful.Can’t think of any? Think of the heroes of faith in scripture. He came through for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He will come through for you.God bless you Facebook- https:// 2

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