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And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the canker-worm, and the caterpillar, and the palmer-worm, my great army which I sent among you. - Joel 2:25

When all hope seems lost, Philippians 4:13 is a great place to start over again. Say it before you begin something you think that you can’t do. Say is when you are stressed out or angry. So, wherever you are in your life today, whatever challenges life is going to throw at you today, go with Christ. He is the strength behind our success. He is the source of recovery from all of our failures. God does not want us to fail. He promises to walk with us every day, through every trial. God never abandons us. With Christ, we can indeed to all things. God Bless. NEWLIFE4_YOU

Wherever you go, you take your mentality with you. After four hundred years as captives in Egypt, the Israelites developed a slave mentality. Pinterest -NEWLIFEforu Because they were dominated for so long, they never learned to be Twitter- newlife4_you decision makers. They functioned best when other people told them what to do. Consequently when they approached the Promised Land and their leader sent twelve spies in to check it out, ten came back saying, “The inhabitants of the land are giants. We are like grasshoppers compared to them.” But two of the spies, Joshua and Caleb, knew God was with them so they reported, “The inhabitants of the land are like grasshoppers to us. We are well able to overcome them” (See v. 30). Joshua and Caleb developed the capacity to see things from God’s vantage point. It spelled the difference between success and failure—and this one secret will change your world. You learn to “mount up with wings” like an eagle (Is 40:31) and see every situation from a higher viewpoint: through God’s eyes! You stop looking at the Devil’s picture of defeat and focus on God’s portrait of success. This is your ticket to the Promised Land! Start speaking what you desire—not what you dread (See Ps 107:2). Speak your expectations—not your fears. This isn’t mind-over-matter or pop psychology. It’s standing on God’s Word declaring, “I am what God says I am…I have what God says I have…and I can do what God says I can do!” (See Php 4:1 ) God Bless You Abundantly..

For through the blood of Jesus, ALL things are possible. God is bringing supernatural restoration to you! 1




THE WORD HAS POWER! (There’s Power In The Word Of God) A dear sister’s baby had been in the hospital for some time and things weren’t looking good. The doctors had diagnosed the problem to be a brain tumour and the prognosis was bleak; there was nothing more medical science could do. The family stood on God’s Word and believed for complete recovery. They prayed, and regularly confessed the Word over the little baby who was in the intensive care unit. The child’s condition later took a turn for the worse. The sister, however, refused to fret, for she recognised she was engaged in a fight of faith. She and her family maintained their confession and set their focus on the Word. Soon, the baby got better, and after more tests, the doctors couldn’t find the tumour anymore! Several specialists were called in to conduct tests to verify the result and their results also came out negative; the brain tumour had disappeared. The boy was gloriously healed! God’s power is in His Word. You receive power when you hear His Word. Our opening scripture says, “He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.” Healing is a power. When the healing power of God comes to reside in you, it doesn’t matter what sickness has been in your body that power would produce results and prevail. Matthew 8:16 (NIV) says, “When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick.” You see, the Lord Jesus cast out devils with His word! There’s healing power in the Word! God always confirms His Word with signs and wonders. Your role is to keep it in your heart and in your mouth always. It doesn’t matter what you might be going through right now; there’s enough power in the Word to put you over. Dare to believe the Word and you’ll be in for a life, full of miracles and testimonies.. God Bless.. God will send someone into your life that puts a smile on your face everyday! Trust Him! Jesus Wants To Set You Free Are you trying to overcome a bad habit? Jesus wants to set you free. “If you abide in My Word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” You ask, “What is this ‘truth’ that will make me free?” Jesus answers in six words: “If you abide in My Word.” Victory is gainedin your mind, and maintainedin your mind. One lady joked, “Giving up cigarettes is easy; I’ve done it thousands of times.” Seriously, how can you stop going back to old habit patterns? By repenting of them, renouncing them, and replacing the old thoughts that lead us back to them with new thoughts. And where do these new thoughts come from? Jesus answers, “If you abide in My Word.” This means staying out of places that foster wrong thoughts and away from people who encourage wrong thoughts. It may mean changing what you watch on television. You’ll notice that before you give in to a bad habit, you think the thoughts that lead to it. The Bible says, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Ro 12:2 NKJV). In the early stages of recovery from any addiction it’s critical to saturate your mind daily in the Scriptures, pray, and be willing to reach for the support of a friend (See Ecc 4:9-10). Will you sometimes fail on your way to success? Yes. But victory begins when you decide to be free, and believeGod will set you free.. GOD BLESS.. INSTAGRAM- Newlifeforu SELF EXAMINATION In this big solar system with 9 planets, 566000 asteroids, 181 moons A planet named earth with 70% of water and 30% land with 7 continents, and I live in ...(Country) in ...(State) , a city named ... and a place called .... In a tiny house. But, God has known me by my name. He knows the count of my hair strands, He has already designed my future, He has plans for me. He provides food everyday, he loves me for what I am, He cares for me, He hears my prayers and gives more than I deserve. He protects me, teaches me, resides in me and also stores every tear drop from my eyes. Where in this huge solar system or whatever we could find a person like him nah? Stop stressing over what people think-- they change their minds every few seconds anyway! God Bless You Abundantly 2 Facebook-

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