Higher Education Academic Facilities

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Higher Education Academic Facilities

Higher Education Clients

Yale University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Fairfield University

Montgomery College

University of Connecticut

Northeastern University

Lynn University

Oberlin College

Rutgers University

Princeton University

Union Theological Seminary

Southern Connecitcut State University

Wellesley College

St. Mary’s College of Maryland

Alfred University

The New School for Social Research

Amherst College

Trinity International University

Colgate University

University of Maryland Baltimore County

Cornell University

University of Oklahoma

Dartmouth College

University of Rochester, Eastman School Music

Eastern Connecticut State University

University of Tennessee

Elon University

Vassar College

Emory and Henry College

Western Connecituct State University

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Wesleyan University

Keene State College

Widener University

Middlebury College

Williams College

Higher Education Academic Facilities

Designing For Students

Our approach to the design of educational environments is based on the psychological effects of architecture in student settings. We instill into places for education the qualities that promote learning, self-expression, community, and personal growth. The spaces we create for students are designed to help them make connections with their peers in settings that they perceive are safe. To be able to share a communal experience with other students, while at the same time retaining individual identity, allows them to make choices, take risks and engage in the public realm without sacrificing personal autonomy.

Keith C. and Elaine Johnson Wold Performing Arts Center Lynn University

Boca Raton, Florida

This 750-seat theater is home to the University’s expanding per forming ar ts program. The space is designed with flexibility in mind and accommodates theatrical productions, concerts and other cultural events. The building’s features include a two-story, light–filled lobby which glows invitingly in the evening and an intimate performance space with curving walls largely of wood, in which the audience shares the excitement and immediacy of the performers.

Performing Arts Center (continued)


Boger Hall Wesleyan University Middletown, Connecticut

Newman Architects designed an addition to the University’s 1934 Squash Building designed by McKim Mead and White Architects. This adaptive re-use provides faculty offices, meeting spaces, libraries, classrooms, and seminar rooms for The College of Letters, Art History, and the Career Resource Center. Located along the eastern edge of the University’s central space, the addition draws from the great architectural character of “College Row” in massing, alignments, and materials while using contemporary languages of craft to articulate the exterior facade.

The mission of the Wesleyan Career Center is to establish and sustain relationships with current undergraduate students and Bachelor of Arts alumni that assist them in translating their Wesleyan liberal arts education into a lifetime of meaningful work. The importance of establishing a visible street address and home for the Career Center that is located at the heart of the campus enables this important resource to be available to all Wesleyan students and campus visitors.

Engleman Hall Addition and Adaptive Re-use Southern Connecticut State University New Haven, Connecticut

Located at the heart of the Southern Connecticut State University campus, Engleman Hall consolidates all non-science departments of the School of Arts and Sciences in one location, and accommodates increasing enrollment. Because of its size and location, Engleman Hall transforms the campus by developing and enhancing a series of lively exterior spaces.

Science Hill Parking Structure Yale University

New Haven, Connecticut

The parking structure on Science Hill accommodates 347 faculty and students vehicles from the University’s science campus on a challenging site, adjacent to an architectural landmark, and in a historic residential neighborhood. The primary challenge for this design was integrating the garage into the neighborhood and its natural environment. Simultaneously, we looked for a solution that would respect Eero Saarinen’s masterwork, the adjacent Ingalls Rink.

Pierson-Sage Parking Garage Yale University

New Haven, Connecticut

Newman Architects was hired to design the original garage in 1976 at the edge of the Yale University campus next to a residential neighborhood. It was our task to minimize the visual impact of this large-scale structure and integrate it with adjacent university and residential buildings. We designed a landscaped berm to surround and conceal the parking garage along its street frontages. This allowed the university to build the garage at a minimal cost using a “package designed� structure while preserving the character of the neighborhood. In 2001 we were again hired to design the renovation of the 25-year old structure, including replacement of the exterior facade, new stair and elevator towers, better pedestrian and vehicle wayfinding, new signage and graphics, and landscape improvements.

Jewish Religious Center and Library Williams College

Williamstown, Massachusetts

The Center is itself a house, a setting for activities that are religious, scholarly and familial. We wanted the students who used the Center to feel at home in their heritage - as a place of identity, a place from which to draw strength and to find support. We also wanted the building itself to look at home, even as it expressed its religious, academic and community purpose. And fundamentally, we wanted the building to convey the spirit of the Jewish experience.


Battell Chapel Yale University

New Haven, Connecticut

The architect Russell Sturgis built Battell Chapel for Yale University in 1876. It was much admired then for its gilding, bright stenciling, mosaic tile art, painted and oiled woodwork. In the 1920’s, however, the Victorian interior was painted over to emulate stone, as Yale turned to a Collegiate Gothic style. When the University hired us to renovate Battell’s interior, our initial research yielded clues to the original design hidden underneath. Battell Chapel now accomodated multi-faith services in a setting that serves a diverse religious student body.

Center for American Arts Yale University Art Gallery New Haven, Connecticut

The existing Art Gallery consisted of a four-story 1920’s Renaissance-style building with a 1950 addition designed by Louis Kahn. The only site available for new construction adjacent to the Gallery was Weir Court, a secluded courtyard long considered beautiful for its shape, sense of enclosure and intimacy, and its proximity to the Kahn addition. The design explores the idea of path in a gathering place, and how path might encourage people to move up close to a lecturer, resulting in a sense of intimacy and immediacy.

Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts Old Lyme, Connecticut

The Lyme Academy of Fine Arts is a small college of visual arts located on the main street of Old Lyme, Connecticut, a lovely New England village and home to the American Impressionist school of painting. The Academy has earned a national reputation for a curriculum of study focused on the classical disciplines in drawing, painting, and sculpture. We developed a master plan that envisions a campus integrated into the fabric of its village setting. To its current building complex — an eighteenth century house with various renovated outbuildings and additions — we added new buildings for studios, classrooms, administrative and social uses, and public galleries.

Jonathan Edwards College Dining, Social, Recreational, Performance and Fine Arts Yale University

New Haven, Connecticut

The oldest of Yale’s residential colleges, Jonathan Edwards College was designed in 1932 by James Gamble Rogers. Newman Architects’ renovation of the college renews this architectural treasure to nurture and inspire future generations of Yale students. A new monumental stair hall welcomes students into a revitalized basement social/ recreational complex.

Existing, under utilized basement squash courts were converted into an experimental theater. To improve the dining hall experience, we carved a new servery out of the existing floor area, and performed an extensive renovation of the historic dining commons.

Jonathan Edwards College (continued)

Calhoun College Dining, Social, Recreational, and Performing Arts Yale University

New Haven, Connecticut

At Calhoun College our design solution focused on preservation. Where new architectural interventions were needed, we envisioned the building in the eyes of its original architect John Russell Pope, preserving and enhancing the historic building.

The first floor servery has been redesigned and enlarged, to accommodate a modern food service program. The dining hall has been sensitively restored, inserting environmental





invisible manner. The former basement was reconfigured and expanded below the courtyard to create a cabaret theater, dance studio, fine arts studios and other student life amenities. Calhoun College (continued)

Amistad Street Clinical Research Facility Yale University School of Medicine New Haven, Connecticut

This medical school building provides much needed laboratory space for Yale’s rapidly expanding




Our design of the building shell and core and the reconfiguration of the existing site encourages future development opportunities for the University’s medical community. The building includes a 1000-car parking garage that provides much-needed parking for Yale employees working in this area of the city.

Building interiors in association with consulting architects

Eugene M. and Christine E. Lynn Library Lynn University

Boca Raton, Florida

Lynn University Library was designed to accommodate a 200,000-volume collection while directing human activity in ways that are familiar and congenial to learning. While the library is classical in form and monumental in scale, its materials and building details follow regional traditions. In response to the heat and sun, windows are set deeply into the walls and shaded with metal screens. Screened, shaded porches at the front and rear reflect the local climate and patterns of building use.

Northwest Quadrangle Dining Hall University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut

The new dining hall was conceived as a place with great spatial variety ornamented with changing natural light to allow for a continual sense of discovery and renewal. The two-story ‘Marketplace’ dining hall offers traditional, cafeteria-style dining. It seats 550 students at ground level, and has meeting rooms and a lecture hall on the second floor.

Freeman Athletic Center Wesleyan University Middletown, Connecticut

The Freeman Athletic Center brings together activities once scattered across the Wesleyan campus. It incorporates Wesleyan’s existing hockey rink into a new complex sited at the heart of the University’s playing fields. The new field house, natatorium and administrative center and the existing hockey rink are linked by a main lobby. There is spectator access to the existing grandstand seating in the hockey rink, the new grandstand in the pool and the field house.

Law School Library and Kariotis Hall Northeastern University Boston, Massachusetts

We produced a master plan for the South Campus, which resides amid neighborhood buildings of Boston. A new classroom building, Kariotis Hall, is at the cusp of the master plan, restructuring a point of confluence that is now a gateway to the campus. It bridges the gap in style between its nineteenth century neighbors: mercantile buildings and the sober modern buildings of the university’s southern campus.

The Franklin W. Olin Building College of Business and Administration Alfred University Alfred, New York

The design strengthens the continuity and unity of the Alfred campus while respectfully proposing a new direction. The symmetrical massing, sloping roofs and exterior materials reinforce the existing campus architecture. The building brings faculty and students together in corridors and classrooms. Main entries on two levels and a central, open stair hall serve to connect the building’s pathways.

Curtis Frank Dining Hall Colgate University Hamilton, New York

The building is set on a scenic wooded campus among existing native stone buildings with gabled slate roofs. Located at the end of a major pedestrian axis, Curtis Frank Dining Hall evokes a hill town, with the roof of the main hall acting as a cathedral, and the dining rooms acting as components of a village. Most seating is along edges of paths defined by low walls and banquettes, simultaneously providing privacy and opportunities for engagement with fellow diners.

Dana Addition Case Library Colgate University Hamilton, New York

When it was built in 1958, the Case Library conformed to the notion of a library as a warehouse for books, and its architectural treatment reflected that idea. With our addition, we gave it a heart, reflecting its importance as the center of learning at the University, and a place for imagination. A two-story central reading room is the heart of the library, offering views to the north and access to a variety of reading rooms, ranging from alcoves to an attic loft.

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Yale University

New Haven, Connecticut Under Construction

The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale (BRBL) is an architectural icon and its 500,000 rare books and over one million volumes make it one of the most important research facilities of its kind in the world. The building was originally designed by Gordon Bunshaft of Skidmore Owings and Merrill in 1960 for roughly 25 staff and a modest level of acquisition of rare material. Today, BRBL has close to 90 staff members and acquires roughly 12,000 printed items, 1,000 linear feet of archives and 1,000 individual manuscripts annually. At age 50, BRBL is in need of substantial building envelope remediation as well as full mechanical, plumbing, electrical, security and fire protection system replacement along with programmatic/space utilization changes.

Recreational Complex Fairfield University Fairfield, Connecticut Under Construction

As Fairfield University has grown and student recreational preferences have changed, the university’s




center required expansion and renovation. The redesigned recreational complex incorporates additions and alterations which provide 12,000 square feet of new fitness and activity space. The scope of renovation includes refitting the field house, locker rooms, racquet ball courts, and swimming pool. An elevated jogging track, an important new recreational asset, is to be added to the field house. The new fitness spaces connect to a generous new entry hall. This approach is meant to encourage contact amongst the building’s users and offer a welcoming face fronting the University’s main entrance.

School of Nursing Fairfield University Fairfield, Connecticut Under Construction

The University is expanding the existing 16,471 square foot 1977 facility through a 50,000 square foot addition on four floors. The addition will be linked to the existing school by a two story connector. Newman and Programming Consultant, RGB Architects, worked with the School to identify the following chief goals: a new entry that announces an arrival at the Univeristy; transparent laboratory and simulation spaces to create “science on display� and promote interest in the nursing program amongst current and future students; laboratory spaces that are flexible, adaptable and state of the art; A facility that provides state of the art data and imaging technologies as well as distance and computer based learning.

Numen Lumen Multi-Faith Center Elon University

Elon, North Carolina

Working within an existing architectural vernacular of Elon University’s campus, Newman Architects shaped the new Multi-Faith Center to integrate comfortably into its surroundings. The new center brings campus religions together, stimulates study of intellectual and spiritual traditions, and promotes greater understanding of world cultures they infuse. This center includes main sacred and multi-use gathering spaces that open to each other as well as a complement of teaching spaces, library, and faculty and administrative offices.

Snyder Sanctuary Lynn University

Boca Raton, Florida

The sanctuary serves the spiritual needs of people from all faiths and belief systems, providing a place of refuge and inspiration set apart from the everyday world. It provides the Lynn University community with a place for contemplation, meditation, music, celebration, and dialogue, unaffiliated with traditional religion, where students are encouraged to explore belief and share values. The Snyder Sanctuary design reflects universal spiritual and natural themes, especially the power of a center to gather, of monumentality and light to inspire, and of the beauty of nature to renew and refresh. Every culture and every civilization celebrates humanity’s spiritual nature.

Our Philosophy

As architects, we believe that what we make can improve the lives of people. We want to realize the idea of a better, richer place, made palpable through the shaping of space, place, form, and climate. The places we make reflect our affection for ordinary human interchange and commerce, and for what lies beneath. People need to belong to something larger, to make connections with others and the world, and to make order out of chaos. So the architecture they inhabit needs to represent something larger than either the individual or the group, yet provide places where they can both be themselves and recognize the social and cultural structures that surround them.

Design Process

Team Structure An open office environment supports our ‘studio’ style organization, with staff grouped into teams supporting principals-in-charge to address project challenges in a flexible manner - delivering talent where needed, when needed, with efficiency and effectiveness. We add consultants to the team as each project progresses to provide the right engineering and specialty expertise for the task.

Consensus Building We listen. We meet regularly with stake-holders to gather essential project information and to assist with decision making, building the essential consensus to move the project forward to completion. Our communication and coordination skills achieve success with complex constellations of constituency groups and in demanding regulatory environments.

Building Information Modeling - BIM Newman Architects was an early adopter of 3-D Building Information Modeling to support our design process. We use BIM for all projects, enhancing our ability to study a variety of project alternatives quickly, to monitor project scope and cost, to improve coordination and reduce conflicts, and to support enhanced project visualization. With MEPF systems coordinated in 3-D, our BIM models have reduced contractor bids, construction clashes during construction and anticipated construction costs.

Integrated Delivery We use our leadership in 3-D design to support the construction process. We are participating in the development of new practices in the delivery of architectural projects, collaborating with construction managers at all phases of design, bidding, and construction, utilizing BIM as the common platform for communication of intention and realization.

Design Visualization We employ a wide range of powerful visualization methods to help our clients and ourselves understand and test design concepts and alternatives, including: physical and virtual modeling, photo-realistic synthetic imaging and fly-over and tour-though animation.

Public Outreach We have developed an extensive repertoire of skills and tools for helping institutions successfully present to the public and to obtain community acceptance of proposed projects.

Cost and Schedule Control We maintain control of cost and schedule through a range of tools and processes. We specify the creative use of testing and mockups to verify feasibility and constructability; early setting and periodic review of project schedules together with the use of Microsoft Project scheduling tools; early setting, benchmark testing, and periodic review of budgets; rigorous and regular risk assessment at each project phase; and BIM systems that export detailed information about scope to guide estimating and procurement. We have also gathered extensive experience with alternative procurement and contractdelivery strategies that can speed schedules and reduce cost, including: fast-track documentation, design-build, early enabling projects, and early-purchasing.

Quality Control We employ an arsenal of quality-control techniques, including: a detailed office design and procedures manual; outside code/regulatory reviews; internal third-party document reviews of our work and that of our consultants at each project phase to ensure correctness, coordination, and constructability; coordination with project CM’s in developing and checking documents; and BIM systems that unify project information in single models and greatly reduce opportunities for conflicts.

“It is not surprising that Newman Architects has received so many honors and awards for their work. New buildings speak clearly of their own time and respect for another time, particularly when historic buildings are nearby. The firm has been keenly aware of the needs of very different clients and of the message they are trying to convey whether they be sponsors of affordable housing, city fathers, travelers or educators. The overarching impression is a firm deeply attuned to the public good, aware of the impact of their work and determined to be responsive. There is a generosity of spirit in Newman’s approach to architecture and planning that sets them apart; that fact becomes clear when reviewing the range of their contributions for the last twenty years.“ Colin G. Campbell President and CEO, Colonial Williamsburg Former President, Wesleyan University & Rockefeller Brothers Fund In all my experiences with Newman Architects I have found them to be good listeners, enthusiastic team players, rigorous researchers, clever innovators, and resourceful implementers. They understand human behavior and care deeply about the special needs of young people. They understand how buildings can increase student community and expand educational opportunities, and how to make campuses the inspiring and memorable places that change lives. They also understand how to collaborate effectively with university constituencies, expert design consultants, professional teams, builders, and municipal agencies to draw out institutional aspirations, articulate goals, and achieve consensus for moving forward. Their designs and constructions elegantly express the aspirations of their collaborators and admirably carry out intended missions. Kemel Dawkins Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark Campus

“The design by Newman Architects has been a resounding aesthetic and functional success. The result came because your firm went above and beyond the call in listening to neighbors and other stakeholders and to make sure that their concerns were both heard and addressed in the design.” Michael Morand Associate V.P. Yale University

Our design process lead by you was successful because you brought together three very distinct departments into one building almost immediately. It is clear that the entire Newman team takes pride and ownership in the projects that it designs and takes responsibility for the success of the project through construction and well beyond. Newman has proven that it can meet any design and construction challenge and achieve a successful outcome through its approach and philosophy but ultimately it is the people of Newman that made the Project a success that will endure for many years to come. “ Alan Rubacha Senior Project Manager, Wesleyan University

300 York Street, New Haven, CT 06511



1054 31st Street NW, Suite 140, Washington, DC 20007 www.newmanarchitects.com © 2017



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