Sustainability in Architecture

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STAMFORD PORCH: ‘Solar Trees’ utilize photovoltaic panels to create a canopy in a public space. 4




OUR PERSPECTIVE Newman Architects provides programming, master planning, architectural and interior design services. A knowledge-driven practice, Newman Architects works to make evocative, thoughtful, and sustainable places that advance human well-being and environmental preservation. With a focus on architecture for community, work, and learning, and completed projects in cities and town and on campuses across the United States, the quality of our work has been acknowledged with over 150 design awards. Newman Architects has offices in New Haven, Connecticut, and Washington, DC.

PHILOSOPHY Through our work, we strive to improve the lives of people: to realize the idea of a better, richer place, made palpable through the shaping of space, place, form, and climate. People thrive when they make meaningful connections with others and the world - physically and symbolically - when they experience that they belong to something larger than themselves. As part of the world, architecture can reveal this quality of belonging. It can give shape to the existence of something larger than either the individual or the group; and it can provide places where people can find themselves within the complex environmental systems that surround them.

SAFEGUARDING THE FUTURE Climate change is the overarching challenge to humanity in the 21st century. We seek to leverage the power of our work to address what is an existential challenge to life and our world. We recognize our obligation as architects and designers to conserve valuable resources, sustain life, and manage change. The built environment we create must contribute to making a world that will sustain life and foster environmental equity. Human activity, while it can lead to depletion of the earth, also has the potential to exist in accord with it - through energy independence, responsible resource use, and the conservation of species and habitat. Inherent in our design trajectory is the realization of this goal, as we pursue human health and quality of life as fundamental design objectives. We are committed to a future where buildings generate the energy they require to operate and treat and reuse wastewater and harvest rainwater on-site. We strive to make buildings that are more comfortable for occupants, more economical to operate, and that will not compromise the health and prosperity of future generations. Newman Architects is committed to contributing to the safeguarding of the future.





ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY Our existence depends on having an environment that will sustain and nurture life. Every built intervention changes the world upon which we depend. Through our work, we seek to create value and to support wellbeing for those living now, and to protect the opportunity for those who follow us to do the same. That is the essence of sustainability and the goal of a sustainable design approach. KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT Advancing sustainability by increasing our knowledge and improving our design process is a continuous effort. Our project teams bring to each project an underlying awareness of environmentally responsible material and systems selection and design detail. We nurture this approach through internal knowledge sharing, by making investments in continuing education, and cultivating a passion for learning. SUPPORTING COMMUNITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL EQUITY Environmental stewardship can foster social equity by making a sustainable environment accessible to all. We strive to be a contributing member of the communities in which we live and work. We encourage our staff to provide pro bono services to their neighborhood associations, schools, and their town and city boards. When we team with local architects and engineers, we leverage local resources to create new knowledge that is culturallyresponsive and place-specific.


OUR TRAJECTORY By advancing sustainability, we seek to be engaged in creating solutions that will improve the future. We are achieving this by promoting: • integrative teamwork to identify and implement solutions • healthy, safe, and responsibly sourced and manufactured materials • restoration and preservation of the natural environment, wildlife, and dark skies • strategic connection to mass transit and bicycle infrastructure • decarbonization of the energy sector by divestment of fossil fuel driven building systems • elimination of harmful refrigerants and greenhouse gases from building systems • conservation and innovative management of water as a resource • accommodation and support of personal and social development and community interaction • responsiveness to human needs and aspirations • sensitivity to physical and cultural settings



INTEGRATIVE PROCESS Newman Architects uses an integrative design process that weaves sustainability into every phase of design, construction, and building operations, with clearly defined goals guiding the process in order to optimize project outcomes.

SETTING GOALS Early in the design process of each project, we establish whole team consensus on sustainability goals appropriate to the project, and plan the process to ensure that we have the opportunity to accomplish those goals in successive phases. INTERDISCIPLINARY MULTI-STAKEHOLDER APPROACH Inherent to integrative design is the principle that the many discrete systems that comprise buildings are interdependent and exist to serve overarching goals. An interdisciplinary multi-stakeholder approach seeks solutions that result from the shared knowledge, insights, and ideas of the many specialized engineers and other designers and constructors needed to create the built environment. We identify the key stakeholders, and plan for their input in the design process. This group includes design engineers, users, owners, builders, and building operators. We foster innovation and problem-solving through listening and testing ideas. We encourage designers to listen to builders, users, and building operators, and for all to learn and create together in a shared enterprise.


A NON-LINEAR NON-TRADITIONAL PROCESS We use design charrettes and workshops to invite participation, encourage collaboration, stimulate creativity, establish priorities, and identify needs and goals, to explore alternatives, and to expedite design, consensus and decision-making. We plan and manage these events to build understanding and appreciation of the opportunities to discover and to optimize the value inherent in each project. MODELING AND EVALUATION Integrative design identifies and tracks information-gathering, undertakes analysis and evaluation by modeling alternatives as a basis for decision-making. Integrative design identifies the value created by each component of a project, considering cost, human health, performance over time, and the responsible use of resources. VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION It is usual for the efficiency of systems to decline in the years following initial occupancy. Integrative design extends beyond project turnover to verify on a regular basis that systems are meeting their design goals. Post-occupancy evaluation identifies deviations between intended protocols and actual operations practice, and creates an environment for improving actual systems performance and processes of operation, providing ongoing upgrades and increased efficiencies over time. We educate owners and encourage them to engage in measurement, verification, and commissioning, in an effort to validate and maintain performance over time.


THE VALUE OF HIGH PERFORMANCE MEASURING COST AND ASSESSING VALUE The differences in cost and value between a high performance building and an identical conventional building depend on a number of complex factors. With increased recognition of the benefits of high performance design and construction, have come higher values and better returns for building owners who invest in high performance. Through the collection and analysis of data, the process of benchmarking projects to environmental standards has also created strong precedent for yet higher levels of performance. Due to the increased recognition and adoption by the construction industry of benchmarking systems like LEED and The Living Building Challenge, we now have access to a rich and rapidly growing database of building performance metrics including cost savings. Newman Architects utilizes benchmarking techniques as part of a best practices process in every project that we design to optimize sustainability goals. BALANCING LIFE CYCLE AND UPFRONT COST Buildings that are designed to operate efficiently and are commissioned periodically to ensure proper operation will save money over the long term. When establishing high performance strategies, we assess life cycle cost savings and available incentives in comparison to added upfront costs. In many instances, cost premiums associated with green building can be recovered quickly. For example, because photovoltaic panel costs are dropping and performance is increasing, the return on investment (ROI) is improving rapidly. We work closely with clients and expert consultants to help determine the duration before a ROI will be seen - or perhaps how a building might start to generate profit via on-site power generation. Other ways that healthy, efficient buildings deliver direct, measurable cost benefits include increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, improved occupant cognition, and reduced healthcare costs. 8

MARKET INFLUENCE At every evolution of performance standards and efficiency codes, the bar is raised and a cost premium typically results. Then, as we adjust to the new standard and code, the market adapts and costs decrease. Quite simply, this cycle sparks innovation and progress. One of the main purposes of benchmarking is to drive markets by increasing the demand for more efficient and more transparent products. The market response to early versions of LEED is evident in the level of progress that has been made since its introduction in the mid-90’s. LEED has presented a challenge to engineers of building systems and that challenge has been met, exceeded, and solutions proven. As demand for sustainable buildings increases over time, buildings demonstrating increased environmental performance will likely be worth more than those meeting only minimum standards. SURPASSING THE STATUS QUO The ways we interact with the world we live in, both built and natural, are changing rapidly. The renewable energy industry is small by comparison to fossil fuels, however the transition to renewable energy is inevitable. Benchmarking has contributed to the momentum, and the trajectory is expected to continue regardless of policy and climate change debate. Building owners, along with designers, continue to identify undeniable correlations between building performance and positive gains for the triple bottom line the social, the ecological, and the financial.


CLIMATE RESPONSIVE DESIGN (1) The impact of the built environment on the earth’s resources is significant – buildings consume enormous resources, generate vast amounts of waste and pollution, and affect human health directly. The building sector in the United States accounts for approximately 39% of annual carbon emissions and 70% of annual electricity consumption (Source: US Green Building Council.) For this reason, it also has the greatest potential to decrease emissions and consumption through thoughtful design that addresses and, in some instances, adapts to the world’s changing climate. The challenge for the construction industry lies in creating comfortable and healthy indoor environments while curtailing energy, water, and resource demand at the same time. Responsibility and awareness toward climate and environment are embedded in our design decisions; this mindfulness informs decisions at multiple scales in our work. We are committed to reducing the carbon footprint of our practice and to the deployment of responsible design through research, innovation, and the use of best practices.

SITE AND CONTEXT A focus on site embodies the principles of climate responsive design by analyzing the known environmental data of a proposed building’s immediate surroundings, and using this data to inform the design. Inherent to our process is sensitivity to the sacredness of place, a building’s relationship to the sun and climate, and creating a responsive dialogue between the site and the built intervention. Simply placing and orienting a building properly on its site can reduce heating and cooling loads, capitalize on passive solar energy, assist in managing stormwater and erosion, maximize the harvest of rainwater for reuse within the building, support plant life around the building, and protect land and wildlife resources. 10

Building siting can contribute to measurable improvements in the health and overall thermal and visual comfort of its inhabitants. Visual connections to nature and daylighting to support the human circadian rhythm have been proven to enhance productivity in employees, to facilitate learning in students, and to shorten healing times.

BUILDING ENVELOPE AND ENERGY In both new buildings and the renovation of existing buildings, designing an insulated and properly glazed envelope is a critical step in reducing energy consumption and improving the comfort of building occupants. As the interface between the outdoor environment and indoor spaces of a building, the building envelope functions as a weather and thermal barrier, and plays an important role in determining the amount of energy required to maintain comfortable interior environments. A building envelope that is designed appropriately for climate conditions and the movement of moisture, air, vapor, and thermal energy improves energy performance through optimizing the heating and cooling loads, reducing the size of mechanical equipment, aiding in the management of relative humidity, capturing daylight to lessen the need for artificial light during the day, and tuning the location and type of glazing to capture or reject heat gain when it is most beneficial.

CARBON AND ATMOSPHERE The building sector has the potential to dramatically curtail both direct and indirect carbon, refrigerant emissions, and greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon is only one consideration - emissions can also affect the ozone layer, and increase ocean acidification, smog formation, and eutrophication. Direct emissions are those from sources that are owned directly by a building owner. Indirect emissions are those that are a consequence of the activities of a building owner, but which occur at sources owned by other entities. Embodied carbon is the total carbon footprint of a material from extraction through disposal. Managing embodied carbon by selectively demolishing only what is no longer usable is an effective step in the reduction of new carbon emissions. Many of our projects leave existing materials intact, which is beneficial both in preserving valuable historic building stock and in retaining embodied carbon. A major challenge - technical, aesthetic, and economic - for the renovation of existing building is the improvement of envelope performance without creating unintentional moisture migration, which can contribute to mold growth and structural deterioration. The reduction of carbon-based energy consumption through all phases – beginning with a design approach that optimizes building efficiency, clean construction processes, recycling of demolition and construction waste, the use of renewable energy sources, and commissioning during operational phases - means that our projects directly contribute to carbon reduction in the atmosphere.



CLIMATE RESPONSIVE DESIGN (2) WATER CONSERVATION Water is a critical, non-renewable resource. Buildings and related activity such as agriculture and industry consume a tremendous amount of potable water each year. In 2012, large commercial buildings, those with an area greater than 200,000 square feet, in the United States consumed 980 million gallons per day alone, which equates to an annual consumption of 359 billion gallons (Source: CBECS 2012). There are many ways that building designers and owners can dramatically reduce potable water consumption, and in some cases, reach net zero water design. Buildings that are designed for net-zero water treat all discharge waste and generate their own potable water supply. Whether a conventional or net-zero building, the first step to water conservation is to minimize demand through the use of low-flow, WaterSense fixtures and appliances, addressing occupant behavior, and displacing water intensive vegetation with more drought resistant species that eliminate the need for irrigation. A wide range of further strategies can be implemented to offset demand. These include rainwater harvesting and greywater reclamation for reuse in non-potable fixtures such as toilets and cooling towers, on-site wastewater treatment which can potentially treat greywater and rainwater, and in some more rare instances, on-site blackwater treatment through biological filtration systems.


Basic water conservation measures are feasible and reasonable in cost for the majority of buildings, and in some areas of the country, the payback period on these systems is relatively short. Storage, seasonal variations in precipitation, and supply drawdown can be challenging and most municipalities have stringent requirements for water reuse. During the decision-making process, it is also important to consider the future, when, in the face of climate change and global population growth, water supply will be less reliable and more scarce than it is today. LAND AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION Newman Architects is committed to efforts of preservation of the natural world. We bring to the conversation knowledge of a number of critical issues, including the avoidance of suburban sprawl that destroys habitat and displaces wildlife, the restoration and preservation of green space and farmland, and the protection of wetlands. We have a people-oriented approach to landscape and site, focusing on safe and pedestrian-friendly movement, and we specify lighting that conserves dark sky conditions, which is integral to the welfare of not only nocturnal and migratory creatures, but also of human beings.

RESILIENCE, ADAPTABILITY, AND DURABILITY Current trends of rising temperatures, imperiled air quality, and erratic and more extreme weather conditions, necessitate a paradigm shift in the way the built environment is conceived. We seek to design projects with the capacity to accommodate changing environmental conditions over time, with the flexibility to respond to both the changing needs of users and uncertainties of climate change. Increasingly, building owners need to deal with larger and more frequent natural disasters, power outages, and other climate-related occurrences. As one example, buildings that can serve as thermal batteries in outages, that exist off the grid through net-zero design, and have been designed to withstand changing weather, are becoming exemplars of best practice. We endeavor to create buildings that are resilient, adaptable, and durable. Anticipating the future requires creative and critical thinking, but also relies upon scientific analysis of known data and material characteristics, embracing new technology, and designing of operational systems that can ensure the long term performance of a project. This performance is measured not only against increased climatic stresses, but against maintenance and replacement expectations over building lifetime.


DESIGN FOR WELLNESS Wellness and health are integral to the goals of high-performance design. At Newman Architects, we believe that making building environments healthy and safe is part of best practice for good design. We endeavor to mitigate detrimental health impacts on humans and wildlife while designing to protect the atmosphere, to conserve energy, and to responsibly manage resources.

HEALTH AND INDOOR ENVIRONMENT The average person will spend 90% of their lifetime inside buildings. Given that considerable duration, Newman Architects strives to ensure the interior environments we design are healthy and safe. Much of our work portfolio serves vulnerable populations, including children and the elderly. These people often have weaker immune systems, less stable hygiene habits, respiratory afflictions, and sensory impairments, which makes it imperative that our design practice be attentive to the challenge of preserving good health. The principles of building science are being integrated increasingly into the design process, resulting in highly insulated and airtight building envelopes that prevent energy loss through windows and walls. This reduction of building infiltration and exfiltration can lead to the unintended accumulation of toxic emissions from products when ventilation is insufficient, and consequently to potential health problems for building occupants. We are committed to using low-toxicity, low-emitting materials in all of the buildings we design, and we know that, the less permeable the building envelope, the more critical this becomes. The mechanical system must supply tempered, fresh air for occupants to breathe and to properly exhaust dirty air from the


building (or in some cases filter it for recycling.) We work closely with consulting engineers to ensure that the building envelope and mechanical system work in concert.

MATERIALS TRANSPARENCY Many common building materials and products can be harmful to human health subject to level and duration of exposure. Beginning in the 1970’s, a relatively small group of materials have come under bans and regulations for their health effects, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The Living Future Institutes’s ‘Red List’ identifies known toxic chemicals that should be avoided in buildings, and guides designers in making the best available choices. However, only a small percentage of the over 80,000 commercial chemicals used in the United States have been tested for toxicity. Sustainability initiatives are driving manufacturers toward more transparency in product extraction and composition, which enables designers to make more informed choices. The number of manufacturers committed to transparency is increasing and they are now releasing information voluntarily through programs like ‘Declare.’ A Declare label provides information about product composition, health impacts, locations of manufacture and sourcing, and mechanisms for disposal. Many designers and architects also employ the ‘Precautionary Principle,’ which states that products should not be released to market until they are accepted as safe.

The transport, handling, and disposal of toxic materials can affect other lifeforms downstream. We look for transparency documentation from manufacturers, and consider this information when specifying materials.

ACTIVE DESIGN AND OCCUPANT BEHAVIOR Sedentary life have become much more common, and research has shown that its negative effect on human health is significant. When buildings prompt more active behavior, such as using stairs rather than an elevator, they offer occupants an opportunity to increase their daily movement and improve their health. Human behavior within a building also directly influences energy performance over time. Setting expectations and establishing behaviors are two important aspects of high performance building. For example, occupants may need to be educated about how the items they plug in will affect the overall electricity demand of the building, or be introduced to a new technology that dims the lights automatically when daylight is sufficient. Building elements such as monumental stairs, energy dashboards, advanced lighting controls, and pedestrian friendly outdoor spaces engage occupants in health-improving activity, encourage interaction with the built environment and one another, and create behavioral accountability in the operation and performance of the building they share.



BUILDING PERFORMANCE Newman Architects uses a range of tools to create value and promote creative collaboration at every stage of the design and construction process. The speed of communication and idea generation that these tools support is critical in modeling building performance as it expedites information sharing with specialists, who develop predictive modeling and scientifically analyze the results. A receptive setting for adapting to the newest design practices and tools fosters collaboration between teams combining talents and perspectives.

BENCHMARKING Benchmarking is the practice of measuring the performance of a building design using many parameters and against established standards, and then using these measures to assess and inform improvements in the design process and subsequently in the operations of the building. Benchmarking provides a framework in which to evaluate the impact of the building in a number of categories over its lifetime: energy use, material sourcing and health, transit, greenhouse gas emissions, land use, water consumption, community development, and the associated costs and environmental impacts – emphasizing the importance of building performance and human health. Our teams have utilized a variety of benchmarking programs. These include both voluntary programs such as the LEED Building Rating System and EPA ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, as well as mandated equivalency programs for government-funded projects.



BIM AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS We use three-dimensional Building Information Modeling (BIM) for most of the projects we produce, with Autodesk Revit as our preferred platform. This type of modeling informs discussions and collaboration that enable analysis to occur, including climate analysis, energy modeling, and life-cycle analysis. Designing in three dimensions allows whole project simulation, supports early design decisions, and reveals conflicts and issues with advanced notice. BIM also enables the accurate mapping of conditions and resources, the evaluation of alternative solutions, and the assessment of energy efficiency measures


BUILDING COMMISSIONING AND OWNER OPERATION Energy loss in buildings is often caused by improper systems calibration and operator error. The ability to monitor and control the building systems can vastly improve performance and environmental impact; conserving energy, water, and reducing their corollary costs. Commissioning, a practice which verifies that buildings are constructed to operate as designed, is integral to the benchmarking process. Most benchmarking systems require a basic level of commissioning. Three-dimensional models can also help owners better operate their buildings, particularly when taking into account the rapidly expanding potential for interfacing between models and sensor based buildings system controls. Through certifying and benchmarking, building owners commit to continuing maintenance, calibrated metering, and taking responsibility for building performance. We encourage our clients to pursue certifications and to verify the systems for mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire safety, lighting, and building envelope to achieve optimum energy performance.


SIXTEEN CORE STRATEGIES Sustainable design involves the complex interplay of a range of factors, which we explore in an integrated process at each phase of programming, project definition, design and construction.


Access/Parking Locate developments near existing or planned transit and near diverse uses/amenities. Encourage mass transit development. Incentivize carpooling and low emitting vehicles.

Green and Open Space Reduce heat island effect, manage stormwater runoff. Provide outdoor space. Protect and restore habitat and wildlife.

Energy Optimization Design mechanical systems to maintain comfort and reduce operating costs. Model systems for verification. Manage demand and plug loads.

Commissioning /Verification Engage in design and construction phase commissioning as well as ongoing commissioning over project life. Retro-commission existing buildings and systems.

Site Selection Preserve and protect sensitive land types such a wetlands and prime farmland. Redevelop brownfields and avoid greenfield development

Bicycle Infrastructure Connect to local bicycle network/paths. Provide secure bicycle storage on site, and provide showers for cyclists.

Measurement/Metering Track and manage energy and water use at submetering level.

Renewable Energy Deploy on-site renewables such as solar, wind, groundsource. Purchase green power and carbon offsets.

Summarized here are sixteen core sustainability strategies that are commonly considered in the projects we undertake, depending on relevance and scope.

Material and Waste Management Divert waste from landfill and manage waste stream through recycling and reuse. Manage materials purchasing and procurement.

Lighting Use efficient lamping and fixtures. Lighting quality and robust controls for user comfort and responsiveness to climate. Minimize outdoor light pollution with proper fixture specification.

Indoor Environmental Quality Install low emitting materials and prohibit smoking. Provide thermal comfort controls. Manage particulates with filtration and entrance mats. Address acoustic performance.

Daylight and Views Provide access to useful daylight. Minimize glare. Develop daylight autonomy to reduce electric lighting load. Provide access to quality views.

Materials Transparency Ensure the responsible sourcing, manufacture, and composition of building products

Water Use Reduce, measure, and monitor water use. Reuse and manage greywater, rainwater, and blackwater. Reduce irrigation demand.

Refrigerant Management Reduce or eliminate the use of ozone depleting greenhouse gas (CFC/HCFC) based refrigerants in cooling and refrigeration equipment.

Innovation/Regional Priority Develop innovative approaches to project such as education programs and exemplary category performance. Address regionspecific issues.




SUSTAINABILITY PORTFOLIO Of the many projects Newman Architects has designed or completed to meet sustainability and high performance criteria, this portfolio illustrates eight. These are:







2012 - LEED BD+C v3 GOLD








NEW HAVEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS NEW HAVEN CONNECTICUT EPA ENERGY STAR RATED CT HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPLIANT AIA CT DESIGN AWARD AIA NEW ENGLAND CITATION FOR DESIGN EXCELLENCE Set in an old inner urban neighborhood, this 21st century school is both community center and school. Brick masses rise from and hover above the ground plane, framing places of entry and glass-clad volumes, expressive of the interior life of the school. Anticipating the possibility of teaching and learning occurring as much outside the classroom as in it, the school is shaped by evidence regarding the effect of the physical environment on learning. On a sloping site there are entrances on two levels, and designed as a series of neighborhoods, each age cohort has a place of its own. A roof terrace serves the curriculum and the natural environment. Shared spaces are organized around a central gymnasium, and sound-absorbing glass ensures that from the entrances to the school at both levels there are interior vistas visually linking all the important shared functions, creating an environment conducive to ‘situational awareness.’


SUSTAINABLE DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS • Siting and building form optimize solar exposure • Outdoor play yard and educational gardens • Accessible vegetated roof • On-site rainwater retention, pervious paving • Locally-sourced, recycled, and low-emitting materials • High performance envelope, exterior shading devices to mitigate heat gain, and photosensor controlled interior shades to improve visual comfort • Balanced window-to-wall ratio for energy efficiency and maximized usable daylight harvesting • Energy costs savings 28% compared to ASHRAE baseline • EPA ENERGY STAR Performance Rating of 77 • Sensor-based lighting controls and efficient lamps • Variable refrigerant flow chilled beam system for heating and cooling (elimination of ducts reduces building volume and energy load) • Variable frequency drive motors/pumps

23 EAST ROCK COMMUNITY MAGNET SCHOOL, NEW HAVEN, CT: South side facing sun and city park



Rated a Sierra Club Cool School for its commitment to sustainability, Oberlin College intended that this new residence hall set a new standard for environmental stewardship on its campus. As a model of sustainable design, and as an environment for learning about and practicing sustainability, Kahn Hall is a 150 bed residence hall that combines traditional and new models of campus residential life. Comprising doubles bedrooms and common bath facilities, there is also a variety of other social spaces for gathering, meetings, classes, and study, as well as two faculty families-in-residence apartments. The population is divided into 5 houses, each with a light filled social/dining “hub” located at the house entry and separate study “cove” at the quiet end of the wing. Individual resident controls include operable windows with interlocks to heating/ cooling, flow-through chimney ventilation, and multiple lighting levels. Informational displays let residents manage energy consumption and track progress in conservation. 24

SUSTAINABLE DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS • Stormwater retention, bioswales, pervious paving, wetland and habitat preservation • Drought resistant, native plantings with no permanent irrigation • Reduced building footprint • White membrane roof and high-performance (R22) envelope • 89% construction/demolition waste diversion • Locally-sourced, low-emitting materials, high recycled content • Effective and balanced daylight harvesting and views of nature • Exterior shading devices to mitigate heat gain and interior shades to improve visual comfort • Energy cost savings of 24.5% compared to ASHRAE baseline. • Rooftop solar thermal and photovoltaic arrays • EnergyStar appliances • Sensor-based lighting controls and efficient lamps • VAV ventilation with heat recovery, FCU with individual thermal controls • Passive ventilation and operable windows • Sub-metering of electrical and water use • Variable-frequency drive motors/pumps • Inter-house competition for energy and water use with real-time monitoring




This design-build addition to a residence hall houses 190 first year students in single, double and triple rooming arrangements. Its main level provides study and social spaces, and a cafe lounge. The project includes an innovative green roof research platform as part of its focus on sustainable design and construction. Supporting ongoing research efforts by UMBC faculty and graduate students, the green roof and an identically-sized control area each have dedicated drainage systems and rainwater quantity and quality measurement devices enable researchers to document annual storm water retention by the green roof, monitoring runoff from the green and control portions of the roof and comparing them in terms of quantity and quality. Storm water retention totals and storm hydrographs are displayed in the building lobby and the monitoring facility is available for educational tours for faculty and students.


SUSTAINABLE DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS • Outdoor recreation spaces and gardens • Drought resistant, native plantings with no permanent irrigation • Stormwater retention and treatment through bio-filtration • Accessible vegetated roof with associated research equipment • Easily accessed via public transportation • Water use reduction of 40% compared to EPAct 1992 baseline • Locally-sourced, low-emitting materials, high recycled content • Exterior shading devices to mitigate heat gain and interior shades to improve visual comfort • Views of nature from regularly occupied spaces • High-performance exterior envelope and roof assemblies Energy cost savings 36% compared to ASHRAE baseline • Sensor-based lighting controls • Individual temperature and lighting controls • VAV ventilation with heat recovery, fan coil units with individual room controls • Renewable energy certificates to offset environmental impact




A LEED Platinum Certified project, Boger Hall is the re-purposing of an historic McKim Mead and White squash court building, expanded with a narrow addition, now a new campus destination for academic classrooms, offices, and career center. The high spaces of the squash building were well suited for adaption to teaching spaces and libraries. They also allowed the introduction of mezzanines for office and support uses. Extensive exterior restoration of the building’s classical main façade preserved its role as an anchor to the University’s historic “College Row” and enhanced the facade along the pedestrian promenade while energizing a major campus pathway with adjoining outdoor spaces. Boger Hall’s environmental performance is distributed well across all aspects of the LEED Rating System, but the design especially emphasizes energy conservation, sensitivity to site, and indoor environmental quality.


SUSTAINABLE DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS • Stormwater management via vegetated roof • Drought resistant, native plantings with no permanent irrigation • Pedestrian-oriented site, pervious paving • No new parking, preferred LE/FE parking • Low-flow water fixtures yielding 30% water savings over EPA baseline • 90% construction/demolition waste diversion • Existing building reuse • Locally-sourced, recycled, and low-emitting materials • High performance envelope, exterior shading devices to mitigate heat gain, and interior shades to improve visual comfort • Effective and balanced daylight harvesting and views of nature • Energy cost savings of 44% compared to ASHRAE baseline • Sensor-based lighting controls and efficient lamps yielding a 30% electricity cost savings • Dedicated outdoor air with energy recovery and demand control, four-pipe chilled beam heating/cooling • Radiant floors in high volume spaces for thermal comfort • Variable frequency drive motors/pumps



MIXED-USE RESIDENTIAL TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT MERIDEN. CONNECTICUT DESIGNED TO EARN ENERGY STAR RATING This mixed-use project is located opposite a train station in the small city of Meriden, which is located midway between the cities of New Haven and Hartford in Connecticut. Viewed as a model “smart growth” project and a catalyst to downtown rehabilitation, this project was the product of planning and support by both State and City. The project includes a mix of uses: 100 units of housing with retail and professional office spaces and a parking structure that supports commuter, resident, and local shopping uses. A planning strategy using courtyards and liner buildings complements the low-rise downtown building fabric, using an architectural language that reflects both the 19th century scale and texture of the adjacent historic buildings and 21st century design needs and imperatives.


SUSTAINABLE DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS • Building site and mass optimizing solar exposure • Alternative transportation access • Storm water retention • Outdoor public gathering spaces • Drought-tolerant/native plantings, micro-drip irrigation • Pervious paving • LED, dark-sky compliant , full cut-off site lighting • WaterSense labeled plumbing fixtures • Low-emitting, recycled materials • Energy cost savings of 15% compared to ASHRAE baseline • High-performance exterior envelope (blowerdoor tested) • High performance glazing system • Sensor-based lighting controls and efficient lamps • ENERGY STAR appliances • Geothermal/ground source heat pump system • High-efficiency hydronic heating distribution

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UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT STORRS, CONNECTICUT LEED BD+C GOLD CERTIFIED CT HIGH PERFORMANCE BUILDING COMPLIANT CTGBC 2017 INSTITUTIONAL GREEN BUILDING AWARD OF HONOR The design for this new Residence Hall at the University of Connecticut is guided by a goal of fostering connections among its residents, and with those for whom the building is a learning environment. The architecture aims to facilitate new pedagogies through placemaking: with evolving, dynamic spaces that adapt to incubate a culture of collaboration and academic success. Eight Living & Learning Communities provide a home to 720 STEM students, and incorporate the NextGen Forum, Idea Lab, Maker Space, and Learning Community Innovation Zone to advance research programs and support both individual and group endeavors, in addition to the residential program. The building scheme organizes student living floors to cluster common uses as hubs of activity, and a lively main floor of “all house” and academic spaces connects to outdoor gathering spaces and pathways.


SUSTAINABLE DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS • Courtyards with space for future agriculture and accessible vegetated roofs • Drought resistant, native plantings with no permanent irrigation • Stormwater quality control through biofiltration • Water use reduction 50% below EPAct 1992 baseline. • Greywater recovery system for cooling towers and flushing(replaces 19,000 gals./day) • 97% construction/demolition waste diversion • Locally-sourced, recycled, and low-emitting materials • Exterior shading devices to mitigate heat gain and interior shades to improve visual comfort • Views of nature from regularly occupied spaces • Energy cost savings of 18.8% compared to ASHRAE baseline • High-performance exterior envelope and roof assemblies • Rooftop solar thermal and 57kW PV array • Sensor-based lighting controls and efficient lamps • Dedicated-outside-air ventilation with heat recovery, convection valence units with individual room controls • Variable-frequency drive motors/pumps



Set in a park-like setting on a bucolic small town main street, the original library, built in 1903, is red brick, Beaux-Arts, and diminutive yet monumental. Behind the 1903 building lay a series of additions, forming a series of spaces too small, disjointed, and too inflexible to meet needs of a library for the future. In both the new and old, this design melds library fabric with town life. The new library addition forms connections. It has multiple points of entry - from Main Street, a side street, parking lot, and lower parking lot. All lead directly to a single organizing node where each of the components of the library meet. Large areas of glass enable people to see in and out and frame views so that the townscape becomes part of the interior architecture.


SUSTAINABLE DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS • Open space maximized and parking limited • Redeveloped brownfield • Outdoor, public gathering spaces • Drought resistant, native plantings with no permanent irrigation • Low-flow water fixtures yielding 35% water savings over EPA baseline • 75% construction/demolition waste diversion • Locally-sourced, recycled, and low-emitting materials • Exterior shading devices to mitigate heat gain and interior shades to improve visual comfort • Views of nature from regularly occupied spaces • Energy cost savings of 24% compared to ASHRAE baseline • High-performance exterior envelope and roof assemblies • Outside air delivery monitoring • Dedicated outdoor air with energy recovery and demand control, variable refrigerant flow heat pump system for heating and cooling • Sensor-based lighting controls and efficient lamps • Variable-frequency drive motors/pumps • Renewable energy certificates to offset environmental impact





Our design proposed a grove of solar “trees”, whose canopy creates an urban porch. As trees gather the sun and nourish our environment with oxygen, absorb and filter waters to purify and nourish our soils, and provide refuge from the wind and the sun, our solar trees provide these functions as well as providing a refuge from the hustle and bustle of modern life. The solar porch provide Stamford’s Mill River Park with a year round attraction, contributing as a public resource and a magnet, energizing the growing population of the Mill River Park region. The “Porch” is a celebration of the Park and the City. It is public, sustainable, environmental art that encourages people to become part of the art.


SUSTAINABLE DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS • Solar trees serve several functions to enhance occupant experience and minimize environmental impacts • Each tree within the grove is oriented optimally to capture solar energy throughout the year • Photovoltaic panels mounted to the tree canopies generate electric power which is used on-site to power site features such as the carousel • Tree orientation optimized to shade occupants spending time in the grove • The surface of each tree also provides a tertiary function to collect and direct rainwater into a underground cistern where it is kept for reuse on site • The location for the grove is easily accessible by foot, bike, and mass transit, which encourages community engagement in an energy and water independent installation

Trunks are engineered, pre-cast concrete pylons

Prefabricated photovoltaic (PV) panels and glazing are bolted to steel frame ( PV array is adaptable as new technologies develop) Solar trees angled and oriented to maximize power generation

PV array provides power to the carousel and cafe

Tube steel frames contain gutter system used to collect rainwater



SUSTAINABILITY AT NEWMAN ARCHITECTS Newman Architects has a range of environmental and wellness policies and procedures governing its work practices and office environments. These include: • A comprehensive green cleaning plan • An in-house recycling program including the recycling of electronics. We operate a “zero-waste” materials library in which we return all unused sample materials and submittals back to manufacturers. We are investigating better options for composting biodegradable waste. • An integrated pest management plan that limits the use of harmful chemicals. • An annual employee health and wellness program that provides a yearly health benefit to employees. • A program that enables all new employees to develop literacy and fluency in sustainability through accreditation in systems such as LEED, ILFI, CPHD, and WELL programs. Staff are encouraged to focus on areas of individual particular interest. • The adoption of the ‘Precautionary Principle’ and use of the Red List to guide healthy specifications.

2030 CHALLENGE Newman Architects is a signatory of the 2030 Challenge. Our goal is to design projects that will meet the targets outlined by this sustainable design initiative. The Challenge requires each new building project or major renovation to be designed to achieve an energy consumption performance standard exceeding the regional average for that project’s buildings type - improving performance in measured steps until 2030, by which time the new buildings we design we will be carbon-neutral, with renovated buildings being as close as possible to carbon-neutral. The mission of Architecture 2030 is to turn the global built environment from its current place as the major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) to having a central role in solving the climate crisis. ARCHITECTS ADVOCATE Newman Architects is part of Architects Advocate which is a non-partisan group of architects dedicated to healthy and livable communities, and guided by scientific consensus and reason, to advocate for action on climate change.

OFFICE LOCATIONS ‘Walk Score’ ranks our urban locations in New Haven and Washington DC as ‘high’ and ‘excellent’ for public transit, as ‘very bikeable’ and as ‘walkers’ paradises.’


300 York Street, New Haven, CT 06511 | 203.772.1990 1054 31st Street NW, Suite 140, Washington, DC 20007 | 202.525.2726 Š 2018

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