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New Markets For New Americans
New Americans can create the food, economies, and services for their families and communities, and should be able to access the necessary supports in order to do so. New Americans can create the food, economies, and services for their families and communities, and should be able to access the necessary supports in order to do so. This project aims to demystify the process to build a food business and give resource to New Americans who are already in the food service industry, or who are interested in starting a food business. To that end, we created 3 informational zines that feature journey maps, resources, and success stories, in three main categories: food service, growing/selling produce, and value added food products. Here is our contribution to that delicious, hard-fought vision. The New Markets for New Americans is a group of food justice professionals, bakers, activists, designers, and urbanists brought together by Urban Design Forum's Forefront Fellowship. If you'd like to know more - get in touch —