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Ion chromatography at work
Four new Application Notes on anions and cations in beer, organic acids in wine, carbohydrates in instant coffee, and GOS analysis in novel foods, plus a free white paper on sulphite analysis are available for download from the Metrohm website.
These Application Notes prove the versatility of ion chromatography as a universal method for routine analytics in the modern QC laboratory.
• Anions and cations in beer – Streamlining beverage analysis with ion chromatography
• Assessing wine quality with IC – Organic acid analysis using suppressed conductivity detection
• Quality assurance of instant coffee – Free and total carbohydrate determination with IC-PAD according to AOAC 996.04 and ISO 11292
• Quality labels for novel foods – Improvement on AOAC 2001.02: GOS analysis with IC-PAD.
Determination of total sulphite in liquid and solid foodstuffs is an important, yet challenging, application in the food and beverage sector. In Metrohm’s free white paper two improved methods for simplified sulphite analysis using ion chromatographic separation followed by amperometric (method 1) and conductivity detection (method 2), respectively, are presented.
You can find all the Application Notes as well as the white paper here: www.metrohm.com/en/applications.

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