1 minute read

Why have you not made the switch yet? Hanna automatic titrations - optimised and fully supported

Eliminate the subjectivity of manual testing altogether and free up your time so you can focus on your most important tasks. Hanna’s automatic titrators allow you to significantly reduce titrant consumption and increase the precision of your results.

The data you collect should be concrete, not subjective. Hanna’s automatic titrators use sensors that take the guesswork out of testing. You no longer have to visually interpret the colour change of your samples. These automatic titrators analyse the data for you and determine the exact volume at the endpoint. Get precise, accurate, and repeatable analysis that you can rely on.

In a busy lab, there can be multiple shift changes in the course of a day. Since the control parameters with the automatic titrators are pre-programmed, every lab technician can follow the same steps.

Accurate, consistent and repeatable results independent of the operator

Hanna automatic titrators can significantly reduce titrant consumption without compromising the accuracy of your data. Due to high dosing precision, titrations require smaller sample sizes so less titrant is used. The availability of linked methods in some applications allows two titrations to be completed in one sample.

Minimise waste and cut costs by reducing chemical and sample usage

Operators are less involved in the titration process with automatic titrators.

Once the sample is prepared, you press the start button and the titration progresses automatically.

This allows you to perform other job functions simultaneously. Switching to automatic titration will save you time and increase lab efficiency.

Automatic titrators generate a digital report for each titration. These are customisable to include results, titration parameters, dose-specific data points, and Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) information.

This digital report allows for easy record keeping and there is less room for human error.

This level of traceability enables you to better serve your customers and meet quality requirements.

Eliminate the subjectivity of manual testing altogether and free up your time so you can focus on your most important tasks.


JHB: (011) 615 6076 CPT: (011) 946 1722 DBN: (031) 701 2711 hanna@hanna.co.za www.hanna.co.za

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