Reliable and fast moisture analysis Mettler Toledo moisture analysers offer a full solution to ensure optimal moisture determination of products to suit the needs of quality control, production and in-process control of many industries, such as food, pharma, plastics and chemical, either in the lab or directly on the production floor. Integrated routine testing and quality management features help to ensure optimal instrument performance. A moisture analyser works according to the thermo-gravimetric principle, referred to as the 'Loss on Drying' (LOD) principle. The moisture analyser consists of two components: a high-performance balance weighing cell and a halogen heating unit. To determine moisture content, the sample's start weight is recorded. Afterwards, a halogen lamp (infrared) heats and dries the sample while the balance records the sample weight. When the sample no longer
loses weight, the analyser shuts off. The total loss in weight is used to calculate the moisture content.
MICROSEP (PTY) LTD Elisha Ramlal Tel: (011) 553 2300 Fax: (011) 553 2400
Accurate results Benefit from accurate and reliable results through precise temperature control with fast halogen heating and superior weighing technology. Intuitive operation, with stepby-step user guidance, avoids errors in routine operation. Consistent measurement performance, thanks to the instrument’s robust design and built-in tests. Data management and process control Features include compliance and adherence to ALCOA+ principles, automated export/ printing functionality, user password protection and auto-lock functionality. Preconfigure home screens to reduce errors and increase process safety and efficiency.
Precise and accurate measurements of moisture content Laboratories are fast-paced environments with loads of continuous processes that all require accuracy and quality control. One of the features that affect quality control criteria is the moisture content of samples. If the moisture content of the sample is
more than what is envisaged, this can affect the weight, quality and shelf life of the product or sample due to microbial activities. According to the international standard for moisture analysis, the oven-drying
method is used to perform moisture analysis by measuring the weight loss that occurs as the sample is heated. This method, however, is time-consuming and requires an analytical balance and desiccator. It is also prone to human error, due to the high levels of handling and calculations involved, which may compromise accuracy. This method can take 2-3 hours, sometimes even longer, as there are many manual steps in the process. However, this method can be replaced with the use of a moisture analyser. Precisa offers the XM 60 moisture analyser, which is compliant with the international standard of moisture analysis. The XM 60 moisture analyser is robust, simple to operate and designed to analyse moisture content of very low sample volumes. It is a compact instrument that does not require accessory equipment.
The results produced are accurate and the process takes 5 to 15 minutes to complete. There is continuous determination of mass during the drying process, thus eliminating the need for complex calculations. The added advantage of the XM 60 moisture analyser is that it is cost effective.
New Eco KF Titrator
Makes water content determination cheap, simple, safe and reliable Metrohm presents the Eco KF Titrator for the simple, safe and reliable determination of moisture content by volumetric Karl Fischer titration. This Swiss-made instrument is the ideal solution for QC laboratories that insist on premium quality, with an inclusive three-year warranty for a highly competitive price. When it comes to methods for water content determination, Karl Fischer titration is the gold standard. It is a direct method specific for water, it is highly sensitive, and it is fast and simple to use. Hence, numerous standards such as EN, ISO, ASTM, DIN and others describe volumetric Karl Fischer titration for matrices from foodstuffs to petrochemicals to paints and others.
Analytical Reporter | Issue 6 | 2021
The Eco KF Titrator makes water content determination affordable and simple. Example methods are pre-installed on the instrument; users simply select their method of choice and start it at the touch of the instrument’s screen. The titration itself is performed fully automatically, which means there is no risk of human error. Any risk of physical contact with the Karl Fischer reagents is prevented as the titration vessel is emptied and refilled at the push of a button by the Solvent Pump after each analysis. Working in compliance with GLP requirements is easy with the Eco KF Titrator. Comprehensive reports with user data, date and time and method used can be easily generated in the PDF format.
Reports can either be saved on a USB stick or printed out on a printer connected to the instrument. Not something that can be taken for granted by every vendor in this price range: with the Eco KF Titrator comes the availability of local on-site service and application support provided by Metrohm South Africa via its offices in GP, KZN and WC.
METROHM SA (PTY) LTD Tel: (011) 656 1918 CPT: (021) 852 0213 DBN: (031) 265 0067 Fax: (011) 656 2698 076 643 7113