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Training: There's light at the end of the tunnel
After difficult times, there is finally some light at the end of the tunnel for SAPMA’s training plans and programmes, Magan Soobramoney, chairperson of the SAPMA Education Committee, reported at the recent SAPMA annual general meeting.
Magan said over the past 12 months SAPMA has had to deal with further setbacks in its interaction with CHIETA, most notably in the re-accreditation process and the registration of assessors and moderators for the SAPITI skills-based training programmes. “The impact of this - coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic delays, and the many stumbling blocks in this period have contributed to the low demand and slow pace of education and training in the industry,” he stated.
After the CHIETA accreditation for the SAPITI skills-based training programmes expired in October 2019, SAPMA applied for re-accreditation at the end of 2018, but this has still not been finalised. However, SAPITI now has two registered assessors and moderators as part of the reaccreditation process currently in progress with CHIETA.
On other developments with CHIETA, Magan reported that the Occupational Certificate Qualification for the Surface Coating Processing Technician, (which replaces the National Certificate for the Manufacture of Surface Coatings on NQF Level 3 on request by SAPMA) is in the final stages of approval with the QCTO.

“The few students enrolled for the technology programme modules are completing their studies via distance learning and will continue in this manner going forward. We also have a couple of students enrolled with the BCF for its online training modules and this has been very well received with positive feedback from our members, explained Magan.”
For the retail sector, SAPITI has retail training videos which many members have used and are still using. The videos have been upgraded and converted into links which members can use on internet sites. These videos will be linked to the Professional Body and the Professional designations and will be a requirement to complete for certain levels within the Professional Designation framework. “We also have the NCS Colour course available for all SAPMA members. The course is nationally and internationally recognised.”
Magan said SAPITI is currently using the services of the Learner Management System from Altron which contains a central platform for all SAPITI training. “This development will ensure that all students who register for any course will do so through one platform and that all their training details and information will be managed in a single database.”
He felt that although SAPITI had a very difficult year, that the second half of 2022 will be more positive. “As soon as we have all the finalised accreditation documents from CHIETA, these will be made available to members. We urge members to use the current and new SAPITI programmes to train and educate all your staff members in these difficult times,” he added.c