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Will pandemic-related delays be addressed soon?
Despite pandemic-caused delays in significant progress on key technical issues, Donald Wasson, chairperson of SAPMA’s Technical Committee, briefed delegates at the recent SAPMA AGM on the status quo on several important topics.
The regulations relating to lead in paint or coating materials were given the Governmental go-ahead for public comment at the end of November 2021 after the legal review was completed. The regulations call for samples to be submitted to an accredited laboratory for testing lead content. The mechanics and finer definition of this requirement are still under discussion.
A National Lead Exposure Prevention Working Group (NLEPWG) has been formed with input from a variety of government departments, municipalities, academia and industry stakeholders. The purpose of this working group is to:
• Drive the implementation of the adoption of the lead regulations
• Assess financial implications of the lead regulations roll-out
• Identify accredited laboratories for lead testing. Three laboratories have been identified and are obtaining accreditation in accordance with ISO 17025 for the appropriate testing standard to determine the concentration of lead in a sample. Accreditation is expected to be in place by October 2022
• Arrange the acquisition of equipment for testing for lead content at ports of entry which SAPMA considers a vital controlling aspect. Orders have been placed for portable XRF spectrometers. But these will only indicate the presence of lead and suspect samples will have to be submitted for quantitative analysis.
The European Commission has classified Titanium Dioxide as a Category 2 carcinogen by inhalation so mixtures containing Titanium Dioxide particles with a particle size equal to or below 10 microns at a level of 1% or greater will have to be labelled.
The GHS classification has come into effect in Europe and given that South Africa usually follows Europe on GHS-related matters, it is reasonable to assume that the labelling here will be locally enforced. The GHS Safety Data Sheet (SDS) system of product labelling will become obligatory from September 2022.
There is ongoing interaction between SAPMA and the SABS on a range of topics including product testing and accreditation, and adoption of standards; and SABS’ opening for business. Members must understand that SABS is open for business and conducting tests.
It has been confirmed by SABS that the current testing of Part 1 and Part 2 of road marking paint remains the same and that additional testing methods are being reviewed.
It has been agreed that South Africa will adopt the Green Building Council of South Africa VOC standard for interior paint.c