Environmental Management Jan/Feb 2016

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Environmental Management

Southern Africa’s leading sustainable development publication

www.emmagazine.co.za January/February2016

“Conservation must consider the bigger picture, using the lessons of the past together with the knowledge and science of the present” - Andrew Zaloumis, CEO of the iSimangaliso Wetland Park.



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04 TAKE NOTE Belgotex achieve another significant milestone ......................4

Dear Reader

NGO Food & Trees for Africa partner with kulula.com................. 7

Hasn’t time flown so fast already! Somehow, we all need to find more moments where we can stretch time – where we can stand still and enjoy our day-to-day experiences. Fear and joy stretch time as do

have around us.

stimuli that move towards us. When

are testimony to our resilience and

As the song lyric goes, “Everyone

determination. I am sure we can

we experience something as ‘taking

complains about the weather, but

embrace what lies ahead and stop

a long time’ it is really the result of

nobody ever does anything about it.”

time flying quite so fast.

three inter-twined processes: the

In 2015 that changed, as 196 nations

actual duration of the event, how we

assembled in Paris and, after 20

afraid of storms, for I am learning

feel about the event, and whether

years of previous attempts, finally

how to sail my ship.”

we think the event is approaching us.

came to a climate change agreement

It is all about our mind-set!

that will impact just about everyone

Enjoy the read.

on the planet in 2016 and beyond.


January has been the season for prognostications… But how can we

positives we can take from 2015

uncertain? Will our economy ever

and build on in 2016. Although we

recover; will the unprecedented

enter 2016 feeling quite

drought continue or will we see

vulnerable, we are also

signs of relief; and will we ever beat

a nation who stands on

England in the cricket? Perhaps what

a firm foundation and

we need to do this year is to think

who can weather even

about how we can stretch out time

more severe storms.

and enjoy the simple things that we

The articles in this issue



Sakata complete seed distribution facility .........................12

Louisa May Alcott said “I am not

We need to investigate what

make predictions when things are

Enviroserv make a giant ‘upcycled’ Christmas tree ..............8

14 OCEAN CLEAN UP Cleaning up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch................................. 14

16 HYDROGEOLOGY Educating role-players is key to sustaining our groundwater ....... 16 What if Kariba Dam fails? ........... 18

20 ECO-TOURISM CapeNature Biodiversity Awarded to Bushmans Kloof ....20 Hotel Verde – forerunner in ‘green’ hospitality ..................... 22

The new look Environmental Management - Keeping you up to date 24

WILDLIFE CONSERVATION New commitment to animal welfare based on the ‘Five Freedoms’ ....................................... 25 Isimangaliso’s harsh December drought ........................ 26

28 LANDSCAPE COP21 could be the last great hope for a binding climate change agreement........................ 28




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BELGOTEX FLOORS are the first South African flooring manufacturer to earn the coveted Global GREENTAG eco-label certification – called GreenRate™. The Global GREENTAG certification is an esteemed, globally recognised and respected mark that indicates a product’s relative performance across its sustainability criteria. This maximises our products’ eligibility to achieve 100% of the available credit points across all Green Building Council interiors rating tools.

WWW.BELGOTEXFLOORS.CO.ZA info@belgotex.co.za | +27 (0)33 897 7500


Belgotex earn coveted Green Tag certification


elgotex Floors are the

a product’s relative performance

certification is to enhance the

first South African

across six sustainability criteria.

credibility of eco-product offerings and

flooring manufacturer to earn the coveted

South Africa’s Green Building

change the perceptions of the product

Council (GBCSA) Interiors v1 Tool

category,” says Kevin Walsh, chief

GreenTag eco-label certification,

recognises GreenRate certification

operations officer at Belgotex Floors.

achieving another significant

to award points to projects that use

sustainability milestone.

green certified products.

“The challenge for the flooring industry is to shift traditional

The company was awarded an

Belgotex Floors were subjected

internationally recognised ‘Level

to GreenTag’s robust and rigorous

eco-innovative sustainable ones,”

A’ GreenTag certification – called

assessment process, achieving

explains Walsh.

GreenRate™ - , thereby maximising

maximum compliance against

their products’ eligibility to achieve

their sustainability criteria. These

the limits for operational efficiency,

100 precent of the available credit

include Health and Eco-toxicity, Life-

seeking out ecologically sustainable

points across all Green Building

cycle analysis (material extraction,

manufacturing methods and

multi-dimensional long term

Council rating tools.

durability, end of life), product

developing eco-friendly products.

operational plans aligned with our

The GreenTag certification is

emissions (for Green House Gases),

an esteemed, globally recognised

as well as Social Responsibility.

and respected mark that indicates

“Our aim with this GreenTag

operating paradigms to new holistically and underscore

Belgotex are constantly pushing

“This stringent assessment

sustainability across our value chain,” he continued. “Our passion drives us to develop

deeply held sustainability beliefs,

process [for GreenTag certification]

which in turn has lead to great

has equipped us to develop

strides in our Green Journey.”

Belgotex scoop Massmart Supplier Environmental Award


elgotex Floors won the

Walmart to recognise and reward its

including Distell, I&J and Sea Harvest,

development initiatives designed for

prestigious Massmart

suppliers’ environmental initiatives and

York Timbers, Ina Paarman and

resource optimisation and

Supplier Environmental

commitment to sustainable supply

Backsberg Wine Estate were selected

waste reduction.

Awards. This was

chain management.

following rigorous verification, plant

announced at the World Wildlife Fund’s

Belgotex Floors, whose ‘Green

The 1MW solar plant – the largest

inspections and interviews to assess

single roof-mounted installation

headquarters in Braamfontein, in

Journey’ began in 1991, beat off stiff

the sustainability of each entrant’s

in South Africa - provides roughly

October 2015.

competition from 325 other large blue

manufacturing practices. Entries were

5-percent of the company’s annual

chip FMCG companies such as Mondi,

judged against 35 environmental

energy requirement and offsets

year, were instituted by the retail

Sappi and Aspen Pharmaceuticals to

indicators developed in 2011 following

~2.5 percent of carbon emissions,

giant’s American holding company

scoop the coveted title. Ten finalists

Massmart’s self-assessment surveys

reducing them by 1 386 tons per

that enabled the company to begin

annum. The Rainwater Harvesting

profiling the environmental practices of

Initiative and Total Water Management

over 1 000 suppliers since 2009.

system, which comprises an on-site

The awards, now in their second

treatment plant to reuse water from


their operations, achieved a 45 percent

Belgotex, who manufacture carpets

reduction in water consumption. All

and artificial lawn at their 100 000sqm

Belgotex products are made from

Pietermaritzburg factory, won the

solution-dyed yarns and fibres, a dry

award for their ongoing commitment

manufacturing process that utilises

to environmental best practice.

less water, chemicals and energy. A

The company continuously adopts

Green underlay is also available made

new ecologically and economically

from waste fibre and yarn while their

sustainable production practices and

Erema recycling machine enables

recently achieved the internationally

them to produce their own Eco fibre

respected GreenTag ‘Level A’

using recycled production waste

certification for several ranges that

instead of virgin polymers.

earn maximum credits for green building ratings.

“We are delighted to win this award and challenge the flooring industry to

Some of the environmental initiatives

shift traditional operating paradigms to

implemented by Belgotex include

new eco-innovative sustainable ones,”

the installation of 1.2ha (12 000sqm)

said Kevin Walsh, chief operations

of photovoltaic solar panels on their

officer at Belgotex Floors.

factory roof in 2013, a Total Water Management system and Rainwater

Belgotex Floors

Harvesting Initiative, as well as several

(033) 897-7500 Head Office

recycling programmes and product






Gibb Environmental showcases project excellence in sustainability leading black-

the IAIA network, ‘The Value of

Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

owned engineering

Remote Sensing in Project Planning

(EMM). The study focused on water,

consulting firm.

and Environmental Protection’ which

food security and transportation.

In order to

demonstrates a simple linear project

achieve this,

situated within the Maputo Region of

was to conduct an analysis of


Southern Mozambique, selected as a

how resilient cities are to climate

such as the

case study on the intended purpose

change, to explore options that can


of the project, connecting two major

enhance their ability for resilience


roads traversing through the area.

and liveability for future generations,”

for Impact

For their informative contribution

shared Rampath.


to the field of GIS at the recent IAIA

(IAIA) are key

2015 conference, GIBB was awarded


to networking

runner up.

The results of the study showed that all three cities are faced with

and keeping


“The main objective of this project



possible annual average temperature


“The aim of the study was to develop

increases. “An increased temperature

informed on global

an environmental-sensitivities

in this regard implies increased water

best practices in

database that can be used in project

demands and this places increasing

the use of impact

planning, such as determining the

pressure on existing water reserves


least environmentally sensitive

within each city. The relevance of

They also serve

route between the two major roads,”

this study is to stress the need for

as a practical

explained Nel.

greater capacity for resilience to the

tool for helping meet today’s

The ‘Climate Change vs Infrastructure Changes – The need

future impacts of climate change,” expressed Rampath.

ustainability impacts

needs without compromising the

for climate change resilience into

the bottom-line, and

opportunities of future generations.

municipal IDP planning: Case Study

adequately addressed in isolation of

Overall, climate change cannot be

all industries should

“One of the unique features of

Reflecting findings from the SACN

individual city departments. For cities

be acutely mindful of

IAIA is its potential to advance the

Study with the City of Johannesburg,

to face the challenges that climate

how they do business on a planet

science of impact assessment.

Ekurhuleni and Mangaung,’ presented

change present, cities must become

with fewer natural resources. The

The association also aids in the

by Shantal Rampath, Sustainability

integrated and more resilient.

importance of internal capacity

development of international and

Specialist at GIBB, explained that

building, the need for climate and

local capability to anticipate, plan

there is increasing recognition

on Sustainability and GIS projects in

weather information management,

and manage the consequences, to

that cities are a crucial element

Southern Africa.

the role of integrated planning and

enhance the quality of life for all,”

in national efforts to address the

the inclusion of stakeholders outside

said Govender.

impacts of climate change. GIBB

government, should all be key themes

Recently, GIBB’s Deon Ruaan

was appointed by the South African

of environmental projects. This is

de Witt, Geographic Information

Cities Network (SACN) to undertake

the view of Dr Urishanie Govender,

System Unit Manager and Ryan Nel,

carbon resilience studies for the City

General Manager, Environmental

Environmental Specialist produced

of Johannesburg (CoJ), Mangaung

Services at GIBB, South Africa’s

and shared a beneficial paper with

Metropolitan Municipality (MMM) and


GIBB continues to be appointed



Greening NGO Food and Trees for Africa reaffirms partnership with kulula.com


n celebration of the ongoing

children enrolled, in classes of up to 60

support Food & Trees for Africa

children at a time. Ramoetla made a

carbon emissions, but assist in Food &

at the centre of our operational

received from privately-owned

plea for corporate donors to assist with

Trees for Africa’s focus on food security

philosophy, hence our investment in

low-cost airline kulula.com,

the development of new classrooms.

and sovereignty. Through these efforts

new and more fuel-efficient aircraft.

the organisation promotes the rights

Occasions such as tree planting

the greening and food Public Benefit

Kulula.com has had a long standing

These initiatives not only offset

are kinder to the environment is

Organisation (PBO) planted 20

relationship with Food & Trees for

of people to healthy food produced

ceremonies also offer an opportunity

trees at Emmangweni Primary in

Africa, which has seen them achieve

though ecologically sound and

to make a tangible difference to the

Tembisa, Gauteng.

some great milestones together, such

sustainable methods.

environment and we appreciate that,”

The school’s head teacher, Mr Golden

as a donation of R1 million a few years

“Without kulula’s help, Food & Trees

says kulula.com and British Airways

Ramoetlo, said the trees would make

ago which contributed towards the

for Africa would spend thousands of

(operated by Comair Limited) Head of

a big difference to the comfort levels

planting of 521 trees in Boipatong,

Rand on flights. Instead, we are able to

Marketing, Shaun Pozyn.

of learners at the school, not only in

Gauteng, to off set the effects of

use the money that is donated to plant

providing shade but also in terms of

climate change. For the last three

trees and vegetable gardens in some


cleaner air: “We’ve had a shortage of

years, kulula.com has also assisted

of the poorest areas in South Africa,”


oxygen here, with our big numbers of

the NGO with flights for its staff and

says Food & Trees for Africa Executive

children,” he joked. When Ramoetla

management to attend meetings with

Director, Chris Wild.

joined the school in 2006, there were

sponsors, facilitate permaculture

700 children enrolled. Increased

workshops, and distribute and plant

Africa stems from our appreciation

urbanisation and regional migration has

trees and vegetable seedlings in

of the positive work they do in our

resulted in the school now having 1 781

communities across the country.

communities. Ensuring that we

200trees to combat 000climate change A

s world leaders met

a strong start with 195 770 trees already

in Paris to forge an

planted to date. These trees, grown by

agreement to limit

Wildlands Tree-preneurs, were planted

global warming and its

in line with Unilever’s commitment to

catastrophic impacts on development

plant a tree for every pledge or tweet

and economic growth, countries

received against deforestation as part

such as South Africa were already

of the brightFuture climate action

experiencing droughts, heatwaves

plan. Since the campaign launch, over

and unseasonably cold weather.

170 000 pledges and tweets have

Recognising the crucial role played by

been received.

trees in absorbing greenhouse gases

Peter Cowan, Senior Vice President

“Our support for Food & Trees for

Dr Andrew Venter, CEO of Wildlands and Mr. Peter Cowan, Chairman of Unilever South Africa

Unilever has been a vocal supporter

deforestation is only one part of the

of strong and ambitious action on

solution – reforestation must occur

climate change by businesses as

too. This is the goal of this treeplanting campaign.”

that fuel global warming, Unilever

and Chairman of Unilever South

well as governments, reflecting the

South Africa has, in partnership with

Africa, said: “We launched this tree-

conviction that the cost of inaction on

Wildlands, planted 195 770 trees

planting campaign at the same time

climate change now exceeds the cost

start, Unilever and Wildlands hope that

across South Africa.

as the Global Goals for Sustainable

of action.

others will follow suit, playing their

As part its brightFuture climate action

Development were agreed. The

According to Dr Andrew Venter

Given the campaign’s promising

role in making a brighter future for all

plan to build a world where everyone

Unilever Sustainable Living Campaign

from Wildlands, this project has the

a reality. Taking action against climate

lives well and lives sustainably, Unilever

and this particular campaign on

power to change the world – and

change is essential, and achievable;

is planting one million indigenous

reforestation continue to support the

its climate. “Trees have often been

and if the number of pledges received

trees in selected areas of South Africa

Global Goals, particularly the need to

cited as the best technology to

to date is anything to go by, it is a

over the next three years. Launched in

take urgent action to combat climate

fight climate change. However, it is

problem that society believes can and

September 2015, the campaign is off to

change and its impacts.”

essential to remember that preventing

should be solved.






festive tree E

nviroServ encouraged

we can create something beautiful.

people to spread some

As consumers, we are often too quick

responsible festive cheer

to throw away, or to buy something

and make an ‘upcycled’

new. EnviroServ urged consumers

gift under a giant Upcycled Festive

to create something meaningful this

Tree made from used plastic

festive season.

bottles, in Rosebank Johannesburg

EnviroServ has ethically managed

in December. For those who were

waste for over 35 years. With

not feeling creative, there was

the introduction of cutting edge

the opportunity to purchase an

technology, the company has

upcycled decoration for your festive

capabilities to assist its customers

season tree. The money raised

with many ‘zero-waste-to-

was contributed towards a student

landfill’ solutions

bursary for a deserving Environmental Sciences Student. EnviroServ believes that they are

“There are huge benefits in terms of reduction in both energy and water use through responsible waste

more than just an African waste

behaviour. With our current water

management company. Rather, they

and energy challenges, following the

believe they are an integral part

3R’s – Reduce, Reduce, Recycle – is

of the South African society. The

something that every South African

company sponsored the upcycled

can do to help grow our economy in

festive tree to raise awareness on

a sustainable way. South Africa has

the benefits of recycling, reusing and

limited landfill space, so responsible

reducing waste, for a sustainable

behaviour is crucial if we are to

future for South Africa.

protect our fragile environment,”

The message was clear – with a little bit of inspiration and creativity,

said EnviroServ PR Manager, Makgabo Van Niekerk.



give South Africa a green festive

for entrance to an Environmental

recycling, by recycling just one plastic

For those who doubt the impact of

gift in two ways: both through

Sciences Degree can apply to

bottle enough energy is saved to

raising awareness of the importance

bursary@enviroserv.co.za. The

power a CFL light bulb for 30 hours.

of increasing our environmental

winning candidate will be selected

That means the 2 000 bottles reused

mindfulness as a nation, and to raise

by a senior panel of EnviroServ

in EnviroServ’s ‘Upcycled Xmas Tree’

funds for a bursary for a deserving

EXCO members and will be

(all of which was sent for recycling

student who would not otherwise

announced in 2016.

after the festive season) could light a

be able to afford tertiary education,”

CFL bulb for 60 000 hours.

continued van Niekerk.

“This initiative was designed to

Students who meet the criteria

www.enviroserv.co.za Makgabovn@enviroserv.co.za






Smallholder farmers could become part of the formal farming economy


outh Africa’s smallholders

sure, the bulk of this growth relies on

need to aggregate their efforts

could produce enough

improved yields from medium- and

and output. Farming cooperatives

strawberries, berries and

large-scale commercial farms and

are a typical way to achieve this.

Livestock Extension Programme,

tomatoes to capture three

from a shift to significantly more agro-

These would enable them to offer

which supports farmers with

million tons of additional demand by

processing. But smallholder farmers

fewer points of contact and reach

education drives through field days,

2030. This would be enough to capture

could play an important role too.

a scale that would make market

demonstrations, courses, on-farm

access economically viable. These

trials, and shared interest groups.

12 percent of predicted global demand

Right now, smallholders occupy

growth (excluding North America)

about 4-5 percent of arable land in

cooperatives also have the capacity

Access to funding – Smallholders

for these products by 2030. Another

South Africa. Their farms range from

to lead supplier initiatives to develop

need access to tailored financing

way to understand the impact of this

five to 20 hectares in size, and they

demand and offtake routes for their

that is linked to education and

phenomenal opportunity is that it

use nearly 80percent of their yield

smallholders to sell their produce to.

support. The private and public

would grow South Africa’s GDP by R27

for household food which, naturally,

Smallholders also need to build their

sector could come together to

billion, creating some 121 000 jobs in

limits their efforts in shifting to

knowledge of how to achieve high

provide this support. In Nigeria, for

the process. Macroeconomic gains

commercial production. The estimated

quality produce standards if they are

instance, over 20 banks collaborated

aside, such assistance would also

52 000 households have an equally

to increase their market reach. These

with the government in designing a

greatly benefit some of the poorest

challenging commercial barrier in

include issues of quality, consistency

$500 million risk-sharing facility to

and most desperate communities in

accessing the market. Economically,

and point-of-origin information.

support lending to small agricultural

South Africa, all this by utilising only

connecting such a large number of

Cooperatives can also coordinate

businesses. Funding can take another

three percent of South Africa’s existing

small-scale producers to market

these farmers to ensure that, for

form, that of subsidies. However,

farmland to produce crops at yields

will require some form of output

instance, the tomato growers in a

direct subsidies to smallholders

already achieved by this country’s

consolidation. To develop and sustain

region do not deliver all their produce

should explicitly be temporary, with

farmers in 2013.

a small business that feeds their

to market at the same time.

a long-term view toward self-funding

This may sound simple, but the fact

households, employs workers, and

through a structured programme like Massmart’s Supplier Development

moves away from self-sufficiency),


increasing their yields, accessing

these smallholders need to raise their

These three levers work well on paper,

to grant funding for inputs, while

better inputs, and importantly, gaining

productivity through three initiatives:

but crop transition initiatives can

offering to subsidise those grants

Switch to higher-value crops –

take years to bear fruit. The transition

should crops fail.

Shifting to horticulture will raise

to horticulture does not happen

Supported cooperatives – When


the value of the farmers’ output,

in a single step. Practically, these

smallholders aggregate their

New research by the McKinsey Global

enabling them to be financially

farmers need sustained management

produce and efforts, they can

Institute (MGI) shows that by 2030

viable at the five to 20 hectare

and business support, as well as

better access financing, inputs, and

the South African agricultural sector

scale. MGI’s analysis of the Eastern

investment, over a period of years.

large-scale retailers, giving them

as a whole can grow its contribution

Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo

The production of staple crops needs

the scale they currently lack. The

to GDP by R163-billion, while

provinces identified that berries,

to continue in parallel to the transition

Is’Baya High Value Crop programme

creating almost half a million jobs

strawberries and tomatoes can be

to ensure they can still feed their

in the Eastern Cape, for instance,

in production and processing. To be

viable at this scale. If smallholdings

households. Small-holder farmers will

has increased its collective annual

were to aggregate into larger farms of

require support as follows:

revenue by R19 billion over the last

is, smallholders need critical support

improves their quality of life (and

in shifting production to horticulture,

access to markets.

Fund that gives farmers access

30 hectares or more, then avocado,

Services and support programmes

15 years, reaching more than

litchi and mango also become viable.

– Smallholders need increased

5 000 households.

Use improved inputs – An input like

access to agricultural extension

fertiliser can increase crop yields by

services (currently geared towards

For smallholders to be truly

50 percent, more appropriate seed

commercial farmers), as well as

successful, they will need strong

varieties by 15 percent and practical

finance services, human resources,

support from the other players in the

farming knowledge by a further

technological development, delivery

agricultural value chain.

40 percent. Unfortunately, most

systems and marketing services.

smallholders have no access to

Commercial farmers, can play

in the Johannesburg office of McKinsey

these important inputs.

a supporting role through skills

& Company, and Jayaram is a partner

Gain access to markets – To access

and know-how transfer to their

in the Nairobi office. They lead work in

retail supply chains, smallholders

smallholder neighbours. Kenya

the agriculture and resource sectors

offers an instructive example

in a number of countries across sub-

with its National Agriculture and

Saharan Africa.


Magwentshu and Leke are partners


A solution to Johannesburg’s food waste


he Pikitup labour/

with other organic garden waste to

management stand-off that

make compost.

happened in early December was not short-lived. Both

Nationally this eco-friendly solution helps divert food waste from landfill

parties dug in their heels, resulting in

while increasing dry recyclable

Johannesburg’s waste not being picked

volumes. Working with commercial and

up for a couple of weeks.

domestic clients across South Africa

As Johannesburg residents’ waste

an estimated 715 670 kilogrammes of

bags sat out on the pavements, the

food waste has been diverted from

stench of rotting food waste began to

landfill since January 2012.

permeate people’s daily lives. Not to mention rats, flies and cockroaches


having an early holiday feast. This problem should not be a problem, if people only composted their food waste. Gavin Heron, CEO of Earth Probiotic says, “Through composting food waste into soil food, no-one will have to worry about their rotting food waste (or the rats that seem to love it so much). Composting also builds a habit of using food waste to build soil health and to reduce the load to landfill.” Food waste composting kits are nonsmelly, easy to use and are a perfect solution for Johannesburg residents, in order to manage the inconvenience caused by the Pikitup labour protests. Using Bokashi - probiotic infused bran - anyone can simply add food waste to a bin provided by Earth Probiotic. Bokashi is layered onto the food waste where the beneficial micro-organisms stop the food waste from rotting and make it ready for digging it into soil, feeding it to composting earthworms, or mixing it





A model

seed distribution facility S akata, currently one of the largest seed groups in the

world with extensive global research programmes

in vegetable and flower seed, has

completed its new warehouse and

seed processing facility in the Cradle

professional vegetable, turf and

of Humankind World Heritage Site,

flower seed, vegetable breeding

Gauteng. These premises were

programs and specialised products

officially opened on 12 January by

for the home garden industry.

Alain Sicard, Sakata President, EMEA

In the late 1960’s MayFord became the

Region, His Excellency, Japanese

sole distributor of Sakata’s products

Ambassador Shigeyuki Hiroki and

in Southern Africa. In December

Lindsay Campleman, CEO, Sakata

1999, the Sakata Seed Corporation of

Seed Southern Africa.

Yokohama, Japan, acquired MayFord

During the past 10 years Sakata

Seeds. On 1 April 2008, MayFord

Southern Africa has grown into one of

Seeds changed their name to Sakata

the largest vegetable seed producers

Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd. The

in the region. Supported by the global

MayFord brand is used now for its

Sakata production team, Sakata

hobby and turf business.

Southern Africa has developed a reputation for taking a scientific and


responsible approach to production

The obvious challenge for Sakata

research. South Africa’s climatic

Seed Southern Africa was to

conditions make it ideal for Sakata

successfully build a much needed

to produce top quality carrot, onion,

facility for the sustainable processing,

bunching onion and beetroot seed for

storage and distribution of seeds

the global Sakata group.

without impacting on the fragile

Sakata’s founder, Takeo Sakata

and valuable environment of the

established Sakata Noen in 1913,

surrounds. New and improved

producing seed for a commercial

facilities were much needed for this

market in Japan. MayFord Seeds (Pty)

growing business.

Ltd grew out of C. May & Co. which

These newly built state-of-the-art

was founded in 1931. This makes

premises comprised two phases: The

MayFord Seeds one of the oldest

new warehouse was the first. At a

vegetable seed companies in South

cost of R35million, it boasts an area of

Africa. As a four-generation family

a 4 500m² foot print as well as a

business, the company developed

1 200m² mezzanine level. This

a diverse portfolio including seed

5 700m² total floor space was built in

production, hobby packet seed,

just over 10 months.



n system has no moving parts and requires no electricity. It utilises fixed biofilm technology to achieve odour free effluent, suitable for irrigation. It is a model that could be used on many other Various rocky embankments and Terraforce concrete retaining blocks have been visually softened by planting them with Phase two comprised

indigenous species.

the conversion of the old

Sakata has established itself

warehouse/factory into

as a reliable supplier of quality

the seed processing facility.

seeds, through a focus on product

This building, at a cost of

development and technical

approximately R9million, started in October 2015 and is expected to be complete by the end of March 2016.

support excellence in the field. natural gradient of the land. • Natural light has been used by

• Storm water is harvested off the roof

Through specialised product

and hard surfaces. It is collected in

management Sakata ensures that

installing narrow strips (180mm

tanks, an underground cistern and

they can continuously provide the

Assessments were carried out to look

wide) of translucent sheeting to

a water attenuation pond. The idea

consumer with the best product

at the archaeological impact, the

allow some natural light in without

was to create a natural looking pond

quality, consistency, diversity and

visual impact and issues regarding

undue heat gain.

in an existing depression which

nutritional value.

Environmental Impact

flooding. (It was only in March 2014,

• High quality insulation (80mm

was lined with excavated rock.

Sakata Seed Southern Africa

after many months of meetings

Lamdaboard) was used on the

Indigenous planting and indigenous

is certified according to the ISO

and several EIA proposals, that the

roof and walls to moderate

fish species enhance the natural

9001 Quality Management System,

DEA (Department of Environmental

temperatures. It cannot melt, drip

process of water purification. Five

assuring their customers of the best

Affairs) approved the go-ahead on

or spread fire and is wind and water

species of Tilapia (recommended

possible products and service.

the project.)

resistant. It is also aesthetically

by the Hartebeespoort fishery)

appealing and recyclable.

were introduced as fingerlings in

simply resulted in the successful

September 2015 and are flourishing.

installation of a large facility into a

In line with Sakata’s sensitivity to environmental issues, every

• The underfloor heating in the seed-

Excitingly, this project has not

effort was made to minimise the

packing area is a Hydro Flow Heating

impact of these new facilities on the

System made up of solar panels,

was installed under the new building

impact on the environment; rather it

environment. The positive outcomes

water storage tanks, a heat pump

to deal with natural ground water

has proven itself as a model for other

of this project have been immense.

and water pipes looped into the

run-off. A herringbone pipe system

environmentally sustainable ventures.

• All existing tree clusters and the

concrete floor which is cast on top

collects the water and feeds it into

rocky out crop immediately adjacent

of 50mm high density polystyrene

to the buildings have been retained.

insulation. Solar panels heat up

• The excavation to a depth of 5m into

• A Fibretech sub-soil drainage system

the storm water system.

sensitive site without harm or negative

Sakata Seed Southern Africa

• There are no municipal services on

the water which is pumped into the

the site, which resulted in the issue

the slope on the south side of the

pipes in the floor. This all ensures

of sewerage having to be looked at

building minimised the height of the

winter temperatures are as close to

very carefully. A Biobox system was

building above ground. It also ties in

21 degrees Celsius as possible, for

installed to replace the old septic

with the site profile which follows the

maximum comfort and efficiency.

tanks. This biological purification






Cleaning up the

Great Pacific Garbage Patch R

esearchers are launching


tests aimed at setting up

The Mega Expedition’s primary goal

a huge floating barrier

is to accurately determine how much

off the Japanese coast,

plastic is floating in the Great Pacific

a project that could eventually help

Garbage Patch, by executing the

remove some of the 5.25 trillion pieces

largest ocean research expedition in

of rubbish polluting the world’s oceans.

history. This is also the first time large

If the study is a success, the southern

pieces of plastic, such as ghost nets

island of Tsushima could be the venue

and Japanese tsunami debris, have

for a pilot scheme that would pluck

been quantified.

tonnes of plastic waste from the sea

“I’ve studied plastic in all the world’s

– all without harming marine life. The

oceans, but never seen any area as

Ocean Cleanup Foundation wants to

polluted as the Great Pacific Garbage

install a moored platform and floating

Patch,” said Dr. Julia Reisser, Lead

boom which would span 2 000 metres,

Oceanographer at The Ocean Cleanup.

– off the island next year if the tests

“With every trawl we completed,

prove promising.

thousands of miles from land, we

The Ocean Cleanup Foundation

just found lots and lots of plastic.”

develops technologies to extract,

Although the samples collected during

prevent, and intercept plastic pollution.

the expedition still have to be analysed,

The Ocean Cleanup’s goal is to fuel the

preliminary findings indicate a higher-

world’s fight against oceanic plastic

than-expected volume of large plastic

pollution by initiating the largest

objects floating in the ocean.

cleanup in history The Ocean Cleanup successfully

This underscores the urgency of The Ocean Cleanup’s mission

concluded the Mega Expedition

to clean it up, according to CEO

with the arrival of a first group of

and founder Boyan Slat: “The

vessels including the fleet’s 52 metre

vast majority of the plastic in the

mothership in the port of San Francisco

garbage patch is currently locked

today. Using a series of measurement

up in large pieces of debris, but UV

techniques, including trawls and aerial

light is breaking it down into much

surveys, the fleet of close to 30 vessels

more dangerous microplastics,

philanthropists, including Salesforce

sampled the concentration of plastic

vastly increasing the amount of

Chairman, CEO and founder Marc

during its month-long voyage through

microplastics over the next few

Benioff: “Protecting the oceans should

the 100km long system between

decades if we don’t clean it up. It

be a priority for all of Earth’s citizens.

Hawaii and California – the location of

really is a ticking time bomb.”

The Ocean Cleanup is taking an

the so-called ‘Great Pacific Garbage

During a press conference, Boyan

innovative approach to preserving one

Patch’, a major gyre of marine debris

announced that The Ocean Cleanup

of our most critical resources and raising

This is in preparation for the large-

was able to conduct the Mega

visibility of this global challenge.”

scale cleanup of the area, set to begin

Expedition thanks to major financial

in 2020.

contributions from entrepreneur-




Packaging SA joins effort to reduce marine debris

Association joins 64 organisations in signing Global Declaration for Solutions on Marine Litter in a worldwide drive to keep plastics out of the ocean.


ackaging SA has become

packaging industry, the first being PACIA

with the long-term goal of establishing

Council, welcomed and commended

the latest signatory to

(National Packaging Covenant Industry

an African network that tie into the

Packaging SA for joining global

the plastics industry’s

Association – Australia).

global management of marine debris.

efforts to address marine debris. He

Global Declaration for

“The objective is to encourage

“The GAT have made six public

said that marine debris is a complex,

Solutions to Marine Litter, highlighting

country packaging associations, brand

commitments that are aimed at

global problem, and Packaging SA`s

its commitment to finding solutions to

owners, retailers, environmental NGO`s

contributing to sustainable solutions

participation is a strong signal that the

combat plastics in our oceans.

and like-minded organisations to sign

to address marine litter which are

packaging industry and its stakeholders

the Declaration and together, with

education, research, public policy,

are also committed to doing their part in

is a major contributor to marine litter and

the global plastics industry, to tackle

sharing best practices, plastics

providing solutions.

consequently feel that it is important

plastics in the marine environment,”

recycling and recover and plastic pellet

that we play our part in supporting every

Steyn says.

containment,” Steyn explains.

“We recognise that plastic packaging

initiative to sort out this worrying global

In line with the five year plan of the

Charles Muller

Plastics|SA signed the Declaration

(012) 001 1914

problem,” says Charles Muller, Executive

Global Action Team on Marine Debris

in 2011 and to date, more than 65

Packaging SA

Director of Packaging SA.

(GAT), the Sustainability Council of

associations in 35 countries have signed


Plastics|SA has set itself objectives that

the plastics industry’s global declaration,


Plastics|SA and Chairman of Outreach

include specific marine debris actions.

through which 185 projects have been


and Stakeholder Engagement on

Early in 2015, they hosted the second

planned, initiated, or completed since its


the Global Action Team on Marine

African Marine Debris Summit in Cape

launch in March 2011.

Debris (GAT) welcomed Packaging

Town which led to the formation of a

SA as the second signatory from the

South African Network on Marine Debris,

Douw Steyn, Director Sustainability at

Plastics|SA PROPAK2016 (Environmental Management)215x150P.pdf



Steve Russell, Vice President of 10:11 AM

Plastics for the American Chemistry













Educating role-players is key to sustaining South Africa’s groundwater


s South Africa draws thirstily on its groundwater resources, it must urgently educate role-players that

these are not infinite, and that careful controls must follow the drilling of boreholes to make sure they last. According to Gert Nel, principal hydrogeologist in SRK Consulting’s East London office, the current drought in many parts of the country has refocused attention on the frequent lack of monitoring of groundwater use. “Underground aquifers are fed by rainwater, so drought will impact on their abstraction capacity,” said Nel. “We are also seeing more demand on groundwater as towns expand, higher levels of services are required, and municipalities must ensure water delivery is meeting the demand.” After South Africa developed a large number of well-fields in recent decades, he said we now face the danger of depleting them through careless use – unless water service providers such as local and district municipalities are

as raising awareness at district

provided with better information about

municipalities, and giving local

are ideally placed to adapt their

municipalities, who oversee the work

the policies and practices that need to

municipalities practical training and

training in this way, as they have

of water services providers (WSPs),

be applied and implemented.

ongoing mentoring.”

on-the-ground experience and

typically local municipalities, in ensuring

understanding of the problems that

actual delivery of water services and maintenance of facilities.

“Each of the agencies in this field

Nel emphasised the need to roll out

Consulting engineers and scientists

(WSAs), typically the district

has their role to play, and consulting

a scientific learning programme that

water managers face every day,

engineers and scientists like SRK are

relates directly to each town or region

he said.

already making valuable technical

where it is presented – so that it can be

According to Nel, catchment

contributions,” he said. “But we can

applied immediately in addressing local

management agencies (CMAs)

are different, he said. The district

do more at a number of levels, such

groundwater challenges.

are being established to pursue

municipalities’ water planning

integrated water management within

personnel, for example, need to

‘groundwater training’ resources and

water management areas (WMA)

understand that groundwater

documents available but we need

and coordinate functions of other

must be monitored and managed;

to move beyond the general to the

institutions involved in water related

numerical models can be developed

specific, ensuring that role-players

matters. However, it will take time

and predictions made about future

engage practically with their issues

for the CMAs to fully engage all

borehole performance at current

during these sessions and take back

groundwater users.

abstraction levels.

“There are plenty of generic

solutions they can implement with the help of mentors,” said Nel.

More urgent, however, is the position of the water services authorities

Training should be tailored for each of these levels, as their needs

At local municipality level, the required focus is on how to physically

Only by working together, and openly sharing knowledge can their groundwater resources be protected, both from a quantity and quality perspective JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2016 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT

HYDROGEOLOGY monitor usage – using equipment such

“Those involved need to develop

as flow meters and water-level meters

an understanding of water tables,

– and how to manage groundwater

groundwater recharge and related

contamination. The training can

scientific issues, so that the ‘invisible’

therefore include an assessment of

world of groundwater can be revealed

municipal and private groundwater

and managed to everyone’s long-term

abstraction, identifying the various

benefit,” he said.

users so that the local authority can

“Groundwater users must

engage them in controlling usage. The

understand that only by working

location of possible contamination

together, and openly sharing

sources like refuse dumps, waste

knowledge can their groundwater

water discharge, cemeteries and

resources be protected, both from a

abattoirs can also be mapped.

quantity and quality perspective. It is a

“Water services authorities

necessary condition of raising citizens’

and providers receive funding from various sources, such as the

standard of living.” Even where experts have been

Municipal Infrastructure Grant, to

used to test boreholes, users

install the necessary water systems,

sometimes mistakenly believe that

but they are seldom equipped or

the ‘recommended yield’ provided by

funded to scientifically manage their

the hydrogeologist can be applied for

groundwater sources,” he said. “The

the lifespan of the borehole.

training content needs to be applied

“This is of course not true,” said Nel.

to their specific conditions, so that

“The recommended yield given by the

delegates can be assisted to develop

hydrogeologist is the yield that can be

a groundwater monitoring programme

used to put the system in operation,

– and supported with mentoring to

but the yield will have to be adjusted

ensure ongoing implementation.”

downwards when drought periods

“The danger of continuing as we

arrive. Similarly, the yield can be

are,” said Nel, “is that groundwater

increased in times of above-average

is being abstracted on a large scale

rainfall. Groundwater abstraction

and boreholes are inevitably drying

must be managed as it is a resource

up – leading to the unsustainable and

dependent on rainfall and recharge.”


ine Water Management is of serious concern in South Africa. Acid Mine Drainage, (AMD) in particular, is a problem which needs to be dealt with. Towards the end of last year, the Department of Water and Sanitation announced that it would

be establishing a water management unit, to start to deal with the AMD issues South Africa faces.

expensive practice of simply drilling new holes.”

Dealing with Acid Mine Drainage


Late last year, a meeting was held in Pretoria between the Department of Environmental Affairs, representatives from the Department of Mineral Resources, departmental officials, and water experts from NonGovernmental Organisations. The aim of this unit is to collaborate with other departments of government in how to best tackle the problems arising. The management of AMD is under review. AMD is a growing environmental challenge within the mining industry. While it is accepted that Mine Water Management, including AMD, has for many years made significant progress in terms of planning and working within structured frameworks, there is still a long way to go before the environment is considered safe and no longer vulnerable to toxic destruction and pollution. New policies and structures need to be implemented to further establish safe mine water management. In the meeting, a statement was issued: “The reason why we should be concerned about mine water, is simply that the acid contaminant and associated dissolved metals are toxic to most forms of organisms and pose a risk to human health and aquatic, or water-dependent ecosystems.” Highlighted was the concern that although there are existing frameworks in place, there is not a clear distinction between the handling and regulation of new, active and historic mines, including abandoned mines. The other key point was that regulations appear the same for all mines, no matter how minimal or extreme the potential harm to the environment. It was suggested that those mines which impose a greater threat and compromising impact on the environment have stricter regulations surrounding the mine water management. It was recommended that specific protocols should be enforced on mines which generate toxic acid. Clearly, new regulations need to be imposed with regard to the new policy framework, including best possible practice, use of up-to-date technology, and the encouragement of sustainable of operations. Water and Sanitation Minister Nomvula Mokonyane holds the power to put these desired measures in to practice in order to create safer, healthier and more sustainable mine water management, and ultimately less pollution.





What if Kariba Dam

fails? Mounting concerns about failure of Kariba Dam as El Nino bites. Region faces shutdown of hydro-electric plants and collapse of mining industry


oncerns regarding a

of water for power generation, coupled

low which takes some pressure off

dependency of the region to Kariba

catastrophic failure of the

with further project delays in critically

the failing construction of the dam for

Dam is massive, but while our original

Kariba Dam have been thrust

needed rehabilitation work, the risks that

now, the bigger picture of the state of

report focused on the failure of the

into the spotlight again as

could accelerate a failure of the dam

Kariba dam is critical. climate change,

dam, the impact of the drought shows

may be increasing .

high rainfall patterns impacting future

similar consequences for countries in

dam levels and water inflows from

the region,” adds Kay.

Zambia’s energy minister announced recently the possible shutdown of its

The Kariba Dam is in a dangerous

hydroelectric plants with water levels in

state. Built on a seemingly solid bed

other regions, and potential seismic

Kariba Dam dropping to below

of basalt in 1959, the torrents from

activity, could all contribute to the

Some of the further risks noted since the

14 percent. Adding to concerns about

the spillway have eroded the bedrock

likelihood of failure of the Kariba Dam.

release of the original report include:

Kariba Dam, the Geological Survey

leaving a gaping crater, undercutting

In December 2014, the critical period

Project delay

Department Director Chipilaika Mukofu

the dam’s foundations. Engineers

was defined as ‘the next three years’,

Feedback from the Zambezi River

said experts were still assessing the

have been warning for some years

while the rehabilitation project is only

Authority (ZRA) in September 2015

possible effect of a 4.6 magnitude

now that without urgent repairs, the

due for completion in 2025,” explains

confirmed that the procurement

earthquake on the Kariba Dam in

whole dam will collapse, knocking out

Kay Darbourn, researcher and writer of

of the Supervision Consultant was

Siavonga on 12 Jan 2016. In an interview,

Mozambique’s Cahora Bassa Dam

the report.

being finalised and that this would

Mukofu said the quake’s epicentre was

and 40 percent of southern Africa’s

within sensitive reach of Lake Kariba and

hydroelectric capacity. Along with the

pummelling water that has

for the contractor that will carry

there was concern that the dam wall’s

devastation of wildlife in the valley, the

compromised its bedrock, current

out the Plunge Pool Rehabilitation

stability could be affected.

lives of 3.5 million people are at risk.

water levels continue to drop, and

works. Thus far there have been no

electricity supply within Zambia and

details of any tender or the work commencing on the floodgates

In a report released in September

According to Aon, the impact will

On the flipside of Kariba’s

be followed by a tendering process

2015 by Aon South Africa and the

span across the entire risk consequence

Zimbabwe is already reduced by

Institute of Risk Management (IRMSA),

spectrum, from significant loss of

more than half. Mining companies

An ESIA report, which was one of

the risks and challenges for the region

life, damage to property and the

have borne the brunt of having to

the requirements before work could

were detailed relating to the current

environment, to economic fall-out. This

import electricity supply at huge cost,

commence on the Kariba Dam wall,

state of the Kariba Dam and the

risk and its potential consequences

triggering the closure of some mines

was published 10 November 2015

proposed rehabilitation project. The

should be viewed as part of the existing

and over 10 000 job losses. Businesses

and notes that the Kariba Dam

‘Impact of the failure of the Kariba Dam’

power supply and demand challenges

and homes experience power cuts for

Emergency Preparedness Plan,

report was finalised in June 2015 and

in the region and will require a strong

up to 14 hours a day.

completed in 2013, is still to be

is sponsored by Aon South Africa and

commitment from governments, private

“But when water levels do improve

researched and written by Kay Darbourn.

companies and financiers to prevent the

and Kariba starts filling up again, there

of any disaster management

Now with the impact of severe drought

failure from happening.

is no telling what the pressure could

operation if the dam fails before

do to the retaining structures. The

or during the project

brought about by El Nino and overuse

“While water levels are dangerously


updated. This is an essential part

HYDROGEOLOGY Climate change, drought or flooding

own property or have investments in South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe,

NewsDay Zimbabwe reported on

Botswana, Mozambique or Malawi,

13 November 2015 that there was just

the chances are that if the Kariba Dam

1 percent usable water left in Kariba.

fails you will be affected. This will just

Both Zambia and Zimbabwe rely

be the start of years of economic,

heavily on power generation from

social, environmental, humanitarian

Kariba, and both are experiencing

and technological fallout that will

severe power constraints impacting

devastate the region’s economies,”

industry and the population

explains Kay.

It was agreed that the ZRA will

Some countries rely mainly on

prepare a Climate Change Action

hydropower from the Zambezi and

Plan during Project Implementation

their economies will be severely

that focuses on water management.

impacted, both for industries that rely

Monitoring and evaluation systems

on electricity to operate and in terms

are an essential element of this

of revenue generated from the sale of

strategy and would help the Zambezi

electricity. South Africa, already in a

River Basin communities and dam

precarious energy supply shortage, will

brokerage and sponsor of the ‘If

and shortage of critical infrastructure

operators to understand clearly

lose 1 500mw of imported power as

Kariba Dam Fails’ report, while we

is amongst the top 10 South African

whether current water management

the Cahora Bassa Dam fails.

may know what the types of risks and

risks identified by business leaders and

challenges are that we will face in

risk managers.

practices are climate smart

Funding and debt repayment

Access to water for people in the

“By providing the information in this

Kariba and Cahora Bassa catchment

the event that Kariba Dam fails, the

areas for drinking, food and agriculture

actual magnitude of many of these

report, we hope to empower you to

While funding was secured in

will be restricted. Transportation

risks is unknown. Each new piece of

make the right decisions with regards

December 2014, delays, economic

and access to the areas affected

crucial risk information presented in

to the risks you and your company may

constraints and currency challenges

will be curtailed. New projects and

this report places business leaders and

face. Whilst we can debate whether

will undoubtedly lead to an increase in

investment in the region will be severely

risk managers in a better position to

the Kariba Dam will fail, why it might

the cost of the entire project

compromised, as the ongoing lack of

mitigate and plan for such risks in an

occur and when, there is no doubt that

electricity and water will make these

informed way. We already know from

the impact across the region would be

uneconomical, potentially for up to

Aon’s Global Risk Management Survey

devastating,” concludes Kay.

eight years while the dams are rebuilt.

released earlier in 2015, and from

“Whether you are a shareholder, stakeholder, board member, business executive, risk manager or even a

According to Aon South Africa,

private individual, if you live, work,

leading risk advisors and insurance

IRMSA’s first edition of their South


Africa Risk Report 2015, that the failure


Alarming E.coli and ammonia levels in Olifant’s River BY MASIZOLE MNQASELA


n independent analysis

between what he advised the

of the water, which runs

public and what was found in the

from the Oudtshoorn

independent analysis.

waste water treatment

I conducted an oversight visit to

plant into the Olifant’s River, has

the Olifant’s River in April 2015, along

indicated that E.coli levels are 24

with the DA Constituency Head and

times the acceptable general limit.

National Council of Provinces Member,

This following the Administrator of the

Jaco Londt. It was then that we

analysis of water samples that were

given that he is responsible for the

Municipality’s denial that the water

could first tell that the waste water

drawn and tested on 30 October 2015

rehabilitation of the municipality.

is compromised. It is however an

treatment plant was functioning at

yielded results that indicated that

alarming health risk to locals.

30 percent capacity as well as being

there are high levels of ammonia in the

Masizole Mnqasela MPP

understaffed, rendering it incapable of

water. This means that the nitrification

084 628 4167

treating the water effectively.

that is taking place is not sufficient.

- DA Western Cape Spokesperson

Chetty must explain why the situation

on Local Government

In my capacity as the Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Local Government in the Western Cape

The Municipality has since denied

Provincial Parliament, I will call the

that there is any trouble with the water

has deteriorated to this extent, why

- Chairperson on the Standing

Administrator of the Oudtshoorn

that is treated at the plant. They have

there is misinformation around this

Committee on Local Government

Municipality, Kam Chetty, before the

also assured the public that the water

issue and what he is intending to

in the Western Cape Provincial

committee to explain the discrepancy

is safe. However, an independent

do about it, in his official capacity






Bushmans Kloof honoured for excellence in conservation

B Back row: Sijbrandt van der Spuy (Head Guide) & Regardt Boshoff (Reserve Manager) Front row: Malinda Brand, Daniel du Plessis, Byron Hartung & Londoloza Ndzima (all four are Field Guides)

ushmans Kloof

agreements between CapeNature and

biodiversity is in a constant state of

Wilderness Reserve &

landowners. CapeNature undertakes

flux as it responds to natural forces

Wellness Retreat in the

to support this management by

and human activity.

Cederberg has received

providing advice, management

A celebrated conservation success

the 2015 CapeNature Biodiversity

plans and assistance in planning

story as a South African Natural

Stewardship Award for excellence

invasive alien species clearing

Heritage site, Bushmans Kloof is

in the field of conservation. The

and fire management schedules.

home to over 150 kinds of birds, 755

award highlighted Bushmans Kloof’s

CapeNature is a public institution

plant species and over 35 species of

commitment to saving the endemic

with the statutory responsibility

mammals, including the endangered

Clanwilliam Cedar tree, which is

for biodiversity conservation in the

Cape Mountain Zebra and many

categorised as endangered on the

Western Cape. Governed by the

other rare species. Enriching and

Red Data List. Bushmans Kloof has

Western Cape Nature Conservation

exhilarating outdoor experiences

been driving a project for the last 13

Board Act 15 of 1998, its mandate

include nature drives, botanical walks,

years, in conjunction with CapeNature

is to promote and ensure nature

mountain biking, archery and fly

and the local community, to present

conservation and to render services

fishing. Guided walks to some of the

the annual Clanwilliam Cedar tree

and provide facilities for research

130 ancient Bushman rock art sites

planting event in the rural village of

and training.

in the reserve – some over 10 000

Heuningvlei. More than 1 000 young cedar trees have been planted to date. The CapeNature Biodiversity

South Africa’s biodiversity is of the

years old – provide deeper insight

highest in the world with a wide range

into the Bushmen in the Cederberg

of soils and climates, constituting

wilderness area.

Stewardship Programme was initiated

a variety of habitats which support

in 2003 and facilitates conservation

a high number of plant and animal


on privately-owned land by setting up

species. The Western Cape’s



THEPOWER POWEROF OFORANGE ORANGE THE It’sIt’s odd to wipe wipe toxic chemicals all over over your oven, floors, counters, andand toilets in order order to get get them “clean,” butbut that’s justjust what odd to wipe toxic chemicals all over your oven, floors, counters, toilets in order to get them “clean,” that’s what It’s odd to toxic chemicals all your oven, floors, counters, and toilets in to them “clean,” but that’s just what the majority of us do with conventional cleaners. Advertisers spent billions in 2011 to entice shoppers to buy more and more the majority of us do with conventional cleaners. Advertisers spent billions in 2011 to entice shoppers to buy more and more the majority of us do with conventional cleaners. Advertisers spent billions in 2011 to entice shoppers to buy more and more stuff. SoSo it’sit’s notnot surprising that ourour homes areare fullfull of things things wewe don’t even useuse — or or like. This stuff justjust so happens happens to be be where stuff. surprising that homes of things don’t even — like. or like. This stuff so happens to where be where stuff. So it’s not surprising that our homes are full of we don’t even use — This stuff just so to a lot lot of toxic toxic chemicals lurk. It’sIt’s thethe small changes that make thethe bigbig differences over time. Cleaning products areare necessary a lot of toxic chemicals lurk. small changes that make differences over time. Cleaning products necessary a of chemicals lurk. It’s the small changes that make the big differences over time. Cleaning products are necessary forfor maintaining attractive and healthful conditions in the the home andand workplace. In addition addition to the the obvious aesthetic benefits of of maintaining attractive and healthful conditions in the home workplace. In addition to the obvious aesthetic benefits for maintaining attractive and healthful conditions in home and workplace. In to obvious aesthetic benefits of cleaning, thethe removal of dust, dust, allergens, and infectious agents is crucial crucial to maintaining maintaining a healthful healthful indoor environment. cleaning, removal of dust, allergens, and infectious agents is crucial to maintaining a healthful indoor environment. cleaning, the removal of allergens, and infectious agents is to a indoor environment. When considering natural cleaning in your your home or office office youyou should be be thinking orange. Triple Orange are are eco-friendly products thatthat When considering natural cleaning in your home or office should thinking orange. Triple Orange eco-friendly products When considering natural cleaning in home or you should be thinking orange. 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Hotel Ver P

art of the BON Hotels group and South

Africa’s first hospitality establishment to offer a

carbon neutral hotel experience – the only one on the African continent – Hotel Verde is the epitome of ‘green’ consciousness and responsible tourism at work. From the outset, the development was earmarked to be Africa’s greenest hotel, and through the use of energyefficient technologies, innovative materials and the continuous nurturing of a sustainability culture, it is. Situated 400 metres from Cape Town International Airport and a short drive from the city, the four-star establishment offers 145 rooms, conference facilities, a restaurant, bar, 24-hour deli, indoor gym, outdoor jogging trail and an eco-pool. Hotel Verde not only offers every luxury but also the added element of extensive ‘green’ features such as Carbon Neutral Stays for


water without compromising a

hotel’s Energy Manager, the building

Beneath the hotel, in the basement,

including guest rooms and conference

to participate in the Verdino

employs a smart mix of clean and

a sophisticated ground source heat

and meeting rooms, are all fitted with

programme, which allows them to

sustainable technologies that not

pump system enables waste heat,

occupancy sensors that activate

earn Verdinos – the hotel’s internal

only optimise the energy efficiency

generated by the hotel’s air cooling

lights and air conditioners when

currency – for every energy efficient

of operations and processes but also

systems, to be captured and used

rooms are occupied. When rooms are

action they take whilst staying at

reduce the hotel’s dependency on the

for internal space heating and

vacant for a period of time, lighting

the hotel; guests can redeem and

national electricity supply.

water heating.

and air conditioners are switched off

spend their accumulated currency

to save energy.

as they wish at the hotel. In addition,

corporates and guests alike. According to Andre Harms, the

Installed on the roof of the hotel

“This system replaces the chiller,

guest’s shower experience. Rooms,

their own lifestyles,” she explains. Guests are also encouraged

are 154 photovoltaic (PV) panels, and

geyser and boiler in a typical hotel.

on the north facing façade a further

It allows us, via a heat exchanger

consciousness is encouraged across

stages an earth hour between 19h00

66. These 220 PV panels use the

in the ground below the hotel, to

the ranks; even amongst guests.

and 20h00 – guests dine by solar

sun’s unlimited and clean energy to

utilise waste heat from chilling

Energy saving messages and tips

light whilst food is prepared using

generate a maximum of 52.8 kilowatts

processes for other purposes such as

on how to save electricity are

alternative energy sources.

of electricity to help power the hotel.

internal heating and water heating. It

strategically posted throughout the

Three wind turbines complement the

dramatically reduces heating, cooling

hotel. This, according to the hotel’s

aquaponic garden where, depending

PV array with a further 3kW each when

and ventilation expenses, as well as

Marketing Manager, Sarah Farrell, is to

on the season, small edible plants

the Cape wind blows at

water heating costs,” says Harms.

remind people of their responsibility

are grown for use in the kitchen,

to live sustainable and resource

including celery, spinach, chives,

12 metres per second. Inside the

Other energy and resource efficient

At Hotel Verde, energy

every Wednesday night, the hotel

Outside, Hotel Verde has a vertical

building, a lift equipped with a

technologies at play throughout

responsible lifestyles. “We hope

watercress, basil, butter sage,

regenerative drive and driven by

the hotel include flow restrictors on

to get people to think about saving

lettuce, mint, pansies and parsley.

gravity, ferries the hotel’s guests

taps and energy and water saving

electricity, inspire them to take home

The aquaponic system is fed by a

from floor to floor whilst generating

showerheads. These limit hot water

what we have shared with them and

timed pump system to ensure plants

electricity to be fed back into the hotel.

usage, saving both electricity and

adopt electricity smart behaviours in

get enough water without wasting




– African forerunner in ‘green’ hospitality one of only six hotels in the world - and the only hotel in Africa - to receive this accolade at the time. The second and most recent platinum certification was awarded in the Existing Building Operations & Maintenance category, giving Hotel Verde double platinum status and proving beyond any doubt that it is Africa’s greenest hotel. Being awarded Green Hotelier of 2015, Africa and the Middle East, in the International Tourism Partnership’s Green Hotelier Awards 2015. And, being voted Top 1 percent by Travelers’ Choice on TripAdvisor in 2015. Andrew Etzinger, Eskom’s Senior General Manager for Integrated Demand Management, says: “Hotel Verde has a very innovative approach to saving energy that incorporates both energy saving technologies and electricity smart behaviours. The importance of encouraging mindful electricity use in all spheres of business cannot be overstated; of world leadership in environmentally

the hotel has shown that even paying

friendly building operations and

guests can be motivated to use

management. The aim of a green

electricity conservatively without

building is to use resources more

hampering their experience.”

efficiently and address climate

Before commencing with any

change, whilst creating healthier and

energy efficiency retrofits though,

more productive environments for

Etzinger notes that hotels – and

people to live and work in.

any other business – should first

Celebrating its 2nd birthday in August 2015, Hotel Verde’s other recent accolades and achievements include:

conduct an energy use assessment of their operations. Having a variety of tariffs on

Being awarded a second

hand to work with, drawing on

LEED® Platinum Green Building

outside technical assistance and

Certification by the United

understanding the latest energy

States Green Building Council

efficient electro-technologies,

(USGBC), making Hotel Verde

Eskom’s Energy Advisors are

the first hotel globally to achieve

equipped to make specialist energy

The rating is valid for a period of three

double platinum certification for

efficiency recommendations in regard

years to ensure the hotel is continually

LEED® (Leadership in Energy and

to tariffs and appropriate energy

South Africa (GBCSA) awarded Hotel

operated according to stringent

Environmental Design).

sources – whether electrical, fossil

Verde a 6-Star rating in June 2015,

efficiency and sustainability targets.

The first platinum certification was

fuelled or renewable – based on

the highest accolade and a first for

Only a handful of South African

unnecessary energy. The Green Building Council of

awarded in the New Construction

an in-depth energy assessment of

a hotel in South Africa, after having

buildings have achieved a 6-Star

in the Green Building Design &

your organisation.

scored 82 points in the Green Star SA

rating, the highest certification

Construction category in May 2014,

Existing Building Performance tool.

achievable, and an acknowledgment

which established Hotel Verde as






Brand-new Bushcat aircraft

Nicola Gerrard (Wildlands) and Mark Ridl of Rhino Army, hand over a cheque to Wildlands’ CEO Dr Andrew Venter, of R168 000 in aid of rhino conservation efforts being carried out across the country – specifically for aerial support. (Photographer: Kirsten OliveR)

Earth Night & conservation efforts Seen here welcoming the new Bushcat to Zululand skies are (Left to Right): Carl Grossmann (Chairman of the African Conservation Trust – legal owners of the aircraft), Sheelagh Antrobus (Project Rhino KZN Coordinator), Francois du Toit (CEO of the African Conservation Trust) and Etienne Gerber (Pilot).



ildlands, a (leading environmental NPO)

wonderful country of ours.” A highlight of the evening

hosted their annual

was being handed a cheque for

Earth Night event

R168 000 by Rhino Army, another

late last year. Over R400 000 was

local NPO, to support Wildlands’

raised for conservation efforts all

Rhino Conservation Projects. This

over South Africa.

was followed by an auction of rhino

“It was a great pleasure to

sculptures, five star accommodation

he Zululand Anti-

rhino owners, and also maintain

welcome hundreds of people who

packages, bronze sculptures made

Poaching Wing’s brand-

the Hluhluwe airfield as an anti-

are passionate about conservation,

by well-known artist Sarah Richards,

new Bushcat aircraft

poaching operations base for the

to our Earth Night event year after

and turtle sculptures made by the

landed yesterday at the

northern KZN region.

year,” said Wildlands’ CEO,

inspirational Makotikoti Zikhali.

Hluhluwe base and will immediately

The Bushcat’s operational area

Dr Andrew Venter. “Wildlands’

The funds raised from Earth Night

start aerial surveillance patrols

will extend from Hluhluwe to the

work is made possible through the

are used for conservation efforts

for 17 private game reserves in the

Swaziland border. It is decked in

incredible generosity of many donors,

around endangered species, such as

Zululand region.

olive green and its ‘tail-dragger’

specifically the title donor of this

the Bearded Vulture, Wild Dog and

configuration will allow pilot

event – Old Mutual, and partners who

Rhino. Funds are also allocated to

constantly, the arrival of the

Etienne Gerber to land and take

share our passion for ‘A Sustainable

the upliftment of 120 communities

Bushcat (reg: ZU-FUU) has been

off from bush runways. It has

Future for All’. We are confident all

and almost 8 000 Green-preneurs

welcomed enthusiastically by

been fitted with mission-specific

the guests had a wonderful time

across the country.

Project Rhino KZN members,

equipment including an EFIS

and left the event determined to ‘be

who cover the costs of fi xed-wing

(electronic flight information

the change they want to see’ in this

aerial surveillance for private

system) and live satellite tracking.

With poaching threats escalating


Did you know

The jackal T

here’s another wolf in

Peter Koepfli of the Smithsonian

the world, according to

Conservation Biology Institute in

results published last

Washington, DC. Koepfli led the

year in Current Biology. The

study along with Robert Wayne of the

discovery of the species, called the


African golden wolf (Canis anthus),

that turned into a wolf



University of California, Los Angeles. Despite their genetic differences,

effectively increases the number of

golden wolves look like jackals, and

living canid species from 35 to 36.

even their teeth and skulls are similar.

Golden wolves were previously

Koepfli and Wayne believe this is why

lumped with golden jackals

the two species were confused for

(C. aureus), which are widespread

so long. While the golden wolf bears

through the northern half of Africa and

more genetic similarities to the gray

into parts of Eurasia. However, genetic

wolf, it is distinct enough to merit its

analyses found that populations in

own species.

Africa are quite distinct from Eurasian

According to Koepfli, “even

golden jackals, and have much more

among well-known and widespread

in common with gray wolves (C. lupus)

species such as golden jackals,

and coyotes (C. latrans).

there is the potential to discover

“This represents the first discovery

hidden biodiversity.”

of a ‘new’ canid species in Africa in over 150 years,” says Klaus-



TTC announces adoption of new

TreadRight Animal Welfare Policy New commitment to animal welfare is based on the ‘Five Freedoms,’ a compact of rights for animals under human control


rafalgar, Insight Vacations,

the TreadRight Animal Welfare Policy

Contiki Holidays and

will be phased out and replaced with


Uniworld Boutique River

activities that meet these standards.

Created as a joint initiative between The Travel Corporation’s family of brands, the TreadRight Foundation is a ‘not-for-profit’ that commits to keeping the environment and communities they visit vibrant for generations to come. To date, TreadRight has helped support more than 35 sustainable tourism projects worldwide. The foundation’s guiding principle is to encourage sustainable tourism development through conservation, leadership and support for communities. TreadRight’s past project partners include WWF, Conservation International and The National Trust in the UK. Current initiatives include sponsoring the National Geographic Society’s inaugural “World Legacy Awards,” helping to combat wildlife crime with WildAid, and empowering individuals with the Alliance for Artisan Enterprise.

Cruises, in collaboration

Theresa Szejwallo, Managing

with the TreadRight Foundation, a

Director for TTC in South Africa said:

joint initiative between The Travel

“In the spirit of our commitment,

Corporation’s (TTC) family of brands,

on October 4, World Animal Day,

proudly announced that they would

Trafalgar, Insight Vacations, Contiki

adopt a new TreadRight Animal

Holidays and Uniworld Boutique

Welfare Policy. As part of TTC’s

River Cruises joined World Animal

continued journey to ensure the

Protection in signing the Elephant-

environment and communities they

friendly Tourist Pledge. By signing

visit remain vibrant for generations to

the pledge, we commit not to sell,

come, the TreadRight Animal Welfare

offer or promote venues or activities

Policy will help them to ensure that

involving elephant rides and shows.

all TTC experiences meet globally

We commit to offer only those with

recognised animal welfare criteria.

a high standard of elephant welfare

proud to collaborate with World

Based on the Five Freedoms, a

and conservation, with responsible

Animal Protection in the interests

compact of rights for animals under

viewing of elephants in wild or semi-

of ensuring the industry embraces

human control, the Animal Welfare

wild habitats.”

animal-friendly tourism and

Policy asserts that animals under

“As The Travel Corporation and


strengthens wildlife protection.” The announcement of the

human control should have freedom

our family of brands continue on

from hunger and thirst; freedom from

our sustainability journey, guided

TreadRight Animal Welfare Policy

discomfort; freedom from pain, injury,

by the TreadRight Foundation,

and the signing of the Elephant-

and disease; freedom to express

we recognise the importance of

friendly Tourist Pledge reaffirm and

normal behaviour; and freedom from

continually adopting new best

strengthen TTC’s commitment to

fear and distress.

practices and policies in the interest

wildlife already established by the

of helping to drive the positive

continuing support of the TreadRight

assist the operations team as they

transformation of the travel industry,”

Wildlife Initiative, which works in

vet and assess all animal related

says Brett Tollman, CEO, The Travel

partnership with WildAid and the

activities that TTC offer. Those rare

Corporation and co-founder of the

Wilderness Foundation – Africa to

activities that may not be in line with

TreadRight Foundation. “We are

ensure the well-being of animals.

This newly adopted policy will





iSimangaliso’s December drought: the harsh reality


rought is as harsh a reality in iSimangaliso - which includes

uMkhuze - as it is in the rest of the country,” says Andrew Zaloumis, CEO of the iSimangaliso Wetland Park. “We accept,” he notes, “that in larger parks like Kruger and iSimangaliso, drought plays an important – even vital – role in regulating species, weeding out weaker animals and reducing fuel loads for fire. We also fully recognise that the sight of carcasses and animals in poor condition can be distressing and unpleasant for those who witness the crueler side of nature.” While iSimangaliso is experiencing the lowest recorded rainfall in 65 years, the Park has endured worse droughts

The uMkhuze section is home to more than

– most recent being from 2002 to 2009. iSimangaliso and Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Park managers have certainly

23large 000

learnt from previous droughts, and have been able to implement a number of interventions. As a result of dedicated forward planning, the


uMkhuze section of iSimangaliso is currently in a better place than during previous droughts. “We have established a network

In the case of priority rare and

of new and improved auxiliary water

endangered species such as rhino,

systems. In uMkhuze, this includes

iSimangaliso, together with Ezemvelo,

refurbishment of existing boreholes

will step in to assist by rescuing those

and sinking of new ones for animals

stuck in mud or relocating animals to

as well as staff and visitors at the

better grazing areas – which is what

accommodation facilities. A constant

we did successfully in the 2002 to

supply of water is pumped to

2009 drought, when we translocated

waterholes - such as kuMasinga and

23 rhino over the course of a few days from uMkhuze to the Eastern Shores.

kuMahlala Hides - where game and bird viewing remain excellent. Water

regulated ecosystems rather than

animals often concentrate at and die

is also trucked into key areas where

for the survival of individual animals.

near water holes.

needed, for example eMshophi. Further

This means that other than the

boreholes will be opened if necessary.

interventions outlined above (and

landscape and for the most part

bigger picture, using the lessons of

The water supply is being judiciously

should it become necessary, the

would be left in situ for the Park’s

the past together with the knowledge

managed for the possible long haul,

translocation of rare and endangered

numerous scavengers or predators

and science of the present. It is

should the drought continue into the

species, such as rhino) animals will

such as hyena, lions, wild dogs,

also important to remember that

next rainy season,” says Zaloumis.

have to survive on their own. The

crocodiles and vultures (extremely

ecosystems are managed as a whole

uMkhuze section (which accounts

endangered with uMkhuze being one

– what is bad for individual animals

systems to play out in as wild and

for over 43 000ha of the 332 000ha,

of the only significant populations

may in fact be beneficial or even

natural an arena as is possible within

220km-long iSimangaliso Wetland

left). An exception would be if

necessary for the system – a recent

fenced boundaries, field rangers

Park) has more than 23 000 large

there is a health issue – again this

example being the Cape fires that

and Park ecologists are closely

herbivores. Returns for October and

is monitored on a case-by-case

saw the fynbos vegetation thriving

monitoring the impacts on biodiversity

November show that 105 and

basis. While the grazers are bearing

within a few months.”

and the entire ecosystem, both

88 uMkhuze animals died

the brunt of the brutal conditions,

fauna and flora. Even in these dry

respectively (0.8 percent of the total

browsers like giraffe, elephant

iSimangaliso’s Rare and Endangered

conditions, management aims - as

population). To visitors, this could

and kudu are able to reach higher

Species please email debbie@

far as possible - for healthy, naturally

look far higher, as sick or weakened

branches are therefore more resilient.


While continuing to allow the


Carcasses are part of the natural

“Yes, nature is harsh, but also incredibly resilient,” says Zaloumis. “Conservation must consider the

For those who wish to donate to


Armoured but still in need of protection R.I.P. Chatunga - the little “fighter”

animals, it is only one tool on the

for a small car. The baby pangolin did

conviction and electrocution of Richard

Swiss army-knife of conservation.

not survive.

Hauptmann for capital murder. It was

Back in Zimbabwe the rescue of Pangolins from illegal wildlife

to report that this dealer is now

trade continues. One particular

languishing in a Zimbabwean prison

rescue however, seems to have

for nine years.

brought home the absolute tragedy


The Tikki Hywood Trust is delighted

considered the ‘Crime of the Century’. This kidnapper was put to death.” Suddenly nine years doesn’t look so bad – it looks like an opportunity

Says Lisa Hywood, CEO and founder

to reform.

of this despicable industry, the

of Tikki Hywood Trust: “We can be

complete lack of respect for life and

accused of anthropomorphising;

profit charitable organisation offering

the constant hunt for that illusive

we can be accused of being over

a fresh and positive contribution to

green dollar. In late afternoon the

sensitive ‘bunny huggers’ . We even

Zimbabwean conservation. The Tikki

Tikki Hywood Trust received an

acknowledge that some may feel that

Hywood Trust fills a niche that is often

emaciated, freezing and absolutely

these sentences are far too severe for

overlooked in wildlife conservation,

The Tikki Hywood Trust is a non-

here has been a lot of news

bewildered little male Pangolin,

the offence committed. However, how

being the preservation of species that

about the recent CITES

weighing in at only 2.2kg. This baby

different would people feel if this were

lack the charisma and appeal of the

Standing Committee

was too young to leave the care of

a three year old child, snatched from

larger, more publicised rare animals.

meeting (SC66) recently

his mother, possibly just starting the

his mother and treated brutally, then

held in Geneva, Switzerland.

process of weaning. Instead he was

only to be used as a barter item?

Persecuted species such as Pangolins

starving, hypothermic and riddled

have been getting much needed

with mites, an indicator of his stressed

son of famous American aviator

recognition. Whilst this kind of policy

and compromised state. What made

Charles Lindbergh from his crib. The

making and administration of member

matters worse, certainly for those at

baby’s body was found months later

Countries is vitally important for

Tikki Hywood, was being informed

in the woods across state lines. A

the protection of these diminishing

that the trader had hoped to swap him

long investigation resulted in the


In 1932 an intruder seized the infant



Last great hope 28




fter two decades of largely failed negotiations, a buoyant optimism surrounded

global leaders from 194 nations who stood ready to hammer out and approve an unprecedented accord to reduce carbon emissions in Paris in December 2015. The summit marked the 21st consecutive attempt by the United Nations to cope with the escalating ravages of largely manmade climate change. 100 world leaders, including President Obama, gathered in Paris in

and more intense heat-waves;

a show of solidarity for the terrorism-

longer-enduring droughts; stronger,

stricken city, and to acknowledge that

more frequent storms; greater

there is broad agreement on the need

Arctic melting; rising sea levels;

for every country to reduce its share

dying coral reefs and many other

of greenhouse gas emissions. Those

negative impacts. The 2014 summit in Lima, Peru,

emissions have already resulted in record-breaking high temperatures globally for 15 straight years — with

Maintaining tropical forests is critically important to sequestering carbon and curbing climate change.



the failed Copenhagen conference in

So far so good. Until you do

what-we-tell-you approach blew up

For the first time, the world’s three

the maths.

in highly visible acrimony, with poor

largest carbon emitters — China, the U.S. and the European Union

Climate scientists are in broad agreement that to avoid

2009, when the UN’s top-down, do-

countries refusing to be bullied. Earlier in 2015, more than 170

which represent 50 percent of global

catastrophic, civilisation-threatening

countries — including all the major

emissions — are on board with

climate change, global temperature

carbon emitters — used the new

pledges to peak and reduce their

increases, measured since the mid-

bottom-up approach to set their

burning of coal, oil and natural gas

1800s, must remain below 2 degrees

own targets for carbon-emission

over the next 10-15 years.

Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) by

reductions. Each nation’s promised

2100. We’re already nearly halfway

cuts are known as its Intended

important story that billionaire and

there - temperatures have risen

Nationally Determined Contribution

Microsoft founder Bill Gates intends to

nearly 1 degree Celsius since the

(INDCs). The accumulated promised

announce the creation of a multibillion

dawn of the industrial age.

cuts in carbon emissions are less

Also, Climate Wire broke an

dollar clean energy fund, hailed as the largest in history. It will reportedly

Carbon emissions largely continue unabated, with China and the US the biggest producers currently.

approach to coping with carbon emissions. It came as the result of

2015 very likely be the warmest since record keeping began.

outlined the first-ever bottom-up

The massive burning of fossil fuels for energy generation has been a

than comforting. “When you look at the [INDC]

fund new clean-energy technology

double-edged sword: unprecedented

pledges and add them up, we’re

R&D to “accelerate the pace of

First World wealth, and increasing

about halfway to where we need to

progress, develop and deploy new

prosperity in the Developing World,

be to stay under 2 degrees Celsius.

solutions,” to combat global warming,

along with rapidly increasing climate

Halfway. Unless the leading emitters

as Gates has said previously.

instability with more numerous

become a lot more aggressive, the




Logging, as seen here in Sabah Malaysia, is a major cause of tropical deforestation, along with agriculture, mineral extraction and dam construction. COP21 is seen by many as the last great hope for a binding climate change agreement

press conference in Washington, D.C.,

the controversial forest policy called

on the importance of the land sector

REDD+. That policy asks industrial

to carbon cuts — forest management

countries to compensate tropical

approaches that can result in either

countries to keep forests standing,

more carbon emissions, or preferably,

thus offsetting and capping the

the reduction of greenhouse gases in

greenhouse gases industrial countries

the atmosphere.

continue to burn.

“The activities of the land sector

agreement to have a very big

world is heading for 3.5 degrees

percent of global greenhouse gas

section on REDD+ or even mention

Celsius warmer. And that would be

emissions,” Funk said, “and forests

it explicitly,” said Meyer, a REDD+

beyond catastrophic,” said John Knox,

provide sequestration potential

specialist with the Environmental

a special representative to the UN

equal to 10-14 percent of current

Defense Fund in Washington, D.C.

on climate change and human rights.

gross emissions.” Sequestration

“That’s because in previous COPs,

The only way to close the emissions

refers to carbon storage outside

particularly Warsaw in COP19, it’s

gap, Knox said, “is cutting the use of

the atmosphere or oceans, where

already been decided on.”

fossil fuels. There is no other way to

increasing carbon loads are leading to

fix the problem.”

climate destabilisation.


is simple: the rainforests and cloud

web site. He asserts that the policy

Unless, of course, you can see the

forests that ring the equatorial belly

will allow major industrial countries

forests for the trees.

of the earth are natural sinks for

and carbon emitters, like Norway and

carbon emissions — enormous, thirsty

Germany, for example, to continue

with the Union of Concerned Scientists,

sponges that lock up carbon in their

polluting at will, while buying

spoke at a November 20th pre-COP21

leaves, limbs, trunks and roots as long

themselves a clean conscience by

as they are standing. Cut them down,

tossing some money at poor, tropical

burn them? All that stored carbon

countries in an attempt to protect

escapes as if from a smokestack

carbon-sequestering forests.

Jason Funk, senior climate scientist

adding to climate chaos. “Forests

British author of the REDD Monitor

Lang questions the lack of scientific

and ecosystems are the only way we

rigor built into the REDD apparatus:

have of removing carbon from the

Are tropical forests really being

atmosphere at [a large] scale,” said

preserved to offset First World

Steve Panfil, a technical adviser with

pollution, he asks? How much carbon

Conservation International. “Any

is really being sequestered? How can

agreement in Paris has to take that

it be accurately measured? How do

into account. If we stop deforestation

you know both countries aren’t a part

where it is now, we could reduce

of a big international trading scam

emissions by 30 percent.”

where one party keeps burning fossil

Of the five scientists at the The carbon storage capacity of tropical forests is huge — so long as they don’t burn, or are cut down. Large wildfires have raged in Indonesia and the Amazon during this year’s massive El Nino.

REDD+ is controversial in part because of critics like Chris Lang,

The mantra of scientists like Funk


Each nation participating in COP21 has made its own, self-determined commitment to the amount of carbon emissions it can trim from its economy

“We are not expecting the Paris

collectively account for about 24

fuels and the other gets richer by

November press conference, none is more familiar than Chris Meyer, with

pretending to save forests? “The idea that you can make




Illegal logging sawmill in Borneo. REDD+ critics say that it will be very difficult to monitor and stop illegal logging of tropical forests

forests worth more standing, [rather] than cutting them down for the riches of fossil fuels and precious metals that

Unfortunately, the total carbon commitments by all nations falls roughly 50 percent short of the cuts needed to prevent catastrophic climate change



lie underneath is naïve,” Lang said in a Mongabay interview. “You can always get more money cutting down trees and planting palm oil [in a country like Indonesia, than you can], drilling for oil [in Ecuador] or digging for gold [in Peru].”

GIVING REDD+ A CHANCE Meyer disagrees with Lang, arguing that REDD+ is a useful market mechanism that will allow countries to make more economically efficient carbon reductions. He sees it as just “another tool in their policy toolbox to work with.” Meyer points to the early successes of a pilot REDD+ programme in Acre, Brazil, in the western Amazon near the border with Peru. Acre is larger than some Central American countries, with more rainforest, and has suffered significant deforestation due to

Tropical rain forest in Borneo being destroyed to make way for oil palm plantation.

Timber for transportation

ranching, logging and extraction. But now thousands of forested acres

the forests they call home. “These

Meanwhile, climate scientist Jason

If you are on the ark, we all have

are being managed and preserved,

are eco-system services — more

Funk argues that observers should

the potential to move forward

Meyer said.

carbon sequestration, more jobs in

not overplay ‘the emissions gap’

together.” Of course, this begs the

the forests, more food security —

after the voluntary INDC national

question of whether the ark of

willing to give REDD+ a shot,

that are being paid for by keeping

pledges are totaled. “Paris is not

global carbon commitments will

Germany has paid millions to the

forests standing,” Meyer said. “It’s

the end,” he said “It’s a pivot point

be sufficient, and come in time, to

jurisdictional government in Acre

pioneering in many ways.”

with all nations on board for future

weather the fierce climate change

negotiations and the inevitable

storms ahead.

Without claiming offsets, but

to reduce its land concessions

Regardless of the claimed success

international pressure to do better.

Justin Catanoso is Director

for logging and ranching. Officials

in Acre, Meyer acknowledges the stiff

have used some of the money to

challenges in scaling up REDD+ and

support sustainable rubber tapping,

applying regulations and penalties

kind of agreement,” Funk said

thus keeping more trees standing

to make sure it’s effective worldwide.

of the potential COP21 Paris

while providing jobs. Most of the

“REDD+ complements, but does

accord. “You don’t have perfect


German money goes to indigenous

not substitute for, essential efforts

accommodations. But it’s more


communities in Acre who determine

to transition from fossil fuels to

important to be on the ark than to be


how they will use it to preserve

cleaner forms of energy,” Meyer said.

left behind.



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