Aqua makes a splash GNT’s market development manager, Maartje Hendrickx, explains how vivid blues and greens are helping consumers reconnect with nature. Exberry Coloring Foods are the perfect way to tap into the industry’s new blue trend
Shades of Aqua provides a sense of the unexpected, creating eyecatching products that people want to share on social media.
n 2020, the company’s range entitled Shades of Aqua are set to dominate the food and beverage industry with
vivid blue and green colours. The palette can assist consumers to reconnect with nature, evoking thoughts of the sea and verdant landscapes. Using blues and greens is not just a great way to create the right visual effect. These colours can influence perceptions
Spearheading the switch to natural vanillin Solvay is instrumental in directing the switch to natural vanillin alternatives to satisfy demand for true-to-nature products.
he ingredient offers the advantages
facet, complemented by a touch
of non-GMO products, derived from a
of caramel
unique bio-conversion process from
• Delivers a powerful vanilla note with a
natural ferulic acid. It is compliant with the European natural flavouring Regulation
sweet, creamy, natural character • Worldwide labelling of ‘natural flavour’
(EC) No 1334/2008 and can be labelled as a
for consumer end-products stemming
natural flavouring or natural vanillin.
from a process of unique fermentation from natural raw material
• The solution is approved and used by
With vanilla prices at an all-time high,
major food companies and incorporated
Rhovanil Natural CW becomes the excellent
in leading brands in the fields of
alternative or complement to natural flavours:
beverage, pastry, ice cream and
it is the only natural vanillin that meets
dairy products.
European 1334/2008 and US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 21CFR101.22 regulations
regarding natural labelling, a key benefit for
Rhovanil Natural CW brings its sweet,
food international players.
creamy and cocoa characteristics to the
Solvay natural vanillin is approved by TTB,
following applications: dairy products, ice
the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau,
cream, chocolate, caramel and malt flavours
which is in charge of alcoholic beverages
to round off single flavour chemicals and
regulations, in addition to FDA approval.
cocoa extracts. All kinds of fruit flavours, including natural strawberry, raspberry,
banana and fruit blends, which are
• The range has a strong characteristic
transformed into sweet, creamy, candy-like
vanilla note with a soft and powdery
Food Review | February 2020
Solvay has doubled its production capacity of Rhovanil Natural Crystal White
profiles adored by children, confectionery
and sugars containing vanilla; biscuits, pastry, cakes and French pastry cream and beverages. Rhovanil Natural CW range is compliant with the stringent regulations in force regarding “natural status” in food and cost-competitive with a sweet vanilla note consumers enjoy. ‘We are committed to supporting the switch to natural ingredients. By doubling the production capacity of Rhovanil Natural CW to 120 metric tonnes and aligning our production process with the National Organic Programme requirements in the US, we are responding to our customers’ global long-term natural growth needs. It also reflects Solvay’s environmental and socially conscious practices,’ says Peter Browning, president of Solvay’s Aroma Performance global business unit (GBU). •
Solvay – www.solvay.com