Full Service Q2 2019

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Top restaurant trends to watch Health- and environment-conscious eating continues to dominate eating trends, while also having an impact on interior design. Technology is also playing a big role in how restaurants operate in this century. Apps for making reservations and reviewing restaurants are changing the way restaurants interact with potential customers while delivery services are disrupting the market in new and exciting ways.

service to wherever you are situated. More and more customers are choosing to stay home rather than go out, but still desire good food from trendy restaurants. Adding food delivery to your service offering can only benefit your restaurant.



The trend towards health and wellness is certainly one of the biggest driving forces in the restaurant industry at the moment” 12

May 2019 | Full Serv ce

According to Business Insider, in 2018 Mr D Food reported order growth of 210 percent, processing over R500 million worth of orders during the year with over 270 000 active users. Yet food delivery in South Africa is still seen as an under-penetrated market with potential for growth. The truth is Millennials are the biggest driving force for change in all industries including the restaurant industry. Millennials desire convenience and speed above all else. With apps like Uber Eats and Mr D Food as well as the soon to launch Bolt app, fine dining is no longer confined to the restaurant itself. On the go Millennials can relax in the comfort of their own homes and click away to order restaurant meals to be delivered to their couch. Even more interestingly there’s a rise of virtual kitchens, which operate solely on a delivery principle. This is still an emerging concept in South Africa but one restaurant that’s making great strides in this space is Oishi – a Cape Town based sushi and Asian sides restaurant. It prepares food in a closed kitchen then either delivers directly or through a food delivery

A standard restaurant will serve up breakfast, lunch and dinner – perhaps even some light meals for in-between times. Yet, there is a demand for new and interesting dining experiences from a target market of diners knowledgeable about food and the foodie culture. South Africa’s annual restaurant week is a good way to start your foray into new dining experiences. You can offer a set, themed menu that excites diners’ palates. While the idea of ordering off menu or off a secret menu is becoming increasingly popular in the US, it’s not really something South Africans have yet explored. Using social media and word of mouth as your tools you can develop a few special menu items that only your regular, foodie crowd knows about. This helps to create buzz about your restaurant as it gives diners a unique experience they’ll want to tell others about. Another way to offer up a unique dining experience is partnering with other brands to offer a themed evening once a month or every quarter – experiences like wine and food pairings, coffee and chocolate pairings or a dinner and entertainment package are a great way to attract diners to your restaurant with a complete experience rather than just a meal.

WAKE UP TO WELLNESS The trend towards health and wellness is certainly one of the biggest driving forces in the restaurant industry at the moment. Many diners are choosing vegan and vegetarian options while some follow lifestyle plans like ‘paleo’ that calls for natural ingredients and no grains. The freefrom category is growing with many diners looking for gluten-free,

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Full Service Q2 2019 by New Media B2B - Issuu