Industrial Buyer January/ February 2021

Page 10


FIRST INTERNATIONAL QUALIFICATION FOR LU EQUIPMENT MECHANIC Lincoln Lubrication SA, a SKF Group company, has developed the first nationally registered qualification for Lubrication Equipment Mechanic Artisans. This new Occupational qualification is now available to any employee with experience in the automated lubrication field. Successful candidates will be certified as Lubrication Equipment Mechanic Artisans and will be awarded the nationally recognised Artisan Certificate by the Quality Council of Trades and Occupation (QCTO).

LANDMARK ACHIEVEMENT This landmark achievement is the result of eight years of hard work and dedication by the Technical Working Group, a team of forward-thinking stakeholders, spearheaded by Human Resource Professional, Michael Mogogabe, Skills Development Provider (SDP) & Trade Test Centre (TTC) Training Management provider to Lincoln Lubrication SA. Members of the Technical Working Group include representatives from companies that are involved in the lubrication field as well as training providers who were appointed to develop the trade test tasks and national assessment instruments. “Membership also includes the Community of Experts who was responsible for the development of the Lubrication Equipment Mechanic qualification and curriculum,” explains Mogogabe, adding that the appointment of these members was facilitated by the Department of Higher Education and Training under Artisan Development. “While the journey in developing this qualification was never an easy one, the sense of achievement following the completion of the trade testing overshadows all challenges encountered throughout the years,” notes Mogogabe who, together with William Van Rooyen and Roy Grobler, are the first candidates to have successfully


completed their assessment and have been declared competent by the National Artisan Moderation Body (NAMB). The development of the qualification as well as the curriculum content commenced in 2012 and was registered with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) in 2015. The process of developing the trade test tasks and National Assessment Instruments started one year later and was concluded in early 2020. According to Mogogabe, the entire assessment process as well as the development of all the Assessment Instruments was under the strict guidance and authority of NAMB officials which is an Advanced Qualification Partner for trade qualifications. “We also appreciate the support that was provided by MerSETA who kindly assisted us in getting the lubrication field occupation registered in the Organising Framework of Occupations (OFO) and recognised as a Trade Qualification by NAMB,” notes Mogogabe.

RECOGNITION OF AN ESSENTIAL INDUSTRY All big machinery and equipment imported into South Africa by the mining, printing, food & beverage, agriculture, steel, wind turbine, cement and transport sectors are equipped with a standard automated lubrication system. “It is the responsibility of the qualified Lubrication Equipment Mechanic Artisan to repair, maintain, install and commission these lubrication systems so the development of this first-of-its-kind artisan qualification which gives recognition to this essential industry is indeed a milestone,” says Mogogabe. Another area of pride for Mogogabe and his team is that this portable qualification achieves the objective of lifelong learning as it offers employees involved in the lubrication field the opportunity to study further as well as to articulate into other registered qualifications. Qualified artisans are also in the advantageous position of being able to enter occupations such as

NAMB officials: Gerrie Van Staden, Charles Lekganyane and Marcus Makgamatha with candidates: William Van Rooyen, Roy Grobler and Michael Mogagabe


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Industrial Buyer January/ February 2021 by New Media B2B - Issuu