Industrial Buyer May/ June 2021

Page 16


What does the fu working look like Despite the positive atmosphere and eagerness to get back to “normal” post-COVID19 there is still a feeling of scepticism and fear when it comes to safety, especially with the chatter of the much dreaded third wave starting to circulate. Ulrich Stark, executive director of WizzPass says companies need to embrace change and handle this adjustment period in the best and least disruptive way possible.


ver a year ago, the South African government implemented the first lockdown as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Strict Level-5 restrictions were put in place to assist in flattening the curve and to reduce infection rates. During this time, many businesses were forced to close down, while the majority of the remaining workforce packed up their desks and prepared to work from home. At the time the expectation was that this protocol would last for a short, and somewhat exciting, two-week period. Little did we know



that more than a year later the virus would still be dictating the reality of our now adjusted working world. The pandemic changed the manner of our social interactions drastically, with the majority of people now operating from their homes and connecting via various meeting apps. Now that we are finally in lockdown Level-1, afternoon traffic has built up, shops have removed rental boards and people are starting to return to their offices. We have become so aware of social distancing, what we touch, and wearing of

masks, that safety has become second nature and that isn’t going anywhere soon. Here are three actions to help your business adapt to a new way of working while keeping safety top of mind.

CREATE GUIDELINES. Every office is different, so start by asking the important questions about how working from home and in the office can now look. Through these answers a natural set of guidelines will form and will help you find the ideal solution for your office space.

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Industrial Buyer May/ June 2021 by New Media B2B - Issuu