Lab Management and Science Issue 1 2019

Page 12

NE WS CSIR establishes industry forum to boost SA photonics industry

which is a result of a fragmented research,

potential synergies”, said UNIDO’s Juan

Could South Africa be missing out on

development and innovation value-chain,

Pablo Davila. “We agreed that the SQIS

the lucrative photonics industry due to

low levels of local technology transfer

programme could provide technical

a lack of public-private partnerships?

and minimal collaboration among various

assistance to help laboratories that have

With the fourth industrial revolution fast

stakeholders, has limited the growth

started the accreditation process and who

approaching, government and industry are

potential of South Africa’s photonics industry.

expressed interest in starting the process.”

increasingly being challenged to think about

As such, in 2015, South Africa experienced

The main areas of collaboration include

technology differently, and how it can be

a trade deficit of approximately R6.3bn due

training on management systems and

used to foster socio-economic development

to the high volume of imported advanced

technical capacity building; events to market

and establish formidable sectors of the

photonics manufacturing technologies.

and raise awareness of the importance

The low level of innovation output,

economy that will compete globally.

With six photonics application industry

a harmonised database of conformity

forum represented views from a

assessment bodies in the region. The event

variety of these sectors. Over 15

was organised with funding from the

industry players presented their scope

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland.

challenges included lack of funding

Sartorius sends Christmas donation to Yemen

and collaboration opportunities,

Sartorius is donating 85 000 euros at

invisibility of photonics projects

Christmas time for humanitarian help in

that support industry, exportation

Yemen. This year’s charitable contribution

of photonics skills and lack of

will be made to the European medical aid

communication between government

organisation action medeor e. V., which

and the photonics industry.

supplies life-saving medications and food

Some of the frequently mentioned

to competing effectively in the fourth industrial revolution. According to an article titled The Future

of accreditation; and establishment of

domains in South Africa, the industry

of work, challenges and opportunities.

SA’s photonics industry is underdeveloped and a major hurdle

experiences, cross-fertilise, and identify

supplements to health facilities in Yemen.

Bring, photonics is one of the key

SADC region lab associations meet to share ideas on lab accreditation

enabling technologies that will assist the

Within the framework of its Sustainable

groups of the population have sufficient

foundational technologies of the fourth

Quality Infrastructure Programme

access to basic healthcare.

industrial revolution to reach their full

for the Southern African

potential. In preparation for this new wave,

Development Community

for the first time ever, the CSIR Photonics

(SADC), SQIS, the United

Prototyping Facility team hosted a Photonics

Nations Industrial Development

Industry Network Forum, which brought

Organization (UNIDO), together

together industry players in the South

with the SADC Regional

African photonics market. The objective for

Laboratory Association (SRLA),

establishing this quarterly forum is to create

organised an Expert Group

awareness of the various photonics industry

Meeting to explore potential

role-players, while identifying industry’s

areas of cooperation and

challenges and opportunities.

collaboration between SRLA

The decision to establish industry forums

members who are Member State-

After around four years of ongoing war and due to a failing economy in Yemen, not all

Photo credit: action medeor

That Photonics and Electronics Technologies

German lab supplier Sartorius have announced a large Christmas donation to the people of Yemen.

was a result of identified challenges that

National Laboratory Associations

are experienced by the South African

(MS-NLAs), and the National Accreditation

As part of its Christmas Donations

photonics market. Currently, the global

Focal Points that represent member states

Instead of Gifts campaign, Sartorius is

photonics market is worth $7tn, with over

without their own national accreditation body

supporting action medeor e. V. for the

3 000 photonics manufacturing companies

including Angola, Botswana, the Democratic

fifth time in a row and, for this special

across 50 countries. By 2024, the industry is

Republic of the Congo, Lesotho, Malawi,

purpose, has again decided to forego giving

expected to reach USD$979.90bn. However,

Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Tanzania,

Christmas gifts to customers and business

South Africa’s photonics market has not

Zambia and Zimbabwe.

partners. The ongoing conflict in Yemen

been able to enjoy the same success due to its miniscule global market share.

“The event served as an initial platform for MS-NLAs and NAFPs to meet, share

has killed an estimated 50 000 people and displaced countless others. M

Representatives from national lab associations in the SADC region met in Pretoria recently.


LMS  Issue 1 | 2019

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