Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic Review Africa

Page 20


How to mix and manufacture

COMPLIANT HAND SANITISER Designed to be an alternative to washing hands with water and surfactants, hand sanitisers reduce the viral and bacterial load on skin. While they don’t necessarily kill everything, viruses such as COVID-19 are more susceptible when using hand sanitisers. Dr Russel Walters, freelance scientist at Kolabtree, shares his expertise on how to formulate and manufacture an alcohol-based hand sanitiser quickly, easily and compliantly.


n order for a virus to infect a human

can also spread viral particles when

host, the host needs to be exposed

touching the eyes, mouth, food etc.

to a sufficient viral load, typically hundreds, thousands or tens of

Hand sanitisers have repeatedly been

options are few and constraints clear. This article focuses on the two formulations permitted by the FDA under

shown to slow the spread of viruses

the recent COVID-19 guidance. The choice

thousands of viral particles. Using hand

and are regulated in most countries.

is yours.

sanitiser dramatically reduces the viral

In the US, the FDA recently liberalised

load on the skin, reducing infection, or

manufacturing rules, creating a

infection severity.

favourable situation for manufacturers


and formulators who are new to the

Before the coronavirus, in the US hand

infected person is best for transmission,

Long, sustained exposure to an

industry. It opens a legal path for

sanitisers were produced by very large,

which makes it important to sanitise

those looking to expand into hand

FDA-registered drug manufacturers, like

hands because they are our primary

sanitiser supply and makes formulation

Purell. However, in March 2020, the FDA

contact with the outside world. Hands

straightforward. Unlike skin lotions, the

issued guidance for expanded production


| QUARTER 2 2020 | P C Africa

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