Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic Review July 2019

Page 13


Is your future dosage patent vulnerable to 'obviousness'?

Inventing dosage regimes is a crucial and lengthy step in drug development. Patenting dosage is even trickier. Subsequent to the UK Supreme Court’s ruling on the Tadalafil patent, Spoor & Fisher’s Tertia Beharie shares insight into the implications of the obviousness argument on dosage patents.


atent (UK 1173 181) for the drug Tadalafil has been ruled as invalid by the UK Supreme Court, on the basis it lacked an inventive step.

invention is an added benefit in which the claimed innovation is obvious for another purpose • in the case of a dosage patent, there is no

familiar pre-clinical and clinical procedures. It would have been ‘very likely’ the skilled research team would have conducted further testing at lower doses, including five

The patent is owned by ICOS and exclusively

blanket prohibition on such patents when

milligrams, which the experts suggested

licensed to Eli Lilly. Tadalafil (branded as

drafted in the corrected format.

would have been a ‘no brainer’.

CIALIS) is an orally administered drug for treating erectile dysfunction (ED). It works

The obviousness argument

Implications for SA

in a similar way to Pfizer’s blockbuster drug

Considering the 10 steps, the UK Supreme

The patent for Tadalafil has also been

Viagra, but with fewer side effects. UK

Court found the patent ‘obvious’. The

filed in South Africa and is set to expire in

1 173 181 relates to a dosage regime

obviousness argument was based on a

2020. While it’s unlikely the patent will be

for Tadalafil.

prior art patent application (WO 97/03675)

challenged locally, the stringent 10 step

known as Daugan, which disclosed the use

approach might be used as a blueprint

milligrams of Tadalafil up to a maximum total

of Tadalafil for the treatment of ED, giving

and influence South African Courts in

dose of five milligrams per day.

a 50mg dose as a formulation example.

assessing the inventive step for future

The patent claims doses of nought to five

In an attempt to clear the market for their own Tadalafil generic, Actavis and other generic companies brought revocation proceedings against the ICOS/Lilly patent. The case concerns a principle question – how does the test of obviousness apply to a dosage patent? To clarify the theory behind the inventive step, the UK Supreme Court provides guidance in a 10 step approach. The following factors have to be considered in the obviousness assessment: • was it obvious to try

The 10 step approach might be used as a blueprint and influence South African Courts

• was the research routine in nature

dosage patent cases. The judgement also begs the question – when are dosage patents considered inventive? Given the long list of factors a court might consider, it appears a dosage patent could be more vulnerable to an obviousness attack, not just in the UK but worldwide. Dosage patents can still be valid and a worthwhile means of protecting continuing research on a known drug. Yet patent applicants should focus on any unusual features in their research programme and emphasise these

• the burden and cost of the

Daugan specified a Tadalafil dose in the

research programme

range of 0.5 to 800mg per day. Daugan also

• what value judgments would the

provided data for a 50mg Tadalafil dose.

no doubt reconsider their future global

research team have to make

Daugan did not disclose a dose of one to

patent filing strategies for dosage patent

• were there alternative paths

five milligrams per day of Tadalafil as an

applications, as a result of this judgment. •

of research

effective treatment of sexual dysfunction.

• the motivation of the skilled person to

The novelty of the subsequent Tadalafil

undertake certain technical trials • were the results unexpected or surprising – the court did caution that the fact routine

patent in view of Daugan was therefore not at issue. The Court confirmed the skilled team

tests have uncertain results, does not turn

would use routine, established practices

those results into an invention

involved in pharma research, and the

• the need to avoid hindsight – was

Daugan patent would have motivated them

the combination of steps by which

to identify the low dose. The skilled person

the inventor arrived at the invention

generally aims for a dose as low as possible,

ascertained by hindsight knowledge

consistent with effectiveness and with regard

• whether the feature of the claimed

where possible. Multinational pharma companies will


Tertia Beharie is a patent attorney and an attorney of the High Court of South Africa. She specialises in filing applications in the chemical, pharma, petrochemical, agrochemical, metallurgical and biochemical fields.

for safety and tolerability, via routine and

P C Review | JULY 2019 |


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