F20_IARC275_People, Spaces, Experiences & Politics

Page 134


Dear my students,

Second, Improve your sense of scale. Reviewers couldn’t point out your design’s details because they

Hi, everyone.

should give you overall feedback in a limited time. Just because the reviewers didn’t point out the prob-

First of all, I am sorry for the late completion of the

lem doesn’t mean that the design is great. If you make

coursebook publishing. I had unexpected family

a portfolio like this, and if your readers have enough

affairs during the winter break, and now I can finish

time to take a look, some problems emerge, espe-

making this book by entering this spring semester.

cially related to the sense of scale. Considering that,

How was your winter break? I hope you enjoyed your

we are not making decorative art but making space

time and are ready to tackle this semester.

for people to use with no problem with real people’s usability. It is our role to properly set the widths of the

How was this course?

passages where people come and go or the spaces

I wish you had learned something well and enjoyed

where people interact with each other. The best way

it. Since this class was my last design studio at UT, I

to identify this problem is to build a physical study

might have made too many requests to you because

model by hand. You can easily find errors in your de-

I wanted to teach you as much as possible. Even after

sign in the process of building walls and stairs. If you

this class, I am writing this letter because I have more

can’t figure out the errors, the errors will be projected

guides I want to give you.

on your drawings and perspectives.

First, experience a lot. If you don’t experience

Third, verify your design through Visualization. There

anything yourself, you don’t know what you like or

is a clear difference between thinking an idea in your

dislike yourself and why you like or dislike the thing.

head and physically visualizing it. By visualizing, your

As a result, your design intent might easily become

ideas become more concrete, and you can see if your

unclear. In other words, if you design something you

design intentions can be realized through the con-

haven’t experienced, it is extremely difficult to avoid

crete ideas. The more you present an abstract idea

designing a superficial outcome.

without specifying it, the more your audience intends to understand it by embodying it in their own way, so your design intent and understanding of the audience start to differ. When the differences are piled up, your design is not accurately communicated to the audience. Also, your ideas that have not been accurately conveyed are difficult to accept. All of this is the root cause of feedback from reviewers and me.


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