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Suchet, Margot

Suchet, Margot

E-Z Travel

E-Z Travel is a way for the elders of your family, those who are living in an assisted living community, who are unable to drive. This autonomous car program allows them to be able to leave their living communities and visit loved ones or go out to accomplish everyday tasks they once enjoyed. While waiting on the self-driving vehicle to arrive, residents are welcome to enjoy the wait by doing puzzles, playing cards with staff and other residents, or they could just sit and enjoy the peaceful space while reading. When the vehicle arrives the nurse will make sure that everything is ready for the resident’s commute. Then the nurse will help the resident into the vehicle (if needed) and accompany them on their journey (if needed). Now that the self-driving car program has been implemented into this living community, the residents will not have to worry about getting from place to place or going to see family. I provides peace of mind for the family and the resident. It also provides an easier way for elders to get out and about once more.

What is your plan after this semester? After this semester I plan to update my projects and other work for my portfolio and then rest. I plan to do a lot of side projects during the break so that I have more to add to my portfolio as well.

How was your experience building scenarios under the assumption that the autonomous vehicle service will be introduced into your residential space? It was very interesting and intriguing to learn about and consider. The scenarios were also interesting to to come up with and dig into how the self-driving car program could be used in a community.

What do you think it means to build evidence for design through research? It means to prove why things are how you designed them. To back up and give a reason to the question of “why not this or this?” It justifies the design.

What would you like to tell your instructor? I would like to say thank you for being patient with my limited knowledge in the field of design and thank you for guiding me to research and learn new things. Thank you for challenging me to accomplish my ideas and for providing me with new knowledge on software for design and precedents to study and more. I really enjoyed being in your studio class and I enjoyed being pushed to do new and different things. I am very grateful to have been your student and for the great things I have learned from you.l I look forward to working with you more in the future!

Phillips, Hannah



Appreciative and Caring Giver Appreciative Caring Compromise Meaning Authenticity Thoughtfulness Obligation Organization


Strong emotion Truthful

I would like to consider myself to be a pretty productive person. I think that with a lot of different situations i consider the organization and the thought that went into the situation more so than anything. Integrity is something that I really value. It is important to me to always be honest and sincere as well as appreciating the people that are teaching and helping me along the way to achieve my goals. As a young girl I was taught to always be caring and giving towards others because not everyone is going to have the same blessings and opportunities as me. I try to be helpful towards other because I know that i would appreciate help if I were to need it as well. I sometimes feel obligated to make everything perfect and get overwhelmed and stressed out when things aren’t the way that I want them to be or what I intended them to be. I like to make things more funny and less serious and show affection to those who are important to me.

Autonomous driving can change the design of residential buildings now and in the close future. Right now, many people choose their housing based on the location and what the travel will be like to and from work. With autonomous driving, there would no longer be the issue of having to find your own parking and things of the nature since the car would be driving itself. Buildings will be designed with areas for the autonomous cars to be parked and that area will be for those cars only. “Some architectural companies are already preparing for the obsolescence of the parking garage. Andy Cohen, Co-CEO of Gensler, one of the world’s leading architectural firms, says parking structures that are traditionally built with slanted floors. His firm is already dealing with adapting parking requirements for a future of self-driving cars. Today, they are starting to build garages with horizontal floors and an exterior, rather than interior ramp, so the structures can be more easily converted from a parking deck to a traditional office space.” (Findling, 2017). Another change in design could be the reduction of gas stations. Autonomous cars are electric and therefore have to be charged, so gas stations would not be necessary. They would be transformed into spots where people could take their cars to get charged. This could potentially be in the same space as the garages, so it would kill two birds with one stone. (Saving space & charging the vehicle) I think about how differently our lives would be with autonomous cars. We would no longer have to worry about driving ourselves, there would always be a dedicated driver. There is also the idea that houses would no longer have to be designed with the idea of garages or areas designated for parking because autonomous taxis and Ubers would be taking over. People wouldn’t see the point in having their own personal ways of transportation anymore if these existed. This allows for houses to be designed at a larger scale and people who are buying a home will be buying a home where 100% of the square footage is accessible to them & not partially used for vehicles. There would even be new areas of housing created with the demolition of parking garages, gas stations, and auto dealerships. We are very used to our style of living that we are living in now. However, we need to begin to understand that the world and technology is advancing at a very rapid pace and that AV’s are going to be the new means of transportation for most people.

https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/lu/Documents/realestate/reflexions/lu_sharedselfdriving-cars-real-estate.pdf https://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/02/how-self-driving-cars-will-change-real-estate.html https://www.businessinsider.com/self-driving-cars-effect-on-housing-market-2017-9

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