The New Perspective • Volume 26, Issue 5 • 11/21/02

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THE NEW PERSPECTIVE Thursday, November 21, 2002 News

• Volume 26, Issue 5


Bookstore, page 3 Activist shares history, page 3

Birth control, page 7 Custodial staff, page 8

Arts & Entertainment Dear Marie, page 11 Movie reviews, page 13

Sports Men’s football, page 15 Women’s soccer, page 16

The Student Newspaper of Carroll College

Beer comes to campus Amanda Bothe News Editor

The sale of alcohol had students packing the P.I.T. For the first time in several years, Carroll’s food service, Sodexho, sold beer on campus. “It was a success from everyone’s viewpoint,” said John Yatso, head of Sodexho, referring to the Oct. 19 event in the P.I.T. that served alcohol to students who are of age. Earlier in the school year, Student Senate approached Sodexho to see if they would be willing to serve alcohol in the P.I.T. for special events. “We [didn’t] see any reason why not…we have a liquor license,” said Yatso while talking to The New Perspective. Sodexho had to be sure to take extra security measures to prevent underage drinking, but there were no significant problems. “Overall it was incident free, really,” said Yatso. “[It was] something new on campus...It was a social atmosphere…I thought it was good,” said senior Jerry Hackel, “I saw people that I wouldn’t have expected at a Carroll event.” He said that an event like this brought more upperclassmen, who may normally feel alienated, back to campus. Though he noted that the turnout could have been better with more publicity. Junior Chad VanDierendonck said, “I think that beer in the P.I.T. has been missing too long.” He continued by saying it is a normal part of college life. He thinks it went very well and would “absolutely” go again if a similar event was offered. He thought this service should be offered at least a couple times a month. It gives students of age the opportunity to be part of the Carroll community he concluded. Student Senator Charis Calender said as far as she knows, Senate is not planning on sponsoring another event like this. However, Yatso said if a group on campus such as See P.I.T. Page 2

Carroll College to close Beta Pi Epsilon house Elizabeth Martin Staff Writer

If all goes as planned, at the end of this school year the identity of the state’s oldest fraternity, Beta Pi Epsilon, will be changed forever. The Carroll Administration has decided to close their house. This was not a spur-of-themoment decision on the part of the administration, said Senior Vice President Dean Rein. Dating back at least 10 years, he said, the Betas, as the fraternity’s members are known on campus, have committed numerous violations of college policies. “There was a series of events last year that had potential to cause harm to students,” said Rein. “It was my recommendation to the President [with the Dean of Students] that we begin the process of closing the house.” Rocco Lazaris, president of Beta Pi Epsilon, said that upon hearing rumors that the college plans to close the house, many neighbors asked fraternity members how they could help the fraternity keep its house. “They are sad to see us leave,” he said, “They like having us here.” The series of events mentioned by Rein includes an alleged sexual assault that

occurred at the Beta House around Homecoming 2001. During the administration’s investigation, which lasted many months, the school changed the house’s locks, and people who were not residents of the house were forbidden to enter. “They labeled us as guilty during their investigation,” said Lazaris, “It would be like putting an entire dorm on lockdown just because somebody who lived there did something wrong.” The fraternity denies any foul play had occurred. “Why wouldn’t they want to push the fact that nothing happened? It makes the school look better, and it makes us look better,” he said. Although the investigation took several months, no official charges were filed, and the Betas said that, upon fraternity investigation, the police were never even contacted. The fraternity is convinced that Dean of Students Kate Herrick did not conduct the investigation in the appropriate manner. Rein, however, said that Herrick and others involved in the investigation took all of the correct steps. For the administration, last year’s events were the final straw, and they decided the situation needed to change. The

File Photo / Andrew Farrell

The Beta Pi Epsilon fraternity house has been a part of the Carroll community for years, but now the College has other plans. option they felt was the fairest was to eliminate all fraternity housing, and to offer them a space on campus where members can meet. A meeting was held between Rein, the Beta Pi

Epsilon Alumni Council, and the fraternity’s current officers about the changes. A written agreement with the Alumni See House Page 3

Alerts cause concern Shaun Dow Staff Writer

Photo by Andrew Farrell

Field of Flags Freshman Kary Zarate plants flags on Main Lawn Nov. 11 for the “Field of Flags.” These flags represent illiterate Americans, rape victims, victims of domestic violence and other significant statistics.

Carroll’s crime rate is on the rise. As questionable incidents occur, students’ concerns mount. In the past 15 days, there have been three Campus Safety alerts sent out to students. Our first alert, Nov. 7, concerned an incident of indecent exposure. This was followed rather quickly by an alert of an attempted abduction that took place Nov. 9 and the most recent alert regarding attempted theft in the Otteson building was released Nov. 12. There have also been reports of unwelcome visitors in the Barstow building close to midterms, however, this has not been confirmed via email by Campus Safety. The motives behind these recent incidents are debatable, but one thing is for sure, Carroll students are growing

increasingly concerned with their safety on this campus. “I think students have felt unsafe here for quite some time,” said one junior. In addition to what the patrolling officers do, the Campus Safety office also offers a Safewalk Program. The recent event of attempted abduction raised several eyebrows. It is extremely important for students to realize safety escorts are available at any time, day or night on campus. Simply dial x7300 and a safety officer or authorized student worker will be there to help you. While the Safety officers play a major role in our protection, all members of the Carroll community are expected to contribute to the safety of themselves and others. The office puts together an informative pamphlet each year with tips on what you See Campus Safety Page 3

NEWS Page 2

The New Perspective

The New Perspective

Crime Beat

“Uniting the Carroll community with a proud heritage of excellence.”

Editor-in-Chief Nathan Tritt

Executive Staff News Editor Amanda Bothe Opinion Editor Teresa Dickert Features Editor

Campus Safety If you have any information about the following crimes please contact Campus Safety at 5247300 or the Waukesha Police at 524-3831.

Amy Kant Arts & Entertainment Editor Jodi Banning Sports Editor Nathan Brunner Photography Editor Andrew Farrell Layout Editor Susan Brastad Faculty Advisor Anne E. Schwartz

Writing Staff Erick Anderson, Jessi Bauer, Aaron Blackshear, Paula Cary, Shaun Dow, Sara Harvey, William Humphreys, Eve Jacobs, John LaConte, Sarah Lasee, April Lemanczyk, Elizabeth Martin, Tabitha Menning, Bear Milne, Elisa Neckar, Aja Nelson, Greg Rabidoux, Jill Ridenour, Molly Schuman, Melissa Sedlmeier, Melissa Vandenhouten, Ryan Watterson, Maren Weber, Amber Yost

Photography Nate Ellingson, Sarah Lasee, Jill Ridenour

Layout Jessi Bauer

Advertising Jodi Banning, Amanda Bothe, Amy Kant

Editorial Policy The New Perspective, Carroll College’s student newspaper, is published every other Thursday during the academic year, except holidays, semester breaks and exam periods. The New Perspective welcomes letters in an attempt to provide a forum for the diverse views of the campus. The views expressed in The New Perspective do not necessarily reflect the views of Carroll College students, administration, faculty, staff, community or the editorial board. Letters should be limited to 250 words, signed and dropped off at The New Perspective office, located in the Student Organization offices in the Campus Center, one week prior to publication. The New Perspective reserves the right to edit letters for libelous content, profanity, clarity, grammar and spelling errors and length. All letters become the property of The New Perspective.

Advertisements Paid advertisements published in The New Perspective do not necessarily reflect the views of Carroll College or the editorial board. The New Perspective is a free newspaper to all tuition-paying students. Correspondence should be directed to: The New Perspective Carroll College 100 North East Avenue Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186 Tel: (262) 524-7351 Fax: (262) 524-7114 E-Mail: The New Perspective is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press.

Please read and recycle.

Thursday, November 21, 2002

11/2/02 10:10 p.m. Assisted Residence Life with a disorderly group of students and non-students in a room in Swarthout Hall. Recovered stolen property from the room. 11/4/02 A female student reported that someone had placed balloons under her windshield wipers while her car was parked on campus. 11/5/02 8 p.m. A student reported that items were missing from their room in New Hall. After working with Residence Life, they believed they knew who had taken the items. 11/6/02 5:50 a.m. Investigated, along with the city police, suspicious activities by two males in North Bergstrom Hall who reportedly had opened a door to an occupied room. 11/6/02 12:40 p.m. Removed two art solicitors from Steele/Swarthout Hall. 11/8/02 4:35 p.m. A female student reported that while she was crossing the street at the intersection of College Ave. and East Ave., she observed a green van with a gold striping driving very slowly through the intersection near her. She asked if he was having a problem and then observed that he was masturbating. She

returned to her room and contacted Campus Safety and the Waukesha Police. A check of the area did not turn up the vehicle or man. The man was described as Caucasian male, balding, approximately 30 years old, round face, driving a green van with a gold striping. 11/8/02 5:02 p.m. Received two separate reports of annoying calls to resident students. The calls were from males asking for a male and then when told that they did not live there engaging in lengthy conversations. 11/9/02 11:25 p.m. Report from city police that a college golf cart had been recovered near Grand Ave. and Cutler St. The cart had been taken and driven around just north of the campus and then turned over and abandoned. 11/9/02 10 a.m. Student reported that between 7 p.m. and midnight on Nov. 8 several items of clothing were taken from the laundry room in North Bergstrom Hall. 11/9/02 11:13 p.m. A female student reported that a male had attempted to abduct her while she was walking on Barstow St. near Cook St. at the railroad tracks. The man exited a vehicle just after the train that they were waiting for had passed. He approached her from behind and grabbed her arms. She defended herself by striking him and then ran to the Carroll Street Apartments where she attracted attention of other students. The man left in his vehicle in an unknown direction. Waukesha Police and Campus Safety responded and checked the area but were unable to locate the vehicle or man involved. The woman was

able to give the following description of the man and vehicle He is described to have dark skin, but she does not believe he was AfricanAmerican. He has fuzzy black hair, some facial hair. He was driving an older car, dark in color, and possibly rusty. The vehicle had a loud muffler. 11/10/02 5 a.m. Someone entered a 2nd floor unoccupied room in Charles House. The person took out the screen and opened the unlocked window. It appears that the intruder then left the room and exited the building. The Waukesha City Police are investigating the incident. 11/11/02 1:35 a.m. Assisted Residence Life with an uncooperative nonstudent in North Bergstrom Hall. Subject was arrested by the city police for disorderly conduct. 11/11/02 10:45 p.m. A female student reported that on Nov. 6 at approximately 11:30 p.m. she was walking on Barney St. when a male with an accent drove next to

Amanda Bothe News Editor If you have any small news notes or events going on in your department, office or organization that you want the Carroll community to know about, tell us! Send an email to with “News Briefs” in the subject line.

Waukesha’s Hispanic History Carroll College, St. Joseph’s Parish, the Waukesha Public Library, and the Waukesha Historical Society are inviting you to the bilingual presentation of “The Hispanic Heritage of Waukesha: Past, Present, and Future” at 6:30 p.m. at the Waukesha Public Library. The evening combines theater, discussion, displays, food and music. It is unique in the fact that the research is based on interviews with Hispanics of Waukesha that

Bilingual Play Showing There will be a Spanish/English bilingual play performance telling the story of the creation of the world as told in the Mayan indigenous Bible.

11/12/02 9:05 a.m. A female student worker confronted a male attempting to take a boom box from the costume shop located in the lower level of Otteson. The male, when confronted, pushed the woman back and then ran out of the building. Campus Safety and the Waukesha City Police were called and checked the area but the man was not located. The man was described with dark skin, 23-26 years old, and 6’0”6’1” tall. He had brown fuzzy shoulder-length hair and a small brown fuzzy mustache. He was wearing baggy blue jeans and a black doen jacket that came to mid-thigh.

Some Additional Safety Tips Lock your doors and windows whenever you leave. Take your keys with you, even if you leave for only a short while. Keep all doors and windows locked whenever possible. Avoid dark, vacant or deserted areas. If you are followed or see suspicious activities, move to a lighted building or area and raise a commotion. Avoid walking alone at night. If at all possible have a friend walk with you or call Campus Safety for an escort (x7300). Do not allow strangers to enter your room unless they are properly identified. If a stranger enters your room, demand that he/she leave. If he/she refuses, create a commotion and leave quickly. Do not keep large sums of money, jewelry or valuable items in your room. Take your valuables home during vacations.

News Briefs have arrived as early as the 1920s. Ethnic food with recipes, music, museum displays and service agency booths will compliment the program. Carroll students Sandra Springer, Amber Yost, and Ruth Arnell are presenters for the event. Springer will be telling the history of arrival of Hispanics to Waukesha, Yost will be leading a discussion of contemporary cultural barriers and how to overcome them, and Arnell will be will be performing a collective narrative called “Grace.” The event is free and open to the public.

her and asked if she wanted a ride. She declined and he then drove off. The man was described as being in his late 20’s or early 30’s with darker skin and hair. The man looked taller with a mustache and possibly glasses. The car was a dark red/maroon two door older model with a spoiler. It is unknown if this is related to the incident on Nov. 9 but information was turned over to the city police. Report was made due to the events of Nov. 9.

“La Fabula De La Flor Y El Pajaro Dulce Encanto: The Fable of the Flower and the Bird of Sweet Delight” can be seen Nov. 24 at 7 p.m.; Nov. 25 at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.; and Nov. 26 at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. It will be showing on the Otteson Mainstage Theater and there is no admission. Bookstore Survey The bookstore will begin a survey Monday, Nov. 25 to get some ideas on how the bookstore might better serve its customers and evaluate bookstore operation. They hope to get a representative sample from both students and employees. The survey will take approximately five minutes to complete. Participants who complete the survey will receive 20 percent off of any one logo imprinted item in the bookstore. The survey ends Dec. 6.

P.I.T./More beer here From Page 1

Student Senate or CAB is programming an event, Sodexho would be willing to work with them. He added that the event doesn’t have to include alcohol. It could be a theme night, such as a Hawaiian night that took place a few years ago. Sodexho did not make any profit from the alcohol sales and they did not expect to either. It was a service they were providing to assist in campus programming. “On behalf of Student Senate,” said Calender, “we’re really trying to bring people together and creating an atmosphere for students to be ambitious about college life at Carroll…It’s not about the alcohol; its about creating an atmosphere.”

Thursday, November 21, 2002

The New Perspective

Page 3

Native American activist shares history Waiting time improves Amber Yost Staff Writer

To act with seven generations in the future in mind is one philosophy to which Native American activist Shannon Martin adheres. Martin, who is of Ojibwe and Potawatomi tribes shared her culture with over 70 Carroll students and faculty who gathered in the Shattuck Recital Hall Nov. 14. Martin was sponsored by the Carroll College English Department this month of November, which was designated as National Native American Heritage Month by former President Bush in 1990. According to the seven generations philosophy, Native Americans realize a connection between their role today and their ancestors in the past. “My life is not about materialism, but learning from the past, gaining

ues. Among these values, Martin highlighted spirituality, responsibility, concern for the environment, ancestry and history. “Clans are important to help youth establish a clear vision of their life, responsibilities Photo by Susan Brastad and values,” Martin said. Native American activist Shannon However, the Martin speaks to students and facthreats modern ulty Nov. 14. society presents strength from our ancestors to the native culture has not and looking to the future rel- made preserving the tradiatives that are nameless and tions easy. Martin cited her faceless,” Martin said. own experience of growing The clan provides the away from Native American support, which makes the traditions as she grew up and realization and preservation experienced the pressures of of the past possible. Through the school system, extra curthe clan and the members’ ricular activities and going to teachings, ceremonies, songs college. and language, Native Americans preserve their valSee Activist Page 14

Campus Safety/Keeping yourself safe From Page 1

can do to help. Here are some helpful suggestions: Lock your door. Even if you are away for only a few minutes, and always lock your door when you go to sleep at night. Walk in well-lit areas and with someone you know whenever possible. Don’t prop open the doors. By propping the doors

to your residence hall, you are simply inviting unwelcome strangers into your home, which threatens your safety. You should also avoid opening the doors of your hall for someone you do not recognize as a resident of that building. Keep an accurate and updated inventory of your belongings/possessions. The safety office has engraving tools that are available upon

request for Carroll students at the Safety office. Be cautious. We are not on a secluded island here in the heart of Waukesha. Our grounds and buildings are easily accessible to members of the public. Report suspicious persons to Campus Safety. Close and lock your windows. This is especially important for those who live on the first floor or near a fire escape ladder.

volumes at bookstore Jessi Bauer Staff Writer

Students who have visited the bookstore since last week should have noticed a welcome change at the checkout counter: the wait time in lines has decreased immensely. If the customer paid with a credit card, they would have discovered that it took only a second or two for their card to go through, rather than the 30 seconds or more they are used to. The cause of this timely effect is the new computerized registers the bookstore acquired last week. Unlike the old registers, which are cash registers, the new ones are point-of-sale registers, said bookstore Manager Michael O’Brien. The major differences between the two are the electronic capabilities of the new registers. The price of purchases no longer has to be punched into the register. The new registers work off a UPC bar code that are scanned into the computer. Installed Thursday and working by Friday, the registers have decreased the amount of paperwork for the bookstore staff, said O’Brien. In the past, employees had to fill out inventory of merchandise in the store by hand. Now, the computers are able to track each purchase. This allows the company to know what is being bought, and in what quantity. New and replacement products can then be shipped right away because the company knows what the store needs. This cuts down on the wait time for shipments to

be received, and in turn, the time students have to wait to purchase a particular product. The tracking system of merchandise does not apply to textbooks, said O’Brien, who has worked for Follett Higher Education Group at Carroll for the past three years. Textbooks will still need to be ordered the old, longer way. The registers were purchased through Follett as an “investment [they] made to bring us up to date in the retail environment,” said O’Brien. Students will not see any price increases on merchandise. It is the company providing the money for the registers, not revenue from customers. Follett has had the registers for about one year, O’Brien said, but the Carroll bookstore is just now receiving them. He also said Carroll is one of the last schools to have the registers installed, but feels this is a good thing because all the “bugs have been worked out.” Besides the current accommodations of speed and reduction of paperwork, the registers have the capabilities to aid the college in the future as well. If Carroll decides to use a universal “campus card”, such like many other universities have. The registers would allow students to purchase textbooks and other merchandise using their ID card. O’Brien anticipated no problems with the new registers, saying it is “only going to be an advantage because it’s going to make our jobs so much easier.” He went on to say, “enough stores have been on it that it should be fine.”

House/Betas fight for house From Page 1

B e t t e r E q u i p m e n t , B e t t e r Ta n F I R S T TA N F R E E with college ID

U n l i m i t e d V i s i t s Fo r 1 M o n t h $ 2 9 . 9 9 w/ college ID $ 4 . 0 0 Ta n w / c o l l e g e I D Reg. $5.50

5 t a n s fo r $ 1 9 . 9 9 2 0 t a n s fo r $ 5 0 . 0 0 H o u r s : M - F 8 : 3 0 a . m . - 9 p. m . S a t . & S u n 9 a . m . - 5 p. m . We a c c e p t a l l m a j o r c r e d i t c a r d s C o n t a c t U s : ( 2 6 2 ) 5 4 9 - 9 TA N V i s i t o u r We b s i t e : w w w. m o n t e g o b ay t a n . c o m

Council states the policies and procedures for this school year and has been signed by every member of the fraternity. “Carroll College is not closing the fraternity,” said Rein, “Our intent is that Greek organizations can continue and should continue in the same manner as other student organizations.” Many colleges around the country are facing the same situation, however, and have chosen to eliminate Greek life altogether. “I do not believe a fraternity has to have a house to be successful,” Rein said, citing Carroll’s sororities and the newly houseless Delta Rho Upsilon as examples. Rev. Bill Humphreys, Carroll’s chaplain and the Greek Council’s staff advisor, disagreed. “Having a house is a good thing,” he said. Humphreys believes that mutual academic support, social and leadership skills, and community building are potential outcomes of a fraternity house, and are different

from the life skills that could be gained by members of customary student organizations. “It’s beneficial for fraternities to have houses because they create a social life at the school,” Lazaris said. He added that the Betas feel fraternity houses give all students a place on campus to escape from dorm life. Lazaris also emphasized that donations to Carroll College by Beta alumni are likely to decrease. He said that 7075 percent of people who donate took part in Greek life as students. The fraternity feels a house gives the alumni members a place to return to, and if this is taken away from them, the school may lose a great deal of alumni funding because they would feel disconnected from their roots. Until May 2003, when the house is scheduled to be closed for good, the members, alumni and supporters of Beta Pi Epsilon will continue to fight for their house. As Humphreys said about the housing situation, “It’s changeable until after the fact.”


The New Perspective

Thursday, November 21, 2002

Point / Counterpoint

Point Deal with pregnancies Counterpoint Who will take before they happen, not after care of the children later? head over to Walgreen’s , Jewel Osco, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target, Pick-NStaff Writer Save or any other grocery store. Almost For women who do not want to any store of this type carries various become pregnant, there are many forms of contraceptives. From conchoices to prevent its occurrence. doms to foam to spermicidal lubriRather than rid themselves of the prob- cants, women have endless choices of lem after the fact, women simply need how to protect themselves even if they to avoid becoming pregnant in the first choose not to see a doctor. There are so place. With contraceptives readily many different methods that it is available, the need for abortions is vir- impossible not to find one that works tually non-existent. best for each individual woman. It used to be that if you wanted to Then there is the issue of cost. go on “the Condoms Pill” or other can be prescription Even Planned Parenthood, one of the lead- bought for form of ing facilities offering abortion services, pre- just 50 cents, birth control scribes birth control. They would rather cheaper if it had a you buy social stigma prevent someone from becoming pregnant them in attached to in the first place than to help after the fact. bulk, and it. People “the Pill,” were often depending too embarrassed to ask their doctor for on what brand is used, costs about $1 it. And young people who wanted a day. Compare this with the cost of an birth control were especially frowned abortion at health clinics ranging upon. between $225 to $575 for the first This is not the case anymore. trimester. One should easily see the Now, all you have to do is tell your cost benefits of contraceptives over doctor you want “the Pill” and they abortions. give you free samples right away. Any health care professional will Everyone knows that people have offer women the choices they have for sex. No amount of education or abortion alternatives. Even Planned preaching is going to change that, but Parenthood, one of the leading facilieducation and contraceptives can help ties offering abortion services, preto eliminate most unwanted pregnan- scribes birth control. They would cies. rather prevent someone from becomWomen today have many choices ing pregnant in the first place than to for different forms of birth control. help after the fact. Doctor prescribed methods range from With all the forms of birth control the ever-popular Pill, diaphragm, and out there, there is simply no reason for now an even simpler form, the birth women to become pregnant if they control patch. Now, women need only don’t want to. It takes only a little worry about becoming pregnant three effort and money ahead of time to pretimes a month when they change the vent a life-changing situation. How patch, rather than taking a pill every can women afford not to? day. How much easier can it be to not Do you have a suggested topic for Point / become pregnant? Counterpoint? E-mail any suggestions to For those women who don’t want or to see a doctor, all they have to do is

Jessi Bauer

make a mistake. Condoms break. This is not to say that people should not be Staff Writer held responsible for their actions, Since the 1973 Roe vs. Wade deci- because they most definitely should be. sion affirmed a woman’s right to an But does holding them responsible also abortion, it has become one of the most include bringing a child into the world controversial and widely debated topics that no one wants, or one whose parin America. The two sides have such ents are ill-equipped both financially different ideologies that an agreement and emotionally to raise? seems unlikely if not impossible. Much I present a crude analogy. Imagine of the debate centers on when one a person at an auction gives the highest believes life starts, at conception or at bid on a dog and wins the right to purbirth. If the two sides cannot agree on chase it. This person lives in a cramped this central issue there is no way they studio apartment in a big city and is can come to rarely home a consensus due to workon the But does holding [people] responsible also related travel. m o r a l i t y include bringing a child into the world that It’s a large (and legalidog that will no one wants? ty) of aborneed a lot of tion. The space to run debate could around and go on forever. In the meantime, women needs to be fed frequently. It seems across the country and around the quite impossible that this person is world continue to get pregnant. As I equipped to take care of this dog. am typing this, babies are being con- Should he/she be required to take it ceived inside of mothers who do not anyway? Rules are rules, you have to be intend to have them. You cannot ignore held accountable for your actions, but the millions of unwanted pregnancies, should another living thing have to pay and the millions of unwanted children the price as well? Should another we would have on our hands were they human that has little chance of receivnot aborted. ing the care and love we all require be The obvious (and very true) argu- forced to be brought into the world? ment is that everyone has access to suf- Even if some of the aborted babies ficient means of birth control to pre- could be placed in loving, caring vent an unwanted pregnancy. homes, there would still be thousands Condoms are readily available, “the (possibly hundreds of thousands) every Pill” is affordable and effective, and year who grow up unwanted and withabstinence is easy and free. In a perfect out the care they deserve. world, everyone would take advantage The most current data shows that of these things and unwanted or 19% of women who have abortions are unplanned pregnancies would be in their teens. With about 1.3 million reduced to a minimum. We can’t expect abortions per year, that means there are the real world to function so smoothly. almost 250,000 babies that would be Teenagers neglect to use condoms born every year to girls who for the because of youthful indifference or irre- most part are not prepared to raise a sponsibility. Some people are inconsis- child. Adoption is not going to account tent with “the Pill” and render it inef- for all of these children. Someone will fective. People who try to stay abstinent get caught in a moment of passion and See Counterpoint Page 6

Aaron Blackshear

Challenge: Why don’t you Testify with a powerful voice? Erick Anderson Staff Writer

We speak its name in the same manner that we speak the names of national heroes or religious figures. Testify, the independent newspaper of Carroll College. The name is legendary on our campus. Testify. Delivering truth to the students of Carroll College! It is a very noble idea. A forum through which students can express themselves free of censorship. It offers a very profound voice for the youth of this campus. Unfortunately, it seems that the youth of this campus have chosen to use their profound voice to print pointless crap. As I walked through the library today, I saw the brand new issue of Testify sitting on the counter. Me, being a dorky freshman, having not experienced the paper before, but

having heard legends about its is, it isn’t all too bad. The problem lies in what great legacy. Recalling all of the religious hype I had heard, it is not. It is not profound. It I decided to pick it up and give is not revolutionary. It does it a read. I looked forward to a not completely rock my way of forum for intelligent expres- thinking. It does not challenge sion that defied the conven- other forms of expression on tions of the controlled media. What I found was an Onion wannabe. Fake news In short, Testify does not live coverage. Jokes abound. up to the hype. I guess I Politically incorrect humor. But not a single shred of real expected so much more than news or real opinion. I was what was there. absolutely thrilled to discover that the girl with a princess bumper sticker was not really a the campus. It is not a forum princess, or that a noble squir- for expression of opinions. It is rel found a nut. At least The a forum for the expression of Onion doesn’t pretend to be a jokes. It is a forum for wasting time. It is a forum in which legitimate newspaper. Don’t get me wrong. four guys try so hard to fight Testify is a somewhat decent the system, they forget what read. The level of humor man- the system even is in the first ages to rise slightly above the place. In short, Testify does not elementary level. Some of the guest artwork and poetry is live up to the hype. I guess I almost stimulating. I guess if expected so much more than you consider Testify for what it what was there.

I appreciate what those four noble men who edit Testify are trying to do. They just aren’t doing it all too well. A publication such as Testify has potential to be a profound force on our campus. It has the potential to challenge our way of thinking. It has the potential to influence change on our campus. So why does that potential go to waste? As much as the Testify people seem to have a historic bane for The New Perspective, I really don’t see a single thing that their paper offers that this one does not. We’ve got humor. We’ve got poetry. We’ve got political incorrectness (my personal favorite contribution). We’ve got people like me who write completely outrageous things on a weekly basis that somehow manage to get published. And on top of that, we have real news. We actually say something! The New Perspective is a

wonderful outlet for free expression. The fact that you’re reading an article as horribly assaultive as this one is a testament to that (of course, my views don’t necessarily represent those of The New Perspective or it’s principle sponsor, Sharkey’s Bar). I challenge all who write for Testify to make use of their powerful voice. Our school is lucky to have a publication that bases its whole existence on the concept of free expression. Now put it to some good use. Write something truly thoughtful. Make a difference on our campus. Don’t just give us all another version of The Onion. Or, you could stop wasting time with your underground paper and just write for The New Perspective. You’re all more than welcome! It is open to everyone! After all, if they’ll print my outrageous horse manure, they’ll probably print yours, too!

Thursday, November 21, 2002

The New Perspective

Page 5

Giving thanks, food this Thanksgiving

Letters to the Editor

Teresa Dickert Opinion Editor

The following letter refers to the article “Flags call attention to social issues,” which appeared in the Nov. 15, 2002 issue of The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. November 15, 2002 Dear Editor, The campus Field of Flags drew the attention of The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Under their good-sized picture on page two of Friday’s Waukesha section, the article began with the following paragraph: “Although not often a hotbed of activism, Carroll College is promoting awareness on a virtual rainbow of political and social issues.” That caught my attention. I fear the first part of the sentence is true, and I wish it were not. My reaction prompted me to put that question to the test of students in the Voorhees lobby waiting politely in line on Friday to register for next semester classes. This informal and voluntary survey, conducted in person and by voice, referred to the paragraph quoted here

and asked for a “true” or “false” response to this statement: “In your opinion, Carroll College is not often a hotbed of activism.” When a response was “true”, the follow-up question was asked: “Is that OK with you or not OK with you?” I asked these questions between 11:20 a.m. and 12:05 p.m., and again from about 1:30 to 3:40 p.m. Not counting the approximately 15 students who did not wish to participate, the following totals may be of interest: 22 students said “false.” One hundred fifteen students said “true;” of those, 71 said that was OK with them; 41 said it was not OK. It’s not OK with me either. I’m not really draft age anymore, but I have a daughter and two sons who are not at all happy about the prospects of fighting a war for the sake of low gas mileage. Sincerely yours, Bill Humphreys Chaplain

Staff Writer Agree? Disagree? Just wish your roommate would make less noise in the morning? Let me know your views at Dr. Greg Rabidoux is an assistant professor in the Department of Politics.

Midterm elections. Like college students and midterm exams, presidents in America usually don’t look forward to these electoral tests. So called “midterm,” because they fall literally in the middle of the president’s four year term, usually (again like those inconvenient midterms that interrupt partying) these little exercises in democracy spell trouble for whomever is sitting in the oval office at the time. In fact, in modern times (that would be since Playstation for many of you) the only sitting president (presidents do actually stand and walk around, the term actually means elected) whose party actually picked up seats in Congress was FDR (1934). Since that time every president lost seats in Congress during the dreaded midterm elections. The two presidents who were the biggest losers, and I mean this in the most kind, technical way, were Harry

Truman (-67 seats) and Hillary’s ex-husband Bill (63 seats). Sorry, I’ve just been informed Hillary and Bill are together, it’s just they aren’t actually, you know, together. Perhaps that’s their secret. Now, where was I, oh yes, midterm elections. I mention that no president since FDR was able to break this curse, until now. President George “Dubya” Bush and company, kicked the donkey’s hide from here to the Pecos and back (I’ve never actually been to the Pecos, nor could I probably find it on an atlas without some cues but it’s a great word, so Pecos it is). The extent of the donkey defeat was truly staggering; Republicans took full control of the precarious Senate, with 51 to 47 (one independent, one run-off in Louisiana, a net of +2 seats) full control of the House with 228 to 203 (net of +5 seats) and a slight edge in state gubernatorial (that’s “guber” as in, to govern from our Latin friends, not “goober” as in not so bright, from our surfer friends carry on my political pundit pals) races. Overall, there are now 25 states with Republican governors, 24 states with Democratic gov-

No way around parking Staff Writer

Balance of political might shifts ernors and one race as yet undecided. In fact, about the only state and race the Republicans won’t soon forget (being the party of the elephant they don’t forget too much anyway) is right here in cozy Wisconsin. It’s not hard to imagine the ribbing that our pal Tommy T. is receiving from all his fairweather friends in D.C. about his brother Eddie T. possibly costing a McCallum victory in a close race. “Gee, Tommy, couldn’t you have just told Eddie that if he didn’t run you’d get him a tax break on that bar, er, supper club, of his?” Regardless, Eddie and Jim didn’t run to make it easy for the established fellas and in the end they didn’t, especially “Fast Eddie.” So, what was the secret of the president’s success? Tireless campaigning, a message of stability and security in unstable and uncertain times that resonated with many Americans and, as always, gobs of money. I’m not certain how much money it actually takes to equal a gob but it’s probably close to a gazillion, or two. Either way, Americans continue to figure out how to See Speaking Page 6

See Community Page 6

Pet Peeves John LaConte

Politically Speaking Greg Rabidoux, Ph.D.

As I write this, I prepare to give back to my community, to people less fortunate than myself. I also anxiously await a wonderfully prepared Thanksgiving dinner; to share in the pleasure of eating a heaping plate full of steaming hot food morsels with my closest family and friends. I can already see us huddled around the television watching the Thursday night NFL game while amazing aromas pour out the kitchen and waft past our noses. (Though I have been told my wish has been granted. No longer will I watch Madden, yeah, that idiot with the pointer, circle the legs on the freakish turkey telling me exactly which player each of those legs will go to at the end of the game.) Back from that pleasant digression, and as I began this article stating, right now I am about to give back to my community. (You remember that word, right? Remember those freshman

year icebreakers when we discussed living as an individual, but still a part of the Carroll community, and as a part of Waukesha community as a whole? We are not just in a bubble here at Carroll, although it may seem like it at times.) In a few minutes, I will be on my way to the Hunger Task Force of Milwaukee to help sort (or rather, collate) food with my friends, the Milwaukee Goths, into boxes for those residents who will not experience a Thanksgiving quite like myself. Perhaps a few of you have driven by the Hunger Task Force on the freeway on your way into Milwaukee. If you have not taken notice of their LCD screen urgently imploring for donations to help with the “Critical Food Shortage!” this year, take notice now! While we all gorge ourselves with turkey and yams until we think we are going to explode, there are some people hoping for a can of

Everyone knows vehicles can be a problem at Carroll. I struggled to find ways around the parking problem when I first started coming here. I used to park in the two hour spots on College Street by the Carroll College Apartments before they were the Carroll College Apartments. But I’d get to school at 10 or 11 a.m. and stay until 4 or 5 p.m. and get yellow parking tickets for being there too long. I went to court for one and tried to say that I had left for a quick burger and returned to the same spot but the judge laughed at me. “They put chalk on your tires, kid, that’s how they know you’ve been there. You drive one block and it wears off!” After that I started walking out to my car between classes and wiping the chalk off the tires. I used to love seeing yellow on every windshield except mine at the end of the day. I felt so smart. But then the street became overcrowded, like the lots, and I continued to struggle. Not long after that I smashed my car up and was forced to junk it. My then recently retired grandmother, being the wonderful woman that she is, gave me her car because she claimed to no longer need it on

account of my grandfather having a nice truck for the both of them to use. At that point I assumed all my parking woes were solved because my vehicle was no longer registered at Carroll. I frequented the yellow triangle end caps in the Campus Center lot, parked in the facility lots, stole the spots reserved for Senior Staff in the Voorhees lot, and occasionally parked in the fire lane on the east side of Otteson by the comic book store. I didn’t care, I figured they could write me tickets all day and they would never be added to my bill because they didn’t have the tag on file. All of a sudden, at the end of the year, I was notified of a large outstanding debt on my account. I’d been had. This year I live close and walk to campus. But it’s getting cold, and I do own a vehicle. Maybe I’ll give the parking thing one last try. There’s a new lot over by the tennis courts that makes great space out of what was once an ambiguous deadend street. Its proximity to the Barstow building is convenient for me as a communication major. But I’m also an English major, and with Main Hall under construction who knows where I’ll be. Now, I’m wise enough to know that I should avoid parking altogether. This winter I think I’ll brave the cold.

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The New Perspective

Democracy drops the ball at midterms Aaron Blackshear Staff Writer

November 5, 2002 may turn out to be a day we remember for years to come, as the Republican Party gained full control of the United States Congress, leaving the door open for President Bush and his administration to further their right-wing political agenda. They now control all three branches of the government. Other than a few left-wing columnists, not many people seemed worried the morning after the elections; it seems as if no one understands the implications of what has happened. The balance of power no longer exists. How can you have checks and balances when all three branches of the government are united behind a reckless cowboy of a president? A Republican monopoly will see to it that right-wing ideology becomes the law of the land. As soon as the results of the mid-term elections were obvious, Bush administration officials began preparing their political agenda. All of the items that couldn’t make it through a Democratic Senate will come back into the forefront. Judicial appointments, including a possible Supreme Court nomination at the end of the term, will give the judicial branch of the government a conservative lean for years to come. The Supreme Court that selected George Bush will look moderate compared to what’s coming. The money from campaign contributors was flowing freely in this election, and Republicans will have to make good on the promises to their wealthy supporters. One priority is making Bush’s 10-year, $1.35 trillion tax cut permanent, as well as expediting the repeal of the estate tax. Another package of tax cuts is aimed at investors. Plans are also in place to allow the diversion of some of the Social Security tax into personal accounts that could be invested in the stock market. This is a hot-button topic with a lot of opposition, but reform advocates have said the White House promises an all-out push. It seems as if George Bush will do everything in his power to transfer wealth from the working people to the rich. Bush won’t limit himself to

attacking the middle class and the poor, the environment will feel his wrath as well. His new energy plan calls for drilling in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge. He’s also promised an effort to cut back on business regulations, giving big business free reign to devastate the environment and to control the regulatory agencies that hold corporations accountable. Do you like a little God in your government? The new House majority leader, Tom Delay (R-Texas), said that God was using him to promote a “biblical worldview” in American politics, and that Christianity is the only “viable, reasonable” religion. The president’s “faith-based initiative” will allow churches and religious groups to receive millions of dollars in federal tax money. In doing so the administration would not only blur the separation between church and state, but also allow and even support employment discrimination. Bush has been all but begging for a war with Iraq, he’ll most certainly get it now. I was initially skeptical of the need for war, but he won me over when he said, “This is the guy who tried to kill my dad!” Well, since you put it that way George. Since the Democratic Party was too afraid to stand up to him and voted for the Iraq resolution, Bush believes he has a mandate to do as he pleases. Responsible people will be counting the bodies, Bush and his oil-industry buddies will be counting the barrels. A common phrase when discussing the quality of a product is “you get what you pay for.” Well, on Nov. 5, 2002 the American people got what they voted for; a right-wing government led by an impetuous president motivated by profits, power, and piety (and in the case of Iraq, a healthy dose of revenge). Far be it from me to predict the future, but with this imbalance of power, a ruling party bent on making the rich, richer, and a president obsessed with advancing American economic and military interests, the outlook is indeed quite dim. Republicans got the power they wanted; they can no longer blame Democratic opposition for preventing them from reaching their goals. How far they will go remains to be seen.

Counterpoint/Let quality of life decide difficult choice From Page 4

have to take care of them. I am not trying to advocate or suggest abortion, but if the only two options are a child born to a parent who neither wants nor is equipped to raise it, or an abortion, I would always choose the latter. Despite the pro-life argument that abortion devalues human life, I

think in cases like these it affirms the value of a human life. As morally questionable as abortion may be, it is important to think pragmatically when we are discussing human lives. What is more important, holding someone accountable for their actions, or ensuring that all human beings receive the care and love they deserve?

Thursday, November 21, 2002

Bible Stories 101

Thanks-giving is good for the soul William Humphreys Staff Writer The Rev. William Humphreys is the chaplain for Carroll College.

In a few days, the office of the president of the United States will issue a proclamation, declaring that the fourth Thursday of this month shall be a national holiday, the purpose of which is to encourage citizens to use the day to reflect on all the things for which we might be thankful. This day of giving thanks will be called “Thanksgiving.” In many arrangements of family and community, citizens of all ages, of nationalities and ethnic backgrounds from around the world and of different and differing religious convictions and expressions will honor the intent of this national holiday. Some of us will go to a public worship service on Wednesday evening or sometime on Thursday. Some of us will worship at the shrine of NFL football; some of us will worship a plate piled higher than usual with food; some of us will try to fit it all in. Newlyweds will have to figure out whose family to visit when; college students whose home is far away may be joining other family configurations to consider together the many and different things for

which we are grateful. What’s on your list of such things? Maybe “thing” is the wrong word for a list that includes favorite foods and favorite friends, good faculty, caring supporters, good music and lifetime values that enhance life for us and for those around us. Are liberty, peace, justice and mutual upbuilding on your list? All of this anticipating and wondering about Thanksgiving as a national holiday reminds us of the gospel story in Luke, chapter 17, that tells of an encounter between Jesus and 10 lepers. Crying out for healing, the 10 respond accordingly when Jesus tells them to go to the priests. On their way, they were made well. One of them, a Samaritan, came back to Jesus to express his gratitude for the healing. Remember now that the Samaritans were the foreigners to hate. The stereotype was that they were uncouth in every way: selfish, thoughtless, and ill mannered. Yet it was one grateful Samaritan who returned to say thanks. Jesus inquires: “Were not 10 made clean? But the other nine, where are they? Was none of them found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then Jesus said, “Get up and go on your way; your faith has made you

well.” (17:17-19) In these days it often seems that the harshness of the world encourages us to be harsh with each other. We have to be coached by beer commercials to be able to say, “Hey, I love you, man.” Being grateful for good things is sometimes difficult; expressing our gratitude can be even more challenging. Let’s join together in the spirit of the day, maybe even make it a season, to say thanks to each other. Thanks to the faculty for their commitments to, and support for, academic accomplishments. Thanks to administrators for keeping the place going. Thanks to the housekeeping staff, grounds crew, and food preparation and delivery staff for their work, often behind the scenes. Thanks to students whose curiosity and love of learning pave the way for academic success. Thanks to friends and neighbors for their encouragement and gifts of mutual forbearance and mutual upbuilding. Thanks to parents and other family members for their interest in our work, study and play. And for many: Thanks be to God for all of the above. Safe travel. Good rest. Good food. Good reading. Good times. Happy Thanksgiving!

Speaking/Referendums decided From Page 5

live, eat, interact, and think from television ads, so why should voting be something uniquely different? Okay, that may be a bit harsh, but if I started humming a McDonald’s jingle right now, be honest, would you even be able to concentrate on the rest of this column? By the way, it’s almost done so put that mental remote down for a second. Finally, a couple points about referendums on ballots across the nation which Americans (the roughly 3540% of us who did vote) expressed their views on. In Florida, besides returning brother Jeb back to the governor’s mansion (sorry, Bill McBride and Janet Reno,

you’ll always have SNL or Waco) Floridians also jumped on the anti-smoking carton and banned cigarette smoking in nearly all public places. Nevada voters rejected legalizing marijuana (it seems many others wanted to legalize it but were a bit confused about where and when to vote, and lackadaisical about the whole “voting thing” anyway). And, in California, Arnold’s vow to crush anyone who opposed him (he probably thought it even if he didn’t actually say it) worked, as Californians boosted funding for after school programs. Now the little cherubs can hit the weights and the books. Also, voters in Minnesota said, “Walter, we loved you in 1984, but what

have you done for us lately?” as they rejected Mr. Mondale’s bid to replace the Senate seat left vacant by Paul Wellstone’s death. That seat now belongs to Republican Senator Norm Coleman. In North Carolina, Elizabeth Dole, wife of Viagra pill popping, Britney Spears’ watching, Bob Dole, now counters that other famous wife, Hillary R.C. in the Senate. Yow, wouldn’t it be something if Hillary and Lizzie got to some serious “girl power” talking and dishing in the Senate ladies’ room? Until next election, here’s hoping all your chads are punched firm, your levers all easy to handle, and your “I Voted” sticker actually sticks.

Community/Students giving back From Page 5

Spam (not that Spam isn’t tasty or have bad commercials, because it is and it does) or at least a few breadcrumbs. So perhaps you can spare a few of those canned foods in your cupboard or other non-perishable food to make someone else’s tummy happy this Thanksgiving. In the meantime, give thanks to whoever it is that has put

you in a position to not be one of those people in need. I know there are a few drives coming up here at Carroll, so get those cans ready! Oh, and if you are over 21, you can join my friends and I at Club Anything (807 S. 5 St, Milwaukee), on Nov. 29, to join in a night of gothic, darkwave, and industrial music. Not only do we want to help sort food, but we also want to give. If you come to the club that night with a

non-perishable food item to donate to the cause, you will receive a dollar off the cover ($3 without donation). Donate and dance, it will make you feel good. I know we are all busy (oh, trust me, I do), but I hope you will find a way to give back to your community this Thanksgiving. Moreover, no matter what you do, I sincerely wish you have a happy dead turkey day!

FEATURES Thursday, November 21, 2002

Spiritual growth April Lemanczyk Staff Writer

Chaplain Bill Humphreys is eager to be available to the entire Carroll community for spiritual growth. He can start Bible studies where attendees bring scriptures and the group talks collectively in two-way conversations about them. Chaplain Humphreys said, “When the tragedy of Sept. 11 happened several familiar inspirational scriptures were used to bring comfort and everybody needs to know what the reference means in relationship to the Bible and life in general.” When Sandi Slesnick, Student Senator and Student Affairs Chair, conducted a survey in the Campus Center, Nov. 6, and 16 out of 36 students rated spiritual growth important. The participants were also interested in attending daytime retreats, overnight retreats, Bible studies, and worship events. Chaplain Humphreys could also start a focus group that gathers and does exercises to enhance spiritual growth. The group would tackle topics such as dealing with parents. He hopes students will pay attention to their spiritual life during college. He will do anything to help spiritual growth. If you would like insight on the scriptures or any subject, desire a Bible study, a topic gathering, or a retreat, please feel free to visit Chaplain Bill Humphreys in the Student Life Office in Kilgour. You can also e-mail him at or call him at (262) 542-7336.

The New Perspective

Page 7

You won’t sleep through Schwartz’s classes Shaun Dow Staff Writer

Each semester students here at Carroll strive to find classes that they will learn something from, and have a quasigood time while doing so. Well, search no more. While you may not be able to find this type of class for all of your full or parttime credits, you will be able to find at least one course per semester that is boredom free. Professor Anne E. Schwartz, more commonly known by her students as Annie, has been teaching here at Carroll now for three years. Recognized for her outlandish

Photo by Andrew Farrell

Anne E. Schwartz both amuses and educates her students. antics and constant personal approach to teaching her stu-

dents, she strives to make each became a Carroll faculty memclass session beneficial and ber. Schwartz is more widely informative. The undisputed known in fact that they are Milwaukee for her amusing, as well as enjoyable is an “I teach because I work as a television news anchor added benefit you love it.” and she is even won’t find in the history departAnne E. Schwartz nationally known for her breaking ment, well unless coverage of the you’re really into Jeffrey Dahmer history. Schwartz teaches two case as a crime reporter for the courses here at Carroll: News Milwaukee Journal. Schwartz Writing and Reporting, and has more recently been the Introduction to Public News Editor of the Waukesha Relations. “I teach because I Freeman. She now works as a love it. These students are the reporter for The Business future of journalism,” Schwartz Journal, doing what she loves: stated when asked why she reporting.

Exploring today’s top birth control choices Sara Harvey Staff Writer

Have you ever wondered if your current birth control method is the best one for you? Whether you are in a stable relationship, single and looking, a bride-to-be, or just want to know what is available to you today, your birth control method should be your choice. How you make this choice is up to you. Learning the methods of birth control available today, the way they should be used, how effective they are and their possible side effects is one of the best ways you can ensure you are making the right choice. Barrier Methods The latex condom protects against pregnancy and many sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), including HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus that can cause

AIDS. The latex condom offers better protection against STI’s than any other birth control method. It blocks the exchange of body fluids that may be infected during sexual intercourse. Diaphragms and cervical caps are soft latex barriers that cover the cervix. The diaphragm is a shallow, dome-shaped cup with a flexible rim. It fits into the vagina and over the cervix. The cervical cap is thimble shaped and smaller than the diaphragm. It fits snugly onto the cervix. Both must be used with spermicidal cream, jelly or foam. They keep the sperm from joining the egg. The side effects include frequent bladder infections; the cervix may have abnormal cell growth causing pain and usually needs medical treatment, and mild to severe allergic reactions to the spermicide.

Hormonal Methods LunelleTM is a reversible prescription method of birth control. It is a monthly injection of synthetic hormones, estrogen and progestogen, which are already made by a woman’s ovaries. It is injected into the arm, buttocks or thigh. The combination of hormones works in three ways. Usually it keeps the ovaries form releasing an egg. Less often, it thickens the cervical mucus, which prevents sperm from joining with an egg. Rarely, it prevents a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. The risks include bleeding between periods, weight gain, breast tenderness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, depression, blood clots, leg immobilization. This could confine you to your bed. The Norplant implants are six thin plastic implants that are inserted under the skin of the upper arm. They

are about the size of a cardboard matchstick and each of them contains a hormone, a progestogen called levonorgestrel, which is similar to the progesterone made by a woman’s ovaries. A small amount of hormone releases constantly, keeping the ovaries from releasing eggs. Norplant protects against pregnancy for five years. The side effects of Norplant include headache, change in appetite, weight gain, depression, dizziness, nervousness, nausea, change in sex drive, acne, skin irritations, facial hair gain, discolored skin, enlarged ovaries, ovarian cysts, and increased chance of ectopic pregnancy if pregnancy were to occur. Depo-Provera is the brand name of a prescription method of reversible birth control. It is also a hormone like progesterone, which is See Birth Control Page 10

The closer you get to me . . . tips for improving intimacy Maren Weber Staff Writer

Imagine this: you’re sitting on a futon in your dorm room, and there is a very special person next to you…the two of you are “hanging out” for the third time this week. You are half way through a movie, the lights are off and your roommate is finally gone. As you put your arm around her, she snuggles in and leans her head on your shoulder. No sweat. That was simple enough. Your heart starts to race, and your mind is cloudy because you really want to get closer, to get that kiss, to be intimate. Intimacy. Close and confidential. A sexual connection. We have all found someone we would really like to be intimate with. Intimacy does not have to be sexual, as physical and emotional intimacy can be very rewarding as well. First, let us discuss the “futon”

stage. Confidence, confidence, confidence. Just remember, there is a fine line between confidence and cockiness. Be real and be yourself, show your best side. Laugh when something is funny. Do not be clingy but remind yourself of what an awesome individual you are. If your “target” cannot see this, move on! When you are open, friendly and assertive, others will see you as approachable, which means more options for you. It is difficult to say exactly what you need to do to initiate or improve intimacy. Everyone has different turn-ons, likes and dislikes. There are some things that will not win over the object of your affection, and a few things that will work every time. Intimacy cannot be forced. By being yourself and really making an effort, the chances of getting intimate with the one you adore are much higher. Good luck.

The ‘Tips’ Top Taboos Slobber. Drool. Spit. Eww. Nobody likes having to dry off after kissing. Your spit is for your own mouth—keep it there. Stereotypical lines. Be original. Thoughtfulness works nine time out of 10. Immaturity. Does anyone in college really want to make out with a pubescent teen? No. Horny comments, sexual jokes and giggling at certain words are not going to help. Disrespect. If your partner says no, he or she means no. Hygiene. Keep those pearly whites clean. Body odor? Definitely a no. Shave where appropriate. Lies. Keep it real! Tell the truth. Chapped lips. Use some lip balm, both guys and girls. Talking about you. While it is nice to share information

about yourself, do so in moderation. Ask openended questions about your friend. Unsafe sex. If you do decide to take intimacy to the highest level, please do it safely. Top Thrillers Spontaneity. Surprises, no matter how large or little, are greatly appreciated. Effort. Get to know the person you want to get close to. Learn about their likes and dislikes. Once you find something out, you can use that to make the surprise (see above) even better! Waiting. Going right in for a huge make out session right away is not nearly as seductive as soft, tender pecks are. Kiss your partner on the cheek, neck, ear, nose, forehead or elsewhere first. It will feel better and you

both will appreciate it more when your awaited “real” kiss does occur. Smile and make eye contact. This opens you up and allows your companion to get closer to you. Listen actively. Hear and respond to what your companion is saying. Scent. Fresh breath and a pleasant odor are big turn-ons! Be yourself. Intimacy cannot occur with an image. Humor. A laugh gets endorphins going, which will relax you both! Besides, your partner will be impressed at your cleverness and wit. Massage. Who doesn’t like a backrub? Variety. Every now and then when kissing, throw in a light nibble. Or go somewhere exciting and new on a date instead of the regular dinner and a movie.

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The New Perspective

Thursday, November 21, 2002

How To

Fight against terrorism Aaron Blackshear Staff Writer

A brief guide for the future leaders of America on how to eliminate the threat of terrorist attacks. 1. If your country is attacked by terrorists, go after the organization that sponsored and planned the attacks. If defeating them seems too difficult or timeconsuming, use nationwide fear and hysteria to justify attacking another country with which you have a personal vendetta. 2. The people who are best suited to identify potential terrorists are your average American citizens. Enlist their help in scouting out and capturing terrorists residing amongst you. If you arrest a few innocent people because of paranoid, untrained citizens, exaggerate their suspicious behavior and commend the misguided informant for their patriotism. 3. Bomb Saddam

Hussein. 4. Whenever possible, use the fight against terrorism as a means to attain more oil for the United States. Oil is the lifeblood we cannot live without. 5. In times of crisis, national solidarity is far more important than responsible behavior. Anyone who questions your irrational, reactionary decision-making should be denounced as unpatriotic. 6. A good way to rally the American people around the cause is to tell them the terrorists resent our freedom. This way they won’t notice when you take some freedom away in the name of fighting terrorism. 7. Never forget that the United States is the greatest country in the world and we can do what we please. Don’t let the wishes of the rest of the world stand in the way of promoting American economic interests. 8. Bomb Saddam Hussein.

Let’s keep it clean Bear Milne Staff Writer

There’s a force on campus which performs the duties that many of us loathe even in our own homes. They clean the stairs and the bathrooms, the floors and the walls. They scrub each tile, clean every stall, sink, and shower, vacuum the hallways, and during the summer, they clean every dorm room after the various camps have come and gone. They are the custodians. These workers clean every building and dorm everyday in teams—a sort of buddy system. The system, a brainchild of Assistant Director Ralph H. Salvage Jr., allots for the team members to “divide and conquer” each aspect of the duties while in each of the buildings, utilizing time and speed. They clean an estimated 60 showers, 80 sinks, and 70 bathroom stalls and urinals. They vacuum every hallway and stairs. They also empty the trash receptacles. Harold Dalgren, a custodian of three years and his team took time out during their lunch break to share some insight into the custodial world. The team was pleased that a note was posted on the second floor of Swarthout telling students that they should appreciate the custodial staff. Not that they complain, endorsing that probably 99% of the students they encounter respond to their “hello” and “have a good day” remarks, which in turn makes it worth it. Then there are times that it seems, “why bother?” I

thought I was horrified when I’d go for a walk at night and see empty plastic containers that used to yield a cool beverage, but somehow the one ounce of plastic was too cumbersome, never mind the thirty pound backpack. I thought this was an institute of higher learning. Then to hear the custodian’s world, I hadn’t seen “nothing.” Last year, apparently it was so bad that several girls chipped in at the Bergs to buy a gift certificate for Harold to Olive Garden for him and his sweetheart because they felt so horrible for him. Some of the stories shared by the team were sick. Defecation in the showers and used as wall decorations, crapping on the “side” of the toilets, spaghetti sauce caked to windows by the early morning sun, trash dumped down three flights of stairs, jelly beans thrown down a hall (you can’t vacuum up those suckers, nope, pick each one up one at a time, on all fours), bathrooms destroyed, paper towels everywhere…its amazing really that we keep any custodians. To think, I was upset just at seeing people leave garbage on the tables in the pit, or drop salad dressing or marinara sauce on the carpet and just giggle and walk away. “Somebody will clean it up, that’s why they get paid.” Well, it’s obvious that ignorance is still alive and well…I thought it was just a high school bug. Anyway, on behalf of The New Perspective, here’s a “thank you” shout-out to our custodial staff. We appreciate the work you’re doing.

Photo by Andrew Farrell

A Family Feud Host Tim O’Toole and members of Carroll’s Lady Pioneer basketball team take part in the College Activities Board’s Family Feud game, Nov. 13.

Hot men’s fashions for winter Dawn Marie Johnson Special to The New Perspective

Winter has come early this year to college campuses across Wisconsin, but the men at Carroll are looking hotter than ever. To make sure the men do not slip into a winter wonderland of homework and football games, check out these quick tips to maintain the sizzle women want to see. Men, the first thing you want to remember is that women are attracted to well dressed men because it means they do not have to put too much work into changing their appearance, and men do not want women who are trying to change how they dress. So to eliminate these frustrations, let us look at how this year’s fall and winter fashions for men can help men get a jump on high fashion. The look this year is cool and casual, and the hot designers are Hugo Boss, Kenneth Cole and Claiborne. Each of

these designers provides casual sweaters and slacks for going out clubbing. A turtleneck and a nice pair of slacks work wonders, and if you have a little spunk, try a fancy colorful pullover that can be found in many specialty stores in any mall. Mayfair and Brookfield Square are excellent choices. The classic look has not left either, and if you prefer to be a little more traditional and conservative in your approach to fashion then do not forget the Polo by Ralph Lauren. This year a popular item in their line consists of 100% cotton shirts in rich plaid colors of blues, reds and browns, and traditional slacks for casual wear. Leather and suede are something new added this year, states James Wellhausen, a sales associate for Ralph Lauren. We cannot forget about feet. The shoes to buy to look good and be comfortable are Kenneth Cole for a wider toe and a classic look, which can be worn with anything from slacks

and dress pants to blue jeans, according to Jonathan Becker, vendor at Partum’s Givenchy. He also mentioned that the hot fragrances this season are Safari, Kenneth Cole and Michael. If you are on a budget, then he suggests your best bet is to purchase Kenneth Cole because it covers all areas and attitudes of one’s busy life, including casual, evening and most of all clubbing, but if you want the ultimate in fragrances for hanging out on the town then Safari is the one for you. Last but not least, we have fashion faux pas for men. Never wear white socks with dark pants. It is not the look you want others to see unless your role model is Erkel. Always make sure your belt matches your shoes. So, if you are wearing black shoes you need to have on a black belt. Never, ever tuck a shirt in if you are not planning to wear a belt. Other than that, you are ready to step out in the clubs in high style.

Thursday, November 21, 2002

The New Perspective

Page 9

Your sweet dreams Eve Jacobs & Sarah Lasee Staff Writers

Photo by Andrew Farrell

Kindness Quotient Aaron Blackshear, Bill Irwin, and Jesse Gant rock the P.I.T. with the rest of their band, Kindness Quotient, Nov. 8.

Don’t become a chilly skeleton Jill Ridenour Staff Writer

When you walk outside your dorm room at 7:55 a.m. in order to get to that early morning class, it hits you like a ton of bricks. Emerging from your heated building, the air bites your nose and sends a tingle down your spine. You squint your eyes, pause for a second, pull your coat closed just a little bit more, and brace yourself as you head out for that chilly stretch towards your class. Being from central Illinois myself, I’m used to the cold weather, but I’m not used to that harsh, bitter chill that just smacks you in the face every time the wind picks up; and I’ve heard that it gets worse, though I haven’t spent much time in Wisconsin during the winter. That cold isn’t just a pain; it is actually dangerous. Because of this simple fact, Governor Scott McCallum decided that Nov. 4-8, 2002 would be Wisconsin’s Winter Awareness Week. Now that Winter Awareness Week has passed without a great deal of attention, it is still important to keep common sense precautions in mind. First, a common theory may be that bulky coats, enlarged boots and wooly mittens might hinder one’s style. My theory: I’d rather be warm. In any case, dressing in warm clothing is the most basic of all winter weather precautions. Exposed skin in extreme cold can develop into something serious like frostbite, which is damage to body tissue caused by the tissue freezing. Usually occurring in toes, fingers, ear lobes, or the tip of the nose, frostbite causes a loss of feeling and a white or pale appearance. If you cannot get medical help immediately, slowly begin to warm

the affected areas. Also for those who don’t know, heat from your body escapes rapidly from your head and your feet, therefore, if you wear a hat and an extra pair of socks, you’ll probably be warmer. Another common misconception that big, baggy sweatshirts and sweatpants will keep you warm. Well, it won’t keep you as warm as body conforming long underwear. Wearing baggy clothing gives cold air the opportunity to come in contact with your skin more frequently, and if you do wear baggy clothing, you might consider wearing a tighter shirt underneath – this will also keep you warmer because of the additional layer of fabric. Aside from dressing appropriately, those who continue to exercise, especially outdoors, during the winter, should always remember to drink a good deal of water. As opposed to exercising in the heat, when one feels a constant need for refreshment, the cold weather keeps you cooler and you may not feel like you need water – but you do. Whether you feel it or not, you probably still sweat during your jog, and when you lose water, you need to replenish it quickly. Make sure not to overexert yourself when you do simple things like shoveling the driveway, pushing a car out of the snow, or even walking through heavy snow. The Wisconsin Winter Awareness Week announcement states, “The strain from the cold and the hard labor may cause a heart attack. Sweating could lead to chills and hypothermia.” Watch out for overexertion, because cold weather already puts added strain on the heart. Those who attempt to push their physical limits may bring on a heart attack.

Another problem is hypothermia, which happens because body temperature becomes too low. Being wet in cold weather is the common cause, and some signs of hypothermia are uncontrollable shivering, memory loss, disorientation, slurred speech, drowsiness and apparent exhaustion. If you are aiding someone with hypothermia, you must first make sure that they are dry, and then you can slowly begin to warm them. Do not immediately give them hot food or drink and do not begin by warming outer extremities such as the arms and legs, as this pushes the cold toward the heart. Make sure you cover their head and neck and give them something warm like broth to drink. Having a good supply of food and water in your house and car is always a good idea in cases of winter storm situations. Keeping a kit of high energy (high calorie) foods like carbohydrate bars, blankets, matches, a flashlight with extra batteries, a first aid kit, shovel, extra clothing, windshield scraper, tool kit, and booster cables in your car is essential. Also, by making sure that your gas tank is constantly near full, you could avoid potential ice in the tank and fuel lines. Keeping extra nonperishable food items that don’t require cooking and extra blankets or a space heater in your home or apartment could also be beneficial in the event of a power outage or a snow-in. Keep in mind that most deaths related to winter weather are due to traffic accidents because of icy roads or low visibility. Make sure you are not following the car in front of you too closely and See Winter Page10

You walk into your 8 a.m. class and realize everyone is staring at you. “Why is everyone looking at me,” you think to yourself. Then you realize that you are naked! Two seconds later your alarm clock goes off waking you with a jerk. You have probably had some crazy and weird dreams like this, but do you really understand what your dreams mean? Studies have shown that dreams can mean certain things. According to Sigmund Freud, dreams are fantasies we have that society deems unacceptable. Furthermore, when you dream about friends and family or familiar places Freud says in On Dreams, “they are images from a recent wakening experience as constituting building blocks out of which the unconscious mind constructs dreams fantasies for the purpose of acting out repressed desires.” Along with Freud, twentieth-century psychologist Calvin Hall believes that dreams reveal information about areas of life. After doing a study of thousands of dream reports, he identifies five principle areas where dreams reveal information. The first concept is the concept of self, which explains that the kinds of roles we play in dreams show how we feel about ourselves. The next concept is the concept of other people, which explains that the roles that other people play in our dreams show our feelings about them and how we interact with humans in general. The third concept is the concept of the world, which explains that the setting of our dreams indicates how we view the world. The fourth concept is the concept of impulses, prohibition and penalties, which explains the way we behave is governed by our concept of our impulses and penalties for satisfying them. The final concept is the concept of problems and con-

Interpret your dreams Falling Reflects a feeling of failure or being completely overwhelmed and out of control Being Chased Running away from something threatening or scary Flying Freedom and joy Nudity Honesty and openness, or a fear of vulnerability depending on the reaction of the people in the dream Fights Struggles in everyday life Knight Looking for a mate or savior Lover Shows acceptance of selfworth and one’s inner value Mirror If clear, it reflects oneself, but if cloudy, it reflects a false image Shooting Success if the dreamer hits the target Self To dream of one’s self shows that one has come face to face with issues that can no longer be ignored

flicts, which explains how dreams provide insight into our conflicts and how we attempt to resolve them. There are many ways to interpret dreams. Keeping a dream log is a fun way to see just what you dream about. You can gain a lot of insight about yourself through your dreams. If you are looking for more information about what your dreams could mean read James R. Lewis’ book, The Dream Encyclopedia.

Top 10 reasons to be thankful at Carroll Aja Nelson Staff Writer

1. Dorm rooms only seem small because our things take up a lot of space. 2. MDR food is better than no food at all. 3. Doing laundry doesn’t seem like such a burden when you run out of clean socks. 4. We have cell phones at college and our parents did not. 5. Walking to an 8 a.m. class through the snow will make you alert. 6. Snoring is bad, but sleepwalking in your under-

wear is far worse. It takes a long time before an event like that is forgotten. 7. The computer disk was invented because ink cartridges can and will become empty. 8. Reading is enjoyable (except when you’re cramming for a test at 3 a.m.). 9. If a rumor is spread about you, it’s not the end of the world because the truth speaks for itself. 10. Nothing lasts forever. Even the hysterical person screaming and shouting down the hall will eventually shut up.

Page 10

The New Perspective

Birth Control/Decision

Person on the Street

What’s the best advice someone has ever given you? Maren Weber Staff Writer

“Be yourself, no matter what.” Sophomore Laura Braun

“Stay true to yourself and never change for anyone.”

“Treasure your friends, they will be in your life forever.”

Sophomore Millie Badman

Freshman Carolina Villalobos

“If at first you don’t succeed, try again.” Sophomore Jennifer Reyna

“Don’t regret the things you’ve done in life. Live life to the fullest.”

“Do the best that you can, 20 years from now it’s not gonna matter.”

Sophomore Nicole Palmersheim

Senior Alissa Lauzon

Thursday, November 21, 2002

“Just be yourself and be positive.” Sophomore Rachel Madson

requires a little homework From Page 7

one of the hormones regulating the menstrual cycle. It is called depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA). A shot of DMPA in the buttocks or arm can prevent pregnancy for 12 weeks. “The Shot” keeps the ovaries from releasing eggs and is 99 percent effective against pregnancy. Protection is immediate if you get the shot during the first 5 days of your period. Side effects can include irregular bleeding, weight gain, headache, nausea, nervousness, dizziness, depression, spotty discoloration of the skin, hair loss, increased facial and body hair, decreased sex drive. The patch (Ortho Evra) is a thin plastic patch that you place on the buttocks, stomach or upper torso once a week for three out of four weeks. It also releases hormones that protect against pregnancy for one month. It is 95 percent effective and costs $35 for a month’s supply. The side effects known so far include a skin reaction at the site of application, menstrual cramping, change in vision, and it is not as effective for women who weigh more than 190 pounds. The Ring (Nuvaring) is a small, flexible ring that you insert yourself. You insert a new ring once a week for three out of four weeks. It releases combined hormones that protect against pregnancy for one month. Nuvaring is 95 percent effective and costs $35 for a month’s supply. Little is known about the Ring and there were no side effects listed. To my knowledge, the ring is not yet fully approved by the FDA. For more information on this form of birth control, I would recommend doing a

Google search on the internet, and ask a nurse practitioner or your family doctor. Lastly, “The Pill” is the common name for oral contraception. There are two basic types - combination pills and progestogen-only pills. Both are made of hormones like those made by a woman’s ovaries. Combination pills contain both estrogen and progestogen. Both kinds of pills require a medical evaluation and prescription. Both pills can prevent pregnancy but they work differently. Combination pills usually work by preventing ovulation. progestogen-only pills can also prevent ovulation but usually work by thickening cervical mucus. Both types of the pill also prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in the uterus. The side effects listed for the pill included bleeding between menstrual cycles, weight gain, breast tenderness, nausea, vomiting and changes in mood. The pill has to be taken everyday to remain effective. For emergency use only, there is what people call “the morning after pill”. Emergency contraception can only reduce the risk of pregnancy after unprotected intercourse. These pills are taken in two doses, 12 hours apart. They reduce the risk of pregnancy up to 120 hours after unprotected intercourse. They work the best when the first dose is taken within 72 hours but are only about 75 percent effective when taken correctly. Side effects of this are similar to any of the contraceptive listed above. If none of these is appealing to you, there is always abstinence or you could consider getting your tubes tied. Nevertheless, be safe no matter what you choose.

Winter/Wisconsin chills “Take a chance.” Sophomore Jon Mahoney

“I don’t know.” Sophomore Ben Schneider

From Page 9

that you are driving at the speed appropriate to the conditions. Alertness and control without distraction is imperative to safe driving during adverse weather. Okay, enough about you—what about your precious pets? When the weather gets cold, pets should be brought indoors, as pets can get frostbite too! For outside pets, make sure they are in a dry, elevated place out of the wind (you can put a flap on doghouse to deter wind). Also make sure water bowls aren’t frozen; just like you, animals need a lot of water in the winter. Remember that chemicals and salts deposited onto streets and sidewalks may be irritating to dogs’ paws, and they will attempt to lick it off, thereby ingesting the chemicals. To avoid this, wipe your dog’s paws with a warm, wet

rag, and then dry them off. Though winter can be a pain, when facing the harsh winter weather, just use common sense. It might also help to know the meaning of the precautions the National Weather Service issues. A winter storm outlook means conditions are possible in the next 2-5 days; a winter storm watch means that heavy snow, sleet, or freezing rain are possible within the next 36-48 hours; a winter storm warning means a significant storm or hazardous weather is or will begin within the next 24 hours; and a blizzard warning means winds are at least 35 mph or greater, blowing snow will reduce visibility, and dangerous wind chills are expected. For more information about winter safety, contact Wisconsin Emergency Management at (608) 2423232.

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Thursday, November 21, 2002

The New Perspective

A & E in the Area Tabitha Menning Staff Writer

Arts Quilters - Nov. 22-24 - Fri-Sat, 8 p.m. - Sat-Sun, 2 p.m. - Carroll Players - Otteson Theatre, Carroll College - (262) 524-7633 Milwaukee Symphony Pops: The Canadian Brass - Nov. 22-24 - Fri-Sat, 8 p.m. - Sun, 7:30 p.m. - Uhlein Hall - Marcus Center for the Performing Arts, 929 N. Water St. - (414) 273-7206

Chicago - Now through Dec. 22 - Skylight Opera Theatre - Broadway Theatre Center, 158 N. Broadway - (414) 291-7800 The Little Match Girl’s Christmas Gift - Now through Dec. 24 - First Stage Children’s Theatre, 929 N. Water St. - (414) 273-7206 A Christmas Carol - Now through Dec. 29 - Pabst Theatre, 144 E. Wells St. - (414) 286-3663 The Hollow - Now through Dec. 29 - Milwaukee Repertory Theatre - Baker Theatre Complex, 108 E. Wells St. - (414) 224-9490

Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra - Flutist Jeani Foster, oboist Stephen Colburn, horn player William Barnewitz, bassoonist Shawn Mouser - Nov. 29-Dec. 1 - Uhlein Hall - Marcus Center for the Performing Arts, 929 N. Water St. - (414) 273-7206


A Victorian Christmas - Waukesha Symphony Orchestra - Dec. 3, 7:30 p.m. - Auditorium, Shattuck Music Center - (262) 547-1858

Eagles Ballroom / The Rave (414) 342-7283 - My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult, Nov. 21 at 8 p.m. - Cannibal Corpse, Nov. 22 at 8 p.m. - Les Claypool’s Frog Brigade, Nov. 23 at 8 p.m.

The Cactus Club (414) 482-0160 - The Rye Coalition, Call Me Lightning, Versa, Hitch, Nov. 22

- Ben Folds, Duncan Sheik, Nov. 23 at 8 p.m. - The Wallflowers, Nov. 24 at 8 p.m. - Cowboy Mouth, Nov. 26 at 8 p.m. - Mudvayne, Taproot, Depsua, Nov. 27 at 8 p.m. - Korn, Trust Company, Nov. 27 at 8 p.m. - Dio, King’s X, Hammerfall, Nov. 30 at 8 p.m. - The Mighty, Mighty Bosstones, Simple Plan, Stick Shoes, Riddlin’ Kids, Dec. 3 at 8 p.m. - The Vines, The Music, Dec. 5 at 8 p.m. Potawatomi Bingo and Casino 1-800-729-7244 - Steve Earle, Nov. 27 - Holiday Impressions, Dec. 2-3 - Howie Mandel, Dec. 5 Riverside Theatre (414) 224-3000 - Yes, Nov. 22 - Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Nov. 24 - Counting Crows, Uncle Kracker, Nov. 29 at 8 p.m. - Tori Amos, Howie Day, Dec. 1 at 7:30 p.m. Shank Hall (414) 276-7288 - Junior Brown, Nov. 22 - Tina Schlieske, Nov. 23 at 10 p.m. - Leon Redbone, Nov. 26 at 8 p.m.

Bi-Weekly Horoscopes Paula Cary Staff Astrologer

Scorpio October 23 - November 21 Watch your temper. It’s getting stronger by the minute. You might say something to a friend or a colleague you will regret later. Take a few hours and cool your stinger. Sagittarius November 22 - December 20 The stars are shining bright tonight. The moon is new and things are looking to change. You’ll witness this change around Thanksgiving. Capricorn December 21 - January 19 Luck is on your side this month. You won’t be running into doors or slipping on banana peels. You’ll find a penny on the ground. Pick it up and watch your luck begin to grow. Aquarius January 20 - February 17 Time is a necessity. Schedule everything around the week of Nov. 25. You will need to find relaxation

around Nov. 27. Pisces February 18 - March 20 If you’re feeling a little stressed, take some time to do yoga. Then buy yourself some ice cream and rent a movie. You’ll feel better by morning. Aries March 21 - April 19 Love strikes anew. You will be invited to a party this weekend and meet that special someone. If he/she already exists, he/she will do something romantic for you this Saturday. Taurus April 20 - May 19 There is something you have been dying to get. In time, you will possess it. Just remember this: Ask and you shall receive. Gemini May 20 - June 20 That project you have been working on is almost done. Get up early in the morning and start the process of finishing. You’ll be impressed with what you have accomplished.

Cancer June 21 - July 21 Today, you’ll find yourself arguing about many things with many people. These differences are minor. Explain your position and they will respect you for your difference in opinion. Leo July 22 - August 22 Are you in a fantastic mood today? Many people you are close to won’t be on that same level. Take that smile and spread it around. A few good laughs and a surprise or two will help those frowns turn upside down. Virgo August 23 - September 21 You’re very bright. You discovered how the refrigerator light works. Now there is a new founding question. Answer this: What keeps the stars up in the sky? Libra September 22 - October 22 While helping Virgo find an answer to the question, you witness a shooting star. You must make a wish quickly. Your destiny is only one wish away.

Page 11

Dear Marie

Triple doesn’t allow much personal space Marie Carroll College’s Resident Advice Columnist If you have a problem, question or even just a comment for Marie, please send it to with subject line “Dear Marie” or put it in a sealed envelope and send it through campus mail to The New Perspective office. All submissions are confidential.

Dear Marie, I live in a triple, which is bad to begin with. But both of my roommates are very inconsiderate. One likes to study late at night, so he leaves to study at midnight and comes clonking in at two or three in the morning waking me up. My other roommate is even worse. He never leaves the room, except for class. He skips classes “just cause he doesn’t feel like going” which kinda ticks me off, because it gives me time to be in the room without them. He also uses my TV and plays my video games all the time like they are his with disregard to my rules. He tells me when I can or cannot watch my own TV so he can watch the shows he wants. He is also “never wrong.” My only “me” time is for two hours during the week when both my roommates are gone to classes, and I haven’t got that yet. I think I got a whole hour one week. My roommate leaves class early to come back, even when I deliberately tell him, “don’t come back until after your class is done,” but he comes back early anyways. He blatantly ignores my requests. It’s my room too, but I feel like a prisoner in my own room. I have talked to the first one, and he’s getting better. He understands and tries his hardest. But my second roommate, he goes “pbbbth” to whatever I say. I try to voice my opinion, but as he states, “I’m being too selfish and thinking only of myself.” What can I do? Needs Space Dear Needs Space, This is one of the most common problems college students face. For many of us, sharing a confined space is a new concept. Sharing with one person is hard enough, but sharing with two? Now, this is where problems are more likely to arise. I understand what you’re saying. You just want some peaceful time alone in your room. That’s not a big deal. Trying to work around your roommates’ schedules can be difficult, especially when they are so inconsiderate. I would suggest leaving a note for your room-

mates saying that you’d like to sit down and have a quick talk. Tell them how you feel, and give them time to respond and/or interject their thoughts on the situation. Perhaps you could come up with some “room rules” as a group, such as “only use each other’s possessions if you have permission first.” Another could be, “respect each other’s sleeping and studying habits,” or “we each get four hours alone in the room a week.” This way, you can each pick four hours during the week where you have the room all to yourself. If you have the times figured out beforehand, there shouldn’t be much disagreement later in the week when one of you has the room. If all else fails, talk to your RA. He should have some helpful suggestions for you. Dear Marie, The holidays are fast approaching and I’ve been seeing a guy for about two months. We haven’t met each other’s parents yet, but plan on doing that soon. He asked me to have Thanksgiving dinner with his family - his whole family including aunts, uncles, cousins, grand parents-the works. I think its really sweet of him that he likes me enough to introduce me to the entire family, but I feel like that’s a big step and that we’re not that serious yet. I feel guilty for not asking him to join my family, but I don’t think we’re quite ready for that. Troubled Turkey Dear Turkey, Meeting a boyfriend’s family can be very intimidating. Let’s face it, you have to go through a whole dinner of dry turkey and lumpy mashed potatoes, pretending it’s the best food you ever had and laughing at every lame inside joke. Don’t feel bad if you don’t think he’s ready to meet your family. I understand that your aunt Julie has an obnoxious laugh and that uncle Dave insists on giving you noogies, even though you’re in college now. That might be traumatizing to a new relationship. Tell him that you’re flattered he invited you to his family gathering and, I hate to say this, but you should even go. In regards to your family, you can say that you keep it small and stick to immediate family members and that significant others usually don’t join your family; its an intimate holiday you like to spend together with cousin Sally hogging all the pumpkin pie.

Page 12

The New Perspective

Thursday, November 21, 2002

First Lady stands trial

Poetry Corner

Elisa Neckar


Staff Writer

Emily Paul My gallant knight you cheer me up my light in the dark my sun in my rain singing in the shadows bubbles in the wind smiles in the clouds simplicity in the heart hugs - inside and out yet distanced - too far to count shining stars twinkling hopes hearts healed love prevails silent nights happy days peace serenity cheeriness abounds intuition reigns high seeing visions visions of life life and light bright as the day and night sheer and true Now you have the insight

If you see the sky and think you can fly or you smell a flower and feel an inner power, write it down quick and it may be our pick!

Have a poem you may be interested in having published by The New Perspective? E-mail it to with “Poetry Corner” in the subject line and we’ll let you know!

SPRING BREAK ’03 with! The ultimate vacation in Cancun, Bahamas, Mazatlan, Acapulco, Jamaica and more! Packages include airfare, 7nts hotel, FREE FOOD, FREE DRINKS and 150% Lowest Price Guarantee! REPS WANTED! Organize 15 friends and get hooked up with 2 FREE TRIPS and VIP treatment! Also earn extra cash and bonus prizes just for promoting! Call 1-800-293-1445 or email today!

As First Ladies go, No Way to Treat a First Lady’s Beth MacMann bears a striking resemblance to Hillary Rodham Clinton. Her husband’s a charismatic philanderer, and she has her own liberal agenda and political aspirations. Author Christopher Buckley makes one big distinction, though – Beth, nicknamed “Lady BethMac” by the press, has just been put on trial for the assassination of her husband (she threw a Paul Revere spittoon at him in a bedroom spat). The trial is unparalleled, without precedent. And Buckley enjoys tweaking that element: “A Times columnist had mischievously posed the question: If in the end Beth MacMann was executed, would there be a shoot-out between the Secret Service and the lethal injections? So many delicious questions were being posed these days.” With the country against her and the media getting ready for “The Trial of the Millennium,” Beth turns to Boyce “Shameless” Baylor, a defense attorney who’s gotten sports stars, spies, and society wife-killers off in the past – and who just happens to be Beth’s former fiancé from law school.

The pages that follow contain a courtroom drama, a mystery – did Beth really kill the president, or was it a set-up by the Secret Service and FBI to frame her? – a love story, and humor on every page. There’s just one thing missing; Beth herself. As a character, Beth is a bit, well, transparent. Insubstantial. If a good breeze came along, she’d blow right off the page. She has no friends, no family, no childhood, no likes or dislikes, and a past that consists of one event in law school. Since one of Buckley’s main objectives seems to be getting the reader to sympathize with the unjustly accused, misunderstood First Lady, this presents a bit of a problem. See First Lady Page 13







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Thursday, November 21, 2002

The New Perspective

Page 13

The Man’s Movie vs. The Chick Flick

The Man’s Movie Jackass starring Johnny Knoxville Ryan Watterson Staff Writer

I will say right off this movie isn’t for everyone. However, I don’t think I’ve ever had this much fun in a movie theatre. This movie made me laugh until I hurt. If you’ve seen the show Jackass on MTV, then you probably know what you are in for before you watch this film. For those of you who don’t know what you are getting into, hang on. Jackass is approximately an hour and 40 minutes of insane stunts, crude pranks and disgusting behavior led by Jackass creator Johnny Knoxville. He and six other “Jackassers” make up the cast. The entire movie is filmed on home video. When I went to see this film about the third week after it was in theatres, the place was packed. Mostly teenagers and young adults made up the audience. The fact that the theatre was full added to the

atmosphere of the movie. When something disgusting or painstakingly funny happened (which was nearly every scene), the whole crowd “ooed,” “aahed” and shouted. It was just pure fun being a part of it. It felt like an amusement park ride that the whole audience was taking part in. I know some of you - correction; many of you out there would be offended by this sort of entertainment. Some of it honestly, made me uncomfortable. If you liked Jackass the show, then I recommend this movie. Otherwise you might not want to spend your $8.00 on this film because as far as movies go, this isn’t Oscar material. This movie is the fun DVD that you will pull out on a rainy day to skip to your favorite parts. Because I had so much fun watching this, but realize at least two generations of Americans probably have no desire to see this movie, I give Jackass three stars.

The Chick Flick Sweet Home Alabama ‘isn’t so bad’ Ryan Watterson Staff Writer

Can you say “chick flick”? Ugh. I promised my girlfriend I’d take her to this movie. As I sat down to watch this typical romantic comedy, I took a look around and noticed about 20 other men in the same predicament I was in. You know whom I mean, those guys who want to be watching sports at home on television. Instead they know they’re in for a good two hours of gushiness that will ultimately lead to their girlfriend crying on them. Here’s the scoop: Fashion designer Melanie Carmichael (Reese Witherspoon) has found her dream job in New York City. She is also engaged to the city’s most eligible bachelor (Patrick Dempsey). But Melanie has a secret – she was married. Her husband, Jake (Josh Lucas), who she left behind when she left for the Big Apple, refuses to divorce her. Melanie has to fly home to try and change his mind.

Guess what happens next! I’m not going to tell you. But I will tell you this. This movie scared me to death. When people watch a movie, they usually identify with a character because it makes the movie more real and exciting for them. Well of course being from New Hampshire, I chose the Yankee Bachelor. My girlfriend, being from the south obviously identified with Ms. Witherspoon. All I have to say is, guys: Just make sure your girlfriend isn’t married before you pop the question. I think I’ve made my point. I’m probably going to have to watch this movie again when it comes out on DVD. Honestly, this film isn’t so bad. Reese Witherspoon once again puts in an A+ performance. Newcomer Josh Lucas who plays Jake was definitely my favorite actor in this movie. This film made me think of the people back home that mean something to me. I guess you could say this so called “chick flick” touched me. What the heck. I’ll give it three stars.


Helping yourself through others

George Harrison a mellow, relaxing sound

Sarah Lasee

Bear Milne Staff Writer

The late George Harrison’s final craft, Brainwashed, is a relaxing album with a hint of spiritualism. Opening with a song titled “Any Road” leads you like so many Beatles songs into singing along and questioning your own road of life. “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” The guitar and backgrounds of the keyboard, piano, harp, and talbas, combined with the electric and acoustic guitar provides

excellent music to just mellow and groove too, even during homework. Though his recurring presence of God and spirituality in his songs (the title tune features a “God-GodGod” intertwined within the chorus and ends with “Namah Parvati” (of the “Yoga Aphorisms Patanjali”) performed by George and Dhani Harrison), it makes one wonder if George knew his time was slipping from him. George’s presence (the quiet Beatle) and his mark on the music world will never be forgotten. I found this album a leisure to listen too and a pleasure to wallow in.

First Lady/Buckley’s wit makes for a good satire From Page 12

Now, this is not to say that No Way to Treat a First Lady is bad. It’s actually quite an enjoyable read, largely due to Buckley’s considerable skill as a satirist. Every few paragraphs have a good line or two worth a smile, every page or two has a laugh-out-loud funny scene or sidebar. No one is safe from Buckley’s wit. Among those skewered are judges - “[The judge] creaked forward in his chair. This is the source of the aura of judges: they have bigger chairs than anyone else. That and the fact that they can sentence people to sit in electrified ones. It’s all about chairs.” Buckley also takes shots at politicians, the media, lawyers,

and Washington D.C. in general - “Nothing so excites a Washington audience as introducing the term code name in a public setting. Invariably, what follows is evidence that the government has, once again, been up to something disastrously ill-advised, or at least very, very naughty.” Most of Buckley’s shots hit their mark, though a few are a bit heavy-handed, like the tabloid newspaper called The National Perspirer. For a good mystery with substantial characters that still takes gentle pokes at the government, try The General’s Daughter. But if you’re looking for a satire that’s if not overlydeveloped, at least smart, fastpaced, and just plain funny, try No Way to Treat a First Lady.

Staff Writer

An English professor plagued with demons, a Vietnamese college student trying to be successful in America, and a corrupt English department make William Hart’s novel Never Fade Away a compelling novel of truth about life, love and friendship. The journey begins in Los Angeles during the mid1980’s with John Goddard, Vietnam veteran and professor of ENGL 002 wakes from a nightmare of his past. At the same time, college student Tina Le, having failed ENGL 002 the year before, is preparing to retake it. Unknown to Goddard and Le, when classes start the next day, both of their lives will be changed forever. The first weeks of the semester come and go with Goddard butting heads with

the administration of the English department. He argues that the English department has unreasonable teaching methods and are forcing a stricter than normal measure of competency upon the students. The students most affected by this severe competency standard are mostly ethnic minorities and immigrants such as Le.

When all but seven of his students fail the final exam, which is written by the English administration, Goddard goes to war. Finding no allies among his fellow colleagues Goddard wages his own personal battle with the administration by changing the grades of two talented students that are in danger of being forced to leave school as a result of failing the final exam. As Hart draws striking parallels between Goddard and Le, we see the toll Goddard’s battle takes on all involved. By the end of their journey both Goddard and Le realize that by helping each other, they have helped themselves as well. Hart has captured the essence of human nature, a feat for which he should be applauded. This story is one of despair and triumph that leaves a deep emotional impact on the reader.

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Page 14

The New Perspective

Thursday, November 21, 2002

Activist/Martin speaks on Native Americans From Page 3

However, she never forgot the ways and after graduating, became involved in campaigns, community education initiatives, directing cultural festivals and student organizations, and as an activist for culture put her job on the line. Her drive is the great losses of her ancestors’ land, ceremonies, songs and language and desire to share the lessons of the past. “We are born into the role of activism as Anishinaabe people, we have so many stories to tell,” Martin said. Martin’s role as an activist gains increasing importance when the low population of Native Americans is considered.

Those who solely reported being American Indian or Alaskan Native on the 2000 US Census was 2.5 million people, or .9% of the US population. Another 1.6 million people reported American Indian or Alaskan Native amongst their lineage. There are several Native American spiritual movements such as the lodge Martin is involved with in Michigan and political organizations such as American Indian Movement (AIM) which aims to restore human rights for the Native peoples. Most often unknowingly, we still cross paths that those Native ancestors so connected to the land that we walk each day. The

ground of our own campus houses an ancient burial site. Even the names of our cities reflect the Native culture. Milwaukee has a name rooted in an Algonquian Indian word that means a “good spot.” The translation of the Indian word from which Chicago got its name is, “garlic field.” In fact, about half of the states are named from Indian words, such as Minnesota which comes from a Dakota Indian word meaning, “skytinted water,” telling more history of the Native culture that surrounds us. You can find the origins of these and other names, and more about Native American culture in the National Native American Heritage Month page at

SHARKEY’S SHUTTLE HAS ARRIVED Pat McCurdy is Playing Tonight, Nov. 21 at 10 p.m.


SPORTS Thursday, November 21, 2002

The New Perspective

Page 15

Live From the Pio Dome

Most Valuable Player award should address player’s true team value Nathan Brunner Sports Editor Live from the Pio Dome is an editorial column written by Nathan Brunner to express his various opinions about topics in the world of sports. Any comment relating to “Live From the Pio Dome” can be voiced via email to

Photo by Andrew Farrell

Senior defensive back Jason Yttre tackles Grinnell’s Sean Murphy with the assistance of junior Carlos Rodriguez during the Pioneers’ last football game of the season, Nov. 9.

Season finale closes with a nail-biter finish Bear Milne Staff Writer

In the final game of the season, Wisconsin’s oldest college played Indiana’s oldest college-Pioneer against Pioneer. Carroll squared off against Grinnell College, Nov. 9, for its final game of the season, for what turned into a great football game. Striking first were the Pioneers of Carroll with an 18yard reception by freshman receiver Adam Fletcher from senior quarterback Brad Dement less than three minutes into the game. Carroll would hold on for the rest of the quarter, but the Pioneers of Grinnell countered with two second-quarter touchdowns, including a return off of a Dement interception. With a one-yard touchdown run early in the third quarter, Grinnell had a 21 – 7 lead. Enter the fourth quarter. Rolling to the left while looking for a receiver, Dement evaded three tacklers on a 13yard scramble for a touchdown, closing the gap to 2114 after sophomore kicker D. J. Otto’s extra point kick. After the kick-off Grinnell powered to only one first down before senior linebacker Andrew Molina forced a fumble on Grinnell’s Adam Wallace who rushed for 96 yards with 29 yards receiving.The fumble was recovered by sophomore defensive lineman Adam Kujath. Carroll took possession of the ball with 3:35 remaining on the clock. Pounding their way up field and enduring four penalty calls, the Pioneers were in the red zone. It all came down to the wire. With the crowd on their feet, Dement attempted three passes into the

end zone…nothing. With 13 seconds on the clock, fourth and goal, Dement stepped back in the pocket and threw for senior receiver Andy Poch…and it was just out of reach. Grinnell held on for a 21-14 win. Senior running back Rob Brester rushed for 44 yards on the day and finished with 333 yards net on the season with five touchdowns. Senior fullback Tony Salvage finished the season with 435 yards and one touchdown, with only three yards rushing against Grinnell. Senior quarterback Brad Dement threw for 240 yards on the day and one touchdown, a season total of 1,866yards passing and 13 touchdowns. Poch finished the season with 402 yards receiving on 38 receptions while senior receiver Curt Miller finished the season with 248 yards receiving on 20 receptions with one touchdown. For the defense, Kujath (five tackles Nov. 9), senior defensive back Jason Yttre (14 tackles Nov. 9), and Molina (11 tackles Nov. 9) are the top tacklers with 70, 66, and 65 tackles respectively on the season for the Pioneers (25, 41, and 29 respectively unassisted). Kujath finished the season with three sacks for a loss total of 19 yards, Molina with one sack for a loss of 11 yards, and Yttre finished with two interceptions for 30 return yards on the season. Sophomore defensive lineman Derek Dougherty finished the season with the most sacks for the Pioneers, five for a loss total of 22 yards (37 tackles on season), and sophomore defensive lineman Jacob Bodi finished on his tail with four sacks for a loss total of 18 yards (50 tackles on season).

Recently, there has been much bickering over the results of the Major League Baseball American League MVP voting results. The winner of this award was Miguel Tejada, finishing far ahead of second place finisher Alex Rodriquez. Many people claim Rodriquez should have won the award because he put up better overall numbers during the regular season than Tejada did. I find this logic to be completely idiotic. It is almost as if some people don’t even know what the letters MVP stand for. These letters very clearly explain who should win the award. By standing for Most Valuable Player, the

award should be given to just that person. It is clear Tejada is much more valuable of a player to his team than Rodriquez ever was this season. For starters, Tejada’s team (Oakland A’s) had a winning record and was a playoff team. A-Rod’s team on the other hand finished in last place 31 games out of first place in their division. An MVP should be able to lead his team to a winning record and the playoffs. An MVP should also be so valuable that their team could not win many games without them. Now it might just be me, but I think the Rangers could have lost just as much as they did had A-Rod not been on the team. It may seem like I always gripe about baseball, but the problem with the MVP award is evident in many sports. For example, last year in the NFL, the top two vote-getters (Kurt Warner and Marshall Faulk) for the MVP award were on the same team! How can there

be two players from the same team who are considered to be the most valuable? Even if one of these players were to have gone down during the course of the season, I would be very willing to bet the Ram’s still would have went to the Super Bowl. If the sportswriters of this country are going to continue to insist on giving the MVP award to the best player in any league, no matter how valuable to his team, fine. I would have no problems with this. However, the name of the award must be changed. The award should be the Most Outstanding Player, or something along those lines. Continuing to call the award the Most Valuable Player would be a joke. Granted, this year the correct decision was made in the AL MVP voting, but I fear this is just an exception and future awards will continue to be given out to just the best player and not the most valuable one.

Upcoming Sporting Events Cross Country Date



Nov. 23

NCAA Division III Championship @ St. Olaf College

10:00 a.m.

Men’s Basketball Date



Nov. 22

Lakeland College @ MSOE @ MSOE @ North Park University @ UW-Whitewater @ St. Norbert

6:00 p.m.

Nov. 23 Dec. 2 Dec. 4 Dec. 7

8:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

Women’s Basketball Date



Kilgour Tournament at Carroll College

Nov. 22 Nov. 23 Nov. 26 Dec. 7

UW-Whitewater vs. Dubuque Carroll College vs. Clark College Consolation Game Championship Game

5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Noon 2:00 p.m.

@ Carthage College @ St. Norbert

5:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m.

Swimming (Men 1-4, Women 1-4) Date



Nov. 23

Ripon / St. Norbert @ Ripon Gene Davis Invite @ Lawrence University

1:00 p.m.

Dec. 6 Dec. 7

Team records are current as of Monday, Nov. 18.

4:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m.

Page 16

The New Perspective

Thursday, November 21, 2002

Lady Pioneers run through conference in perfect fashion Ryan Watterson Staff Writer

The Carroll College women’s soccer team won the Midwest Conference Tournament, Nov. 9, for the first time in team history. They defeated St. Norbert College 2-0 for the title. Just under four minutes into the game, junior midfielder

Courtney Fryatt scored the game-winning goal. Sophomore goalkeeper Katie Kroenke also earned her second shut out of the tournament. Carroll defeated Lawrence University by the same 2-0 score on Nov. 8 to advance to the title game. Fryatt and sophomore forward Krista Schneider scored goals in the victory. By win-

Photo by Andrew Farrell

Freshman forward Julia Bell dribbles the ball downfield for the Lady Pioneers in their final conference game against St. Norbert, Nov. 9.

ning the Midwest Conference Tournament, Carroll automatically received an invitation to the NCAA Regional Tournament. The Lady Pioneers traveled to St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 13, to face the University of St. Thomas in the first round of the NCAA Division III Women’s Soccer Championships. St. Thomas went up 2-0 at halftime. They continued their offensive surge by putting four more goals on the board before Carroll found the net. Freshman forward Sarah Cullinan scored Carroll’s only goal. Junior midfielder Brooke Crozier had the assist on the play. Carroll went 16-3 this season and finished 9-0 in the conference. Before being ousted in the NCAA Division III tournament, the last time they lost a game was Sept. 14. At the start of the season, the Pioneers were the number five-ranked team in the Midwest Conference. “That didn’t surprise us, but it certainly motivated us. We worked hard in practice everyday to prove to our-

Swim teams make a splash Bear Milne Staff Writer

The women’s swim team started the season off with a slight splash. After suffering two defeats, one to Carthage College (165-58) and one to Lake Forest (151-65), in the opening tournament at Carthage, Nov. 2, the women’s team battled back. Though out-numbered at the Ripon Relays, Nov. 6, they managed to finish in third place of four schools. Three days later, they met and conquered Illinois Institute of Technology, at home, Nov. 9, with a score of 85-65. Freshman Kristi Behr set a new school record against IIT in the 200-yard butterfly, eclipsing the old record by over three 3 seconds. The team also posted wins in the 400-yard medley relay, the 500 and 1000-yard freestyle, 200-yard backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly, and the 400-yard freestyle relay. The men’s swim team also lost the opening tournament at Carthage College to the same teams, Carthage (136-40) and Lake Forest (157-31), Nov. 2. They traveled to Ripon, Nov. 6, for the Ripon Relays and came out on top, winning the meet. The Illinois Institute of Technology, however, posted a fight, holding the Pioneers at home to a 112-43 loss. Both teams will travel to Ripon College, Nov. 23, and then to Lawrence University, Dec. 6, for the Gene Davis Invite.

Photo by Andrew Farrell

Sophomore midfielder Katie Dyke kicks the ball in the Nov. 8 conference tournament game against Lawrence. selves and everybody else that we could do more,” head coach Jason Bretzmann said. Carroll broke several Midwest Conference records this season. Their offensive numbers turned heads around the league. The record for most team goals in a season was formerly 66. Carroll scored 70. The former longest winning streak of 11 was broken as Carroll won 14 in a row. Schneider broke the record for goals in a season (15) by scoring 18, and also broke the record for points in a season with 40. The former record was 35. Five Carroll players were named to the all conference team. Schneider, freshman forward Julia Bell and sophomore defender Tracy Tetting were named to the first team, while Fryatt and sophomore defender Kristin Beyer received second team recog-

nition. Coach Bretzmann doesn’t owe his team’s success to any individual however. Teamwork was the key to success this season. “You have to have teamwork to have success. Throughout the season, everybody has worked hard to mesh together as a team. It isn’t an easy task. Every single person made this season a success. Each in their own way. I even give great credit to our manager, Rena Lettsome, who is there for us with her positive attitude,” stated Bretzmann. Only three of the Pioneers will graduate this year: They are defender Jennah McIntyre, defender Angela Capes and defender Erin Pauling. “We’re losing three talented, motivated leaders. They won’t be playing with us, but their example will be with us next season,” Bretzmann said.

Men’s soccer falls short of MWC title Photo by Andrew Farrell

Junior Adam Wojczak swims the 200-yard butterfly for the Pioneers Nov. 9 against Illinois Institute of Technology.

Photo by Andrew Farrell

Freshman Danielle Witkowski swims in the 400-yard medley relay for the Lady Pioneers capturing a win Nov. 9 against Illinois Institute of Technology.

Ryan Watterson Staff Writer

For the second straight season, the Carroll College men’s soccer team lost in the semifinals of the Midwest Conference Tournament. Carroll was defeated by Beloit College 3-1. After falling behind 2-0 in the first half, the Pioneers couldn’t find a way to come back despite out-shooting their opponent 14-2 in the second half. “We lost this game in the first half,” head coach Rick Mobley said, “With a few lineup changes due to injuries, I thought we would be better served playing more direct out of the back. Instead of helping us, it took us out of our comfort zone. We dominated the second half because we were more comfortable. I’m proud of the way they battled back in the second

half.” Junior forward Philip Hackbarth scored the only goal for Carroll. Sophomore midfielder Daniel Schindhelm was credited with the assist. St. Norbert College won the regular season and Midwest Conference Tournament titles. The Pioneers had success this season as they went 6-2-1 in the conference (115-2). Only St. Norbert and Beloit had better records. Offensively they were led by leading scorer senior forward Joe Snyder who had 15 goals along with four assists and freshman forward Michael Wheeler who had seven goals and three assists. Next year the Pioneers are losing forward Rocco Lazaris, defender Aaron Manske, Snyder and forward Wade Bute to graduation. However, 18 players from this year’s roster will be returning for next season.

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