THE NEW PERSPECTIVE Thursday, March 3, 2005
Carroll Experience Remember to share YOUR Carroll Experience
Volume 28, Issue 8
Arts & Entertainment
Cultural fitness, page 6 Gas prices, page 6
Extremities, Name, page #page 11 Name, pagepage Maritime, # 12
Sports Softball, page 15 Basketball, page 16
The Student Newspaper of Carroll College
Union vote — results awaited Mark R. DeBoer Staff Writer
The faculty of Carroll College voted to determine if the faculty themselves were decided enough, through a vote of the simple majority, to unionize under the UAW on February 11. The ballot box, following the election, was sealed and taken to a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) regional office until such time as the national offices of the NLRB can decide whether or not to hear any appeal from Carroll’s administration. According to Dr. Deidre Keenan of the English department, there are still two of the three original, formal appeals pending. Keenan stated the denied appeal, “was to postpone the vote for a long time because [the Carroll administration] made the argument that they hadn’t had the time to launch an anti-union campaign.” The first of the two remaining appeals resides in the matter of the level of management that the administration feels the faculty is privy to, which is one the largest grievances that the faculty themselves have. Under a court ruling, known basically as the Yeshiva Ruling, the faculty of Yeshiva University were denied the right to form a union on the
grounds that they held a remarkable amount of managerial and supervisory power at Yeshiva University. The original decision handed down by the NLRB upon the matter of Carroll College flatly denied the administration’s claim that the Yeshiva Ruling pertained to the faculty at Carroll. If the first appeal is rejected by the regional NLRB, the administration will take their grievances to the national headquarters of the NLRB in Washington, D.C. In either case, explained Keenan, no new information may be proposed by either side of the case. Any and all appeals can only be based upon the evidence recorded at the original hearings at the start of this year. If the NLRB responds with a refusal to hear the appeal, then the votes from February 11 will be counted and the results made public. On the other hand, any votes placed could be nullified and destroyed if the choice is made to hear the appeal. The NLRB only hears about 3-5 percent of the appeals that are brought before them. Keenan speculated that the final recourse of the administration, if the NLRB refuses to hear their appeal, is to take the matter to the U.S. Federal Court System, where the matter could be tied up indefinitely.
BSU Dinner
Photo by Jill Ridenour
The Black Student Union dinner held in the ballroom on Sunday, February 27th featured keynote speaker Tim McHatten, a pastor from Gilead in Milwaukee.
Carroll Idol
Photo by Jill Ridenour
Carroll Idol brought an excellent crowd to the ballroom on Saturday, February 19th. The winners junior Tim Ecklor in second and freshman Christina Papagianis in first sang everything from No Doubt to Joan Jett.
Campus misconduct soars Alysha Schertz Staff Writer
“We don’t go looking for trouble, the students usually just announce themselves to the world,” said Assistant Dean of Students, Patrick Peyer. Well, maybe not to the world, but students here at Carroll College have definitely been announcing themselves, and many of their friends, to the campus disciplinary committee. The number of students that had been referred to the student life disciplinary committee first semester alone practically matches that of the entire 2003–04 school year. The question being posed is why. How come an overwhelming amount of students feel it necessary to break the rules? During the 2003–04 school year, 443 referrals were written. First semester of this 2004–05 school year already yielded 315 referrals for students on campus. A referral is a list of student names that have violated a resident hall or campus housing policy. That list is then sent to the Student Life office where appropriate action is taken for the offense. A student may be “referred” by a Resident Assistant, or a Resident Director for numerous reasons mentioned in the student handbook. Referrals can range from offenses like noise violations, the use of prohibited objects — like candles or hot plates — in the residence halls, or the most common referral — illegal use of alcoholic sub-
stances by underage students. After a student is referred, Peyer calls the process that follows a “very educational” one. He stated that he generally meets with the students and helps them recognize that “there has been a problem. You’ve made a mistake. Let’s talk about it. Let’s learn from it.” The number of referrals has increased rapidly for the last three years. During the 2001–02 school year, 210 referrals were made. In 2002–03 there were 334. Two hundred and thirty-three of the referrals made during 2003 were alcohol related, according to the annual Jean Cleary report printed by campus safety. Looking at the increased number of referrals annually, one must look at the increased amount of enrollment as a whole. So many students may be a reason for so many new problems. The past few years have seen a significant increase in the size of the incoming freshman class. This year alone the freshmen class totaled over 600. An even greater increase is predicted for the years ahead. A South Bergstrom freshman resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, had his own opinion on why problems were so high. “I don’t know what it was like in previous years, but the freshman class was so big this year… maybe the discipline referrals could come from so many triples.” With an increase in the number of students that go here,
the campus has had to adjust to provide housing for them all. Starting in the fall of 1997, according to Peyer, the campus introduced the concept of triples. A triple is essentially three people living in a space originally intended for two. It is easy to see how problems with living space may erupt into problems between roommates. The concept of “triples” has been around for a while, and with the addition of the college purchasing apartment buildings for housing purposes, the number of triples being issued has remained relatively stable, according to Peyer. Peyer was not prepared to offer his opinion on why so many new referrals were reported first semester but simply stated, “Ask the students. Right now they’re closer to the situation then I am. They will probably know more. I’m sure there are lots of different opinions.” Junior, and resident Swarthout dormitory, Staci Luevano stated, “I think kids just don’t care — adults just don’t have as much authority over kids any more — that’s just how society has changed.” New Hall resident, Chad Carroll added, “It’s college. If you’re gonna do it, you’re gonna do it. No one really cares.” He mentioned, however, that since the increase in referrals, he is more cautious knowing that people are actually getting See MISCONDUCT Page 3
NEWS Page 2
The New Perspective
News Briefs
The New Perspective Uniting the Carroll community with a proud heritage of excellence. Editor-in-Chief
Advertisement Policy
Amanda Bothe
Paid advertisements published in The New Perspective do not necessarily reflect the views of Carroll College or the Editorial Board.
Executive Staff Managing Editor Pete Seroogy News Editor Amanda Bothe Assistant News Editor Kristen Anne Opinion Editor
Corrections Policy The New Perspective strives to maintain journalistic integrity by providing accurate, fair and complete reports and headlines. When a report is found to be wrong or misleading, a correction or clarification will be published as soon as possible.
Kristen Anne News Editor
Wednesdays for Writers Amor Linguae will now begin their “Wednesdays for Writers.” The remaining schedule is as follows. March 9: 8:30 p.m. in the Coffee shop for Open Mic poetry reading March 30: (same as above) April 6: (same as above) April 13: at 7:30 p.m. in Room 124 of the Campus Center: English Faculty reading April 20: Century Magazine: student reading (date and location to be announced)
Bear Milne
Statement of Ownership Features Editor Jessica Pairrett Arts & Entertainment Editor Andrea Janey Sports Editor Pete Seroogy Photography Editor Jill Ridenour Layout Editor April Karlen Graphics Editor Katie Hadler Web Editor Michael Buchholz Business Manager Nick Thielmann Advertising Manager Nick Thielmann Faculty Advisor Anne E. Schwartz
Writing Staff Mark R. DeBoer, Josephine Ejebjork, William Humphreys, Mike Justman, Jamie Lawrence, Dustin Pierce, Kristy Phillips, Samantha Povilonis, Greg Rabidoux, Alysha Schertz, Jamie Slewinski, Natalie Vance, Steve Van Dien, Jim Verbick, Tracy Weckwerth, Jay Wendland
The New Perspective, Carroll College’s student newspaper, is a wholly owned entity of Carroll College, and is published every other Thursday during the academic year, except holidays, semester breaks and exam periods. The New Perspective strives to provide a suitable working and learning environment for all Carroll College students interested in journalism, photography, layout, advertising and the graphic arts, conducive to personal fulfillment and advancement. The New Perspective works hard to provide the Carroll community with a fair and accurate presentation of all news pertinent to the community, following the standards, cannons and ethical guidelines of journalism as outlined by the Society of Professional Journalists. The New Perspective is written, edited, produced and operated entirely by students under the encouragement and advice of the faculty adviser, who is a Carroll College employee. The New Perspective is published by Lake Country Printing, located in Hartland, Wis. The New Perspective is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.
Photography Staff Editorial Policy The New Perspective welcomes letters in an attempt to provide a forum for the diverse views of the campus. The views expressed in The New Perspective do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board or those of the Carroll College administration, alumni, faculty, staff, students, trustees or the surrounding Waukesha community. Letters should be limited to 500 words, signed and dropped off at The New Perspective office, located in the Student Organization offices in the Campus Center, at least one week prior to publication. The New Perspective reserves the right to edit letters for length, libelous content, profanity, clarity, grammar and spelling errors. All letters become the property of The New Perspective.
Does the Cold War Matter? Carroll’s history program and the Cold War History Museum will host a panel discussion on the affects of the Cold War on the world’s lives today at 7 p.m. on April 18 in the Campus Center Ballroom. Panelists include Dr. Sergei Khrushchev, Gary Powers, Jr. and Dr. Ronald Kurth. Carroll students will receive convocation credit for this event. Support Sri Lanka Daesaman Wimalasooriya, an international student to Carroll College, is making an effort to support the tsunami victims of her native country, Sri Lanka. There is a drop-off box just outside the MDR in the Campus Center for donations of dry goods. Also, relief funds can be taken to the information desk also in the Campus Center. Checks can be sent by mail, made payable
to Support Sri Lanka, to Support Sri Lanka, 2025 Cardinal Drive, Waukesha, WI 53186. Annual Challenge Auction At 6 p.m. on March 9, a live auction will be hosted in the MDR. Auction items will include commencement tickets, first housing lottery choice, parking passes, hot air balloon rides, and more. There will also be a silent auction between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. in the campus center. The proceeds will be used for two scholarships for Carroll students and donated to the Greater Milwaukee Special Olympics. The goal for the auction is set at $4,000. Roommate Search Those still in need of a roommate for next year are to assemble in the Campus Center, room 124/125 across from the Info Desk on Sunday, March 6 at 8 p.m. This is an opportunity to meet some potential roomies, so come and chit chat. Volunteers Needed Wisconsin Foundation for Independent Colleges (WFIC) needs some volunteers to help the College Readiness 21, a precollege group, with over 150 Milwaukee high school students. This event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 9, from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. with an informational meeting on Wednesday, March 9, from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. in the Student Life conference room. Contact Dolores O.
Crime Beat
damage occurred between 2/8/05 and 2/12/05.
Campus Safety 2/9/05 Report of a male publicly urinating out an open window from an upper floor of South Bergstrom in the early morning hours 2/12/05 Received report of damage to a vehicle parked in lot 9. A window was broken out on the passenger side. Nothing was disturbed inside the vehicle. The
Jamie Slewinski, April Karlen
Thursday, March 3, 2005
2/15/05 Responded with Waukesha EMS for a woman who had slipped and fallen just east of the Campus Center lot by the alley. Woman was transported to Waukesha Memorial. 2/17/05 Report of an entry to a locked vehicle parked in lot 1 to the east of the Sneeden house. A small amount of change was taken from the vehicle. 2/18/05 Assisted Student Life with
Brown for more information, Summer Sessions Registration for Summer Sessions 2005 begins on March 8. Summer Session I is scheduled for May 9 to May 28, Summer Session II is May 31 to July 11, and Summer Session III is July 12 to August 20. Financial aid is available to students enrolling for eight or more credits throughout the whole summer. However, a maximum of four credits are established for Summer Session I, and eight for Summer Sessions II and III. MS Walk Again this year, the Physical Therapy Club is organizing a Carroll College team to enter the walk for Multiple Sclerosis. This event will take place Sunday, April 24, beginning and ending at the Catholic Memorial High School in Waukesha. The distance options are either 3.1 miles or 7.5 miles. To register, go to, using the team code of WIGWCARS03 or searching for Carroll College under the team finder category. Contact Laci Giese, president of the physical therapy club, with any questions, or extension 6934. If you have any small news notes or events going on in your department, office or organization that you want the Carroll community to know about, tell us! Send an e-mail to with “News Briefs” in the subject line.
an intoxicated student in North Bergstrom. Student was transported to the hospital by EMS. 2/20/05 Student reported that she noticed that her vehicle had key marks around the back door handle. She believed that the damage occurred in lot 9 between 2/9/05 and 2/18/05.
If you observe suspicious activity on campus, please contact Campus Safety at (262) 524-7300. Oncampus escorts are available 24 hours a day be contacting Campus Safety or by using an exterior blue light phone.
Contact Us The New Perspective is a free newspaper to all tuition-paying students. Subscriptions are available upon request. All correspondence should be directed to: The New Perspective Carroll College 100 North East Avenue Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186 Tel: 262.524.7351 Fax: 262.951.3554 E-Mail: Web site:
Please read and recycle.
Photo by Jill Ridenour
The Main Dining Room hosted a hot wings eating contest, won by freshman Andrew Olsen.
Thursday, March 3, 2005
The New Perspective
Tuberculosis scares Marquette Kristen Anne News Editor
A second case of tuberculosis since November of 2003 is hovering over the Marquette University campus. A student living in offcampus housing was confirmed with Tuberculosis as of Monday, February 7. Although this student’s identity is currently unreleased due to privacy issues, all those in contact with him have been notified to undergo the TB skin test to ensure their lack of the infectious disease. No additional cases have been confirmed at this time. According to the National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention’s Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, “TB disease was once the leading cause of death in the United States.” The TB Prevention’s Division defines TB, or tuberculosis, as “a disease caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria can attack any part of your body, but they usually attack the lungs.” TB is spread through a means of air transportation of
the bacteria as an infected individual coughs or sneezes. The bacteria are then inhaled by other individuals within the nearby region, infecting those individuals as well. The November 2003 case spread through the Marquette campus rapidly when Adjunct Instructor of French, Mary E. Fossier, was diagnosed with an active case of tuberculosis. Over 100 students and faculty members were tested, at this time, for the disease with at least 16 of those individuals testing positive. Treatment for such cases consists of many different medicines to kill the variety of bacteria infesting the body, and specifically lungs in most cases. The medicines prescribed by the doctors or nurses can almost always cure the disease so long as they are taken exactly as directed. Pam Dolata, Carroll College’s nurse practitioner, said, “Students in the education department and in health care majors are required to have a documented negative TB test prior to starting their student teaching or clinical rotations.
Nursing/health care majors have to have a TB test annually.” She then added, “Education majors in field experience or student teaching courses have to be tested every two years.” Dolata, only being involved with the health center since her employment in January of 2001, has seen a few cases of students needing TB skin tests to rule out active tuberculosis. “Many of the positive TB skin tests have been in students who were born in foreign countries where TB is still endemic,” said Dolata. “They have positive skin test because they were exposed to the tuberculosis bacteria in their country, but so far, none of these students have had signs of active TB.” Dolata said that all those in high risk or TB or with the signs of active TB, which include fever, fatigue, night sweats, persistent productive cough, weight loss, and coughing up blood, are recommended to receive the TB skin test just to be safe. Although “only people with active TB can infect others,” as Dolata said, it couldn’t hurt to be on the cautious side.
Page 3
Misconduct: the numbers for 2004-2005 Continued from Page 1
caught. So have the residential assistants in Carroll dormitories been cracking down on housing policies? Not according to Ryan Ringhand, director of residential programs here on campus. “I would like to think, at least I would hope, that [the resident assistant’s] way of dealing with problems in the dorms has remained relatively consistent over the years.” Ringhand also mentioned that recently there has been an overwhelming majority of freshmen and sophomores living in the dorms, which may account for some of the increase. The trend in high amounts of on-campus discipline efforts is not designated to Carroll College alone. Many schools in our area seem to be experiencing similar patterns in their numbers. During the 2003-2004 school year, schools similar to Carroll, such as Ripon College
had 139 discipline referrals for alcohol related incidents alone. Carthage had 353 alcohol related incidents for the same year. St Norbert’s College reported 141 student referrals. These numbers are record high as well, and these only include those referrals issued for alcohol and substance abuse in campus resident halls. Is it just that the freshman class is so big? Does the campus need extra housing in order to decrease the amount of triples on campus? Either way, student enrollment is increasing and increasing faster every year. The projected size of the incoming freshman class for the fall of 2005 is already up to 800, according to admissions. As students here at Carroll College, we can expect problems to arise and we can expect those problems to be dealt with. The questions are: Is the number of problems going to continue to increase? If so, how will this effect life on campus and our education here at Carroll?
Extreme Extremities
Photos by the cast and crew
Extremities, performed in the Otteson studio theater on February 17th through the 20th, was set in the present day and centered around the idea of dealing with sexual assault. This twisted plotline focuses on Marjorie played by senior Alexis DePetrillo who is encounterd with an attempted rape, but she instead captures her attacker Raul played by freshman Dillon McGee and turns the tables on him by torturing him. Her roommates return and have difficult time determining who is the guilty party in this extremely confusing incident. Other characters featured in this play include Terry played by sophomore Nicole Ellenson and Patricia played by sophomore Sheila Jackson along with the help of stage manager and lights and sounds operator sophomore Elise Duy.
The New Perspective
Eat Jimmy’s World
Learning time begins with recess, I think
Jim Verbick Staff Writer
This may not be common knowledge to everyone who attends Carroll College, but there is an elementary school just east of Kilgour Resident Hall. Having been a resident of the Bergstrom Resident Hall for a little under three years now, I am well aware of this educational establishment’s existence. Those who pass through Parking Lot 1, probably notice the kids on the playground anytime between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. I’ve had multiple classes throughout my time at Carroll, and I can’t remember seeing the playground empty within the previously mentioned time. Do they actually teach anything in there? When I went to elementary school, we only went out for recess once a day during lunch and a second time on Fridays to reward the good kids. During lunch there would be two groups: one would eat while the other was outside for recess and halfway through they would switch. I’m a full believer in “all work and no play makes Jimmy a dull boy,” but there should be learning done while the kids are in school. Has our society developed so short an attention span that we need “playtime” every hour on the hour? Can children no longer handle multiplication tables for 30 minutes without a break for tag on the jungle gym? (I will refrain from going on about the jungle gym, since I
already addressed that death trap in my first article.) In seven hours you have to fit in science, math, phonics, social studies, gym class, lunch and recess; that leaves about an hour for each. However, if you throw in a recess break between each subject, or even every two subjects, you’re losing valuable learning time. In that time lost to recess, Timmy could have better understood the difference between a numerator and a denominator. If you half-ass a child’s education, you’re committing a huge crime. People soak up so much knowledge as children that it’s unbelievable. Skipping an extra half hour here and there of math in third grade, could have devastating affects in someone for years to come. They could be the kid in high school who just doesn’t understand algebra no matter how much time you devote to teaching them now. His early years of learning math were shot down, because the curriculum called for more kickball. I was never that kid, but I was the one always partnered with that kid. Half our group time was devoted to me teaching the fundamentals of the subject before any actual work was done. I restrained my frustrations against them, because I knew deep down it wasn’t their fault. Let this be a lesson to all of you Carroll students who strive to become teachers; your teachings or lack thereof can make or break one person’s ability to learn. Think of a child’s mind like a piece of Play-Dough. When it comes out of the container for the first time, it is very malleable. However, as the longer the Play-Dough is out, it becomes harder to shape and you’re unable to change its form much from the earlier molding. Be aware of your ability to shape a mind early in a child’s life is one that few have and many take for granted.
Old Farts Corner
The agony and ecstasy of learning
Steve Van Dien Staff Writer
If you love the English language — like me — it’s fascinating to study another one. The similarities between words in different tongues can be as striking as a Desperate Housewife (specifically, Teri Hatcher) in a bikini. In Spanish, for example, the verb that means “to learn” is “aprender.” It brings to mind the English word “apprehend,” which my Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary defines first as “to take into custody; arrest by legal warrant or authority.” Later, however, Webster’s offers another meaning: “to understand.” At first glance, these two concepts seem entirely unrelated — kind of like Michael Moore and the truth. But look again. Before one can understand something, one must in some sense capture it — indeed, sentence it to life in the prison of the mind. For example, let’s go back to foreign-language study. During
Editorial team! Applications are available at
Applications are due March 9
to call out the posse known as the bilingual dictionary. At least recaptured Spanish tends to remain in my personal custody. Other culprits are slicker than wet ice. I have a learning disability that makes almost all mathematics virtually impossible to capture. Of course, my LD wasn’t diagnosed until long after my agonizing struggles with highschool algebra and geometry. They made me suffer and are utterly elusive — my very own Usama bin Ladens. But other things were easy to “apprehend.” My helplessness with numbers had a positive side — it gave me better than average verbal skills, at least in my first language. Many of the weighty words in my mental hoosegow, like “supercilious,” “inchoate” and “eponymous,” got there during adolescence “Muchos words and phrases or even earlier. And have broken free, requiring they’ve never shown the slightest inclination arduous recapture.” to escape. Despite our diversity, I’ll bet we Pioneers are similar in this respect. We each have endless hours spent shoving endless lists of nouns, verbs and their some intellectual prey that’s not endlessly changing tenses into my terribly tough to capture, some that damn sure is, and much that memory’s penitentiary. Two and a half years later, falls in between. Remember that that gray-matter prison is clearly even when the pursuit requires no Alcatraz. Muchos words and more effort than you thought phrases have broken free, requir- yourself capable of exerting, it’s ing arduous recapture. While always worth it, for learning is an reading books, magazines and adventure. Happy hunting! Websites en español, I often have
The good foreigner
Staff Writer
The New Perspective
high school, back in the Middle Ages, I took three years of French. My sole reason was the crush I had on my teacher, an elegant blonde lady who was hotter than boiling tar. Naturally, that wasn’t sufficient motivation for learning, so very little French entered my mind’s jail, much less its prison. Nowadays I recognize a few phrases in Jacques Chirac’s language if I see or read them — simple stuff like “au revoir” and “merci beaucoup”— but can’t conjugate a single verb. Much older and the teeniest bit wiser, I came to Carroll determined to make the most of the foreign-language requirement for English majors. But Spanish quickly proved difficult to “apprehend.” Doing so required
Bible Stories 101
William Humphreys
Thursday, March 3, 2005
According to the gospel of Luke, chapter 10, a lawyer asks Jesus the same question people still want to ask, in some form or another, in various religious ways or with no particular religion in mind: What must I do to be saved? Dear reader: I invite you to ask this question as a research project on the campus, and see how many different responses you hear. Must one believe a certain thing? Do a certain thing? Know someone who knows someone? And what does one mean by “saved” anyway? In response to the lawyer’s apparently sincere question, Jesus turns the question back, asking: “What does the law say? How do you read it?” And the lawyer answers correctly: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart… soul… strength… mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” Congratulations all around!
Give the lawyer a prize! … in a minute… First, the lawyer, perhaps being a lawyer, wants to press the issue a bit more, so asks: “who is my neighbor?” Questions like this one are likely to set up a parable in response, as Jesus replies here: A man (presumed to be Jewish) was headed down (3200 feet lower) to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers who stripped and beat and left him half dead. Now by chance (Jesus say, “by chance”) a priest (Jewish) was going down that road; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. So likewise a Levite (another religious type, of the tribe of Levi), when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. (The priests were perhaps on their way to a committee meeting and also had to keep their purity, which would be contaminated by contact with a man in the condition of this roadside victim.) Fasten your seat belts; here comes the maddening part of the story (Jesus didn’t say that part, but one could probably feel it in the moment). But a Samaritan while traveling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. The
next day he took out two denarii (days wages), gave them to the innkeeper, and said, ‘Take care of him; and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend.’ Now Jesus asks: Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?’ The lawyer said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.” Many of us miss the maddening feeling that was most likely a part of the response of early observers. Generally, we don’t hate Samaritans in a way that makes it almost unspeakable to mention them in polite company. Notice in the story, the lawyer refers to the good neighbor in terms of the action, showing mercy, instead of the identity of Samaritan culture and nationalism that Jesus used, presumably intentionally, to make the point all the more challenging. The Good who? This great parable of Jesus tells us more than a nice story. As challenging as it is to “go and do likewise” even with people we tend to like, this parable is told in a way that demands of us a new approach to the people we love to hate. Who is that for us today? As a nation, we’re beyond hating the See GOOD FOREIGNER Page 5
Thursday, March 3, 2005
The New Perspective
‘Napoleon Dynamite’ explodes all over campus Tracy Weckwerth Staff Writer
When it comes to an underground phenomenon, nothing has broken out in the last year more than the movie Napoleon Dynamite. It doesn’t matter if you can’t get enough or absolutely despise it, it seems to be everywhere. Napoleon Dynamite is described as “a new kind of hero, complete with a tight ‘fro, sweet moon boots and skills that can’t be topped.” From late night television with Leno and Letterman to numerous phrases that just keep coming, the movie that made $44,540,956 in the theaters, but seems to be more successful now that it’s hit video stores. Back in the summer when the movie was released, June 11 of last year, it didn’t seem like it was going to be around for long. One of those in the theaters a weekend and then straight to video not long after that. However, a few weeks went by and the title on the marquee had yet to vanish. Not many people I knew ventured out to see it, one of those “wait until its on video” instead of paying $8 to most likely hate it. But then more and more trailers and previews started appearing, advertising the arrival of this film that not many people knew about. Finally, the weekend arrived when the movie was able to be purchased or rented. Obviously I wasn’t the only one curious about the film considering it was hard to obtain for a couple of days. I took the risk and just bought it in hopes that it couldn’t be too bad. To be honest I was shocked at what I found. This film was not really based on any one event, had no real plot and nothing that out of the ordinary was going on.
It reminded me a lot of another film, Welcome to the Dollhouse where there also is not much of a plot, but I find it fascinating. After watching it, I turned to my friend to see what she thought. Her opinion was that of “I really don’t get it, I’m kind of confused.” I personally had liked it, but wanted to see what other people had thought. Therefore, I searched to get other opinions on the matter. Junior Amanda Sipola did not watch the film by choice at first. “I thought it looked really dumb. This isn’t the type of movie that I would regularly choose to watch but after the first two or three times of watching it, I began to love it. Everything that happens in it is hilarious; you just can’t not find it funny. I just never stop laughing at that movie.” Pondering this I figured, there have to be some people who have different ideas about this movie. Junior Collin Leavitt thought about it and decided his older brother Ryan was perfectly suited as Napoleon Dynamite’s brother, Kip. “I swear my brother could be just like him, it’s ridiculous. I like this movie a lot and really haven’t talked to many people that didn’t like it. A group of people I know that go to school in Madison despise it with a passion simply because they feel there is no point and if there is no point, why should anyone bother looking so far into it. I could care less, it’s simple, it amuses me, therefore I am happy.” To be honest, the majority of people I talked to had seen the film and liked it. I only found one lone person who has been living under a rock for the past couple months as to not have any
opinion over it at all. However after talking about the film a few moments they figured why not at least check it out. Sophomore Jessica Gierszewski stated that she thought this movie was “really dumb” until her boyfriend, Marty Koebel, and friend, Jim Rymaszewski, had her check it out again. After this, her mindset changed slightly. “Do I want to watch Napoleon Dynamite again? Heck yes I do.” Napoleon Dynamite is not a film to watch in order to get a lot of substance. It is a light-hearted story about a teenager who is on the outside socially but makes up for it with “mad skills.” You can’t help but be amused by his quick remarks and hopes of letting Pedro become president. By the time you reach the end, you’ll wonder either why you wasted your time or why you haven’t been watching this sooner. I never really thought about this movie in a way that it would “take over” our culture for a small amount of time. Shopping at the mall you will see different shirts and gear at Hot Topic stores boasting “Vote 4 Pedro” and other Napoleon Dynamite phrases. Go online and look at different away messages from friends and see how many of them mention the movie. I know I, at least, have noticed a few. What is it about the film that is so intriguing? Is it the simplicity? The strange way you can’t stop watching? Maybe it’s everything rolled into one. Junior Lisa Nevermann was asked what she thought about this very question. Her response? “Do you ever take it off some sweet jumps? I believe that’s what Napoleon would say and he’s my idol.” Should you check out this film? Heck yes you should.
Fueding family forgets kids Jim Sabol Special to The New Perspective
The feud between the Carroll faculty and administration reminds me a bit of the feud between the Hatfield’s and the McCoy’s. Similarly, there is probably only one “win-win” solution to end the feud - a marriage. Like most feuds, this one started out small and has grown into the unionization of the faculty — and it will probably continue to grow. This feud has become deep rooted in many individual’s personal feelings and egos — making it hard to sit down at any bargaining table. But all the parties involved must get past the history, feelings and egos - and honestly ask themselves, “What is best for Carroll’s students?” Carroll College’s reason for being is to educate and serve its students. Everyone else involved, administration, faculty and others, has an important role in helping Carroll carryout its mission. Many groups maybe Carroll College stakeholders. But the college does not exist for the benefit of the faculty or administration, Carroll’s main mission is to educate and serve its past,
present and future students. Carroll is not alone in this drama, nor is it unique. This same type of feud has either gone on or is going on at hundreds of US colleges. Search on the Internet and you will find case after case. Further, this type of feud is a growing trend among colleges. There are unions actively seeking out disgruntled faculties to unionize and consultants seeking to sell their wears and services for a price. This new industry seems to have popped up to do battle with the inevitable organizational change that most colleges are facing going forward. Based on the cases I have read, this is how it usually goes in a nutshell ... The faculty wins a few key battles, very little changes, lots of strife and animosity, the administration wins in the long term, the faculty is even more disgruntled than before and the students pay the price for a five to eight year war. So how can we get to a “win-win” situation and marry both sides together? If the feud is over governance, then one must go to the Carroll Board of Trustees. The Board is the only legal entity that governs every aspect of Carroll College. Currently there are 18 board seats,
and faculty members currently occupy none. Carroll alumni and community leaders fill most seats now. The current board members seem to be successful, experienced, smart, and wellmeaning individuals who truly care about the future and direction of Carroll College. What I am suggesting is that the Carroll Board of Trustees offers the Carroll faculty, in exchange for dropping the unionization, three board seats. The Carroll faculty could elect any three senior Carroll faculty members to those seats to represent the faculty point of view. I realize many on both sides will be very skeptical of such a plan. Organizational governance is a very tricky and sensitive matter. But what if both sides agreed to try this plan, or something like it, for three years? The worst case would be both sides could pick up the feud three years from now. I do not see this plan as magic bullet, but rather as a plan that could succeed or fail depending on the participants involved. Yet, this maybe one of the few positive steps both sides can take to attempt to turn this whole situation around and bring Carroll back together.
Page 5
Bear Tales
Nowhere to go and all day to get there
Bear Milne Opinion Editor
Driving. Driving is the mode of transportation in which an individual, or with a group of individuals as company or responsibility, moves from one location to another. Simple, as most people can figure it out … or can they? Sometimes the human brain can’t disassociate right from left — it happens to everyone at some point in time. But knowing where you’re going does kindof help other drivers too. And walkers. And parkers. If drivers plan on deviating from going STRAIGHT, or find some place to park — show it. Just maybe, maybe it’s good to signal to everyone else. Just a thought. Speaking of left and right, I believe in the United States it’s a universal for automobiles to have pedals that dictate acceleration or enact inertia. What’s so unique about these pedals is that in EVERY car the pedal on the left stops the automobile while the pedal on the right moves it. What a concept. If only drivers could find the time to apply this knowledge more steadfastly in day-to-day living … sigh. And what’s with the looks? Some good times here in the ‘Sha, well, try driving around (though more effective and observable (and safer) from the passenger seat) and just watch the facial expressions or overall attitude that seems to radiate from the drivers in town. And around campus. It would seem as if life was that bad, that the whole “tough image” or whatever — someone said it was the “I’m hard” look — would be great if it would go away. Anytime, I mean, especially driving. Course, these are probably the seeds of the same folks who live in the left lane (for overtaking
only), or the geniuses who endlessly weave their way to the front of the pack, back and forth, only to pass me and then slow down. Okay, now when everyone’s driving I usually assume they have a destination - sometimes it seems it’s going around me. But what’s the point in passing and going through all that effort without succeeding in the followthrough. How about the random breaker — everyone just cruising down the highway and suddenly there’s just one driver breaking — usually the one in the middle lane with everyone flying around them. Did they suddenly realize that everyone is passing them and therefore breaking the speed limit? This news is so shocking that a Casey Jones is necessary for their survival and the notification of the proper authorities — because they just caused a wreck. But I’m just a student. How about the vulture drivers in the parking lots. Just kind of trolling up and down the slots, up and down the individual rows, searching for that perfect spot. Negating, of course, their mirrors and the fact that there’s a car behind them, trying to negotiate around them while the people are still getting into the car that will be vacating the spot yet the hippo behind the wheel vulturing does everything possible to impede any progress around the stalker in their own personal quest. What a pain the ass that turns into be — nothing like feeling equal to another human being than when the blue-haired pachyderm in the Cadillac glares with disdain at the long-haired guy trying to go around her (but is somehow threatening the spot already claimed) and I get the one-finger salute. Finally, I think that people driving need to attain a level of awareness to what’s going on around them. The mirror, or mirrors, are not for make-up or JUST backing out of drive-ways. Like parking (see previous paragraph), like changing lanes - just rambling here. In any regard, optical abilities aren’t just a prerequisite for driving - motor skills (no pun intended), unchuck skills, computer hacking skills - damn column bleeding over. Drive safe.
Good foreigner: In the faces around us Continued from Page 4
Soviet Russians, although that idea may be reheated a bit with the President’s visit with Vladimir Putin, even as this article comes out of the keyboard. Maybe the French? So we speak of fat fried potato strips as Freedom fries, instead of the “unspeakable” former reference. How about more domestically, regionally, locally, or on the campus? Who is it today that you love to hate? Democrats? Somebody threaten to steal your job? Somebody make you look bad by their copying your homework? Someone start a malicious
rumor about you or insist on reminding you of some undesirable truth about you? Someone run off with your stuff? Or with your girlfriend? Okay, now imagine that the particular one you love to hate is the very one who comes along and does such a good, mercyfilled deed as the “ugly foreigner” in the parable of Luke 10. The good Samaritan? No way!!! The good foreigner? No way!!! And Jesus says that’s the one who is your neighbor, to love as you love yourself. Go for it! The Rev. William Humphreys is the chaplain for Carroll College.
The New Perspective
Thursday, March 3, 2005
Jump into a cultural fitness groove Josefine Ejebjork Staff Writer
Since early years in school, we have been taught that health and fitness is important. To live a long and healthy life, you have to take care of your body. But somewhere in our busy lives, we have almost forgotten about it. Over the last decades, the world’s population has grown larger, both in numbers and in weight. Through modernization and development, we are becoming immobile, and exercise is not on the top of our list of things to do. It is now time to face the reality of our progress. The increase of cars, computers and other things in our daily lives, that make things easier for us, has also made it one of the biggest factors of today’s obesity problem. We simply do not spend as many calories as we consume. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one billion of the world’s population is overweight, and of that, 300 million are obese. Being overweight is most commonly
calculated through our body mass index (BMI), your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in meters. A BMI over 25 kg/m2 is classified as being overweight. To cope with this new epidemic, in May 2002, the World Health Assembly recommended a “global strategy on diet, physical activity and health” to make governments all over the world take responsibility for their citizens and for the world’s health, and to encourage people to see the connection between health food, exercise and the decline of chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and even some types of cancer. Getting into the habit of daily exercise can help prevent many diseases resulting from being overweight. The National Center for Chronic Disease and Prevention and Health Promotion (CDC) explains that “both men and women of all ages benefit from a moderate [amount] of daily physical activity.” There are many different ways and forms of daily exer-
cise. On campus are swimming facilities and athletic rooms free for students to use. You can also go for a walk or a run in the Waukesha area. The Glacial Drumlin Trail offers good paths to bike, rollerblade, walk or run. The only downfall is the asphalt trail, which can strain your knees and feet. There are several places in the Waukesha area that offer different exercise environments, such as with instructors for a more organized setting. Different martial arts schools offer everything from competitive sports like karate and Jujutsu to more self-defense directed classes. Park’s Black Belt Academy offers classes in Tae Kwon Do (Korean karate), Judo and Hap Ki Do. The owner, Master Joseph (Hong Bae) Park came from Korea in 1973. He currently holds classes at two locations, one in Waukesha and one in Sheboygan, Wis. At Park’s Black Belt Academy, focus is on inner progress as well as outer progress in the sense of being promoted to higher ranks. Black
Expanding closets within a tight budget
See Health Page 10
Gas prices accelerate; drivers shouldn’t Jessica Pairrett
Jessica Pairrett
Features Editor
Features Editor
See BUDGET Page 7
in motion,” based on slow, gentle movements. It keeps your mind concentrated and focused on the movement of your body. Tai Chi can be preformed individually or in a group. Another advantage is that once you know your set, Tai Chi can be performed in your home by yourself. James Mikulich, a Tai Chi instructor, explains that all you need is a nice flat floor and some space. But he also emphasizes the “extra feeling of being part of a group of people doing Tai Chi.” Because Tai Chi emphasizes on balance, during a workout you may work on a few skills that you then add up to one set of movements. Mikulich says to reach your goal, you need to practice a little every day. Qigong (sometimes spelled Chigong) is translated as human energy flow. It is similar to Tai Chi because heals the body from the inside out. The technique is based on Chinese medicine in that illness is caused by blocking of energy flow in the body.
How To
Dollars and Sense
Going to the closet and pulling out clothes to wear for the day can be a hassle. But what about when you’ve got that big job interview looming ahead, often in the next day or so? Or what about that date with the person you’ve been vying for over the last four semesters? That long-awaited, big important date has finally come to call. Forget the jeans and sweats — get the right look for the event, and get a good deal on them too. For the big job interview, dress with class no matter what the job is. Go with classic looks — these tend not to go out of style as easily as say, this season’s bright pink color. Find a suit in black or gray or some other neutral color. In addition to wearing a classic hue, your wardrobe will be interchangeable. Don’t feel like wearing the jacket that came with the outfit? Wear the pants with just about any kind and color of shirt or blouse. Also, solids, as opposed to patterns, make for more wardrobe options. If you wear more patterns, your clothes will be more easily remembered said Diana Pemberton-Sikes, author of “Wardrobe Magic” and the ezine (electronic magazine) “The Clothing Chronicles.” For a good deal on suits, hop on the Internet. NexTag and Overstock have great offers. Shop and compare with NexTag’s Web site. Decide and click on what you like and want and you’ll find yourself linked
belt students must follow the “Student Oath.” The academy also emphasizes that they treat the students with respect, but in return expect them to return that respect to the instructors. They also encourage adults to attend classes which will “result in stress reduction and improved health.” There are many other benefits of training in marital arts, such as improved self-image and selfesteem, improved concentration, giving you better results in work and studying habits. Just about one mile south of Carroll College, you can find Shaolin Boxing Methods. It is a Chinese Kung Fu Institute that offers classes in a wide variety of fitness programs. The school was founded by SiFu Steve Kleppe in 1980. Their schedule is flexible and once you become a member, you can attend any class you want when it fits your schedule. They also offer student discounts. There are many others way you can explore the world of activities and fitness. One way is through Tai Chi. Tai Chi is often described as “meditation
Photo by Jill Ridenour
Looking for something to wear? You can dress with class for interviews and other important engagements even on a tight budget.
The price of gas is continually rising, with no help due to rising oil costs. It seemed for quite a few weeks now that the prices have stayed constant, dipping a little and jumping a couple cents higher a few days later, right back to their previous price. Driving a vehicle while trying to keep fuel high in the tank is not as easy as it once used to be when the prices were 89 cents a gallon or less. Some may even recall when the prices were about a whole quarter for one gallon. Be optimistic. One way to make the most out of gas mileage is to keep the tank at least half-full all the time. On the next trip to the gas station, fill up the vehicle’s tank. Then when it gets to the halfway mark, make another gas trip. At first it may seem like a pain going more often to the gas station, but just calculate how many more miles you’ll be able to drive, and you’ll really like the difference. When you drive on the fuller side of the tank, somehow less gas is consumed. In disbelief? Try it for yourself. For greater believability, try driving a vehicle with six cylinders, and shoot for at least a decade old. Notice the difference. Don’t speed. This may be a hard realization, but speeding doesn’t necessarily get you where you need to be any faster than going the suggested limit, or five mph over it. Try going slower on expressways and interstates, such as 70 mph for however fast “normal” is. Then take inventory of how much gas is saved by slowing down by even a little dip in speed. Also, try to take highways instead of city roads. Living around Waukesha, little city roads are everywhere and
not really avoidable, but if there’s the opportunity to choose a road that lets you travel 25 mph versus 45 or 55 mph and it’s not out of the way, go with the latter choice. It may even be a little shortcut discovery. Don’t put the pedal to the metal. Oh, the days when kids climbed aboard the big yellow school buses and wanted their drivers to mash the pedal down all the way, propelling them ahead of others on the road. Those thoughts have carried over to many older drivers now. Instead of trying to beat that driver sitting next to you at the red light, softly ease your foot down on the gas pedal to take off. Try this especially if driving a vehicle with a six or eight cylinder engine. Instead of trying to beat everyone at the next red light, aim for beating those inattentive drivers who check themselves out in their mirrors. Drive lighter and act European. It’s rather drastic, but invest in a different vehicle. Those with smaller engines tend to use less gasoline, unless there’s an underlying problem such as old fuel injectors or a bad fuel pump — that’s another story. Also, look for cars instead of buying that SUV or Jeep. Typically, the smaller the car, the better on gas mileage it gives you. Try the alternatives. It is not necessary to drive everywhere, especially when a lot of students live on campus. For getting around close to college, walk or ride a bike. You could also take a stab at skateboarding — just watch out for fallen twigs, chunks of snow or ice, or the occasional squirrel that’s not afraid of people and looking for buried food. If it’s See GAS Page 7
Thursday, March 3, 2005
The New Perspective
Gas: Costs rising Continued from Page 6
in the budget, get one of those mini motorcycles, a Vespa scooter or something similar. According to Vespa’s Web site (http://, those little things get anywhere from 42 to 65 mpg depending on the model. And of course, there’s the good old public transportation, the city bus. Visit Waukesha’s bus info (http:// how_To_Ride_Guide.html) or the Southeast Wisconsin Transit Systems Web site (http: // One stop driving. Try to plan all errands and shopping trips
Page 7
Pizza Palousa at T-Rex
in one long run — if time allows. For instance, go to the library and stop by Target or Wal-Mart to pick up a gift or necessities on the same trip. By doing so, not only will you reduce the amount of gas used, but the combo trip will save wear and tear on your car. The same idea applies to carpooling. Stop to pick up friends on the way to a movie instead of taking separate cars and meeting there. Pitch in a quarter or two for gas if needed. Besides, if you are with others in the car and a cool, singable song comes on the radio, you Photo by Jill Ridenour might not feel as weird singing The Flannagans greatest cover band in the world played at T-Rex pizza on Main Street in with friends singing along too. And driving with others might Waukesha on Saturday, February 26th along with other local bands including Mary Kelly, Trigger Shifters, and Me and My Army. From left to right Randy Flannagan, Liam (junior Mike Justmake for more fun. man) Flannagan, and Rick Flannagan.
Now, all your incoming calls can be free.
Budget: Low-cost clothing for the closet Continued from Page 6
(Even the ones your friends think you can hear.)
Now, when people are wasting your time, they’re not wasting your money. SM
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to such sites as and JC Penney. For deals close to home, go right to the actual JC Penney store or any of the area department stores and look for deep discounts. And if you’ve got time, venture to Gurnee Mills in Gurnee, Ill., or to Kenosha’s strips of outlet stores. Other stores for good deals? T.J. Maxx and Marshall’s. It’s also a good idea to invest in clothes of caliber quality. Shop for clothes with cotton and variants such as Pima, nylon for strength and resiliency, and linen, corduroy, merino wool (strong and elastic), and fleece (man’s synthetic cousin to wool). Not only will these clothes hold up after washes and wears, but they are generally easy to take care of. For that big exciting date, many of the stores mentioned above have clothing for all occasions. Some, such as JC Penney and T.J. Maxx, even offer wedding or bridesmaids dresses for a fraction of the amount specialty stores charge. You can look for jewelry, headpieces, and other accessories there as well. Alternating different accessories with various outfits can make a small wardrobe magically look larger. And for the shoes that you might only wear for special occasions, stop by a store like Payless Shoe Source and see what they have to offer your feet. When you do step in a store to go shopping (or boot up the old PC), you might want to carry a list of needed clothes. This way you won’t get distracted and buy everything you think you need — until you get up to the register and find out the grand total. Having wise shopping techniques will help you expand your closet’s contents sensibly. Remember that just because you buy something for less doesn’t mean it doesn’t have quality and comfort.
Page 8
The New Perspective
Thursday, March 3, 2005
Photo by Jamie Slewinski
Alpha Gamma Delta has a little trouble passing the onion.
Team Sexy and Single performed a sexy little strip tease fo Photo by Jamie Slewinski
Team Babes performs their well practiced choreography during the dance competition.
Computer Science Club, CAB, and several other organiza Photo by Jamie Slewinski
Teams spit grits at eachother and get a little messy in the process.
Friends of the Couch Potato contestants make signs to ch
Thursday, March 3, 2005
ze fest
The New Perspective
Page 9
Photo by Jamie Slewinski
Freshman Nick Moucha gets a little help from the audience during the Freeze Fest Dating Game.
Photo by Jill Ridenour
or all of their adoring female judges at Freeze Factor. Photo by Jamie Slewisnki
Freshman Ryan Whittow questions his bachelorettes one last time before making his final decision.
Photo by Jamie Slewinski
ations were represented at the Couch Potato event.
heer on thier organizations.
Photo by Jamie Slewinski
Freshman bachelor Nick Moucha gets led blindfolded to the dating game during Freeze Fest.
Photo by Jamie Slewinski
Page 10
The New Perspective
Thursday, March 3, 2005
Health: Let culture heighten your workout experience Continued from Page 6
Qigong connects the body and spirit. Universal Qigong is the most popular form, which attracts about 30 million practitioners all over the world. It combines techniques from Taoist, Buddhist and Medical Qigong. Other popular exercise methods are Pilates and yoga. Pilates was invented by Joseph H. Pilates, a German who, after World War I, developed a technique to help immobilized patients with rehabilitation. He attached springs to the beds to create resistance and protect the core of the body. He brought this new type of exercise to New York, where he opened his first Pilates studio in 1926. Today, sessions are usually with mats where you, as part of a group, perform
movements to strengthen the core of your body and work on your balance and flexibility. Pilates emphasizes fewer controlled and correct movements, rather than repetitions of the same exercise. Yoga was developed more than 5,000 years ago in India. The main thought is to unify mind, body and spirit for a healthier lifestyle. Yoga is not only series of movements and exercises but a sense of living the right way, taking care of your body as well as your mind. Hatha Yoga is the physical path that you probably think about when you think of yoga. It became popular in the West in 1947 when Indra Devi opened the first yoga studio in Hollywood. The benefits of yoga are many, making your body strong and flexible, improving your respiratory and digestive systems and your blood circulation.
Avoiding and recovering from the flu diabetes because they could become seriously ill from comStaff Writer plications with the flu. “Everyone should get it This year, as we all know, [the flu vaccine],” said Dolata. there has been a shortage of Second, Dolata suggested that the flu vaccine, and therefore a you make sure to wash your hands or at least use antibactewidespread epidemic. “Close to half of the visits rial wipes or instant hand sanihave been for the flu or com- tizer before and after touching plications from the flu,” said your eyes, mouth or nose. Also, Pam Dolata, Nurse Practitioner Dolata used the motto “cover and Health Center Coordina- your cough.” So, if you have tor, about the Carroll College the flu and you find it necessary to travel outside of your room, Health Center. The flu has hit Carroll hard make sure you do not jeopardize and the nurses in the Health other people’s health and cover Center would like everyone to your cough. To know whether or not know how they can avoid and you have caught the flu, there recover from the flu. are many sympInfluenza toms. For is commonly adults, called the flu. some sympIt is a respiratoms of the flu tory infection “Do not jeopardize include headthat is spread aches, chills, by others who other people’s health dry cough, already have aches, the flu. If and cover your cough.” body fever, stuffy they cough or nose and a sneeze on any sore throat. widely-used These sympsurface, such as a keyboard or a doorknob, toms appear anytime from one and you touch a contaminated to four days after infection. If surface, you can get the virus you think you have the flu, you when touching your nose or should treat the symptoms you mouth. If someone coughs in have, such as fever or body aches your general vicinity, the virus by taking medicine that pertains can pass through the air and you to the symptoms. Dolata suggested Tylenol, Advil, and can breathe it in. The way to avoid the decongestants. If the symptoms do not flu is to just stay away from people who have it, and if you subside or become too bad have it, stay away from those to deal with, visit the Health who do not. If staying up in Center and see what they can your room all winter does not do for you. A lot of times the flu sound very appealing, there are causes ear infections, bronchitis, sinus infections or even pneuother options. First, there is the flu vac- monia. The nurses at the Health cine. As many people know, Center can help by writing prethe vaccine was in very short scriptions if they are needed for supply this winter. According to complications of the flu. Next year, the hope is that Dolata, there were only 50 doses of the flu vaccine at Carroll Col- there will be enough flu vaccilege this year. Dolata said that nation doses for everyone who most of the doses were given to would like to get one. If you nursing and healthcare students need or want one this year, Carwho would be around a lot of roll may have a few doses left, sick people, education students or you can call Public Health who would be around a lot of at (262) 896-8430 to see if they children who may have the flu, have any left. and to people with asthma and
Jamie Lawrence
A more upbeat type of exercise is Jazzercise created by Judi Sheppard Missett. It is a dance and fitness program where you work out to music in prepared movements. It enhances cardiovascular endurance, strength and flexibility. Jazzercise Fitness Series is a series of conventions around the world from Rome, Italy to Calgary, Canada. Other dances you can try to burn off extra calories are belly and Hula dancing, and various dances from Latin America and Africa. For these dances, most of the time you do not even have to leave the dorm room. Buy a CD you like, make sure you have enough room to move, and feel the music. The movements are your own, the time and workout is your own and all you have to do is close your eyes and follow the rhythm of the music.
Alternative Health Institutions in the Waukesha area
Shaolin Boxing Methods 202 Travis Lane (262) 548-8824
Medina’s kickboxing and Youth Center 240 Cutler St. (262) 524-9799
Wisconsin’s Athletic club 1530 E. Moreland Blvd. (262) 544-4111
Acceleration Waukesha 1930 Bluemound Road (262) 650- 9028
Enhancing Balance W249 S6680 Center Drive (262) 662-1060
Jazzercise 1st Congressional Church #3145 100 E. Broadway (262) 549-1617
American Dojo Martial Arts 2144 E. Moreland Blvd. (262) 542-2888 AAA Authentic Ancient Arts Karate and Kobudo Studios 369 W. Main St. (262) 544-4280
James Mikulich Tai Chi Instructor (262) 547-3851 Park’s Black Belt Academy 1515 Summit Avenue (262) 549-9300
Person on the Street
What event would you like to have seen this year or in the future for Freeze Fest? Jamie Slewinski Staff Writer & Photographer
Jay Wendland Staff Writer
“’Will & Grace’ nights or something like that.” Freshman Mandy Schrimsher
“Some kind of ‘Queer Eye’ theme.”
“Another Movie Night.”
Sophomore Jeremy Laurin
Senior Stacy Yang
“Events starting at later times.” Junior Kristin Strzyzewski
“Another Spoons Tournament.”
“More of an ‘American Idol’ thing.” Sophomore Sherry Lee
Freshman Dave Buehler
“They should have had me as the host.” Junior Rangarirai Chinongoza
“A school dance.” Sophomore Jackie Collins
“Some events didn’t have enough interest.” Freshman Kenny Cammilleri
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Thursday, March 3, 2005
The New Perspective
‘Extremities’ portrayed real life Samantha Povilonis Staff Writer
Poignant throughout, Extremities, written by William Mastrosimone, blends humor and drama to create a play which involves the audience in a few hours of the lives of a young woman, her two roommates and the man who attempts to rape her in her own home. Directed by Raeleen McMillion and performed at Carroll February 17-20, the play began with Marjorie, played by senior Alexis DePetrillo, doing tasks around her home when a man, played by freshman Dillon McGee, comes into her house uninvited, intending to rape her. Beginning by searching for the woman’s breaking point, Marjorie overcomes her attacker before he is able to rape her. She then chains him in her fireplace. The play continues with Marjorie’s roommates, Terry and Patricia, played by sophomores Nicole Ellenson and Sheila Jackson respectively, returning home, and the challenge the four characters face in attempting to deal with the aftermath of the attempted rape. The man, who remains unnamed throughout all but the final five minutes of the play, antagonizes all of the women, telling Marjorie that without physical proof, there is very little the police can do. He assures her he’ll walk in a heartbeat, instigating her to inflict various tortures upon him, acting upon the feelings she is fighting for her survival. He convinces Terry that she could be sent to jail on a charge of compliancy, and tries, with minimal success, to convince Patricia that he only wanted to use the phone, not making any advances on Marjorie. Although eventually admitting he came on to her, the man uses the revealing clothing Marjorie is wearing to imply that
she is somewhat responsible for the actions he took. Patricia and Terry agree with the man, forcing Marjorie to search for something on the man that would prove he meant to harm the three roommates. Finding a hunting knife convinces the two women that he was, in fact, there to rape her, possibly even all three of them. Once the man has revealed the truth and his name, Raul, Marjorie allows herself to be convinced that bringing the police into the situation is the best solution. She then allows Terry and Patricia to get the authorities. The play ends with Marjorie and Raul waiting for the police to return. The first scene consists of the man’s actions prior to Mar-
force her to try and prove that she has been violated. This only furthers her commitment not to call the police, for if her own friends don’t believe her, why should people she doesn’t even know take her side? The play emphasizes that one of the best things a person can do for victims of rape and other violent crimes is solely to believe and listen to them, offering a shoulder to cry on and a nonjudgmental atmosphere. Along with bringing awareness to a subject that is grossly under discussed in today’s society, the play also poses the question of whether or not two wrongs make a right. “It shows the extremes people will go to when put in extreme situations,” said DePetrillo. Although he tried to rape her, does that “It shows the extremes people alone justify Marjorie will go to when put in torturing the man, and, had her roomextreme situations.” mates not returned, Alexis DePetrillo burying him alive? By the end of the show, although one knows what Raul jorie overcoming him. After did was unforgivable, one finds entering the home, he refuses themself questioning whether to leave when asked, grabs her or not the justice that Marjorie when she tries to leave, smoth- imposed on him was truly jusers her with a pillow and forces tice at all. her to profess her love for him. Brilliantly performed, the Not toning down the subject at cast both complemented each all, the play portrayed rape in its others differences and embodmost realistic sense, never trying ied the characters they were to make it less uncomfortable a portraying. Stage managed by subject than it is in today’s soci- sophomore Elise Duy, with ety. It tries to bring awareness fights directed by Richard Hedto the issues of rape and violence derman, sets designed by senior against women by portraying Kate Dorsey, costumes by junior them as they can be in real life. Marlee Smith, lighting and Throughout the play, sound by senior Rachael Jonen, Marjorie makes Patricia and the actors and their surroundTerry make the choice between ings blend seamlessly to bring Marjorie and the man and the about the impression that you women or the man more than were truly in the home of these once, trying to convince them women rather than in the Ottethat he is dangerous and that son Mainstage Theatre. she is doing only what is necesAlthough the run at Carsary for their survival. However, roll has concluded, the story Terry and Patricia have prob- of Extremities remains, and the lems believing her, and in not ideas are real life, which the cast believing Marjorie, the women and crew brought to life.
Page 11
‘Million Dollar Baby’ shines with audiences Steve Van Dien Staff Writer
Million Dollar Baby is inspiring the usual dueling choruses of yeas and nays. Some reviewers are calling Clint Eastwood’s latest film his best, a “masterpiece,” It won several awards including the 2005 Academy Award for Best Picture for those who care about that stuff. Others claim the film promotes euthanasia, call it “filthy,” “foul” and just plain “bad.” Well, this critic had to sort through such fuss to judge a film on its merits or lack thereof. This reviewer shall attempt to do so, while dealing as well with Million Dollar Baby’s philosophical implications. Here’s a plot summary. Frankie Dunn (Eastwood) is an aging boxing trainer. His main recreations are debating Catholic doctrine with his priest and reading W.B. Yeats – in Gaelic. Eddie “Scrap Iron” Dupris (Morgan Freeman) is a former fighter whom Frankie trained. Each has some darkness in his past — some of which becomes clear, while some doesn’t. Together they preside over a grungy Los Angeles gym. Frankie and Scrap’s placid lives are shaken up by Maggie Fitzgerald (Hillary Swank), a 31-year-old waitress from Missouri who wants to box, because “It’s the only thing I ever felt good doing.” Frankie doesn’t train women (“Girlie tough ain’t enough”). But her determination gradually wins him over. Under his tutelage, she becomes a firstround knockout artist, garnering a title shot against a former hooker who fights dirtier than mud. Maggie almost wins the bout — until the champ, after the bell, slugs her from behind. As she falls, her head hits a stool, breaking her neck. Now a quadriplegic, Maggie begs a heartbroken Frankie to end her helplessness via euthanasia. It’s hard to understand
the claim about Million Dollar Baby promoting mercy killing. Maggie is simply one character who doesn’t want to live because she’s paralyzed. The film makes no statements, overt or covert, about other quadriplegics and their choices. One can’t conclude otherwise without jumping to conclusions across the Grand Canyon. Moreover, the important topic of euthanasia has seldom been addressed in American film. Otherwise, Million Dollar Baby is a mixed bag. In Scrap’s voiceover narration, screenwriter Paul Haggis has some good lines, while others are pseudo-profound or simply hokey. Eastwood’s direction isn’t up to his usual standard. In particular, he seems obsessed with shadows, particularly when shooting himself. Often he lights only the left side of his face, as though bursting boils covered the other. As an actor, Eastwood mainly scowls and snarls. His low forehead and beady eyes over his increasingly sagging neck bring to mind a chicken with a snake’s head. But he does reach some powerful moments toward the film’s end, when he fully embodies Frankie’s anguish over Maggie’s plight. Swank shares a problem with Tom Cruise, a killer smile, to which both resort far too often. One grows weary of looking at all those teeth. She also looks at least six years younger than she’s supposed to be. When Swank eases up on the grin, however, she’s a fine, expressive actress, particularly moving after Maggie is injured. The great Freeman has little to do here, but his easy, screen-filling authority is always a pleasure. Million Dollar Baby is no masterpiece, but it addresses a serious philosophical and moral issue, which puts it a cut above most boxing flicks. That, plus the acting and direction at their best, make it worth seeing.
Table for Two
La Estacion remains a Carroll classic Kristy Phillips Staff Writer
One snowy Friday night, my companions and I were in the mood for a fun outing. Our stomachs craved a Mexican delight, but with Chi-Chi’s no longer in business, our choices for quality, authentic Mexican food whittled down to one: La Estacion. Sitting on an unused train track next to the main track that travels through most of Waukesha, La Estacion’s signature train station architecture creates a dining experience truly worth traveling across the railroad tracks to enjoy. Although we had to wait a few minutes for a table, the bar was quite spacious and offered a large selection of flavored margaritas. La Estacion has three separated dining areas; two train cars and a large dining room. The hostess guided us to our table in one of the train cars outfitted with
booths. A nice cold glass of water and basket of fresh, warm tortilla chips along with two delicious blends of salsa were offered and happily accepted. The service was amazing-very quick and accurate. All three of us ordered burritos. I got the vegetarian with rice, my friend ordered the steak, and my boyfriend ordered the chicken. Bigger then Qdoba burritos and less expensive, the vegetarian burrito started at $3.50. The menu is extensive and prices vary from $1 for tacos to $14 for a full dinner. With drinks and dinner, we all paid out about $10 apiece. While this was only my second visit to La Estacion, it certainly will not be my last. What other delicious, non-fast food restaurant can you walk to from campus? I do suggest walking, since parking can be a little rough, it’s not that far and the hike is worth it for the great food and service.
Photo by Jill Ridenour
La Estacion is a classic Washesha favorite that keeps students coming back for a little taste of Mexico without putting out a great deal of cash.
Page 12
The New Perspective
The wave finally broke Mark R. DeBoer Staff Writer
“There was no point in fighting — on our side or theirs…We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave. So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark — the place where the wave finally broke and rolled back.” -Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Hunter S. Thompson Dear Hunter, It seems that the frenzied wave of your mind has finally broken upon the rocky, resolute soul of mainstream America. On Sunday, February 20, 2005, you ended both your exquisite love affair with the word and your unique explanation of the truth to the world as you saw, in perhaps the saddest and most tragic way possible. At the age of 67 you shot yourself in the head with a .45 at your home just outside of Aspen, CO. For me as a young aspiring author, your work was a bombshell to my mind and work, and you had long ago taken my top honors as perhaps the best writer since the likes of John Milton, writer of Paradise Lost. Milton died in 1674, which means that it took nearly 300 years for the human race to produce another near super-human, Übermenche writer; a powerhouse of literal proportions. Hunter, you inspired me
to write my truth, as abrasive or cohesive as it may tend to be. You taught me how to turn a skewed and tainted eye towards reality in order to see it all clearly; it’s my bias after all, the least I can do is write it down.
Stealing the Sun (Ode to Hunter) Searching for the reasons; The right path a different way, And the residue of that “highwater mark” Is the voice of a thousand Hell’s Angels Screaming like Valkyries racing in the clouds, Rumbling out from the brilliance Of the setting sun That you nearly stole, Like a 1970 sheriff ’s election With the F.P.P.. Now there is a hole, Drilled to release the excess Of nightmares, intoxications, Cartoon characters in honor, and The bittersweet taste of J.W.; Golden like the sun, lost to the Darkness of shattered life, Beguiled senses and a final Spin upon the roulette table. You race into the distance of the desert In a red, Cadillac Eldorado with top down, Trunk full of extra-curricular indecencies, Fleeing a madman in a bathtub, A “werewolf ” in the White House (R.M.N) Calling our to Mr. Hyde, And it was all a carousel ride With the demons in your mind. I’ve had “Breakfast with Hunter” On a TV set; Binged upon the aftermath
Of Rum fueled Diaries of Some Puerto Rican journalist; Been to a tall hill above Vegas And seen your holy wave Roll back in, swallowing the Sun in an epiphany of the Original “gonzo journalist”. God’s speed Hunter! Ta-ta; cheers to your life, Tears for your death, But you have found your piece Of eternity, in my mind at least; For I shall forever recall our first Meeting, accidental and amongst Three wise men and words. So long…may death be more Welcoming than this world ever was. Farewell Hunter. I wish things could’ve turned out differently, but it was your life to do with as you saw fit. I’ve been to that line, tip-toed the tightrope, but was caught once I started to fall. I know the thoughts, I know the numbness better than I know most of my friends, so I tip my hat to you, as the grand human that you will always be. Van Gogh cuts off his ear, Janis found her sanity in the bottle (the Jim’s too), and Cobain found the end in a shotgun. You have gone the route of many of the great artists, and all of your actions (unforgivable as the last one was) shall never tarnish your memory. Hunter Stockton Thompson 7/18/37 to 2/20/05 Goodbye old friend. The world may go on without you unpaused, but I know it held its breath upon rumor of your flight to your final ‘journalism assignment.’
MARITIME comes to Carroll
Thursday, March 3, 2005
Maritime brightens indie scene added on a few songs give them a sound of their own. When I Staff Writer asked Didier how he thought The indie scene in Milwau- the record is selling he said, “I kee is looking quite brighter think this is the first time that I these days. Maritime, composed am feeling the effects of downof Dan Didier and Davey Von loaded music. The record did Bohlen formerly of The Promise okay, but I feel that it could have Ring and Eric Axelson of the dis- done a lot better. You know you banded Dismemberment Plan are in trouble when kids e-mail are bringing back the fun days of you asking for the lyrics that are printed in the record.” non-mainstream pop music. It seems kids today love to It all started out with Didier and Von Bohlen, both Milwau- obtain everything for free online kee residents sending their Pro- without even thinking about Tools recordings to Axelson, a buying the record which took a Washington D.C. resident, who lot of time and effort, but that’s another recorded his story. bass parts I asked and sent Axelson them back. “I think this is the about the Fi n a l l y, d i f f e r e n ce Axelson flew first time that I am between out to start writing and feeling the effects of down- p l a y i n g shows with rehearsing. Dis“I don’t loaded music. The record The m e m b erthink we did okay, but I ment Plan actually and Maric o n s i d e re d feel that it could have time. ourselves done a lot better.” “It’s a a band until later that Dan Didier pretty different expefall when rience just the Plan based on had fully the music broken up and we did a proper one month alone. The Dismemberment tour with The Weakerthans,” Plan was more spastic and visexplains Axelson, who still flies ceral on stage, but most of that out every once in a while to get stemmed from our songs being in that vein. It was also more of a some ideas down. Last year, Maritime released dance party at times. I still think their first full-length album Glass Maritime shows are high energy, I just needed to learn how to Floor. “It actually took a year from dance differently.” Perhaps Axelson can learn the completion of the record to seeing record shelves. It’s a funny some new steps from Von business this music industry. Bohlen and Didier, but in the But, to make a long story short, meantime, Maritime are preparthe label that paid for the record- ing for a 10-day tour starting ing didn’t like the recording so March 3 in Minneapolis, ending they gave us the record and we in Boston on March 13. “I’m excited because we’ve shopped it around,” explains only played D.C. once in our Didier who plays drums. The major retail chains like two years of playing as a band, Target and Wal-Mart have no and we’ll be here on the 9,” stated Axelson. clue what they are missing. The boys of Maritime have Glass Floor is full of positive energy and a slew of feel-good brought some fun vibes to the tunes to dance to. The vocals indie scene, and are well worth are beautiful and the extra horns checking out.”
Mike Justman
‘Constantine’ receives mixed reviews Natalie Vance Staff Writer
Photo courtesy of
Maritime appears at Carroll for an exclusive interview with DJ Mikey on Absolute Radness, Thursday from 8–10 p.m. From left to right, singer-guitarist Davey von Bohlen, drummer Dan Didier, and bass player Eric Axelson.
Constantine, the new film starring Keanu Reeves (The Matrix) Rachel Weisz, (The Mummy) and Shia LaBeouf (Holes) was highly anticipated. The story is about John Constantine (Reeves) and his ability to see angels and demons that walk the earth as humans. The story’s premise is God made a deal with the Devil that neither of their minions could ever crossover into the human world. Constantine’s job is to deport the minions that he sees with his “x-ray” vision to hell. Constantine nearly looses his mind from the burden of the visions. Later he teams with a detective (Weisz) to investigate
the apparent suicide of her clairvoyant twin-sister which she has doubts about. Constantine eventually realizes that his place in the balance of good and evil is beginning to tilt in favor of the wrong way. Based loosely on the comic Hellblazer, Constantine is a great movie if you’re into disturbing images. There are other interesting characters in the movie: Tilda Swinton (Adaptation) as Gabriel, Gavin Rossdale (lead singer of Bush) as Balthazar and Peter Stormare as the Devil. While the movie boosts an all-star cast, a poor script holds it back. The images, though unsettling, are awesome. Constantine may be worth the $8 for some, but definitely not for those with a weak stomach.
Thursday, March 3, 2005
The New Perspective
Page 13
Cruise the Campus March 3 Exhibit: Steve Burnam: Recent work • Rowe Art Gallery
March 7 CAB Movie Trivia Contest Lunch and Dinner • Campus Center
March 4 Bingo • 7 p.m. • Stackner Ballroom • Youth Wind Orchestra of Wisconsin • 8 p.m. • Shattuck Music Center • $5
March 8 CAB Movie Trivia Contest • Lunch and Dinner • Campus Center
Exhibit: Steve Burnam: Recent work • Rowe Art Gallery March 5 Siblings Weekend • Arts and Crafts • 10–1 p.m. • Oak Room Harry Potter Party and Ice Cream Social • 1–5:30 p.m. • Pioneer Indoor Terrace Magician Brian Brushwood • 7 p.m. • Stackner Ballroom Exhibit: Steve Burnam: Recent work • Rowe Art Gallery March 6 Exhibit: Steve Burnam: Recent work • Rowe Art Gallery
Sculptor Gary John Gresl, “Canvas is Something on Which to Attach Objects” • 6:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m. • Humphrey Memorial Chapel Registration for Summer Sessions Begins March 9 CAB Movie Trivia Contest • Lunch and Dinner • Campus Center March 10 CAB Movie Trivia Contest • Lunch and Dinner • Campus Center March 11 CAB Movie Trivia Contest • Lunch and Dinner • Campus Center Carroll College music faculty recital • 7 p.m. • Shattuck Music Center “If Men Played Cards as Women Do” & “Groves of Acadame” • 8:00 p.m. • Otteson Studio Theatre
CAB Restaurant Trip—Caribbean • Painted Parrot, West Allis • 5 p.m. • Meet in the Campus Center • $1 • Sign up in the Campus Center is required March 12 “If Men Played Cards as Women Do” & “Groves of Acadame” • 8:00 p.m. • Otteson Studio Theatre CAB Trip to Potawatomi Bingo • 8-10 p.m. • $10 • Limited to the first 30 people March 13 “If Men Played Cards as Women Do” & “Groves of Acadame” • 7:00 p.m. • Otteson Studio Theatre March 16 Movie, ‘Shark Tales’ • 9 p.m. • Dorothy Goff Frisch Recital Hall March 17 Movie, ‘Shark Tales’ • 9 p.m. • Dorothy Goff Frisch Recital Hall
Ms. Mystique Staff Astrologer
Pisces February 19 – March 20 Battery prices will skyrocket soon. You may want to stockpile D batteries for your ergonomic personal massager. Aries March 21 – April 19 Uranus is in limbo, the stars advise you to eat more bran, I hear it’s a good thing to have in your diet. Taurus April 20 – May 20 You will regret not filling out a ballot last November when P-Diddy follows up on his Vote or Die campaign. Gemini May 21 – June 21 Much to your dismay, being mentioned in The New Perspective’s “Crime Beat” does not make you a celebrity.
Cancer Organizing an event on campus? Want some free publicity? Send the details to with ‘Cruise the Campus’ in the subject line at least two weeks in advance for publication.
June 22 – July 22 While you insist that your new tongue stud is an expression of your individuality, we all know what it is truly for. Leo July 23 – August 22 Your patronage of American Idol is helping to bring the music industry to its natural conclusion: Heavily manufactured, watered down crap rock to be mass consumed by fools. Enjoy!
CASU Art Show
Photos by Jill Ridenour
Senior Paul Woltman admires the 2-D category first place winner, Untitled #1 by Kelsey Reijo at the CASU awards ceremony. First place in photography was taken by Michelle Schaefer with her piece entitled Unwanted Eyes, and frist place was awarded to Daniel Vichich in the 3-D category with his work entitled Traicheosaurus.
Virgo August 23 – September 22 The speech your therapist gave you about loving yourself will lead to risqué behavior and a bad case of carpal tunnel syndrome. Your lawyer will confirm she was most likely referring to self-esteem and cannot be found liable. Libra September 23 – October 22 Here’s a tip, when in a pinch, a little person dyed green is a good substitute for a real Irish leprechaun. However, pending criminal trials do not substitute for a social life.. Scorpio October 23 – November 21 Diet pills may seem like a good idea, but if you are not careful you may end up looking just like Anna Nicole Smith. Scary. Sagittarius November 22 – December 21 Confusion will abound after you fall in love with a grizzled llama herder name Pat and have to have to apply for a South American Marriage License. Capricorn December 22 – January 19 Be warned, attempts to use deer pheromones to win over the opposite sex may end up attracting confused bucks with improper intentions. Aquarius January 20 – February 18 St. Patrick’s day is approaching. To celebrate this holiday, let’s get back to the basics and drive Celtic druids out of Britain.
SPORTS Page 14
The New Perspective
Thursday, March 3, 2005
Thursday, March 3, 2005
The New Perspective
Pioneer softball gets started Alysha Schertz Staff Writer
The 2005 Lady Pioneer Softball team is gearing up for an intense season as 11 returning players invite six new freshmen to join the team. Coach Kris Jacobsen and the rest of the team have Midwest Conference finals on their mind as they prepare for pre-season practices and tournament play in Florida. The softball team has been in pre-season training since February 1. “There have already been strides in hitting and working together. While most of us are comfortably sleeping, these women have been intensely training at 6 a.m.,” said Jacobsen. “I believe there is a great deal of talent and potential with this group. We are experienced in many positions and the team is certainly working well together.” Team chemistry is definitely playing a role this year. Junior Becca Windhorst stated that even
adding the six new freshmen to the overwhelming number of returning players didn’t affect the chemistry. “The team gets along amazingly,” said Windhorst. Jacobsen is looking to her returning players to provide leadership and has already seen improvement simply based on attendance at pre-season events. Junior Julie Kottke is one of the upper classmen providing that leadership. “While we appear to be a young team, the freshmen this year have added a lot of depth. They’re solid players with a lot of potential that have linked together our team as a whole. We also have strong returning players who have the knowledge and the love of the game that reflects in their playing and intensity,” said Kottke on the make-up of the team. Lady Pioneer softball will get underway on Sunday, March 20, as the team travels to Florida for a spring break tournament in Fort Meyers where they’ll play a total of nine games against colleges from
all over the country, including New York, Maine, Pennsylvania, Iowa and Ohio. Jacobsen is excited for the season. “Our short-term goals are to be prepared for Florida and come back much improved to tackle the MWC schedule,” said Jacobsen. Following the spring break tournament, the Lady Pioneers have about two weeks to prepare for their first conference match-up on a road trip to Illinois College. “We have a lot of great athletes with raw talent that I believe will be used successfully this year by the new coaching staff to hopefully win a conference title. There is a good-looking balance to our offensive and defensive strengths that will make us a conference leader,” Windhorst said. Coaches and players are confident that the Lady Pioneers will be a competing force in the MWC this season and look forward to weeks ahead when they get a chance to steal a seat in conference finals.
4th and Long
NCAA tourney time again!
Pete Seroogy Sports Editor
March Madness is just around the corner and I couldn’t be more excited for it. Selection Sunday is just a week away and this year’s tournament is turning out to be one of the best in ages. Illinois, with their chance to go into the tournament undefeated, is the #1 team in college basketball. Boston College has just one loss but because of their soft schedule, is just #3, while North Carolina and their three losses sit at #2 in the rankings. Those three teams, along with the preseason #1, Wake Forest are projected to be the top seeds in the four divisions. The great state of Wisconsin, not usually known for their basketball savvy, could send four teams to the tournament.
Wisconsin, UW-Milwaukee, and UW-Green Bay women are pretty much locks. UWM and UWGB both are Horizon League champs. Marquette men had a chance until late last week, when Travis Deiner broke his hand, and is now out for the year. Now it’ll take a miracle to get in. Wisconsin, right now is a projected #5 seed. The Big Ten conference is strong this year and could send four or five teams to the big dance. Illinois, Michigan State, and Wisconsin are locks. Minnesota looks to be a #12 seed, and Indiana (who recently beat #9 ranked Michigan St.) has a very strong conference record that could benefit them come Selection Sunday. Illinois has had an amazing season; as much as I hate to admit that any team from that state does well. There’s a good chance that they’ll win the Big Ten Tournament and go into the NCAA tournament undefeated. If that happens, it’s going to be hard to pick against them. Illinois ends the conference season March 6, and the Big Ten Tournament runs from March 10 to 13. Personally, I hope Dick Vitale’s head explodes midway through the second round of the tournament and Digger Phelps is
left wondering how to do color commentary. I’m ready for the barnstorm of deep, insightful beating of dead horses, that is the media coverage of the NCAA tournament. Hell, I watched at least two hours of the 2005 Scouting Combine on the NFL network this past weekend. Isn’t that a little much? I mean watching a lineman do a 225 pound bench press 43 times (yes, 43 times) is exciting, but is coverage of the lineman’s 40 yard dash really all that important? How often do they have to go farther than five yards? The vertical leap for linemen is just comical. Anyway, to wrap up this diatribe about the combine, I am excited that Maurice Clarett tested himself all the way to the sixth or seventh round, and maybe even out of the draft entirely. A 4.8 second 40 yard dash is nothing to write home about. Anyway, this year’s tournament should be one for the ages like it is every year. I’ve provided all readers of this paper with a bracket to be filled out. I hope everyone gets involved and tries to predict winners, Cinderella teams, bracket busters, and the eventual winner. Remember, gambling is against the rules, but if you don’t tell anyone, I won’t either.
Page 15
Carroll College rugby club works for recognition Dustin Pearce Staff Writer
Some Carroll College athletes are hoping to finalize their proposal with the Student Senate. Their goal is studentathlete unity; they want to accomplish this by forming a Rugby Club. The Carroll College Storm Rugby Football Club is on the brink of big things. Their identity began to form at the end of last semester, and now current members are in the act of making the club official. A constitution has been written and proposed, officers elected, and a budget is in the works. Now, members are waiting on an official “OK” from the leaders of the Student Senate. “Rugby takes the fitness and endurance of soccer, combined with the true physicality of football, with no pads,” said Club President, junior Alex Nicholson. Currently, the club consists of 10 members with hopes of sitting comfortably with a total of 25. Right now, members are working to acquire local sponsors to help support the initial development of the club and the purchase of jerseys. The USA Rugby Union has played a large role in helping Carroll students setup their club, also leading them towards the Wisconsin territory (rugby union), to discuss the upcoming season schedule. “Any athlete, any student, can be put in a rugby uniform and play,” Nicholson said. The Club Captain is freshman Web Eby who has played rugby for five years. Along with Nicholson, Eby is one of the clubs founding fathers, as is Vice Captain freshman Bryce Crocker. The Storm is coached by Steve Minton who has played rugby competitively since his college days and also coaches at the high school level. The Assistant Coach is Tom Folley, who was a member on the US National Rugby team from 1977-’79. “Rugby is my thing,” Eby said. “I was captain of my high school team. Rugby is a sport that you can play after college sports end. You can have it for life.”
Other than the apparent differences with Rugby and more traditional American sports is the rich tradition of brotherhood and sportsmanship. This sport thrives on intense competition between teams, but the aggression stays on the field, and the teams celebrate together afterwards. “After a game, you go to the bar or grab some food with the opponent,” Nicholson said. “You leave everything else on the field.” Sophomore Jim Roozen is going into his sixth year of rugby play this spring. Currently, he plays for a club team called Black and Blue. This Milwaukee area team plays many different clubs from around the Midwest; their season starts April 12. For now, Roozen has participated in practices with the Storm, helping out where he can to show his love and knowledge for the sport. “The sport of Rugby has so many European traditions, like singing, chanting, and lots of celebration. It’s good to see how popular the sport is becoming in Wisconsin. It’s growing quickly,” Roozen said. As of now, the schedule is tentative and will be subject to change, but the guaranteed first home game is against University of Wisconsin-Parkside on March 26. The Storm will play on the Milwaukee Harlequins (Rugby Club) home pitch in Muskego. “You have people who play rugby who don’t play other school sports. Starting this club gives them a chance to be a part of the school atmosphere and represent themselves — it’s important,” Eby said. Of the 10 current members, all are involved in a fall sport, primarily soccer and football. There are hopes of one day extending club play to fall and spring. Practices are from 8 to 10 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Van Male Fieldhouse, with an official club meeting afterwards. The club is accepting any potential members with or without previous rugby experience. “In a couple of years this will be a staple of Carroll College,” said Nicholson. “We want to bring a campus together into one group.”
Jumping high above the competition
Don’t forget to share your
Carroll Experience —
and enter to win $300 in prizes.
Photo by April Karlen
Freshman Megan Mares clears the high jump bar during the UW-Stevens Point Invitational February 26.
Look for drop boxes placed around campus.
Page 16
The New Perspective
Thursday, March 3, 2005
Carroll College Basketball
Carroll men make MWC tourney Lose heartbreaker in first round to Lawrence Dustin Pearce Staff Writer
Senior Ben Hickethier stepped on the court, February 19. for his last home game; face concealed behind a white towel. Forty minutes of basketball later, Carroll men’s basketball team defeated Lawrence 58-54. And the crowd went wild. In a pre-game speech coach David Schultz recognized Hickethier, in his last home game as a Pioneer. “(Hickethier) has been a key element offensively and defensively, he has helped set a great tone for this program in the future. I will miss him and wish him the best of luck for the future,” Schultz said. The atmosphere at Van Male was set for a Carroll victory, with extreme crowd participation, and taunting of the opposing team. The game was one based on defense and the rebounding of both sides missed shots. Sophomore Paul Toshner, sophomore Nathan Drury and junior Jason Scheper all chipped in with 11 points each. Hickethier finished with 9 points in his final home performance. Carroll consistently met every shortlived Lawrence attack although the score was tied at 20 going into halftime. Junior James Johnson started off the second half with regained confidence by knocking down a three-pointer, immediately followed by a layup. Lawrence tried to answer with a few late threes but it just wasn’t enough. Less than a week later the Pioneers
faced the 15th ranked team in Division III basketball, Lawrence University, one more time. This time the game was played on Lawrence’s home court in the first round of the Midwest Conference tournament. Unfortunately, the Vikings play very well at home. Lawrence led the game at halftime 42–34 and led by as much as 26 points in the second half. The Pioneers kept fighting but eventually lost 87–76 to end their season. Hickethier scored 20 points in his last college game. Toshner secured a doubledouble with 16 points and 12 rebounds while Scheper and Drury finished with 14 and 13 points. After defeating Lake Forest in the first round, Ripon College advanced to the conference finals against Lawrence. In an intense overtime game, the Vikings won 82–77 grabbing their second consecutive conference championship. Carroll finished the season 15–9 and fourth in the final conference standings. The Pioneers began the season off 5–0, and then struggled slightly on the road. At home their record was 9–1, averaging 79 points a game. With steady improvements over the past three seasons, Carroll will continue to be tough, and they will start next season after only losing one senior. Hickethier stepped off the court for the last time; this time head up, with his team mates by his side. Four seasons of basketball later, yet plenty of games left to win. And still the crowd goes wild.
Pio basketball — a season in review
Lady Pioneers end season Freshmen lead team in most categories
Alysha Schertz
also ranked for both free throw and three point percentage. Freshman, Kim Wickert was number one in the conference for The Carroll College women’s basket- blocked shots with 52 for the season. Kim ball team suffered two devastating losses in also ranked in the top ten for offensive the final weeks of regular season play; put- and defensive rebounds. Another freshting a stop to their dreams of conference man Amy Flemming was ranked number tournament, at least for this year. two in the conference for free throws with The Ladies lost 63–61 to Beloit Col- a percentage of 79. lege on February Ja c o b s e n 16, and were and the rest of also defeated the team have 58–44 in a “I feel very strongly that there were already started home match-up thinking about versus Lawrence some great strides that took place this next season and University on year. We improved defensively and expect many February 19. good things Despite the to come. “I started to gel as a team.” losses, Coach this will Coach Kris Jacobsen believe Kris Jacobsen be a prelude in stated, “ I feel to a very good very strongly season next that there were year,” stated some great Jacobsen, ” I strides that took place this year. We am proud of how we handled led adversity improved defensively and started to gel and worked together to accomplish some as a team.” great things. The team chemistry and The women finished with an 8-15 unselfishness this team displayed throughoverall record and ended up in sixth out the year was incredible. place in the Midwest Conference. “With The Midwest Conference tournament injuries many other teams expected us to for the women takes place at St. Norbert’s finish last,” stated Jacobsen. A number of College, February 25. A five o’clock game the Lady Pioneers finished at the top of will feature the number two seeded Lawconference standings despite a less then rence University and the number three perfect finish to the 2003–04 season. seeded Ripon College. This game will be Freshman, Crystal Hoewisch, finished followed by the number one seeded St. in the top ten players in the conference for Norbert’s versus the number four Lake most points scored, assists given. She was Forest team.
Staff Writer