THE NEW PERSPECTIVE Thursday, March 3, 2005
News Bing drinking, page 3 Union update, page 4
Volume 28, Issue 1
Features Digital camera, page 10 Online auction, page 11
Arts & Entertainment Flogging, Name, page page # 12 Name, St. Patrick’s page Day, # page 13
Sports Brewers, page 15 Baseball, page 16
The Student Newspaper of Carroll College
Search for a new President to begin Alysha Schertz Staff Writer
President of Carroll College, Frank Falcone, has been in office since 1993. Since that time many changes have been made to improve life here on the Carroll campus. Improvements that have definitely not gone unnoticed. However, President Falcone has indicated to the Board of Trustees, according to Senior Vice President Dean Rein, that he is “turning 65 and retirement plans are in order,” however, a more formal announcement will be made at the May board meeting. With one president leaving, a new one must take the position, and according to Rein the process is very thorough and can be quite extensive. The process begins with the Board of Trustees reviewing the recent progress of the institution. “Progress” is defined, according to Rein, as “any campus related issues.” Academic goals, student life organizations, finances and facilities on campus all fall under this category. “The board looks at issues like these and formulates a “strategic plan” that shows where the institution is headed in these areas during the next few years,” stated Rein. Developing this strategic plan is important because the candidates then know where the institution’s goals are focused. “They like it,” said Rein, “because then they can say, ‘This is what you want me to accomplish,’ and then determine if they are a good fit for the position.” During this time, the board also “defines a job description to define characteristics it would like in a new president, and establishes a search committee. The search committee usually consists of staff, faculty members, members of the Board of Trustees, alumni and one spot for a student. The student comes as a recommendation by College Provost, Dr. Lynn Bernier.” Dr. William Laatsch, chair elect of the Board of Trustees will be chairing the presidential search committee. He commented, “It is a diverse group of people, very broadly based in order to achieve diversity and make it representable.” Under President Falcone, who was elected into office in 1993, many changes have been made to the Carroll environment. In twelve years, fifteen
new academic majors have been established in order to respond to market conditions and student interest. More than 35 million dollars were spent on campus improvements, technology enhancements and equipment. This includes the construction of the Nursing, Art and Technology Centers on campus, as well as the Humphrey Memorial Chapel. After the search committee is formed and the process is underway, an executive search firm is contracted by the college to review potential candidates. Laatsch commented, “We have already hired Korn/Ferry International search firm. They have an outstanding record for finding good people that match the characteristics that we will come up with in May when we meet.” Korn/Ferry International is based out of Los Angeles, California, but has more than 70 offices across North America, Europe, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and South Africa. They have established themselves as a leader in executive recruitment and have posted executive job openings from all over the world. Candidates will be chosen for interviews, and then finalists will be invited to campus where faculty, staff and the student body will be given the opportunity to ask them questions. The search committee will then determine one of the candidates and submit a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees will then, according to Rein, “determine the next president based off recommendations by the search committee.” The process again, is extremely extensive and according to Rein, “will span over practically a one year time period.” Dr. Laatsch’s process of forming the search committee’s goals will be established by May of 2005. The executive search firm will then review the candidates during the summer of 2005. Rein stated that interviews of prospective presidents should take place in the fall and early winter of the 20052006 school year. Following the interviews, selection of the new president will occur late winter or early spring of 2006. “A new president will take over the beginning of the 2006 fiscal year which falls on July 1.”
MENC Saves The Music
Photo by Jill Ridenour
Local area ska band Something to Do performed on Saturday, March 12 in the Campus Center Ballroom along with many other bands that played from 11 a.m.-11 p.m. to Save the Music.
Carroll rents out the Ramada Kristen Anne News Editor
As enrollment has increased throughout the last few years at Carroll College, this next year is assumed to follow the trend. This sparks issues of housing accommodations for students. The administration has touched on a few of the solutions to this problem, one of which is the renting out of the Ramada Limited. For the 2004 fall term, the full-time enrollment was 2,158 as stated by Jim Wiseman. He also stated that the unofficial projection for the fall 2005 semester is approximately 1,978. However, this does not prove sufficient as new housing accommodations were required for this coming year. Wiseman refrained from offering any additional information. According to Sue Saxhaug, vice president of finance, each year approximately 46% of fulltime students choose to live offcampus. This would then produce
a number of 1,167 students residing in campus housing during the fall 2004 semester. “There are approximately 1,200 beds available on campus including the apartments,” said Saxhaug. This would prove a tight squeeze for students during this first semester, as it is probable that a number of students registered to live on-campus but wound up off the list last September for whatever reason. This again poses a controversy at the unofficial enrollment projection for next semester and the typical percentage of those students choosing to live offcampus. Perhaps this initiates a question of why the extra space at the Ramada is in need. “The Ramada Limited, a hotel facility, is considered college housing in the financial aid process,” said Kate Herrick, dean of students. “The Ramada offers additional amenities and as many as 100 spaces.”
The decision on adding the Ramada to the housing options for 2005-2006 was initiated last September when a group of administrators, including representatives from student life, residence life, facilities, senior staff, and safety and technology, all met to discuss and evaluate potential off-campus housing opportunities that could be offered to students. This evaluation included some investigating at Carthage College and the hotel arrangements they have made to help provide residency to their students. Student feedback was taken into consideration. “Our final decision was made based on costs, services available such as access to the Internet, and our assessment of a safe environment for students,” said Saxhaug. “We also preferred the short-term arrangements available with the Ramada so that we can continue to explore other housing opportuSee Housing Page 3
NEWS Page 2
The New Perspective
News Briefs
The New Perspective Uniting the Carroll community with a proud heritage of excellence. Editor-in-Chief Amanda Bothe
Executive Staff Managing Editor Pete Seroogy News Editor Amanda Bothe Assistant News Editor Kristen Anne
Carroll College or the Editorial Board.
Corrections Policy The New Perspective strives to maintain journalistic integrity by providing accurate, fair and complete reports and headlines. When a report is found to be wrong or misleading, a correction or clarification will be published as soon as possible.
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Opinion Editor Bear Milne Features Editor Jessica Pairrett Arts & Entertainment Editor Andrea Janey Sports Editor Pete Seroogy Photography Editor Jill Ridenour Layout Editor April Karlen Graphics Editor Katie Hadler Web Editor Michael Buchholz Business Manager Nick Thielmann Advertising Manager Nick Thielmann Faculty Advisor Anne E. Schwartz
Writing Staff Mark R. DeBoer, Josephine Ejebjork, William Humphreys, Mike Justman, Melody Koney, Dustin Pearce, Samantha Povilonis, Greg Rabidoux, Alysha Schertz, Jamie Slewinski, Steve Van Dien, Jim Verbick, Tracy Weckwerth
The New Perspective, Carroll College’s student newspaper, is a wholly owned entity of Carroll College, and is published every other Thursday during the academic year, except holidays, semester breaks and exam periods. The New Perspective strives to provide a suitable working and learning environment for all Carroll College students interested in journalism, photography, layout, advertising and the graphic arts, conducive to personal fulfillment and advancement. The New Perspective works hard to provide the Carroll community with a fair and accurate presentation of all news pertinent to the community, following the standards, cannons and ethical guidelines of journalism as outlined by the Society of Professional Journalists. The New Perspective is written, edited, produced and operated entirely by students under the encouragement and advice of the faculty adviser, who is a Carroll College employee. The New Perspective is published by Lake Country Printing, located in Hartland, Wis. The New Perspective is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.
Contact Us The New Perspective is a free newspaper to all tuition-paying students. Subscriptions are available upon request. All correspondence should be directed to:
Kristen Anne News Editor
Wednesdays for Writers Amor Linguae will now begin their “Wednesdays for Writers.” The remaining schedule is as follows. • March 30: 8:30 p.m. in the Coffee shop for Open Mic poetry reading • April 6: 8:30 p.m. in the Coffee shop for Open Mic poetry reading • April 13: at 7:30 p.m. in Room 124 of the Campus Center: English Faculty reading • April 20: Century Magazine: student reading (date and location to be announced) Does the Cold War Matter? Carroll’s history program and the Cold War History Museum will host a panel discussion on the affects of the Cold War on the world’s lives today at 7 p.m. on April 18 in the Stackner Ballroom in the Campus Center. Panelists include Dr. Sergei Khrushchev, Gary Powers, Jr. and Dr. Ronald Kurth. Carroll students will receive convocation credit for this event. Support Sri Lanka Daesaman Wimalasooriya, an international student to Carroll College, is making an effort to support the tsunami victims of her native country, Sri Lanka. There is a drop-off box just outside the Main Dining Room in the Campus Center for donations
Campus Safety 2/20/05 A vehicle parked in Lot 9 was reported to have been keyed around the door handle on the driver’s side. Damage occurred between 2/9 and 2/18/05.
Photography Staff
Summer Sessions Registration for Summer Sessions 2005 began on March 8. Summer Session I is scheduled for May 9 to May 28, Summer Session II is May 31 to July 11, and Summer Session III is July 12 to August 20. Financial aid is available to students enrolling for eight or more credits throughout the whole summer. However, a maximum of four credits are established for Summer Session I, and eight for Summer Sessions II and III. MS Walk Again this year, the Physical Therapy Club is organizing a Carroll College team to enter
2/21/05 A vehicle parked in Lot 9 was reported damaged when the owner discovered 2 dents on the driver’s side and on the back of the truck. Damage occurred on 2/20 or 2/21/05. 2/25/05 Took a report of damage to a restroom stall in Lowry on the first floor.
Staff Writer
now is strange,” said trustee Marcia Milchiker, who voted to keep the program. (
Colleges say “Adios” to studyabroad programs… In Mission Viejo, California, two community colleges are withdrawing their students from a study-abroad program in Spain, due to the country’s decision to remove their soldiers from Iraq. Trustees voted 5-2 last week to cancel the 14 week program. “Spain has abandoned our fighting men and women, withdrawing their support,” said trustee Tom Fuentes, a former head of the Republican Party in Orange County. “I see no reason to send students from our colleges to Spain at this moment in history.” Spain pulled 1,300 troops after the Madrid train bombings that killed 191 people in March last year. Fuentes said these events raised concerns, yet students were still allowed to visit three months after the bombings. “Bringing this up
Coffee 101… After spending countless hours advising students in a coffee shops and meeting new people, sociology professor Beau Weston had an academic epiphany. Now he’s one of a handful of teachers that has developed a class studying coffee and its effect on society. Many thought it would be a “Starbucks 101” class, wondering how it would last at Centre College for more than a week. This class seemed strange at such a prestigious college known for producing two Supreme Court justices and hosting the 2000 vice presidential debate between Dick Cheney and Joe Lieberman. Weston knew there would be a lot of skepticism, so he designed his course not only to focus on the drink but on how its consumption has changed society through the centuries.
Melody Koney
Editorial Policy
Paid advertisements published in The New Perspective do not necessarily reflect the views of
Volunteers Needed Wisconsin Foundation for Independent Colleges (WFIC) needs some volunteers to help the College Readiness 21, a precollege group, with over 150 Milwaukee high school students. This event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 9, from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. with an informational meeting on Wednesday, March 9, from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. in the Student Life conference room. Contact Dolores O. Brown for more information,
the walk for Multiple Sclerosis. This event will take place Sunday, April 24, beginning and ending at the Catholic Memorial High School in Waukesha. The distance options are either 3.1 miles or 7.5 miles. To register, go to, using the team code of WIGWCARS03 or searching for Carroll College under the team finder category. Contact Laci Giese, president of the physical therapy club, with any questions, or extension 6934. Shack-A-Thon On Saturday, April 9, Habitat for Humanity is hosting the first annual “Shack-A-Thon” at Carroll College in Schneider Stadium. It’s a mission to raise awareness about Habitat for Humanity and their goal to end poverty housing. Activities, games, and live music will continue throughout the night. Community members have been invited to participate in judging the shacks in several categories including best theme and best use of duct tape. Registration is now open with $15 per group (only $10 if a team member spends the night in the homemade shack. Contact for more details or to sign-up. If you have any small news notes or events going on in your department, office or organization that you want the Carroll community to know about, tell us! Send an e-mail to with “News Briefs” in the subject line.
3/6/05 Took report of damage to a suite door between the Bergstroms. If you observe suspicious activity on campus, please contact Campus Safety at (262) 524-7300. Oncampus escorts are available 24 hours a day be contacting Campus Safety or by using an exterior blue light phone.
News from Another Perspective Compiled by:
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of dry goods. Also, relief funds can be taken to the information desk also in the Campus Center. Checks can be sent by mail, made payable to Support Sri Lanka, to Support Sri Lanka, 2025 Cardinal Drive, Waukesha, WI 53186.
Crime Beat
Jamie Slewinski
The New Perspective welcomes letters in an attempt to provide a forum for the diverse views of the campus. The views expressed in The New Perspective do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board or those of the Carroll College administration, alumni, faculty, staff, students, trustees or the surrounding Waukesha community. Letters should be limited to 500 words, signed and dropped off at The New Perspective office, located in the Student Organization offices in the Campus Center, at least one week prior to publication. The New Perspective reserves the right to edit letters for length, libelous content, profanity, clarity, grammar and spelling errors. All letters become the property of The New Perspective.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
The New Perspective Carroll College 100 North East Avenue Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186 Tel: 262.524.7351 Fax: 262.951.3554 E-Mail: Web site:
Please read and recycle.
He also knew unique classes are becoming more commonplace at Centre. Not to mention the feedback from parents was positive after a unique class another professor taught entitled Basketball as Religion. “What they say is ‘Wow, my kid was really motivated.’ They don’t say, ‘I want my money back,’” Weston said. His regular trips to the coffee house led to “an interest in cafes as a place in which strangers can talk to one another” and discuss the issues of the day. In Europe, coffee shops and cafes have served that purpose since the 17th century,” he said. Over the centuries, “cafes became places where informed men, some educated and some not, would come together and talk about stuff, including literature, plays, poems, economics and politics,” Weston said. “Having a place to do that enriches a culture,” Weston said. “It takes us out of the cocoon of private life and into the public world.” (
Thursday, March 17, 2005
The New Perspective
Page 3
Wisconsin colleges out drink the rest Samantha Povilonis Staff Writer
In a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, binge drinking was defined as five or more drinks for males and four or more drinks for females on a single occasion within the last two weeks. It also found that Wisconsin has one of the highest rates of binge drinkers among college students, with 64.8 percent of students stating that, by this definition, they are binge drinkers. The study, which used surveys of students
of 119 four-year colleges taken men reported the same. For of juniors reported binge drinkin 1993, 1997, 1999 and 2001, women, the number is up 1.9 ing, followed by the seniors, sophomores and found that in all four freshmen, with surveys, approximately 44.9 percent, 42.8 two in five college stupercent, and 42.4 dents reported binge percent, respecdrinking. This number “Wisconsin has one of the tively. The report translates to roughly 44 highest rates of binge drinkers also found that 29 percent, a national averpercent of students age more than 20 peramong college students.” that drank drove cent lower than that of afterwards and 35 the Wisconsin number. percent did someOf the students thing they regretsurveyed in 2001, the ted. 72 percent most recent occurrence included 40.9 percent of the percent from 1993, but for men of those surveyed had attended women surveyed reported binge the number is down by a little an off-campus party, while 70.9 drinking, while 48.6 percent of less than 1 percent. 45.9 percent percent had gone to off-campus
See Drinking Page 4
Housing: The Ramada
Continued from Page 1
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bars. 32.4 percent had gone to parties at a fraternity or sorority house, while dorm parties were attended by only 29.2 percent of those surveyed. In the survey, drinks were defined as a 12 ounce can or bottle of beer, a 4 ounce glass of wine, a 12 ounce bottle or can of wine cooler, or one 1.25 ounce shot either straight or in a mixed drink. The survey further defined frequent binge drinkers as students who drank five or more, or four or more,
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nities closer to the campus.” Included in the Ramada housing option are the benefits that come along with hotel occupancy, such as linen exchange and housekeeping services, which both are once a week occurrences. Convenient as it may seem, these services then pose such issues as privacy. The Ramada seems financially smart, as it cost the least of all the housing options next semester, however, it has its downfalls. As mentioned before, privacy is a concern as well as security. As most people have witnessed, hotel security is existent, but is it as forceful as campus security? To add to the list is the distance from campus. “Carroll does not currently have any type of busing program,” said Saxhaug. “A transportation service will be provided between the Ramada and the campus,” said Saxhaug. “We will likely run a shuttle service using vans operated by drivers employed by the college. The [shuttle] service should enable those students to attend both day and evening classes and eat meals in the MDR or PIT if they choose to do so.” Sophomore, Lauren Radonski said, “Parking situations have gotten worse each semester.” Senior Elizabeth Cummings adds, “As a commuter, I am afraid that students will choose to drive their own vehicles, which will worsen the already difficult parking situation.” Then is the issue of meal plans. Saxhaug said that any student living in the Ramada, who may be of any class rank as the specifications are not strict, can have his or her pick of any of the five meal plans, including the commuter plan which is $865 a semester. The Ramada also offers a daily breakfast that students may purchase for $3 a day. In the past, Carroll College has explored the possibility of the construction of a new campus residence hall, however, Waukesha’s Plan Commission has not approved any of Carroll’s proposals. “We will continue to explore possibilities for adding housing to the campus,” said Saxhaug. “Since the college is landlocked, and since we want to make sure that any new housing will be affordable to our students, this will not be an easy task.”
Page 4
The New Perspective
Changes ahead for Spring Fling Andrea M. Janey
dent Life Office has teamed with the Academic Affairs office in an effort to showcase the academic side of Carroll. Celebrate Carroll, the new morning component to Spring Fling, features a morning breakfast speaker, Janie Geske, a former Wisconsin Supreme Court justice and a Distinguished professor of law at Marquette University, as well as student presentations, exhibits, and performances. Senior Josh Riewe, a politics
“Honestly I don’t see how changing the name is going to affect how Spring Flings works. Spring Fling, as Carroll stuI don’t have to present, but I’d be dents have known for many years presenting to my professors and has evolved from “senior prank not other students. I don’t think day” where students would play they’d really care about my work,” various pranks, including a “yard senior Sam Bowers said. sale” on the lawn of the president’s Riewe and Bowers agreed house, to a faculty-sponsored that the morning goes against the party with student/faculty tourhistory behind Spring Fling. naments, live music, and vari“I understand why they ous other events throughout the scheduled things like they did, campus. Eventually the but at the same time it Student Life office began goes against the heart of sponsoring Spring Fling, the idea of Spring Fling. I which developed it into “Let history stand! Why change 30 years think that for Spring Fling what many of us know it to work, as it has been of tradition. Isn’t Carroll College today, a day for students intended the changes that to relax and have one last have been made need to be supposed to be about tradition?” day of fun before finals; removed,” Riewe said. Senior Sam Bowers one last day before While Bowers feel graduation; one last day and Bowers Spring Fling “stress free” day with should be returned to friends. its roots, others feel that major, is one of approximately Spring Fling has seen many 100 students participating in the the new addition is a good idea. changes over the past few years, morning events. Riewe, along Sophomore Stacy Ory feels there’s including “sober fling”, later with other students will be pre- no harm in adding something that events, and new activities each senting their capstone presenta- could be a benefit. year. Although the concept tions during that time. Although “If it’s something that benbehind Spring Fling remained he understands the ease of sched- efits me, then I’m glad it’s available the same, the event has once uling, he’d rather present on a dif- if I choose to go. It’s still got the again undergone several changes, ferent day. regular activities, but they added including a name change, to Cel“I would have rather done it something academic that doesn’t ebrate Carroll. a different day. I feel like spring overlap. I think it’s a good idea In previous years, there were fling is to be a day to relax and and if they get a bad turnout, they various activities in the Campus have a good time. I understand know what not to do next year,” Center parking lot including a that it is easy to schedule everyone Ory said. rock wall, inflatable jousting, on staff one day that there are no While students have mixed miniature golf, and several other classes but Spring Fling has always opinions, a major feel that changactivities varying from year to been about having a good time. It ing Spring Fling is a bad idea. year, with bigger events such seems like doing this hurts that.” “Let history stand! Why as karaoke, Battle of the Bands Many students were upset change 30 years of tradition? It’s contest, and Carroll favorite, Pat when they found out Spring Fling Carroll College supposed to be McCurdy, and many more. as they’d known it has yet again about tradition?” Bowers said. This year, however, the Stu- undergone changes. Arts & Entertainment Editor
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Drinking: colleges and binge drinking Drinking From Page 3
drinks, three times or more within the last three weeks. Occasional binge drinkers did the same, but one or two times within the last three weeks. The question remains however, whether or not this is an accurate definition of binge drinking. This reporter asked thirteen people across Carroll, finding students on the street, in the library and in the campus center. Five said that the definition of binge drinking was an accurate definition of binge drinking. The other eight, although all stating that it was an inaccurate definition, had different reasons for disagreeing. Michael Madsen, a freshman, was recently talking about this in one of his classes, and his teacher gave the same definition supplied. He thought about it as “not just drinking socially”, and more as “drinking to get wasted.” “It depends on your tolerance,” stated freshman Alex Hoffman. Chris Bartel, freshman simply said “define one sitting.” Along with Bartel, others did say that it is different drinking five beers over four hours and drinking four beers in a much shorter period of time. A recent Carroll College
graduate also disagreed with the definition based on a lack of time frame. “If you go to a wedding and drink a lot, it doesn’t mean you’re a binge drinker. It just means you drank a lot one night,” he added. Said one junior, “You can have four drinks socially and you’re not binging…” One senior thought that it was accurate for girls, but that it should have been higher for guys, if the people doing the drinking were of age. “In general, I guess that’s good. But on a college campus, I’d say eight and five maybe,” says freshman Tyler Hahn. “Being underage myself,” says freshman Laura Haynes, “I don’t drink, but for those able to drink, six drinks for females and ten drinks for guys. I think of binging as drinking in excess.” Said Brad Stockel, freshman, “I think it’s inaccurate, but I associate binge drinking with beer bongs and excessive amounts of alcohol.” If you wish to do your own research on binge drinking, consult cas.
The New Perspective encourages safe, smart and legal alcohol consumption. Please drink responsibly.
Vote results still up in the air possible expense to the college.” Settle believes that, “…the vote was positive and substanThe unionization action tially in favor of forming a collecof the Carroll faculty is still tive bargaining unit.” ongoing. The NLRB (National He went on to say, much in Labor Relations Board) has yet to the same manner that Dr. Deidre respond to the Administration’s Keenan has said in past interviews appeal of the NLRB’s original for unionization articles with me, ruling in favor of the faculty to “In the simplest terms, if we had unionize. the sort of governance role for The unionization vote was the faculty in the curriculum that held on February 11, 2005, but Yeshiva (University faculty) had the appeal to the NLRB required I am not at all certain we would that the have ever had a ballot box be collective barsealed and the gaining drive. votes remain Many [of the] uncounted faculty felt as until such time if there were as the appeal is “... the vote was positive no other viable ruled upon. options availDr. Peter and substantially in favor able.” Settle, a comT h e of forming a collective munications Yeshiva facbargaining unit.” p ro f e s s o r, ulty, under the stated in an Professor Pete Settle ruling of the e-mail, “I NLRB and the feel very confederal courts, fident that were found to the regional managers and director’s [of supervisors the NLRB] with a considdecision is more than clear, com- erable amount of control over pelling, and will [thus] stand.” the governance system at their While the actual length of university. [See the NLRB v. time that will pass until we have Yeshiva University, 444 U.S. 672 a clear ruling from the NLRB, (1979)] and of any potential appeals that This has been, from the very may go before federal courts, start, the main grievance that the Settle hoped that it wouldn’t be administration has towards the long. “It seems to me to be in the approved unionization effort, best interests of the students, fac- and is the basis of the appeal ulty, and the college to settle the to the NLRB that is currently matter quickly and at the least ongoing.
Mark R. DeBoer
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Staff Writer
OPINION Thursday, March 17, 2005
The New Perspective
Politically Speaking
Never say Never (Land) again
Greg Rabidoux, Ph. D. Staff Writer
It’s not just that Michael Jackson’s sexploits (alleged, yeah, okay) make for good copy. It’s not just his choice of courtroom attire (white tee shirt, pseudo army (don’t ask, don’t tell, remember?) blazer, polka dot pajamas with matching slippers, make for great non-red carpet runway copy. Are you listening Joan and Melissa? No, it’s also that the current child molestation trial of the former “King of Pop” (by the way, who does wear this burdensome crown in the gloved one’s absence?) also raises some intriguing and significant questions, like; Do Hollywood celebrities actually get a more refined and soft “justice” than say the nut job next door who gets accused of molesting children, showing them porn, or murdering his former wife and guy pal? (Poor OJ, still “hunting” his wife’s killer after all these years, who knew he wouldn’t find the “real” killer on various golf courses across America?) Related questions continue to haunt me, like, why do “fanatics” of Michael Jackson reject the reality that this case is essentially
about a 46 year-old “Man” who when not collecting elephantman bones or going on “Toys ‘R Us” shopping sprees apparently likes to wear “jammies,” drink Hot-Cocoa, read bedtime stories, and just for kicks, invite young male children into his bed? And, why, oh why, are there still parents left in America who think that because it’s “Mr. Thriller” that somehow it’s something less than incredibly creepy and sick when their son becomes MJ’s next “sleep-over” buddy? Seems like these negligent parents should face their own, separate brand of justice. Perhaps be forced to pay for the many hours of psychological counseling that kids everywhere now go through as a result of such encounters, whether with MJ or actually convicted molesters. Sadly, after the headlines fade there are many kids who will struggle forever to cope with such abuse and not get some lump “settlement” out of court because their molester was not the King or Queen of Pop. Of course, it is still difficult to fathom that there are still parents anywhere who are also oblivious to the “ransom” they just might make if and when their child yells “navy-blazered pervert on the loose” in “Neverland.” Such an addiction to celebrity worship also suggests an even less obvious but arguable fact-that many Americans get all weak-kneed and dizzy in the company or dazzling “aura” of celebrities. When this occurs, it seems all common-sense and parenting skills dissipate faster than the tiny marshmallows in MJ’s hot-cocoa. Before I get a couple of other items off my chest-easy now, I’m
not writing this column in my “jammies” so don’t get the wrong impression-let me just say that it is hard to believe the “schmo” next door would get the same crack at justice in America than MJ. And even the appearance that there are two types Of justice in this country, one for you and I, one for celebrities, is nearly as tragic as the alleged molestation. Not quite but almost. Not too ruin your week, but recently, a routine meeting of the “The Living Church of God” turned into anything but routine. The suspect, a 44 year-old member of this church, apparently for reasons unknown to me at the time of this column, turned his gun on unarmed fellow members at a Brookfield hotel, where the meeting was being held. Moments later, 8 were dead, ranging in ages from 15 to 74, with 4 others wounded, in ages from 10 to 52. I cannot even begin to fathom or forgive such a massacre. I do know two facts though. One, if we could ever seriously confront gun violence in our nation we would be burying family and friends a lot less frequently. Two, the suspect, who lived with his mother and sister and was “quiet and kept to himself ” only reinforces my on-going vow to never fully trust any male over, say, 21 who still lives with mommy and sis and who apparently had trouble with females other than mommy or sis. Or doesn’t anyone besides myself recall Anthony Perkins in “Psycho”? Sorry for the black humor folks, honestly it’s the See Never (land) Page 6
Eat Jimmy’s World
Where to bed the students forgotten
Jim Verbick Staff Writer
If you feel Carroll is crowded now, just wait. Next year is going to be far worse than it has been in previous years. I have heard, through my time in Student Senate, that there have been as many as 680 people accepted for next school year, and there may be even more to come. As a student here, I am extremely angered by this. This year, male floors in the Bergstrom complex had to turn their study lounges into dorm rooms just to fit the incoming freshmen. To prepare for next year, Carroll was forced to seek help from the local Ramada hotel. A full wing will be used to house 100 students.
Another measure taken to ensure there is enough housing for next year is the prevention of off-campus students from entering the lottery. Any student who is currently living off-campus may not participate in the housing lottery. They must wait until after all freshmen have been given a place to stay before they are even considered for on-campus housing. If we’re slim on places to stay now, how much space is going to be available for these students who no longer have a place to stay off campus? Before you criticize my opinion and jump to the conclusion that these students trying to get back on campus are only doing so because they can, let me enlighten you with the story of a friend of mine. My friend is currently living in an apartment on Cook Street with two of his friends. Next year, his friends will not be returning, leaving him to seek new roommates or alternative housing. He intended to sign-up for the lottery and get a place on-campus, as he had done his freshman and sophomore years, but his plans have met a hindrance. Without prior knowledge of this rule, he and several others will be subject
to the increasing possibility of not having a place to stay on Carroll’s campus. Is this need to take on more and more students really necessary? I’ve seen some of these current freshmen and I am far from impressed. In fact, I’m amazed that some of them are still alive. Just recently I went into the bathroom on my floor in the Bergstrom complex, when I was caught off guard by music coming from the shower area. I noticed a cord led from the outlet under the hand drier into the shower area. In our bathroom, large puddles of water accumulate in the changing areas of the showers. I inspected this audio setup only to find that the small clock radio was elevated above the puddle with only an upturned small, plastic bowl. I weep for the future. How many is too many? Soon enough, only freshmen will be allowed to attend the opening convocation of the year in which freshmen are marched in and seated; there will be no room for any other students to sit. Carroll may be a “tuition-driven” institution, but how many students can you take in before the rights and education of those students is infringed?
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Old Farts Corner
Griping, the perfect word (for bitching)
Steve Van Dien Staff Writer
As the time to leave our beloved school (I mean that sincerely) approaches, I will unburden myself about some Carroll stuff that irks me. The word for doing so shouldn’t suggest crankiness or fanaticism, like “grumbling” or “yelling.” But neither should it imply lack of passion, like “complaining.” After careful and laborious consideration, I have chosen a nearly perfect word: “griping.” That settled, I shall gripe away. Why the hell aren’t there two-way stop signs at the East Avenue crosswalk? The lack thereof surrenders us to the tender or nonexistent mercies of the drivers. Some, certainly, are decent folks who pause to wave us across. But that sweet gesture won’t sway the guy who’s careening his SUV through the other side, seemingly intent on reducing any Pioneer pedestrian to goo. Since I’m drowning in both homework and laziness, I haven’t checked out city regulations. Carroll probably lacks authority for putting up stop signs without the Waukesha Public Safety Committee’s permission. But can’t somebody beg (if necessary) that august body for a simple measure that could prevent ding-dong drivers from crushing or (alternately) launching us? On to another gripe.
You can take almost any beverage into the Todd Wehr Memorial Library’s computer room, as long as it’s in a spill-proof cup. You can also bring in see-through water bottles. But if you do the same openly in New Hall’s downstairs computer lab, some (not all) of the attendants will give you a hard time. The policy there is twofold, rigid and silly: “No Food [which makes sense] or Drinks [which doesn’t].” Maybe I’m dense (don’t answer that, please), but will somebody explain the logic here? What’s good enough for the library staff, which certainly doesn’t want to damage computers or attract book-wrecking vermin, is not enough for the New Hall controllers? Why? This is particularly gripe worthy, because the New Hall lab is sometimes open when the library’s isn’t. You might have to write about some subject — John Milton’s prosody, let’s say, or Albert Campus’ “Reflections on the Guillotine” — that requires brain-burning concentration. Plenty of us can’t get there without a whole lot of caffeine. But when New Hall’s your only option, you have to leave the jump-start juice behind, and your work suffers accordingly. Why tolerate a policy that’s illogical, inconvenient and even detrimental to our efforts? We do know that given enough griping, some crummy stuff can change for the better. A bunch of us complained about the library computer room’s hours. It used to close two hours before the library did. But our griping was acknowledged, so we now can use the Todd Wehr computers until 11:45 p.m. between Sundays and Thursdays. I’d jump up and down, yelling “YaHOOO, way to freakin’ go!” — were I in better shape. So let’s demonstrate, again, the power of collective griping. If we can achieve East Avenue stop signs and the death of New Hall
Bear Tales
Journalism now the hand of Dubya
Bear Milne Opinion Editor
Recently the New York Times ran an article discussing the use of pre-packaged, government funded news stories – 90 seconds of air-time for the federal government that is aired on local television stations to residents like so many commercials for hygiene products or material accessories.
Under the Bush Administration, nearly 20 government agencies – including the Transportation Safety Administration, the Department of Defense, and the Census Bureau – have all utilized this approach to promoting policy or warranting praise and support for the administration and government agencies. Disturbing, yes, because when the freedom of the press becomes the freedom of the government to be its own press, when the government controls it’s own public relations, it’s called totalitarianism. It’s also called unconstitutional – against the document that the founding fathers inked to guide the people of this country and those who we choose to lead us and represent See Dubya Page 6
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The New Perspective
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Easter reminds us of the good
Successful companies utilize faculty
Bible Stories 101
William Humphreys Staff Writer
We need a new bumper sticker. Over the one that reminds us that sometimes bad things happen, even to good people, we need one that reminds us that pretty often, when we have the sense to recognize it, wonder-filled and wonderful things happen. The preacher’s litany can go something like this: there’s light at the end of the tunnel, hope in the midst of despair, joy may be found in lonely moments, beauty can be the theme of disarray, and even, get this: life and vitality are stronger than death and dying!
With a week to go in the Christian season of Lent, what began on Ash Wednesday as a season of wilderness fasting and temptation soon comes to a close, of sorts, in the crucifixion stories of Jesus on the cross for Good Friday. And then another thing happens: Easter dawns bright with the news from the empty tomb: the dead Jesus is alive again! This is a pretty challenging news note for many who want empirical evidence of such things. Miracle stories of healing and reconciliation and life after death often are unthinkable We want more answers than questions, and we often think we’re left with plenty more questions. We’re left to believe them or not as matters of faith in place of knowledge, trust in place of verify. And yet there often are lots of “and yet’s”! We often don’t think of many of them as noteworthy; many are incidental, they seem just to come with life the way we live it. We wave or nod or smile a kind greeting; we may call someone with a good word just at the moment they needed to hear another voice; we may even pass
along something like an insult at just the right time to indicate the other person matters to us. All of these simple and frequent acts of kindness and reaching out are simply simple expressions of the bigger-sounding idea that resurrection happens. Darkness leads to light as the night leads to day. So: what are you working on these days? School work? Home work? Home life? Minor or major disappointments? More doubt than trust? More despairing than hope or joy? Recommendation: while it might not be a quick remedy, the season of Lent giving way to the celebrations of Easter suggests that there is a season of light at the end of the tunnel. While facing the challenges that we know, and while dealing with life that is sometimes more demanding than we’d like, we need also to celebrate the little things we can do with others, and that they do with us, along the way to appreciating the big things. Resurrection happens in lots of sizes! Happy Easter!
not go away. As I type now, ten separate screens have appeared for no reason. Even if you aren’t having a time-crunch, the messages that don’t seem to stop are more than aggravating. How many times do the exact same ads or services appear on the screen? Once you click them shut they only appear moments later, sometimes in multiples. I never knew closing one was the sign for the ad to turn around and grab about three or four friends with the sole purpose to take over my screen. It seems that when you are using the search engines such as Google, you get to the screen that lists your information, but at least one pop up seems to find its way of blocking everything you are trying to read. It is bad enough when looking at e-mail or websites that you frequently look at and there are advertisements along the sides. Most of the time, unless they are something that you are interested in, you aren’t even going to look at them. My question is what is the point in having numerous screens popping up so often? It is one thing to advertise, but something completely different to take over with every click of the mouse. If flashing an ad on the
screen once didn’t grab my attention, doing so multiple times afterward doesn’t gain interest, it just aggravates me even more. There are better things to be doing online than checking out how to diet or win $500 after paying about $1000 first. To solve this annoying problem there are different spyware programs that seem to be quite affordable and almost standard in computer packages. You can pick up the Norton anti-virus system or even download straight from the Internet. However, check out anything that you are going to put on your system because even some spyware advertising to protect from pop-ups can turn out to only add or draw more. Excessive downloading or different links via e-mail can take over your computer with not only pop-ups, but viruses as well. Even though this seems to be a small issue, pop-ups add to numerous aggravations that could be avoided with proper preventatives such as spyware. But this is still annoying to think that all these extra steps need to be taken for simple things that shouldn’t have to be there in the first place. Perhaps there is even a pop-up for that.
The aggravation of pop-ups
Tracy Weckwerth Staff Writer
Seeing as this is a college and we are in a world full of technology, students have to use computers for just about everything for school. Whether it is checking a schedule, signing up for classes or typing a paper, the computer has become a necessity. A common use would be research. What used to be a task for books at the library has now turned into searching websites and databases online. However, what is not a part of the research process are the headaches many of us face when it comes to popups: those wonderful, bright messages that promise great credit deals or finding your soul mate only a click away. My problem isn’t necessarily with the pop-ups themselves; all they are really doing is informing the consumer of products and services we may not know about. My problem is the amount of times these advertisements seem to continuously appear on the screen, stalling you from what you are attempting to do, especially if you have a deadline. A simple point, click and there you are, bombarded with messages for stuff you’ve never heard of, don’t want to hear about, yet will
Dubya: How the gov works the news Continued from Page 5
us. More frustrating is that these stories never disclose their government funding. Moreover, at times the “reporter” is actually an agent or employee of the governmental agency or worse, is a reporter has received payments from the government to “assist” in the support of the federal government and its policies. Not a month ago the Washington Post and the New York Times ran an article discussing the Bush Administration’s use of interns and lobbyists and agents of various departments posing as
reporters with the president and other members of the administration in canned or pre-planned interviews that were later dispersed to news agencies. SEVEN, SEVEN different employees of the federal government have been unmasked by organizations as having manifested themself in such a manner in order to promote governmental programs or reforms. This is a devastating maneuver for both society and the government. No opposite viewpoints are presented, no critics opposition to the claims or figures that are presented are offered, no rebuttal for any argument by any scholarly authority
- flaws, any form of discussion, mismanagement or waste is completely avoided within these little lovely parcels of “news.” These same “reporters” are also members of the radical lobbyists regimes that haunt the annals of the World Wide Web, clog the communication between people with anti-sematic rhetoric and false claims, and donate heavily to the government. Nice. The 213 birthday (December 15, a good day) of the Bill of Rights has only recently passed, and still it seems that the thought processes and use of the document by the people who live by it seems to be in a downward spiral towards the cave of shadows.
Jim Sabol Special to The New Perspective
In process of providing a college education, there are two key items that a college provides students: (1) faculty and (2) facilities. After pondering the two, I think facilities rank a distant second. Just imagine if the faculty of Harvard and Carroll were swapped. Carroll would have the same facilities, but it would probably be considered one of the best colleges in the world — and the admissions line would be a mile long. Simply put: A great faculty makes a great school. Some of the most admired companies like Microsoft and General Electric have long understood that their businesses are truly built on the creativity and ingenuity of their people. Human capital is their most precious commodity. There are thousands of stories of how the best companies go the distance to hire and retain the best and the brightest people. The importance of having great employees can be translated to all organizations, even colleges. Regardless of what people think of President Falcone and Chairman Badciong, they have done an excellent job of bringing Carroll’s facilities up to par with some of the finest colleges. When I attended Carroll in the 1980s, facilities in general were in pretty sad shape. Over the last few years I have visited the campuses of such schools as Harvard, MIT and Swarthmore. And I can say that Carroll currently has very nice and very competitive facilities, especially considering Carroll’s size and history. Now with the faculty threatening unionization, perhaps it is a good time for Carroll to seriously look at how the faculty could be improved and enhanced. This type of program could reap a huge benefit for the students and the school. Most people would agree that Carroll has a responsibility to provide the best faculty that it can for its students. Now, I am not saying
the entire faculty is sub-par or needs to be replaced. But most likely there are A-F players on the faculty. The A and B players need to be rewarded and retained; they are the professors that make the learning process great. But the college could also consider replacing the C-F players with new A and B players over time. Attracting and retaining the best and most talented professors should be the highest priority. Carroll could also consider bringing in a few big name academic stars on a contract basis. Imagine a professor like Michael Porter, of the Harvard Business School, teaching a course on business strategy once a week. There are thousands of top professors in every discipline who are willing to teach almost anywhere on a contract basis. Yes, these star professors are expensive, but so was renovating Main Hall and all the other campus buildings. Today with huge technological, economic, political, cultural and social changes underway throughout our society, it would make sense to reexamine Carroll’s curriculum, courses and faculty. Could Carroll find better ways to educate and prepare its students for the future? Many people might answer yes. Yet it seems some of the faculty want to thwart academic change in favor of job security. This type of resistance only shortchanges the education of all Carroll students. Normally in the genteel world of non-profit colleges, nobody want s to rock the boat by undertaking a faculty enhancement program like what most successful companies run on a continuous basis. Academic political correctness shuns this type of “hard look” evaluation. But Carroll’s faculty has already ripped off the genteel veneer by their hostile unionization of the college. Because of these circumstances, this could be an optimal time for Carroll to look at bold, new and creative ways to enhance the college’s faculty and curriculum for the benefit of the students and the school.
Never (Land): Celebrities versus the public Continued from Page 5
only way I know to avoid crying at such a tragedy. And please, I don’t want to hear “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” I already know this tired aphorism. However, would this senseless killing have happened if the suspect was only able to grab a kitchen knife on his way to “church”? Finally, and on a somewhat less morbid note, there are now four more news items I never want to be confronted with again. First, I am begging the media to never cover the future exploits of Martha “HouseArrest” Stewart and her jail-cell ugly pancho. May she suffer some grotesque fate involving extra-thick gravy sauce and nonmatching place mats. Second, Paris “One Night in Paris” Hilton. If she is what passes for an intriguing
“socialite” these days then I’m canceling my lifetime pass to Hilton Hotels and switching to the Red Roof Inn. Third, Bruce Willis. Fourth, Lindsey Lohan. Any combination of story numbers 3 & 4 is forbidden. Even if such an unholy coupling (he being 50, she being 18, together making an average maturity age of about 15) has already occurred. I just don’t want to know. Though it might be fun to see Demi and Ashton, Brucie and Lindsey have a double-date. Just not sure who would be qualified to chaperone. Wonder when Michael Jackson may be getting out of the slammer, he sure seems to know how to throw some memorable slumber parties. Bye for now. I am scaring myself silly at this point. Besides, Mr. Trump is on tonight and I’m told he’ll get to say “You’re Fired” at some point in the show. Hilarious stuff.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
The New Perspective
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The New Perspective
Thursday, March 17, 2005
M r. B
Photo by Jill Ridenour
All of the Mr. Bergs participants sang a fina
Photo by Jill Ridenour
Photo by Jill Ridenour
Photo by Jill Ridenour
Top: Freshman Josh Gould, uniquely exhibiting his patriotism, answers a few questions during the interview portion of the Mr. Bergs competition. Middle: Junior Nate Covert as Mr. Peepers riles up the crowd with his convincing monkey act. Bottom left and right: Freshman Ryan Whittow and an assistant accompanies his song choice with a syncopated rhythm of flashing pen lights in their nostrils. Right: Freshman Gabriel Mack shows his skills during the talent portion of the competition with his hilarious ribbon twirling act.
Photo by J
Thursday, March 17, 2005
The New Perspective
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r Be g s
ng ...
Photo by Jill Ridenour
Photo by Jill Ridenour
al song before the results were announced.
Jill Ridenour
Photo by Jill Ridenour
Photo by Jill Ridenour
Photo by Jill Ridenour
Top: Freshman Dan Clay sings his rendition of Tenacious D’s “Tribute” during the talent portion. Middle: Freshman Tom Monfre does his best impression of a classic comedic act. Bottom left: Freshman Web Eby does a crazy dance that makes the crowd go wild. Bottom right: Freshman Nick Carnaggio as Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) charms the young ladies in the audience. Left: Junior Tim Ecklor sings Gaven DeGraw’s “I don’t wanna be” with the help of sophomore Robin Lawrence.
Photo by Jill Ridenour
The New Perspective
Jacob Velleman
SPOTLIGHT Josefine Ejebjork Staff Writer
Jacob “Jake” Velleman is a business student with political ambitions. As a freshman at Carroll College, he is involved in more things than most students will be after four years here. He is president of the College Democrats, and he ran for a position with the College Democrats of Wisconsin. He is a student senator and every now and then he takes time to pursue his two biggest interests, movies and the outdoors. This past year has been busy for Velleman. He helped restart the Democratic chapter at Carroll College with Ryan Alexander and recently ran for the 2nd Vice Chair of College Democrats in Wisconsin, but lost to the incumbent candidate from La Crosse. After his defeat at this year’s convention, he decided to start an alliance with other smaller schools such as University of WisconsinWhitewater and Lakeland College to help get smaller schools a larger voice in the state organization. He says that he doesn’t want to break away from the state organization, but rather make sure that smaller schools have a stronger voice. His interest in politics and the Democrats comes from his home and family in Appleton, Wis., where he was “born and raised a Democrat.” He simply became a Democrat because he agrees with them on issues like the environment, the concern for the middle class, and students. “[The Democrats] address concerns to the entire American population,” he said, comparing them to the Republicans which, he believes, is a party more for the elite.
Being a Democrat after the last presidential election made him contemplate for a while moving to Canada, “as a joke of course,” he said, showing his humorous side. He adds that they just need to work even harder next time around and be happy for the considerable amount of success they had and the fact that Wisconsin went “blue.” When asked about students and their political involvement, he said that the recreation of the Democratic Party at Carroll College shows that students do care about politics. He also said that if it was only up to the people between 18 and 32 to vote, Kerry would have won with 375 electoral votes. In April, the Democratic chapter at Carroll College will send delegates to the Democratic Leadership Institute (DLI), and one of them will be Velleman. Students will be attending the DLI for a “crash course in politics,” as Velleman said. It is a training session that will prepare democrats for upcoming elections. They will learn how to run effective campaigns, learn valuable organizational skills and of course the always important networking and meeting democratic candidates. This will hopefully lead Velleman later to the College Democrat of Americas convention in Washington, D.C., in July, where the Carroll College Democrats have the chance to send two delegates. Velleman doesn’t see a problem in applying his Business Administration and Spanish major to the political arena. He had his sight set on business for a long time and doesn’t plan
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Dollars and Sense
to change his major, but rather find the business side of politics in campaigning or through nonprofit organizations. Velleman is also involved in the Student Senate, one of only two freshmen. He sits on the Finance Committee and Student Activities Director Selection Committee. His involvement in student government began in middle school and carried all through high school. He knew that the College Senate has more voice and power compared to his previous involvement in student government. “I wanted to be a part of that voice,” he said. In the Student Senate, Velleman can be directly involved in shaping the future of the college. His other real big interest is movies. He describes himself as “obsessed with movies.” Currently working for Regal Entertainment Groups, the largest theater circuit in the world, he can see himself end up there after graduation. When he has some extra time, he is a big fan of the outdoors. He was a Boy Scout for many years and last year he was the president of the Venturing Crew, an older form of the Boy Scouts. He likes to go hiking, scuba diving and canoeing — mainly enjoying every possible activity of the outdoors. Before he goes on to earn his MBA, he wants to gain experience and if he has enough funds, he would like to travel. He explained that the men in his family get a “right of passage” at 19 to travel abroad on their own. A favorite place he would like to visit is New Zealand and the UK. Even though his father was born in England, Velleman has never been there. In the future, you probably will find Velleman either involved in some kind of political affiliation or running a movie theater when he is not traveling and exploring the world. If you know a student or student organization you would like to see spotlighted in the “Student Spotlight” column, e-mail with your nomination.
A country beat
Photo by Jill Ridenour
Senior Adam Salerno as a member of the Elements plays the keyboard for this high steppin’ country band during the MENC Save the Music concert on Saturday, March 12.
Get the most out of the digital camera age Jill Ridenour Photo Editor
Digital cameras have become like cell phones — if you don’t have one, you’re behind the times. So, if you’re in the market for a first time digital camera or a new, improved, and possibly more advanced product, there are some simple guidelines to follow when looking, and there are also a few models that, at the moment, stand out from the rest. Before diving into the different categories of digital cameras on the market right now, it is important to understand two essential features of every digital camera: optical/digital zoom and mega pixels. Mega pixels are actually an expression for one million pixels, which are tiny squares that make up the picture. A general rule of thumb for deciding how many mega pixels you will need from your digital camera is to determine if you will be printing the photos that you are taking, and at what size. In general, less than 1 mega pixel is considered to be for the Web or screen viewing only, whereas a one mega pixel camera can typically print up to a size 5x7 inch photograph without pixelation. A two mega pixel camera can print up to an 8x10 inch photograph, and a three mega pixel can print up to an 11x14 inch photograph. While most people generally don’t print anything larger than an 11x14 inch photograph, the top of the line 8 mega pixel or even 12 mega pixel cameras seem to have no problem printing giant poster size prints without pixelation. The second essential feature of a digital camera is its optical and digital zoom. The optical zoom is a true zoom. It is the mechanism of the camera that magnify the image with the optical glass of the camera, versus the digital cropping and enlargement that occurs with the digital zoom. Optical zoom is more important when selecting a camera, because digital zoom can essentially be performed on any photo editing software and really isn’t a necessity of a digital camera. The more optical zoom the camera has, the closer you will be able to get to the photographic subjects without actually moving physically closer to them. With a basic knowledge of those two key features, it now comes down to the choice of image quality versus price versus ease of use. It is true that digital cameras can be compared to the more familiar film cameras. The first and lowest level model is similar to the disposable camera that everyone seems to have despite their skill level in using a camera. This type of digital camera would generally be termed “point and shoot” or “compact camera.” Some of these models are more advanced than others, but they are usually considered to be at
a beginner’s skill level. A hot brand of the moment is the Canon PowerShot A60 with 2 mega pixels and 3x optical/ 2.5x digital zoom. With its two effective mega pixels, it is able to print up to an 8x10 inch photograph with minimal pixelation and only costs about $120. The PowerShot’s main competitor in this category is the Nikon Coolpix 2200 with 2 mega pixels, 3x optical/4x digital zoom, and a slightly higher price of $180. The main difference between the two is the fact that the Nikon only has auto focus and exposure versus the Canon, which has both manual and auto focus capabilities. However, for a beginner, this doesn’t tend to create any problems as automatic functions are generally utilized anyway. With any camera in this category, image quality is not going to be the greatest and it is also important to note that these types of cameras tend to run on a low speed, meaning that they are not meant for capturing images that deal with much motion or in low light situations. The second category of digital cameras can be compared to the “zoom” film cameras, or those that are generally moderate in skill level and, although they don’t possess adjustable (interchangeable) lenses, they do feature enhanced capabilities like zooming and different program features like a night setting, close up shots, or the ability to create panoramas. These digital models are typically termed “extended zoom.” One of the best on the market in this category right now is the Fuji FinePix S5000, which boasts 3.1 mega pixels and 10x optical/2.2x digital zoom for about $300. Though it has incredible zoom and fast operation with the occasional exception of its manual focusing feature, the 3.1 mega pixels tend to give this camera lower quality prints than are expected. A main competitor of the Fuji FinePix S50000 is the Canon PowerShot S1 IS, which has 3.2 mega pixels and 10x optical/ 3.2x digital zoom. The IS in the name stands for “image stabilizer,” which reduces camera shake so that images are more clear and crisp. This camera runs for around $350 and is a good buy despite the fact that it is still a little too slow for much action photography. The third category of digital cameras can be compared to the advanced or professional SLR (single lens reflex), adjustable lens cameras. Some can even compare to medium format or large format professional cameras. The Pentax *ist DS has 6.1 mega pixels and is one of the lightest and least expensive SLR digital cameras on the market right now. It has a compact body and is very light, making it great for portability. It also features high speed See Digital Cameras Page 11
Thursday, March 17, 2005
The New Perspective
Bid safe with online auctions Jamie Lawrence Staff Writer
Online auction sites have been around for awhile, with eBay starting in 1995. With the popularity of eBay came the addition of many other online auction sites, all of which offer a wide variety of merchandise from laptops to Nike Shox. With the popularity of these online auction sites come the question of whether or not they will work. There are many auction sites besides eBay, but it is currently the most popular one on the Internet. Yahoo and Amazon also have their own auction sites that are very reliable and easy to use. If you are looking for plane tickets or hotel stays or even cruises, Bid4Travel is a good place to look. There are other smaller sites such as and that are very reliable but with fewer users, making items more scarce, but also easier to win. For those new to the online auction sites, they are very user friendly. Not all of them operate in exactly the same way, but for the most part you always have to register to bid. After you register and pick something to bid on, you may have to enter payment information. If the payment is not done with an online payment service such as PayPal, it is recommended by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that you do not enter any information. Once your information is entered, you can bid on the site’s items. Once you have bid on an item, you just wait and watch to see if you have won. If you win,
you must pay, because that is part of the agreement. If the item is won but the seller’s “reserve” price (the lowest price they will accept) is not met, they do not have to sell the item, although some still might. If you think this sounds like too much work, just look on eBay for a bit and see how much people are asking for their items. Some items may be worth your time for the money you could save by bidding on that item. Sophomore Ashley Hess recommends eBay for college students because “it is cheap and I’ve gotten everything I bid on and it was just like the description.”
give you some of your money back.” Junior Mike Katzenburg says that he has “a friend who ordered a PS2 on eBay and he never got it.” If this happens to you, try contacting the seller and if they do not respond, it is most likely that you have been ripped off. At that point, there is not much that eBay can do for you if you did not purchase insurance, but they might be able to contact the seller. If this does happen, contact the FTC and let them know so that they can help prevent fraud in the future. The cases of fraud are not that common. Do not let one or two cases of fraud keep you from enjoying the benefits of online auction sites. Myatt said that he “With the popularity of these believes “when eBay online auction sites come works, it works well.” To leave you with the question of whether or a few final tips, just remember to check the not they will work.” seller’s rating. If you want, you can even e-mail the seller with questions beforehand Even though Hess recom- to make sure that they will be mends eBay, she also says that responsive and responsible. she “makes sure the dealer’s rating Always check the return policy so is 99.7% or above.” This may that if the description of the item sound high, but a lot of sellers does not match the item when it have theirs that high because they arrives, you have the freedom to ask customers to rate them them- send it back. Finally, make sure selves. If they do a good job and you never release information the buyer is satisfied, buyers give directly to the dealer; there is sellers a good rating. Checking no reason for the dealer to know the dealer’s rating is important your credit card number, driver’s because you do not want to be license number, or social security one of the FTC’s fraud claims. number. Make sure you give your There is also another way to credit card information to an stay safe. Freshman Chris Myatt online service that will work with recommends buying shipping the site and the dealer without insurance so that “if you don’t get giving out private information. what you are supposed to, they Be smart, and you will stay safe.
Person on the Street
What do you plan on doing for spring break? Jamie Slewinski Staff Writer & Photographer
Jay Wendland Staff Writer
Senior Sam Bowers
“Working here at the Information Desk. It’s all about the money.” Junior Heather Owen
Junior Kary Zarate
“Relaxing the entire time.” Freshman Jeff Windsor
“Going to Florida for a softball tournament.” Freshman Kelly Barnum
I got my mojo working Natalie Vance Staff Writer
Now that the dreaded Valentine’s Day has passed and those left without dates have recovered from gut rot due to an overindulgence of Ben & Jerry’s, life and love are somewhat normal again. But for some of us, it is not. Being single through the holidays and winter months is tough. It almost seems like everyone has someone and is flaunting it in front of you. Every movie that comes out is either a horror flick or a love story. Well, it’s time for you single guys and girls to end the depression and, in the illustrious words of B.B. King, get your “mojo” working again. Here are 10 sure-fire ways to make that lasting impression on a first date that will keep him or her coming back for more. Ladies 1. Dress casual, yet classy. You don’t want to seem too high maintenance or too trashy. 2. Don’t talk your date to death. No one really cares about every annoying thing your roommate does. 3. Talk about things you know about. If you don’t watch sports, don’t pretend you do. If your date brings up a topic that you are unfamiliar with, don’t be afraid to ask questions. This will make your date feel in charge, a feeling all guys love to have. 4. If you go out to dinner, EAT! A guy hates nothing more than spending his hardearned dough on something that ends up in the garbage. Besides, guys love it when girls eat in front of them. It tells them that you are comfortable around them. 5. Turn off your cell phone. Your friends can wait until you get back to find out what happened. 6. Don’t lie, period. You don’t have to spill your guts, but if he asks you a specific question, give an honest answer. He will find out the truth eventually if you don’t. 7. Absolutely, positively, do not talk about ex-boyfriends. Its okay to briefly discuss a past relationship if it is relevant, but don’t bash your ex.
8. Stay away from offending foods. Gum does not get rid of the smell of onion. 9. Don’t drink too much. Know your limit and stay far away from it. You don’t want to remembered as the date he had to carry back to her dorm. 10.Be real. If he doesn’t call again, who cares? It’s more important to stay true to yourself than to put on a front for him. Gentlemen 1. Always offer to pick up your date. We love that. 2. Have a plan for the evening. Don’t play the “Well, what do you wanna do?” game. Take charge — we love that too. 3. Easy on the cologne. She does not need to smell you from around the corner. Besides, how are you supposed to smell her perfume through the green haze of “Very Sexy?” 4. Talk about your mom. Ladies can tell a lot from the way a guy feels about his mom. 5. Wear nice shoes. Ladies everywhere will admit its one of the first things they look at. 6. Compliment her on something. No matter how played out, we still fall for the “You have beautiful eyes” line. 7. Don’t stare at her you-knowwhats. We know you look, but does it have to be so blatant? 8. Opening doors is a must. Don’t ever forget that. Walking through the door and half-holding it open for her as she walks behind you does not count. 9. Don’t pretend to like things but be open to trying new things. You know you can’t resist when we say, “Please, do it for me? 10.Don’t overdo the nice guy thing. Ladies like sweet guys, but don’t want someone they can walk all over. Plus, we always spend the whole night talking to our friends trying to figure out what’s wrong with you, because no one is that perfect.
Digital cameras: the right shot
“Building homes for Habitat for Humanity.”
“Going to L.A.”
Page 11
“Going home.” Sophomore Billy Miller
Continued from Page 10
shooting for motion shots and it is easier to use than many other cameras in its category. It costs around $800 but does not come standard with a lens, so depending on the retailer, a lens may cost an additional $200-$400. The Canon EOS 20D is a high end competitor of the Pentax *ist DS with its 8.2 mega pixels and improved burst shooting mode for less lag time between shots. This camera runs for about $1,500 and also does not come standard with a lens. However, if image quality is important, this camera seems to be the best for its price category at the moment.
In choosing a digital camera, realize that like any other technological device, as soon as you buy it, there will be a new and improved one to replace it. However, if you purchase a digital camera that suits your photographing needs, then it most likely won’t matter if a new version comes out. Just remember, when buying a digital camera make sure to understand what you’re planning on using it for in order to select the one that is right for you. For more information about the cameras mentioned here and for reviews of many other digital cameras, go to Digital Camera Headquarters at http: //
The New Perspective
Allow yourself to be free seems to be problematic for some, another time perhaps. Secondly, it really hurts the The gift to freely express recipient. Again, let’s all take a one’s ideas, faith, belief systems, moment to think back to that and opinions is one of the greatest bully on the playground, and gifts that we have in this nation. remember what it was like to It is a freedom that we take for be picked on, to be excluded granted everyday when we talk for whatever reason it happened openly with friends, family, to be on that day. It’s painfully teachers, and others that we meet obvious that little kids can be and interact with throughout the mean-spirited and intolerant, day. I would have to say that it but we can allow a small amount would be pretty difficult for any of that from them for they don’t American that has not spent time know the difference yet. What in another country that is withwe can’t tolerate, as individuals, out said rights to accurately a community, a country, explain just how important or a species is morally it is to be able to freely underachieving adults express one’s self without by: Someone You Know thinking that they can fear of retribution of any do the same thing. Worse form worse than a verbal I am me, you are you yet, to think that they’re rebuke (which is something God made me, as he did you right and that they can that I am all too familiar But I am different, and you are different get away with it. Grow with as some of my ideas And we are all the same up; its time to be a lot can be a little obscure and more tolerant of the difgrating to one’s nerves.) Your conception of morality ferences between us. However, it has been Is slowly surely killing me Now, some may brought to my attention Our people are dying and starving and crying say that I need to praconce again by a submis- Yet what you fight is love? tice what I preach and sion to my editor-in-chief, give the prejudiced and Amanda Bothe, which she Then why am I who I am. insufficiently educated passed along to me for Who am I, and why can’t I change. people a break. I mean, future use in this column. Why can’t you change? aren’t they expressing Fear not, we shall get to it Why can’t we change, and stay the same their opinion? Well, in momentarily. First I must a matter of speaking, connect my ideas better Because I am crying. I am dying. no they’re not. They’re so they become clearer to I want so badly just to be me! speaking hateful words everyone. I would like to But it is forbidden, I keep it hidden that don’t do any longtake a brief moment to I’m crying! I’m Dying! For you term good for anyone. thank the anonymous subPerhaps I come off as mitter of the poem, for it Society impressed on me morally superior and that is truly heartfelt and is a Who it is I ought to be I’m shoving my opingood reminder to all of us But he is not me ions down your throat. just how important our free- And I cannot be free Maybe I am, but if the dom of speech is, and that shoe fits... all I’m saying we are all guilty at times of I know God accepts me is that I think that I lead suppressing, whether con- He made me, He loves me by example. I know that sciously or no, others equal Yet you cannot see that I may have a tendency to freedoms. Why can’t you see that? come off as an elitist, but I have several friends, at least I’m not afraid of and close friends at that, It’s this damn vicious cycle what people are going to who are interested in the The collective “divinity say about me. same sexual persuasion. Overcome it we shall Back to the point, Perhaps that is a PC (BS) And spread his absolute morality this is a serious problem, way of talking about homoand tolerance with our sexuality, but it does seem to It will take time words, our language that be a bit of a buzzword in our But you will see we all so dearly love, is society as of late. Many of I am the same a great way to start the these friends are open about You’ll just truly know me change. It really doesn’t it, for they realize that is matter if you disagree who they are, and they aren’t But for now I wait with homosexuality, just going to be ashamed about Crying and dying like it doesn’t matter it anymore. The anymore Holding to hope what religion a friend of part is important to under- For you I am waiting ours is and how it differs stand, for most homosexuals from ours. were afraid to admit it at We have all learned first, even to them. (Or at what catastrophic misleast that has been my experience cidentally enough, is where we takes the human race has commay start to fix many of them. mitted in the supposed name of to date.) I find it unfortunate that Being ashamed of what we are is God; the most recent example there are many homosexuals that one thing, but being ashamed of is 9/11. I can honestly say that are still hiding in the closet. I real- it because of how our peers will I hate the people that would do ize that our great country is in no look at us is entirely another things like that to their fellow way prepared to accept same sex issue. I’m not saying that we all man, but I’m not about to tell marriages, but that doesn’t mean need to agree with homosexual- them that they are wrong in what that they are wrong. Most of my ity, but it is a reality that we must they believe. friends that we have been speak- face. To be bigoted and biased Anyway, I think we all get ing about have experienced a lot towards homosexuals is harmful the point. So, here is the poem of discrimination for what they to everyone. that was submitted to us. I think First, it makes us look like it’s something that we all need to are, and they have expressed to me on many occasions just how intolerant uneducated people keep in mind in our daily lives. difficult it can be at times to be with a serious superiority com- I just want to say to the person plex. I can bring up the lessons who wrote this; don’t be afraid openly homosexual. Now, there are many reasons that we all undoubtedly learned of what others are going to say why this is. Religions, myths, from studying the civil rights about you. If that truly is who prejudices (which are really movements all around the world, you are, and even if it turns out nothing more than ignorance and maybe I should be speak- to be an experimental phase of and the open showing of how ing about that too, because that your life, be proud of it. Because
Mark R. DeBoer Staff Writer
little education some people have actually received, or retained), and perhaps fear. We all need to get to the point where we respect another’s rights to be different than us, even if we don’t agree with it. The hardest lessons to learn, and if we all think back to the mean kids in our primary educational lives we can all relate, is how to deal with bigotry and hatred. So, you ask what this all has to do with our freedom of speech. Well, that’s where a lot of our problems start, and coin-
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Anchors away with Flogging Molly Mike Justman Staff Writer
Pull up the anchor and set sail with Flogging Molly! Their latest release, Within a Mile of Home gives you a healthy mix of pub and dance songs. The Seven Deadly Sins has a jaunty piratestyle as well as Tobacco Island. Flogging Molly has always been portrayed as a fast folkpunk band, but their latest release brings plenty of slow songs to the table. It gives the listener something new and unheard. Don’t fret though, there are plenty of Guinessslamming songs like the opening tune, Screaming At the Wailing Wall, which tackles politics, war and everything in between. Flogging Molly also tried a few new things for this album,
one of which is the song The Wrong Company. The short song features lead guitarist Dave King singing solo with no instruments. Another song that stands out is Queen Annie’s Revenge, featuring bassist Nathen Maxwell. The song is a tad heavier than most and once again, is influenced by pirates and boats. Whether looking for a song to grab an Irish Stout and dance to, or sit back and relax, Within A Mile of Home has it. Flogging Molly delivers an album chocked full of caffeinated punk as well as traditional folk songs. The variety of song styles makes this album well worth picking up. As we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, I recommend picking up Within a Mile of Home; it’s got a lot of different elements to it, and it’s a fun dance album.
More than ‘Getting Away with Murder’ Jamie Slewinski Staff Writer
Papa Roach has been around in the Rock scene since 2000, when their first album Infest came out. So why did it take them five years to come out with their latest album ? Getting Away with Murder is by far the best album released by Papa Roach yet. The fact that they have matured so much since they first came out is most likely the reasoning behind such a great album. They have changed their sound since the last albums and it was for the better. The instant the album-titled single Getting Away with Murder was released I was hooked, but little did I know that much better thing were soon to come. The best song on the album, in my opinion, is the current
single, Scars, which talks about problems that hit home not only for many. The song has an overall good beat and is amazing. After I bought the CD, I couldn’t help but have it on repeat for at least a day. With several five songs that could hit the top 10 on the music charts, and a devoted fan base, Getting Away with Murder has potential. The songs are amazing and there was so much energy put into it which makes it even better. With the full on rock sound, and the metal melodies, this album is a hit. With all of the changes and the wonderful album just out, Papa Roach will be a hit for years to come, not only for me as me as a fan, but in the music scene as well. People interested in Papa Roach would be happy to know that they are currently on tour, and thanks to this great album I am so there!
Thursday, March 17, 2005
The New Perspective
Page 13
The New Perspective Ms. Mystique Staff Astrologer
Pisces February 19 – March 20 Your spring break trip has been planned for months and you’ve thought of everything or so you think. You’re going to be the only pale person the beach, everyone around you will be fake ‘n’ bake orange. Aries March 21 – April 19 Your favorite professional Wisconsin sports team will have a losing season. How do I know? They’re all bad! Taurus April 20 – May 20 You will meet a charming, smiling woman who will feed your every craving for breakfast and lunch. Her name is Gert. Gemini May 21 – June 21 The stars still aren’t speaking to you since you drank too much and threw up on their rug. Watch out for falling rocks. Cancer June 22 – July 22 T-rexes are the coolest. If you don’t believe it, the stars will align to eliminate you. Leo July 23 – August 22 You will learn the hard way that rawhide dog chews taste eerily similar to beef jerky. Virgo August 23 – September 22 You may be wondering where your life is going, but you won’t have to wonder about anything after next Thursday.
Libra September 23 – October 22 The stars and moon will align in your favor. People are starting to look up to you, including those you admiremaybe it’s time to take off the platform shoes and admit you’re short. Scorpio October 23 – November 21 The waves of passion are rising again, but it will take a few more days to reach maximum intensity. You’ve met the person you’re destined to spend the rest of your life with. Sure you met in a strange way, but who says you can’t find love in PIT? Sagittarius November 22 – December 21 You still may not be 100 percent sure about what you want to do, but it is becoming clearer each day. Good thing too, graduation isn’t that far off anymore. Capricorn December 22 – January 19 It’s difficult for you to hold your tongue; whatever you think slips through your lips. This may be a bad thing, since your roommate knows your to-do list better than you do. Talking in your sleep can work against you. Aquarius January 20 – February 18 You can accomplish more than you imagine by simply staying focused on what’s in front of you. The more you can stay focused on the present, the easier your progress will be later on.
would like to wish everyone a safe and happy
St. Patrick’s Day! Everyone’s Irish on St. Patrick’s Day Andrea M. Janey Arts & Entertainment Editor
Each year, millions of people around the world celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, but very few people know the true history of St. Patrick and the reason for their celebrations. While some feel they know the reason for his celebrity status, many of them are full of falsities, or are simple flat out false. Saint Patrick was born into a wealthy British family during the fourth century, his father was a religious deacon, although according to some historians, the occupation was for tax purposes and the family was not religious. Some historians believe that Patrick had visions and dreams that inspired him during the six years he was held captive by Irish rebels. While in captivity, Patrick was a shepherd, who often found himself alone, and turned to religion for comfort. It’s believed that his first vision inspired him to convert the Irish, who believed in Paganism, while he was in captivity. After more than six years as an Irish captive, Patrick escaped, walking almost 200 miles back to the Irish coast after listening to what he believed to be the voice of God. He began religious studies, lasting more than 15 years, and was later sent on a mission with a dual purpose: minister to
‘Pound for Pound’ isn’t a KO Steve Van Dien Staff Writer
This book’s title reflects a common belief among boxing aficionados: “pound for pound,” Sugar Ray Robinson was the best fighter of all time. Robinson’s qualifications for that status were impressive. He moved with catlike speed and balletic grace, making his opponents look like oxen. He was a ruinous puncher, with 109 knockouts among his 175 victories. He won the world middleweight championship five times, the last when he was 37. Besides the sweet skill that led to his name, Sugar Ray was a charismatic personality. Hollywood handsome, with flashing eyes, a brilliant smile, a leonine physique and freely flowing charm, he might have been the world’s most popular AfricanAmerican in the pre-Civil Rights era. He was certainly one of the first black television stars. When Robinson wasn’t fighting on TV during the 1950s, he was often dancing and singing on variety shows. But Sugar was complex as well. A compulsive womanizer, he abused his three wives. He could be generous to a fault–giving hefty handouts to anybody with a sob story–and tighter than a sun-dried drum. He dearly loved Ray II, his only
legitimate child, yet he spent more time cruising Harlem in his pink Cadillac than he did with his son. Robinson was a sharp negotiator, who cut the toughest deals with promoters–in boxing and show business-to accumulate roughly $4.5 million. When he finally left the ring at 44, however, he was broke. During a long, slow physical decline, despite a little money from movie and TV roles, his friend Frank Sinatra essentially supported him. Arteriosclerosis, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease finally combined in 1989 to end Sugar’s once-vibrant life. In Pound for Pound, author Herb Boyd does a decent job of portraying Robinson’s complexity. He had the help of Ray Robinson II and an unpublished memoir by Edna Mae, Sugar’s second wife. With these resources, Boyd explores some topics missed by previous authors, such as Robinson’s wife-beating, insomnia and marijuana use. On the other hand, Boyd falls short with a potentially fascinating theme. At his peak, Sugar Ray owned several successful businesses in Harlem, including a café and barbershop. Literature and jazz also flourished in the city during the late 40s and early 50s. But Harlem ultimately suffered an economic and cultural decline, and Sugar’s fortunes also
went sour. Boyd tries to connect the two, and fails. The reasons for Robinson’s down slide are clear: aging and poor money management. But just what happened to Harlem? Boyd writes of “increased police brutality,” “soaring rents in dilapidated housing units,” homelessness and unemployment, without adequately analyzing how those problems developed. Worse yet, Boyd writes erratically. He produces some nicely flowing sentences, plus a few sharp and even amusing turns of phrase. For example, he calls Robinson’s knockout of Carl “Bobo” Olson “another boo-boo by Bobo.” But Boyd also gives us wordiness, excessively long paragraphs, awkward constructions (“The decision brought to an end a situation . . .), clichés (“a shell of his former self,” “the final bell was about to sound”) and redundancy (“deadly lethal”). If you’re a boxing fan who can overlook Boyd’s stylistic lapses and incomplete Harlem analysis, you’ll enjoy Pound for Pound. But this reviewer prefers Sugar Ray, Robinson’s autobiography. Dave Anderson, Sugar’s collaborator, is a much better writer than Boyd, so Sugar Ray is well-paced, frequently exciting, and often moving–unlike Pound for Pound.
the Christians in Ireland and convert the Irish. It’s believed that St. Patrick is responsible for creating the Celtic cross as part of his mission, by integrating traditional Irish and Christian symbols. Many people believe St. Patrick was responsible for driving all of the snakes out of Ireland, however there were no snakes in Ireland at the time. Instead, historians believe that the snakes are a metaphor for the removal of the pagan believes and converting the Irish to Christianity. March 17 became St. Patrick’s Day because it was the day of religious feast, as well as the believed day of his death in 462 A.D. Although the holiday takes place during the Lenten season, families would attend church in the morning, followed by a day of celebrating, and because Lenten restrictions of not eating meat were lifted, families enjoyed a meal of Irish bacon and cabbage. Although the holiday is Irish, the first parade was held in the United States in 1762, as Irish soldiers serving with the British army marched through the streets of New York to help the men reconnect with their Irish roots. Following the Revolution, Irish patriotism continued to grow in the United States as the number of Irish immigrants increased. Groups would hold annual parades and hold tradi-
tional St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. During the 1800s many Irish immigrants were Protestant middle class, but the Potato Famine brought many poor Irish-Catholic farmers to the United States. As they continued to immigrate, celebrations got bigger, and newspapers often portrayed them as poor, uneducated drunken fools. It was also a time for the growing number of Irish immigrants to band together and prove there really is strength in numbers. Over time, St. Patrick’s Day celebrations became a time to show the power the Irish really had, and eventually becoming the event politicians needed to attend because of all of the power. Over many years, important American figures began attending the annual celebrations, helping to fight the stereotypes early Irish immigrants had faced during the last century. Saint Patrick’s Day is no longer just an Irish celebration, but is celebrated around the world, with people participating in various celebrations. No matter how people choose to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, either by celebrating and drinking a green beer at House of Guiness, watching a St. Patrick’s Day parade, or mass followed by a traditional Irish feast, everyone can be Irish on St. Patrick’s Day!
A little magic
Photo by Jill Ridenour
Participants in siblings weekend were fascinated by this comedians crazy and highly energetic act.
SPORTS Page 14
The New Perspective
Thursday, March 17, 2005
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*** All Times Are Local to the Host Site ***
All first- and second-round games can be seen in their entirety on ESPN FULL COURT.
© 2005 National Collegiate Athletic Association. No commercial use without the NCAA's written permission. The NCAA opposes all sports wagering. This bracket should not be used for sweepstakes, contests, office pools or other gambling activities.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
The New Perspective
Page 15
4th and Long
Rugby, tourney time, and steroid talk, Oh My! Rucking, mauling and settling the steroid issue... all in a day’s work
Pete Seroogy Sports Editor
Well, Carroll College is officially on the rugby map. The Storm participated in their first ever game against MSOE. The weather was terrible, fifteen degree weather with a brisk wind, three inches of snow on the frozen ground, but the game was played. Now, by no means was it a well played game, the inexperience and conditions wouldn’t allow it, but it was not a loss and that’s what matters. The Storm and MSOE played to a 7-7 draw on March 12, an absolutely exhilarating game. I had my doubts when I began playing just two weeks ago. But after last Saturday I’m officially hooked. This game has got everything. Actually, we’ve got everything but enough players. We had to “borrow” three of MSOE’s. Remember, if you’re interested in joining, practices are Tuesday and Thursday nights from 8-10 PM in Van Male. Hey, if you noticed, last week we printed a bracket for the NCAA tournament, but it was the Division II men’s tournament, not the D-I tournament. We corrected that on the previous page and added the women’s
bracket too. Have some fun, pick and saved the sport. And there what rules our lives. Why would some winners, and hopefully win wasn’t a rule against it in 2001 we want to hit a single, steal a a little money...not that I sup- when Barry Bonds broke Big base, bunt to get to third, then port that sort of thing (nor do Mac’s record, and he admitted fly out to bring in a run when the 5 tournament pools I’m in) to unknowingly using steroids. with a single swing of the bat But now to my biggest peeve of Congress needs to let MLB take the ball can be crushed 450 the past couple weeks, this whole care of this. In my eyes, every feet out of Wrigley Field onto major hitting record set in the Waveland Ave. to score a run? steroid thing. Alright, it’s officially gotten past 15 years has got a stain on It’s certainly more exciting to see a home run than a single out of control; now the slapped to short center, United States Congress so why not support the is getting in on the whole “...should we take the Jerry Springer steroid movement? It’s steroids thing. I know it’s one school of thought, “America’s game” but do approach of “guilty until proven though not mine. Basewe use American taxinnocent” and consider the steroid ball was on the brink of payer dollars to pay for after the playthe steroid investigation? hearings a paternity test episode that’s collapsing ers strike that eliminated I say no. parts of both the 1994 No, because not going to get monumental ratings?” season (including the everyone gives a crap playoffs) and the 1995 about whether Mark season, but the SosaMcGuire used steroids McGuire race for the in the ‘90s when he got it. Who knows how many playthe home run record. ers were juicing? Apparently it record helped to bring fans back No, because this is not an was a lot of them if you’re to to the game. While the game hasn’t even issue that Congress can do any- believe Jose Canseco. thing about anyway. If Congress The past 15 to 20 years fully recovered yet (ratings for discovers through their subpoe- should forever be known as The World Series are down 33% nas of seven current and former the “Steroid Era” of baseball. since the strike), there is another major league players that every We know it was happening, we reason for fans to turn away. This single one of them used steroids, know prominent players were does not bode well for the sport. what can they do? Nothing. using; we can never definitively I don’t want to see it go the way Sure, they can put an asterisk prove that players were or were of the NHL and just fade into next to their names in the record not using performance enhanc- oblivion (Which I think it will. books, but that’s all. They can’t ing drugs. Should we go with the Mark my words, no NHL next take any of their accolades from “innocent until proven guilty” year either), there’s too much them, because there were no approach that we, as Americans history. But something drastic rules against it back in 1993, are supposed to follow, or should needs to be done. Here’s my list when Jose Canseco, who admit- we take the Jerry Springer of three suggestions to improve ted he took approach of “guilty until proven baseball. 1. Eliminate steroids and steroids that season, won the innocent” and consider the MVP. There wasn’t a rule against steroid hearings a paternity performance enhancing drugs steroids or performance enhanc- test episode that’s going to get completely. To do this, you may need to drug test every day. I’m ing drugs in 1998 when Mark monumental ratings. McGuire and Sammy Sosa had I don’t know if the “Steroid willing to pony up another dollar the greatest hitting display ever Era” is such a bad thing. In this or two on my admission price to witnessed in the sport. A battle age of text messaging, 200 chan- the game to see one played withthat pretty much single hand- nels of cable TV, and ESPN’s out the benefit of steroids. 2. Highlight the up-andedly brought MLB back into bottom line, we’ve got to realthe homes of American viewers ize that instant gratification is coming stars. There is an
Brewers begin spring training Dustin Pearce Staff Writer
Whether it’s good news or bad news, the Brewers approach yet another season. The bad news in Milwaukee is that the Brewers haven’t had a winning season in 12 years, a long-winded streak which diluted the glory of their 1982 World Series victory. The good news comes in the form of newly acquired slugger Carlos Lee, the new ownership of Mark Attanasio, the astonishing 90,138 tickets sold in a single day in late February, and five consecutive wins in Cactus League play, this spring. It is only Spring Training, yet victories can foreshadow change and change is what Brew City baseball fans are desperately seeking. In 2004, the Brewers finished 67-94, sixth place in the National League Central division. Sophomore Adam Loose said, “The Brewers have primarily been a losing team, but I always try to have faith in a winning season, and hope for them to at least go .500. I love going to the games with my dad and win or lose I’ll always be a fan.” Lee who was acquired in a trade with the White Sox, batted .305 with 31 HR and 99 RBI’s last season. He will fill the Brewers clean up spot. The ‘04 Brew Crew
was among the worst hitting teams in Major League Baseball, batting a .222 with runners in scoring position. With the consistency of poor offensive play, Milwaukee looks towards a strategic change in their batting order, by fitting Lee in between Lyle Overbay and Geoff Jenkins. With over a decade of bad baseball in the Brewers past, Major League fans are still a bit skeptical. “I don’t think Lee will have as good of a season in Milwaukee, he will be one of the best hitters on the team, but he played well in Chicago and really liked the city,” said freshman Josh Gould. Damien Miller, a Wisconsin native, has secured the starting catcher position. He has caught for some of the leagues best pitchers, including, Mark Prior, Kerry Wood, Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling. Centerfielder Brady Clark will fill the shoes of Scott Podsednik who was traded along with Luis Vizcaino in the acquisition of Lee from the White Sox. The key ingredient to a successful squad will come from the stability of a young pitching staff. Ben Sheets and Doug Davis are the main pitching duo for Milwaukee, although Sheets is returning from off-season back surgery. Sheets had an impressive 2.70 ERA last season, tallying up 264 strike-outs. Success on the mound
will also be determined by closer, Mike Adams, who is forced into a leadership role after the loss of veteran Dave Burba. “I don’t know if Sheets will even be around Milwaukee much longer,” said junior Steve Johnson, “But he should be able to recover from his surgery pretty easily, it will just take a lot of extra work.” The Brewers have a head start towards change by starting off spring training with five straight victories. They will play a total of 15 spring training games in the Cactus League at Maryvale Baseball Park on the west side of Phoenix, AZ. Miller Park will host two spring training games on Friday, April 1, at 7:05 p.m. and Saturday, April 2, at 1:05 p.m. against Lee’s ex teammates, the White Sox. Regular season hits full swing on April 4th, against the NL central rival Pittsburgh Pirates, then the Brew Crew heads to Chicago for a three game series at Wrigley Field. Miller Park makes its ’05 debut on April 11th-13th when the Pirates get their chance to invade Milwaukee. “It is fun to get out of Waukesha and I will definitely be there on opening day to celebrate the tradition of tailgating,” said senior Diana Krogman. So, stock up on the peanuts and crackerjacks, Brewer’s baseball is on deck.
abundance of young talent in the majors who came through the minors with a drug testing policy in place, who are a great new image for the sport. Players like Scott Podsednik who used to play for the Brewers. Here is a guy who plays like it’s 1933 again. He bunts, hits singles, and steals bases amazingly well. 3. Create a salary cap. Yeah, I know…this is probably impossible because the MLB players association is stronger than any union ever, but it needs to be done. I hate to keep referencing the NHL, but there’s an example of an organization that had been operating outside of its means for too long. Right now, ticket sales, TV and Advertisement revenue, merchandising, and whatever else teams to do make money doesn’t pay the operating expenses of 25 or so teams in baseball. This can’t go on. No other businesses in the world can pull this off, so why does baseball? Creating a salary cap would create parity which boosts attendance in smaller markets. It also would lower ticket prices. If there’s not a bidding war for every major free agent during the off-season, then expenses don’t go sky high, which is countered by raising ticket prices. Baseball is our national pastime. I love the game, and millions of other Americans do too. I don’t like all of the doubt surrounding every player that steps up to the plate to bat. I want to be comfortable in knowing that any given player is performing solely on his own talent. Luckily, soon the NFL draft is going to start taking over my life and I can quit caring so much about MLB.
Milwaukee Brewers Spring Training 2005 Schedule March 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Team Arizona Diamondbacks Oakland Athletics Chicago Cubs Texas Rangers San Diego Padres Chicago Cubs Chicago White Sox Seattle Mariners Chicago White Sox San Francisco Giants Texas Rangers Anaheim Angels Chicago Cubs Oakland Athletics Anaheim Angels
Time 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 8 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 1 p.m.
Schedule Subject to Change
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The New Perspective
Baseball looks to improve Dustin Pearce Staff Writer
Putting together the right pieces to build a winning program is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle. There are lost pieces, torn pieces and pieces that just don’t seem to fit, altogether a project that is seemingly broken, yet fixable. This is how it has been for Carroll’s baseball team. In 2001, they made it to the conference championship game in head coach Steve Danhoff ’s second season. Over the past three years, the team has been plagued by injuries, players not returning and instability at key positions. Last season the Pioneers finished 8-23 overall, 3-13 in conference play, and their lone Midwest All-Conference player transferred to UWWhitewater. That was then. “We have a talented and versatile group of guys this year, as a team we’re showing increased depth and quality,” said Danhoff. In 2005, with the help of solid off-season preparation and smart recruitment, this puzzle could quite possibly piece together. Senior Ben Schneider said, “We’d like to improve on last year, we have some good new guys and better pitchers, overall more team chemistry.” Freshman Cody Alf and Jason Infusino look to add depth to the outfield and pitching staff. Infusino won a state championship in high school with the Dons of Notre Dame. UW-Whitewater transfers, sophomore Keith Mc Farlane and freshman Nate Schacht have looked prosperous in pre-season, applying another layer of depth. “We had a really good recruiting class and some solid transfers who should make a good impact on our team,” Danhoff said.
Yet, it would be hard to have layers without veterans. Four starters from last year’s squad return, along with two starting pitchers and three relievers. Senior Joe Beranek is the probable starter in left field; he batted .279 last season and tied for most RBI’s with 17. Junior Jared Stengel, a team captain, will put a body behind the plate for the Pioneers while alternating playing time at first base. He also had 17 RBI’s and led the team with four HR’s. Schneider returns in his final season as a consistent designated hitter batting .264 in 23 games, a year ago. “We’ve gotten together on our own by playing as a team in the fall and hitting in the cages this winter,” Schneider said. Matt Shafer returns as a captain at shortstop in his junior campaign, with rotations on the mound as well. Sophomore Adam Baumann-Neylon returns at second base after playing in a team high 31 games last season and starting in 30. He batted .235 with team high 102 at bats. “It was an adjustment coming from high school, where you would get 3-4 at bats in a day to college ball, where you only play double headers and are getting 8-10 in a single day,” Neylon said, “The key is to keep mentally focused, which I’ve been working on in the offseason.” The strength of the Pioneers will be a reflection of their pitching staff, an area they struggled in last year, with an 8.88 team ERA. Junior Nate Goggins is a top returnee on the mound and the last of three captains. He led the team with 4 wins, 9 starts and 2 completed games last season. In order to fine-tune the mound, Danhoff has brought in pitching coach Mike Schaefer, who played college ball at UWMilwaukee. Goggins said, “Our goal
this season is to try to win more games and make it to the conference tournament, we worked hard in the off-season with open conditioning, and guys have been coming back in better shape.” A test to their physical condition will come on March 20-26 when they play 12 games in six days in Ft. Myers, Fla. The intense schedule gives Carroll a chance to prove themselves against teams all over the nation; their first opponent is Otterbein College out of Ohio. “I expect to be at least above .500 in Florida, it helps get the kinks out, and we’re ready to come back and play here,” said Shafer. For Danhoff, the Spring Break trip isn’t all about victories, it gives him a chance to see all his athletes play ball and gauge their caliber of competitiveness. “We go to win every game,” Danhoff said, adding “Our sole focus is to play baseball, these guys come back exhausted, but we get a rotation going with a chance to play. In Florida, we see what we’re made of, it’s a good measuring stick.” Opening day is Mar. 29 at 4 p.m. vs. Marantha Baptist Bible College at Frame Park. Conference play gets underway on Apr. 9 at 1 p.m. in a double-header against North Division rival, Lawrence University, at home. Defending conference champion Ripon College, comes to Waukesha on May 7 at 1 p.m., the Red Hawks swept Carroll in four games last season. So, will the Pioneers put together the pieces this season? Neylon seems confident, “We added some guys from winning programs, and brought in transfers at positions where we were thin. I think the attitude on this team is one of wanting to right this ship and start competing for championships,” he said.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Pio women do well at conference meet Alysha Schertz
Senior Jessica Grau and freshman Megan Pieczynski also earned individual championThe Carroll College indoor ships. Grau won the 55-meter track team went the distance in hurdles with a time of 9 seconds more ways then one last week- while Pieczynski won the weight end. The six hour road trip to throw with a toss of 44’ 10 ¼”. the conference track tournament Teammate Laura Bookwalter at Illinois College in Jacksonville commented on Pieczynksi’s perproved no obstacle for the Pio- formance, “As a transfer student and neers. The women’s track team never throwing weight before until this took second season, I am place in the so proud of meet with [Pieczynk98 points. si’s] achieveMany of “Outlooks for outdoor ment…I am the women season look fantastic.” proud of claimed first our team as place victoCoach Shawn Thielitz a whole. The ries in there expectations events to of Carroll contribute to were low the second from other place finish. Freshman, Erin Kelley, claimed schools. We showed them that three individual event champi- we’re still in the running.” Other Carroll women cononships and anchored the winning sprint medley relay team. tributed to the second place Kelley was named Performer of finish, earning points for their the Meet after winning the 800- team in their individual events. meter run (2:22.15), one-mile Thielitz stated, “The ladys were run (5:14.04) and 3,000-meter not suppose to take second, they run (10:45.28). Sophomore were seated more l. The Pioneer men are facing Abby Zorn, junior Julia Bell, and freshman Jessica Kreutzer joined an issue of numbers this year Kelley in the sprint medley, win- with a total of 15 guys on the team. With only fifteen men it ning with a time of 4:23.30. Erin admits that she was is hard to earn a lot of points nervous going in to the tourna- but the Pioneer men, “really left ment, but after the meet she it out on the track. We got in stated, “I was very pleased with there and really worked hard to myself, and was thrilled to have do our best. We had many season ended the indoor season with best times, jumps, and throws,” 4 conference championships. I according to sophomore Zach only hope that I can be as suc- Andreski. Thielitz commented on cessful in the outdoor season. I couldn’t have done it without my the men’s team, “Outlooks for coach or my teammates. They outdoor season look fantastic, cheered for me in every race and we’re going to be gaining some numbers, and we’ve used indoor knew I could do it. Head coach Shawn Thielitz season to find ourselves and find stated, “Erin really came through our strengths. Now that we’ve for us this meet. We had a lot had a conference championship, riding on her and she definitely we’ll expect greater things for the outdoor season. raced to take first that day. Staff Writer
Wrestling latest in push to form new Carroll sports clubs Jamie Slewinski
The members include the two co-founders along with other Carroll students including one, possibly two females. The club was brought to life by these two former high school wrestlers because they wanted to still be exposed to it even though the
require that one competes with the club, we are open for members who just want to learn Are you a wrestler that wants wrestling, practice it, to continue wrestling even though join wrestling to get in Carroll does not have Wrestling? shape or even just to Well you are in luck. Carroll Coldiscuss past experiences lege is proud to announce their in wrestling,” Jake very own and Kyle continued Wr e s t l i n g to mention. Wrestling Club. The Wr e s t l i n g “The club was designed to introduce the Club is also just one of the two student orgaClub was sport of wrestling to the ... campus.” nizations on campus co-founded Kyle Hawkins that deal with athletics. by two of With limited choices C a r r o l l ’s of sports and sporting freshman clubs, wrestling would males, Kyle sport is not offered at Carroll be a great choice to stay Hawkins and Jake Werkheiser. “The club was designed to anymore. They also wanted to in shape, learn and have introduce the sport of wrestling continue wrestling for themselves some fun. Even though the to the Carroll College campus. and other wrestlers, with the posThe club is open to teach people sibility to bring wrestling back as a club is not currently an official student organihow to wrestle and provide a Carroll sport. The club was started in early zation, the officers are location of veteran wrestlers to continue to wrestle through learn- December 2004, right before in the process of getPhoto by Jill Ridenour ing, teaching, and possibly even winter break. Many students ting mats and should were involved in the process of Kyle Hawkins and Jacob Werkheiser, co-founders of the newly estabhave them set up and competition,” Kyle said. The club has been around only for a short getting things started for the club ready to go shortly after lished wrestling club, demonstrate one of their wrestling moves. time and is not quite an “official” including co-founder Jake, who spring break. “Patrick mentioned. Once the wrestling enough area to set up mats and club due to the papers still being mentioned, “People shouldn’t ste- Peyer, in the student life office, mats have been purchased and a have room to wrestle. sorted and the essentials being reotype us. The club is something has done wonders for helping me meeting spot becomes confirmed, If interested in wrestling club, in the process of being worked much more than what people get things going, and is continu- the club will plan on meeting on please contact Jake Werkheiser at out completely with the Student think and what people should ing to. Yet some details are still Wednesday and Thursday nights. or Kyle Hawkins for themselves.” being discussed and will hopeOrg. board. However, the club experience The hopeful meeting spot will at, or extension “Membership in the club does not fully be worked out soon,” Kyle does have ten members so far. be in upper level Ganfield, with 6841 for both. Staff Writer