March 12, 2018

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3 l 12 l 2018

A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding

Tim Bulles, left, and the Service Desk team participate in a crew talk. Photo by Matt Hildreth

Service Desk Wait Times Improve Earlier this year, a directive that requires all production leadership to hold crew talks each Thursday was issued. T54 Manager Tim Bulles, who is responsible for the Service Desk, also decided to implement weekly crew talks for his area.

Shipbuilders walk into the new CVN Carrier Café in the North Yard after the ribbon-cutting ceremony Friday, March 9. Photo by Matt Hildreth

CVN Carrier Café Opens in North Yard A ribbon-cutting ceremony Friday, March 9, marked the official opening of the CVN Carrier Café on the first floor of Bldg. 1744 in the North Yard. “This is just the beginning of an important effort to improve the quality of life for our shipbuilders,” CVN Program Trade Director Joe Dvorak told employees at the ceremony. Part of Newport News Shipbuilding's initiative to reclaim spaces to benefit shipbuilders, the café serves employees on all three shifts with timeclocks, vending machines, an ice machine, microwaves, picnic tables and computers that allow access to the company’s intranet. “This is really nice. I think it was an excellent idea,” Jeffery Davis (X31) said as he stood in the doorway of the newly opened café. Food vendors like Bojangles’, Chick-fil-A, King’s Pizza and Firehouse Subs will serve breakfast and lunch in the Carrier Café. The company is also working to make food vendors available for all three shifts. CONTINUED ON PG 2

“Finding a single opportunity to talk to my entire Service Desk staff at one time has proven to be challenging through the years as calls coming in rarely stop. When I heard about the crew talk initiative across the yard, I decided this was the perfect opportunity to follow suit as the call volume should be lower during this window,” he said. “My team has welcomed this rare opportunity as we use this time to focus on our weekly goals, talk about accountability and involve everyone in Process Improvement discussion while ending the session with a time of recognition.” Bulles and the Service Desk team have worked to reduce wait time to less than two minutes when shipbuilders call 688-HELP. The team has implemented a new skillsbased approach to get callers to a Service Desk agent much faster, which also results in a quicker resolution. Earlier this year, the Service Desk team achieved the two-minute goal for the first... CONTINUED ON PG 2

Nominations Underway The Model of Excellence (MOE) Award is presented to any individual or team demonstrating extraordinary performance that aligns with Newport News Shipbuilding's core values and business objectives in safety, quality, cost and schedule. Shipbuilders can submit nominations through March 31 to their division's representative using form NN 9134, available in the Forms Viewer. For detailed information about the program, visit the MOE website or contact Yasmine Robinson (O29) at 380-2428.

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3 | 12 | 2018

CVN Carrier Café Opens in North Yard

Service Desk Wait Times Improve



...time in several months. For the past six weeks, the Service Desk has achieved wait times of less than two minutes.

Dvorak said NNS is committed to addressing the needs of employees. “These are needs like having a place to park, having a place to rest and eat a meal, and having more opportunities to learn and develop,” he said. “You all deserve that.” Four shipbuilders – Christina Munn (X18), Dovinia Murrill (X42), Nick Rapoza (X11) and James Alexander (X18) – joined Dvorak and Vice President of Operations Matt Needy to cut the ribbon as attendees yelled, “Reclaimed for you.” “I’m very impressed,” Munn said. “I love that the company is doing something positive for employees. I think it will boost morale.” She’s also looking forward to expanded options for shipbuilders who work third shift. Alexander said he appreciates the efforts to improve the quality of life for shipbuilders.

From left, Joe Dvorak, James Alexander, Nick Rapoza, Dovinia Murrill, Vice President of Operations Matt Needy and Christina Munn cut the ribbon in front of the CVN Carrier Café. Photo by Matt Hildreth

“It’s good that they’re thinking about the people. As they go along in the process, I think they’ll come up with even bigger and better ideas,” he said. “This is a really nice gesture,” said Murrill. Watch a highlights video of the ribboncutting ceremony on MyNNS.

“Crew talks allow us an opportunity to hear what is expected from leadership and center our focus on existing goals and improvements,” said Samuel Hall (T55). “This time also allows me to voice my opinion and hear from other team members. This setting enables us to gather our forces, create a game plan and then man the phones.” To further improve the caller experience, Bulles and his team will soon offer a “call back” option – which will allow shipbuilders to keep their place in line without waiting on hold – as well as a “chat” interaction option. These improvements are essential as Service Desk call volume is expected to continue to increase as Newport News Shipbuilding undergoes its digital transformation.

Women's History Month: Hector Ramos March is Women’s History Month. The theme for this year’s Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) monthly recognition campaign is "Unite Our Voices by Speaking Together." As part of the campaign, four employees will be featured during each recognition month – two from within the featured demographic and two outside of it. Employees will share personal stories, insight and perspectives on what the month means to them. Features will be published in Currents, the NNS to Go app, MyNNS and HII social media channels. As Hector Ramos (E86) reflects on the person he is today, he says it’s because of one individual very near to his heart. “I’m who I am today because of my mother,” he says. “By overcoming obstacles, she showed me that anything is possible if you chase your dreams. March is a time to celebrate all women who have chased their dreams, overcome challenges and made today better than yesterday – for everyone.” Though Ramos says his mother’s name won’t be printed in history books as someone who changed the world, he says she will

always be celebrated by his family as the one who made their life in the United States possible. “As an immigrant who didn’t speak English, my mom had a lot of challenges she had to overcome each and every day,” he said. “Simple tasks we take for granted like a trip to the mall or grocery store presented major challenges for her.” Ramos grew up in the small town of Cape Charles on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. His father was a scallop harvester, which required him to be out to sea for long periods of time. “Because my dad was gone a lot, my mother was left alone to raise me and my brother,” he said. “Though the language barrier made it hard for her to make friends and interact with other women, she always ensured we got to school on time, did our homework and had friends. She also taught us to put our family first – one of life’s most important lessons.” While overcoming challenges, Ramos says that his mother never complained. “She always had a smile on her face even when life was hard,” he said. “To this day she

continues to smile, and I can’t thank her enough for putting her personal dreams aside, so that her children could have a better life.” Ramos is currently a nuclear engineer in the Virginia-Class Submarine Program. View his poster on MyNNS. Employees interested in participating in this year’s I&D campaign are encouraged to visit

3 | 12 | 2018


AROUND THE YARD Tornado Drills Planned for March 20

NNS Hosting Fitter Open House and Hiring Event

WiSE Hosting Women's History Month Celebration

Newport News Shipbuilding will observe Virginia's Tornado Preparedness Day Tuesday, March 20.

Newport News Shipbuilding is hiring both entry-level and experienced fitters. These shipbuilders build the structures of our ships.

A statewide drill will occur at 9:45 a.m. During that drill, and again at 6:45 p.m., NNS will sound the shipyard whistle for three 30-second blasts at 30-second intervals and activate the Send Word Now notification system for text and email messages. Five minutes after the drill is initiated, the one minute all-clear whistle will be sounded to conclude the drill.

NNS Talent Acquisition, along with X11, is hosting a Fitter Open House and Hiring Event from 8 until 11:30 a.m., Saturday, March 17, at the Thomas Nelson Community College Workforce Development Center, located at 600 Butler Farm Road in Hampton. Anyone interested in an interview with the possibility of an on-the-spot job offer must RSVP by Thursday, March 15 at

The Women in Shipbuilding Enterprise (WiSE) employee resource group is hosting an event to commemorate Women's History Month at 4:30 p.m. March 27 in the VASCIC auditorium.

See the Distribution A memo for more information. Visit for more information about preparing for severe weather.

Current employees are also reminded that the company is offering $500 cash bonus awards to employees who refer experienced fitters who are hired.

Newport News Shipbuilding President Jennifer Boykin will be the featured guest and will highlight the NNSFORWARD Strategy in an interactive format. Shipbuilders with questions they would like Boykin to address during the event should send them to Cynthia Allen-Whyte (N358) via email by Friday, March 16. Female master shipbuilders and WiSE Woman award winners will be recognized during the event. There will also be a raffle for mentoring sessions with vice presidents.

Foodservice Operations Wants to Anthem Notice Regarding MidHear From You Atlantic Women's Care As Foodservice Operations at Newport News Shipbuilding works to grow vendor brands and menu selections, your opinions matter. Shipbuilders are asked to visit to participate in a yardwide survey.

Pictured are some of the O68 Dimensional Control and SECA Committee members who supported a fundraiser and shoe drive for THRIVE Peninsula.

The results of the survey will help Foodservice Operations best serve NNS' workforce. For more information, contact Foodservice Operations Manager Dwain A. Jenkins Sr. at 688-7281 or via email.

Shipbuilders Support Local Nonprofit

On-the-Spot Ethics Awards Announced

Newport News Shipbuilding was a proud sponsor of the fourth annual One City Marathon on March 4. THRIVE Peninsula is one of the non-profit organizations this race supports. THRIVE Peninsula helps prevent hunger, homelessness and heat/utility cut-off in Newport News, Hampton and Yorktown.

The following shipbuilders were recently honored with Level Two On-the-Spot Ethics Awards: Ethelria "Earl" L. Townes (O53), Robert "Bob" Balas (T56), Crystal Grandison (O49), Brandon Simmons (O55) and Paulette V. Harris (X57).

Shipbuilders across the yard, including those from the O68 Dimensional Control and SECA Committee, collected more than $300 and 80 pairs of shoes for communities in need.

To nominate a fellow employee, submit form C-941 to the Ethics Office, Dept. O18, Bldg. 500-1.

Anthem, Huntington Ingalls Industries’ medical insurance provider, has reached an agreement with Mid-Atlantic Women’s Care, a group of more than 30 OB-GYN offices in Virginia and North Carolina. The previous contract between Anthem and Mid-Atlantic Women’s Care ended last November. Under the new five-year agreement, Mid-Atlantic Women’s Care will return to the Anthem network May 1. Employees enrolled in Anthem medical plan should look for communications from Anthem regarding returning to their OBGYN providers. If you have any other questions, contact Anthem at the Member Services number on your Anthem ID card.

UPoint Closed for Maintenance this Weekend UPoint on Benefits Connect will be unavailable from Saturday, March 17, at 9 p.m. until 1 p.m. Sunday, March 18, due to maintenance.

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The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) is hosting a tour of Colonna's Shipyard from 1 until 3 p.m. Participants will be briefed on the facilities and tour the waterfront, travel lift, drydock and Steel America Facility. No need to be a SNAME member. This is on your own time. Email to RSVP. For more information, contact Kevin Bowe (E42) at 688-7728.


The Apprentice School Student Association will host a trip to watch the NHL’s Carolina Hurricanes take on the Philadelphia Flyers in Raleigh, North Carolina. The bus leaves the Apprentice School Athletic Field at noon. One ticket is $25, and two are $40 (limit two tickets per apprentice). To purchase tickets, visit apprenticestudents. com, click on event, and click on Eventbrite link.

MARCH 17-18

Newport News Shipbuilding is a sponsor of the FIRST Robotics Chesapeake District Hampton Roads Competition for the third year in a row. The event will be held at Churchland High School March 17 and 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Admission is free, and families are welcome. View the flier for more information. If you are interested in mentoring a team leading up to the event, contact Chris Brown (O35) at 688-7897 as soon as possible. If you would like to volunteer for the event, contact Lewis Fisher (E25) at 688-4761.


Asian Shipbuilders Including All Nationalities (ASIAN), the Hispanic Outreach and Leadership Alliance (HOLA), SHIPs Network and Spear and Gear Toastmasters will host an after work information session on super charging performance agreement goals from 4 until 6 p.m. in Room 247 at The Apprentice School. All shipbuilders are encouraged to participate. Light refreshments will be provided.


The Apprentice School Student Association will host its annual Easter Egg Hunt from 10 a.m. until noon at First Presbyterian Church, 514 S. Armistead Ave. in Hampton. Tickets for children 12 and under are free. Tickets for adults (13 and up) are $1. Limit six tickets per apprentice. Tickets are required for all attendees. Alumni and staff tickets are available March 5, and additional tickets are available March 12. To purchase tickets, visit, click on event, and click on Eventbrite link.


MAY 19

Shipbuilders Together Realizing Inclusion, Diversity and Equality (STRIDE) is hosting Vee Lamneck, deputy director of Equality Virginia, for a talk at 4:30 p.m. in the VASCIC auditorium. All shipbuilders are welcome to attend. View the flier for more information, or contact Michael Kush (T55) at 534-0663.

The 2018 NNS Submarine Program Golf Classic will be held at 1 p.m. at Cypress Creek Golfer's Club. This is a four-person, Captain's Choice tournament. The cost is $80 per person ($320 per team). Tournament proceeds will benefit the nonprofit Stop Soldier Suicide and the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank. For more information, contact Johnny Mintz (X67) at 688-5031 or 880-8965.


MAY 19

The Progressive Club Cabin Fever Classic will be held at Sleepy Hole Golf Course in Suffolk. The shotgun start is at 1 p.m., and sign-up starts at 11:30 am. The tournament will be Captains Choice, and the cost of the event is $300. Following golf, a dinner will be held. For more information contact Buddy Eagle (X71) at 688-3850 or 592-5362.

The Society of Manufacturing Engineers at The Apprentice School is hosting the 2018 Cardboard Boat Regatta. Teams will build cardboard boats and race them at Windsor Castle Park in Smithfield. Get a team together and come and join the fun. All proceeds will benefit Shriners Hospitals for Children. For more information or to register, visit


The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) will sponsor a tour of Continental Automotive, located at 615 Bland Blvd. in Newport News, at 4 p.m. An extended tour and dinner will follow. The cost for SME members and guests is $15. The cost for students and seniors is $10. Note: Safety shoes are required for the tour. No open-toed shoes or sneakers are allowed. To RSVP or for more information, contact John Edwards (E84) at 534-0240.



The Apprentice Alumni Association will host the annual Apprentice Alumni Spring Golf Tournament at Williamsburg National Golf Club. The cost is $80 per golfer and the price includes green fee, 18-hole cart fee, tournament prizes, food and unlimited range balls (one hour prior to start). For more information, contact Fred Peedle (E51) at 688-6682 or visit

The Hampton Roads chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation will host a golf tournament at Sleepy Hole golf course. There will be a 1 p.m. shotgun start with a four-person captain's choice format. The cost is $75 per person. Price includes green fees, cart, unlimited range balls, post tournament awards and dinner. NNS' Contracts and Pricing Department (O19) is supporting this community event to help find a cure for type one diabetes. For more information, contact Steve Speight (O19) at 380-7381.


Visit to search for the latest NNS job openings.

Job Title

Req Number



Foreman System Administrator 4 System Administrator 3 Product Trainer 2 – Mobile Equip & Rigg Senior Microsoft Exchange Analyst Senior Security Application Analyst – Splunk (Level 4) Worker’s Comp/Nurse Case Manager Systems Engineer 3 Software Quality Engineer Systems Application Analyst 2 – Siemens PLM Production Planning & Scheduler 4 Quality Engineer 3 Electromechanical Engineer 3

22564BR 20314BR 22096BR 22014BR 20379BR 22278BR 21057BR 20056BR 22416BR 22331BR 21702BR 21923BR 22451BR

X83 T54 E04 O96 T54 T54 O24 E30 T52 T54 X83 O04 E19

Groton Newport News Newport News New York Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Groton Newport News Newport News

Employees are encouraged to use the "Current HII Employees" portal to apply. The company continues to offer cash bonus awards for referrals to select positions, visit for more information.

Editor: Nicholas Langhorne

Currents is published every Monday for employees of Newport News Shipbuilding. To submit a story or classified ad, visit

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3 | 12 | 2018



AUDIO/VIDEO Pair Kef Q5 Mini Tower Speaker - Dark apple finish. Great condition. 2-way with uni-q tweeter. 8 Ohm. $175 OBO. Text (757) 869-4842 Kef Model 90 Center Speaker Vintage reference series. Black finish. Uni-q driver. Great condition. 6 Ohms. $75 OBO. Text (757) 869-4842 iPhone 6S Plus Phone Case - Defender Otter Box all black in good condition. $20 OBO. (757) 535-9164 DJ - 11 years experience, custom playlists for any event, lighting effects and photography. (757) 869-1876 Computer Repair - New build, repair, virus removal and operating system installation. $95.+ parts. (757) 329-6761

AUTO 2010 Mazda 3S 6spd-Manual - 145k mi, leather, sunroof, navigation, new clutch, CV axels, trans mount. $5,600 OBO. (757) 880-2948 2017 Ram 2500 Rims and Tires Firestone Transforce LT275/70R18, 8 Lug. Less than 12K miles, caps and lugs included. $400 OBO. (757) 503-4664 2013 Ford Escape - Good condition with just over 25K miles. SE 2-wheel drive. 3/19 inspection sticker. $12,500. (757)602-5323 2009 BMW 328-I - Sport coupe, heated leather seats, sun roof. 100K+ miles. $9,000. (757) 329-6761 2005 V6 Mustang Convertible Red. 100K miles. Pics avail. $6,000. (757) 329-6761 1995 Pontiac Firebird V6 - T-Tops, 5 speed. New leather seats. 100K miles $3,000. (757) 329-6761. 2008 Lincoln Towncar - Signature Limited, 61K miles, excellent condition. Truly a "little old lady" driven car. $9,500. (757) 810-4782

Auto cont.

Furnishings and Appliances cont.

Real Estate cont.

2008 328I BMW - Convertible Hardtop, Heated Leather Seats, Nav, and Sport Pkg. 73,700K miles, Garage kept. $12,500. (757) 353-9825

Appliances - Dacor - 30” Black Convection Wall Oven, $250. Dacor - 36” Black 5-Burner Gas Cooktop, $250. (757) 636-1566

Home for Sale - Renovated and move-in ready. 3bd/2ba ranchstyle home with lots of upgrades in Portsmouth. $184K. (757) 718-1432

2010 Heritage Softail - 12,500 mi., VH pipes, passenger floor boards, luggage rack, leather bags stiffened. One owner. $8,000. Text (757) 771-0945 2016 Suzuki GSXR 750 - Black and white. 5,700 miles. Always under cover. $9,000. (757) 876-5987

BOAT & MARINE SUPPLY 1978 J/24 sailboat go sailing - 1978 24'sailboat. Dry interior. Set up for day sailing or one night cruising. Located at Fort Monroe (757) 810-4518 2009 Tahoe Q4 SS - 18' Red, Bimini, PS, Depth Finder, 150 hours. Garage kept. $12,500. (757) 848-7229

FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES Household Furniture - 2 bookcases. Desk w/topper. 7 chests of drawers. Entertainment center. Good condition and prices. (757) 771-0121 Bedroom Set Headboard, dresser, mirror, chest of drawers, nightstand. Good condition. $250. (757) 771-0121 Dining Room Table and Chairs - 8 chairs. Table has 2 leaves. Dark cherry wood. Very good condition. $275. (757) 771-0121 Baby Grand Piano - Baldwin Baby Grand Piano. Mahogany finish. Manufactured in 1980. Fair condition. $800 OBO. (757) 310-4769 Appliances - LG - 30” Stainless Steel French door/bottom freezer fridge $350. Great shape. (757) 636-1566 Appliances - Frigidaire Gallery black dishwasher $200. Built-in convection microwave $150. (757) 636-1566

REAL ESTATE Room for Rent - Close to shipyard. $500. monthly utilities and Wi-Fi included. (757) 303-8123 Home for Rent in Old Wythe - 3511 Spottswood Pl., Hampton, on Zillow. 2 bdrm/1 ba, 1,400 sq. ft. $1,100/ month. (757) 636-2544 Beach House for Rent - 3 Bdrm, 1-1/2 Bth on Beach Rd. in Kitty Hawk, $950. $100 deposit. Beautiful ocean view. (757) 846-1036 House for Sale - 4 BR/2.5 BA in RiverBluff on the Nansemond River. Completely upgraded. (843) 822-9854 For Rent - 3BR, 1.5 Bth. One-year lease required. No pets. Close to NNS and on cul-de-sac. Military welcome. $1,000/month. (757) 874-4865 Room for Rent - Off Orcutt Ave. 7 minutes from NNS. Utilities/ Wifi included. $450/month. (757) 705-4602 Townhouse for Rent - 1,300 SF, 2 Bed, 1.5 Bath. Large den, covered patio. Knells Ridge near Ches Gen Hosp. $975. (757) 407-2373 Townhouse for Sale - York Co. 3 BR, 2½ BA, walk-in closet, MBA-tub and shower, fireplace. 1,842 sq. ft. Corner lot, garage. $218K (757) 570-0570 Home for Rent - 1,200 sq. ft. 2 BR/2.5 BA. Walk to work (49th Street). Spacious rooms and private yard. $975/month. (757) 870-9779 House for Rent or Sale - Brick ranch in York County. 3 bed,1 bath, garage,1,100 sq. ft. Rent for $1,299, or buy for $169K. (757) 869-3862 House for Rent - 3 bdrm, 1 bath, new siding, carpet, windows, roof, 5 miles from NNS. $1,095/month. (757) 869-3862

Real Estate Wanted - We buy homes “as-is.” Text (757) 656-6373.

MISCELLANEOUS Bowflex Revolution - All available accessories. Make offer. (757) 771-2996 A/C Service - Tune up and cleaning on your A/C system/heat pump. 1 lb. of refrigerant included til April 30. (757) 771-3441 Cub Cadet Tractor Mower - 26 horsepower with 50 in cutting deck and 3 bag grass catcher under 400 hours. $900. (757) 288-0802 5 Build-a-Bear MLP Princesses - 5 Build a Bear My Little Pony Princesses w/outfits. Never played with. Text for pics. (757) 897-4377 Rooring and Siding - Roofing, siding, crawl space repairs. Honest, competitive prices. Licensed and insured. Ref. avail. (757) 641-0738 Exterior Plywood - Three sheets of exterior plywood for $5 each. (757) 508-0692 Cemetery Lots - Natl Memorial Park, Fairfax, VA. 4 lots at $3,000 each/4 for $10,000. 1 lot in CC for $2,500. (919) 630-5553. Weber Grill - 18” Smokey Mountain Cooker w/BBQ Guru Party-Q Temperature Control. New combined $450. Selling for $275. (757) 812-2719 Pest Terminator - Free inspections. Expert pest, termite, moisture control, under house repairs & poly installation. (757) 873-4999 Bird Cages - 1 large bird cage ($150) and 1 medium ($80) assembled. Call for pics and dimensions, leave message. (757) 409-8200.

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3 | 12 | 2018


MISCELLANEOUS Items - NXT Star Trac Spin Bike Gym Quality, $599, Nordictrack Incline Trainer 40 o/o Incline, $550, (757) 218-2946 Items - Vacuums, $25 and up; carpet cleaners, $55 and up; ionic air purifiers, $45 and $75; steam cleaner $35 and $65. (757) 218-2946 Exercise Equipment - Treadmills, $115 to $399; ellipticals, $50 to $225;,exercise bikes, $65-$220; Tread Climber TC 10 for $399. (757) 218-2946 Order Flowers or Balloons - Nice gift baskets, flowers and balloons. We deliver or pickup at 97 Main St., NN. (757) 599-0100 Wine Glass Holder - Two silver under counter mounts for hanging wine glasses w/hardware for hanging. $20. (757) 236-0789.

Miscellaneous cont.

Wanted cont.

Home Cleaning - Free estimates. Special occasion cleaning welcomed. Licensed and insured. (757) 371-3904

Second Shift Ride to NNS - Leave Ahoskie at 12:55 p.m. Pick up in WintonGates County. Looking for riders. (252) 287-7395

RJ Sport Golf Bag - New in box. RJ Sport CC490 Deluxe Cart Bag (black/ red). $65 OBO. (757) 503-5530

Washer and Dryer - Broken washers and dryers that are in your way. Will pick up for free. (757) 617-0100

Creative Carpentry - Specializing in decks, crown moulding, carpentry, drywall, painting, tile showers and doors. Fair pricing. (706) 857-8571 Scotty Cameron Putter - Scotty Cameron Newport 2 putter. Out of box, but never used. $350 OBO. (757) 207-0793

WANTED Van Riders - Commuter van from VA Beach to NNS daily 1st shift. Leaves from Diamond Springs Rd. Text ‘VANRIDE’ to (757) 450-6740

Fitbit Ionic Watch - Brand new. Purchased in Jan. $240. (757) 236-0789

Shipbuilders gather in the new CVN Carrier Café. Photo by Matt Hildreth.

HOBBIES 1:1 Guitar Classes - Midtown NN. Flexible scheduling. Read/ play std notation, chords/theory. Call/txt rates, class times. (757) 528-7017 Dancers - Flaming Roses youth dance team, ages 5 up, is currently accepting new dancers. (757) 768-2042 Youth Sailing - Boys and girls 14 and over learn to sail and navigate large sailboats with Sea Scouts at Ft. Monroe. (757) 714-1348

LOST & FOUND Car Stereo Remote Found on Huntington Ave. across from Union building. (609) 202-5200

Lost Gold Bracelet - Lost between 43rd and 37th street gates. Women's 8" yellow gold bracelet. (207) 694-1416 Lost Phone - Found a personal phone outside the 37th Street Gate. (757) 262-6239

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