4 l 16 l 2018
A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding
Photo by Matt Hildreth
Enterprise (CVN 65) Inactivation Complete Newport News Shipbuilding has completed the inactivation of Enterprise (CVN 65).
for storage in the Hampton Roads area until a disposal plan is determined by the U.S. Navy.
As part of the complex process that began in 2013, more than 1,000 shipbuilders defueled the ship’s eight nuclear reactors, inactivated its propulsion systems and prepared its hull for final tow. NNS completed the inactivation base work in December 2017, and the government contracting office review and certification of the paperwork has just been completed. Enterprise will remain at the shipyard to complete post-inactivation work to prepare the ship
“This is a bittersweet moment for us,” said Chris Miner, vice president of In-Service Aircraft Carrier Programs. “Enterprise has meant so much to Newport News Shipbuilding and the men and women who helped cement her place in history. With all of the lessons we learned from inactivating the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in our company’s 130-year history, we look forward to bringing that knowledge to the inactivation of the Nimitz class... CONTINUED ON PG 2
IT Announces Changes Regarding PCs and Approval Processes The approval process for laptops, smartphones and tablets just got a little easier. Shipbuilders looking to order these IT devices no longer need to seek vice presidents’ signatures as part of the approval process. Final approval will be made by the shipbuilders’ supervisors.
“Authority is being given to the company leaders who should be making these everyday decisions—direct supervisors,” said Bharat Amin, vice president and chief information officer. “More and more, these technologies are becoming standard tools to get our jobs done more efficiently. The process to get them should be as efficient as the tools themselves.”
Amin said NNS is moving from desktop to laptop computers as its business standard, or default, beginning April 23. Desktop computers will be replaced with laptops when they are scheduled for refresh, and shipbuilders who need desktop computers will now have to specifically request them. For more information, call the IT Service Desk at 8-HELP.
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4 | 16 | 2018 repetitive ratcheting, firm grasping to cut the material and hammering with side-cutting pliers to secure the material. The team researched and tested a new innovative banding system. The new system was in pipefitters' hands within months of obtaining NAVSEA approval and features factory-ground edges that reduce the potential for injury. The new banding material is installed with a cordless tool that has significant ergonomic improvements and makes the installation much faster than the manual banding process.
Christopher Eckstein uses the new pipe-banding system on John F. Kennedy (CVN 79). Photo by John Whalen
Kennedy (CVN 79) Pipefitters Gain Efficiency With New Tool In an effort to identify opportunities to work more efficiently, a diverse team of shipbuilders found a better process for pipefitters to use when banding pipes on aircraft carriers like John F. Kennedy (CVN 79). In the past, pipefitters relied on a manual pipe banding system that left sharp edges on the banding material and required strenuous movements to properly secure the piping, including
Enterprise (CVN 65) Inactivation Complete CONTINUED FROM PG 1
...of aircraft carriers, beginning with CVN 68 in 2025.” Built by Newport News shipbuilders and christened in September 1960, Enterprise provided a record 51 consecutive years of service to the Navy. The only one of its class, the aircraft carrier aided in the Cuban Missile Crisis and operations Enduring Freedom and New Dawn, as well as naval maritime security operations.
CVN 79 Pipe Lead General Foreman Ken Keeter said, “This collaborative effort harnessed the talents and opinions of the entire value stream and exemplifies the NNSFORWARD Strategy.” Watch a video that explains the benefits of the new tool on MyNNS.
NNS Names New Vice President and Chief Counsel Jon Arena has been named vice president and chief counsel of HII’s Newport News Shipbuilding division. He will succeed Jim Gildea, who retired on April 1. Arena will be a key member of the law department’s leadership team, reporting directly to Kellye Walker, Huntington Ingalls Industries' executive vice president and chief legal officer, and indirectly to Newport News Shipbuilding President Jennifer Boykin. In this role, he will be responsible for providing legal advice and counsel to senior management and overseeing and coordinating the provision of legal advice to NNS. Park. The run/walk event is family friendly. Registration is $10 for adults and $7 for children ages 12 and under.
The ship was decommissioned on Feb. 3, 2017. NNS currently is performing advance construction on Enterprise (CVN 80), the ninth U.S. Navy ship to bear the legendary name. Award of the CVN 80 detail design and construction contract is anticipated this year.
“When I first introduced the tool, my crew was skeptical, as many people are with new ideas. But, very quickly they realized how much easier it makes their job and now they prefer to use it all the time,” said X42 Foreman Chelsie Baker.
Register for NNS 5K This Week for Guaranteed T-shirt The 11th Annual NNS 5K will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday, May 19, at Victory Landing
For more information and to register, visit huntingtoningalls.com/5k. Employees who register by Friday, April 20, will be guaranteed a T-shirt. Send questions to werun@hii-nns.com.
4 | 16 | 2018
Shipbuilders Evaluate Digital Devices About 200 shipbuilders representing 36 departments had the opportunity to weigh in on the discussion about Newport News Shipbuilding's digital transformation during a Client Device Summit last month. The summit, held in NNS’ mobile experience (MX) trailer, included supplier representatives from three companies – HP, Panasonic and Getac. Fourteen rugged and semi-rugged devices like laptops and tablets were available to be evaluated by shipbuilders. “The goal was for people who are using mobile devices on the deckplate to get a sense of what these suppliers have to offer and the potential for getting some of their devices into our fleet,” said Rachel Gilpin (T56), who represents IT in the Integrated Digital Shipbuilding (iDS) Program Office. It was important to hear from the people who will use the devices, said Systems Architect Bruce Stein (T54). “There was great participation, especially from the trades in the iDS program. They were very engaged, walked up to tables, saw what they were looking for and started asking the suppliers questions,” he said. Among the primary concerns for devices intended for deckplate environments are wireless connectivity, ruggedness and battery life. Shipbuilders filled out surveys following the summit.
City Provides Huntington Avenue Bridge Project Update The Huntington Avenue bridge replacement project will begin in late April or early May, according to the city of Newport News. The project to replace the 119-year-old bridge will close Huntington Avenue between 39th and 42nd streets to vehicle and pedestrian traffic for approximately one year. As the city provides further updates, Newport News Shipbuilding will communicate with employees. For more information about the project, watch a video report on MyNNS.
Shipbuilders survey devices during the Client Device Summit, held in NNS' mobile experience (MX) trailer in March. Photo by Matt Hildreth
“We got a lot out of this, but it’s the beginning of a long process,” Stein said. “It was very well received by those who attended, and I think we’ll likely see adoption of some of these devices because participants were involved in the conversation directly with the suppliers.” Marissa Webb (X51) attended the summit. “It’s nice that there are so many options out there, and it looks like the technology is coming a long way,” she said. Industrial Engineering Mobility and Connectivity Lead Donna A. Graves (X51) said she knew the event would be a success. “I’m excited that our time and effort paid off,” she said. “The team did a great job, and I’m looking forward to the next one.”
Shipbuilders Can "Toss the Boss" for United Way Newport News Shipbuilding employees can donate to “toss the boss” as Brian Fields, vice president of Integrated Planning and Production Control; Chris Miner, vice president of In-Service Aircraft Carrier Programs; and Matt Needy, vice president of Operations, participate in the United Way Over the Edge to End Poverty/Toss the Boss fundraiser. Miner and Needy have each agreed to raise $1,000 or more and rappel down nine stories at the Holiday Inn Newport News at City Center on Saturday, May 5. Shipbuilders can donate to “toss the boss” of their choice by
visiting uwvp.org/find-rappeler. All of the money raised will support local communities. Over the Edge is a family-friendly event with music, activities for children, food, beverages and more. For more information, or to sign up to rappel, visit uwvp.org/over-edge. The United Way is also seeking volunteers for the event, which runs from 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Saturday, May 5. To sign up to volunteer, visit unitedwayvirginiapeninsula. wufoo.com/forms/z3d4c7j0z96e8e.
National Welding Month Continues Newport News Shipbuilding is highlighting the importance of first-time quality as it recognizes April as National Welding Month and kicks off an awareness campaign called "Make it Match." Throughout the month, NNS is spotlighting the "Make it Match" process for welders. See the this week's National Welding Month feature on MyNNS.
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4 | 16 | 2018
Retired NNS President Honored Matt Mulherin, former president of Newport News Shipbuilding, was recognized by the United States Navy League April 9 as a 2018 recipient of its annual Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Award. This award honors an industry leader who has demonstrated the leadership, statesmanship and dedication to the nation that were exhibited by the award's namesake.
Shipbuilders spread the word about Relay For Life during lunch. Photo by Matt Hildreth
Attend Relay For Life Kickoff
Mulherin, who retired from the company in July 2017 after a distinguished 36-year career, was honored at the Navy League's annual Sea-Air-Space banquet, held on Monday at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland.
The Newport News Shipbuilding Relay For Life Committee will host a companywide kick-off meeting from 4 until 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 18, at VASCIC 2 West Dining Room. Ron Murray, vice president of Quality; Chavis Harris, director of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Diversity; and Marty McDonald (E57) will speak. Participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the American Cancer Society, Relay For Life and the services they provide for those fighting cancer. To register or create a team, visit RelayForLife.org/NNS. Relay For Life events will be held June 1 from 5 p.m. until midnight at Tabb High School in Yorktown and from 7 p.m. until 2 a.m. at Chesapeake City Park. For more information, contact Christina Chapman (E73) at 534-2652 or via email.
REPORT * Compared to figures from March 2017
"Although this award has my name on it, the reality is that it's a tribute to all of the wonderful people who have supported my shipbuilding journey," Mulherin said. "Shipbuilding is a team sport, and this award
Matt Mulherin (center) accepts the Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Award from Alan Kaplan (left), national president of the Navy League of the United States, and Dr. J.P. “Jack” London, executive chairman and chairman of the board of CACI International Inc.Photo by Ashley Cowan
reflects my team—the smart and talented group of people I've had the honor and privilege of getting to build ships with. It also reflects my team at home—my family who has been by my side throughout this extraordinary journey." Read the full story on the Huntington Ingalls Industries website.
NNS Holding Workers' Memorial Day Events April 30 Newport News Shipbuilding will hold its second annual Workers’ Memorial Day events Monday, April 30. Ceremonies will be held at 6:30 a.m. in the roadway south of Bldg. 1904 and at noon and 8 p.m. in the roadway between the Modular Outfitting Facility (MOF) and Supplemental Modular Outfitting Facility (SMOF). NNS President Jennifer Boykin will be the keynote speaker at the 6:30 a.m. and noon ceremonies, which will be opened by Lucas Hicks, vice president of John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) Aircraft Carrier Construction. Dru Branche, director of Environmental Health and Safety, will be the keynote speaker at the 8 p.m. ceremony.
+ 13%
+ 22%
+ 48%
Year-to-Date Injuries
Year-to-Date Injuries with Days Away, Restricted or Transferred
Safety Improvements (Above Goal)
4 | 16 | 2018
AROUND THE YARD Prepare for Annual Enrollment
NNS to Celebrate Earth Day
Annual enrollment is April 23 – May 4. To prepare for annual enrollment, shipbuilders should look for their enrollment guide on UPoint and use ALEX, Huntington Ingalls Industries' new interactive benefits tool, at myalex.com/hii/2018. Employees who are subject to verify dependents should look for a letter in the mail with instructions on how to submit documentation by June 15.
This year, Newport News Shipbuilding employees will celebrate Earth Day by volunteering to clean up and spread mulch around trees and shrubs at Christopher Newport Park and the Victory Arch area in downtown Newport News. NNS volunteers will also clean the Huntington Park beachfront. The event is planned for Wednesday, April 18. The rain date is Thursday, April 19.
Nonrepresented employees should make sure to update their tobacco-use status during annual enrollment. This year, all nonrepresented employees' tobacco-use statuses will be reset to "tobacco user." In order to receive the preferred "tobacco-free" insurance rate (saving $660 a year), employees must update their tobacco-use status under the medical section of the enrollment hub on UPoint. Shipbuilders can attend an Annual Enrollment Benefits Fair the week of April 16 in Bldg. 520-6 (James River Room) to meet with representatives from HII's 401(k) plans, medical plans, new commuter benefit and more. Management-approved PTO/Flex is required during scheduled work hours. Benefits fairs for salaried employees: • Monday, April 16: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. • Tuesday, April 17: 7 to 9 a.m. and 3 to 5 p.m. • Wednesday, April 18: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Benefits fairs for hourly employees:
Volunteers will meet at the park, next to the cul-de-sac on 26th Street (off West Avenue) at 3:30 p.m. Volunteers will receive a 2018 Earth Day T-shirt, reusable bag and certificate of participation. For more information, and to download volunteer forms, visit the Environmental Engineering webpage. Volunteer forms should be submitted to Ebony Webb (O27) via email or Yardmail to Department O27, Bldg. 79-1. Forms can also be faxed to 688-6007.
• Monday, April 16: 3 to 5 p.m. • Tuesday, April 17: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. • Wednesday, April 18: 6 to 8 a.m. and 3 to 5 p.m.
Reception Planned for Thomas Nelson Alumni Thomas Nelson Community College (TNCC) is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Through the years, TNCC has been a partner of Newport News Shipbuilding, training more than 1,000 of the company's welders, electricians, engineers and more. To recognize this special relationship, an alumni reception will be held from 3:30 until 6 p.m. May 1 at the Old Apprentice School Gym for shipyard employees who earned a degree or certificate from TNCC. Charles Southall, vice president of Engineering and Design, and Ray Bagley, vice president of Trades Operations, will provide keynote remarks. TNCC alumni who wish to attend the reception should respond to their email invitation or contact Susan Brooks (E04) at 534-4431 via email.
ASIAN ERG to Host Asian-Pacific Islander American Heritage Month Celebration May is Asian-Pacific Islander American Heritage Month. The Asian Shipbuilders Including All Nationalities (ASIAN) employee resource group is hosting a celebration from 4:30 until 6 p.m. May 1 in Bldg. 520-6 (James River Room). The event will include a panel discussion about the workforce and diversity with Bharat Amin, vice president and chief information officer; Mary McDermott, manager, Nuclear Propulsion – Overhaul Engineering; Chris Miner, vice president of In-Service Aircraft Carrier Programs; and Margaret Williams, manager, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Diversity. All shipbuilders are welcome to attend the event. RSVP on the ASIAN ERG website.
NNS Participates in Sea-AirSpace Newport News Shipbuilding participated in the Navy League's 2018 Sea-Air-Space Exposition, the nation's largest maritime exposition, April 9–11 in National Harbor, Maryland. Defense & Aerospace Report conducted a wide-ranging interview with NNS President Jennifer Boykin at the exposition. Watch the interview at defaeroreport.com/2018/04/12/newportnews-shipbuildings-boykin-on-us-navystentative-2-ship-ford-class-aircraft-carrierbuy. Photo by Ashley Cowan
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4 | 16 | 2018
The Earth Day Coloring Contest is for all children (ages 4-16) of HII employees. Visit the Earth Day website to download and print the coloring picture and for more details. The entry form is also found on the Earth Day web page and must be filled out completely for artwork to be considered. All winners will receive a 2018 Earth Day T-shirt and reusable bag.
The Project Management Institute at Newport News Shipbuilding (PMI-NNS) organization is hosting a Networking Social from 4 to 6:30 p.m. at Bar Louie in Hampton. No charge will be provided. To RSVP, visit the PMI-NNS website. For additional questions, email PMI_NNS@hii-nns.com.
Attend an information session about MBA programs for working professionals offered by William & Mary’s Raymond A. Mason School of Business from 4 until 5:30 p.m. in Classroom 303 in The Apprentice School (Bldg. 1919-3). Register at www.wmflexmba.eventbrite. com. For more information, contact Macie Osborn at 221-3208 or macie.osborn@mason.wm.edu.
The Professional Enhancement and Enrichment Rotational (PEER) Program is sponsoring a Lunch and Learn from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. in Bldg. 77 to explain how the program works (for salaried individual contributors), answer questions and provide detailed information on how to sign up. Lunch will be provided. RSVP on the PEER website. For more information, contact Gary Figg (O44) at 688-4495 or Pam DeLar (E65/O44) at 534-2631.
Attend a “Prevent Type 2 Diabetes” session from noon until 1 p.m. in Bldg. 600. For more information, contact Casey Dixon, QuadMed wellness coordinator, at 327-4200 or HIIWellness@quadmedical.com
Newport News Shipbuilding is once again a sponsor of the American Heart Association’s Heart Walk. Shipbuilders interested in leading a team this year can attend an informational meeting from 4 until 5 p.m. in Bldg. 520-6 (James River Room). The Peninsula walk is Oct. 20, and the Southside walk is Nov. 3. For more information, contact Amy McDonald (X71) at 688-6489. Visit hamptonroadsheartwalk.org to register as an NNS team lead or to join an existing team as a walker.
L.E.A.R.N. will host an after-work presentation with Chris Miner, vice president of In-Service Aircraft Carrier Programs, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the VASCIC auditorium. The event is open to all employees by reservation only. Sign up on the L.E.A.R.N. website. See the flier for more information. For questions, contact Tanika Vasquez (O24) at 688-7916 or email LEARN@hii-nns.com.
Join The Apprentice School Student Section of SNAME for the 11th annual High School Boat Design Competition from 9:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. at Lake Maury at the Mariners' Museum. Four high school teams earned the privilege of having their ship designs built at NNS and will race across Lake Maury to determine a champion. Concessions will be available, and proceeds will support Apprentice School student organizations. The event is free to attend. Contact Jennifer Ryan (O22) at 380-3150 or Christopher Boone (E22/E61) at 688-2133.
The “Spear and Gear” Toastmasters Club will host a meeting from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Room 247 of The Apprentice School (Bldg. 1919). The event is open to all Newport News Shipbuilding employees and no RSVP is required. The event will provide a forum for employees to learn how to become more effective communicators and leaders. For more information, contact Jason Paquette (E83) at 534-2770.
The Apprentice School will host an open house from 9 until 11:30 a.m. at 3101 Washington Ave. The admissions event will feature a trades expo, hands-on demonstrations, breakout sessions and the opportunity to meet with administrators, instructors and current apprentices. Space is limited. See the flier for more details. For more information and to register, visit as.edu.
The Apprentice School Student Association will host a Mother's Day Paint Party from 1 until 3:30 p.m. at Wine & Design, located at 707 Mariners Row #102 in Newport News. Tickets are currently on sale for apprentices, alumni and staff. Additional tickets go on sale on April 23. One ticket is $10 and two are $15 (limit two tickets per apprentice). Purchase tickets at bit.ly/ASSAmothersDay or visit apprenticestudents.com, click on event, and click on Eventbrite link.
Newport News Shipbuilding will participate in Earth Day events with the Virginia Living Museum from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. There will be an NNS tent with banners, information boards, giveaways, etc. Shipbuilders are encouraged to come out with their families to celebrate Earth Day. For more information, visit the Environmental Engineering website or contact Ebony Webb (O27) at 688-3935.
Visit www.buildyourcareer.com to search for the latest NNS job openings.
Job Title
Req Number
General Foreman iDS Systems Engineer 3 Mechanical Engineer 5 Nuclear Engineer 3 Structural Engineer 3 Structural Engineer 2 Engineer 3 Structural Engineer 2 iDS Planning Tools & Process Developer - Senior Level 3 iDS Planning Tools & Process Developer - Junior Level 2 iDS Production Planning & Scheduling - Junior Level 2 iDS Production Planning & Scheduling - Senior Level 3 Business Management Director 2
23244BR 23067BR 23277BR 23350BR 22595BR 22596BR 22671BR 21856BR 23275BR 23274BR 23256BR 23255BR 23357BR
X09 X47 E71 E82 E82 E82 E62 E46 X47 X47 X47 X47 O70
Balston Spa Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News
Employees are encouraged to use the "Current HII Employees" portal to apply. The company continues to offer cash bonus awards for referrals to select positions, visit www.huntingtoningalls.com/careers/refer-a-friend for more information.
Editor: Nicholas Langhorne Currents@hii-nns.com
Currents is published every Monday for employees of Newport News Shipbuilding. To submit a story or classified ad, visit nns.huntingtoningalls.com/currents.
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4 | 16 | 2018
AUDIO/VIDEO Nintendo DS Lite - Metallic Rose Gold Lite excellent condition. Includes charger and stylus and one game. (757) 784-8591 Fluance Tower Speakers Mint Signature Series 3-way tower dual 8" bass, 5" mid, 1" tweeter. Bought 2/18. Text for pics. $550 OBO. (757) 869-4842 Wireless Headset - For auto DVD player with remote. New $150. Still in box. $50. (757) 864-0559 DJ - 11 years experience, custom playlists for any event, lighting effects and photography. (757) 869-1876
AUTO 1996 Ford Taurus - 171K miles, A/C, A/T, current inspection sticker, good tires. Good work vehicle. $995. (757) 876-4790 1990 Jeep Cherokee - Needs some work. $1,000 OBO. (757) 880-0390 2003 HD Electra Glide Classic Two tone HD. Garage kept with 47K miles. Ready to ride this summer. $10,000 OBO. Pics. (757) 746-6156 2015 Sentra - 28K miles and 1 owner. Excellent condition. Call for pics. $11,500 OBO. (757) 746-6156 2012 Harley Fatboy bags and windshield. (757) 803-4469
With $10,900.
2008 Chrysler Sebring Tour - 58K convertible excellent cond., turquoise, 1 owner, garage-kept. $6,400. (757) 439-2963 Tires - Five 255/70/R18 Bridgestone Dueler tires. Only 8k miles on four of them. $400 for all five. (757) 291-8232 Parts Vehicle - 2000 Dodge van. 01/18 insp. Rusted. Great 5.9L eng & trans w/75,000. Lt 225x70xr16 Michelin <5,000. Nego. (757) 739-8879
Auto cont.
Real Estate cont.
Miscellaneous cont.
2007 Ram 1500 - Crew cab, 135k miles, excellent maint. Must see to appreciate. Call or text for more info. (757) 256-6919
House for Rent - 3br, 1.5 bth on cul-de-sac. No pets. Close to NNS. $1,000 a month. 1-yr lease required. (757) 874-4865
Custom Wreaths & Decor Custom handmade wreaths signs wall hangings & decor. Holiday seasonal sports or your own theme. (757) 256-9015
FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES 50-Inch Sony TV - Great for large family room or man cave. Good condition. Text for pictures. $125. (757) 218-5607 Bedroom Suite - Dresser with mirror, king-size headboard, chest of drawers, nightstand. $250. (757) 619-3903 Refrigerator - Runs great. $100. (757)-238-2964
REAL ESTATE Newer Home for Rent - Single-family 3 bed, 1.5 bath with gas heat & hot water. Central A/C. 712 32nd St., NN. $900/month. (757) 462-6903 Western Branch Home for Sale - Near Ches Sq. Mall off Taylor Rd. Brick ranch on cul-de-sac with crawlspace, fp, screened porch. (757) 618-3668 Townhouse for Sale - Meridian Parkside. 10 min from NNS. 3-story, 2BR, 3.5BA, 1,782 sq. ft., rec room, WIC, garage, open plan. (412) 600-5298 OBX Rental - Mile Post 11, 3 bdrm/2 bath between highways; walk to beach; go to beachdazenagshead. com. (757) 681-7532 House for Rent - 3 BR & 2 full baths in Hampton. 7 minutes from shipyard. $1,000 per month. (757) 871-9627 Land for Sale - 3 lots, 10 acres each in Gates, N.C., just across state line. Septic approved. Buy before we timber. (757) 334-5526 House For Rent - 3 bdrm, 2 bath, Burnetts Mill in Suffolk. Pond in backyard. $1,250/month. Deposit & refs. required. (757) 618-6007
Home for Rent - 2 bedroom, 1 bath on owner's property. Ideal for one. Includes stove, fridge and gas heat. $825/mo. (757) 715-5460 Studio Apartment - Private entrance, furnished 1BR studio, near CNU. Utilities/WiFi included. $1,095/month. (757) 358-4458 Room for Rent. - All utilities included. Briarfield/Big Bethel Rd. area. $125 per week. (757) 298-1043 Beach House for Rent - 3 Bdrm, 1-1/2 Bth on Beach Rd, Kitty Hawk. $950. $100 deposit. Beautiful ocean view. (757) 846-1036
Affordable Lawn Care - $40 cut/trim average-sized yard. Also mulching, bush/tree trim, lawn seed, aerating and more. (757) 813-5074 Pest Terminator - Free inspections. Expert pest, termite, moisture control, under house repairs & poly installation. (757) 873-4999 House Cleaning - Experienced, trustworthy house cleaning at a reasonable price. Weekly rates available. Gloucester area. (757) 251-8974
OBX Rental - "Someday" Outer Beaches Realty #14-3bdrm/2.5bathGreat view, tallest house in Buxton. (800) 627-1850
Landscaping - We do all lawn care. Clean up, shrub & tree trimming. Mulch & mowing. Gloucester area. (757) 525-0259
House for Rent in Norfolk - 4 br, 2 ba 2,000 sq. ft. LR, fam room, eat-in kitchen w/fridge. Wall-to-wall carp. Central heat & A/C. Laundry room, big yd on lake. (757) 340-6653
Items - Olympic Weight Bench and Olympic Weight Set 250 lb, $299. 2 Dumbbell sets selectable, $89, $69. (757) 218-2946
MISCELLANEOUS House Keeping Service - No job too big or too small. Licensed and insured. Newcomers welcomed. (254) 368-8320. RedWing Steel Toe Boots NIB 12EE, Thorogood. Check Craigslist for pics or text. $175. (757) 876-4285 RedWing Steel Toe Boots 12D, Thorogood. Check Craigslist for pics or text. $175. (757) 876-4285 Steel Toe Boots NIB Wolverine Size 12M brand new in box. Check Craigslist for pics or text. $80. (757) 876-4285
Items - Vacuums, $25 and up. Carpet cleaners, $50 and up. Ionic air purifiers, $45. Teeter inversion tables $150. (757) 218-2946 Exercise Equipment - Treadmills, $65 to $499. Ellipticals, $65 to $499. Exercise bikes, $65 to $220. Treadclimber TC 10, $399. (757) 218-2946 Asphalt Millings - Perfect for driveways. Delivery only. 15 tons per truckload. $200/load. Available now. (757) 869-8613 Full Service Lawn Care - Free estimates. Liscenced and insured. (757) 933-3856 Firewood - Split Hardwood: pecan and oak. Full cord, $180. Half cord, $95. Bundles, $6. Delivery available. (757) 715-5460 Wire Shelving - New shelving: 12 ft. long (Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll cut to length). Save $$. Call for prices. (757) 535-9279
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4 | 16 | 2018
EMPLOYEE CLASSIFIEDS MISCELLANEOUS Lawn Care – Mowing, edging, etc. (NN, Hampt., York. Area) (757) 535-9279 Island Vacation - Enjoy Dom. Republic all-inclusive Grand Bahia Principe San Juan. Exp June 20, $650. Or Dec. 20, $775. (757) 739-8879 Gutter Cleaning - We clean gutters by hand, bag the debris, flush your down spouts. Licensed and insured. (757) 810-5115 House Washing - House, roof and concrete cleaning. Most of our methods are used with less than 500PSI. Licensed. (757) 810-5115 Truck Bed Cover - Lund brand. Fits 5’8” Chevy Silverado crew cab, short bed. Only 4 months old. $300. (757) 593-9369 Kids Jackets - Kids Harley reversible jackets. Were $200 each new. Selling for $75 each. Call for sizes. (757) 864-0559 The North Face Gore-Tex Jacket - Brand new with tags. Size large, color is black. Have pics. $165. (757) 724-8289 Secretaries Day April 25th - Order gift baskets, flowers & balloons. We deliver or pickup at 97 Main St. (757) 599-0100
Miscellaneous cont.
Boat and Marine Supply cont.
Wanted cont.
Kimball Console Piano - In good condition and family owned. Have Pics. $200. (757) 817-5607
Bass Tracker Boat - 17 foot with 40hp Evinrude, tuned up and ready to go. Text for pics or more info. $2,900. (757) 817-6292
Van commuters - Commuter van from Va. Beach to NNS daily 1st shift. Van leaves from Diamond Springs Rd. Text 'VANRIDE' to (757) 450-6740
Roofing, Siding and Crawl Space Repairs - Honest, competitive prices. Licensed and insured. References avail. (757) 641-0738 Weber Grill - 18” Smokey Mountain Cooker w/BBQ Guru Party-Q Temperature Control. New combined $450. Selling for $275. (757) 812-2719 Home Cleaning General home cleaning. Free estimates. Special occasion cleaning welcomed. Licensed and insured. (757) 371-3904
HOBBIES Youth Football & Cheer League York-seaford youth football & cheer now registering. Auto-Darkening Welding Shield Like new. Shades 9-13. Blue/white flame design, $60. Text for pic. (757) 817-7033
Child care - M-F Menchville area. 20+ years experience. (757) 249-2624 A/C Service - Offering price on spring tune (757) 771-3441
great ups.
BOAT & MARINE SUPPLY J/24 Sailboat - Performance 24' sailboat w/ original deck layout. Perfect to learn, cruise, day sail, race. $3,100. (757) 810-4518 1995 Malibu Response Ski Boat - W/ 2009 aluminum trailer and training/ barefoot boom. $11,500 OBO. (757) 870-9181
Washer & Dryer - Broken washers & dryers that are in your way. Will pick up for free. (757) 617-0100 Van Passengers - Passengers wanted for Gloucester carpool. $40 weekly. Will run on weekends. (757) 813-5074 Real Estate Wanted - We buy homes “As-Is.” No hassle. We can close on your timeline. Text (757) 656-6373 2nd Shift Ride to NNS - Leave Ahoskie at 12:55 p.m. Pickup in Winton-Gates County. (252) 287-7395
Lifeguards - Lifeguards needed for small NN community pool. To apply or get more information call (757) 535-9279 NN Yard Sale - NN neighborhood seeking items to sell at yard sale fundraiser. To donate or get info, call (757) 535-9279
PETS Marvelouse Shih Tzu Puppies Marvelouse shih tzu puppies,text or whatzapp (404) 593-0958 Bird Cage For Sale - Bird cage for sale! $200 OBO. 5Ft bird cage on wheels. Pewter color (757) 619-3903 2 Very Nice Bird Cages - 1 Lg Bird Cage ($150) & 1 Med ($80) assembled, call for pics & dimensions, leave message, OBO (757) 409-8200 Akc German Rotties - AKC German rotty puppies micro chipped and will have all shots $800. total $300. deposit. 5 Puppies left (440) 537-1298
Shipbuilders Celebrate March Madness To encourage employee engagement and to celebrate March Madness, Bldg. 86-3 hosted a floor Spirit Week in March. Tatayanna Cox-Taylor (X51) and Marya Pearson (O06) created themes for each day of the week and encouraged their coworkers to dress in accordance with the day's theme. Themes included: • • • • •
Madness Monday (NNS Spirit Day) Team Tuesday (Favorite Professional Sports Team Day) Warrior Wednesday (Favorite Superhero Day) Throwback Thursday (Rep Your Alma Mater or Favorite College Team Day) Freestyle Friday (Wear Green for St. Patrick's Day)
Five teams of shipbuilders competed for the title of most spirited.
Shipbuilders celebrate "Team Tuesday."