Annual Enrollment Ends Friday 4 l 30 l 2018
Annual enrollment ends Friday, May 4. Employees should take this once-a-year opportunity to review their benefits and visit to learn about Huntington Ingalls Industries’ benefits plans.
A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding
Nonrepresented employees should be sure to update their tobacco-use status before annual enrollment ends. This year, all nonrepresented employees’ tobacco-use statuses will be reset to “tobacco user.” In order to receive the preferred “tobaccofree” insurance rate (saving $660 a year), employees must update their tobacco-use status under the medical section of the enrollment hub online, or call the Huntington Ingalls Benefits Center (HIBC). Employees who do not update their tobacco-use status will be defaulted to “tobacco user” and... CONTINUED ON PG 5
Shipbuilders install a 750-metric-ton forward section of Kennedy's main deck. Photo by John Whalen
John F. Kennedy 75 Percent Structurally Complete Earlier this month, John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) shipbuilders completed a superlift of the forward area of the ship’s main deck, making the aircraft carrier 75 percent structurally complete. “Thus far, this is the largest and most outfitted unit that I’ve been responsible for,” said Construction Supervisor Council Pickett (X91). “As with any component or section of the ship, it takes a team of dedicated shipbuilders working around the clock, and I’m very proud of what the team was able to accomplish.” Kennedy, the second ship in the Gerald R. Ford class of carriers, has been taking shape at NNS since the ship’s keel was laid in August 2015. The ship is being built using modular construction, a process where smaller sections of the ship are welded together to form a structural unit, known as a superlift. The superlift is then outfitted with piping, electrical equipment, cable, ventilation and joiner work and is lifted from the assembly area into the dry dock. The 750-metric ton forward section of the main deck includes the machinery spaces located over the ship’s forward diesel generators. Also installed was the first piece of the aircraft carrier flight deck, which includes command and control, pilot ready rooms and additional support spaces, a jet blast deflector and components of the advanced arresting gear system. With the recent superlifts, 341 of the total 447 sections are currently in place. Kennedy stands about 100 feet in height in the dry dock with only the island and main mast remaining to bring the ship to its full height of 252 feet. CONTINUED ON PG 3
A longleaf pine planted at The Mariners' Museum is named for Dorothy, Newport News Shipbuilding's first hull. Photo by Ashley Cowan
NNS Dedicates Longleaf Pine Grove Newport News Shipbuilding dedicated a longleaf pine grove with The Mariners’ Museum and Park and The Nature Conservancy on April 27. The trees – the same type that were used in early shipbuilding – commemorate NNS-built ships. The trees are named Dorothy, SS United States, USS Enterprise (CVN 65), USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) and USS Washington (SSN 787). Locke Ogens, Virginia state director of The Nature Conservancy, said there used to be 1.5 million acres of longleaf pine habitat in... CONTINUED ON PG 4
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4 | 30 | 2018
HII Family Vision Center's Grand Opening is Tuesday
Focus NNS Celebrates its 50th Episode Watch the 50th episode of Focus NNS on MyNNS, on the NNS to Go app or on Newport News Shipbuilding's external website. This edition features Sea-Air-Space 2018, ACIBC Action Days, Earth Day and a look back at the past 50 episodes of Focus NNS. Since its debut nine years ago, Focus NNS has provided viewers with in-depth video reports of current NNS events.
The HII Family Vision Center is celebrating its grand opening Tuesday, May 1. Shipbuilders can stop by between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. to meet the optometrist and staff, shop in the retail section and take advantage of grand opening raffles and discounts. Newport News Shipbuilding employees and dependents who visit the vision center in the first month of its opening will be entered to win a giveaway basket, including a free pair of sunglasses. Located in the Family Health Center, the vision center offers comprehensive eye care and a retail section for adult's and children's frames, lenses, safety glasses and more. All NNS employees and dependents are eligible for its services. "We'll provide patients a complete eye exam and prescriptions for eye glasses, safety glasses and contact lenses," said Dr. David Hogge, the optometrist at the vision center. "Vision is your most important sense so we're
The HII Family Vision Center opens this week for NNS employees and dependents. Photo by Matt Hildreth
here to promote eye health and safety." Eye exams at the Family Vision Center include free retinal imaging without dilation, allowing employees to go back to work or drive home after appointments. The vision center is operated by VSP, Huntington Ingalls Industries' vision insurance provider, and offers in-network rates to employees and dependents enrolled in HII's vision plan. VSP is a third-party vendor. All personal medical information is protected by HIPAA and not shared with HII. Call 327-4188 to schedule an appointment. Several Newport News Shipbuilding leaders participated in the training program as guest speakers, including Kelly McDonald (O50), David Lambert (K70), and Bryan Caccavale (O78). Their presentations provided an overview of corporate strategy and the importance of Strategic Sourcing's role in meeting company objectives.
Pictured on the front row from left are Jonathan Doyle, Chelsea Ellis, Shavonne Small, Benny Collins, Grae Bogle and Steve West. Pictured on the back row from left are Brandon Simmons, Reed Clifford, Yolanda Harrell, Craig Phaup, Kim Hamrick, Doug Leonard, Carrie Clark, Terri Knight, Kevin Leigh and Nicholas Hill. Not Pictured: Darnae Hines and Dale Martin. Photo by Ashley Cowan
Third Cohort Completes Buyer Certification Program Strategic Sourcing graduated an additional 18 professionals from Phase III of the Buyer Certification Program last month. The program is a collaborative partnership with Strategic Sourcing, the Management Development Center and Pennsylvania State University. The graduates included employees from across the Strategic Sourcing Division. This crossfunctional cohort included procurement analysts, engineering planning analysts, strategic sourcing analysts, subcontract administrators and project managers. The training focused on leadership, procurement skills and developing working relationships across the division.
As part of the Communication Skills Module, Stephanie Simmons, director of Supply Chain Management Compliance, Operations and Commercial Procurement, provided what participants deemed a TED Talk-worthy presentation. "In both your professional and personal life, listening is a critical skill. By listening to the tone of a person's voice and observing their body language, you will increase the probability of fully understanding the message being communicated to you," she said. Sixty one shipbuilders have completed the program to date. The leadership team plans to kick off Cohort 4 in the third quarter of 2018.
4 | 30 | 2018
John F. Kennedy 75 Percent Structurally Complete CONTINUED FROM PG 1
A third key milestone also was achieved last week when the first two generators supporting the electromagnetic aircraft launch system (EMALS) were installed. “We are very proud of the progress we are making on the Kennedy,” said Lucas Hicks, vice president of the CVN 79 Program. “The ship now is 75 percent structurally erected and more than 40 percent complete. Many of the improvements we have made over the construction of CVN 78, including increased pre-outfitting and performing more complex assemblies in our shops, will allow us to launch the ship three months earlier than planned.”
Engineer Matthew Clark (E25) has temporarily shifted to the CVN 79 Program Office to help coordinate Kennedy’s launch. “We’re ensuring that there is good visibility on all of the work that needs to happen to get to early launch,” he said. “Looking beyond that, we’re also working to understand and shed some light on the items we want to have complete to set the test program up for success once the ship leaves dry dock.” Kennedy is scheduled to be christened in the fourth quarter of 2019 and delivered to the U.S. Navy in 2022. Watch videos on MyNNS of the flight deck and main deck superlifts. skills and develop as leaders. Poquoson High School students William Chapman and Johnathon Shannon participated in the event for the second time this year. Both said it has influenced their plans for the future.
Boat Design Competition participants show their designs to Ron Murray, vice president of Quality. Photo by Ashley Cowan
SNAME Boat Design Competition Wraps Up Saturday More than 200 high school students from across Virginia and as far away as New Jersey entered the 11th annual Boat Design Competition, hosted by The Apprentice School Student Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME). Participating teams submitted boat designs and were invited to a luncheon at The Apprentice School in late March where the four finalists – chosen from nearly 50 teams – were announced. At the luncheon, students had the opportunity to browse boat design displays from different teams, tour Newport News Shipbuilding’s mobile experience (MX) trailer and learn more about The Apprentice School and NNS. “It’s really exciting to see how happy the students are to check out the designs. They really enjoyed the MX trailer as well,” said Jennifer Ryan, faculty adviser of The Apprentice School Student Section of SNAME and an adviser for the competition. “Hopefully, we interest participants in either coming to The Apprentice School or going to a four-year school and coming back to work as a shipbuilder after college.” The final four teams – representing Jamestown High School in Williamsburg, the Advanced Technology Center in Virginia Beach, Briar Woods High School in Ashburn and Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda, Maryland – will race boats they designed this weekend. X32 shipbuilders build the boats designed by the students for the race. Ryan said the competition gives apprentices – who lead the competition – an opportunity to showcase their
“The competition is a good indication of how engineering is in the real world. There’s always ups and downs. You might have to restart because something happens,” said Shannon, who plans to study mechanical engineering in college. “If you’re interested in the field of engineering, it’s a good program to try out. It definitely helped me figure out what I want to do.” Chapman has his eyes set on a slot at The Apprentice School. “The competition is how I found out The Apprentice School existed. I have applied, and my intention is to come here as soon as I can.” Ryan hopes even more teams will participate in coming years – especially those from high schools in Hampton Roads. “I would challenge everyone – especially if they have children at a local high school – to encourage students to participate in the competition next year,” she said. Race day for the top four teams is 9:30 a.m. until 1 p.m., Saturday, May 5, at The Mariners’ Museum’s Lions Bridge. The event is open to the public, and Ryan encourages shipbuilders to bring their families to support the student teams. Shipbuilders interested in volunteering at the race day event should contact Tim Mills at
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4 | 30 | 2018
Parking and Transportation Updates West Avenue Garage Newport News Shipbuilding employees with any color decal can continue to park on the top two decks of the West Avenue Garage, located between 30th and 31st streets, through the end of June. The company’s external shuttle picks up and drops off at the 31st Street Gate and transports employees to the Bldg. 903 Garage, and 50th, 46th, 42nd and 31st streets. Reminder: Changes to NNS’ Internal Shuttle Beginning April 30, the company’s internal shuttle service will be reduced by two shuttles to accommodate various transportation needs across the shipyard. NNS will continue to support the internal shuttle services with eight buses during the peak traffic times. The internal shuttle route will remain the same, however, the cycle time for internal routes will take approximately 10 minutes longer. As a result, employees utilizing internal shuttle services should allow additional time to get to and from their destination, especially during peak travel times. The internal shuttle services the entire internal route from 5 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. on weekdays. For additional information, visit the Park-andRide website on MyNNS. Huntington Avenue Bridge Replacement Project The city of Newport News will begin a project to replace the Huntington Avenue bridge this spring. Once construction starts, several motorcycle parking spaces along 41st Street at Bldg. 520 will be removed. To offset the reduction in motorcycle parking, NNS has converted a portion of the executive parking area, directly adjacent to Dorothy, into employee motorcycle parking only. These spaces are currently available for use and will remain available throughout the project. Employees should pay close attention to signage and markings. The parking area closest to Bldg. 520 will remain reserved. The city expects to set a start date this week for the project. Once NNS receives these dates, they will be communicated to employees.
From left: Josh Jordan, son of Everett Jordan Jr.; Cynthia Jordan, wife of Everett Jordan Jr.; Congressman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott; Jeremy Jordan, son of Everett Jordan Jr.; Newport News Councilwoman Saundra N. Cherry; Ray Bagley, vice president of Trades Operations; Newport News Vice Mayor Tina L. Vick; Karen Wilds, executive director of Newport News Redevelopment and Housing Authority; Krista Nelson, daughter of Ron Nelson; and Cathy McQuade, Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg Board President. Photo by John Whalen
NNS Breaks Ground on 16th Habitat House Newport News Shipbuilding hosted a ground-breaking ceremony on April 23 for the 16th home it will build in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg. The new home build in the southeast community of Newport News will celebrate the lives of Everett H. Jordan Jr., the former director of The Apprentice School and 44-year veteran of the shipyard, and Ron Nelson, a longtime Habitat construction supervisor. The men met in 2002 when the partnership with NNS and Habitat began, and they formed a friendship and helped build a stronger foundation for low- to moderate-
income families in the area. Jordan and Nelson died in February 2018 and November 2017, respectively. "When our company began partnering with Habitat for Humanity, Everett was put in charge of the partnership," Ray Bagley, vice president of Trades Operations, said during the special ceremony. "He took great pride in his role and continued to coordinate and engage in our efforts in all 15 houses we've built so far for these deserving families. "Like Everett," he said, "we're proud to be a part of this important program and proud that some of our shipbuilders can also call themselves homebuilders." Read more on the Huntington Ingalls Industries website.
NNS Dedicates Longleaf Pine Grove CONTINUED FROM PG 1
...southeastern Virginia. “When John Smith and Christopher Newport came to Virginia, they found the potential of the longleaf forests regarding Britain’s sea power,” she said. The trees contributed to Britain’s military and commerce. By the 20th century, the trees were almost gone. “The tree species was decimated when wooden ships were in fashion,” said Mariners’ Museum and Park Operations Manager Dave Kennedy. “The industry used the wood because it was hard and full of resin and sap, making the wood waterproof.” Dru Branche, director of Environmental Health and Safety at NNS, said it’s fitting that the shipbuilding industry, which is
partially responsible for the near extinction of the longleaf pine, is now contributing to its repopulation. “Going forward, every time NNS delivers a ship to the Navy, another tree will be planted in the grove,” she said. “The trees will take on the names of the newest named ships.” Each longleaf pine planted at The Mariners’ Museum and Park is a way of giving back to the environment. The museum will offer a $1 admission fee, Memorial Day through Labor Day. Guests can see the longleaf pine grove for free by visiting Harvey Field at The Mariners’ Museum and Park. Watch a video about the longleaf pine grove on MyNNS.
4 | 30 | 2018
AROUND THE YARD On-the-Spot Ethics Awards Announced
Support Relay For Life
The following shipbuilders were recently honored with Level Two On-the-Spot Ethics Awards: Jasmine Sapp (O94), Nathan Dolan (K78), Rodney Harris (X32), Dave Pierce (X31), Dennis Reynolds (X18), Courtney Potter (X18), George M. Hamilton (E81), Jeffrey H. Holland (O43), Jerry Williford (X11), Amanda Byrum (X15), Nancy H. White (E10), John B. Gray (O41), Kimberly Gibson (O44), Alvin C. Jackson (X36), Charles A. Klein (E25), Donna Little (O53), James Miller IV (O19), Steven Kasperbauer (X18), Jason Gardner (X43), Robert L. Jarrett (O46), LaRon A. Smith (O74), Junius Smith (O43), Larry Wise (O43), Monica Butler (O55), Matthew J. Kirkham (E49) and John D. Figg (X47). To nominate a fellow employee, submit form C-941 to the Ethics Office, Dept. O18,
NNS Badge Reminder ecurity and Emergency Management S reminds Newport News Shipbuilding employees that company identification badges must be displayed in plain sight on the front of the torso between the shoulders and waist at all times while on NNS premises, except when prohibited by working conditions. Badges should not be attached to hard hats or other headgear, or in any manner that could constitute a safety hazard. Badges should be removed and stored out of sight when employees are not on NNS premises. Badges should not be photographed, photocopied or otherwise reproduced.
Newport News Shipbuilding is partnering with the American Cancer Society to support this year’s Relay For Life fundraiser with a goal to raise $50,000. On June 1, NNS is participating at events in Yorktown and Chesapeake. Shipbuilders can register or make a donation at RelayForLife. org/NNS. Participants will receive an NNS Relay for Life T-shirt. People who relay can also purchase a luminaria to decorate and light at the event for $10. For more information, or to purchase a luminaria, contact Christina Chapman (E73) at 534-2652 or via email.
Win Tickets to a 2018 Virginia Arts Festival Performance As a sponsor of the 2018 Virginia Arts Festival, Newport News Shipbuilding has a variety of tickets to events included in this year's festival. Events will be held in May and June. To distribute tickets to employees, NNS will hold a drawing Monday, May 7. As names are drawn, selected employees will be contacted for a chance to win two tickets to a Virginia Arts Festival performance. Employees interested in entering their name into the drawing should send an email to Judy Fundak (K18) with their name, PERN, department and a phone number where they can be reached by close of business on first shift Friday, May 4. For questions, contact Judy Fundak at 380-3011.
Enter National Welding Month Puzzle Contest Newport News Shipbuilding is highlighting the importance of first-time quality as it recognizes April as National Welding Month and continues an awareness campaign called "Make it Match." Shipbuilders can visit welding-puzzle to enter a welding-themed puzzle contest. Entries must be received by May 9.
ISO 9001 Audit Planned for May 7-10 Newport News Shipbuilding will undergo a surveillance audit of its Quality Management System (QMS) May 7–10. The American Bureau of Shipbuilding Quality Evaluations (ABS-QE) will conduct this audit. An audit team will review work documents associated with many of the areas of the shipyard, including records for equipment calibration, training, production control, product testing, internal audits, and corrective and preventive actions. Auditors may also request to randomly interview employees in both nuclear and non-nuclear work areas about work procedures to evaluate their work practices, overall awareness of Newport News' quality management policies and the knowledge of the impact their work has. Employees should answer questions about how they normally accomplish their work. During the last audit, several people and departments were asked about their work processes. Managers, general foremen and supervisors should emphasize to employees the importance of having knowledge of their work procedures and working to authorized procedures and drawings. A successful audit will maintain the shipyard's ISO 9001 certificate for the Quality Management System. The shipyard was first certified to ISO 9001 in 1993 and has renewed the certification every three years since. For more information, contact Remona Price (O04) at 380-2889.
Annual Enrollment Ends Friday CONTINUED FROM PG 1 the standard medical insurance rates starting July 1. Employees subject to verify their dependents should look for a letter in the mail with instructions on how to submit documentation by June 15. Contact the HIBC at 1-877-216-3222 for questions about annual enrollment.
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4 | 30 | 2018
Women in Shipbuilding Enterprise (WiSE) is sponsoring Walk with WiSE Wednesdays every week through May 30. Participants meet at 12:05 p.m. in front of Dorothy or in the VASCIC lobby to walk during their lunch break.
A reception will be held from 3:30 until 6 p.m. at the Old Apprentice School Gym for shipyard employees who earned a degree or certificate from Thomas Nelson Community College (TNCC). Charles Southall, vice president of Engineering and Design, and Ray Bagley, vice president of Trades Operations, will provide keynote remarks. TNCC alumni who wish to attend the reception should respond to their email invitation or contact Susan Brooks (E04) at 534-4431 via email.
The Asian Shipbuilders Including All Nationalities (ASIAN) employee resource group is hosting an Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month celebration from 4:30 until 6 p.m. May 1 in Bldg. 520-6 (James River Room). The event will include a panel discussion with Bharat Amin, vice president and chief information officer; Mary McDermott, manager, Nuclear Propulsion – Overhaul Engineering; Chris Miner, vice president of In-Service Aircraft Carrier Programs; and Margaret Williams, manager, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Diversity. All shipbuilders are welcome to attend the event. RSVP on the ASIAN ERG website.
Join Brian Fields, vice president of Integrated Planning and Production Control; Chris Miner, vice president of In-Service Aircraft Carrier Programs; and Matt Needy, vice president of Operations, as they participate in the United Way Over the Edge to End Poverty/Toss the Boss fundraiser from 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Newport News at City Center. Donate at find-rappeler.
The Apprentice School Student Association will host a Mother's Day Paint Party from 1 until 3:30 p.m. at Wine & Design, located at 707 Mariners Row #102 in Newport News. One ticket is $10 and two are $15 (limit two tickets per apprentice). Purchase tickets at ASSAmothersDay or visit, click on event, and click on Eventbrite link.
Newport News Shipbuilding employees are encouraged to support nonprofits across Hampton Roads during Give Local 757. This is the annual event's fifth year, and organizers hope to raise $1 million for local nonprofits in 24 hours. To learn more about the effort, or to donate, visit
MAY 16
Are you interested in learning more about the different Employee Resource Groups at NNS? L.E.A.R.N. is hosting an ERG Expo from noon to 12:30 p.m. in Applebees (Bldg. 227). The event is open to all employees. For more information, contact Tanika Vasquez (O24) at 688-7916 or Helen Dennie (O28) at 380-4831.
MAY 19
The Society of Manufacturing Engineers at The Apprentice School is hosting the 2018 Cardboard Boat Regatta. Teams will build cardboard boats and race them at 8 a.m. at Windsor Castle Park in Smithfield. Get a team together and come and join the fun. All proceeds will benefit Shriners Hospitals for Children. For more information or to register, visit
MAY 19
The 11th Annual NNS 5K will be held at 9 a.m. at Victory Landing Park. The run/walk event is family friendly. Registration is $10 for adults and $7 for children ages 12 and under. Visit the NNS 5K website at huntingtoningalls. com/5k for more information and to register. Send questions to
Visit to search for the latest NNS job openings.
Job Title
Req Number
General Foreman Engineer 3 Senior Software Quality Engineer IT Systems Engineer IT Systems Engineer HCM SAP Structural Engineer 3 Nuclear Engineer 3 Construction Supervisor 2 iDS Program Control Manager 3 Engineering Manager 2
23592BR 22671BR 22417BR 20611BR 17632BR 20378BR 23134BR 23222BR 23635BR 23655BR
K45 E63 T52 T55 T55 E12 E86 X82 O97 E15
Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News
MAY 19
The 2018 NNS Submarine Program Golf Classic will be held at 1 p.m. at Cypress Creek Golfer's Club. This is a four-person, Captain's Choice tournament. The cost is $80 per person ($320 per team). Tournament proceeds will benefit the nonprofit Stop Soldier Suicide and the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank. For more information, contact Johnny Mintz (X67) at 688-5031 or 880-8965.
MAY 22
Attend a free SmartPath class about retirement readiness to learn how to save for the future. Classes are offered from 6 – 6:45 a.m. in Bldg. 1744-6 (Operations Conference Room), from noon – 1 p.m. in Bldg. 520-6 (Executive Dining Room) and from 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. in VASCIC (Conference Room 219). RSVP with your preferred class time to by May 18 or ask your foreman to register you. Space is limited. Management-approved PTO/Flex is required during scheduled work hours.
The Hampton Roads chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation will host a golf tournament at Sleepy Hole golf course. There will be a 1 p.m. shotgun start with a four-person captain's choice format. The cost is $75 per person. Price includes green fees, cart, unlimited range balls, post tournament awards and dinner. NNS' Contracts and Pricing Department (O19) is supporting this community event to help find a cure for type one diabetes. For more information, contact Steve Speight (O19) at 380-7381.
The 13th annual F. Farrell Sanders Memorial Golf Classic will be held at Cypress Creek Golfer's Club. Tee off is at 11 a.m. with a post-tournament dinner to follow. To register a team, submit raffle prize donations or sponsor a tee box, contact Sarah Gentry (K45) at 329-2449 by May 30. All donations are tax deductible.
Women in Shipbuilding Enterprise (WiSE) is hosting a lunch mixer featuring Christie Thomas, vice president of Contracts and Pricing, from noon until 12:30 p.m. in 2 West Dining in VASCIC. Contact Krysti Filer (O12) via email to RSVP. Attendees must RSVP.
Employees are encouraged to use the “Current HII Employees” portal to apply. The company continues to offer cash bonus awards for referrals to select positions, visit for more information.
Editor: Nicholas Langhorne
Contributing Writer: Lena Wallace Currents is published every Monday for employees of Newport News Shipbuilding. To submit a story or classified ad, visit
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4 | 30 | 2018
AUDIO/VIDEO Onkyo Speakers & Receiver - Onkyo fusion AV S70 4-way tower speakers and Onkyo TX-900 receiver EC, $250. (757) 329-8148 DJ - 11 years experience, custom playlists for any event, lighting effects and photography. (757) 869-1876 Fluance Tower Speakers Mint Signature Series 3-way tower dual 8" bass, 5" mid, 1" tweeter. Bought 2/18. Text for pics. $550 OBO. (757) 869-4842 Factory Car Stereos - 2 factory 2din car stereos for 2005 (Camry & Envoy) both good working condition. $150 for both. (757) 452-8830 2Din Car Stereo - Rear cam, Bluetooth, navi, DVD, all work but poor radio reception. $80. (757) 4528830 JBL 5.1 Home Theater Speakers JBL SCS500. Excellent condition. 10" subwoofer-shelf/wall mount. Text for pics. $200. (757) 810-8743 Harman Kardon Stereo Receiver Excellent condition. With remote. $150. (757) 268-1080 Computer Repair - New build, repair, virus removal and operating system installation. $95 + parts. (757) 329-6761 Xbox 360 Games - Madden '16, $15. NBA 2K15, $5. FIFA '14, $5. Nascar '08, $4. Fight Night RD 3, $3 OBO. (804) 347-8957 35MM Cameras - Minolta X370s, Canon AEI, Miranda Sensoe X, filters, flashes and much more. (757)504-7818
AUTO 2010 Mazda I Sport - Black. Jan. inspection. Runs great. 4dr auto, power windows & locks. 150K miles. $5,000 OBO. Text for pics. (757) 897-7560
Auto cont.
Auto cont.
Real Estate cont.
2014 Yamaha V Star 1300 Tourer Blk, 5,700 mi., Mustang hard trunk, pass. foot boards, driving lights, cruise ctrl., orig. backrest. 3/18 insp. $8,200. (757) 721-0554
2007 HD 1200 Sportster - Excellent condition. Many extras. Black with red striping. Chrome details. $2,750 neg. (804) 413-7083
OBX Rental - Mile Post 11, 3 bdrm/2 bath between highways. Walk to beach. (757) 681-7532
1996 Ford Taurus - 171K miles, A/C, A/T, current inspection, new brakes, good tires. Dependable work vehicle. $955. (757) 876-4790 2001 Honda Shadow ACE Motorcycle with less than 17,000 miles. Could use a tune up. $1,500. Leave voicemail or text. (757) 897-5254 2016 Suzuki GSXR 750 - Black & white. 5,700 miles. Adult owned. Always under cover. $9,000. (757) 876-5987 2015 Honda Accord - Gray. Loaded. $17K. (757) 329-6761 1995 Pontiac Firebird V6 - T-tops, 5-speed. New leather seats. 100K miles. $3,000. (757) 329-6761 2005 V6 Mustang Convertible Red. 100K miles. Pics avail. $4,500. (757) 329-6761 07 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara - Black, 3.5" ProComp lift, 35" BFG, 18" ProComp wheels, 2WD, soft top, 3.8L, 4dr, steel bumpers. (808) 462-2527 Chrome Rims 18in - Set of 4 w/tires 5 lugs, lug pattern 5 x 114.3 off Camry. $300 OBO. (757) 347-8957 2000 Suzuki Intruder 1400 - Good beginners bike or daily driver. 45 MPG. Easiest bike to ride. 14,500 mi. Very good cond. $2,600. (757) 870-2897 2008 Chrysler Sebring Convertible - 58K miles, turquoise, garage kept, Excellent cond. Clean VIN and title. $6,400. (757) 439-2963 2003 F250/2004 4Runner Part Out - Parting out both trucks. Both 4x4, lots of good parts. Text preferred. (757) 329-6326 BFGoodrich A/T Tires - BFGoodrich T/A K02 - P245/75/R16. Excellent cond. $600. Text for pics. (757) 810-8743
2000 Conversion Van - 75,000 mi. Rusted. 01/18 insp. 5.9L eng/trans LT225x70xR16 Mich <5k. Cpt chairs, bed. Negotiable. (757) 739-8879
FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES Sturdy Metal Futon/Bunk Bed Missing futon mattress and bed mattress. Pick up in VB, $20 OBO. (757) 721-0445 Appliances - Great bundle deal. Refrigerator, gas stove, washer & dryer. Good condition. Text for pics. $1,050. (575) 921-6405 Dining Set - Solid (light tone) wood oval dining table with leaf and 4 chairs. Good condition. Very sturdy. $125. (757) 268-1080 Maytag Dryer - Maytag Bravos dryer model: MEDX700XLO. Color: gray/silver. $200 OBO. (757) 570-4282 Bedroom Suite - Queen headboard, chest, dresser with mirror, end table. Heavy duty furniture. (757) 619-3903 Refrigerator - Works great. For home or garage. No dents or scratches. $100 OBO. (757) 238-2964 Vintage Left-hand Desk - Vintage early 70s desk. Chair not incl. Med color wood. Excellent condition. $50. (757) 504-5845 Tall Oak Bar Table - Light color. Stools not incl. 4x2x3', nonsmoking, shelf in back. Great cond. Solid wood. $175. (757) 504-5845
REAL ESTATE 2 BR Home for Rent - Denbigh. Small 2 BR, 1 bath home on owner's prop. Incl. water, gas heat, fridge, stove. $825/mo. (757) 715-5460
Townhouse for Sale - Meridian Parkside. 10 min from NNS. 3 story, 2BR, 3.5BA, 1,782 sq. ft. Rec room, WIC, garage, open plan. (412) 600-5298 Pool, Hot Tub and House - 3BR/1.5Ba. Det. garage, large deck, adjacent park. 11 min. from NNS in Hampton. $1,250/mo. (757) 303-0431 Home for Sale - 2609 Wickham Ave. 1,540 sq. ft. 4 BR, 1 extr-room, large dining rm, large kitchen. Big living room. Very good condition. $105,000 OBO. (757) 870-2897 House for Rent - 3 BR & 2 full baths in Hampton. 7 minutes from shipyard. $1,000 per month. (757) 871-9627 Land for Sale - 3 lots, 10 acres each in Gates, N.C., just across state line. Septic approved. Buy before we timber. (757) 334-5526 Newer Home for Rent - Single fam. 3 bed 1.5 Bath. 712 32nd St., NN. New gas heat/hot water, central A/C. $900/month. (757) 462-6903 House for Rent - 3BR, 1.5 bath on cul-de-sac. 1-year lease req. Close to NNS. No pets. $1,000 a month. (757) 874-4865 House for Sale - 2 story, 4 BR/2.5 BA in RiverBluff on the Nansemond River. $313K. (843) 822-9854 Beach House for Rent - 3 bdrm, 1-1/2 bth on beach road in Kitty Hawk. $950/$100 deposit. 6/3-6/10 and 6/10-6/18. (757) 846-1036 Real Estate Wanted - We buy homes â&#x20AC;&#x153;as-is.â&#x20AC;? No hassle, we can close on your timeline. Text (757) 656-6373 OBX Rental - "Someday" Outer Beaches Realty #14-3bdrm/2.5bathGreat View, tallest house in Buxton. (800) 627-1850 Room for Rent - Big room with utilities and Wi-Fi. Call/text for more info or pics. $550/month. (757) 303-8123
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MISCELLANEOUS Housekeeping Service - No job too big nor too small. Licensed and Insured. (254) 368-8320 The North Face Gore-Tex Jacket - Brand new with tags. Size large, color is black. Have pics. $165. (757) 724-8289
Miscellaneous cont.
Miscellaneous cont.
Miscellaneous cont.
Pest Terminator - Free inspections. Expert pest, termite, moisture control, under house repairs & poly installation. (757) 873-4999
Ladies Black Leather Jacket. Worthington black leather jacket, size PM. Zippered front and pockets, rayon lining. Like new. $25. (757) 288-9821
Home Cleaning General home cleaning. Free estimates. Special occasion cleaning welcomed. Licensed & insured. (757) 371-3904
Framed Needlepoint - “Music is love in search of a word.” 21-in. sq., Custom frame. Major colors pink, white, green. $20. (757) 288-9821
Mother’s Day - Custom gift baskets, flowers & balloons. We deliver or you pick up. (757) 599-0100
Steel Toe Shoes - 2 pairs of new steel toe shoes size 10 men. Bought online, too small. $100 for both. Text for pics. (757) 452-8830
24m/2T Spring/Summer Clothes - 18 gal tote full of clothing. $50 for everything. Must pick-up. Text for fastest response. (757) 771-9873
Bios/Auto-Bios Book Collection - JFK, Iacoca, BTWash, HSTru., ALinc., Tubman, Schwartzkopf, Douglass. Text for list, pix. All $50 OBO. (757) 288-9821
18m Boys Spring/Summer Clothes - 18 gal tote full of clothes $50 for everything. Must pick-up. Text for fastest response. (757) 771-9873
Crystal Champagne Flutes - 12 Bohemian flutes, Claudia, Czech Republic. Text for pics. $60. (757) 288-9821
House Cleaning Experienced,trustworthy house cleaning at a reasonable price. One time/weekly/monthly rates available. (757) 525-0259
Norman Rockwell Famous umpires framed. Text for (757) 288-9821
Island Vacation - Enjoy Dom. Republic all-inclusive Grand Bahia Principe San Juan. Exp June 20, $650. Or Dec. 20, $775. (757) 739-8879 Wedding Dress - 16W, Mermaid, lace up back. Top part has little jewels. Text (256) 293-9675 Murray Push Mower - 21" cut Murray push mower. No rust. $75. (757) 452-8830 Riding Mower - Lowes riding mower. Not running. $75. (757) 452-8830 Piano for Sale - Whitney by Kimball console piano. Family owned. Good condition. Have pics. $200. (757) 817-5607 Cemetery Lots - 4 lots at Natl Memorial Park, Fairfax, VA. $3,000. ea. or All 4 for $10,000. 1 lot in CC for $2,500. (919) 630-5553 Harrington Raceway/Ocean Downs - Bus trip to Casino May 26th. $50. tickets, receive $60. back for play + refreshments. Call for tix! (757) 434-6320
Firewood for Sale - Split Firewood. Oak and Pecan. Full Cord, $185. Half Cord. $95. Bundles, $6. Delivery available. (757) 715-5460
$40 Cut/Trim/Edge Your Yard - $40 cut, trim and edge average-sized yards. Also aerate, seed, fertilize and more. (757) 813-5074
Wire Shelving - 12 ft. long (I’ll cut to length). Save money. Call for prices. (757) 535-9279
Landscaping - We do all lawn care. Clean up, shrub, tree trimming, mulch & mowing. Reasonable prices. Gloucester area. (757) 525-0259
Print. picture, pic. $17.
Nu-Wave PIC2 Induction cooktop does not get hot but heats the cookware. Comes with accessories. Never used. $80. (757) 675-9500
Lawn Care - Lawn Care – Mowing, edging, etc. (NN, Hampt., York area) (757) 535-9279
Queen Bedspread - Quilted front w/forest green, blue, brick. Solid blue back. Cotton. Text for pic. $25. (757) 288-9821
Items - Vacuums, $25 & up. Carpet cleaners, $50 & up. Ionic air purifiers, $45 & up. Blowers & weed eaters, $35. (757) 218-2946
University of Michigan Snuggie - Big letters, yellow and blue. Warm fleece. $15. (757) 288-9821
Connoisseurs Wine Set. - Brookstone 6-pc set. Opener, stopper, pourer, siphon, etc. Wooden case. Exc. cond. Text for pic. $25. (757) 288-9821
Double Boiler Cookware - Like new specialty item, melt chocolate, make pudding, etc. Text for pic. $25. (757) 288-9821 The Stars and Stripes Forever. Unopened Blu-Ray DVD. Clifton Webb, Robert Wagner. Includes trailer, notes on Sousa. $5. (757) 288-9821 Quilt Bedspread Full. - Soft cotton pastel bedspread, quilt squares, white on reverse. Double/full. Text for pic. $25. (757) 288-9821 Digital Camera - Pentax Optio W90. Battery charger, extra battery, and operating manual incl. $50. (757) 288-9821 Fireplace Log Holder. - Sturdy cast iron frame, strong canvas sling. For the hearth. Text for a picture. $10. (757) 288-9821
Garden Flags Collection. - Holidays, flowers, Penn State, Steelers, U. Michigan, U.S. flag. All for $30. (757) 288-9821 Exercise Equipment - Treadmills, $65, $150, $199, $399, $499. Exercise bikes, $65, $85, $125, $220. Ellipticals, $50, $85, $135, $299. (757) 218-2946 Roofing, Siding, Crawl Space Repairs - Honest, competitive prices. Lic. and insured. References avail. (757) 641-0738 Weber Grill - 18” Smokey Mountain Cooker w/BBQ Guru Party-Q Temperature Control. New combined $450. Selling for $250. (757) 812-2719
WANTED Washer & Dryer - Broken washers & dryers that are in your way. Will pick up for free. (757) 617-0100 Portable Dishwasher - Looking for a working portable dishwasher for new apartment. (757) 375-4337 Pool Lifeguards Needed - Lifeguards needed for small NN community pool. To apply or get more information call (757) 535-9279 Need Topsoil - Topsoil or sand. (757) 329-6761 Commuter Van Riders - Commuter Van from Va. Beach to NNS daily 1st shift. Leaves from Diamond Springs Rd. Text 'VANRIDE' (757) 450-6740
PETS Bird Cage for Sale - 5 Foot tall with wheels. Convex door. $200 OBO. Text or call for pics. (757) 619-3903
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EMPLOYEE CLASSIFIEDS Pets cont. 2 Bird Cages - 1 Lg Bird Cage ($150) & 1 Med ($80). Assembled. Call for pics & dimensions, leave message. (757) 409-8200
HOBBIES Bus Trip-Casino Harrington Raceway & Ocean Downs $50/ tickets receive $60 back for play and refreshments. Saturday, May 26. (757) 434-6320 Womens Empowerment Workshop - Helping women embrace their femininity through dance. Only women allowed. (757) 755-1937
Hobbies cont.
Boat and Marine Supply cont.
White's Spectra VX3 Metal Detector - New, custom bag, book. Registered. $1,100. Pics available. (757) 880-0721
Alpha One Gen1 Outdrive Works great. Not pretty. Can demonstrate. Needs shaft seal. $200. (757) 452-8830
BOAT & MARINE SUPPLY Jet Ski Lift - 45 degree boom model. New stainless cable. Great condition. $500. (757) 869-3862
Shipbuilders install the first piece of flight deck on John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) earlier this month. Photo by Matt Hildreth
FREE ITEMS Hutch - Large china cabinet with some minor flaws. Pick up only. Text for pics. (757) 897-3246