May 7, 2018

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5 | 7 | 2018

A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding

Photo by Matt Hildreth

NNS Unveils Monument Honoring Fallen Workers

HII Family Vision Center Opens

A new monument honoring workers who died or were injured on the job is on display at Newport News Shipbuilding. Shipbuilders unveiled the monument at the three Workers’ Memorial Day ceremonies on April 30. A ceremony was held during lunch on every shift. “This monument, showing a walnut base, bronze boots and a hard hat, was created to serve as a constant reminder of our shipbuilders’ sacrifice, life, dedication and hard work,” said Willie Hayes, director for Submarine Construction in Structural Fabrication and Assembly.

The HII Family Vision Center celebrated its grand opening May 1. Operated by VSP, Huntington Ingalls Industries’ vision insurance provider, the vision center offers comprehensive eye care and a full retail section with eyeglasses, safety glasses, contact lenses and more.

“We put everything we had into making this monument something special for employees and family to see,” Hudgins said. “We wanted to build something that would remind everyone of the importance of working safely.”

“It’s very convenient since it’s right across the street from the shipyard,” said Charles Spivey, president of the United Steelworkers union. Spivey and Linwood Parrish, vice president of the United Steelworkers union, toured the vision center and met the staff at the grand opening. “It’s great to hear they don’t have to dilate your eyes when you do an eye exam. It gets you back to work faster.”

Dru Branche, director of Environmental Health and Safety, spoke at the second-shift ceremony and emphasized the importance of safety while working in an industrial environment. She said safety has improved significantly at NNS in the last few years. “Last year we closed out with about 900 injuries,” she said. “It’s one of our best years to date. I’m proud safety is better, but if you are part of the 900, it’s still way too many.”

An optometrist and opticians are on-staff to offer eye exams, treatment for eye conditions, frame fitting and more. The vision center is open to all HII employees and dependents and offers in-network rates to individuals...

The monument is currently located in the lobby of the Supplemental Modular Outfitting Facility (SMOF). It will move to different locations, including other lobbies and production areas. The patternmakers who built it include Chris Perry, George LaFrance, Zachary Hudgins and Zane Haden.



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5 | 7 | 2018

Shipbuilders Recognize National Electrical Safety Month Newport News Shipbuilding’s Electrical Department (X31) is recognizing May as National Electrical Safety Month. This is the third year X31 has sponsored the Electrical Safety Month initiative. The department has placed banners around the yard from Pier 2 to Dry Dock 12 to help raise awareness about electrical safety. “I believe bringing awareness to electrical safety hazards is the best way to prevent accidents and I am proud to be a small part of the Electrical Safety Month campaign,” said Industrial Engineer Stan Reams. On average, there are more than 300 deaths and 4,000 injuries across the nation each year from contact with an electrical energy source. There are more than 2,500 children treated from wall outlet accidents each year. These numbers don’t include countless near misses that aren’t reported, according to Reams.

The Electrical Department (X31) placed banners around NNS to raise awareness about electrical safety.

“If this initiative helps prevents a death or an accident, it is well worth the effort,” he said. The department is also playing a short video around the yard that features various electricians and their words of wisdom regarding electrical safety.

Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month: Brant Requizo May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month. The theme for this year’s Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) monthly recognition campaign is "Unite Our Voices by Speaking Together." As part of the campaign, four employees will be featured during each recognition month – two from within the featured demographic and two outside of it. Employees will share personal stories, insight and perspectives on what the month means to them. Features will be published in Currents, the NNS to Go app, MyNNS and HII social media channels. Brant Requizo (X31) remembers eating lunch on board USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) – the ship on which his father served – as a child. Back then, Requizo had no idea he would one day help to build aircraft carriers, including USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) and Kennedy’s second namesake ship – CVN 79. At Newport News Shipbuilding for about seven years, Requizo is a deck electrician, working to install and test electrical equipment on boats. “You have to listen to the veteran shipbuilders and just soak it in. You learn something different almost every day,” he said.

The son of immigrants from the Philippines, Requizo said his father’s Navy service was one factor that compelled him to work at NNS. “My father was a Navy veteran and a civil servant. Although he faced challenges and discrimination, he was determined to become a citizen and give my brother and me a better life than he had growing up.” Requizo said he believes NNS is moving in the right direction in terms of diversity, although he would like to see more Asian American and Pacific Islander representation among the deckplate workforce. “I had great leadership when I got here. They pulled me in and taught me. That inspired me to help others coming behind me.” Now, Requizo regularly tells people he meets in the community to “take a chance at shipbuilding.” The industry is stable and offers the chance to make a difference, he said. “The United States is a land of opportunity, and I’m grateful for the sacrifices my parents made to come here from the Philippines. My father served in the Navy for 20 years, and now I get to serve in a different way. It’s

important that we encourage more people from diverse backgrounds to come to the shipyard, because we can all contribute with unique skills, talents and perspectives.” View Requizo's poster on MyNNS. Employees interested in participating in this year’s I&D campaign are encouraged to visit

5 | 7 | 2018

CURRENTS 3 The event featured a panel discussion about workforce diversity with Bharat Amin, vice president and chief information officer; Mary McDermott, manager, Nuclear Propulsion – Overhaul Engineering; Chris Miner, vice president of In-Service Aircraft Carrier Programs; and Margaret Williams, manager, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Diversity. The discussion focused on exploring, understanding and embracing different aspects of inclusion and diversity. Panelists talked about the influence of diversity on their own identity and how they have applied their knowledge and experiences in the workplace.

Margaret Williams, left, Chris Miner, Mary McDermott and Bharat Amin participate in a panel discussion during the Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month celebration. Photo by Ashley Cowan

ASIAN ERG Hosts Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month Celebration The Asian Shipbuilders Including All Nationalities (ASIAN) employee resource group hosted an Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month celebration for Newport News Shipbuilding employees May 1.

“It was a fantastic demonstration of how diversity leads to prosperity,” said Richard Mullin (E83). “One common theme I found throughout the event was that the range and variety of cultures and upbringing brings about different opinions and ways to handle issues in the workplace. This multitude of different ideas and methodologies in the workplace is a necessary component of a prosperous company.”

Shipbuilders Recognized for Engagement and Leadership The USS George Washington (CVN 73) Waterfront Leadership Engagement Team (WLET) recently held a luncheon to recognize a group of shipbuilders for modeling engagement and leadership on the deckplate during the first quarter of 2018. Shipbuilders recognized were: Jerry Williford (X11), Leroy Jones (X18), Nicholas Schneider (X18), Joey Wiggins (X18), Bobby Nichols (X31), Carl Richardson (X31), Duriel Smith (X31), Jamal Herbert (X32), Steven Hyler (X32), Dwayne Solomon (X32), John Hoffler (X33), Adriane King (X33), Alphonso Whitby (X33), Dashawn Turner (X36), Christopher Aldridge (X42), Brent Bunn (X42), Robert Upshur (X42), Roger Auxier (X43), Jose Villaneuva Salamanca (X43) and Donald Stedry (X43). In appreciation for their efforts, the WLET presented each shipbuilder with a certificate,

Members of the CVN 73 Waterfront Leadership Engagement Team (WLET) recently honored shipbuilders for modeling engagement and leadership.

coin and hard hat sticker. “We would like to again thank these engaged shipbuilders for setting the bar and leading the way to improve waterfront engagement,” said WLET member Travis Cook (X43). “The CVN 73 WLET will continue to recognize shipbuilders for their leadership, engagement efforts and high deckplate presence each quarter.” The WLET, which is composed of trade leaders, has been committed to improving the lives of shipbuilders in the In-Service Aircraft Carrier Program since 2015. The team works closely with deckplate craftsmen and craftswomen to increase engagement and help provide solutions to important concerns from the workforce.

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Parking and Transportation Updates North Yard: Blue and Silver Decal Parking In an effort to standardize parking allocations across the shipyard, Facilities will soon be separating the currently combined blue and silver decal areas in the North Yard – this is the only location at NNS where two types of decals share a lot. The date of when this change will occur has not yet been determined, but will be communicated in advance via company communication channels. When the blue and silver parking areas are separated, both will be in close proximity to the West Gate, as well as the Brown and Root Gate, giving employees several options to enter the shipyard. Once the change is implemented, there will be signage to direct employees to the correct parking area and a minimal grace period to allow employees to get acclimated to the change before Security begins enforcement. NNS will monitor usage of these parking areas and will make adjustments as necessary. For questions, contact Ann Willis (O69) at 688-3094. Parking/Traffic Improvement Study As referenced in the first quarter 2018 Quality of Life update, Newport News Shipbuilding has contracted with a third party vendor to conduct a Parking/Traffic Improvement Study to evaluate parking across the shipyard and future parking needs based on ship schedules. Potential short and long-term parking solutions and recommendations to improve traffic flow will be included in the study. Beginning the week of May 7, shipbuilders will likely see drones and surveyors taking photos of shipyard parking areas and observing traffic flow immediately outside shipyard gates. This activity has been approved by NNS Security and is part of the ongoing study. Additional information about this study will be communicated with employees and results will be shared with the workforce in the third quarter of this year. For specific questions about the study, contact John Chilbert (O41) at 380-7037.

The new monument was unveiled during ceremonies on April 30. Photo by Matt Hildreth

NNS Unveils Monument Honoring Fallen Workers CONTINUED FROM PG 1

Shipbuilders who attended the Workers’ Memorial Day ceremonies laid white roses at the foot of the monument in remembrance of those who lost their lives on the job.

HII Family Vision Center Opens CONTINUED FROM PG 1

...enrolled in HII’s vision insurance.

Watch a video of the Workers’ Memorial Day ceremonies on MyNNS.

“The vision center has a great selection of glasses for men and women,” Parrish said. “The safety glasses are comparable to options out in town.”

Night School Registration Underway

The vision center is currently offering a buy-one-get-one half-off discount on frames. Employees and dependents who visit in the first month of its opening will be entered to win a giveaway basket, complete with a free pair of sunglasses. “It has a nice, clean setup,” said Kenisia Wilson (O15), who visited the center opening day. “I will definitely come back for safety glasses and eyeglasses.” The Family Vision Center is located in the HII Family Health Center and is open 7 a.m.

Linwood Parrish, vice president of the United Steelworkers union, left, and Charles Spivey, union president, check out the new HII Family Vision Center. Photo John Whalen

to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to noon Saturdays. Call 327-4188 to schedule an appointment with the optometrist.

Registration is underway for Newport News Shipbuildings' Summer 2018 Night School session, which is scheduled to begin the week of June 18 and run through Aug. 18. The application deadline is Friday, May 18. To view the Night School schedule, visit and look under the programs tab, visit the Night School website or check the NNS to Go app. For more information call the Night School Office at 688-8608.

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AROUND THE YARD New Commuter Benefit Begins May 11

Shipbuilders Honored for Work During Datacenter Power Down

Enrollment for Huntington Ingalls Industries’ new commuter benefit begins May 11 and ends June 10. Open to all Newport News Shipbuilding employees, the commuter benefit allows shipbuilders to use pre-tax dollars to purchase transit and/or parking passes for commuting between their home and work. It can be used for the bus, vanpool, parking garages and more.

Shipbuilders who spent a March weekend working around the clock to power down Newport News Shipbuilding’s datacenter, complete necessary facility repairs and bring the datacenter back up were honored during a recent luncheon.

To enroll, employees should access the Your Spending Account (YSA) webpage on UPoint. From there, the YSA page can be used to order a transit/parking pass to be mailed directly to the employee's home. Money can be added to the pass each month for commuting expenses. Employees should enroll this spring for benefits to take effect July 1. Visit for more details.

Register for NNS 5K by Friday The 11th Annual NNS 5K will be held at 9 a.m., Saturday, May 19, at Victory Landing Park. The run/walk event is family friendly. Registration is $10 for adults and $7 for children ages 12 and under. Visit for more information and to register by Friday, May 11. Email for questions.

During the shutdown, shipbuilders worked to repair a water valve that supports the datacenter’s sprinkler system. “This was a unique challenge for the entire team and they came together and worked through the planning and execution in a very professional and deliberate way. This enabled them to complete the task ahead of schedule and accomplish more than was planned. This team has set a high standard that will be very helpful as we continue with similar efforts in the future,” said Jim O’Brien, director of Facilities. The massive undertaking from Friday, March 2, until Sunday, March 4, involved about 170 people – including IT and Facilities personnel, electricians and suppliers, according to Technology Services Director Ken Forrest. “While there were a few tense moments with expected hardware failures, our team overcame numerous obstacles and banded together to resolve all

Bharat Amin, vice president and chief information officer, thanks shipbuilders for their work March 2-4. Photo by John Whalen

issues and deliver the datacenter back to the business 4.5 hours ahead of schedule,” he said. Karen Ryan (T54), manager of the Technical Services team, was among the shipbuilders who worked more than 24 hours during the weekend. “It was an amazing, adrenaline-driven experience to watch how the team came together and was able to accomplish such a huge goal in such a short amount of time,” she said. “It truly made me proud to see such an event and to be part of that team.”

HII Publishes 2017 Community Report Huntington Ingalls Industries has published its 2017 Community Report. Employees can also view the report on HII's website and/or the HII Facebook page

Security Star Award Nominations Open Do you know an employee who should be nominated for a Security Star Award? The quarterly recognition program recognizes employees for outstanding performance of security responsibilities at Newport News Shipbuilding. For more information, see the program guidelines. Nominations must be submitted using Form NN 9722 (located in the Forms Viewer) and are due by June 29.

Future Shipbuilders Participate in "Signing Day" at New Horizons More than 15 students from New Horizons Regional Education Center recently participated in a signing day May 1 to commit to positions at Newport News Shipbuilding. The signing day, similar to events held for athletes to sign with their chosen teams, allowed students to publicly announce their employment in front of parents and peers. Watch a video on MyNNS highlighting the ceremony and programs at New Horizons. Photo by Matt Hildreth

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Women in Shipbuilding Enterprise (WiSE) is sponsoring Walk with WiSE Wednesdays every week through May 30. Participants meet at 12:05 p.m. in front of Dorothy or in the VASCIC lobby to walk during their lunch break.

MAY 7-9

Newport News Shipbuilding Relay For Life volunteers are passing out fliers and helping shipbuilders register for the event. Shipbuilders interested in joining NNS’ Relay For Life team can find volunteers stationed outside of most gates and buildings from 5 until 8 a.m. and at Applebees and the Carrier Café during lunch. Shipbuilders can also register at For more information, contact Christina Chapman (E73) at 534-2652 or via email.

MAY 19

The Society of Manufacturing Engineers at The Apprentice School is hosting the 2018 Cardboard Boat Regatta. Teams will build cardboard boats and race them at 8 a.m. at Windsor Castle Park in Smithfield. Get a team together and come and join the fun. All proceeds will benefit Shriners Hospitals for Children. For more information or to register, visit

MAY 7 & 21

Laser Quest Virginia Beach is hosting Newport News Shipbuilding employees, family members and friends for free from 5 until 7 p.m. For more information and to reserve a spot, email, call (757) 463-6300 or visit

MAY 19

The 2018 NNS Submarine Program Golf Classic will be held at 1 p.m. at Cypress Creek Golfer's Club. This is a four-person, Captain's Choice tournament. The cost is $80 per person ($320 per team). Tournament proceeds will benefit the nonprofit Stop Soldier Suicide and the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank. For more information, contact Johnny Mintz (X67) at 688-5031 or 880-8965.


Newport News Shipbuilding employees are encouraged to support nonprofits across Hampton Roads during Give Local 757. This is the annual event's fifth year, and organizers hope to raise $1 million for local nonprofits in 24 hours. To learn more about the effort, or to donate, visit

MAY 16

MAY 17

A new employee resource group, WellNNS, will hold a launch event from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. at the old Apprentice School Gym, located adjacent to Bldg. 600. WellNNS will promote the use of existing NNS facilities, encourage participation in sporting and health awareness events, and help organize groups interested in running/walking and other sports and wellness-related activities. For more information, email or contact Pat Howard (E86) at 688-6001 or Doug Murphy (E86) at 534-2076.

MAY 23

Are you interested in learning more about the different Employee Resource Groups at NNS? L.E.A.R.N. is hosting an ERG Expo from noon to 12:30 p.m. in Applebees (Bldg. 227). The event is open to all employees. For more information, contact Tanika Vasquez (O24) at 688-7916 or Helen Dennie (O28) at 380-4831.

The Veterans Employee Resource Group (VERG) is hosting a veterans benefits awareness event in the Alumni Room at The Apprentice School from 4:30 until 6 p.m. For more information, contact Adam Krininger (X84) at 380-4286.


Visit to search for the latest NNS job openings.

Job Title

Req Number



Quality Engineer 2 Compensation Analyst 2 iDS Systems Engineer 3 Systems Engineer 3 Electrical Engineer 5 Foreman Test Inspection Supervisor 1 Foreman Foreman

22576BR 23598BR 23065BR 20056BR 18700BR 20858BR 22368BR 23004BR 23582BR

X10 O23 X47 E30 E05 N960 O96 K45 K46

Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Washington, D.C. Newport News Ballston Spa Newport News Newport News

Employees are encouraged to use the “Current HII Employees” portal to apply. The company continues to offer cash bonus awards for referrals to select positions, visit for more information.

Editor: Nicholas Langhorne

Contributing Writer: Lena Wallace Currents is published every Monday for employees of Newport News Shipbuilding. To submit a story or classified ad, visit


The Hampton Roads chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation will host a golf tournament at Sleepy Hole golf course. There will be a 1 p.m. shotgun start with a four-person Captain's Choice format. The cost is $75 per person. Price includes green fees, cart, unlimited range balls, post tournament awards and dinner. NNS' Contracts and Pricing Department (O19) is supporting this community event to help find a cure for type one diabetes. For more information, contact Steve Speight (O19) at 380-7381.


The Veterans Employee Resource Group (VERG) is hosting a celebration for the Army’s birthday at Applebee’s (Bldg. 227) from noon until 12:30 p.m. For more information, contact Adam Krininger (X84) at 380-4286.


The 13th annual F. Farrell Sanders Memorial Golf Classic will be held at Cypress Creek Golfer's Club. Tee off is at 11 a.m. with a post-tournament dinner to follow. To register a team, submit raffle prize donations or sponsor a tee box, contact Sarah Gentry (K45) at 329-2449 by May 30. All donations are tax deductible.


Women in Shipbuilding Enterprise (WiSE) is hosting a lunch mixer featuring Christie Thomas, vice president of Contracts and Pricing, from noon until 12:30 p.m. at VASCIC (2 West Dining Room). Contact Krysti Filer (O12) via email to RSVP. Attendees must RSVP.


Huntington Ingalls Industries' Technical Solutions division is seeking candidates to fill a manager-level position at the Nevada National Security Site. The U1a complex nuclear engineering manager will set nuclear safety functional requirements, be cognizant for facility modifications and be responsible for reliable operations of vital nuclear safety systems. This position is equivalent to an engineering manager 3 at NNS. To apply, visit tsd.huntingtoningalls. com/careers, and go to the bottom of the page. Under the section titled either “Nuclear and Environmental Careers” or “Do You Need Assistance?” select the blue button labeled “Search for (SN3) Nuclear and Environmental Jobs.” Contact Bob Granata at 688-1171 for more information. Cover Photo: Shipbuilders lay white roses at the new monument to honor those who have lost their lives on the job.

Get News. Give Feedback. Follow Huntington Ingalls Industries:

5 | 7 | 2018



AUDIO/VIDEO JBL 5.1 Home Theater Speakers JBL SCS500. Excellent condition. 10"subwoofer-shelf/wall mount. Text for pics. $200. (757) 810-8743 Fluance Tower Speakers Mint Signature Series 3-way tower dual 8" bass, 5" mid, 1" tweeter. Bought 2/18. Text for pics. $500 OBO. (757) 869-4842 DJ - 11 years experience, custom playlists for any event, lighting effects and photography. (757) 869-1876 iPhone 7 - 128GB, 5 months old, in excellent condition. Comes with outer box and belt clip. $300. (252) 339-4705 Car Audio Equipment - Subwoofer, amplifier and speakers. $175 for all. Willing to sell items individually. (614) 586-3022

AUTO 2016 Suzuki GSXR 750 - Black & white. 5,700 miles. Adult owned. Always under cover. $9,000. (757) 876-5987 BFGoodrich A/T Tires - BFGoodrich T/A K02 - P245/75/R16. Excellent cond. White letters. $600. Text for pics. (757) 810-8743 1996 Ford Taurus - 171K miles, A/C, A/T, current inspection, new brakes, good tires. Dependable work vehicle. $955. (757) 876-4790 1998 Honda Civic - 192k miles. Newer tires, newer exhaust and new battery. Cold air, hot heat. Drives well. 5-speed. $750. (757) 375-6074 2015 Coachmen Catalina Camper - EC, lots of extras. 3 Queen beds, electric fireplace. $17,000 OBO. (757) 969-3672 1988 Yamaha VMAX - 1300cc, garage kept. 23k miles. Will text pics. $2,500 OBO. (757) 589-4804 2007 Yamaha Venture - 1300 cc, garage kept. 37k miles. New tires/windshield. Will text pics. $10,000 OBO. (757) 589-4804

Auto cont.

Furniture and Appliances cont.

Real Estate cont.

2012 Harley Fat Boy - With bags, windshield and low miles. $10,900 OBO. (757) 803-4469

Furniture - Full bedroom set, $225. 2 wood bookcases, $30 each. 4 chests of drawers, $20 each. (757) 771-0121

OBX Rental - "Someday"Outer Beaches Realty #14-3bdrm/2.5bathGreat View, tallest house in Buxton (800) 627-1850

2008 Honda Goldwing Gl1800 - Pearl white. Premium audio, GPS, new Clearview windshield. 57,053 miles. (757) 537-8428 2006 HD 1200 Sportster - 17K miles, new tires, battery and state insp. Runs great. Needs good cleaning, extras. $3,500. (757) 810-9071 2013 Ford Explorer XLT - Excellent cond. Black. Fully loaded with leather, nav. and moonroof. 115K miles. Carfax avail. Text for pics. (757) 327-2963 1996 Coachmen M300QB RV - Ford V8, Onan generator, new awning/ flooring. Approx. 58,000 miles. $5,500. (757) 604-2846 Harley Davidson Fatboy - 100th Anniversary Model, 16k miles. Incl. jacket, helmet, gloves, boots and transporter. $7,500. (757) 667-9500

FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES Hospital Bed - Invacare Full Electric hospital bed with deluxe mattress. $250. (757) 279-0052 Baldwin Baby Grand Piano Mahogany finish. Fair condition. $500 OBO. Text for pictures. (757) 310-4769 Dining Room Set - 10-piece Broyhill dining room set. Traditional style with dark stain. In good condition. $400. (757) 532-3338 Dining/Kitchen Chairs - 6 Dining/ Kitchen chairs. Green/teal color. Very comfortable. Great cond. $70. Text for pic. (757) 817-6292 Sofa and 2 Chairs - Ethan Allen Sofa: greens/blues. Chair: greenish. Chair: mauve-ish. Text for pics. $2,000. (757) 817-6292 Baby Crib and Accessories - Elite Crib 'N' More Baby (Model 299180208), accessories, playpen, backpack included. NN area. $130. (313) 820-3684

REAL ESTATE House for Sale - Menchville zone. 4 bdrm, 2.5 bth, liv rm, din rm, den w/FP, 2 car att gar. 1 car det gar, deck. BC Charles/Gildersleeve. (757) 759-3781 House for Rent - 3BR 1.5 bth on cul- de-sac. 1-year lease req. Close to NNS. No pets. $1,000/month. (757) 874-4865 Townhouse for Rent - 2BR/2.5BA condo, 1,300 SF. 2 minutes from shipyard. Gated community w/ pool. $1,100/mo. $1,000 deposit. (757) 529-0260 Home for Sale - 2 story, 5 bed, 2.5 ba. Beautifully remodeled in NN. Search '104 Lambert Dr' on Facebook for more info. $239,900. (757) 869-0309 House for Sale - 2 story, 4 BR/2.5 BA in RiverBluff on the Nansemond River. $309,900. (843) 822-9854 Real Estate Wanted - We buy homes “as-is.� No hassle. We can close on your timeline. Text (757) 656-6373 Townhouse for Sale - Meridian Parkside. 10 min from NNS. 3 story, 2BR, 3.5BA, 1,782 sq. ft. Rec room, WIC, garage, open plan. (412) 600-5298 Condo for Rent - 2 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, 1,300 sq. ft. 2 minutes from NNS. Gated community w/ pool. Peaceful area. (757) 725-0682 Cemetery Lots - 4 lots at Natl Memorial Park, Fairfax, VA. $3,000 ea. or All 4 for $10,000. 1 lot in CC for $2,500 (919) 630-5553 House for Rent - 2BR/1BA house at 2028 B Richard Ave in Buckroe. On Zillow. Large fenced-in yard, storage. $700/month. (757) 813-1984

Lots For Sale - Two 1/2 acre lots for sale on tidal canal in Gloucester. (757) 641-4994 Room for Rent. - Briarfield/Big Bethel Road. $125 per week with all utilities included. (757) 298-1043 House for Rent - 7 Woolridge Pl., NN. 3BR/2 bath brick ranch. Available June 1. Attached garage. $1,475/month. (757) 284-5488 Newer Home for Rent - Single family home. 3 bed, 1.5 baths. New gas heat/central ac. 712 32nd St., NN. $900/month. (757) 462-6903

MISCELLANEOUS Event Decor - Tying the knot? I can help with silk bouquets, centerpieces, candy buffets, etc. Free consultation. (757) 206-3386 Crystal Champagne Flutes - 12 Bohemian flutes, Claudia, Czech Republic. Text for pics. $60. (757) 288-9821 Double Boiler Cookware - Like new specialty item, melt chocolate, make pudding, etc. Compare to eBay. Text for pic. $25. (757) 288-9821 The Stars and Stripes Forever Unopened blu-ray. Classic. Clifton Webb, Robert Wagner. Includes trailer, notes on Sousa. $5. (757) 288-9821 Quilt Bedspread - Soft cotton pastel bedspread, quilt squares, white on reverse. Double/full. Text for pic. $25. (757) 288-9821 Digital Camera - Pentax Optio W90. Battery charger, extra battery, and operating manual incl. $50. (757) 288-9821

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5 | 7 | 2018


MISCELLANEOUS Ladies Black Leather Jacket Worthington black leather jacket, size PM. Zippered front and pockets, rayon lining. Like new. $25. (757) 288-9821 Connoisseurs Wine Set - Brookstone 6-pc set. Opener, stopper, pourer, siphon, etc. Wooden case. Exc. cond. Text for pic. $25. (757) 288-9821 Wheelchair Lift - Harmar swingaway Wheelchair lift for class 3 hitch. $500 OBO. (757) 279-0052 Wire Shelving - New shelving – 12 ft. long (I’ll cut to length). Call for prices. (757) 535-9279 A/C Service - Schedule a tune up and cleaning. Save on electric usage and repairs to your system. (757) 771-3441 Whiskey Barrel - Great for patio landscapes and table. Full size (heavy, oak wood) with tap hole plug. $100. (757) 869-9308 Rear Tine Tiller - 5HP, rear tine MTD Yard machine. Engine runs well. Engage needs work. $200. (757) 869-9308 John Deere Riding Mower - Rear engine with bag attached. Model SX75, 9HP, single blade. $300. (757) 869-9308 Exercise Equipment - Treadmills, $65, $150, $199, $399, $499. Exercise bikes, $65-$220. Ellipticals, $50$299. (757) 218-2946 Cell Phone - ZTE Axon cell phone 32GB. Takes great pics. Like new. $65. (757) 690-6999 Pool Table - 8 ft. Honeycomb w/Ping Pong top included. Accs included. You move. Text/call for pic & details. $200. (757) 739-9633

Miscellaneous cont.

Miscellaneous cont.

Pets cont.

Pest terminator - Free inspections. Expert pest, termite, moisture control, under house repairs & poly installation. (757) 873-4999

Home Cleaning - General home cleaning. Free estimates. Special occasion cleaning welcomed. Licensed & insured. (757) 371-3904

Need to Re-home Dog - 6 y/o poodle. F, 11 lbs. UTD on shots, flea & HW preventative. Text for pics & details. (757) 739-9633

Stihl Grass Trimmer - Stihl FS45 gas powered trimmer with 65 yds of CF3 Pro line. Needs new carb. All else good. $50. (757) 268-1080

Water Fowl Prints - Many signed & numbered by world renowned wildlife artist Art Lamay. Extremely detailed. See by appt. (757) 334-5384


Safety Shoes - Size 10, Carhartt slip-on safety work boots. Worn 2 weeks. Wrong size. Good condition. $100 OBO. (757) 871-0458

Lawn Care - Mowing, edging, etc. in NN, Hampt., York area. (757) 535-9279

Gifts for Wives/Mother’s Day - Nice gift baskets, flowers & balloons. We deliver or pickup. (757)599-0100 Bulova (Weston) Tabletop Clock - Brand new, mahogany finish. Includes clock, thermometer and hygrometer. Text for pics. $90 OBO. (757) 329-3418 House Cleaning Services Experienced, trustworthy house cleaning at a reasonable price. One time/weekly/monthly rates available. (757) 251-8974 Housekeeping Service - No job too big nor too small. Licensed and insured. (254) 368-8320 The North Face Gore-Tex Jacket - Brand new with tags. Size large, color is black. Have pics. $165. (757) 724-8289 Roofing and Siding, Crawl Space Repairs - Honest, competitive prices. Lic. and insured. References avail. (757) 641-0738

Nuwave PIC2 Induction Cooktop - Does not get hot but heats the cookware. Comes with pans & accessories. Never used. $80. (757) 838-6645 Stuck With No Truck? - Need help moving, but it won't fit in the trunk? Will help load/unload. Starting at $20. (757) 971-8020

WANTED 2nd shift ride to NNS - Leave Ahoskie 12:55 p.m. Pick up in Winton-Gates County. (252) 287-7395 Portable Dishwasher - Looking for a working portable dishwasher for new apartment. (757) 375-4337 Washer & Dryer - Broken washers & dryers that are in your way. Will pick up for free. (757) 617-0100


Weber Grill - 18” Smokey Mountain Cooker w/BBQ Guru Party-Q Temperature Control. New combined $450. Selling for $250. (757) 812-2719

Olde English Bulldogges - Taking deposits on olde English Bulldogges ready June 7. Tails docked wormed and 2sets of shots (757) 969-2447

$40 Cut/Trim/Edge - $40 cut/trim/ edge average sized yard. Also aerate, seed, fertilize, mulch, pressure wash and more. (757) 813-5074

2 Bird Cages - 1 Lg Bird Cage ($150) & 1 Med ($80) OBO. Assembled. Call for pics & dimensions. Leave message. (757) 490-8200

HUGE Yard Sale - Sat., June 2, 8 AM - 1 PM. Forest Lakes (Chesapeake). All proceeds go to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. (434) 851-2445

HOBBIES 1:1 Guitar Classes - Midtown NN. Flexible scheduling. Read/play std notation, chords/theory. Call/txt rates, class times. (757) 528-7017 Lefty Youth Softball Glove - Wilson A440 Fast Pitch youth glove. New condition. Worn twice. Fits right hand. $15. Text (757) 288-9821

BOAT & MARINE SUPPLY 1995 Malibu Ski Boat - With 2009 Alum Trailer. Excellent cond. Pics available. $11,500. (757) 870-9181 Bass Tracker Boat - 17-foot, 40HP Evinrude-tuned up & ready. Boat 1991, motor 1987 rebuilt, trailer incl. Text (757) 817-6292 Jetskis - 2 Skis & trailer. 2004 Kawasaki and 2010 Yamaha. 2011 2 ski LoadRite trailer. GC. $10,000 OBO. (757) 969-3672

FREE ITEMS HP Printer Cartridges - Have 2 unwrapped printer cartridges, 564 XL photo. Text (757) 448-7268

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