Keel-Laying Ceremony Held for Hyman G. Rickover (SSN 795) 5 l 14 l 2018
The U.S. Navy held a keel-laying ceremony for the Virginia-class submarine Hyman G. Rickover (SSN 795) at General Dynamics Electric Boat Friday, May 11.
A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding
The initials of the submarine's sponsor, Darleen Greenert, were welded onto a steel plate that will be permanently affixed to the submarine. She is the wife of retired Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert. This will be the second submarine to be named after Adm. Hyman G. Rickover to honor the pioneer of the nuclear navy. The Los Angeles-class submarine USS Hyman G. Rickover (SSN 709) served from 1984 to 2006. CONTINUED ON PG 4
Chuck Hull, from left, Kevin McAlea and Vice President of Engineering and Design Charles Southall discuss how Newport News Shipbuilding plans to use additive manufacturing technology to produce parts for future warships. Hull is the inventor of stereolithography and co-founder of 3D Systems, and McAlea is 3D Systems’ executive vice president and general manager, metals and healthcare. Photo by John Whalen
Partnership to Accelerate Adoption of Metal 3-D Printing Newport News Shipbuilding has partnered with 3D Systems to develop additive manufacturing technologies expected to accelerate the adoption of metal 3-D printing in the naval shipbuilding industry. The joint effort is expected to support future qualification and certification programs necessary to implement this advanced manufacturing technology for the U.S. Navy and further revolutionize how shipbuilders build the next generation of warships. It is also part of NNS’ Integrated Digital Shipbuilding (iDS) transformation. “This is a game-changing and disruptive technology for our industry,” said Charles Southall, vice president of Engineering and Design. “In addition to our ongoing digital shipbuilding efforts, 3-D printing could transform our design standards, and this technology has the potential to be one of the most significant manufacturing innovations in our industry since we began building nuclear-powered ships in the 1950s.” As part of the joint development agreement, 3D Systems delivered and installed the ProX DMP 320 high-performance metal additive manufacturing system at NNS. The state-of-theart machine is capable of making three-dimensional, marine-based, alloy parts for castings or other fabricated parts, such as valves, housings and brackets. “3D Systems is pleased to play an integral role in transforming the naval shipbuilding... CONTINUED ON PG 4
Shipbuilders enter the Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta. Photo by Eugene Phillips
Shipbuilders Attend HII Diversity and Inclusion Conference About 100 employees from Huntington Ingalls Industries’ three divisions – Newport News Shipbuilding, Ingalls Shipbuilding and Technical Solutions – and the corporate office met in Atlanta last week for the company’s first Diversity and Inclusion Conference. Conference attendees – who represented different divisions and employee resource groups within HII’s divisions – heard from speakers who addressed a number of topics, including unconscious bias, employee engagement, ERGs, the business case for inclusion and diversity and the history of immigration in the United States. CONTINUED ON PG 3
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5 | 14 | 2018
NNS Participates in Community Empowerment Fair Newport News Shipbuilding participated in the 10th annual Community Empowerment Fair April 28 at Heritage High School in Newport News. Attendees could tour the company’s Mobile Experience (MX) trailer and participate in interactive activities representing NNS’ digital transformation. NNS Talent Acquisition also was present to discuss available positions and provide information about The Apprentice School. The Community Empowerment Fair is organized to empower citizens to become familiar with organizations and agencies that could help them with a family or individual situation, and to empower students to learn about various careers. The event helps put people in touch with resources that can help them with everything from finances to safety. More than 600 people attended the event to gain information about employment, education, prenatal health to senior citizen wellness, youth activities, housing, finances, counseling and much more. The event was sponsored by 20 Pearls Foundation of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.®, Lambda Omega Chapter (Newport News), Riverside Health System, Heritage
From left: Alan Clark (X20); Parnetha Callahan (K21); Valerie Price, Newport News' first lady and chair of the Empowerment Fair; and Linda Carrithers (K51).
High School and Newport News Family Engagement Specialists.
Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month: John Witherspoon II May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month. The theme for this year’s Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) monthly recognition campaign is "Unite Our Voices by Speaking Together." As part of the campaign, four employees will be featured during each recognition month – two from within the featured demographic and two outside of it. Employees will share personal stories, insight and perspectives on what the month means to them. Features will be published in Currents, the NNS to Go app, MyNNS and HII social media channels. “Each May, I reflect back on a friendship from my childhood that impacted my life in a big way – giving me a connection to Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month and ultimately shaping my views on the importance of inclusion and diversity as an adult.” At the time, John Witherspoon II was in seventh grade when a new student began attending classes at his school. “The majority of my classmates were a mix of Caucasian and African American, but the new student was of Asian descent. We became friends and through our friendship, I gained insight into the Asian culture, witnessing firsthand the values the culture places on family, hard work and respect,”
he said. “My friend lived out these values each and every day – working hard on his studies and being kind and respectful to other students. However, fitting in did not come natural and not all classmates were respectful toward him the same.” One day Witherspoon’s friend brought several firecrackers to school, then consequently everyone wanted to be his best friend. “I will never forget the look of joy on his face as he was the most popular kid in our class – for a brief moment he was accepted by others,” Witherspoon said. “Shortly the teacher found out and he was expelled because of his actions.” As Witherspoon reflects on the situation today, he says that he can imagine how hard it must have been for his friend during that time. “He taught me the reason why it’s so important to be kind and respectful to all people – our actions have a direct impact on the actions of others, so being friendly and engaging is now definitely a lifestyle habit for me. If we could lift up even one person’s esteem while practicing inclusion; who’s to say that one may lift five, and that five may lift 10, and so forth, which is the positive jolt this world desperately needs.” Witherspoon added, “Our friendship gave me an appreciation for the Asian culture and also
made me realize how important inclusion and diversity is to our society. Everyone deserves to be included. By engaging with others and educating ourselves on different cultures, people take note of how diverse the world is – realizing that we’re all more similar to each other than what meets the eye.” View Witherspoon's poster on MyNNS. Employees interested in participating in this year’s I&D campaign are encouraged to visit
5 | 14 | 2018
Shipbuilders Attend HII Diversity and Inclusion Conference CONTINUED FROM PG 1
HII President and CEO Mike Petters encouraged attendees to “be disciples” for inclusion and diversity of all types in their workplaces. “The fact that you are not like me makes us better,” he said. “There is honor in where you come from, and there is honor in respecting where someone else comes from.” The conference included a panel discussion with NNS President Jennifer Boykin, Ingalls President Brian Cuccias, Technical Solutions President Andy Green and HII Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Counsel Kellye Walker. Attendees also visited the Center for Civil and Human Rights. The museum connects the American Civil Rights Movement to the Human Rights movements occurring around the world today. Sharesse Davis (E19) attended the conference on behalf of SHIPs Network. “We’re making progress in terms of inclusion
Edmond Hughes, vice president of Human Resources and Administration at Ingalls Shipbuilding, left, moderates a panel discussion with Ingalls President Brian Cuccias, NNS President Jennifer Boykin, Technical Solutions President Andy Green and HII Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Counsel Kellye Walker. Photo by Nicholas Langhorne
and diversity, but there’s always room for improvement,” she said. “I’m ready to be an agent of change.” She was glad to see top company leaders engaging with employees during the conference. “It shows that they are serious about making changes,” Davis said. Fernando Gaines (E63), the lead Inclusion and Diversity Champion for the Engineering and Design Division, said his group had already started down a path to create a more inclusive and diverse organization. “Our path was close to what was said here, but we’re going to make adjustments to steer our organization to meet the goals and objectives that were laid out during the conference,” he said. Six programs are available for deck electricians, fitters, machinists, marine painters/coatings, pipefitters and welders. The hands-on courses are two or three weeks long, from 7 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and are offered at either Paul D. Camp, Tidewater or Thomas Nelson community colleges. The starting pay for individuals who successfully complete the training is more than $18 per hour. "The pre-hire program is a core component of our talent pipeline helping Newport News Shipbuilding attract and onboard talented men and women to become future shipbuilders,” said Ray Bagley, vice president of Trades Operations. “The value of the program is that new hires become familiar with their craft before arrival in the company, which aides in reducing time to talent."
Trainees take part in the deck electrician training program at a local community college.
NNS Offering Marine Skilled Trades Training Programs Newport News Shipbuilding is partnering with the Virginia Ship Repair Association and local community colleges to offer course-tohire Marine Skilled Trades Training programs for individuals interested in full-time trades careers at the shipyard.
Qualified candidates must be at least 18 years old, U.S. citizens and willing to work any shift. They must also successfully pass a background check, drug screen and physical. Candidates are required to pay a $250 tuition fee to the community college prior to starting the program but will be reimbursed by NNS after graduating. For more information, visit the careers website at, select the Trades/Crafts portal and search by keyword “Trainee.”
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5 | 14 | 2018
Partnership to Accelerate Adoption of Metal 3-D Printing CONTINUED FROM PG 1
...industry,” said Kevin McAlea, executive vice president and general manager, metals and healthcare, at 3D Systems. “The ProX DMP 320 printer system, combined with our team’s expertise in metal 3-D printing technology, will bring new digitally enhanced geometries to Newport News Shipbuilding, enabling higher performing warship components and ultimately more efficient, cost-effective parts delivery to the U.S. Navy.” The partnership represents a significant step forward in the fabrication of components and material for future warships. Compared to traditional manufacturing methods that involve the conversion of raw materials into a finished product through subtractive processes, such as cutting or grinding metal, additive manufacturing involves the layer-by-layer fabrication of raw materials into a finished product. “One of our goals is to provide leadership to our supplier base that will help accelerate the adoption of additive manufacturing within our industry, which may improve efficiencies and quality,” Southall said. “We look forward to working with key technology leaders, such as 3D Systems, to help to break down technology adoption barriers and advance additive manufacturing in our industry and supply chain.” Watch a highlights video of the new 3-D printing machine's introduction on MyNNS.
Shipbuilders flood the Floating Dry Dock with USS Washington (SSN 787) inside. Photo by Ashley Cowan
Post Shakedown Availability Milestone Completed for USS Washington (SSN 787) Shipbuilders recently completed a major post shakedown availability milestone for USS Washington (SSN 787). Crews flooded the Floating Dry Dock and moved the submarine to Pier 6 for casting repairs and waterborne testing. The remaining work is expected to take a couple of months, according to Nicholas Mann (X82), a superintendent on the project. “A team of six construction supervisors will coordinate with the Navy to make sure work is integrated with the Navy’s plan of the day,” Mann said. “I’m fortunate to have an excellent team around me.” Barry Jones (X36), a dry dock operations
crane rigger, spends most days getting equipment to craftsmen and craftswomen and setting up other crane jobs; however, it was his first time taking the lead on a PSA. “The joy of it all is that it was new to me,” he said. “It was a learning experience and made me a better asset to the company.” SSN 787 was built at NNS and General Dynamics Electric Boat, with construction beginning in September 2011. The submarine was delivered to the Navy in May 2017. Watch a video of SSN 787 in the Floating Dry Dock on MyNNS.
NNS President Jennifer Boykin, left, with Mrs. Eleonore Rickover, wife of the late Adm. Hyman G. Rickover, at the keel-laying ceremony for SSN 795.
Keel-Laying Ceremony Held for Hyman G. Rickover (SSN 795) CONTINUED FROM PG 1
Rickover served for 63 years on active duty service, making him the longest-serving member in the history of the U.S. armed forces. He led the efforts to develop what would become the USS Nautilus, the world's first nuclear-powered submarine. Rickover also established and enforced strict safety standards, leading to the U.S. Navy's safety record of more than 162,000,000 miles safely steamed on nuclear power. Newport News Shipbuilding President Jennifer Boykin spoke during the ceremony. She discussed NNS’ special relationship with Rickover, who worked closely with shipbuilders in the early days of the nuclear navy and impressed the importance of quality and accountability. “These are principles we live by, and commitments we continue still today. And these are the foundation upon which we are building this submarine – SSN 795,” Boykin said. “To the shipbuilders, you have set the bar high as the Navy’s model shipbuilding program. Keep up the great work and strong performance.” The submarine, built at NNS and Electric Boat, began construction in 2015 and is on track to continue the Virginia-class program's trend of delivering quality submarines within budget and ready for tasking by the fleet.
5 | 14 | 2018
AROUND THE YARD SmartPath Offering Retirement Readiness Class
NNS 5K is Saturday The 11th Annual NNS 5K will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday, May 19, at Victory Landing Park. Participants who are Newport News Shipbuilding employees can pick up race packets from 11:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Thursday, May 17, in Bldg. 520-6 (James River Room) and from 11 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Friday, May 18. All registrants may pick up packets from 8 until 8:45 a.m. Saturday, May 19, inside the VASCIC parking garage. Participants should plan to arrive no later than 8:30 a.m. Parking is available on city streets, in the VASCIC garage and in the Bldg. 901 garage, located at 29th Street and Washington Avenue. Motorists traveling through the area should pay close attention for street closures and pedestrians. Email for more information.
Shipbuilders Encouraged to Support Relay For Life Newport News Shipbuilding is partnering with the American Cancer Society to support this year’s Relay For Life fundraiser with a goal to raise $50,000. NNS is participating in Relay For Life events June 1 in Yorktown and Chesapeake. Shipbuilders are welcome to register or make a donation at All participants will receive an NNS Relay for Life T-shirt and will be entered into a prize drawing. NNS volunteers will collect donations from 2:30 until 5 p.m. Tuesday, May 15, in Bldg. 520-1 (Cyber Café). For more information, contact Christina Chapman (E73) at 534-2652 or via email.
SmartPath is offering free classes on retirement readiness Tuesday, May 22. Due to significant interest in the topic, the noon class has moved from Bldg. 520 to the old Apprentice School (Bldg. 14, third floor auditorium). Seats are still available for the 6 – 6:45 a.m. class in Bldg. 1744-6 (Operations Conference Room) and the noon – 1 p.m. class. To RSVP, shipbuilders should email with their preferred class time by May 18 or ask their foreman to register them. Space is limited. Managementapproved PTO/Flex is required during scheduled work hours.
Save on Lionsbridge FC Tickets Newport News Shipbuilding employees, friends and family can save 10 percent on season tickets, wristbands and single-game tickets for Lionsbridge FC, the Virginia Peninsula’s first Premier Development Soccer League. Every Lionsbridge FC game begins with a two-hour community festival with beer and wine, food trucks, inflatable obstacle courses, bounce houses and music. In addition, fireworks shows will also follow select games. Lionsbridge FC’s nine-game home schedule begins May 16 at Pomoco Stadium on the campus of Christopher Newport University and continues through July 7. Purchase discounted tickets by visiting and using promo code SHIPYARD10 at checkout.
New Health and Fitness ERG is Hosting Launch Event WellNNS, a new employee resource group (ERG) at Newport News Shipbuilding, is hosting a launch event from 4:30 until 6 p.m. Thursday, May 17, at the old Apprentice School Gym (adjacent to the Apprentice football field on Marshall Avenue). The new ERG is centered on the health and wellness of shipbuilders, regardless of age or fitness level. WellNNS will promote the use of NNS facilities, encourage participation in sporting and health awareness events and help organize groups interested in running/ walking and other sports- and wellnessrelated activities. Launch event attendees can learn more about WellNNS, talk to current members, Quadmed and Apprentice School staff to find out how to get involved. There will also be opportunities to win door prizes. For more information, email or contact Pat Howard (E86) at 688-6001 or Doug Murphy (E86) at 534-2076.
Night School Application Deadline is Friday The application deadline for Newport News Shipbuilding's Summer 2018 Night School session is Friday, May 18. The session begins the week of June 18 and runs through Aug. 18. To view the Night School schedule, visit and look under the programs tab, visit the Night School website or check the NNS to Go app. For more information call the Night School Office at 688-8608.
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5 | 14 | 2018
Women in Shipbuilding Enterprise (WiSE) is sponsoring Walk with WiSE Wednesdays every week through May 30. Participants meet at 12:05 p.m. in front of Dorothy or in the VASCIC lobby to walk during their lunch break.
MAY 16
Are you interested in learning more about the different Employee Resource Groups at NNS? L.E.A.R.N. is hosting an ERG Expo from noon to 12:30 p.m. in Applebees (Bldg. 227). The event is open to all employees. For more information, contact Tanika Vasquez (O24) at 688-7916 or Helen Dennie (O28) at 380-4831.
MAY 19
The Society of Manufacturing Engineers at The Apprentice School is hosting the 2018 Cardboard Boat Regatta. Teams will build cardboard boats and race them at 8 a.m. at Windsor Castle Park in Smithfield. All proceeds will benefit Shriners Hospitals for Children. For more information or to register, visit
MAY 19
The 2018 NNS Submarine Program Golf Classic will be held at 1 p.m. at Cypress Creek Golfer's Club. This is a four-person, Captain's Choice tournament. The cost is $80 per person ($320 per team). Tournament proceeds will benefit the nonprofit Stop Soldier Suicide and the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank. For more information, contact Johnny Mintz (X67) at 688-5031 or 880-8965.
MAY 23
The Veterans Employee Resource Group (VERG) is hosting a veterans benefits awareness event in the Alumni Room at The Apprentice School from 4:30 until 6 p.m. For more information, contact Adam Krininger (X84) at 380-4286.
The Hampton Roads chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation will host a golf tournament at Sleepy Hole golf course. There will be a 1 p.m. shotgun start with a four-person Captain's Choice format. The cost is $75 per person. Price includes green fees, cart, unlimited range balls, post tournament awards and dinner. NNS' Contracts and Pricing Department (O19) is supporting this community event to help find a cure for type one diabetes. For more information, contact Steve Speight (O19) at 380-7381.
The Project Management Institute at Newport News Shipbuilding (PMI-NNS) is hosting a meeting for shipbuilders who are interested in obtaining a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification through the Project Management Institute (PMI), including a boot camp at NNS. This meeting is open to all employees from 4:30 until 5:30 p.m. at VASCIC (2 West Dining Area). RSVP on the PMI-NNS website. PMI certification information can also be found on the website. For more information, email
The Veterans Employee Resource Group (VERG) is hosting a celebration for the Army’s birthday at Applebee’s (Bldg. 227) from noon until 12:30 p.m. For more information, contact Adam Krininger (X84) at 380-4286.
Smithsonian Channel's FourPart "Carriers at War" Series Premieres Sunday "Carriers at War," a new four-part series on the Smithsonian Channel premieres at 8 p.m. Sunday, May 20. The series offers unique access to America’s elite fleet of mighty aircraft carriers as they engage in real-world action – giving viewers an intimate look at how the U.S. Navy maintains, operates and deploys to troubled spots around the globe. The final episode of the series, set to air June 10, follows the construction of USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78). The newest and most technologically advanced nuclearpowered aircraft carrier in the Navy's fleet, CVN 78 was built at Newport News Shipbuilding.
The 13th annual F. Farrell Sanders Memorial Golf Classic will be held at Cypress Creek Golfer's Club. Tee off is at 11 a.m. with a post-tournament dinner to follow. To register a team, submit raffle prize donations or sponsor a tee box, contact Sarah Gentry (K45) at 329-2449 by May 30. All donations are tax deductible.
MAY 24
The Generational Integration Focus Team (GIFT), a new employee resource group at NNS, is hosting a kick-off event from 4 until 6 p.m. in Bldg. 520-6 (James River Room). GIFT's mission is to unify the different generations present within the company by exploring and understanding the differences that make them unique. For more information, see the GIFT website or contact Britta Brown (K93) at 688-2786 or Manny Onafeko (E92) at 688-1477.
MAY 24
The “Spear and Gear” Toastmasters Club will host a meeting from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Room 247 of The Apprentice School (Bldg. 1919). The event is open to all Newport News Shipbuilding employees and no RSVP is required. The event will provide a forum for employees to learn how to become more effective communicators and leaders. For more information, contact Jason Paquette (E83) at 534-2770.
Visit to search for the latest NNS job openings.
Job Title
Req Number
Foreman iDS Sys Engineer 3 iDS Engineer 3 Electrical Engineer 5 Test Inspection Supervisor 1 General Foreman Procurement Manager 2 Production, Planning and Scheduling Manager 2 Supply Chain Procurement Manager 2 Design Engineering Manager 1
22133BR 23065BR 23826BR 187100BR 22368BR 23244BR 23853BR 23851BR 23807BR 23754BR
K47/X32 X47 E10 E05 O96 X09 N910 X47 O51 E22
Newport News Newport News Newport News Washington, D.C. Ballston Spa Ballston Spa Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News
Employees are encouraged to use the “Current HII Employees” portal to apply. The company continues to offer cash bonus awards for referrals to select positions, visit for more information.
Editor: Nicholas Langhorne
Contributing Writer: Lena Wallace Currents is published every Monday for employees of Newport News Shipbuilding. To submit a story or classified ad, visit
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5 | 14 | 2018
AUDIO/VIDEO DJ - 11 years experience, custom playlists for any event, lighting effects and photography. (757) 869-1876 JBL 5.1 Home Theater Speakers - JBL SCS500. Ex. cond. 10" subwoofer -shelf or wall mount. Text for pics. $125. (757) 810-8743 Speakers - For traveling, garage and kitchen. $30-75. Text for pictures. (757) 750-7933 M-Audio BX5a - Audio studio speakers. Text for picture. $125 OBO. (757) 750-7933 Stereo - 7.1 Pioneer receiver sc27 with iPod, usb and Sirius connections. Excellent condition. $500 OBO. Text (757) 750-7933 2din Car Stereo - Doesn't have good reception, but good DVD player, rear cam, bluetooth, etc. Text for pics. $100. (757) 452-8830 2 Factory 2din Stereos - For 2004 Camry and Envoy. Good condition. $100 for both. (757) 452-8830
Auto cont.
Furnishings and Appliances cont.
Real Estate cont.
1985 Ford F-150 - 302 V8, AT, 2WD. Rebuilt engine (114K miles) & tranny (20k miles). Camper shell. $2,495. (757) 746-9745
Maytag Refrigerator (black) - Side by Side. Runs great, looks great. 69" H x 35" W x 32" D. External water dispenser is broken. $95. (757) 2855544
Lots For Sale - Two 1/2 acre lots for sale on tidal canal in Gloucester. Call for more details. (757) 641-4994
1977 Ford F-150 - 302 V8, AT, 2WD; HD rear suspension. Rebuilt engine (102K miles) & tranny (10k miles). $1,995. (757) 898-5027 2005 V6 Mustang - Convertible, 5-speed. Red. 100K miles. Pics avail. $4,500. (757) 329-6761 1995 Pontiac Firebird V6 - T-tops, 5-speed. New leather seats. 100K miles. $3,000. (757) 329-6761 2015 Honda Accord Loaded. $17,000. Pics (757) 329-6761
- Gray. available.
2014 Buick Verano - Well-maintained, safe and reliable car. 2 new tires, back-up cam. 41k miles. $10,800. (757) 870-2450 1999 Dodge Ram 4X4 - Diesel 2500. High mileage. (757) 679-6713
Dish Set - China place setting for 12. In great condition. $100. Text for pics. (757) 897-3246 Sturdy Metal Futon/Bunk Bed Missing futon mattress and bed mattress, pick up in VB. $20 OBO. (757) 721-0554 Curio Cabinet - Walnut finish, lighted, mirrored back, 24" wide, 70 1/2" tall,10" deep. $50. (757) 826-6518
REAL ESTATE Townhouse for Rent - 2BR/2.5BA, 1,300 sq. ft., 2-story condo. 2 mins from shipyard. $1,100/mo with $1,000 dep. water included in rent. (757) 529-0260
1988 Yamaha VMAX - 1300cc, garage kept. 23k miles. Will text pics. $2,500 OBO. (757) 589-4804
35MM Cameras - Canon AEI, Minolta x370 and Miranda Senoex, all with lenses, filters, flashes and much more. (757) 504-7818
Townhouse for Sale - Meridian Parkside, 10 min from NNS. 3-story, 2BR, 3.5BA, 1,782 sq. ft. Rec room, WIC, garage, open plan. (412) 600-5298
2007 Yamaha Venture - 1300 cc, garage kept. 37k miles. New tires/ windshield. Will text pics. $8,500. OBO. (757) 589-4804
Real Estate Wanted - We buy homes “as-is.� Text (757) 656-6373
Computer Repair - New build, repair, virus removal and operating system installation. $95. + parts. (757) 329-6761
04 Yamaha Road Star Silverado Black/Mocha, studded seats/bags, extra V&H pipes, max air intake,16k miles $3,900. (757) 721-0554
AUTO 2016 Suzuki GSXR 750 - Black & white. 5,700 miles. Adult owned. Always under cover. $9,000. (757) 876-5987 BFGoodrich All/Terrain Tires BFGoodrich T/A K02 Tires - P245/75/ R16. Ex.cond. White lettered. $500. Text for pics. (757) 810-8743 2006 Kia Rio - Black, 4 door, manual, 109k miles. Runs fine. No power locks or windows. $2,800. (757) 209-6011
2014 Yamaha V Star 1300 Tourer - Blk, 5700 mi., Mstng Hrd Trnk, Psnger Ft Brds, Drvng Lts, Crse Cntrl, Orig Bckrst, 3/18 insp $8,200. (757) 721-0554 2000 Dodge Conversion Van Rusted, 2018 Va. Inspect. 5.9 L w/ 75k orig miles LT225x75xR16 Mich w/5k neg. Tony (757) 739-8879
FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES Target Baby Crib and Accessories - Elite Crib 'N' More Baby (Model 299180-208). Playpen.Text for pic. (313) 820-3684
House for Sale - 4 bdrm,2 1/2 bth in Menchville zone. Liv rm, din rm, den w/ FP. 2-car att. garage, 1-car det. garage. Deck, BC Charles/Gildersleeve. (757) 759-3781 House for Rent - 7 Woolridge Pl., NN. 3br/2bth brick ranch. Available June 1. Attached garage. $1,475/month (757) 284-5488 Mobile Home - 1989 3/2 Colorado mobile home, Needs cosmetics, Hayes. $4K or $2.5K lease option to buy. (757) 876-1201 OBX Rental - Mile Post 11, 3 bdrm/2 bath between highways; walk to beach. (757) 681-7532 House For Rent - 3BR/1.5 bth on cul-de-sac. 1-year lease req. close to NNS. No pets. $1,000/month. (757) 874-4865
Home for Rent- Denbigh - 2 BR, 1 bath home on owner's prop. Ideal for one. Includes stove, fridge, gas heat. No yard work. $825. (757) 715-5460
MISCELLANEOUS Wedding Dress - 16W, mermaid, lace up back. Top part has little jewels. $150. Text (256) 293-9675 New Construction/Home Remodeling/ Repairs and More - Serve local area. Licensed & insured. (757) 570-4350 Wine Glass Holder - Two silver under counter mounts for hanging wine glasses w/ hardware for hanging. $20. (757) 236-0789 Cell Phone - ZTE, Axon, Android, cell phone 32GB, takes great pics. Like new. $65 OBO. (757) 409-8200 Pest Terminator - Free inspections: Expert pest, termite, moisture control, under house repairs & poly installation. (757) 873-4999 Flowers for Any Occasion - Gift baskets, flowers & balloons. We deliver or pickup. (757) 599-0100 20" Push Mower - Very good 20" push mower. Text for pics. $75. (757) 452-8830 Spring Concert ROMONTA - Up-close & personal concert series. May 20 at 1 p.m. Check EventBrite for more information. (757) 343-2987 Lowes Riding Mower - good riding mower, not running text for pics $75. (757) 452-8830 Housekeeping Service - No job is too big nor too small. Licensed and insured. (254) 368-8320 Steel-Toe Shoes - 2 pairs of steel-toe shoes with non-slip soles. Size 10. Bought new online, too small. $100 for both. (757) 452-8830
8 2
5 | 14 | 2018
MISCELLANEOUS The North Face Gore-Tex Jacket - Brand new with tags. Size large, color is black. Have pics. $165. (757) 724-8289 Gutter Cleaning - We clean gutters by hand, bag the debris, flush your down spouts. Licensed and insured. (757) 810-5115 House Washing - House, roof and concrete cleaning. Most of our methods are used with less than 500 PSI. Licensed. (757) 810-5115 Afforadable House Cleaning - Free estimates. Licensed & insured. (757) 975-1546 Split Firewood - Hardwood. Pecan and Oak split. Full cord, $180. Half cord, $95. Bundles, $6. Delivery available. (757) 715-5460 Mobility Scooter - Red and black. Made to fit tall person with large frame.Gently used. Text for pictures. $500 OBO. (757) 660-8804 Saw Mill Services/Woodworking - Call if you need logs milled up to 36" or any woodworking items built at a competitive price. (757) 660-9628 Onkyo Speakers & Receiver - Onkyo tower speakers and Onkyo receiver. Also 2 Pioneer large speakers. $200 for all. (757) 329-8148
Miscellaneous cont. Induction Cooktop Nuwave PIC2 does not get hot but heats the cookware. Comes with pans & accessories. Never used. $80. (757) 838-6645 Dominican Republic Vacation - Bahia Pricincipe/San Juan in DR.1 full week for 2 adults at all-inclusive resort. Expires Dec. $750. (757) 739-8879 Elliptical - Pro Form Comfort Stride Elliptical. Like new, never used. $100. (757) 719-5665 Weed Eater - Troy-Bilt TB22 Weed Eater. 1 yr old. Moved to condo. $65 OBO. Contact for pictures. (757) 719-5665 Lawn Mower Troy-Bilt 110 - 1 yr old. Moved into condo. $100 OBO. Contact for pictures. (757) 719-5665
FREE ITEMS Free Wood - Got a ton of free wood. Pecan and Maple. must pick up. (757) 846-8357
HOBBIES Hunt Club Taking New Members Small club out of Alberta, Va., offering small/big game on 1,100+ acres. Call/ text for details. (757) 735-1512
LOST & FOUND Found Ring - Found men's ring 45th & Warwick. Call to describe. (757)688-5173
PETS BOAT & MARINE SUPPLY Jet Ski Lift - 45 degree boom model. New stainless cable,.Great cond. $500 OBO. (757) 869-3862 Boat Trailer - 13' Galvanized boat trailer in GC. New tires, bearings & races. Holds a 13' Boston Whaler. $550 OBO. (757) 592-1100 Mercruiser Alpha 1 Outdrive - Good For V8 engine. Needs lower oil seal. $200. Text for pics. (757) 452-8830
Olde English Bulldogges - Pups are ioeba reg generational. They'll be ready for new homes June 7 and will have 2 sets of 5n1. (757) 969-2447 2 Bird Cages - 1 lg bird cage, $150. & 1 med, $80 OBO. Assembled. Call for pics & dimensions, leave message. (757) 409-8200 Free Bunny and Bunny House - Free white bunny with custom bunny house and cage to a good home. (757) 506-9236
WANTED Van Riders Wanted - Commuter Van from VA Beach to NNS daily,1st shift. Van leaves Diamond Springs Rd. Text 'VANRIDE' to (757) 450-6740 2nd-Shift Ride to NNS - Leave Ahoskie 12:55 p.m. Pickup in WintonGates County. (252) 287-7395
IN APPRECIATION Congratulations - Congrats to Hunter and Kitt/Apprentice Bass Club for qualifying for the FLW College Championship!