6 | 25 | 2018
A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding
NNS Launches New Parking App Today, Newport News Shipbuilding launched its newest parking resource – NNXPRESS, a new app designed to locate company shuttles and taxis in real time. Through the app, which is available for free download in both the Google Play and Apple app stores, employees can view a map of NNS shuttle routes and also pinpoint the exact location and estimated time of arrival to specific shuttle stops during operational hours. Currently, the company’s full-time shuttles and taxis are visible within the app. In the near future, GPS locators will be installed on 10 additional shuttles that will also be visible on NNXPRESS.
Indiana (SSN 789) is shown during sea trials in May. Photo by Matt Hildreth
NNS Delivers Indiana (SSN 789) Newport News Shipbuilding on Monday delivered Indiana (SSN 789), the newest nuclearpowered fast attack submarine, to the U.S. Navy. Indiana is the 16th Virginia-class submarine built as part of the teaming agreement with General Dynamics Electric Boat and the eighth delivered by NNS. “We are proud to deliver Indiana to the Navy,” said Dave Bolcar, vice president of Submarine Construction. “For the nearly 4,000 shipbuilders who participated in construction of the boat, there is nothing more important than knowing that this vessel will support the Navy’s missions.” Indiana, which began construction in September 2012, successfully completed sea trials earlier this month. The vessel will be commissioned later this year.
Enterprise Rideshare Interest Meeting Wednesday Employees are invited to attend an Enterprise Rideshare interest meeting at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, June 27, in Bldg. 520-6 (James River Room). Enterprise representatives will explain additional details about the program, answer questions and assist employees with signing up. An HII benefits representative will also be present to discuss commuter benefits. For more information, watch a video on MyNNS, see the June 11 edition of Currents or visit enterpriserideshare.com.
“The idea to create this app originated from shipbuilders who volunteered to be part of the employee parking solutions group earlier this year,” said Heather Criner, Facilities manager. “Locating shuttles and... CONTINUED ON PG 3
USS Boise (SSN 764) Arrives for Overhaul Newport News Shipbuilding has begun scheduled overhaul work on the nuclearpowered submarine USS Boise (SSN 764). The Los Angeles-class submarine arrived at NNS on June 18 and will undergo planned maintenance and repair activities pierside before it will be moved to a dry dock in January 2019. The extended engineering overhaul, which includes system upgrades, will take 25 months and is expected to be completed in 2021. "Submarine fleet support work represents a significant increase in our workload and provides a critical balance for public and private shipyards," said Bill Smith, vice president of Fleet Support Programs. CONTINUED ON PG 3
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6 | 25 | 2018
Shipbuilders Meet New HII Family Health Center Doctor Shipbuilders and their families met the HII Family Health Center's new doctor and nurse practitioner during a recent meet and greet event. Attendees were able to talk with Dr. Joyce Lea and nurse practitioner Devin Bailey, learn about the health center's services and enter a drawing to win a YETI cooler. "My wife already has an appointment scheduled with the new doctor," said Drew Christensen (A572). Christensen and his wife attended the event and won the Yeti cooler raffle. "There was good information about other programs at the health center that I hadn't heard about before. The services are so convenient."
Submit Questions for HII Podcast Shipbuilders with questions for Huntington Ingalls Industries President and CEO Mike Petters or another member of HII’s senior executive team are encouraged to email HII_Communications@hii-co.com. Submitted questions may be used in an upcoming episode of the “HII Talking Points” podcast. Ideas for future episodes are also welcome. Devin Bailey, nurse practitioner at the HII Family Health Center, right, talked with shipbuilders and their families during a recent meet and greet. Photo by Matt Hildreth
Eligible employees and dependents can make an appointment with the health center's new providers by calling 327-4200 or visiting myquadmedical.com/hii.
“HII Talking Points” is available at huntingtoningalls.com/hii-talking-points. The podcast launched last year. Recent episodes have covered a wide range of topics, including HII’s benefits and wellness strategy, the company values, and innovation and disruption.
LGBT Pride Month: Willie Sears June is LGBT Pride Month. The theme for this year’s Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) monthly recognition campaign is "Unite Our Voices by Speaking Together." As part of the campaign, four employees will be featured during each recognition month – two from within the featured demographic and two outside of it. Employees will share personal stories, insight and perspectives on what the month means to them. Features will be published in Currents, the NNS to Go app, MyNNS and HII social media channels. Although Willie Sears (X73) is not a member of the LGBT community, he has many reasons for being a committed ally. “I have family members and friends in the LGBT community, and I can identify with many experiences that often leave them feeling alone,” he said. “During Pride Month – and all year long – we should educate ourselves and get to know one another. We should listen to understand and not judge. Everyone can make a difference.” Sears, who has worked at Newport News Shipbuilding since 1983, is currently a chemical handler in the Production Refueling and Nuclear Support Department. “We work the carriers, submarines and facilities, so I’m not in one place. We rotate so I get to meet
people, and I think that’s the best part of my job.” Born with a congenital condition that affects about one in 300 boys, Sears found a community of peers about 15 years ago and began attending conferences. “Once I found out I was not alone, my whole life changed,” he said. But Sears admits he was a little uneasy when his group merged with a group for intersex and transgender individuals a few years later. However, he continued to attend conferences, meet people from the community and develop friendships. “I realized my own unconscious bias, and I decided to learn more,” he said. “I think education is key.” Sears soon found he had a lot in common with many members of the LGBT community. “I understand having a secret that you don’t want to share with others. I also understand being teased and misunderstood because I’ve been through it,” he said. Now, Sears is an active member of the Shipbuilders Together Realizing Inclusion, Diversity and Equality (STRIDE) employee resource group at NNS. “You have to be the
example of what you want to see in others,” he said. “I see possibilities in everyone.” View Sears' poster on MyNNS. Employees interested in participating in this year’s I&D campaign should visit nns.huntingtoningalls.com/id-campaign-2018.
6 | 25 | 2018
NNS Launches New Parking App CONTINUED FROM PG 1
...taxis is NNXPRESS’ initial functionality, however, additional capabilities could be added in the future based on employee usage and feedback. We encourage all shipbuilders to download the app and provide feedback so that we can make this tool as useful as possible to all employees.”
USS Boise (SSN 764) arrives at Newport News Shipbuilding to begin its 25-month extended engineering overhaul. Photo by Ashley Cowan
Search “NNXPRESS” in both app stores. Instructions on how to download NNXPRESS for Android and Apple devices are available on MyNNS. Employees
should send NNXPRESS feedback to ParkingSolutions@hii-nns.com. As a reminder, information about parking and transportation services is available at nns.huntingtoningalls.com/parkingtransportation and within NNS to Go, which is also available in both the Google Play and Apple app stores. For the best user experience, please ensure your device is using the latest version of the mobile operating system.
USS Boise (SSN 764) Arrives at NNS for Overhaul CONTINUED FROM PG 1
"We have been preparing for Boise's availability and look forward to returning the submarine back to the fleet." NNS laid Boise's keel in August 1988, and the submarine was delivered to the U.S. Navy in September 1992. Watch Boise arrive at NNS on MyNNS.
More than 40 shipbuilders participated in a Lean Leaders Champions Training workshop June 13-14.
WiSE Woman Award Recipients Recognized
More than 40 shipbuilders, including Dannon Butts, director of Industrial Engineering and Business Transformation, participated in a Lean Leaders Champions training workshop sponsored by the Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME) June 13-14 at the Peninsula Workforce Development Center in Hampton. Joe Barto, workshop lead, said “the team and organization win when every teammate is engaged and doing the right things.”
Women in Shipbuilding Enterprise (WiSE) presented "WiSE Woman" awards to the following employees during the second quarter of 2018: •
Louise Wagner (K75) was recognized for outstanding leadership in April.
Rickie Spruiell (X45) was recognized for employee engagement in May.
Sally Krystyn (O22) was recognized for outstanding leadership in June.
WiSE presents this award each month and award winners are published in Currents on a quarterly basis. For more information, visit the WiSE Woman website on MyNNS or contact Janice Boone (E16). To submit a nomination, complete the WiSE Woman Nomination Form.
Shipbuilders Learn Lean Practices
AME is a world-class community of more than 4,000 professionals dedicated to a journey of continuous improvement and enterprise excellence. NNS and AME are partnering to provide lean practices to help streamline processes and reduce wasteful practices. “In order to support the NNSFORWARD Strategy priorities of Enable Our Workforce and Execute Efficiently, all shipbuilders must understand our responsibility to look for better and faster ways to do things,” said Kim Humphrey, manager of Strategic Sourcing and national AME vice president of Alliances. “This year we have to continue making visible process changes that will allow us to improve performance on our current and future contracts,” Butts said. “Lean Manufacturing offers a proven toolkit to help improve performance by focusing on reducing wastes in our processes and defining value in the eyes of our internal and external customers.” All NNS employees are eligible for membership rates to training events and conferences. To learn more, visit www.ame.org or contact Kim Humphrey at 380-7129.
NOTICE: Access Center Closing he Access Center in Bldg. 625-1 will close for quarterly maintenance from 11:30 a.m. T until 1 p.m. on Friday, June 29.
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There are still spaces available for debt management classes from SmartPath. Classes are offered from 6 to 6:45 a.m. in Bldg. 1744-6 (Operations Conference Room), from noon to 1 p.m. in Bldg. 520-6 (James River Room) and from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in The Apprentice School (classrooms 258 – 260). Parking in the Bldg. 901 parking garage is available for the 4:30 p.m. class in The Apprentice School. Email BeWell@hii-co.com to register for your preferred class time. Management-approved PTO/ Flex is required during scheduled work hours.
Talent Acquisition (K21) and Career and Professional Development (O44) are sponsoring resume clinics from noon until 1 p.m. and from 4 until 5 p.m. in Bldg. 520-6 (Forrestal Room). Shipbuilders can meet with NNS recruiters and receive feedback on their resumes. No charge will be provided.
The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) will sponsor a tour of Advex Corporation from 4 to 7 p.m. at 41 Research Dr. in Hampton. Founded in 1969, Advex provides precision machining, fabricating, non-destructive testing and marine and industrial services to the defense industry and commercial customers. Dinner will follow the tour. The cost for SME members and guests is $15. For students and seniors, the cost is $10. To RSVP or for more information, contact John Edwards (E84) at 876-8386 or via email.
6 | 25 | 2018
Career Pathways Supports Can-Structure Competition Newport News Shipbuilding’s Career Pathways recently supported the Youth Volunteer Corps of Hampton Roads' annual Can-Structure Competition. Elementary, middle and high school teams were given five hours to build a structure made of cans that was stable enough to withstand a one week viewing period.
Warwick High School won the high school division of this year's can-structure competition.
In addition to being a sponsor for the event, NNS also provided volunteer judges and assigned engineers to teams that requested support. NNS Engineer Andrew Hinojosa (E83), was a team mentor for Warwick High School in Newport News, which won the high school division. “I volunteered to be a mentor so I could use my engineering knowledge to help local high school
students learn basic engineering concepts. Although I did not know I would be assigned to Warwick High School, I am glad I was since I graduated from there in 2008,” he said. All the food used for construction – more than 27,500 non-perishable items – was donated to the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank.
The “Spear and Gear” Toastmasters Club will host a meeting from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Room 247 at The Apprentice School (Bldg. 1919). The event is open to all Newport News Shipbuilding employees and no RSVP is required. The event will provide a forum for employees to learn how to become more effective communicators and leaders. For more information, contact Jason Paquette (E83) at 534-2770.
Newport News Shipbuilding is a presenting sponsor of Hampton Roads PrideFest. Visit the NNS booth at PrideFest from noon until 7 p.m. at Town Point Park in Norfolk for fun, information and prizes. The event is free and open to all.
Aramark Food Services is hiring first- and second-shift Newport News Shipbuilding employees to operate canteens throughout the shipyard. Interested employees should visit Aramark.com and search for job No. 169784. Qualified associates will be paid one hour Monday-Friday for each meal period worked. Applications are accepted through July 10.
Visit www.buildyourcareer.com to search for the latest NNS job openings.
Job Title
Req Number
Quality Engineer – Senior Level 3 Quality Engineer – Senior Level 3 Radiation Safety Manager 1 Foreman - K48/X42 Engineering Manager 3 Construction Supervisor 2 Engineering Manager 2 S99103 Superintendent Conference Planning Manager 1 Waterfront Engineering Manager 2
21923BR 23173BR 22070BR 24477BR 24624BR 24685BR 23793BR 24479BR 24600BR 24566BR
O04 O04 E91 K48 E83 X10 E04 X73 O89 E47
Newport News Newport News Ballston Spa Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News
Employees are encouraged to use the “Current HII Employees” portal to apply. The company continues to offer cash bonus awards for referrals to select positions, visit www.huntingtoningalls.com/careers/refer-a-friend for more information.
Editor: Nicholas Langhorne
Contributing writer: Gabriela Olivera Currents@hii-nns.com Currents is published every Monday for employees of Newport News Shipbuilding. To submit a story or classified ad, visit nns.huntingtoningalls.com/currents.
Get News. Give Feedback. Follow Huntington Ingalls Industries:
Lee Adams 40 years
Michael “Big Al” Allen 40 years
Don “Diego” Alston 40 years
Rita Bruce 40 years
Karen Byrd 40 years
Clyde Davis Jr. 40 years
Keith Dudney 40 years
Linda Harris 40 years
Neal Holley 40 years
Louis Jenkins 40 years
Glenn“SpeckleTrout”Jones 40 years
Louis “L.L.” King 40 years
Kevin“Nighthawk”Knight 40 years
Robert “Lap Dog” Powell 40 years
Butch Wilkins 40 years
40 YEARS Marvin Adams II Michael Allen Don Alston Terry Beckett Ritamary Bruce Karen Byrd Clyde Davis Jr. Lester Dudney Linda Harris Herman Holley Louis Jenkins Glenn Jones Louis King Kevin Knight Robert Powell Jeffery Tucker Linda West Ivery Wilkins
E81 K48 X36 O53 O67 T54 K46 X51 X47 X11 O04 X36 X36 E79 K48 E82 E84 X11
35 YEARS Ralph Baker Bernard Barron
X18 E64
Ernest Brooks Lindale Brothers Philip Brouillard William Bush David Dales Dennis Dance William Davis Patricia Dixon Curtis Dixon Vincent Dobyns Stanley Eley Tammy Eshelman Joseph Fochesato Wilbert Freeman Derek Garrett Michael Gerloff Sandra Gibbons Seth Gilbert Michael Goforth Kirk Goss Thomas Greely Bradley Griffin Michael Griffin Andreas Harmon Jeffrey Harrell Mary Harrell
MAY X43 X36 E16 K46 X36 X42 X82 X43 X31 X09 X10 E85 X31 X33 X32 X11 O53 X18 K47 X11 X83 E83 M40 K48 X18 X42
Milton Harvey Joseph Henton Jimmy Holt Tracy Howard Willis Hunt Jr. Royce Hurdle Clyde Johnson III Anthony Kiemer Joseph Leland Barry Lemmons Steven Loveless Shannon Lynch Robert Marshall Jr. John Mayo Ronnie Mcclure Jr. Marvin Miles James Moore Cedric Moore Terry Moore Ricky Morris Gregory Neidlinger Mavion Norfleet Thomas O’Toole Bradley Ozmer James Ozmer Jr. Lycurtis Perry
X33 E25 X31 X10 O87 K45 X31 X74 O46 X42 X67 X18 E04 X33 X84 X11 K48 X36 X11 X36 X47 O54 E61 E27 K46 X43
Jerry Perry Jr. K47 Joseph Poplin O53 Daniel Poulin E74 Robert Powell Jr. X51 Randall Pridgen X11 Shelton Rankins X18 Gregory Raynor X11 Quinton Riddick O43 James Robinson X31 James Sample N930 Wayne Schubert X18 Jeff Schultz X36 Dale Seaborne O26 Victor Shivers X43 Thomas Simms X11 Roger Smith K47 Craig Stokes X42 Avery Thomas K47 Kirk Tyler X33 Archie Wesson III X11 Elvis West X31 Michael Yannarella O03 30 YEARS Roy Adams Karl Allen III
E63 E75
Nardell Barnes X18 Lisa Bond K48 Jeffrey Brady E61 Janice Carlton E89 Robert Difernando E83 Diana Fearing T52 Tracy Freeman X32 Judith Gardner X47 Cheryl Gillikin O70 Sheila Goodwin X31 Andrew Grayson E10 Leonard Hansbury X31 Derrick Holton O35 Stanley Jones E83 Matthew Leherr E82 James Martin K46 Vinod Mathur E17 Jonathan Mcgee X47 Robert Miller E20 Deborah Morewitz T50 Glenn Morgan N210 Gerald Murray O46 BernardNovakoskiJr. E16 Larry Sessoms X32 Rosa Shannon K46 William Sharpe X83
RETIREMENTS Ronnie Adams X11 James Albert Jr. O46 Robert Almeda E16 Joseph Anderson II X11 Littleton Askew Jr. X18 James Bailey Jr. M53 Anthony Becker E94 Junious Bland Jr. X33 Michael Brice X31 Leegrant Brunson Jr. X42 Marshall Claggett X36 Jeffery Crocker X33
Tony Davis Thomas Duncan Joseph Durso Alvin Eason Steve Eaton Sylvia Egan Nour Elsayed James Evans James Figgs Michael Ford Debra Foster Sherry Glenn
Charles Southall O11 Rose Spires O14 Douglas Wolkowich E85 25 YEARS Everett Eagle III X71 Gregory Horner E30 Christopher Taylor E83 20 YEARS Vernell Bolton E05 Stephen Debusk O93 David Easter E84 Carol Gardner O36 Timothy Hamer T55 David Langston E42 Cynthia Lear O22 Charles Mcconville X47 William Mchenry O34 Vincent Montanaro E83 Bradley Pearson X47 Nicole Radcliff T52
APRIL X18 X71 E82 X31 O53 O64 E16 X18 O43 X74 O51 X31
Robert Greer Jr. Robert Gregory Michael Guthrie Terry Hargett Robert Hume Jr. Freddie James Sr. Thomas Johnston Floyd Jordan Michael Kane Alphonso Kelly Jr. Bradley Kiehner Martha Kuhns
X44 X18 O43 E82 E71 X31 O11 X18 E82 O68 O14 K21
Jerry Ladnier Keith Latimer Mark Lewis Patricia Malone Rudolph Mason Robert Mason Jr. Neila Menser William Mitchell Thomas Moore Kenneth Morgan Joseph Morris James Norton
E16 T54 X84 E16 X11 X71 O35 X11 X11 X32 X43 E92
Randall Palmer X11 Reginald Pierce O43 Carol Porter X18 Tony Rivenbark O67 Vernard Robertson X31 Douglas Scott E18 James Sexton T51 Robert Smallwood X33 Prince Smith X36 Kevin Snoap E84 Paul Soter X31 Melvin Spratley X42
William Stevens O67 Martin Sylvester O67 Larry Turner E24 David Walden E82 Constance Warthen O53 Tony Watson X73 Wayne Webb X18 Herman Wellons Jr. X33 John Williams III O39 Rick Woodson E25 James Yates T52 Robert Young X42
40 Years Ago The Newport News Shipbuilding-built submarine Baton Rouge (SSN 689) on sea trials in May 1978. NNS Photo Archive
6 | 25 | 2018
AUDIO/VIDEO Klipsch KLF-10 Tower Speakers - Classics w/ 2 10" woofers, horn tweeter. Clear powerful sound. Black satin. Great condition. $450. (757) 869-4842 Nintendo 64 - Console, all cords, 2 controllers, Super Mario 64, and Mario Kart 64. $100. (757) 751-3230 Cell Phone - New ZTE Axon Android cell phone. 32 GB. Takes great pics. Comes with charger. $55 OBO. (757) 690-6999 Computer Repair - New build, repair, virus removal and operating system installation. $95. + parts. (757) 329-6761 iPhone 8 OtterBox Case - $20. (757) 329-6761 DJ - 13 years experience, custom playlists for any event, lighting effects and photography. (757) 869-1876
Auto cont.
Furnishings and Appliances cont.
Real Estate cont.
1999-2004 Mustang H-pipe/gauge pod - Never used Pypes H-pipe, $80. Pillar mount 3-gauge pod, $20. (757) 810-4695
Over Range Microwave - Samsung black stainless 2.1 cu. ft. Used 1 yr. Valued at $399. Selling for $250. (757) 303-0961
OBX Rental - Mile Post 11, 3 bdrms/2 baths between highways; walk to beach, restaurants. (757) 681-7532
2001 Mercury Grand Marqius New brakes, new tires, new tune up. Runs great. Clean title. $3,000. (757) 814-9393
Vinyl Power Recliner Rockers Bought 10/16 for $1,000. Like new. $750. (757) 339-3905
2001 Volvo V70 T5 Turbo Wagon - In very good shape. Strong AC, auto trans, new struts, shocks, radiator and timing belt. (757) 218-8611 2002 Chevy Avalanche 4x4 4door - Leather, all power, new tires, rebuilt trans good runner high miles new brakes and shocks. $4,000. (757) 754-4999 1999 Chevy (Geo) Metro Hatch - 268k miles. Runs and drives great with a fresh inspection (05/19). Great on gas. $900. (334) 322-4918 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee - Gray 4X4 lift. Rebuilt trans with 163,000 mi. $4,000. Pics aval. (757) 775-6580 2007 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic LT - 15,225 miles. Excellent condition. $2,895. (252) 339-4705
Jeep Wrangler Sport TJ - 4x4, 2 dr. blue, 2 soft tops, full steel doors, AC, 4.0L auto, 66K. Rust free, garage kept, $8,500. (757) 541-3561
2016 Suzuki GSXR 750 - Black & white. 6,000 miles. Adult owned. Always under cover. $8,300. (757) 876-5987
2002 Honda Accord EX - 4dr, new: tires, tune-up, battery, leather; some issues, great commuter/student car. $3,900. Call/text (757) 897-2570
2002 Mazda B3000 Dualsport - 134k miles. Great work truck. $4,800 OBO. (228) 860-1057
2013 Elantra - 90K miles, 1 owner. remainder of factory warranty, non smoker. $8,200 OBO. (757) 771-3441 2012 Ford Rims - Set of 18" Chrome rims off of a 2012 F-150. No scratches/dents. Contact for pictures. (757) 810-4695 1995 Pontiac Firebird V6 - T-tops, 5-speed. New leather seats. 100K miles. $3,000. (757) 329-6761 2005 V6 Mustang - Convertible, 5-speed. Red. 100K miles. Pics avail. $4,500. (757) 329-6761 2015 Honda Accord Loaded. $17,000. Pics (757) 329-6761
- Gray. available.
2003 Hyundai XG350L - White, wellmaintained automatic w/122k miles. Runs very well. (757) 641-4857 2014 Harley Davidson Sportster 48 - Great condition. Approx. 2,600 miles. Serious inquires only. $8K. (757) 218-6381
FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES Furniture - Queen bed, full BR suite, chairs, lamps, mowers, dishwasher, stove, TV stand. Text for pics/prices. (757) 897-2570
Nuwave Induction Cooker Comes w/ 2 skillets, 1 deep pan, glass lid and fondue forks with ring holder. Never used. $75. (757) 675-9500
REAL ESTATE Townhouse for Rent - 2 master BR/2.5BA, 1,300 sq. ft., private pool. 4 mins. from shipyard. $1,100/mo. plus $1,000 deposit. (757) 529-0260 House for Rent - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, near Hampton High School. Please leave message. (757) 240-0637 House for Rent - 3 bedroom, 1.5 baths, near Langley AF base. Leave message. (757) 240-0637 House for Rent - 3 BR & 2 BA in Glendale area of NN. Minutes from HII. $1,275 per month (757) 871-9627 Home for Rent - Nice 3 bd, 1.5 bath, fenced, 2-story, 1,500 sq. ft. home in Coliseum area of Hampton. Less than 10 min. from shipyard. $1,395/month. (757) 495-1900 Room for Rent in Hampton - Furnished bedroom/bath w/utils & Wi-Fi. Single occup. No smoking/pets. $600/month. Text (757) 810-5813 3-Level Townhouse for Sale - Meridian Parkside, 10 Min from NNS, 2 BR, 3.5 BA, bonus room, garage, pool, open concept. Built in 2011. (412) 600-5298 Time Share/Massanutten 4 July Sleep 4-1br/1ba/whirlpool tub/full kitchen/fireplace/deck/sleep sofa - $600/wk. Check in Fri/Sat/Sun. (336) 558-9615 Lots For Sale - Two 1/2 acre lots for sale on tidal canal in Gloucester. Call for more details. (757) 641-4994
House for Sale - Menchville zone. 4 bdrm, 2 1/2 bth, liv rm, din rm, den w/FP, 2 car att gar, 1 car det ga, deck. Incentives for upgrades. (757) 759-3781 Home for Rent in Denbigh - 2 BR 1 BA, incl. appliances, heat, water. No pets. Owner on prop. so no yard work. 1 person. $750. (757) 715-5460
MISCELLANEOUS New Wire Shelving - 12 ft. long (I’ll cut to length) various depths. Save money. Call for prices. (757) 535-9279 A/C Service - The heat is on, service ,installations and tune ups . Shipyard discount, call today. (757) 771-3441 Roofing and Siding - Roofing, siding, crawl space repairs. Honest and affordable. Free est. Lic. and insured. (757) 641-0738 Items - Microwaves, $35 & up. Ionic air purifier, $45 & up. Weight bench adjust, 180 lbs and chrome bar, $199. (757) 218-2946 Items - Go Go 3-wheel mobility scooter, $650. Weed eaters & blowers, $35, Inver tables, $85, $150, $249. (757) 218-2946 Exercise Equipment - Treadmills, $125 to $499. Ellipticals, $65 to $399. Exercise bikes, $65 to $399. Also have 4 spin bikes. (757) 218-2946 275 Gal. Pig Cookers - One is gas and the other is wood/ charcoal burning with pull out trays for easy access.Text for info. (757) 810-4695 3M Air Filters - New 20x30x1 Filtrete Electrostatic High Performance Air Filter for home use. Quantity of 6. $50. (757) 812-2719
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6 | 25 | 2018
MISCELLANEOUS Home Cleaning General home cleaning. Free estimates. Special occasion cleaning welcomed. Licensed & insured. (757) 371-3904 A/C Service - Tune up & all services. Over 15 yrs experience with all proper tools to do the job correctly. Low prices. (757) 525-0259 Ping Pong Table - Full size table includes net and paddles. Folds for easy storage. $50. (757) 303-6686 Pest Terminator - Free inspections. Expert pest, termite, moisture control, under house repairs & poly installation. (757) 873-4999 Heating & A/C - Service, repair, replacement. Licensed & insured. 30 yrs. exp. Quality work, low prices. 7 days/wk. (757) 605-8643 Baseball/Softball Tee - Power Drive batting tee. Used for softball & baseball. Self contained. Text for pictures. $200 OBO. (757) 652-8919
Miscellaneous cont. Girls Bike - 20-inch pink Huffy, good condition. Can send pictures. $15. (757) 593-2426 Banana trees - Add a tropical look to your yard. Cold hardy bananas grow back every spring and reach 12 ft. $10-20. (757) 593-2426 Lawn Care - Mowing, edging, etc. (NN, Hampton, York area). (757) 535-9279 Lawn Mower - 21-inch MTD mulching push mower. Honda 5.5 hp engine. Starts easy and runs but needs tune up. $60. (757) 268-1080 Riding Lawn Mower - Husqvarna 42 inch cut riding lawn mower. 20 HP Kohler engine. New tires. Great condition. $600 OBO. (757) 652-8919 John Deere Double Bagger - Fits SX75. Not sure what other models it fits. Used but decent shape. $110. (757) 285-5544
BOAT & MARINE SUPPLY Boat for Sale - Sale 1989 23 ft. w/ 200 hp Yamaha. John Allmand Boat & tandem trailer. $1,000. (757) 784-6128 2001 Seaboss 210WA - Boat w/2 stroke Johnson 150 hp O/B includes trailer. Text/call for more info/pics. $10,900. (757) 876-1179
HOBBIES 1:1 Guitar Classes - Midtown NN. Flexible scheduling. Read/play std notation, chords/theory. Call/txt rates, class times. (757) 528-7017
WANTED Enterprise Commuter Van - Commuter van from Va. Beach to NNS daily, 1st shift leaves from Diamond Springs Rd. Text VANRIDE to (757) 450-6740
The last light of day fades as a crescent moon appears in the sky above Newport News Shipbuilding. Photo by Matt Hildreth
Wanted cont. Summer Staff Jobs - Warwick River Christian Learning Center hiring summer staff. 18 years and older. (757) 877-0130 Washer & Dryer - Washers & dryers that you are no longer using and taking up space. Will pick up for free. (757) 617-0100 Barbershop barbers and (757) 596-9600
Licensed needed.
PETS Bird Cages - 1 large bird cage, $150 OBO. 1 medium cage, $80 OBO. Assembled, call for pics & dimensions. Leave message. (757) 409-8200