Aug. 6, 2018

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8 l 6 l 2018

A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding

Photo by John Whalen

New Crane Rises at NNS Newport News Shipbuilding’s skyline changed last weekend when crews lifted into place the girders of the shipyard’s new 315-metricton Goliath gantry crane. “We have been getting pushed back by the weather for several weeks now, but thankfully we caught a break Saturday morning and were able to begin the 1,700-metric-ton lift,” said Brian Jones (O48), project manager for the crane replacement project. It took crews 12 hours on Saturday and until noon on Sunday to

lift the crane’s girders, which are emblazoned with NNS’ name and logo. At 241 feet tall, the new crane is even taller than the 1,050-metric-ton crane in the North Yard, also known as “Big Blue.” It will replace the 49-year-old green Goliath gantry crane that currently spans dry docks 10 and 11. However, the green crane isn’t coming down just yet. It will remain in use for the Refueling and Complex Overhaul of USS George Washington (CVN 73). CONTINUED ON PG 3

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8 | 6 | 2018

Delaware Governor Visits NNS Delaware Gov. John Carney visited Newport News Shipbuilding Aug. 1 to tour the shipyard and greet some of the shipbuilders who have worked on the Virginia-class submarine that bears his state’s name. After the tour, Carney said he was impressed by the shipbuilders he met and the pride they take in their work. “I’m just really impressed and proud to know we have this kind of facility in the United States of America,” he said. “We are excited to know there (will be) a submarine out there protecting our country that’s named after the first state, the state of Delaware.” Delaware Gov. John Carney, left, greets Katrina Gilbert and Andy King. Photo by John Whalen

Delaware (SSN 791) is set to be christened at NNS on Sept. 15.

Summer Interns Rise to the Challenge Many myths surround the life of a summer intern – making coffee, endless runs to the copy machine and busy work. Fortunately for Technology Development (E32) interns, Victoria Hill, Tallak Meland and Zamir Piedrahita, there was nothing mundane about their experience this summer. In addition to tours of Newport News Shipbuilding and NASA Langley, the trio received hands-on exposure to both metaland plastic-based additive manufacturing, experienced the virtual reality of the Rover Room and rounded out their summer completing a complex, 3D printed part in Autodesk Inventor as part of a final “Intern Challenge,” designed by Engineering Manager John Ralls. The challenge was designed to encourage the interns to think outside of the box and

expose them to common engineering issues. They evaluated different approaches for topology optimization, a common tool for lightweight designs in the field of additive manufacturing. “The ‘Intern Challenge’ was a very exciting and challenging task that gave us some much needed engineering experience and tremendously helped us understand how to think and approach engineering problems like professionals," Piedrahita said. Each intern developed an optimized design, formulated technical data to justify their assumptions, fabricated their part in 3D in plastic, and justified their technical decisions to their peers. “It was rewarding to see our interns work through many of the common

Interns Zamir Piedrahita, left, Victoria Hill and Tallak Meland hold the 3D parts developed during the "Intern Challenge." Photo by John Whalen

challenges faced by engineers from material identification to evaluating design feasibility. All three developed creative designs that demonstrated our goal of topology optimizing the part,” Ralls said.

VERG Hosts Coast Guard Birthday Celebration Newport News Shipbuilding’s Veterans Employee Resource Group (VERG) hosted a Coast Guard birthday celebration Aug. 3. VERG members kicked off the event with a Coast Guard-logoed cake and bottled water.

Shipbuilders celebrate the Coast Guard's birthday with a cake in Applebee's (Bldg. 227) Friday, Aug. 3. Photo by Matt Hildreth

“I just wanted to do something to give back,” said Gary Williams (X33), who currently serves in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 61 in Hampton and just completed his first 30 days in the shipyard. Williams’ wife has served in the Coast Guard for six years. Her service inspired him to get more

involved and join Flotilla 61. VERG is planning additional military branch birthday celebrations in the future. The events recognize and thank veterans for having served and continuing to serve the nation as shipbuilders. A birthday celebration for the Air Force will be held Sept. 18 at Applebee’s (Bldg. 227). For more information about VERG, contact Adam Krininger (X84) at 380-4286 or visit the VERG website on MyNNS.

8 | 6 | 2018


Vehicle Safety Tips Newport News Shipbuilding Security and the Newport News Police Department provide the following tips for shipbuilders to avoid a vehicle theft or break-in: •

Always lock your automobile and take your keys.

Make sure all windows are rolled up all the way.

Do not leave extra or spare keys in your automobile.

Do not leave valuables in your automobile (whether in plain sight or hidden).

Do not leave valuables in your trunk (if your automobile is unlocked, a thief can get to your trunk).

Park your automobile in a lit area.

Park your automobile in your garage or driveway if possible.

Never leave your automobile running.

Install an anti-theft device that is highly visible, hard to defeat, and renders the automobile undriveable. (steering wheel or clutch locks, door lock security plates, anti-theft door lock knobs, etc)

Do not leave important papers, especially a car title, in your automobile.

Invest in a tracking device in case your vehicle is stolen.

Record the serial numbers of aftermarket stereos and other items.

Engrave your driver’s license number on your stereos, speakers and cellular phones.

Do not leave your garage door opener in plain sight in your automobile.

Consider a security camera on your property.

The girders of Newport News Shipbuilding's new 315-metric-ton Goliath gantry crane were lifted into place Aug. 4-5. Photo by John Whalen

New Crane Rises at NNS CONTINUED FROM PG 1

At the project site, shipbuilders will soon notice the removal of lifting equipment that was used to erect the new crane. The large fenced-off construction site will be reduced in the coming months as the project allows, according to Jones. “Our team was excited to reach this very visible milestone, and I am privileged and proud to work with such a talented team on a daily basis. This crane will be a great asset to the RCOH program, and without it, that work would not be possible,” he said. Additional work and testing will continue into early next year. The crane is expected to be operational in the second quarter of 2019. Watch a video of the lift on MyNNS.

Contractors Recognized for JMAF Work Newport News Shipbuilding recognized contractors for their commitment to safety and quality during construction at the Joint Manufacturing and Assembly Facility (JMAF). Those acknowledged included Dennie Noble of L.E. Ballance Electrical Service, Ken Plas of Unitherm, Marlon Brandon of Lee Telecom Inc., Shea Barella of LPR Construction, Rodney Thorn of I+Icon Southeast and James Evans of Schwob Building Company, LTD. NNS also recognized Schwob Building Company, LTD as a whole for its work

on the site. “One of the pillars of being a Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) site is contractor management,” said Ryan McTheny (O27). “We want to make sure our contractors are performing well, and we want to recognize them when they go above and beyond.”

Shipbuilders are encouraged to report any suspicious activity at NNS to Security. The emergency number is *911, and the nonemergency number is 380-2222.

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8 | 6 | 2018 The event was an opportunity to foster collaboration between the two yards, which already work closely together, according to Kenny Weeks (E83), an on-site Reactor Plant Planning Yard representative for USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69). “Employees from Newport News Shipbuilding are working here inside of Norfolk Naval Shipyard to support availabilities,” he said. “We’re really a big team working together to get these ships back out to sea.” Attendees included Norfolk Naval Shipyard Commander Capt. Kai Torkelson and his direct reports, leaders and other employees from both Norfolk and Pearl Harbor naval shipyards, U.S. Navy personnel and Reactor Plant Contractor Office (RPCO) officials. Donny Hoover, who works in the nuclear engineering innovation branch at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, said he saw tangible benefits – including a reduction in injuries and significant cost savings – that could come from the use of digital shipbuilding tools.

Newport News Shipbuilding's Mobile Experience trailer spent two days at Norfolk Naval Shipyard last week. Photo by Matt Hildreth

MX Trailer Visits Norfolk Naval Shipyard More than 200 people had the opportunity to tour Newport News Shipbuilding’s Mobile Experience (MX) trailer during a two-day visit to Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth last week.

“It’s not just about having the coolest, fanciest technology; it’s about what you get when you have that,” he said. “A lot of this stuff is going to pay for itself many times over.” Weeks said attendees reacted positively. “Our mission was to share our experience and create opportunities to work with their teams to develop products that will enhance the abilities of the entire naval shipbuilding and ship maintenance community,” he said.

WIN TICKETS: Kings Dominion Newport News Shipbuilding and Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems are celebrating their 28th annual exclusive park day at Kings Dominion from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 8. This event is open to all employees, family and friends of Newport News Shipbuilding, Northrop Grumman ES and members of BayPort Credit Union. Tickets can be purchased in advance for $26 from any BayPort Credit Union location or online at (username and password: KDNNSB). Only NNS and NG tickets, dated Sept. 8, 2018, will be valid. No other tickets or season passes will be accepted for entry into the park. NNS has received a limited number of tickets to give away to shipbuilders. NNS will hold a drawing for free tickets. Shipbuilders interested in winning tickets can enter via the NNS to Go app or by completing the entry form to the right and send it via Yardmail to: Family Fun Day Contest c/o Laurel Overby (O29) Bldg. 520-1

Shipbuilders can only enter once using the entry form in Currents. However, those using the NNS to Go app can enter once per day from Aug. 6-24. To qualify, entries must be sent through the NNS to Go app or via Yardmail and received by Aug. 24 (emailed entries will NOT be accepted). Entries must be completed on employees’ own time. Winners will be selected at random and notified no later than Aug. 30. Winners will be posted and tickets must be claimed from the Communications Office in Bldg. 520 no later than 4 p.m. on Sept. 5. Tickets will not be mailed; tickets not claimed by 4 p.m. on Sept. 5 will be forfeited. For more information, contact Laurel Overby (O29) at 688-9932.

Name (first, last): Department: Daytime (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) Phone Number:

8 | 6 | 2018


AROUND THE YARD Attend SmartPath Class on Teaching Kids Money Skills

Business Ethics Survey Begins

Get tips and strategies to teach your children how to manage money at this month’s free SmartPath class.

Newport News Shipbuilding employees will have the opportunity to participate in the 2018 business ethics survey Aug. 6-17. The purpose of the survey is to gauge how well the company is doing ethically among its workforce. Employees with computer access are receiving a link to the survey in their inbox and employees without computer access will be given a hard copy survey. All responses are confidential.

Classes are offered at various times and locations throughout the shipyard on Tuesday, Aug. 28: •

6-6:45 a.m. in Bldg. 1744-6, Operations Conference Room

Noon-1 p.m. in the old Apprentice School (Bldg. 14, third floor auditorium)

4:30-5:30 p.m. in the VASCIC auditorium

Registration is required. Shipbuilders should email to register for their preferred class time or ask their foreman to register them. Space is limited. Managementapproved PTO/flex is required during scheduled work hours. Have you talked to a financial coach yet? Text “CoachmeHII” to 555888 to schedule a free financial physical. Schedule by Oct. 1 for a chance to win a YETI cooler. For details, email

On-the-Spot Ethics Awards Announced

Volunteer for United Way Day of Caring

The following shipbuilders were recently honored with Level Two On-the-Spot Ethics Awards: John D. Figg (X47), Courtland "Jason" Myles (O53), Karen Hartig (O89), Donna Black (O89), Jared M. Andrews (E16), Daniel Lowther (K69), Travis S. Wyatt (X31), Michael W. Symonds (O15), Albertine Beale (X33), Jeffrey E. Lee (X11), Kendell Grant (X33), Quinton Dively (K48), Lawrence Bell (X33), Daniel Callahan (E85), Jazmine Greene (O14), Dean Fyfe (O53), Shaun Veale (X33), Mary Godwin (X33), Nancy King (X33), Chris Moller (O52), Thomas Roskowski (O52), Lorinda Smith (O78), Chase Pace (X36), Brandon Byrum (X42) and Anthony Fortune (X73).

Newport News Shipbuilding is partnering with Fear 2 Freedom, a global organization with a mission of helping to restore hope and dignity to survivors of sexual assault, for the United Way Day of Caring.

To nominate a fellow employee, submit form C-941 to the Ethics Office, Dept. O18.

Shipbuilders can volunteer to help assemble aftercare kits for survivors of sexual violence. The event is from 9 until 11 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 8, in the Warwick High School cafeteria. Sign up on the United Way website. Volunteers will receive a free T-shirt and an invitation to the Day of Caring kick-off breakfast at The Mariners’ Museum on Friday, Sept. 7. For more information, contact Michelle Styron (X44) at 380-4860 or via email.

New Silver Decals Take Effect Newport News Shipbuilding is issuing new silver parking decals to supervisory employees. Old silver decals will no longer be valid as of Friday, Aug. 10. Any vehicle in silver parking displaying an old decal will be subject to towing at the owner’s expense. Any shipbuilder still in possession of an old silver decal should contact Ann Willis (O69) at 688-3094 as soon as possible to obtain a valid NNS parking decal.

Drive 2018

Purchase School Supplies Online

School Tools Drive Continues Shipbuilders can make tax-deductible donations to Newport News Shipbuilding's 2018 School Tools Drive through Aug. 15 at Items purchased online are not taxed and are shipped directly to NNS. School Tools Drive collection boxes are also available in buildings across the shipyard through Aug. 17. See the Distribution A memo for a list of box locations. For more information, contact Judy Fundak (K18) at 380-3011.

Night School Registration Underway Fall 2018 Night School classes are scheduled to begin the week of Sept. 17 and end the week of Nov. 17. The application deadline is Aug. 17. For further information and to view a list of classes and registration information, visit the Night School website, the Programs tab on The Apprentice School's website or the NNS to Go app. For questions, contact Shirley Smith-King (O22) at 688-8608.

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8 | 6 | 2018


Register by Aug. 6 to participate in the Move More, Minute By Minute physical activity challenge hosted by BeWell For Life, operated by QuadMed. Participants will track their physical activity for eight weeks starting Aug. 6 to get active and win prizes. All NNS employees are eligible to participate. Visit and log into the Wellness Online portal to register.


The African American Shipbuilders Association (AASA) welcomes employees to attend a men's health panel discussion from 4:30 until 6 p.m. in VASCIC auditorium. Panelists will discuss stroke, heart disease, prostate cancer, cancer of the eye, stress, preventative maintenance and more. This is the first of a three-part series. Events focused on women's health and family health are planned.


The Hispanic Outreach and Leadership Alliance (HOLA) employee resource group is hosting its annual picnic/ Familia Day from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Sandy Bottom Nature Park, 1255 Big Bethel Rd., Hampton. The event, in the shelter next to the Nature Center, will include HOLA's first general membership meeting, games, face painting, food and more. Sign up on HOLA's website. For more information, contact Miguel Cortez (E86) at 380-3990 or via email.


The Hispanic Outreach and Leadership Alliance (HOLA) employee resource group will host a speed mentoring session from 4:30 until 6 p.m. in Bldg. 520-6 (James River Room). Attendees will have the chance to share and receive advice from company leaders. Mentoring sessions will occur in 10-minute intervals with attendees moving from one mentor to another. Sign up on HOLA’s website or contact Duane Faircloth (X70) at 688-5466 or via email.


The Operations Division Quality of Life Health and Financial Wellness Group will host a Fun at the Park event from 2 until 5:30 p.m. at the MiniPark at 47th Street and Warwick Boulevard. The event includes games, giveaways, healthy snacks, music and fun. Attendees can also register to win a YETI cooler.


Newport News Shipbuilding is looking for employees to feature in its 2018 Inclusion and Diversity Campaign. All employees are eligible to be featured on any month's poster. The remaining recognition months for this year are Disability Awareness Month, Hispanic Heritage Month and Native American Heritage Month. If you are interested in sharing your story, visit campaign-2018.



SHIPs Network is looking for new leaders to serve on its board. Leadership interviews will be held from 4 until 5 p.m. in Bldg. 520 (or via teleconference). SHIPs is looking for both represented and non-represented employees to serve as treasurer, secretary, Shipbuilder Engagement Committee members and more. Shipbuilders should contact Eric Olsen (X22) at 688-1868 or via email if they are interested in serving or have questions.

The In-Service Carrier Program will host its 15th Annual Aircraft Carrier Invitational Golf Tournament at Ford’s Colony Country Club. The event is a four-man Captain’s Choice format starting at 1 p.m. with registration beginning at 11 a.m. The cost of $500 per team includes golf, driving range, welcome gifts and dinner. Proceeds from the event will benefit the USO. Contact Bruce Roberts (K69) at 380-4964 to register.



WiSE will host Organizational Vision: Depth Before Height Leadercast featuring James Brown from 4:30 until 6 p.m. in VASCIC 2 West Dining Room. No charge will be provided.


NNS Spear & Gear, the online store featuring a wide variety of company-logoed apparel and products, will host a pop-up sale from 6:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. between the Modular Outfitting Facility (MOF) and the Supplemental Modular Outfitting Facility (SMOF). A number of products offered online will be available for purchase at the pop-up, which will also offer contests and giveaways. All items featured in the online store – which is open to the public and accessible at – are available for purchase 24/7 and ship for free.


Learn more about Enterprise Rideshare during an interest meeting from 4 until 5:30 p.m. in Bldg. 520-6 (Huntington Room). Email to RSVP.

Newport News Shipbuilding is a sponsor of the Hampton Roads Heart Walk. The Peninsula walk is Oct. 20 at Peninsula Town Center in Hampton, and the Southside walk is Nov. 3 at Mount Trashmore in Virginia Beach. Register at or become an NNS team lead. For more information, visit the NNS Heart Walk website on MyNNS or contact Amy McDonald (X71) at 688-6489.


Join fellow shipbuilders at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Light The Night Walk from 5 until 9 p.m. at the MacArthur Center Green in Norfolk. The walk supports blood cancer treatment research that saves lives. To donate, visit huntingtoningallsindustries. For more information, contact Eric Olsen (X22) at 688-1868.


Visit to search for the latest NNS job openings.

Job Title

Req Number



Experienced Blasters Shipwright/Linesman (Surveyor Position) Foreman Labor Relations Rep 2 Labor Relations Rep 3 Electrical Engineer 2 iDS – Senior Engineer 3 Design Engineering Manager 1 Engineering Manager 2 Engineering Manager 2 Engineering Manager 2 Engineering Manager 2 Test Engineering Manager 2 Systems Engineering Manager 2 Systems Engineering Manager 2

19102BR 23943BR 25300BR 18709BR 18711BR 24533BR 23826BR 25217BR 24737BR 24974BR 25026BR 25093BR 25257BR 25234BR 25235BR

X33 X11 X73 O21 O21 O31 E10 E27 E65 X73 E81 E81 E84 T54 T54

Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News

Employees are encouraged to use the “Current HII Employees” portal to apply. The company continues to offer cash bonus awards for referrals to select positions, visit for more information.

Editor: Nicholas Langhorne

Contributing writer: Gabriela Olivera Currents is published every Monday for employees of Newport News Shipbuilding. To submit a story or classified ad, visit

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Tim Bean 40 years

Jim Connolly 40 years


Bill Fralich 40 years

Rick Snow 40 years

LONG SERVICE 45 YEARS James Cherry Phil Clarke Willie Crandell Michael Hucks Willard Hunt Jr. Willie Jenkins Jr. John Savage Willie Turner

X33 X67 X33 X33 X33 X33 K46 X33

40 YEARS Timothy Bean X47 Johnny Chappell M53 James Connolly X47


William Fralich Richard Snow

X73 E72

35 YEARS William Bassett Timothy Christian Robert Corbin William Dunbar Richard Gregory David Haskiell Todd Krenzer Robert Rhodes Michael Via James Wei

K45 X33 O15 E14 O19 X57 E17 E22 E83 E17

30 YEARS VirginiaAlexander-Scheiderer K74 Leroy Bossetti E71 Douglas Brown E51 Christopher Casper X32 Sharon Christensen K45 Jonathan Dansereau O87 Thominice Hargett E89 Cary Harris O54 Steven Hoagland E83 Christopher Holloway X18 Joseph Kimbel E16 Charles Lewis K47 Robin Malarkey O51

Thomas Mason Caffee Matthews Hildrew Mcnair Leon Mcwilliams Joseph Murdock John Natterer Garry Parks Gayneal Parris William Rhodes Demond Shepard Milton Slade Jenifer Solomon Timothy Stull Jeffrey Tatum

E11 X33 X33 X33 E80 E83 O19 T50 X42 X33 X33 E01 X10 E84

James Tunstall Dennis Yeldell

O68 E84

25 YEARS Victor Albea Andrew Eshelman Jesse Johnson William Jones

E82 K93 X91 X21

20 YEARS Lashon Adkins Clyde Barden IV Anthony Bryan Christopher Choate

X47 K48 X71 E42

RETIREMENTS Frederick Baum David Bond Henry Chapman Henry Dillard

O53 X36 O46 X36

Alonzo Dove James Fry Tommy Hatfield Glenn Hicks

Tyler Evans K45 Cassandra Evans-Weaver E89 Jason Lantz X67 Christopher Mccarty E20 Mary Parson O41 Peter Pruett K46 Steven Torres M40 Nancy White E10

JUNE E85 E72 O38 M40

Tommie Holloway X43 Michael Jackson O46 Willie Johnson X36 Benjamin Marks Jr. O51

Lettie Murphy Eddie Nalley Jeffrey Oliver Kenneth Paugh

X33 O46 E24 X43

Mark Prater Cottes Smallwood Michael Snell John Somero

O64 X36 E72 O52

Donnell Somerville K47 William Spratley X33

40 Years Ago USS Mississippi (CGN 40) departs Newport News Shipbuilding after delivery in July 1978. NNS Photo Archive

8 | 6 | 2018



AUDIO/VIDEO ZTE Cell Phone - ZTE Axon Android cell phone. 32GB. Takes great pics. Like new. Includes charger. $55 OBO. (757) 690-6999 DJ - 13 years experience, custom playlists for any event, lighting effects and photography. (757) 869-1876 Canton 3-way Tower Speakers & Sub - Like new German Canton GLE496 speakers bought 5/2018. 3-way, 4 driver. Including 10" Bassx sub. $600. (757) 869-4842 Toshiba 17" Laptop - Intel core2 Duo 2.0 GHZ, 4GB RAM, 120GB SSD, Windows 10 64 bit. Works great. $80 OBO. (757) 869-4842

AUTO 1997 Toyota 4Runner - SR5, 4WD, automatic, A/C, sunroof, cloth interior, 213K mi. $3,000. (757) 303-6686 1999 Kawasaki - Vulcan Nomad 1500. Red LED lights under body. 55,000 miles. $2,500 OBO. (757) 739-0060 Landscape Trailer - 5X10 landscapestyle trailer with ramp. Wood deck. Expanded metal gate. Text for pics. (757) 310-8950 1965 T-Bird - Good shape, nonsmoker, white ext., red ltr, PS, PDB, 390CI engine rebuilt 300HP, dual exh. $9,200. Text for pic. (757) 817-6292 Tires and Rims - 4 Tires & OE Rims for Honda Civic 4 lug 185/70/R14 tires. Like new. $225. (757) 650-4974 1997 Honda Accord EX Wagon Solid vehicle, 177K miles. No issues, good cond., $2,250. Call/text for pics. (804) 725-6476

Auto cont.

Furnishings and Appliances cont.

2016 Suzuki GSXR 750 - Black & white. 6,000 miles. Always under cover. Adult owned. $7,600. (757) 876-5987

Nuwave Induction Cooker - Comes w/ 2 skillets, 1 deep pan, glass lid and fondue forks with ring holder. Never used. $50. (757) 675-9500

2002 Toyota Corolla - 1 owner, 285k miles. Check engine light is on, but it runs well. 5-speed manual. $1,000 OBO. (757) 645-6081

Solid Iron/Wood Bar Stools - 3 solid iron bar stools w/wood seat bottom. Pic. available. Bar height. $150. (252) 619-8338

Basket-Style Cargo - Curt 1815 basket-style cargo net and cargo bag. $100. (757) 876-0431

Keuring One-Cup Coffee Pot - Black. Comes with 2 drawers for K-cups and 4 filters. Pic. available. $65. (252) 619-8338

2002 Toyota Corolla - 1 owner, 285k miles, check engine light is on but runs well, 5 speed manual. $1,000. OBO. (757) 380-7499

BOAT & MARINE SUPPLY Bass Tracker Boat - 17 ft. w/40HP Evinrude, tuned/ready to go. Boat 1990, motor 1987 rebuilt and trailer. Text for pic. $2,800. (757) 817-6292 2016 Tracker Grizzly - Grizzly 1860 Sportsman w/18 ft. center console and 90HP Mercury. Has less than 40 hours on it. (757) 876-9385

FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES Dining/Kitchen Chairs - Great shape. Material covered in green teal color. 6 chairs, can sell separate. $10 ea. Text for pic. (757) 817-6292 Ethan Allen Sofa - Great shape, navys/greens floral plus picture & 2 candle holders to match. Non-smoker. $300. Text for pic. (757) 817-6292 Dining Set - Table with a leaf and 6 chairs in good condition. $200. Text for pictures. (757) 206-5560

1995 Harley Davidson Softail Custom - Black. Runs great. Ready to ride. $4,600. (757) 298-1733

Stove/Electric Range - White Maytag double oven elec. range. Good cond. w/5 elements, self-cleaning. Will text photos. $250. (757) 817-7141

1.4 Lowering Kit - Chrysler 300v6/ 300cHemi 04- Charger sxt v6 05-10 Charger art Hemi Magnum RT Hemi 05-08. (757) 768-7746

Bookshelves 2 Thomasville bookshelves, $50 each. Exc. cond. Dark wood glass inserts and can plug in for light. (757) 813-5436

REAL ESTATE James City Townhome for Rent - 3 BR, 2.5 Ba end unit. Large kit., 1,430 SF with deck in quiet neighborhood. Avail. in Sept. $1,100/mo. (757) 880-1782

MISCELLANEOUS Telescope Orion XT4.5 Dobsonian Telescope w/extras, Text (757) 876-6190

Skyquest Reflector IGC 75.

501(c)(3) Clinic - For nonprofits/ churches from 10 a.m. until noon on Aug. 17 in Chesapeake. $35. (757) 945-94444 Heating & A/C - Service, repair, replacement. Licensed & insured. 30 yrs. exp. Quality work, low prices. 7 days/wk. (757) 605-8643 Pest Terminator - Free inspections. Expert pest, termite, moisture control, under house repairs & poly installation. (757) 873-4999 Stroller - Umbrella Stroller, new, used once, 30 lb weight limit. Call for pics. $10. (757) 690-6999

2 BR Cottage for Rent in Denbigh Home on owner's prop. Incl. stove, fridge, W/D. Heat/water in rent of $800/mo. for 1 person. No pets. (757) 715-5460

Wine Glass Holder - Holds 9 white wine or 6 red wine glasses, silver under counter holder with hardware. $10. (757) 236-0789

Home for Sale - Home in Yorktown, 4 bedrm, 3 baths, 2,800 sq. ft. $398,000. Text (757) 817-6292

Cemetery Lots - Hampton Veterans Memorial, Hampton, Va. 2 lots, vaults and markers for $8,000. (757) 660-9138

House for Sale As Is - 3 BR, 1 bath, garage, fireplace. Large lot in JCC. Roof, VNG w/AC, HWH in good cond. $130K. (757) 739-8879

New wire shelving - Shelves are 12 ft. long (I’ll cut to length) 12" & 20" depths. Call for prices. (757) 535-9279

Townhouse For Sale - Meridian Parkside, 10 min. from NNS. 2 BR, 3.5 BA, bonus room, garage, open concept. Built in 2011, pool. (412) 600-5298

Items - Microwaves, $35 and up. Ionic air purifiers, $45 and up. Vacuums and carpet cleaner, $45 and up. (757) 218-2946

Old Wythe Home & Garage/Apt - Old Wythe Hampton 3BR/2.5BA, 2-car garage w/attached studio apartment. 1,800 sq. ft. $182K. (757) 534-8415

Items - Weed eaters, hedge trimmers, blower, $35. Weight benches, $35 to $85. Nuwave Oven, $75. Steam cleaner, $45. (757) 218-2946

House for Sale on 67th Street Charming home within walking distance to North Yard, Hidens bus stop or 50th Street. (757) 871-1302 House For Rent - 3 BR & 2 BA in Glendale area of NN. Minutes from HII. $1,250 per month. (757) 8719627 Room for Rent - Big Bethel Road area. $125 per week, all utilities included. (757) 298-1043

Exercise Equipment - Treadmills, $115 to $299. Ellipticals, $50 to $299. Exercise bikes, $65 to $220. Teeter inver table, $150. (757) 218-2946 Child Care - In home, $95/week. Mon.-Fri., 6 a.m.-6 p.m. Fun learning environment. Ref., 20 plus years. Call or text. (757) 947-4408

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8 | 6 | 2018

EMPLOYEE CLASSIFIEDS MISCELLANEOUS Garage Doors/Openers - Installation and service of residential and commercial garage doors. Free est. Lic. and Insured. (757) 871-8474 Selmer Paris Model 52 - Super Action 80 Serie II professional alto saxophone. Excellent. condition, single owner (adult). $3,350. (757) 329-8014 Tiller Husquvarna DRT900. Excellent condition. Both forward & rear tine. Text (757) 813-5436 Generator/Welder Miller Bobcat - 83 hours use, 20 HP Engine, 250 amps, 10,000 watts. Plug needs repair. $4K. Text for pics. (757) 876-4285 Size 12D Steel Toe Boots, NIB Thorogood brand. NIB w/tags. Text for pictures. (757) 876-4285 A/C Service - Repairs, replacements, tuneups. Affordable prices. Lic. and Insured. (757) 771-3441 Heating & A/C Service - Licensed & Insured with over 30 yrs. experience. Tuneups, repair or replace. (757) 525-0259 Gym, Tools, Wood Stove - Bowflex Gymset, $75. 75-lb. punching bag, $50. Craftsman tablesaw, $100. Potbelly stove, $200. (757) 534-8415 Ping Pong Table - Regulation size, metal skirt, casters, with net/paddles/ balls/paddle rack. Good condition. $100 OBO. (757) 238-2358

Miscellaneous cont. Roofing and Siding - Roofing, siding, crawl space repairs. Honest and affordable. Ref. avail. Free est. Lic. and insured. (757) 641-0738 Gutter Cleaning - We clean gutters by hand, bag the debris, flush your down spouts. Licensed and insured. (757) 810-5115 House Washing - House, roof and concrete cleaning. Most of our methods are used with less than 500 PSI. Licensed. (757) 810-5115 Burial plots - Two cemetery plots located at Parklawn Memorial Park in Hampton. Section 16, Lot 654, spaces 3 & 4. (757) 329-6259 General Home Cleaning - Free estimates. Special occasion cleaning welcomed. Licensed & insured. (757) 371-3904 Connelly Pool Table - Connelly 8-ft. Slate Pool Table. Excellent condition. $1,000. (757) 876-0431 Landscaping/Yard Work Cleanups, tree & bush trimming, gutter cleaning. Free estimates, great prices. Gloucester area. (757) 525-0259 Lawn Care - Mowing, edging, etc. (NN, Hampton, York area). (757) 535-9279



Hunt Club Accepting Members - Small family oriented hunt club based out of Brunswick, Va., offering big/small game opportunities. (757) 735-1512

Rehome Black Lab/Collie Mix Looking to rehome my female black lab/border collie mix. Text for details and pictures. (757) 849-3507

1:1 Guitar Classes - Midtown NN. Flexible scheduling. Read/play std notation, chords/theory. Call/txt rates, class times. (757) 528-7017

2 Bird Cages - 1 large cage, $150 OBO. 1 medium cage, $80 OBO. Assembled. Call for pics & dimensions, leave message. (757) 409-8200

Homemade Soaps and More - Soaps, body butter, sugar scrubs, bath bombs. Many fragrances, made locally. Text (774) 254-1736 Tomasso Roadbike - Titanium and Carbon Fiber, 56-cm. frame, semiaero wheels, Shimano Ultegra components, extras. $850 OBO. (757) 354-0642 Raleigh Roadbike - Kona Alloy and Carbon Fiber, 56-cm. frame, sprinter wheels, Campagnolo Centaur components. $750 OBO. (757) 354-0642

IN APPRECIATION Thank you - Thanks Kevin Ransom for finding & turning in my license. Thank you Nadine Bryant for contacting me! Thank you - Thank you to the DRC Team in Bldg. 86! Appreciate the great job you do every day!

Yellow Lab - 6-year-old loveable yellow male Lab, needs new home since his owner is going to apartment in NY/KSO. (757) 534-8415 Rottweiler - Purebred male stud with papers. Looking for a female, pure with papers. (757) 633-0417

WANTED Monthly Parking Space - Would like to rent/lease a monthly parking space in vicinity of 35-37th street gates, ASAP. (757) 869-7501 Barbers and Braiders - We are seeking licensed barbers and braiders. (757) 596-9600 Washer & Dryer - Broken washers & dryers that you are no longer using and taking up space. Will pick up for free. (757) 617-0100

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