8 l 21 l 2017
A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding
NNS President Launches Facebook Page Newport News Shipbuilding President Jennifer Boykin launched her new Facebook page on Friday, Aug. 18. “I plan to use social media as a way to share my thoughts, highlight our shipbuilders and provide more information about our business,” she said. Watch a video of Boykin introducing shipbuilders to her Facebook page.
Machine Hand and Master Shipbuilder Wayne Kania (X15) will perform the ceremonial first cut of steel for Enterprise (CVN 80) on Thursday, Aug. 24. Photo by John Whalen
CVN 80 First Cut of Steel Ceremony Set for Thursday ewport News Shipbuilding will celebrate the ceremonial first cut of steel for Enterprise N (CVN 80) on Thursday, Aug. 24. Ship Sponsors, Olympians Simone Biles and Katie Ledecky, will attend the ceremony and tour the shipyard with their families prior to the event. Ledecky is a six-time Olympic medalist in swimming. Biles is a five-time Olympic medalist in gymnastics. During the ceremony, Machine Hand and Master Shipbuilder Wayne Kania (X15) will perform the ceremonial cut. Machine Hand Tony Goodman (X15) will deliver the invocation, and Shipbuilder Kayla Cook (O68) will sing the national anthem. Newport News shipbuilders, personnel from the U.S. Navy and local elected officials will attend the event. The event is invitation-only and all guests attending must have a ticket to gain entrance. The ceremony will be broadcast live on the Huntington Ingalls Industries' Facebook page starting at 2:30 p.m., and will be available for replay following the event. Employees and guests attending the ceremony are encouraged to use the hashtag #CVN80 when sharing content from the event via social media channels.
Shipbuilders are encouraged to use the page to connect with Boykin and to share thoughts and ideas. Employees can like and follow Boykin by searching NNS President on Facebook or by pasting the following link into your browser: Facebook.com/NNSPresident. #LetsGetStarted
Proteus Completes Unmanned Missions Testing roteus, Huntington Ingalls Industries' dualP mode undersea vehicle, successfully completed autonomous contested battlespace missions during the 2017 Advanced Naval Technology Exercise (ANTX) at the Naval Surface Warfare Center (Panama City Division) on Aug. 16. During ANTX, the Naval Surface Warfare Center, in cooperation with HII, Battelle, Northrop Grumman and Riptide Autonomous Solutions, conducted aerial, surface and underwater vehicle advance mission capability demonstrations through relevant operational scenarios while communicating real-time... CONTINUED ON PG 2
A Unique Connection at The Apprentice School
Safety Reminder: Emergency Call Boxes
Third Quarter Excellence In Action Honorees Announced
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Proteus Completes Unmanned Missions Testing CONTINUED FROM PG 1
...mission performance to remote operations headquarters. The underwater mission segment focused on Proteus' unmanned missions capabilities. Proteus, developed by HII's Technical Solutions division (Undersea Solutions Group) and Battelle, entered a contested battlespace to deliver and launch three smaller unmanned undersea vehicles (UUVs) with unique roles in the overall mission objective. When launched, Riptide's micro-UUVs and Northrop Grumman's REMUS UUV successfully executed unique mission plans according to their onboard sensors and payloads to investigate and prepare the contested battlespace. "ANTX provided us an excellent opportunity to demonstrate Proteus' capabilities to Navy leadership, the Navy technical community and our industry partners as we work to meet
Proteus, a dual-mode undersea vehicle developed by HII’s Technical Solutions division (Undersea Solutions Group) and Battelle, successfully completed autonomous contested battlespace missions during the 2017 Advanced Naval Technology Exercise (ANTX) at the Naval Surface Warfare Center (Panama City Division). HII photo
the Navy's future requirements," said Ross Lindman, director of operations, Undersea Solutions Group. "We are very pleased with how Proteus performed during the exercise."
Having App Issues? Ensure Your System is Up-to-Date
Chacon was honored for identifying a crane in the Modular Outfitting Facility that had been returned to service without undergoing a required audit. He notified his supervisor, and a work stoppage was put into place.
Some users who installed Google’s Android 7 Nougat system update may experience problems with certain apps, including the Google Play Store and/ or the NNS to Go app. Users who have upgraded to Nougat and are experiencing performance issues with specific apps, should delete and reinstall those apps on their mobile device. If the Google Play Store consistently crashes, users should restart their device. If restarting the device does not work, then users may need to clear their storage cache. This can easily be done by tapping on “Settings,” then tapping, “Storage,” then “Cached Data.”
Ray Bagley, vice president of Trades Operations, met with Chacon and Miller to present the awards and thank them for their actions.
Connection speeds vary based on cellular service and/or wifi connection
Pictured on left: Eric Chacon (O48), center left, stands between Timothy Robinson and Ray Bagley, vice president of Trades Operations. Pictured on right: Chip Miller (O67), center right, stands between John Sharkey and Bagley. Photos by Matt Hildreth
Shipbuilders Steering the Way Chip Miller (O67) and Eric Chacon (O48) received Level One On-the-Spot Ethics Awards in July. Miller was honored for securing two Aramark money bags he found on top of a vending machine, locating the vendor and returning the bags.
8 | 21 | 2017
ODU Course Explores Digital Shipbuilding Shipbuilders interested in learning more about digital shipbuilding can enroll in a distance learning course at Old Dominion University this fall. Marine Engineering II: Introduction to Digital Shipbuilding is open to undergraduate, graduate and non-degree seeking students.
The class will focus on model-based learning and creating a "digital thread" of information. Students will practice what they learn on shipbuilding concepts using commercial software that is widely used across automotive, aerospace and marine industries.
"The course is really a primer to encourage people to think using the digital 3-D model instead of the traditional 2-D drawing," said Brent Woodhouse (X57), one of several Newport News Shipbuilding employees who volunteered to help teach the class. "You're going to learn about digital concepts and what we're trying to do at the shipyard, but there's a lot we still have to figure out. We invite everyone to come join us, embrace these challenges and help us solve them."
Classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:45 until 6 p.m. at ODU's Tri-Cities Center, located just off Interstate 664 and Highway 164 near the borders of Suffolk, Portsmouth and Chesapeake. Students can physically attend class, or log in and watch it online. A version of the course was also taught last spring. Woodhouse said there was a "cool dynamic" of younger college students and those working in industry during the session.
"The 3-D modeling was like second nature to the younger people in the class. They were whizzing tthrough the software. I had some older guys who struggled with the computeraided design (CAD) piece, but they were able to better apply the digital products to shipbuilding processes. It was a good mix. Both generations were learning from each other," he said. For questions about the course or registration, contact Woodhouse at 688-7990. Qualified employees can use the Education Assistance Program for this course. For more information about NNS' Education Assistance Program, visit nns.huntingtoningalls.com/ educationassistance or contact Mindi Trantham (O44) at 688-8236.
A Unique Connection at The Apprentice School Working in admissions at The Apprentice School, Judy Tyler (O22) comes across applicants with all types of names. But a couple of years ago, the name on one application caught her eye. "This guy's name is Tyler Judy (E06). Can you believe that? I got kind of tickled," she said. "It was just so ironic because I meet very few Judy's, period. And I had never met anyone with the last name Judy. I had to meet him, and luckily he was a well-qualified candidate." So Tyler Judy came in for an interview and met Judy Tyler, who later extended an offer. Once Tyler Judy got to Newport News Shipbuilding, the confusion started immediately. "I was getting her mail all the time," he said. He even received emails from candidates inquiring about the status of their Apprentice School applications. "I was just like, 'That's way above me.'" Now, more than two years after Tyler Judy first arrived at the school, the two still get each other's phone calls, mail and email.
Tyler Judy (E06) and Judy Tyler (O22) stand together outside of The Apprentice School. Photo by John Whalen
"It never stops," said Judy Tyler, an Apprentice School alumna who has worked at NNS for 30 years.
People often stop Judy Tyler to let her know that her reverse namesake is doing well. "It's been fun," she said, turning to Tyler Judy. "I don't know how fun it's been for you, but it's been fun for me. I'm proud to share this name with you." In the future, the two could have even more in common than their names and being Apprentice School alumni. "I can see myself working for The Apprentice School at some point in my career. Everyone here advocates for the apprentices and works so hard to help us get where we want to be," Tyler Judy said. "They can offer you anything you want in your career here. I definitely thank God every day for this awesome opportunity." Judy Tyler said she has come "full circle" from being an apprentice to now hiring apprentices. "It's a great place to be. I feel like if I had not experienced it, I wouldn't appreciate The Apprentice School as much as I do," she said. "When I see Tyler and the other apprentices doing well and getting into the advanced program, it makes my job worthwhile."
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North Yard Construction Enters Phase Five The Joint Manufacturing Assembly Facility (JMAF) North Yard excavation project is moving into Phase Five this week. As a result, areas of the North Yard that have been interrupted prior to Phase Four will return to normal. However, reserved and motorcycle spaces located near the North Yard entrance beside Bldg. 1744 will now be affected. These two parking areas will be relocated behind the designated areas for bus and shuttle parking (see diagram) in the North Yard. Signage will be posted to alert drivers of this change. For questions, contact Paul King (O41) at 380-4605.
WIN TICKETS: Kings Dominion Newport News Shipbuilding and Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems are celebrating their 27th annual exclusive park day at Kings Dominion on Saturday, Sept. 9, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. NNS has received a limited number of tickets to give away to shipbuilders. Enter via the form below (once) and send via Yardmail to Family Fun Day Contest, c/o Kimberly Zayakosky (O29) in Bldg. 520-1 or download the NNS to Go app to enter once per day through Aug. 25. Read full contest rules in the Aug. 7 edition of Currents.
8 | 21 | 2017
Photo by John Whalen
Safety Reminder: Emergency Call Boxes ecurity and Emergency Management S at Newport News Shipbuilding reminds employees that emergency call boxes are available for their safety. During an emergency situation, employees should push the red button on the box to immediately communicate with NNS Security. Employees can continue pressing the red button to tell officials about the situation. Blue lights affixed to the tops of the boxes ensure they are visible in darkness. Each blue box includes instructions on how to use the emergency call system. The boxes are at the following locations: • Parking lots on 38th and 45th streets between Huntington Avenue and Warwick Boulevard • Hidens Parking Lot • NNS Shuttle Stops:
Name (first, last):
• 65th Street • 67th Street
Daytime (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) Phone Number:
• 68th Street Security and Emergency Management also reminds employees to be aware of their surroundings at all times.
8 | 21 | 2017
AROUND THE YARD NNS Introducing New MyTime Salaried Certification Process Changes are coming to the process for certifying changes to salaried employees' time made by supervisors. NNS is introducing a new salaried certification process in MyTime that will take the place of the current manual certification process. This new process is easier, more efficient and is the next step of continuous improvement in timekeeping processes at NNS. Salaried users should log into LX to complete the "MyTime Certification Training" module in order to get an introduction and overview of the new process. For more information, contact Kerry Edwards (O73) at 380-4253.
NAVSEA Audit of Indiana (SSN 789) Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) will conduct its Phase I SUBSAFE Certification Audit of Indiana (SSN 789) during the week of Aug. 21. This major milestone in the process of submarine certification will provide NAVSEA the opportunity to examine records and the ship to validate the SUBSAFE material condition. The certification process will provide confidence that the ship will be ready to commence fast cruise and sea trials later this year. For more information, contact NNS SUBSAFE Program Manager Bryan Heverly at 380-2026 or Pam Cabanatan (O03) at 534-2583.
Register for the Heart Walk Newport News Shipbuilding is a sponsor of this year's Hampton Roads Heart Walk on the Peninsula and Southside. The Peninsula walk will be held on Oct. 21 at Peninsula Town Center in Hampton. The Southside walk will be held on Nov. 4 at Mt. Trashmore in Virginia Beach. For additional information, contact Amy McDonald (X71) at 688-6489 or Brittany Dorsey (O27) at 688-6077 or via email.
VERG Seeks Photo Submissions for 2018 Calendar The Veterans Employee Resource Group (VERG) at Newport News Shipbuilding is seeking submissions of veteran/militarythemed images to showcase in a 2018 calendar. Shipbuilders and other local artists can submit photos to VERG@hii-nns.com through Oct. 1. VERG will showcase all submissions at NNS during Veterans Week, Nov. 5-10. Submission applications and a requirements are available on MyNNS. For more information, contact Marcia StewartDowning (O36) at 688-2152.
Save on Richmond Raceway Tickets Newport News Shipbuilding employees can purchase discount tickets for events next month at Richmond Raceway. Shipbuilders can purchase general admission tickets for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Pole Qualifying and Practice and the NASCAR XFINITY Series Virginia529 College Savings 250 Race on Friday, Sept. 8, for $20. Children 12 and under are admitted free. Discount tickets are also available for the Saturday, Sept. 9, Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Federated Auto Parts 400 Race. Shipbuilders can purchase reserved Old Dominion Grandstand tickets for $40 and see the crowing of the regular season champion. View the flier for more information. To buy tickets, visit richmondraceway.com/NNS or call 866-455-7223.
Chick-fil-A Returning in September Chick-fil-A will return to the Food Services rotation schedule beginning the week of Sept. 4. Find your nearest service location on MyNNS.
Visit www.buildyourcareer.com to search for the latest NNS job openings.
Job Title
Req Number
Construction Supervisor 1 Superintendent Design Build Sustain Product Training Manager 1 Construction Supervisor Construction Supervisor Foreman Foreman Manager Contract Administration 3 Construction Supervisor 1 Engineering Technician Rad Control Technicians
19107BR 19230BR 19394BR 16368BR 16650BR 17165BR 18331BR 19328BR 19365BR 16655BR Various
X09 X83 O26 X09 X09 X09 X09 N905 X71 E91 E91
Ballston Spa New London Newport News Ballston Spa Ballston Spa Ballston Spa Ballston Spa Newport News Newport News Ballston Spa Ballston Spa
Employees are encouraged to use the "Current HII Employees" portal to apply. The company continues to offer cash bonus awards for referrals to select positions, visit www.huntingtoningalls.com/refer-a-friend for more information.
John F. Kennedy's (CVN 79) rudders await in dry dock. Photo by Matt Hildreth
Check Out August Hot Shots Hot Shots is a collection of photos taken from around Newport News Shipbuilding by staff photographers. View the August edition on MyNNS or the NNS to Go app.
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8 | 21 | 2017
Join Ray Bagley and the Trades Operations Division at Huntington Park between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. for a day of fun in the sun with fellow shipbuilders, family and friends. Come to walk, play cornhole, line dance and stretch. Special recognitions will go to the department/crew with the most representation. For more information, contact Danyelle Saunders (O41) at 688-7762.
Join the Hispanic Outreach and Leadership Alliance (HOLA) and Toastmasters at VASCIC 3 East from 4:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. to dive into the role of communication and leadership in professional development. Prizes and Refreshments will be provided. To RSVP or for more information, contact Eric Olsen (X51) at 688-1868.
The Progressive Club will host its first fall golf tournament at Sleepy Hole Golf Club. The tournament will be played in a captain's choice format and teams will consist of four players. Entry fees include the “Team Mulligan Package.” View the flier or contact Kenny McBurney (X91) at 813-7246.
The Apprentice Alumni Association will host the annual Apprentice Alumni Fall Golf Tournament at Sleepy Hole Golf Course. The cost is $65 per golfer and the price includes: green fee, 18-hole cart fee, tournament prizes, food and unlimited range balls (one hour prior to start). Contact Fred Peedle (E51) at 688-6682 or visit: www.nnapprentice.com/alumni/news.htm for more information.
The “Spear and Gear” Toastmasters Club will host a meeting from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at The Apprentice School (Bldg. 1919, room 247). The event is open to all Newport News Shipbuilding employees and no RSVP is required. The event will provide a forum for employees to learn how to become more effective communicators and leaders. For more information, contact Jason Paquette (E83) at 534-2770.
AUGUST 28-29
NS will host integrated Digital Shipbuilding (iDS) hiring N info sessions on Aug. 28 in the Bldg. 520-6 James River Room and Aug. 29 in the VASCIC auditorium at 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. both days. Employees are encouraged to register in advance online at https://buildyourcareer. wufoo.com/forms/ids-info-sessions/. Career opportunities are available in Design, Engineering, IT and Production Planning.
Women in Shipbuilding Enterprise (WiSE) and Shipbuilders Together Realizing Inclusion, Diversity and Equality (STRIDE) will host a depression awareness and suicide prevention event in the VASCIC auditorium from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. EAP’s Ron Grett will be the key speaker. The event is open to all shipbuilders. To RSVP, contact Heather Smith (X44/K74) at 534-2448 or via email.
The Central Engineering Department is hosting a Teaching, Enlightening, Aspiring (TEA) Talk featuring NNS Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Mike Helpinstill from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at VASCIC (2 West Dining Room). TEA Talk is a leadership development series that provides a forum for NNS employees to hear personal stories from company leaders about how their personal lives have influenced their careers at NNS. No charge will be provided. This is open to all NNS employees. To RSVP, visit the TEA Talk MyNNS webpage. For more information, contact Renae Myles (E02) at 534-2429.
Newport News Shipbuilding Talent Acquisition along with several Trades departments will be hosting a Trades Hiring Open House from 8 a.m. until noon in the original Apprentice School gymnasium (Bldg. 601), located at the corner of Marshall Avenue and 39th Street. The event is open to the public. Shipbuilders are encouraged to invite family and friends who are interested in learning about job opportunities in trades.
Year-to-Date Injuries
The In-Service Aircraft Carrier Division will host its 14th Annual Aircraft Carrier Invitational Golf Tournament at Ford’s Colony Country Club. The event is a four man captain’s choice format starting at 1 p.m. with registration beginning at 11 a.m. Cost is $500 per team, which includes golf, access to the driving range, food and gifts. Proceeds will benefit the USO. Contact Bruce Roberts (K69) at 380-4964 to register.
Year-to-Date Injuries with Days Away, Restricted or Transferred
* Compared to figures from July 2016
Safety Improvements (Above Goal)
HONOREES CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT SUCCESS PROJECTS (14) 16 XSD Shutdown - Radiographic Testing Team: Adrian Jones, O37; Michael Pauley, O38; Matthew Tillas, O37; Ryan Vinson, O38; Kevin Walker, O38; Eric White, O38 Nominator: Leroy Price
Azure Cloud Identity Project Team: Russell Anthony, T51; David Ashe, T54; Renee Bell, T56; Anthony Brown, T54; Stephen Correia, T54; Cecilia Holmes Addison, T56; Melissa Stenger, T55; Charles Thompson, T54; Forrest Vance, T55 Nominator: Stephen Schultz
Blast and Coat Paint Mix, Issuing, Storage, and Hazardous Waste Process Team: Andres Bayer, X33; Edward Brown Jr., X21; Kerrance Burden, X10; Linwood Gorham, X33; Taci Hines, X10; Archiebald Jordan, X33; Vashon Munden, X33; Tyree Perkins, X33; Shaun Riley, X10; Scott Simpson, X33; Kimberly Worton, X10 Nominator: Wayne Boone
Columbia Make Buy IPT Team Team: Sharon Callahan, X51; Lester Dudney, M40; Vinson Ellsworth, X62; Mike Johnson, X46; Joseph Kimbel, E16; Irma Roberts, X53; Michael Simmons, X10; James Skinner, E16; William Smith, X62; Steven Wyatt, X46; Jesse Wyatt Jr., X46; Peter Yevak, O51 Nominator: David O’ Donnell
Congratulations to all third quarter Excellence in Action honorees. These individuals are being recognized for their remarkable efforts in customer satisfaction, leadership and operational excellence across the shipyard. It is through the efforts of employees like those listed below that Newport News Shipbuilding will achieve its goal to be the safest, most efficient and innovative workplace possible. Well done honorees!
CVN 72 Electrical Coamings, Wireways and Transit Material Improvement Team: John Birckhead, X22; Michael Borum, E63; Gregory Egnot, X47; Sandra Hays, E63; Christopher Massiah, X46; Thomas Reap, X79; Roland Rice, E63 Nominator: Brenda Viars
Emergent Repairs for STBD SSTG Sensors on SSN 787 Team: Larry Batten, E84; Adam Blackmon, X82; Stephen Hunley, E84; James Joines, E84; Jake Kirkwood, E84; Eric Lachman, E84; Daniel Lynds, E84; Michael Miskin, E84; Donald Moffett, E84; Joseph Saunders, E84; Christopher Sperry, E84 Nominator: Paul Hecker
Foundation Card Elimination Process Improvement Team Team: Samuel Barnett, X47; Kevin Beagle, X47; Jason Boyce, E22; John Gambill Jr., O69; Minoru Hayes, X47; Robert Powell Jr., X51 Nominator: Joseph Sabol
M53 Production Management System Team: Ralph Gibson Jr., X47; Arlene Ours, X22; Troy Petrowicz, M53; John Pollock, X47; Christopher Wolford, M53 Nominator: Troy Floyd
Temporary Lifting Pad Improvement Team Team: Samuel Barnett, X47; Jason Boyce, E22; Leo Carper Jr., X91; Dave Dunlap, X18; John Gambill Jr., O69; Jeffrey Hite, X11; Rush Johnson Jr., X10; David McIntyre, X47; David Nixon, X10; Robert Powell Jr., X51; Kevin Prussia, E22; Jeff Schultz, X36; Renae Staten-Myles, E02; James Terry, O38; Brian Williams, O04 Nominator: Joseph Sabol
VCS Block 5, 6, and 7 Production Rates Team: Earl Collins III, X44; Dawn Hardister, X44; John Jablonski, X44; Todd Martin, X44; Angel McCoy, X82; Tod Scarborough, X44; Thomas Sweeney, X82; Holly Whitley, X44 Nominator: Damon Saetre
Vendor Remote Visibility of Pipe Shop Bending Machine Controllers Team: Russell Anthony, T51; Bruce Davis, T55; Robin Moody, X42; Jeremy Scicchitano, T54; William Snyder, T56; Robert Tristani, X51; Colin Walters, X42 Nominator: Brian Tapajna
Ventilation Rig Team: Raymond Hanson, X42; Kenneth Serrano, X42 Nominator: Jason Roach
Next Generation Planning (NGP) Assessment
Team: Samuel Barnett, X47; Brian Jarrett, X47; Charles McBride, X45; Joseph Tayman, X47; Joshua Whitehead, X76 Nominator: Minoru Hayes
CVN 78 Main Thrust Bearing Replacement
Safety Improvement using Ratchet Straps Team: Richard Chisholm, O53; Dean Fyfe, O53; Daniel Kear II, O53; Alan Merrick, O53; Robert Murray, O53 Nominator: Larry Trevathan
Team: Leslie Bradshaw, X32; William Callis, O22; Joseph Campbell, X43; James Collins, X43; Kendel Croker, X32; Matthew Gandee, X43; Reuben Grant Jr., X32; Derick James, X36; Frank Leckrone, X36; John Lewis III, X32; William Macurdy II, E86; Robert McDonough, X43; Brian Perkins, X32; Darrell Riddick Jr., X32; Michael Shultz, X32; Brian Timm, E64 Nominator: Elizabeth Matschke
CVN 79 # 2 MTG Rotor Team: Richard Dundlow Jr., X43; James Foshee III, X43; Allen Gary, X36; Dwayne Harmon, X36; Phillip Hopson, X79; Farrell Huffman Jr., X43; Derick James, X36; Johnny Keller, X43; James Kwasny, X36; Kevin Lewis, X36; William Macurdy II, E86; Tequan Mayfield, X43; Reginald Moody, X36; Matthew Smith, X43; Dale Stumpf, X91; Darryl Wiggins, X36 Nominator: Lemuel Evans
CVN 79 Superlift 2723 Rudder Post Installation/Tank Top Weldment Completion Team Team: Richard Allsbrook, X91; Micah Amrozowicz, X91; Joseph Anderson II, X11; Jared Freeman, X18; Quanita Garrett, X18; Mario Holloway, X11; William Huff Jr., X91; Stewart Little, O38; Micheal Parker, X18; Kevin Parrott, X11; James Peterson, X11; Zachary Phillips, X18; Jamar Porter, O38; Jamie Riddick, O38; Tywan Tappan, X18; Matthew Upton, X18 Nominator: Peter Gravely
CVN 79 Superlift 2723 Rudder Post Machining for Stave Boring, Thordon Bearing Boring and Installation Team: James Butler, X43; Gary Carter, X91; Scott Guest, X43; Adam Horrell, X43; Daniel Lutz, X43; Matthew Obergfell, X43; Gary Paden, X43; Phillip Stull, X43 Nominator: Peter Gravely
Emergent AFFF/CMWD Repairs and Modifications Team: Zebulun Cannon, X42; Daniel Carter, X42; Joseph Doeppe, X42; Edward Elliott III, X91; Forest Foreman, X42; Donald Harrell Jr., X88; Jimmy Johnson, X42; Cameron Moore, X42; Keith Porterfield, X42; Francis Saloka Jr., X88; Thad Smith Jr., X42 Nominator: David Batdorf
Ex-CVN 65 RLW Operations to Support Undocking Team: Seth Bazemore, X42; Andrew Belleville, E84; Rashamel Benton, X42; Larry Brickous, X42; Keith Britt, X42; Jordon Brown, X42; John Dickson, X42; Brendan Kelly, X79; Ryan Lamagna, E84; David London, E84; Randall McCrary, X42; Paul Norton, E84; Patrick Rhodes, E84; Gary Simon Jr., E84; Michael Timmins, E84; Paul Washington, X42 Nominator: John Pendergast
Exemplary Welding Team Performance on Hull 677D Temporary Compression Support Structure Team: Matthew Eller, X18; Bobby Farmer, X82; Robert Fennell, X18; Willie Hurdle, X18; Demonte Knight Jr., X18; Roger McClinton Jr., X18; Jeremy Parker, X18; Ronnie Payne, X18; Demetruis Pittman, X18; Michael Sager, X18; Collin Sharp, X18 Nominator: Michael Brown
S8G PS-5 Freeze Seal Team Honoree: John Blair Jr., X42; Randy Boone, X42; Christopher Carter, X79; Jason Earnhardt, E81; Tiffany Ganey, E81; Vincent Holley, X42; John Jackson, X42; Patrick Meehan, E81; John Miller, X42; Eric Prokup, X79; Jason Ray, X42; Freddy Richardson, X42; Marquis Smith, X42; Richard Smith, X42; Eric Twiddy, E81; Frank Webb III, X42 Nominator: Timothy Alexander
VCS Torpedo Tube Interlock Jamming Resolution Team: Joshua Ayer, X82; Collin Bowden, X43; Shawn Britt, M53; Zane Cummings, E14; James Gilliam Jr., X82; Greg Guilford, E14; James Harris, X43; Brandon Jenkins, X82; Ralph Knight Jr., M53; Dakota Lawson, X43; Luke Leblanc, E25; Jake McDermott, E14; Timothy Moore, X43; William Nickels, E14; Brenden Raynor, X43; James Revere, E14 Nominator: Sean Coons
X31 Support During CVN 72 Flight Deck Certification Team: Brian Landrum, X31; Joseph Wetzler, O22 Nominator: David White II
EIA LEADERSHIP Commencing Fast Cruise on the USS Abraham Lincoln Reactor Complex Overhaul Team: Henry Baggett, E25; Lee Dubbels, E25; Brian Grubbs, E25; Jeffery Jenkins, E25; Bradley Luigs, E25; Andrew Macey, E25; Christopher McCormick, E25; Ricky Munson, E25; Michael O’Neill, X82; Maxwell Redcross III, E25; Robert Rilee, E25; Michael Rivenbark, E25; Alvin Russell, E25; Avelino Vizconde Jr., E25; Thomas Webb, E25; Thomas Wild, E25 Nominator: Philip Vieth
CVN 72 RCOH Propulsion Plant Individual: Eugene Saunders, X79 Nominator: Ronald Creamer
CVN 73 Major Nuclear Component Replacement Team: Edward Armstrong, X71; Erick Bowden, X71; Christopher Metcalf, X71; James Minor Jr., X71 Nominator: Needham Jones Jr.
CVN 78 MTG Parallel Operations Stability Individual: Jason Johnson, E73 Nominator: Timothy Aiken
Exceptional Leadership Team Moored Training Ship Module Outfitting Execution Contract Capture Team: William Adams Jr., O19; Ruby Lynn Arcido, E10; Seth Bazemore III, E86; Michael Diggs, O93; Stephen Gray, X47; James Livengood, X84; John Scarberry, O19; Kenneth Scott, O19; Brian Stockunas, O78; Stewart Welch, X82; Malik Whitaker, X82 Nominator: David Brinkley III
IPPC EVMS Compliance Officer - Earned Value Management Scheduling Surveillance Audit Individual: Ashley Cadwallader, X44 Nominator: Damon Saetre
Microsoft Enterprise Agreement 2017 Team: Jeffery Bryan, O55; Stephen Correia, T54; James Hart, T52; Joshua Koziel, T52; Melissa Lendi, O55 Nominator: Curtis McTeer
Public Relations Individual: Christopher Wilcox, O15 Nominator: Mark McTheny
VCS Block V FY17 Long Lead Time Material (LLTM) Funding Team: Kevin Brenton, K01; Michele Cook, O51; Curtis Lett III, X84; Todd Martin, X44; Terrence McCabe, X46; Gary Peters, X84; Andrew Rantanen, O78; Paul Tuzzolo, O51; Travis Williams, O78; Melanie Young, X44 Nominator: Lester Smith
8 | 21 | 2017
EMPLOYEE CLASSIFIEDS AUDIO/VIDEO Samsung S8 Plus Glass/Screen Protector-Bought the wrong one. $15. (757) 876-6616 DJ- 10 years experience, custom playlist’s for any event, lighting effects and photography. (757) 869-1876 Computer Repair- New Build, Repair, Virus Removal, Operating System Installation. $95+ Parts. (757) 329-6761 Dyno Jet Tuner-Power commander five tuner for HD m/c will fit on any HD in touring family $225. (757) 725-0613
AUTO Tires- Set of 24 inch rims and tires for $600. Less than 1 year old. Text for pictures. (757) 329-1211 Tundra Rims and Tires- Tundra rims with Michelin tires, 2 with 1,500 miles and two half worn, rims EC. $150 (757) 899-0751 2003 VW TDI Jetta- Automatic 40 mpg 187,000 miles. Sunroof, never wrecked owned since 2003. $3,000. (757) 587-1652 2003 Chevy Cavalier- Silver, 2dr. Rebuilt engine, 162k miles new inspection. Great body and interior. 6/18 insp $2,200 OBO. (757) 753-7660 2008 Harley Sportster XL Low883 XL Low HD Saddle Bags and Detachable Wind Screen 2 Seats $3,500. (757) 876-6616 2009 GMC Acadia SLT- Fully loaded. 3rd row seating. Tires about a year old. 136K miles. $7,500. (757) 753-7285
BOAT & MARINE SUPPLY 2014 Seadoo GTI130 PWC- Only 21 hours. Dealer serviced/ maintained. Comes with single trailer. I have title. Asking $7,500. (724) 991-7809 1978 J/24 - learn to sail- 24’ sailboat; Dry interior. Set up for day sailing/weekend cruising. Located at Fort Monroe $3,100. (757) 810-4518
FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES Oak Bar Table- Solid 4x2x3’ light wood, no stools. Heavy, quality furniture. Smk free home. $200. (757) 504-5845 Two Microwaves- w/ glass turntables–both Panasonic (1300W) - $40 each OBO - text for pics. (757) 535-9279 Wine Refrigerator- With glass front doors. Will hold approx. 24 bottles of wine. $50 (757) 869-9308 House Items For Sale- Couch, very well maintained $100, TV stand, good shape $30. Call for pictures. (757) 869-9308 Antique sofas (2)- Antique sofas with wooden legs, ea w/2 arm pillows. Light color. Excellent condition. $75 OBO. (757) 535-7552 Washer- Whirlpool, excellent condition, white, $125. (757) 506-6308 Crib + Mattress- Like new. 4-in-1 convertible crib and changer, + mattress. Retails for $500, asking $250 for all. (757) 218-7177 Barber/Salon Workstations -Four black and two brown wood. $40.00 each. Call (757) 696-0969
Furn. and Appl. cont.
Misc. cont.
Dining Room Table- Cochran cherry dining room table with two arm chairs and four side chairs; coastal upholstery. $600. (757) 870-8168
Pest- Free Inspections. Expert Pest/ Termite/ Moisture Control/ Under House Repairs/ Poly Installation. (757) 873-4999
Kenmore Washer- 7 mo old. Paid $400 selling at $200. Call for Pic. (757) 291-6161
HOBBIES Golf Club- 56 degree Cleveland wedge like new. $55. Call (757) 869-9308 RC Airplane- Top-Flight 1/5 Scale T-6 Texan w/120 engine and Robart retracts, built but, never flown, Best offer. (757) 506-6308 Shop-Smith- Multipurpose wood working tool/saw/ lathe w/accessories, adaptors, owner’s manual and parts list, 600. (757) 506-6308 Acoustic Guitar- Dean Exotica Rosewood; Great condition; Set up by prof. luthier; Pictures; $250. (757) 647-8913 Djembe and Bag- Remo Djembe (14 x 25) and Bag. Both in excellent condition. $300. Call or text (757) 618-3651 1:1 Guitar Classes - Midtown NN. Flexible scheduling. Read/ play std notation, chords/ theory. Call/txt rates, class times. (757) 528-7017
MISCELLANEOUS SMAW stick welder $250.00- By Chicago Electric. 225 Amp. 240V. Never used. Includes accessories. Text me. (757) 871-8013 Ravens vs Buffalo Bills- August 26th. Two tickets $73 each. Great seats 20 yard line, covered area. (757) 715-5460
New Wire Shelving- New 12’ long shelving , I’ll cut to length. (757) 535-9279 Lawn Care- Mowing, edging, etc. NN, Hampt., York. Area. (757) 535-9279 Kids Bike- Kids Bike (Rhino) – text for pictures - $40 (757) 535-9279 Microwaves- w/ glass turntables–both Panasonic (1300W) - $40 each OBO - text for pics (757) 535-9279 Certified Health Coach- Looking for new clients and/or interest in becoming a health coach. (I lost 90lbs in 7mos) Text me. (757) 749-7901 275 Gal. Tank- Great for making a portable cooker or as a oil tank for furnace. Asking $150. Call (757) 876-2216 Treadmills- Weslo TM $145, Proform 385c $145, Horizon Compact TM $299, NordicTrack A2350 $399 many more call me. (757) 218-2946 Items- Four wheel walkers $35 & $45, Steam cleaners $35 and up, Curb edgers $40 & $45, Electric Lawnmower $155. ( 757) 218-2946 Yard/Lawn Care- All Lawn Care & Maintenance, Aerate, Seed, Fertilize, Leaf and Debris Removal, Affordable/ Dependable. (757) 871-4589 Fresh Farm Eggs- $2.50/dozen. Text (757) 768-7496
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EMPLOYEE CLASSIFIEDS MISCELLANEOUS Pool Table for Sale- Pool table in good condition. Price includes pool sticks and balls. Only $65. Text (757) 535-9976 Custom Glassware- Mugs, glasses, etc. Customized with names, monograms, or quotes. Prices vary. Text for more details. (757) 218-7177 Cowboys/Redskins- 10-29 2 tix+parking Sec 121 Row 4 50 yd line 4 rows from field. Great seats! $650. (757) 373-3468 Graco Travel Lite Mini Crib- With stages in gender neutral colors. Gently used. $50 Please text. (757) 771-9873 18m Boys Winter Clothes- 18gal tote filled with boys winter clothing. $40 takes all. Text for fastest response. (757) 771-9873 12m Boys Winter Clothes18gal tote filled with 12m boys clothing. $40 Takes all. Text for fastest response. (757) 771-9873 Wickless Candles- Warmers, Wax, Sprays, Oils and more. Aug is 10% off, Stock up on Fav’s before the new catalog release. (757) 771-9237 Local Honey- Fresh from the hives in Suffolk, Great for allergies, unfiltered, unpasteurized $12 per 1lb jar text. (757) 617-2827 Bowflex- Great condition. Tension rods just replaced. Hurt shoulder, so I can’t use it. $350 OBO. (804) 815-4163
Misc. cont.
Real Estate cont.
Real Estate cont.
Home Cleaning- Free estimates. Special occasion cleaning welcomed. Licensed & insured. (757) 371-3904
House For Sale- Kiln Creek 3BR, 2 1/2 BA, new paint, appliances, washer/dryer. $207,000. (757) 375-0006
For Sale- Home in Kiln Creek. 2BR 2BA New HVAC/WTR HTR. Det. Garage.Fresh Pt-Golf/ Tennis/Baseball/Soccer. $199K. (757) 298-1733
Magazines- Time Magazines and Nat. Geographic for sale. 1930s – 1970s. WWII issues & celebrities. (757) 334-5384
Home for Sale- Immaculate 4BR 3Ba home lots of upgrades inside to include a Sauna and beautiful yard in Suffolk. (757) 377-6563
PETS Yorkie-Poo Puppies- Yorkie-poo puppies for sale. Non-shedding, non-allergenic. Available end of Oct. Reserve now. Pics. (757) 310-4769 Mixed African Cichlids- For sale: Elect. Yellow/Albino Zebra Red Top African cichlids, 1” - 3” long, $3 each. (757) 218-7691
REAL ESTATE House for Rent- Seaford, no pets, 3 bdrm 1bth, garage, frt and bk porch, patio. Includes water, grass cut $1,300. (757) 813-4956 Home For Sale- 3 br 1 bth new appl, cabinets and flr. priv fenced yard shed w/pwr, great first home, Farmington area. (757) 532-5690 House for Sale- Churchland/ Ports- 3br/2ba Ranch. Huge yard/Deck. 1900+ sq ft. 12 min to NNS. $219k. Rent possible. (757) 871-3682 House for Sale- 28 Gambol St. N.N., 23601, 1,505 sqft. split level, 3BR/2.5 BTH, $199, $500. Built 2000. (757) 342-0719
Renovated Home in HamptonAll new 3bd/1 ba. New kitchen w/ granite, ss appliances, laminate floors, new bath. 1518 Morgan 23663. (610) 613-6715 Powerwashing- Vinyl Siding Home Wash just $139! (Under 2500 sq. ft.) Deck Restoration, Roof Washing and more. (757) 892-4621 OBX Beach Rental- Mile Post 11, 3BRs, 2 Bath, 1 block from beach road, two beach accesses, Dowdy Park, restaurant. (757) 681-7532 Lots For Sale- Two 1/2 acre lots for sale on tidal canal in Gloucester. Call for more details. (757) 641-4994 Townhouse for Sale in YC- 3 Bed room townhouse for sale in York county. Updated kitchen with granite counter. Please email. (757) 846-5948 For Rent- Kiln Creek. 2BR 2BA Det. Garage. Fresh Paint. Low Maintenance. HOA cuts grass. Golf near. $1,400/m. (757) 298-1733
For Sale – Call Mae to see fully remodeled 2BR 2BA Bayfront condo with many amenities and fabulous views. (757) 439-2339
WANTED Childcare- Provides a loving learning environment for children ages 6wks-5yrs.Off Todds LN. NNS Discount. (757) 508-9022 Model Kits- 1/24 or 1/25 scale NIB plastic model cars - please leave message. (757) 239-0752 Van Riders- Van leaving Va Beach daily to NNS 1st shift. Leaves from Diamond Springs Rd. contact/ text ‘RIDE’. (757) 450-6740 Van Pool Riders- Van leaving from Belvidere NC, Chowan, Gates County Hwy 32 thru down Suffolk to NNS 1st shift.. (252) 619-3117” Vanpool Riders- Van comes through King William West Point New Kent Norge/Toana commuter lot. (540) 907-5811 Washer and Dryer- Broken washers and dryers that are in your way. Will pick up for free. (757) 617-0100