Aug. 27, 2018

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Drones Simplify Roof Inspection 8 l 27 l 2018

A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding

Flying high above the South Yard, Newport News Shipbuilding drones completed their first roof inspection within the shipyard gates on Aug. 21. Facilities used the drones to inspect the roof of Bldg. 6. The team observed the footage taken by the drone’s camera to determine the condition of the shingles. The outcome? A few missing and loose shingles that need to be replaced. In the near future, the team plans to use drones to complete building and crane inspections across the yard. All shipyard drones are operated by drone pilots licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration. Watch a highlights video of the roof inspection on MyNNS.

Lt. Christopher Cook, left, helps mount Clarence Wirsching's body cam. Photo by John Whalen

Security Debuts Body Cams Uniformed Newport News Shipbuilding Security officers now have a new tool to assist them as they patrol the shipyard – body cameras. The department introduced its first eight cameras in early August. “This is a positive for our officers and for all shipbuilders,” said Lt. Christopher Cook, who is administrator of the body camera system. “There are a lot of benefits.” The devices can act as a deterrent to aggressive encounters and help protect officers and other employees. They also provide an unbiased account of any event captured. In addition, the cameras can provide documentation of safety or security issues that officers encounter. For instance, officers have been using the cameras at the North Yard to document traffic issues at the end of first shift. The footage will be used to help develop ideas to

improve parking and transportation at NNS. Officers have several mounting options. The cameras must be activated by the officer to record events or encounters. Once recorded, videos can only be deleted by the system administrator and only at the approval of the chief of Security. Cook said there are procedures in place to delete or safeguard any videos of incidents that may be recorded in sensitive areas of NNS. Although there are only eight cameras currently in use, there are plans to expand that number as officers continue to test and become familiar with the equipment. “The officers who are wearing the cameras appreciate and understand how important they can be in helping them do their job,” Cook said.

Representatives from national nonprofits, businesses and local community college and school division officials recently gathered at Newport News Shipbuilding.

NNS Educational Partnerships on Display Career Pathways at Newport News Shipbuilding is a model for educational partnerships. That’s why representatives from national nonprofits, businesses and local community college, and school division officials converged at NNS earlier this month to learn more about the shipyard’s efforts. The event, sponsored by Rob Hogan, vice president of Manufacturing and Material Distribution, included officials from the National Education Association, the National School Board Association... CONTINUED ON PG 3

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8 | 27 | 2018 Integrated Digital Shipbuilding (iDS) efforts to change the way ships are designed and built are creating a future where shipbuilders are constantly connected to a digital ecosystem of real-time accurate information. However, this transformation does not come without challenges. It exposes a “digital divide,” or a gap in terms of access and usage of digital tools, especially between generations. In an effort to bridge the “digital divide,” iDS developed a Digital Literacy course. It focuses on everyday skills related to tablets, which are becoming more widespread throughout the waterfront to enable iDS efforts. The course supports the concept that digital skills development should receive the same level of attention as infrastructure development during the digital transformation.

Shipbuilders who recently completed the Digital Literacy course hold their certificates. Pictured in the front row is Linwood Parrish. Pictured in the middle row from left are Linda Bruce, Patricia Emmons, Latitia McCane, Ivy Spivey and Emma Snell. Pictured in the back row from left are Brian Bruce, Reginald Foote, Deborah Winkfield, John Kitchens and Charles Spivey.

Shipbuilders Bridging the "Digital Divide" Newport News Shipbuilding is undergoing a digital transformation and moving away from the twodimensional paper drawings that have been the company’s primary method for conveying design data for more than a century.

Shipbuilders had an opportunity to sign up for the Digital Literacy course during iDS Open House events, where they could experience new digital tools and technologies. In June, the second Digital Literacy course was held – this time in conjunction with the United Steelworkers union (USW). The course has been well received. “I came in with a pretty high confidence level in my skills. This, however, has reinforced what I knew and taught me what I didn’t know. The course has allowed me to be more competent in my skills,” said Paul Elmore (O15). The next course will be held in the fall, also with USW support, using sign ups from the most recent iDS Open House event. For more information, contact Marco Estrada (O25) of the Change Management and Communications team at 534-4796.

Husband and Wife Lead SFA Safety Teams A short conversation with Fitter Ricardo Brown and Welder Pinky Brown reveals the husband and wife duo’s passion for safety and their coworkers at Newport News Shipbuilding. Both Environmental Health and Safety Task Team leads in Structural Fabrication and Assembly, the Browns are responsible for two of the largest areas in the Manufacturing and Material Distribution Division and support more than 1,100 shipbuilders. “As EH&S Safety Task Team leads, it’s our job to promote a culture of safety at the shipyard and to be liaisons between our peers and management,” said Pinky Brown. Her X10 South team, sponsored by Superintendent Mike Simmons, is responsible for Virginia-class submarine, carrier new construction (CVN) and overhaul work sites, including outside platen work. Earlier this year, Ricardo Brown became the lead for the X10 North team, which is sponsored by Superintendent Mark Weaver and supports shop and outside platen work sites for the VCS and CVN programs. “I wanted to make a difference in the Ring Module Shop, where I work,” said Ricardo Brown. “I wanted to change some of the conditions and try to help all of the craftsmen and craftswomen.” The Browns – who said they also take their passion for safety home – have a combined 13 years of experience at NNS and are grateful for the opportunity to lead and help improve safety for fellow shipbuilders. But soon, the two will leave their roles as EH&S Task Team leads when they start new jobs at NNS in September. Pinky Brown will remain in SFA, while Ricardo Brown will move to the Non-Nuclear Inspection Department. The couple plans to continue making a positive impact on fellow

Pinky Brown and Ricardo Brown stand together outside of the Ring Module Shop. Photo by Matt Hildreth

shipbuilders. “We know that we’re leaving our teams in a good place, and we wish them all the best,” said Pinky Brown.

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AROUND THE YARD NAVSEA Security Evaluation Begins Sept. 10 Newport News Shipbuilding will undergo a NAVSEA 08 Security Evaluation Sept. 10-14. A team of representatives from NAVSEA Security and Naval Reactors will assess NNS’ ability to process and safeguard classified and unclassified Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information (NNPI) in accordance with contractual requirements. The audit will include a comprehensive review of the Classified Information Systems, Cyber Security, Industrial Security and Physical Security programs. Learn more about NNS' Islands of Security on MyNNS. For more information, contact Steven Stern (O15) at 688-0172.

Delaware (SSN 791) Ticket Information; Volunteers Needed Newport News Shipbuilding will christen Delaware (SSN 791) on Saturday, Sept. 15. NNS employees can request up to two tickets to the ceremony on a first-come, first-served basis by completing the form at Please note the request does not guarantee tickets to the event. For questions regarding tickets, contact Lena Wallace (O29) at 380-2135. Shipbuilders in the Virginia-Class Submarine Program should request tickets by contacting Tammie Morris (X82) at 688-4860, via their supervisor. Event volunteers are still needed to support the christening ceremony as ushers, site volunteers and parking attendants. Employees interested in volunteering should visit delaware-ssn-791-christening-volunteers. For questions regarding volunteers, contact Kimberly Zayakosky (O29) at 380-4460 for questions.

New Prescription Benefit Prescription drug coverage for United Steelworkers and Newport News Shipbuilding firefighters and guards transitioned from Express Scripts to CVS/ Caremark on July 1. New CVS insurance cards were mailed in June for the July 1, 2018–June 30, 2019 plan year. Shipbuilders who may have misplaced their new insurance card can access it from the CVS mobile app or call 1-844-287-1289 to request a replacement. Under CVS/Caremark, employees can have prescriptions filled at any CVS Pharmacy or pharmacy in the CVS network. In addition, 90-day medications can be picked up at any CVS Pharmacy or mailed to your home. To find network pharmacies, refill medications online, check drug costs and more, create an account at

New Free Benefit For Parents Coming Soon HII is launching a new free benefit designed to help parents access care for children of all ages. Starting Sept. 1, non-represented employees will have access to Rethink, a free online tool that provides video-based training, teleconsultations with behavior analysists and resources for parents. Rethink helps with autism, ADD/ADHD, Down syndrome, learning delays, behavioral issues and more. Plus, parents can give online access to their child’s caregivers, doctors and teachers to better coordinate care. Look for more information in future editions of Currents.

NNS Educational Partnerships on Display CONTINUED FROM PG 1

...the Association for Manufacturing Excellence, Thomas Nelson Community College, Newport News and Hampton schools and others. Participants learned how NNS works with local school districts and how those partnerships are helping to create a pipeline of future shipbuilders. But NNS’ efforts in the community have an even broader goal, according to Career Pathways Representative Pierrette Swan. Bob Drury (E51) presents the Apprentice Alumni Association's donation to Donna Tighe of the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank.

Apprentice Alumni Association Supports Foodbank The Apprentice Alumni Association collected donations for the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank during its Annual Crab Feast on July 20. Attendees donated 540 pounds of canned goods and $350, which will provide 1,400 meals.

Breast Cancer Awareness T-shirts Available Employee resource groups and The Apprentice School Student Association are joining forces to fight breast cancer. The groups are taking breast cancer awareness T-shirt orders from Aug. 27 until Sept. 7. Proceeds will support cancer research and help provide access to mammograms, information and services. See the flier for more information or contact Paula Young (O68) at 688-7634 or Brenda Meekins (O26) at 380-3239.

“We realize that not every student we reach will come to Newport News Shipbuilding to work, but we still want them to be successful, productive members of our community,” she said. “We want our region to thrive.” Participants took a windshield tour of NNS and visited the Mobile Experience (MX) trailer to learn about Integrated Digital Shipbuilding (iDS) efforts. Among the attendees was Seth Black, director of Career and Technical Education for the Academies of Hampton, an NNS partner. “It was a great opportunity to network and bring exposure to what we are doing,” he said. “I also want to commend Career Pathways for their hard work and efforts. I was aware of their outreach, but I didn't realize the magnitude of all they do.”

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“Teaching Kids Money” SmartPath classes will be offered from 6 to 6:45 a.m. in Bldg. 1744-6 (Operations Conference Room), noon to 1 p.m. in the old Apprentice School (Bldg. 14, third floor auditorium) and 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the VASCIC auditorium. Registration is required. Email to register for your preferred class time or ask your foreman to register you. Text “CoachmeHII” to 555888 by Oct. 1 to talk to a SmartPath coach and get entered to win a YETI cooler.


Shipbuilders are invited to attend an Enterprise Rideshare interest meeting from 4 until 5:30 p.m. in Bldg. 520-6 (Huntington Room). Email to RSVP.


Join WiSE, STRIDE and a special guest speaker in the Management Development Center (Bldg. 903-7) from 4 until 6 p.m. to learn about depression and how to help prevent suicide. Information about the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) will be available. The event will also support registration for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Out of the Darkness Walks. Contact Heather Smith (O44) at 534-2448 or via email to RSVP or for more information.


Aramark Food Services is hiring first- and second-shift Newport News Shipbuilding employees to operate/cashier canteens throughout the shipyard. To apply, visit and search job No. 187260. Qualified associates will receive one free meal and be paid for one hour Monday-Friday for each meal period worked. Applications are accepted through Aug 30.

Shipbuilders Encouraged to Join Employee Resource Groups


Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are employee-run, executive-sponsored networks that connect shipbuilders who share common interests and want to be more engaged with their colleagues and the company.

L.E.A.R.N. will host an after-work presentation with Matt Needy, vice president of Operations, from 4:30 until 6 p.m. in the VASCIC auditorium. The event is open to all employees by reservation only. Sign up on the L.E.A.R.N. website. For questions, contact Tanika Vasquez (E08) at 688-7916, Helen Dennie (O28) at 380-4831 or email


They provide:

Newport News Shipbuilding is partnering with Fear 2 Freedom, a global organization with a mission of helping to restore hope and dignity to survivors of sexual assault, for the United Way Day of Caring. Shipbuilders can volunteer to help assemble aftercare kits for survivors of sexual violence. The event is from 9 until 11 a.m. in the Warwick High School cafeteria. Sign up on the United Way website. For more information, contact Michelle Styron (X44) at 380-4860 or via email.


The Apprentice Alumni Association will host the annual Apprentice Alumni Fall Golf Tournament at Sleepy Hole Golf Course. The cost is $65 per golfer and includes: green fee, 18-hole cart fee, tournament prizes, food (chicken, barbecue, etc.) and unlimited range balls (one hour prior to start). Contact Fred Peedle (E51) at 688-6682 or visit for more information.

A platform to share ideas

Personal and professional development opportunities

Leadership and mentoring opportunities

Opportunities to connect with the community through volunteerism

Newport News Shipbuilding’s ERGs host a variety of events throughout the year. ERGs and their activities are open to all employees and they play a key role in the company’s efforts to build a workforce that embraces diversity and inclusiveness. Watch a video on MyNNS to learn more about the benefits of joining ERGs. To learn more, or to join an ERG, visit the ERG website on MyNNS.


Later this year, a Master Shipbuilder edition of Currents will be published. In preparation, the Communications Division is looking for Master Shipbuilder stories involving families (spouses, siblings, children, etc.). If you or someone you know would like to participate, please email


Compared to figures from July 2017 Year-to-Date Injuries

597 (up 12%) Year-to-Date Injuries with Days Away, Restricted or Transferred

444 (up 20%) Safety Improvements

922 (16% above goal)


Visit to search for the latest NNS job openings.

Job Title

Req Number



Senior Financial Planning & Analyst Accountant 4 IT Systems Engineer 3 iDS Senior Engineer 3 Foreman Foreman Foreman Production Planning and Scheduler 1 Production Planning and Scheduler 3

23294BR 25404BR 25085BR 23826BR 24139BR 24140BR 24142BR 22582BR 24062BR

O72 N365 T56 E10 X10 X10 X10 E91 E91

Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Ballston Spa Ballston Spa

Employees are encouraged to use the “Current HII Employees” portal to apply. The company continues to offer cash bonus awards for referrals to select positions, visit for more information.

Editor: Nicholas Langhorne

Contributing writer: Lena Wallace Currents is published every Monday for employees of Newport News Shipbuilding. To submit a story or classified ad, visit

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Congratulations to all third quarter Excellence in Action honorees. These individuals are leading the way in customer satisfaction, leadership, continuous improvement and operational excellence across all areas of the company.

Through efforts of employees like those listed below, Newport News Shipbuilding will achieve its goal of transforming the business for the next decade and beyond to be the safest, most efficient and innovative workplace possible. Well done honorees!

CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT SUCCESS PROJECTS Aqueous Film Forming Foam System Water Hammer Testing

Matthew Absi, E26; Patrick Boston, E26; Sheldon Brunton, O04; Gary Callow, E26; Gregory Harju, E26; Terry Hollingshead, E26; Melissa Juhasz, E26; Freddie Lamm Jr., O31; Stacey Legrand, E06; Andrew Lenig, E25; Daniel Little, E25; Kenneth Richter, O31; Francis Sankoh, O31; Timothy Sherrange, E26; Adrian Shirley, E25; Christopher Stocker, E91; Paul Summa, E44; Jason Thompson, E25 Nominator: Darrell Cofsky

Service Desk Callback Feature

George Archiopoli, T54; Kevin Barrow, T54; Carolyn Bowers, T54; Breona Goring, T54; Samuel Hall, T54; Brianca Hodges, T54; Katrina Jones, T54; Pamela Kester, T54; Douglas Lawrence III, T54; Desiree Loftin, T54; Kimberly Murphy, T54; Merrill Noble, T54; Dishonta Redcross, T54; Denesha Wallace, T54 Nominator: Timothy Bulles

USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) Digital Environment Micah Meeks, X78 Nominator: Mark Bombelles

Improvement of X31 Stud Shoot Lay-off Template Inventory

Team: Robert Hobbs, X51; Odell Shaw Jr., K47 Nominator: Kenny Morgan

Subcontract Reporting Team

Hero Barker, O55; Felicia Farmer, X48 Nominator: Katina Adams

iDS Mobile Experience Trailer

Russell Dawson, O43; Frank Dearmond, O43; William Greene Jr., O43; Christopher Johnson, O43; Robert Kello, O43; Jarrett Larrimore, O43; Shamar Marsh, O43; Christopher Munford, O43; Earl Pruitt Jr., O43; David Roe, O43; Brian Shaffer, O43; Michael Warman, O43 Nominator: Garrett Van Derveer

Machine Shop Digital Transformation Team

Troy Floyd, X47; Ralph Gibson Jr., X47; Lauren Hill, M10; David Kramer, M53; Gregory Krank, M53; Arlene Ours, X22; John Pollock, X47; Robert Shreves, M53; Sarah Staley, X51; Christopher Wolford, M53 Nominator: Joey Perry

Pipe Longitudinal Weld Reinforcement Team

Scott Satterfield, X36; Paul Toupin, O05 Nominator: Rudie Simpson

Planning and Execution of the 2018 Summer Intern Appreciation Event Sarah Hughey, O29; Caleb Martinez, T54; Gabriela Olivera, O29; Megan Saetre, O29; Michael Smith, X72; Kimberly Zayakosky, O29 Nominator: Jennifer Dunn

Power Conversion Module Synchronization Troubleshooting Keith Bennett, X31; Christopher Ellis, O56; Sherron Giddings, X31; Calvin Kelsey, O56; Kyle Lowry, X31; Christopher MacPherson, K46; Martin Mylin, E86; Eric Peiffer, X31; Andy Peters, O56; Zach Priola, E25; William Sexton, K46; Andrew Smith, X31; Michael Spaulding, E25; James Stamper, X31; Joseph Tabb, X31; Keith Williams, X31 Nominator: Eric Lachman

Structural Fabrication and Assembly Satellite Blast Areas

Sathaporn Boonruang, X51; Kenneth Brown, X33; James Cochran, X10; Nathan Hassell, X10; Anthony Holmes, X10; Rush Johnson Jr., X10; William Jones, X21; Craig Minson, X51; David Nixon, O68; Shaun Riley, X10 Nominator: Bob Conway

Liaison Planner/Visual Tools and Deckplate Improvements

Michael Hobson, X47; Gerston James Jr., X10; Edward Jones Jr., X10; Michael Lowers, X10; Mark Reynolds, X10; Nicole Smith, X47; Jarrod Vass, X47; Allin Woods III, X10 Nominator: William Blyth

Shuttle Program Team

Michael Abrams, O43; Randy Addison, X36; Earl Baker, X31; Samuel Bradshaw, X43; Joseph Calafiore, X36; Carylon Davis, X43; Andrew Dowd, X36; Michael Felts, O43; John Gauthier, X36; Ladonna Harris, X36; Michael Jarrell, O43; Ricky Lanier II, O43; Stanford Locus, X36; Daniel Manning, O43; Constance Marshall, X36; Micheal Miles, X36; Gene Moore Jr., X36; Robert Raitto, O43; Junius Smith, O43; Donald Sutton, X36; Raymond Thompson, O45; Glenn Wilson, X36; Warren Winchester Sr., X36; Larry Wise II, O43; David Wright, O43 Nominator: Heather Criner

Supply Chain Procurement Transition of Governing Procedure Jessica Burton, O52; Reed Clifford, O51; Matthew Cofsky, O51; Deborah Harvat, O51; Kathy Johnson, O51; Jerry Kaczmarczyk, K22; Robin Malarkey, O51; Benjamin Marks, O51; Timothy Moore, O51; Keisha Pearson, O51; Gil Titsch, O51; Debra Whitaker, O51; Maria Williams, O55 Nominator: Karen Enos

Visual Build Management Dashboard Team Thomas Crosby, X47; Manuel Martinez, X36; Justin Wolfe, E04 Nominator: Josh Whitehead

X42 Hanger Area Improvements

Jesse Artis, O53; Terry Beckett, O53; Charles Evans, O53; Musline George III, X42; Amy Harris, E24; Matthew Jordan, O53 Nominator: Ken Keeter

X76 Production Control Walk-Up Parts Process Improvement Team Roger Breedlove, X76; Edward Hall Jr., X76; Kenneth McClellan, X76 Nominator: Joanne Blanchette

DECKPLATE SUCCESS PROJECTS USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) Demineralizing Fastener Replacement Team

Aaron Anderson, X43; Justin Campbell, X42; Matthew Collett, X42; Joseph Connell III, X43; Eric Prokup, K48; Ronnie Sightler Jr., X43; Jonathan Turner, E84 Nominator: William Handy Jr.

USS George Washington (CVN 73) Catapult Bolt Hole Repair

Benjamin Bradley, O37; Rafael Diaz, O37; Vernon Eason, K45; Randall Gabbert, O37; Jeffery Hudson, K45; Sean Turner, X18 Nominator: Paul Hebert

USS George Washington (CVN 73) Forward Port Ram Sponson

Jeremy Bryson, X11; James Cleary, O68; Earl Cobbs, X11; Wyatt Coposky, X18; Ellis Douglas Sr, X18; Phillip Hall, X18; Cole Hawkins, X18; Walker Hill, O22; Brandon Hinson, O68; Jason Hoff, X11; Henry McDuffie, O68; Christopher Scarola, O68; Joshua Seligson, X11; Travis Shaal, X18; Randolph Smith II, O68; Joseph Stallings, X18; Harris Styons, O68; John Thompson, K45; Sean Turner, X18; Courtney White, X11; Alan Wood, X11; Raymond Worthington, X11 Nominator: Joshua Tyree

Oregon (SSN 793) Bow Dome Installation Shawn Garfield Jr, X11; Carl Hilliard, X11; Mark Hogge, X11; Aaron Randall, X11; Timothy Witt, X11; Jerry Womack Jr., X11 Nominator: Will Gaydos

Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance Team Michael Lajoie, T54; Melinda Perez, T51; Nicole Radcliff, T52; Doris Wilder, T51 Nominator: William Gorman

Foundry Performance on John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) Elevator Guide Rails Carter Almquist, A572; Deshawn Bright, X18; Jesse Davis, X36; Kevin Forrest, A572; Joseph Harris, A572; David Holley, A572; Shawn Hunt, A572; Bobby Kidd, A572; Stephen Lawrence, A572; Derrick Lawrence, A572; Jeffrey Levi, A572; Marvin Major, A572; Sean Merilic, A572; Jeremy Morrison, X18; Justin Mountford, X18; Christopher Perry, M71; Emmanuel Rivera Ramos, X36; Chad Ryan, A572; Albert Smalls, M30; Mark Spruill, A572; Robert Stanton Jr., A572; Kenneth Sykes, A572; Matthew Taylor, X36; Joe Wiggins, A572; Marcus Windham, A572 Nominator: Kenton Meland

USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) Emergent Repairs

Eddie Brown, X43; Richard Cortista, X43; Thomas Daughtrey, K48; Cedric Godbolt, X36; James Graham Jr., X31; Sylvester Hicks, X67; Johnny Keller, K48; Raymond Key, X31; James Kwasny, X36; Allen Maddrey, X18; Robert McDonough, X43; Jason Murphy, K47; Kenneth Naugle, X43; Bobby Reid Jr., X31; Sherrod Robinson, X36; George Ryalls, X67; Terrence Scott Jr., X36; Thomas Smith, X43; Douglas Stephenson, X36; Wyatt Sweeney, K45; Kenneth Thick, X43; Calvin Torrance, X36; Alan Varney, X31; Herbert Winfield, X67; Charles Wood, X67 Nominator: Louis Rajnys

Sustained Operating Excellence at Liquid Waste Facility

Daniel Barnes, X42; Victor Boone, X42; Marvin Bowman, E81; Leslie Brown, X73; Lanitra Butler, X71; Jeffrey Carpenter, E81; Beverly Deskins, E85; Marquis Ellsworth, X42; John Firgau, E84; Sandra Frank, E84; Shane Gardner, E81; Ralph Hanes, E84; Paula Hill, X42; Wesley Holland, E81; Scott Johnson, E84; Nicholas Justesen, E81; Shalliyt Les Pere Bey, X42; James Lewis, E81; Howard Moore Jr., E85; Julian Nixon, E84; Stephen Ovide, E85; Nicholas Romano III, E84; Marcus Santarsiero, E81; James Sarvis, E84; Joseph Sharpless Jr., X42 Nominator: Jerry Tice

Vulnerability Remediation Team

John Behen, T54; Clifford Carr, T54; Milton Chamblee III, T54; Stephen Correia,T54; Christopher Dove, T54; Bryan Garcia, T54; Thomas Hammock III, T51; Michael Jacob, T54; Jeremy Katzenstein, T51; Nicole Lipscomb, T51; Brian Lybert, T54; Justin Morris, T54; Marcy Rivera, T51; Timothy Trulley, T54 Nominator: William Gorman

USS George Washington (CVN 73) Nuclear Tank Drill/Drain and Hull Plug Cutting Operations Stacey Beale, X43; Dylan Bell, X43; Divine Bembury, X43; Rickey Boone Jr., K45; W. Bradley, X43; Matthew Carter, X43; Joseph Cason, X43; Matthew Cecil, K45; Ryan Fulkman, X43; John Gregory, X71; John Hamilton III, X43; Jamar Jackson, X43; Rahssed Moultrie, X43; Raynard Riddick, X43; Allen Walker Jr., K45; Wayne Whitfield, X43; Bryan Williams, X43 Nominator: Jim Wightman

Montana (SSN 794) Third Shift Sail Cost Reduction Team

Sandra Burks, X33; Toni Fauntleroy, X33; Danielle Fleetwood; Shedrick Kemp, X33; Nancy King X33; Patti Richardson; William Robinson Nominator: H. D. Trulley

Kesselring Heavy Haul Refueling Container Transfer Team James Dillard, E82; James Hyde, E82; Bruce Malaby, E82; Ryan Van Booven, E82 Nominator: Michael Owen

USS Boise (SSN 764) Shielding Install Team Devonte Arrington, X36; Adam Brookman,X11; Serena Cook, X36; Steven Davies, X36; Michael Dorsey Jr., E85; Aaron Doswell, X11; John Gateau, X11; Ronnie Hall, X11; Devin Hite, X36; Reginald Johnson, X36; Glenn Jones, X36; Matthew Jones, X11; Ricky Lamb, X36; Michael Marchal, X11; Robert Miles Jr., X36; Lawrence Parham Jr., X36; George Pittman III, E85; John Poslik, E85; Michelle Rash, X11; Joshua Ricks, X11; Alan Smith, X11; Russell Stallings, E85; Lauren Toler, X11; Emanuel Willis, E85; Alex Worthy, X36 Nominator: Joe Sable

Deckplate Engineering Support for USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) Main Thrust Bearing

Brent Bayliss, E86; Donnelle Brumback, E86; Juan Colon, E86; Timothy Havens, E74; Brandon Kirtley, E74; James Myers, E86; Thomas Nichol II, E64; Angelo Patillo, E86; G Ronald Powell, E74; Lawrence Rouse II, E86; Kenric Scarbrough, E86; John Spain, E86; Matthew Thomas, E86 Nominator: Ed Luecke


USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) Program Office Post Shakedown Availability Readiness Team Matthew Kirkham, E49 Nominator: Cheryl Englen

USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) Post Shakedown Availability Product Model Support Team

James Allen, E49; Sergio Ceballos, E49; Kevin Francis, E49; Pamela Hart, E49; Wendell Ramey, E49; Lauri Sundberg, E49 Nominator: Gene VanZandt

iDS Visual Build Management Leadership Joshua Claud, X57 Nominator: Ashley Cadwallader

Submarine Shop Magnetic Particle Testing Improvements Hee Joo Pi, O38 Nominator: Jared Smiddy

Submarine Program Quality Team Donte Anderson, O93; Brian Bangs, O93; Elise Beck, E06; Craig Moore, O93; Tyler Quarterman, E06 Nominator: Steve DeBusk

Planner 3 Leadership

Michael Covey, K78 Nominator: Sue Sampson

USS Enterprise (CVN 65) Inclining Team

Matthew Barrow, E61; William Burton, O22; Gregory Howell, X36; Nicholas Marickovich, E42; Robert Ramsey, O43; Bari Smith, K45; Allen Sutton, X36 Nominator: Bob Macklin

USS Boise (SSN 764) Shielding Team

Allen Cognata, E81; Greg Dale, O67; Leah Ewart, E81; Sarah Gentry, K45; Jonathan Heard, K48; Jeffrey Hite, X11; Jared McMillan, K48; John Mulvaney Jr., E81; Troy Smith, X36; Jerry Williford Jr., K45; Rose Yankoski, E81 Nominator: Julie Lane

Security Teamwork

Louis Adams, O15; Spencer Bishop, O15; Achilles Natividad, O15; Mark Shaffer, O15; Willie Turner Jr., O15; Johnny Wells III, O15; Elbert Williams, O15 Nominator: Trent Sturgis

USS Indiana (SSN 789) Delivery Ship Control Fly-By-Wire Program Excellence Ronald Bentley, E25; Gordon Burr, E25; Pamela Cabanatan, O03; Andrew Cecil, X31; Brandon Davis, K46; Johnnie Ellis, E25; Jerald Honig, E25; Brian Laine II, E25; George Lowe III, E25; David Page, X31; Kristyn Parsons, O03; William Rankins, E25; Patrick Russell, E25; Mark Sheehan, X31; Patrick Soderholm, E25 Nominator: P. M. Vieth

Second Quarter Abbreviated Accounting Close Process Improvement Amber Barlow, O72; Lachanda Bennett, O72; Jasmine Boyd, O72; Stacia Cooper, N365; Brittany Eason, O74; Deborah Garris, O71; James Lyons, O71; Brandy Lytle, O72; Quanda Tynes, O71 Nominator: Thomas Jones

Planning and Parking Negotiating Team Edward Artis Jr., O41; Daniel Bieker, X44; Robert Bodett, X76; Richard Charles, O19; Heather Criner, O45; Anthony Fortune, X73; David Galinski II, O41; Allen Johnson, O19; Lauren Jones, O45; Matthew Kirkham, E49; Jonathan Marshall, O46; Anita McCray, X78; Paula McElroy, O40; Earl McNair, O15; Andrew Miller, O41; Richard Paquette, O41; Mark Sink, O45; Tina Sledge Valentine, O15; William Sturgis, O15; Eric Troshin, O41; Tasha Wells, O55; Stephen White, X44; Sarah Williams, X78; Zachary Wissen, O56 Nominator: Mary Ellen Nealy

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AUDIO/VIDEO Cell Phone - ZTE Axon Android, cell phone. 32GB, takes great pics. Like new. Charger included. $45 OBO. (757) 690-6999 DJ - 13 years experience, custom playlists for any event, lighting effects and photography. (757) 869-1876 Yamaha AX-596 Amplifier - Natural Sound Stereo integrated amp w/ remote, 100 wpc into 8 ohms. Works great. Text for pics. $150. (757) 869-4842 KEF iQ9 Tower Speakers - 3-way hi-fi tower w/Uni-Q, beautiful Dark Apple finish. Text for pics. $400. (757) 869-4842 Canton GLE496.2 3-way Speakers Like new hi fidelity German Canton GLE496.2 speakers. 3-way, 4 driver. Text for pics. $550. (757) 869-4842 Pair of 6"x9" Speakers - Two Sony 6x9's in separate enclosure boxes for easy installation on any car's back dash. $15 each. (757) 813-1984 500 Watt Alpine Amp - 4-channel Alpine amp. Perfect for door speakers. 75 watt x 4 or 150 watt x 2. $50 OBO. (757) 813-1984 2 Polk Subwoofers - In an enclosure box. 500 watt peak power per subwoofer. $100 OBO for the pair. (757) 813-1984 Home Security System - Arlo, 4 cameras, wire-free HD security system, in/outdoor, night vision. Text (757) 329-5645 Kenwood Stereo Rack System Rack, 2 speakers, turntable, amplifier, stereo control amplifier, dual cassette, CD. $80. (757) 826-0474


Auto cont.

Furnishings and Appliances cont.

Real Estate cont.

2004 Toyota Highlander - Limited, 153K miles. New paint, tires and rims. $6,500 OBO. (757) 349-9255

Roomba Vacuum - Roomba Model 570 vacuum w/charging base and 1 sentry. Works great. $150. (757) 813-1781

We Buy Junk Houses - Need to sell your house? (757) 529-6803

1995 Dodge Caravan - Runs great, good transportation to and from work. Handicap ready. $2,500 OBO. (757) 472-4176 2003 HD Classic Electra Glide - 200, Anniversary Edition. Call for pics. $6,000. (757) 746-6156 2011 CVO Harley - Softail convertible, blue edition. 7,500 miles, Rinehart Exht., garage kept. (757) 357-5806 1999 Limited Edition Toyota 4Runner - 252k miles, leather, sunroof, new tires, new inspection, Cold AC, 1500W Alpine amp w/12" Alpine subs. (757) 869-0587 2002 PT Cruiser - 137k miles. Runs well. Garage kept. Text for pics. $2,100. (757) 604-1318 2010 Mazda 3S - 6-speed manual. Great cond. Leather, NAV, sunroof, 2.5L Sport. 4 door, blue. New tires/ clutch/etc. 147k miles. $5,600. (757) 880-2948 2006 Chevy Silverado 1500 V8 90,600 miles. July 2019 inspection. Text for info/pics. $7,000 OBO. (757) 634-1339 1997 Honda Accord EX Wagon Solid vehicle, 177K miles. Great cond. $2,250. Call/text for pics. (804) 725-6476

FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES Couch Set - Tan cloth, brown leather mix couch set. 3-person and 2-person couch with ottoman. Text for pics. $300 OBO. (757) 846-8357 Full Size Box Spring - Brand new full size box spring still in the plastic. $100. Text or call. (757) 846-8357

2006 HD Dyna Low Rider - Garage kept, new inspection, <9K mi., white, V & H Big Shot pipes, windshield, mid controls. $6,500. (757) 618-0721

Bob Timberlake Entertainment Center - Solid Center Entertainment Center. (757) 338-2365

1978 Jeep CJ7 - V8, AMC 360, 2"lift, fiberglass tub. Clean 31' tires. 12K. Text for pic. (757) 593-1340

Wall Hung Wine Rack - Solid wood hanging wine rack with chalkboard. $50. Text for pics. (757) 504-6032

Natuzzi Sofa & Love Seat - Leather 72" sofa & 48" loveseat. 2 years old & in excellent condition. $1,200 OBO. (757) 570-0705 Baby Crib - Baby Crib - Essentials #2712 (Ebony) w/mattress, pad, 2 sheets. VGC. $120. Text for pics (757) 869-2886

REAL ESTATE Real Estate Wanted - We buy homes “as-is.� No hassle, we can close on your timeline. Text (757) 656-6373 NN Cottage for Rent - 2 BR, 1 BA. Includes water, heat, yard maint., W/D, stove, fridge. Owner next door. (757) 715-5460 House for Rent - Detached in-law suite/pool house for rent. Kempsville section of VB. $500 a month. (757) 759-3835

Room for Rent - Lakefront townhouse near Peninsula Town Center. 13 min from shipyard. Photos available. (253) 394-3137

MISCELLANEOUS Home Cleaning - Home/apartment cleaning. Call for estimate. (757) 750-6262 Girl's 20" Bike - Pink Huffy, good condition. Can send pictures. $15. (757) 593-2426 Banana Trees - Add a tropical look to your yard. Cold hardy bananas grow back every spring and reach 12 ft. $10- $20. (757) 593-2426 Just Because - Nice gift baskets, flowers & balloons for any occasion. We deliver or you pick up. (757) 599-0100 Treadmill - Bought in 2015. Lightly used. You have to pick up. Easy fold-up storage. Text for pics. $200. (757) 291-1419

4BR/2.5BA House in Norfolk - 2,269 SF, close to HRBT, large BRs, granite, hardwood. Large fenced backyard. $245K. (757) 404-6636

Electric Wheelchair - 4500 Series. Excellent condition. Gently used. $2,500 OBO. (757) 472-4176

Townhome for Sale - Eagle Harbor, 10 min. from NNS. 3BR/2.5BA, eatin kitchen, 2-car garage. 1,829 sq. ft. (757) 472-3058

Manual Wheelchair - Gently used adult folding manual wheelchair. Good shape. Call for more info. $100. (757) 472-4176

House for Sale in Fox Hill - 4BR/3BA with 2-car oversized garage, shed, huge master, lots of parking. Close to NNS & LAFB. $240k. (757) 813-1984

Home Improvements - Remodeling, roofing, siding, windows, doors, paint, concrete & more. Licensed & insured. (757) 570-4350

House for Rent in Old Wythe 2BR/1BA house in Hampton. Offstreet parking, large rooms. Close to NNS. $1,100/month. (757) 636-2544

Cleaning - General house cleaning, holiday cleaning and office cleaning. Call for free estimates. (757) 750-6262

Home for Rent - 163 Melville Dr., NN. 3 bed, 1/2 bath. $1,100. (757) 812-9266

Items - Total Gym XLS, $399. Mobility carrier, $149. Scooter, $499. Garden tiller, $85. Air Multiplier Bladless, $199. (757) 218-2946

NN Townhome for Sale 2BR/2.5BA - 1,300 sq. ft. Att. 1-car garage, end unit, 10 years old. Pool/clubhouse, I-64/Jefferson, <15 min to NNS. (757) 508-0786

Umbrella Stroller Used once. 30 lb. weight limit, pink floral print, call for pics. $10. (757) 690-6999

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MISCELLANEOUS Items - Knee scooter, $115. Nu Wave oven, $75., Air fryer, $65. Weight benches, $55, $59, $65, $99. Hedge trimmers, $35. (757) 218-2946 Items - Microwave, $35 & up. Ionic air purifiers, $45 & up. Vacuums, $35 & up. Carpet cleaners, $50 & up. (757) 218-2946 Exercise Equipment - Treadmills, $115 to $399. Ellipticals, $50 to $399. Exercise bikes, $65 to $220. Concept 2 rower, $799. (757) 218-2946 4 Cemetery Lots - Hampton Veterans Memorial Cemetery. $4,000 each. Vaults and markers included. (757) 660-9138 Pest Terminator - Free inspections. Expert pest, termite, moisture control, under house repairs & poly installation. (757) 873-4999 Lawn Care - Mowing, trim bushes & trees. Flower beds & clean ups. Great prices. (757) 525-0259

Miscellaneous cont. Heating/AC Service - Service, repair, replace. Licensed & insured. 30 years exp. Quality work at fair prices. Same-day service. (757) 525-0259 Roofing and Siding - Roofing, siding, crawl space repairs. Honest and affordable. References avail. Free estimates (757) 641-0738 Custom T-Shirts/Hats/Decals - Made for a low price. Great for churches, businesses, etc. (757) 291-2765 3/4" Plywood - Left over from building house. Not chip board. 30 sheets. $25 each. (757) 618-0721 Sawmill, Woodworking Service Quality woodworking, sawmill, and fire wood service at a competitive price. (757) 660-9628 Boflex Motivator 2 - Great shape. Need to get rid of ASAP. Text for pic. $250. (757) 871-8987

WANTED Van from South Hill, Rt.58 to NNS - Need Van Riders from South Hill Route 58 to Shipyard 1st shift. (434) 247-0777 Wanted - Licensed barbers and braiders needed. (757) 596-9600

FREE ITEMS Hot Tub - Located in Yorktown. You haul away. (757) 870-9359

HOBBIES Golf Tournament - Mermaid Cup at Kiln Creek GC. Sept. 19. $800/team. $200/person. (609) 617-2293 Homemade Soaps and More - Soaps, body butter, sugar scrubs, bath bombs. Many fragrances, made locally. (774) 254-1736

Hobbies cont. 1:1 Guitar Classes - Midtown NN. Flexible scheduling. Read/play std notation, chords/theory. Call/txt rates, class times. (757) 528-7017

LOST & FOUND Lost Keys - Lost set of keys walking from CVN 73 to the 50th Street gate. One of the keys is Chevy. (757) 846-8661

PETS 2 Bird Cages - 1 large cage, $150 OBO. 1 medium cage, $80 OBO. Assembled. Call for pics & dimensions. Leave message. (757) 409-8200 Beagle Puppies - 13-week-old beagle puppies. 3 boys and 2 girls. First and second shots. Wormed regularly. $125 each. (757) 880-5225

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