8 l 28 l 2017
A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding
Celebrating CVN 80's First Milestone Newport News Shipbuilding cut a 35-ton steel plate on Thursday, Aug. 24 to kick off advance construction of Enterprise (CVN 80). The steel plate will become part of the foundation of Enterprise, the ninth U.S. Navy ship to bear the legendary name. Ceremony participants included NNS President Jennifer Boykin; CVN 80 Ship's Sponsors Simone Biles and Katie Ledecky; Shipbuilder Kayla Cook (O68), who sang the national anthem; Machine Hand Specialist Tony Goodman (X15), who gave the invocation; Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va.; Rear Adm. Brian K. Antonio, program executive officer, aircraft carriers; shipbuilders and their families; and representatives of the recently decommissioned Enterprise (CVN 65). During the ceremony, Biles and Ledecky gave orders to Machine Hand Specialist Wayne Kania (X15) to cut the steel, which marks the first construction milestone in the life of the ship. “Much like U.S. athletes who represent the United States around the world displaying patriotism, pride and strength, so do the ships of our nation,” Biles said. “My father served in the U.S. Air Force for over 21 years and taught me discipline, determination
about big ideas
and dedication to achieve my goals, and these same values are on display as these advanced ships are built here.” NNS is performing the work under an advance fabrication contract that was awarded earlier this year. Award of the CVN 80 detail design and construction contract is anticipated in 2018. “We really, truly would not be able to compete at the level that we do without the freedom that we have, and that’s something we promise we will never take for granted,” Ledecky said. “We’re excited to cut this steel today and start this process.” Boykin said CVN 80’s construction will incorporate greater innovation and efficiency. “With this ship, we will ‘boldly go where no one has gone before,’” she said. “She will be built using digital technology rather than traditional paper work packages and drawings. We will build more of this ship indoors, in new facilities so that our people have more opportunities to work under cover and out of the weather. CVN 80 will revolutionize how we build ships, just as her predecessor, CVN 65 – the world’s first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier – revolutionized our industry.” CONTINUED ON PG 2
NNS President Jennifer Boykin is starting a new communications forum called, "SmallTalk: about big ideas." The premise behind SmallTalk is to share her perspectives about important topics in a casual format, to include blog-style posts, video conversations and in-person discussions. Check out Boykin's first post of the series on p. 3.
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8 | 28 | 2017
Machine Hand Specialist Wayne Kania performs his third ceremonial steel cut. Photo by Matt Hildreth
The Master of the Cut The ship's sponsors, dignitaries, shipbuilders and other spectators watch the ceremonial first cut of steel for Enterprise (CVN 80) on Aug. 24. Photo by John Whalen
Celebrating CVN 80's First Milestone CONTINUED FROM PG 1
Following the ceremony, shipbuilders and their families lined up to take photos with Biles and Ledecky. Natasha Freeman (O19) brought her daughter, Jayda. “My daughter is a gymnast and spends about 30 hours a week in the gym,” said Freeman, as they waited in line to take a photo with the Olympians. “We wanted to experience this, and I wanted my daughter to meet her idol. It’s really exciting.” Desmond Shamlee (X11), said he came to the ceremony for the experience, but the opportunity to see two gold medalists was an added bonus. “I just wanted to be a part of the first cut of a new ship,” he said. Melanie Cruz (X31) came with her mother and sister. She said attending the ceremony was a great experience, especially since she spent more than two years working on Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78). “The sponsors were a big deal,” Cruz said. “But I saw the middle of carrier construction on CVN 78. I wanted to see how it began, and this was good way to do that.” Watch highlights videos of the ceremony and the sponsors' tour of NNS, or view a photo slideshow.
After the crowd heard from Ship's Sponsors Katie Ledecky and Simone Biles, all eyes were on Machine Hand Specialist Wayne Kania (X15) as he performed the ceremonial first cut of steel last week. But he wasn't shaken from all of the attention. "It's not a regular day on the job, but this work – cutting heavy steel – is something I do every day for every boat," Kania said. It's the third time the Master Shipbuilder has performed the ceremonial cut for a new aircraft carrier, having done so for Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) in 2005 and John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) in 2011. And he's been doing the work even longer, since before Newport News Shipbuilding began holding ceremonial steel cuts for new carriers. "There's always something thick to cut, whether it's sub or carrier. But it takes a little over two years to get through the initial carrier parts, so that's all I'll be doing," Kania said. "After a while, you don't even know what ship you're working on. You just come in here, fire up the torch and go."
Organizational Change Announced NNS President Jennifer Boykin has announced Don Godwin's appointment as the new chief financial officer and vice president of Business Management. He takes over for Mike Helpinstill, who is joining the HII corporate office as vice president of Strategic Transactions. These changes are effective Sept. 5. Read Boykin's letter to shipbuilders announcing the changes in this week's edition of Currents. Mike Helpinstill (far left) and Don Godwin
8 | 28 | 2017
Flag to Honor Shipbuilders and Sailors A state flag that flew over the Montana State Capitol in honor of Virginia-class submarine (VCS) Montana (SSN 794) and her future crews will soon make its way to the ship's construction site at Newport News Shipbuilding. The ship's commissioning committee recently showed the special flag to a group of veterans during a Rotary Club meeting in Kalispell, Montana. The veterans also saw a presentation featuring NNS shipbuilders from the VCS Program. The flag, which also honors the NNS shipbuilders who are constructing Montana, will eventually be presented to the ship's crew for use at special events.
Veterans from Montana stand in front of the state flag that will be displayed at Montana's (SSN 794) construction site at NNS.
about big ideas
Ethical foul ball: A lesson from the dugout By Jennifer Boykin President, Newport News Shipbuilding A few years ago, I attended a Norfolk Tides game with my husband and Shaun, the 6-year-old son of close friends. At the end of one of the innings, I took Shaun to the dugout where the first baseman was tossing game balls out to children. He saw the excitement on Shaun’s face and kindly threw a ball to him. Before Shaun could catch it, an adult jumped in front of him, caught the ball – and went back to his seat to keep it! We were both shocked, and of course, Shaun was visibly upset. As we walked back to our seats, the crowd started to boo the man. Feeling pressured by the crowd’s reaction, the man begrudgingly handed the ball to another, older boy standing near him. What happened next was incredible. The older boy, who now had the ball, walked over to our seats and handed it to Shaun. The crowd erupted in applause. This experience made me think about how our behavior affects others, and how our behavior is perceived by others, whether we want to believe it or not. We are all on a stage – even when we don’t realize it. We stand as examples – good or bad – to our kids, our teammates and to total strangers. The words we use, the actions we take, the content we post on social media – it all represents who we are and what we value. August is designated as Ethics Awareness Month at Huntington Ingalls Industries. Although we have chosen this month as a time to put an even greater emphasis on ethics, it’s a topic that we must think about each and every day of the year. Take a moment to think about a time in your life when you’ve witnessed an example of ethics and integrity at its best and at its worst. Share that experience with your teammates, and make ethics part of your conversations – not just in August, but always.
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8 | 28 | 2017
VCS Program Holds a Series of "Leadership Huddles"
USW Can Access HII Family Heath Center Sept. 1
The U.S. Navy's confidence in shipbuilders in the Virginia-Class Submarine (VCS) Program is helping to funnel more work to Newport News Shipbuilding, VCS leadership said during a series of "leadership huddles" held last week. That work includes ongoing submarine construction and new sustained business in post shakedown availabilities (PSAs).
Eligible United Steelworkers and their dependents enrolled in the Anthem CA PPO medical plan can schedule appointments at the HII Family Health Center for Sept. 1 and beyond. Operated by QuadMed, a third-party vendor, the Family Health Center offers comprehensive, confidential and affordable health care to HII employees and their dependents. Personal medical information is protected by HIPAA laws that require this information remain private and protected.
"The future for the company and for gainful and stable employment looks great. Executing the mountain of work ahead of us is going to be heavy, but we absolutely can do it," said VCS Program Director Justin Byrum. Submarine Programs Trade Director Willie Hayes and VCS Construction Director Bob Meyer also spoke during the huddles, focusing on the importance of making safety priority No. 1, first-time quality and the onboarding of additional personnel. Numerous construction projects are underway at NNS with more planned in the coming years to help meet new and increasing demands for submarines from the Navy. In addition to the Joint Manufacturing Assembly Facility (JMAF) currently under
VCS leaders Bob Meyer (from left), Willie Hayes and Justin Byrum speak about growth, safety and first-time quality during a leadership huddle on Aug. 22. Photo by Ashley Major
construction in the North Yard, there are plans to expand the Modular Outfitting Facility (MOF) to increase the current delivery capacity.
Schedule an appointment today by calling 3274200, visiting www.myquadmedical.com/hii or via the "MyQuadMed" mobile app. Services include:
"This is not just about good business, it's about doing what our Navy and our nation need us to do," said Matt Needy, vice president of VCS Program and Fleet Services.
• Annual physicals and preventive screenings • Adult and pediatric immunizations • Treatment of non-occupational illnesses and injuries • Health and wellness education and coaching • X-ray services • Pharmacy services • Laboratory services • Physical rehabilitation services for nonoccupational injuries
Jim Weber (X82) was encouraged by what he heard in the meeting. "Opportunity lies ahead for us. There's opportunity for us to make a difference and opportunities for people to step up and get themselves promoted to become the leaders that we need to tackle all of this work," he said.
American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund: Hurricane Harvey Huntington Ingalls Industries sent the following message to employees on Monday, Aug. 28:
Wellness counseling and annual physicals are free and acute visits cost $15.
Northrop Grumman Savings Plan Settlement
If you would like to contribute, please visit: www.redcross.org/huntingtoningalls-emp.
If you were an employee of Northrop Grumman Corp. anytime between 2000 and 2009 and participated in a Northrop Grumman savings plan, you may have received information regarding a class-action lawsuit and potential settlement. This has nothing to do with the HII 401(k) plan or the administration of the HII plan. However, if you choose to roll over your portion of the settlement to an HII plan, view instructions on how to fill out the Former Participant Claim Form on MyNNS. Questions about the Northrop Grumman 401(k) settlement process should be directed to the phone number provided in the settlement mailing.
Please keep our Texas-based colleagues in HII’s Technical Solutions division in your thoughts as their part of the country endures the storm and begins to recover.
Request the Former Participant Claim form at www.hiibenefits.com.
Hurricane Harvey made landfall in southeastern Texas on Friday as a Category 4 storm. Although it has weakened to a tropical storm, it continues to cause unprecedented and catastrophic flooding, impacting the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, including 650 HII employees in Texas. As we have done with other disasters affecting our workforce, HII has activated a “microsite” that facilitates donations to the American Red Cross’ Disaster Relief Fund. The American Red Cross is a not-for-profit humanitarian organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. Your tax-deductible donations will help with ongoing efforts to mobilize volunteers, vehicles, food and relief supplies to those people impacted by the extreme weather.
August 22, 2017 Dear Shipbuilders, I am pleased to announce that Don Godwin has been named Newport News Shipbuilding’s new chief financial officer (CFO) and vice president of Business Management. Don will succeed Mike Helpinstill who is joining the Huntington Ingalls Industries corporate office as vice president of Strategic Transactions. These changes will be effective on September 5. Please join me in thanking Mike for his leadership and dedicated service to NNS. Since joining the company in 1996, he has always demonstrated professionalism and commitment to our business. We wish him the very best with this new opportunity. Don Godwin comes to us after more than 20 years with Harris Corporation and its predecessor companies. He currently serves as CFO of Hitachi Data Systems Federal and is a certified public accountant. Although new to shipbuilding, Don has a family connection to NNS. His grandfather worked at the yard in the 1940s, serving as a crane operator. And like many of our shipbuilders, Don’s a “Hokie,” having graduated from Virginia Tech with a bachelor’s degree in finance. In addition to Don’s strong financial background and business operations experience, he brings a unique, external perspective that will be critical to our business transformation into the digital shipbuilding world. He will report directly to me. Please join me in welcoming Don to the Newport News Team and supporting him in his new role. All the best,
Jennifer Boykin President Newport News Shipbuilding
4101 Washington Avenue ● Newport News, VA 23607 ● Telephone (757) 380-2000 ● www.huntingtoningalls.com
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8 | 28 | 2017
NS will host integrated Digital Shipbuilding (iDS) hiring N info sessions on Aug. 28 in the Bldg. 520-6 James River Room and Aug. 29 in the VASCIC auditorium at 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. both days. Employees are encouraged to register in advance online at https://buildyourcareer. wufoo.com/forms/ids-info-sessions/. Career opportunities are available in Design, Engineering, IT and Production Planning.
he Project Management Institute at Newport News T Shipbuilding (PMI-NNS) is hosting a presentation from noon to 1 p.m. in VASCIC (2 West Dining Area). The topic is "Risk - Evaluating Risks vs. Issues and Planning for Risk Mitigation." Attendees will learn how to incorporate risks into project plans. No charge will be provided. To RSVP, visit the PMI-NNS site on MyNNS. For additional questions, email PMI_NNS@hii-nns.com.
hipbuilders Together Realizing Inclusion, Diversity and S Equality (STRIDE) is hosting a Board Game Night at Bar Louie in Peninsula Town Center in Hampton from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Come play classic board games, meet new people and enjoy $5 hamburgers and fries. For more information, contact Paul England (X84) at 534-3062 or Priya Mohammed-Jones (E86/E63) at 688-5147.
J oin women in Shipbuilding Enterprise (WiSE) for a Financially WiSE Seminar in VASCIC 2 West from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Karen Velkey, corporate vice president of Compensation and Benefits, will talk about financial wellness, including 401(k)s, saving and budgeting. For more information, contact Cynthia Allen-Whyte (N358) at 688-2636.
The Hispanic Outreach Leadership Alliance (HOLA) Employee Resource Group will host a celebration from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in The Apprentice School, Room 258. NNS President Jennifer Boykin will be the keynote speaker. The event is open to all HII employees. Parking will be available in the Bldg. 901 parking garage. Contact Mario Carpio (E83) at 688-9425 or Oliver Aguilar (E83) at 688-3104 or via for additional information.
Women in Shipbuilding Enterprise (WiSE) and Shipbuilders Together Realizing Inclusion, Diversity and Equality (STRIDE) will host a depression awareness and suicide prevention event in the VASCIC auditorium from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. EAP’s Ron Grett will be the key speaker. The event is open to all shipbuilders. To RSVP, contact Heather Smith (X44/K74) at 534-2448 or via email.
The Central Engineering Department is hosting a Teaching, Enlightening, Aspiring (TEA) Talk featuring Karen Deal, manager of Change and Integration, from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at VASCIC (2 West Dining Room). TEA Talk is a leadership development series that provides a forum for NNS employees to hear personal stories from company leaders about how their personal lives have influenced their careers at NNS. No charge will be provided. This is open to all NNS employees. To RSVP, visit the TEA Talk MyNNS webpage. For more information, contact Renae Myles (E02) at 534-2429.
Newport News Shipbuilding Talent Acquisition along with several Trades departments will be hosting a Trades Hiring Open House from 8 a.m. until noon in the original Apprentice School gymnasium (Bldg. 601), located at the corner of Marshall Avenue and 39th Street. The event is open to the public. Shipbuilders are encouraged to invite family and friends who are interested in learning about job opportunities in trades.
Cover Photo: Simone Biles (from left), Katie Ledecky and NNS President Jennifer Boykin sign the 35-ton steel plate used for CVN 80's ceremonial first cut. Photo by Matt Hildreth
The Apprentice Alumni Association will host the annual Apprentice Alumni Fall Golf Tournament at Sleepy Hole Golf Course. The cost is $65 per golfer and the price includes: green fee, 18-hole cart fee, tournament prizes, food and unlimited range balls (one hour prior to start). Contact Fred Peedle (E51) at 688-6682 or visit: www.nnapprentice.com/alumni/news.htm for more information.
The In-Service Aircraft Carrier Division will host its 14th Annual Aircraft Carrier Invitational Golf Tournament at Ford’s Colony Country Club. The event is a four man captain’s choice format starting at 1 p.m. with registration beginning at 11 a.m. Cost is $500 per team, which includes golf, access to the driving range, food and gifts. Proceeds will benefit the USO. Contact Bruce Roberts (K69) at 380-4964 to register.
This week, The Company Store will only be open on Wednesday, Aug. 30. Normal operations will resume next week. For more information, email TheCompanyStore@hii-nns.com.
The Progressive Club will host its first fall golf tournament at Sleepy Hole Golf Club. The tournament will be played in a captain's choice format and teams will consist of four players. Entry fees include the “Team Mulligan Package.” View the flier or contact Kenny McBurney (X91) at 813-7246.
Visit www.buildyourcareer.com to search for the latest NNS job openings.
Job Title
Req Number
Manager Supply Chain Procurement 2 NNI Manager Contract Administration 3 NDT Inspection Manager 2 Manager Training 1 Foreman Foreman-Welding Foreman Foreman-Coatings Foreman General Foreman-Structural General Foreman Director of Apprentice School Electrical Engineer 3 iDS Senior SAP Basis Analyst eDiscovery Analyst
19248BR 19328BR 19331BR 19371BR 19512BR 19516BR 19521BR 19522BR 19524BR 19525BR 19527BR 19565BR Various 18121BR 19414BR
O51 N905 O96 O22 X82/X11 X82/X18 X82/X32 X82/X33 X82/X43 X82/X18 X82/X43 O61 E19 T54 T51
Newport News Newport News Ballston Spa Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News
Employees are encouraged to use the "Current HII Employees" portal to apply. The company continues to offer cash bonus awards for referrals to select positions, visit www.huntingtoningalls.com/refer-a-friend for more information.
Editor: Lauren Shuck
Contributing writer: Nicholas Langhorne Currents@hii-nns.com Currents is published every Monday for employees of Newport News Shipbuilding. To submit a story or classified ad, visit nns.huntingtoningalls.com/currents.
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Steve Little 45 years
Jay Mizelle 45 years
Doug Scott 45 years
Rufus “Buck” Sipple 45 years
Lee Allen 40 years
Larry Askew 40 years
Dearl Brickhouse 40 years
Bob Collins 40 years
Marlin Hall 40 years
Willie “Buck” Johnson 40 years
Pete Ledford 40 years
Milton “Lump” Lunsford
Cindy Muckelroy 40 years
Danny Narron 40 years
Frankie Nelson 40 years
Al Parker 40 years
Renee Peoples 40 years
Annette Saunders 40 years
Mark Sink 40 years
Larry Taylor 40 years
Tracy Van Kleeck 40 years
Michael Weaver 40 years
Wayne Webb 40 years
Marjorie West 40 years
40 years
LONG SERVICE 50 YEARS Oliver Hill Ralph Suggs
45 YEARS Wilbert Campbell O39 David Hamilton X31 Steven Little E83 Jay Mizelle E16 Douglas Scott E18 Rufus Sipple Jr. O46 Lyle Oney AMSEC
X33 X31 Anthony Richardson O43 Annette Saunders X76 Mark Sink O46 Lawrence Taylor E84 Tracy Van Kleeck O39 Robert Wallace X31 Michael Weaver O43 Wayne Webb X18 Marjorie West X36 George Wiggins X36
40 YEARS Lee Allen Larry Askew Robbin Beale Dearl Brickhouse Robert Collins Wilton Dixson Hazel Eley Wayne Hafer Marlin Hall Diane Jackson Willie Johnson Peter Ledford Milton Lunsford Jr. Cheryl Moran Cynthia Muckelroy Danny Narron Frankie Nelson Kurt Neumann Alvin Parker
35 YEARS Pamela Adams Donald Astrum Bobby Atkinson James Barger Stanley Bonk Charles Breiner John Carter Earl Cobbs Keith Collins Edward Cox David Davenport Steven Davis David Dea William Dickens David Dreybus Mark Dudley James Dumlao Felita Fields Robert Fisher
X45 O43
E21 X10 X36 X47 K75 O43 O46 E25 X43 X82 X36 O45 O46 O53 X45 X10 X36 E22 X42
Rena Peoples Rufus Porter
E42 X42 O53 X11 E60 X43 X11 X11 X79 X33 X42 X45 M30 A572 O48 O25 X18 O19 X18
Randolph Fitzgerald Jr. X42
Charles Gerehart Robert Godfrey IV Frank Harris Jr. Melvin Holloman Frances Jarabak Clifford Jarrell Wayne Jennings Charles Johnson II Beresford Jones Danny Jordan Thomas Joyner Lewis Knight Alfred Lee Brian Lemmert David Light Donald Marrow Daniel Marusek Jimmy Mason Zoltan Molnar Reginald Monroe Gary Moore Ralph Mosely Jr. Cheryl Park Larry Phelps Kenneth Pope Edward Pritchett Jr. Charles Pyle Jr. Ralph Riddick Rex Saunders Michael Saxon Tod Scarborough William Schrum
O26 X11 X11 X18 X47 X11 X11 X79 X11 X18 X18 X74 X18 E72 E25 E82 E13 X42 O19 X45 E72 X10 E42 X42 X79 X82 X42 X32 X82 X18 X44 E84
David Seward X15 William Siefers X44 Gary Simmons X91 Robert Spruiell II O39 Andrew Sweeney X18 Al Sykes E25 Robert Talton X32 Cladie Taylor O46 Timothy Todd O58 David Topping O43 Alonzo Townes X18 Ronald Vance Jr. O43 Edwin Washburn Jr. X11 Robert White O64 Alphonsa Whitfield Jr. X18 Kermit Wiggins Jr. X32 Marvin Williams X11 Raymond Williams Jr. X42 Shirley Willis O14 Michael Wyatt O40 Gary Zimak O30 30 YEARS Douglas Askew X32 Charles Banks X11 Darlene Barber O14 John Bishop Jr. X82 James Boyd X47 Gilbert Bryant Jr. M53 Joann Burroughs E42 Richard Daniels O53 Sean Gilmartin X36 Milton Greene X33
Derrick Hicks X67 James Holland X18 Geoffrey Hummel K83 Kerry Johnson X33 Ricky Landock E83 Jerry Laughrun X47 Kelley Lewis Jr. X32 Michael Maliniak E86 Thomas Morse X11 Amy Murdock N365 Jerry Pepper Jr. M53 Francis Reed X33 Brian Ridley O04 Peter Robinson E21 Michael Robinson X18 George Scott X18 Roy Townsend III X11 Melvin Turner O53 Ronald Tyler X91 Sylvester Upshur X18 Eddie Vennie X18 Ellis Ward X82 John Watkins Jr. X33 Thejuania Watson O51 Keith West X31 Preston White X91 David White II O61 Reginald Whitehead Sr. X18 Tyrone Williams X70 Henry Stovall Jr. AMSEC 25 YEARS Winfred Hairston
40 Years Ago
George Brock X15 Isaac Brown X42 Garry Bunting X36 Joel Davis E25 Jeffery Hughes E89 Larry Jameson Jr. O69
E56 E16
20 YEARS Edward Born Jr. E56 Marty Burnette X73 Joseph Cofer X47 Stephen Cordero E83 Fred Foreman Jr. E84 Cameo Hargrove O53 Michael Jaroma O04 Andre Kemp X11 Katherine Lang AMSEC Carl Lewis AMSEC Richard Mack E83 William McCormick Jr. X91 James Rhoades Jr. E84 Nicholas Riggio E83 Howard Robinson Jr. O43 Jeaneen Rosales O03 Ralph Sheffield III O19 Darlene Spratley E14 An Tran E68 Patrick Washburn E46 Anthony Watson AMSEC Peder Wennberg Jr. X22 Jo Williams E17 James Zalonis E86
RETIREMENTS Muriel Aiken X91 Addie Bailey M53 Willie Banks Jr. O46 Katherine Barefoot O25 Rolf Bartschi K70 Deborah Boyd E56
Duane Walker Clinton Wright
Herbert Jones X33 Neal Jones O39 Curtis Joyner X36 Michael Justice O43 Thomas Middleton E83 James Morings X33
Newport News Shipbuilding Day Shift Softball Champs in the summer of 1977. NNS Photo Archives
James Raposa Steven Richardson Douglas Rowell Kenneth Shaw John Skeldon Allen Smith
E84 X18 O39 E57 X53 X43
Raymond Sperle William Spruill II Donald Steppe Nelson Stortz Marvin Taylor Ricky Watlet
X10 X70 O19 O45 X82 E81
Catherine Weisskopf X36
8 | 28 | 2017
AUDIO/VIDEO DJ- 10 years experience, custom playlists for any event, lighting effects and photography. (757) 869-1876 Computer Repair- New Build, Repair, Virus Removal, Operating System Installation. $95+ Parts. (757) 329-6761 Rock band guitars and games- rock band and guitar hero xbox 360 with 2 guitars. one fender. $35 OBO. (804) 731-7579
AUTO 2003 Chevrolet Cavalier- Silver, 2dr. Rebuilt engine, 162k miles, new inspection. Great body and interior. 6/18 insp $2,200 OBO. (757) 753-7660 2004 F150 Crew cab- 4WD, tow pkg, 99K miles, 5.4L, needs new motor, $3,000. (804) 832-1865 Classic Ford 1983 F-100 pickup- straight 6 cyl “bullet proof” engine runs great. $3,200 OBO, text for pic. (757) 768-4371 2008 Chevy Trailblazer LT- White Ext, Gray Cloth INT, 4WD, PWR Locks, Windows & Driver Seat, CC, Good Cond, 109k, $6,750 OBO. (757) 876-2962 1966 Chevrolet Pickup- Excellent mechanical condition. Safety insp. Drive as is or make it pretty. $4,900. Make offer. (757) 267-2581 2001 Saturn SL1- $1,150 negotiable. Runs great! 204,500 miles, A/T, A/C. New headliner/tires/brakes and more. Call/ Txt. (757) 510-2757 1991 Ford F150- Green, 50K on new engine. State insp. May 2018 $2,000 OBO, No AC. Text for pics. (757) 532-9641 2003 Ford Taurus SES- good condition, 110,000 miles, AC,PW,PB, PS, Auto, PS, V6, $2,300 OBO. (757) 739-0060 Truck Camper Shell- fits 90s model Silverado/ Sierra short bed. Must pick up $150. (317) 690-7522 2003 Chevrolet Cavalier- Silver, 2dr. Rebuilt engine, 162k miles 6/18 inspection. Great body and interior. $2,200 OBO. (757) 753-7660
Auto cont.
Furn. & App. cont.
Misc. cont.
Utility Trailer- 5.5’x 10’ Wood deck trailer w/15” wheels; trailer dolly w/4” tires. Both $750 call Jan, 3-7 p.m. (757) 825-9136
Two Microwaves- glass turntables – both Panasonic (1,300W) - $40 each OBO - text for pics. (757) 535-9279
Jointer- 6” Porter Cable Jointer still in box. Can send pictures. (757) 771-3441
1999 Ford Taurus- Blue, Runs great, 88,000 miles, power driver seat, remote entry, 8/18 insp, clean CarFAX, $2,000. (757) 619-278
Dining Room Set- Oval dining table, 6 chairs and hutch for display. Great condition. Photos available. Text (757) 813-7843
Dining Room Table- Cochran cherry dining room table with two arm chairs and four side chairs; coastal upholstery. $500. (757) 870-8168
2014 Seadoo GTI130 PWC- Only 21 hours. Dealer serviced/maintained. Comes with single trailer. I have title in hand. $7,500. (724) 991-7806
Solid Wood Table- solid cherry/mahog table 54” dia 36 tall soft padded chairs (4). $400 OBO. (804) 731-7579
Jon Boat with 9.9hp- 12ft Jon boat with Gamefisher 9.9hp outboard motor and trailer. Runs good. $1,000 Text. (757) 876-0414 Yamaha for Sale- ‘94- 85hp 2 strk otbrd w/contls.Needs head bolt replaced (has new head), rebuilt ex.mnfold, $1,150. (757) 285-3982 1994 Seadoo XP- 2 seats, with fresh rebuilt engine and new impeller. Includes cover, lube oil, aluminum trailer $1900. (757) 610-5225 2014 Stingray 198LX bowrider- w/ aluminum trailer, 190hp Mercruiser I/O, Excellent condition, only 67 hours. Asking $22,900. (804) 815-7639
FREE 3-1/2 Months Free Tanning- I have free coupons with no catch. Text me and I will send coupon. (757) 288-9198
FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES Kenmore Washer- 7 months old. Paid $400 selling at $190. Call for Pic. (757) 291-6161 Sleep Number Bed- Queen size sleep number bed with 2-sided control. Was $1,600 new; selling for $500 OBO. (757) 768-4371 Sleigh Bed- Queen-sized mahogany sleigh bed frame, very good condition, $200. Text for pics. (757) 768-4371 Appliances- Used GE-Gas Range, good condition, white. $75. (757) 375-0006
Decorative Sink/Scroll Base- Beautiful marble sink with metal scroll basin. Originally $500+ from Lowes. $75. (757) 871-3682 La-Z-Boy Sofa & Chair- Brown reclining La-Z-Boy sofa and matching oversized reclining chair. $450 for both. (757) 593-0508
HOBBIES Guitar Pedal- Line 6 Firehawk FX multieffects guitar pedal barely used with carrying case. $300 Call or text (757) 897-3246 Electric Guitar- Dark Blue Squire Telecaster Electric Guitar with Seymour Duncan humbucker pickups. $150 Call or text (757) 897-3246 Electric Guitar- Sunburst Dean Evo Electric Guitar. In great shape with no marks. $180 Call or Text (757) 897-3246 1:1 Guitar Classes - Midtown NN. Flexible scheduling. Read/play std notation, chords/theory. Call/txt rates, class times. (757) 528-7017 Pool Table- Oak table, cover, 3 cues, bridge, cue rack, balls, 8&9-ball racks, 2 pub ht. chairs & more. $1,550. (757) 604-6954
MISCELLANEOUS Graco mini crib- Graco travel lite mini crib with stages in gender neutral colors. Gently used con. Please text (757) 771-9873
18m boys clothing- 18m boys clothing all seasons 2-18gal totes full $80 for all. Please text (757) 771-9873 A/C Service- Installations, repairs and service of Heat Pumps and Air Conditioners. Great prices, call today. (757) 771-3441 H. Miller Lamb Wall Clock- New in box Cherry finish. Roman Numbers Brass Pending Chimes. 28”etc. $450. (757) 508-2781 Samsung Gear S2 - Samsung Gear S2 Smartwatch Model 316 L. Like New. Incl charger base and 3 bands. Call/text for pics. (757) 218-7567 Motorcycle Windshield- Lightly smoked 10-in “Windsplitter” model windshield of a 2014 H-D Street Glide. EC. $95. (757) 672-8256 Gutter Cleaning- We clean gutters by hand, bag the debris, flush your down spouts. licensed and Insured. (757) 810-5115 House Washing- House, Roof and Concrete Cleaning. Most of our methods are used with less than 500 PSI. Licensed. (757) 810-5115 Piano For Sale- Whitney by Kimball Console piano for sale. In good condition. Have pics. Asking $350. (757) 817-5607 Pest Terminator- Free Inspections. Expert Pest/ Termite/ Moisture Control/ Under House Repairs/ Poly Installation. (757) 873-4999 Items- Portable Elliptical $75, Olym Weight Set/Rack $175, vacuums $24 and up, Spin Bike $155, Tower fan $55. (757) 218-2946 Items- 4 Wheel walkers $35 & $45. Steam Cleaners $35 and up, Curb Edgers $40 & $50, Elec lawnmower $155. (757) 218-2946 Treadmills- Proform $145, Gold’s gym $199, Horizon folds flat $299, Weslo $135, Treadclimber $650, and several more. (757) 218-2946
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MISCELLANEOUS Roofing & Gutters- Roof Repairs, Gutter Cleaning, and Pressure Washing. (Southside Hampton Roads). (757) 581-0075 Catering- Corporate lunch buffets. Elegant Weddings. Backyard BBQs. (757) 499-2002 Lawn Maintenance- Lawn Care – Mowing, edging, gutter cleaning, etc. (NN, Hampton, York Area) (757) 535-9279 Wire Shelving- New shelving–12 ft. long (I’ll cut to length). Call for prices. (757) 535-9279 Kids Bike (Rhino)- text for pictures - $40 OBO. (757) 535-9279 Lawn/Yard Care- Aerate, Seed, Fertilize, All Lawn Care and Maintenance, Leaf and Debris Removal. Affordable/ Dependable. (757) 871-4589 Magazines- Time Magazines & National Geographic for sale. 1930s – 1970s. WWII issues & celebrities. (757) 334-5384
Orchard Hay- Horse quality. Selling for $5.50 a sq bale. All this years cut. (757) 274-2544 Certified Health Coach- Looking for new clients and/or interest in becoming a health coach. Text me. (757) 748-7901 Home Cleaning- General home cleaning. Free estimates. Special occasion cleaning welcomed. Licensed and insured. (757) 371-3904 Overboots/Golashes-Onguard- Size 10. Maybe actually 8 or 9, men’s. Good quality. $15. (757) 272-7934 A/C Service- Service , sales and installations. Lic. and insured. Great end of summer prices. Call (757) 771-3441 Baby Swing- motorized, foldable, lowprofile w/music. Used 2 weeks. Excellent condition, $20 . (757) 268-1080
Real Estate cont.
PETS Huskey Dog- Female, 3-year-old, fixed, good dog. Needs a good home. (757) 817-6292
REAL ESTATE Updated Brick Townhome- 3 Beds 2.5 Baths. Laminate and tile floors. Denbigh $1,050/mo. (757) 880-2948
For Sale- Home in Kiln Creek. New HVAC, water heater and paint. $199K. Negotiable. (757) 298-1733 House for Rent- Seaford, no pets, 3 bdrm 1 bath, garage, frt and bk porch, patio. Includes water, grass cut $1,300. (757) 813-4956 House for Sale/Rent- Churchland/Ports3br/2ba Ranch. Lg yard/Deck. 1,900+ sqft. 12 min to NNS. $219k. Rent $1,380. (757) 871-3682
Two master bed Remodled TownhomeUpdated kitchen with new cabinets, tile, granite, and SS appliances. 2.5 updated baths. $1,150/mo. (757) 880-2948
Lots For Sale- Two 1/2 acre lots for sale on tidal canal in Gloucester. Call for more details. (757) 641-4994
Hampton Home for Rent- 2 Bedroom/1 Bath Home for Rent. 1742 Old Buckroe Road, $1,090/Month. (757) 639-5143
For Sale Bayfront Condo- 2BR, 2BA fully updated with beach, fabulous sunsets, and amenities. (757) 439-2339
Time Share for Sale- diamond resort time share points system. $224 a month. (757) 223-7935 House For Sale- House For Sale-Kiln Creek, 3BR, 2 1/2 BA, new paint, all appliances. $207,000. (757) 375-0006 For Rent- 2BR 2BA, Kiln Creek. New HVAC, New Wtr Htr. Det. Garage. Available Sept. 1. $1,375. (757) 298-1733
WANTED Washer & Dryer- Broken washers & dryers that are in your way. Will pick up for free. (757) 617-0100 Van Pool Riders- Van leaving from Belvidere NC, Chowan, Gates County Hwy 32 thru downtown Suffolk to NNS 1st shift. (252) 619-3117