10 | 1 | 2018
A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding
Technology Drives Latest Kennedy Milestone An improved build strategy, which includes the use of digital technologies to improve efficiencies, has allowed Newport News Shipbuilding to reach another milestone in the construction of the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy (CVN 79). Shipbuilders on Friday, Sept. 28, lowered the final piece of the ship’s underwater hull into place. The joining of the 726-ton lower bow, which includes the distinctive bulbous feature, completes the section of the ship below the waterline and extends the nuclear-powered warship an additional 122 feet. At 1,096 feet, Kennedy’s hull is longer than three football fields. The lower bow is more than 64 feet tall and 54 feet wide and is one of the heaviest planned steel structures, known as superlifts, to be placed on the ship. The unit consists of 84,000 square feet of tanks and chain lockers. “This superlift completes the underwater hull of the ship and completes the erection of all of the ship’s structures from main deck down,” said Lucas Hicks, vice president of CVN 79 Carrier Construction. “The lower bow superlift is another good example of how the use of technology is driving how we building the next generation aircraft carrier. “This brings us one step closer to launching the ship next year,” Hicks said. More than 3,000 shipbuilders and 2,000 suppliers from across the country are supporting the construction of Kennedy. The christening is planned for late 2019. Watch a video of the lower bow superlift on MyNNS or the NNS to Go app.
USS Indiana (SSN 789) was commissioned Saturday, Sept. 29, in Florida.
Freedom Delivered: Navy Commissions USS Indiana (SSN 789) The U.S. Navy commissioned the 16th Virginia-class submarine – USS Indiana (SSN 789) – Saturday, Sept. 29, at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. CONTINUED ON PG 2
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10 | 1 | 2018
Freedom Delivered: Navy Commissions USS Indiana (SSN 789) CONTINUED FROM PG 1
During the ceremony, Ship’s Sponsor Diane Donald gave the order for sailors to “man our ship and bring her to life,” in a timehonored Navy tradition. Newport News Shipbuilding President Jennifer Boykin spoke during the ceremony, representing the shipbuilders at NNS who worked to construct Indiana. “These proud Americans understand that what they do every day contributes to something much greater than themselves. They pour their hearts and their souls into their work,” she said. Indiana – built at NNS and General Dynamics Electric Boat – was christened at NNS in April 2017.
Shipbuilders gathered at The Rock to celebrate the first Newport News Day. Photo by John Whalen
Shipbuilders Celebrate Inaugural Newport News Day Shipbuilders met at The Rock Sept. 21 to celebrate Newport News Day. They wore blue to unite as one and show shipbuilder pride. The celebration was planned by the Pride In What We Do team. More Newport News Day celebrations will be held in the future at different locations around the shipyard. Check the Datebook section of Currents for more information about future celebrations.
Ian Sandstrum (E27) was working in construction, serving in the U.S. Army Reserve and taking classes toward a degree in engineering when his life changed in the blink of an eye. A 2008 motorcycle accident left him paralyzed from the chest down with limited arm movement and no hand function. “Adjusting to life in a wheelchair after being an able-bodied person was an extremely long process,” he said. “I had to get past the ‘what ifs’ and thinking about what my life would have been like had I not been in an accident and instead focus on my future and getting back into the workforce.”
Disability Awareness Month: Ian Sandstrum Newport News Shipbuilding is recognizing Disability Awareness Month in October. As part of NNS’ company-wide Inclusion and Diversity campaign, four employees are featured on posters recognizing the month. Articles about these shipbuilders will be published in Currents, the NNS to Go app, MyNNS and on social media each week.
Sandstrum spent more than a year in physical and occupational therapy. He later returned to school, earning an associate degree in engineering from Northern Virginia Community College and enrolling at Old Dominion University, where he continues to work toward a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. In February 2017, Sandstrum began his career at Newport News Shipbuilding as a designer. “The shipyard is extremely accommodating toward people with disabilities. All of the people I’ve dealt with have looked past my disability and seen
my potential, my work ethic and the way I present myself,” he said. “At the same time, the company has provided adaptations like a special desk and computer hardware and software to make my work environment better so that I can be more productive.” Sandstrum hopes that Disability Awareness Month inspires and encourages people to look beyond the outward appearances of those with disabilities and to see them as just another person. “People who don’t know me may just see my disability and the fact that I’m in a wheelchair. If they got to know me, they would learn that I haven’t changed my goals, how I act or how I plan to live my life,” he said. “Disabilities can restrict certain activities, but you can still be productive in life, work and personal growth. It’s important to keep a positive attitude, strive to better yourself and never give up.” View Sandstrom's poster on MyNNS or the NNS to Go app. Shipbuilders interested in sharing their story as part of NNS' Inclusion and Diversity campaign, should visit nns.huntingtoningalls.com/id-campaign-2018.
10 | 1 | 2018
NOTICE: Communications HOLA to Host Hispanic Heritage to Stop Publishing Month Celebration Classifieds Shipbuilders have likely noticed the posters popping up around Following the Oct. 8 edition of Currents, Communications will no longer publish Employee Classifieds. When Communications first launched the service, it was meant to provide a convenient resource for shipbuilders to buy and sell items. At the time, there were not as many options as there are today to post and sell items. After evaluating the time and effort it takes to administer this service, the division has made a business decision to discontinue providing the service in-house. Shipbuilders who would like to buy or sell items are encouraged to use other public advertising options, such as:
Newport News Shipbuilding for Hispanic Heritage Month. However, some may be curious about its Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 timeframe.
The monthlong commemoration coincides with Independence Day celebrations of various Latin American countries and acknowledges the contributions of Americans whose ancestors hail from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. The Hispanic Outreach and Leadership Alliance (HOLA) employee resource group is hosting a Hispanic Heritage Month celebration from 4:30 until 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 10, in the VASCIC auditorium. Richard Montañez, the creator of the Flamin’ Hot line of products, will be the featured speaker. The son of immigrants, Montañez started his career at PepsiCo as a janitor and worked his way up to vice president. All shipbuilders are welcome to attend the event and can RSVP online. For more information, contact Sam Byrne (E14) at 688-2096 or Marisol Liceaga (E83) at 688-2285.
Onsite Mammograms Available
• Public, local “buy and sell” social media groups (commonly known as “Trash and Treasure” groups) • Consumer-to-consumer sales sites
Chesapeake Regional Healthcare’s mobile mammography unit will be onsite every Monday in October at the HII Family Health Center to offer free annual screening mammograms for Newport News Shipbuilding employees. Screenings are offered to women age 40 and older.
• Buy and sell phone applications Shipbuilders are encouraged to use any safety features these apps and websites may offer. When buying or selling items via these channels, always meet in a safe and well-lit public area, don’t use personal contact information or reveal any personal information, and tell someone where you are going and why. Email communications@hii-nns.com for questions or comments about Classifieds.
On-the-Spot Ethics Awards Announced The following shipbuilders were recently honored with Level Two On-the-Spot Ethics Awards: Khalia Hart (O19), Gregory Lowe (X42), I'eisha Middleton (X67), Marvin Fogg Sr. (X42), Catherine Byrdsong (X36), Derrick Johnson (O46), Warfield Whitehead Jr. (O46), Tabitha Revill (O46), Jason Halter (O38), Geoffrey W. Bryant (X84), Dana Zarichny (O19), Quinton Bethea Sr. (X42), Paul Hardister (X47) and Troy Watson (X11).
NNS Recognized for Commitment to Veterans Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam recognized Newport News Shipbuilding for its ongoing commitment to creating employment opportunities for military veterans during the 2018 Virginia Workforce Conference last week. NNS received the Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Phoenix Award for providing comprehensive support to a veteran employed by a company or a veteran job seeker. Ian Sandstrum (E27) accepted the award on behalf of the company. “All Virginians have the responsibility to serve these veterans as they have served us,” Northam said. See the governor's press release for more infomation.
The unit will be available during the following times: •
Oct. 1: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Oct. 8: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Oct. 15: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Oct. 22: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Oct. 29: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
To schedule a mammogram during one of the times listed above, call (757) 312-6400 or visit www.chesapeakemammo.com. Walk-ins are also welcome. Shipbuilders should bring their medical insurance card and photo ID to their appointment.
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10 | 1 | 2018 “It’s a very functional vehicle to be used inside the shipyard,” said NNS Fire Chief Mark McTheny. “It gives us access to locations that we cannot get to with our standard vehicles.” The MERV is similar to other utility vehicles used throughout NNS and has the ability to carry a stretcher to transport patients from an incident site to a waiting ambulance. Since it is diesel powered, the MERV can travel onboard vessels to support both medical and fire-related emergencies.
Christopher Annette, left, Christopher Locey and Michael Taylor show off the Fire Department's new mini emergency response vehicle. Photo by Matt Hildreth
Fire Department Debuts New Vehicle Earlier this month, the Newport News Shipbuilding Fire Department introduced a new vehicle to its fleet. It’s not a fire truck or an ambulance, but a mini emergency response vehicle (MERV) instead.
Firefighters will use the vehicle for day-to-day tasks like traveling through the yard to inspect buildings and to service temporary fire equipment. The MERV will also be used during large ceremonies at NNS like christenings and even community events like 5K races because it is easier to maneuver through large crowds compared with a full-size ambulance. “We have looked at the best ways to support the shipbuilders, and this is one way we can improve our service in both the day-to-day operations and during special events,” McTheny said. “It will help us provide the best medical care that we possibly can.”
Hispanic Heritage Month: Jose Vasquez Jr. Newport News Shipbuilding is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, Sept. 15-Oct. 15. As part of NNS’ company-wide Inclusion and Diversity campaign, four employees are featured on posters recognizing the month. Articles about these shipbuilders will be published in Currents, the NNS to Go app, MyNNS and on social media each week. Jose Vasquez Jr. (K93) views Hispanic Heritage Month as an opportunity to share and learn. “Latino countries all have distinct cultures, music and food. Hispanic Heritage Month allows us to display all of the separate cultures that people may not know about and foster more understanding,” he said. “It also allows us to celebrate the many accomplishments and contributions of Latinos across the United States.” Vasquez, a Miami native of Dominican American descent, came to Newport News Shipbuilding in 2017. As a quality engineer, he works to ensure trade departments are in compliance with procedures. The work is challenging, but Vasquez enjoys learning new things every day.
“I came here because I wanted a job that was meaningful and allowed me to contribute to society,” he said. “I thought that coming here – where we build submarines and aircraft carriers to protect our nation – was one of the best ways to give back and use my degree for good.” Vasquez said becoming involved with the Hispanic Outreach and Leadership Alliance (HOLA) employee resource group at NNS helped lessen the culture shock of moving from Florida to Virginia, which has a considerably smaller Latino community. “It’s a good resource, especially if you’re fairly new to the company or don’t have family or friends in the area. It’s a good way to meet new people. They’re willing to help and make the transition as easy as possible.” As the nation celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month, Vasquez said it’s important for shipbuilders to recognize that everyone – no matter their background – plays an important role. “Not everyone is the same. You have to respect the fact that people are going to have different opinions and come from different cultures,” he said. “You also have
to understand that being different doesn’t meant that someone can’t have good ideas. If you allow them to be themselves, you give them the opportunity to display their ideas and talents, which can improve things for everyone.” View Vasquez's poster on MyNNS or the NNS to Go app. Shipbuilders interested in sharing their story as part of NNS' Inclusion and Diversity campaign, should visit nns.huntingtoningalls.com/id-campaign-2018.
10 | 1 | 2018
AROUND THE YARD WiSE Woman Award Recipients Recognized Women in Shipbuilding Enterprise (WiSE) presented "WiSE Woman" awards to the following employees during the third quarter of 2018: •
Sharesse Davis (E19) was recognized for employee engagement in July.
Pamela Setterholm (E46) was recognized for employee engagement in August.
Carolyn Tucker (O37) was recognized for commendable and sustained performance in September.
WiSE presents this award each month and winners' names are published in Currents on a quarterly basis. For more information about the program, visit the WiSE Woman website on MyNNS or contact Janice Boone (E16). To submit a nomination, complete the WiSE Woman Nomination Form. from the program office. Their mission is to give all employees a voice and to improve overall communication throughout the CVN 79 Program.
CVN 79 engagement champions hand out ice pops to shipbuilders in the CVN 79 program. Photo by Matt Hildreth
CVN 79 Engagement Champions Say Farewell to Summer with Ice Pops John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) engagement champions recently handed out 3,000 ice pops to employees in the North Yard. The CVN 79 Engagement Champion team, a subset of the Operations Division's new Engagement Champion Program, is made up of about 50 shipbuilders including craftsmen and craftswomen, foremen, construction supervisors and representatives
K47/X31 General Foreman Brian Holub and K47/X33 Lead General Foreman Tony Wilkerson, are the CVN 79 Engagement Champion lead and co-lead. “The opportunity to lead this team is very rewarding. Passing popsicles out to the men and women working hard on the CVN 79 Program created a lot of smiles today and that was what we set out to accomplish,” said Holub and Wilkerson. Lucas Hicks, vice president of CVN 79 Carrier Construction, is fully supportive of this initiative and encourages all engagement champions and employees to think outside of the box when it comes to improving engagement. “The CVN 79 Engagement Champion team has established several focus groups to improve on areas throughout our program such as, communication, employee recognition and quality of life. These teams are eager to get started and have innovative ideas. They are fully committed to this effort and are all in,” Hicks said.
The newly placed maintenance support crane sits atop Newport News Shipbuilding's 315-metric-ton Goliath gantry crane. Photo by John Whalen
New Crane Structurally Complete Newport News Shipbuilding’s new 315-metric-ton Goliath gantry crane is now structurally complete. On Tuesday, Sept. 25, crews performed a 47-ton lift to place the maintenance support crane on top of the main girders. This milestone is often referred to as the official “topping out,” and signifies the last lift needed to finalize the Goliath gantry crane’s structure. The maintenance support crane allows maintenance work to take place on the trolleys and machinery above the main crane. Its maximum lifting capacity is 15 tons. Additional testing of the entire structure will continue into early next year. The 315-metric-ton crane is expected to be operational in the second quarter of 2019. Watch a video of the lift on MyNNS.
PEER Program Accepting Nominations The Professional Enhancement and Enrichment Rotation (PEER) Program is accepting nominations and preparing to select the next cohort to start rotating in January. The PEER Program is a two-year rotation program for salaried, individual contributors. It includes four different rotations in six-month cycles. Development is based on workshop experiences, networking, collaboration, mentoring and diverse rotation experiences with more than 150 host department opportunities. Learn more about the PEER Program by attending an upcoming Lunch and Learn or open house event.
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10 | 1 | 2018
The Veterans Employee Resource Group (VERG) is hosting a birthday celebration for the U.S. Air Force from noon until 12:30 at Applebee's (Bldg. 227). For more information, contact Adam Krininger (X84) at 380-4286.
The Veterans Employee Resource Group (VERG) is hosting a birthday celebration for the U.S. Navy from noon until 12:30 at Applebee's (Bldg. 227). For more information, contact Adam Krininger (X84) at 380-4286.
L.E.A.R.N. will host an after-work presentation in the VASCIC auditorium with Derek Jenkins, director of Security, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on "How to be Safe at Work and at Home." The event is open to all employees by reservation only. Sign up on the L.E.A.R.N. website. For additional information, contact Tanika Vasquez (E06) at 688-7916 or Helen Dennie (O28) at 380-4831 or email LEARN@hii-nns.com.
The Peninsula Engineers Council and ASM will hold a joint society dinner meeting of all engineering societies from 5:00 until 8:30 p.m. at Revolution Golf Grill in Williamsburg. The speakers will be historians John Quarstein and Nathan Vernon Madison. All engineers and guests are welcome. To RSVP and pay for this event, visit the the ASM website. Contact Dave Conley (O31) at 688-0250 for more information.
The In-Service Carrier Program will host its 15th Annual Aircraft Carrier Invitational Golf Tournament at Ford’s Colony Country Club. The event is a four-man Captain’s Choice format starting at 1 p.m. with registration beginning at 11 a.m. The cost of $500 per team includes golf, driving range, welcome gifts and dinner. Proceeds from the event will benefit the USO. Contact Bruce Roberts (K69) at 380-4964 to register.
OCTOBER 8 & 12
Newport News Shipbuilding Contracts and Pricing Division will host Submarine Cost Estimating Info Sessions from 2:30 until 3:30 p.m. on Oct. 8 and from 7:30 until 8:30 a.m. on Oct. 12 in the Supplemental Modular Outfitting Facility (Second Floor Conference Room). The Contracts and Pricing team will present information about their work, discuss their role in the shipbuilding process and share career opportunities in cost estimating. To apply for a position in cost estimating, visit buildyourcareer.com and search for positions in the "Current Employees" portal.
The “Spear and Gear” Toastmasters Club will host a meeting from 4:30 until 5:30 p.m. at The Apprentice School (Bldg. 1919, Room 247). The event is open to all Newport News Shipbuilding employees and no RSVP is required. The event will provide a forum for employees to learn how to become more effective communicators and leaders. For more information, contact Jason Paquette (E83) at 534-2770.
The Apprentice School Store will be closed the week of Oct. 2-4 to stock new fall items. The store will reopen with normal hours Tuesday, Oct. 9.
Newport News Shipbuilding is a sponsor of the Hampton Roads Heart Walk. The Peninsula walk is Oct. 20 at Peninsula Town Center in Hampton, and the Southside walk is Nov. 3 at Mount Trashmore in Virginia Beach. Register at www.HamptonRoadsHeartWalk.org or become an NNS team lead. For more information, visit the NNS Heart Walk website on MyNNS or contact Amy McDonald (X71) at 688-6489.
The Mariners Club is hosting its annual fall golf tournament at Kingsmill's River Course. Start the day with a breakfast buffet at 7:30 a.m. Tee-off is at 9:30 a.m. For additional information, see the flier or contact Femi Audifferen (X76) at 688-3843.
What’s better for your wallet, renting or buying? Find out at a SmartPath class on renting versus homeownership. Classes are offered from noon to 1 p.m. in Bldg. 520-6 (James River Room) and from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the VASCIC auditorium. Email BeWell@hii-co.com to register for your preferred class time or ask your foreman to register you. Management-approved PTO/flex is required during scheduled work hours.
Pat Krystyn, academic instructor at The Apprentice School and faculty adviser for the chapter, left, and Apprentice School Director of Education Latitia McCane, right, stand with Apprentice Kari Grice (X42) as she receives a certificate signifying her SLS induction.
Apprentice School SLS Chapter Holds First Induction Ceremony The Apprentice School became an independent chapter of The Society of Leadership and Success (SLS) on June 6. The Apprentice School SLS chapter recently held its inaugural induction ceremony. To become SLS members, apprentices had to complete a nationally sanctioned leadership development program that included participation in a chapter orientation meeting and leadership training day; three nationally broadcasted leadership discussions; and three success networking team events. For more information about The Apprentice School SLS chapter and the national organization, visit www.nsls.org.
Visit www.buildyourcareer.com to search for the latest NNS job openings.
Job Title
Req Number
Electrical Engineer 3 Electrical Engineer 3 iDS Systems Engineer - Senior Level 3 Contract Administrator 3
22088BR 24130BR 23065BR 22026BR
E44 E44 X47 O19
Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News
Employees are encouraged to use the “Current HII Employees” portal to apply. The company continues to offer cash bonus awards for referrals to select positions, visit www.huntingtoningalls.com/careers/refer-a-friend for more information.
Editor: Nicholas Langhorne Currents@hii-nns.com Currents is published every Monday for employees of Newport News Shipbuilding. To submit a story or classified ad, visit nns.huntingtoningalls.com/currents.
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Wayne Barlow 40 years
Pam Eley 40 years
Karl Ruhlin 40 years
Mark Smelser 40 years
Bess Hash 40 years
John Hunt Jr. 40 years
Sami Jordan 40 years
LONG SERVICE 45 YEARS Everett Browning E60 Lawrence Offield Jr. X47 Charles Boone K45 40 YEARS Wayne Barlow E81 Pamela Eley O97 Bessiegaye Hash X22 Gary Herring M53 John Hunt Jr. K48 Sarah Jordan E12 Curtis Leggett X73 Daniel Rhodes E14 Verleta Richardson E68 Karl Ruhlin X74 Mark Smelser E79 Robbin Vines X36 35 YEARS Michael Ambrose O39
Charlie Barnes III X32 Marcus Bass Jr. X31 Richard Belknap X47 Linwood Bond Jr. X33 Darryl Boykins X11 David Brabrand O19 Clayton Campbell X11 Stephen Campbell X67 Darlene Chisholm O34 Brian Duncan O58 Todd Eure K45 Christopher Evans E27 Geoffrey Gore E22 Bobby Gregory X47 Matthew Grizzard X71 James Hodge X67 Charles Jones X32 David Kramer M53 Jimmy Mcquillen K48 Loria Mooneyham X42 Tracy Moore K47
Dan Rhodes 40 years
SEPTEMBER Gordon Murrell Jr. Timothy Pastella Kenneth Rainey Billy Smith Jr. Robert Spruill Daniel Stewart Kevin Stewart Michael Stokes Marcus Tate Edward Taylor Kermit Tiggle Steven White Sandra Wilkins Clifton Wills Jr. Glen Winnegan Alan Wood
X44 X11 X33 M53 E35 K47 X10 K45 X10 X11 X11 K46 O52 O43 O46 X11
30 YEARS Alice Bell O41 James Calabrese X72 John Coats N930
Philip Delk K45 Kevin Ford X33 Jeffrey Fullen O39 James Fuller X47 Carolyn Gilliam O14 Phillip Gilreath X43 Victor Hardy E17 ChristopherHigginbotham E85 Patrick Huffman X44 James Kwasny X36 Deborah Lassiter O53 Robin Lee O53 Louis Martin O14 Celia Parham O43 Robert Pelletier T54 Wendell Pernell E81 Monica Perry E86 Carl Reffo Jr. A572 Anthony Satchell X11 Stephen Smith N357 Paul Smith X42
Terry Stanley X67 Kenny Terrell O43 Sherrod Thomas X31 Robert Thompson O39 Christopher Tonkavitch X33 James Turlington E25 Terri Wade-Stancil X18 Chester Wishon O19 25 YEARS Raymond Anderson Stanton Craven Joel Ricks Matthew Shrieves
X42 K45 E25 E89
20 YEARS Gregory Baker Steven Battalio George Betts Robert Borden Steven Everett
E27 T54 E86 O79 X47
Ryan Farries E82 Quincy Fennell X32 Nancy Friday T54 Phillip Gillispie X10 Andre Jones O19 Terrence Joynes N930 Bruce Lawrence Jr. K46 Judith Lemon E86 Michael Mathews Jr. K45 Kenneth Nichols E83 Stephen Powell N364 John Quent X67 Larry Smith X47 James Stickland O28 Kenneth Test Jr. E44 Leslie Weaver E68 Gerald Wojcik E60
RETIREMENTS Marvin Alston X42 Christopher Angelo O37 George Archer X18 Ray Bagley K17 Calvin Barnhart K45 Ronald Barnhill X31 Calvin Batten O38 Raymond Bell X11 Ronald Bentley E25 Garry Bonds X11
40 Years Ago
Rodney Brock Benjamin Claude Matthew Coyle Willie Daughtrey Charles Davidson Larry Davis Lynn Dickens Richard Dietz Mark Erdman Charles Fisher
AUGUST X31 X33 E85 X18 O04 X18 X31 X91 X15 X33
Alfreda Fleetwood E89 Jeffrey Garrison T55 Richard Greene X42 Everett Harrison X33 David Hause E84 Michael Hodges X18 Jeffrey Januks E44 Brenda Jones X33 Ellen Jones O67 William Jordan X47
Robert Kennedy Charles Kidwell George Landis John Lawrence Rudolph Lawrence Lee Legette Richard Machen Mark Miller Daniel Minnick Jimmy Mooney
X71 X44 X31 X31 X43 X33 X11 E75 X18 X18
Kenneth Moore X33 Spencer Moore X33 William Moorhead X46 Charles Norsk X32 Timothy Peterson X36 Eugene Reimer E85 Howard Rice O39 Barbara Richardson X33 Thomas Rychlik E46 Juanita Scarlett O35
Shipbuilders make progress on the liquefied natural gas carrier (LNG) El Paso Howard Boyd in September 1978. NNS Photo Archive
Michael Smith Anthony Tisdale Linda Vinyard Linda Walker Michael Wells Joseph Wilson
O43 X33 E68 O51 X18 X18
10 | 1 | 2018
Real Estate cont.
Miscellaneous cont. Motorcycle Windshield - Lightly smoked 10-in. "Windsplitter." Fits a 2014 HD Street Glide, should fit any 2014 fehring, EC. $90. (757) 672-8256 Leaf Vacuum Chipper Shredder Leaf/yard vacuum. Mod # 247.770131 w/ Briggs & Stratton engine, owner’s manuals. $175. Pictures avail. (757) 525-7504
DJ - 13 years experience, custom playlists for any event, lighting effects and photography. (757) 869-1876
Refrigerator - 28 cubic ft. tan side-by -side refrigerator. $400. Call or text for more information. (757) 291-9739
House for Rent in Old Wythe - 2 BD/1 BA house in Hampton, 2nd street from waterfront. Near NNS. Large rooms. $1,100/month. (757) 636-2544
Computer Repair - New build, repair, virus removal and operating system installation. $95 + parts. (757) 329-6761
Printer Cartridge - HP 901 black cartridge. Still sealed, bought shortly before printer went kaput. $10. (757) 813-1781
House for Sale - Completely updated, all-brick ranch in Churchland area of Portsmouth. $184,900. Text for more info. (757) 282-3703
Yamaha AX-596 Amplifier - Natural Sound Stereo integrated amp w/ remote, 100wpc into 8 ohms. Works great. Text for pics. $150. (757) 869-4842
Roomba Vacuum - Roomba Model 570 vacuum w/charging base and 1 sentry. Works great. $150. (757) 813-1781
NN Townhome for Sale 2BR/2.5BA 1,300 sq. ft., att. 1-car garage, end unit, 10 years old, pool/clubhouse, I-64/ Jefferson, <15 min to NNS. $179,900. (757) 508-0786
Affordable Childcare - State licensed, loving home environment, & enrolling now in Churchland/Ports. area. (757) 376-3374
Home for Rent - Beautiful 1,700 sq. ft. home. 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath. Only 6 minutes from NNS. $1,250/month. (757) 921-6465
A/C Service - Service your heat pump and lower heating costs during the cold winter. Special pricing thru Oct. 31. (757) 771-3441
Lots for Sale - Two 1/2 acre lots for sale on tidal canal in Gloucester. Call for more details. (757) 641-4994
Purses - Name-brand purses for sale. $100 each OBO. Text for pics. (757) 696-2639
Home for Sale - 3 BR/2 BA, 1,300 SF, shed/patio. New kitchen, lighting, paint, carpet. Colony Pines-NN. $217.9K. Text (757) 897-2570
3M Home Air Filters - New 20x 30x1 Filtrete Electrostatic High Performance Air Filter for home use. Quantity of 6. $45. (757) 812-2719
ATV Battery/Charger - Brand new ATV 12VDC battery and 1-amp charger. $40. (757) 846-8357
AUTO 2005 Ford Mustang V6 - Convertible, 5-speed. Red. 100K miles. Pics avail. $4,500. (757) 329-6761 1995 Pontiac Firebird V6 - T-tops, 5-speed. New leather seats. 100K miles. $3,000. (757) 329-6761 Motorcycle Seat - Stock pleather double (rider + passenger) motorcycle seat off a 2014 HD Street Glide, blk, EC. $175. (757) 672-8256 2003 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4 211,700 miles. Runs and drives great. Text for pics. (917) 946-0930 1976 Honda CB400F - Vintage bike. Garage kept for its entire lifetime. Needs engine work. $2,300 OBO. (804) 350-0495 2000 Honda Accord SE - 185,000 miles, new tires, good shape. Text or call for further details. (757) 869-9169 1997 EX Honda Accord Wagon Solid vehicle, 177K miles, no issues, great cond. $2,250. Call/text for pics. (804) 725-6476
White Gas Stove Great condition. $150 OBO. Text for pics. (575) 921-6405 Bulova (Weston) Tabletop Clock - Brand new, mahogany finish. Includes clock, thermometer and hygrometer. Text for pics. $90 OBO. (757) 329-3418 Whirlpool Washer and Dryer - Good condition. Work great. Text for pics. (757) 604-8478 Queen-Sized Box Spring - Queensized box spring still in the plastic. $80 OBO. Will text pics. (757) 846-8357
REAL ESTATE House for Sale - 2-story, 2,800 sq. ft., 4 BD, 2-1/2 BA in Yorktown, Coventry neighborhood. Text for pics. $399,000. (757) 817-6292 We Buy "Junk" Houses - We buy houses. Any condition. Any location. (757) 529-6803 Vacant Lot for Sale - Vacant lot for sale in Norfolk. 3,149 sq. ft. Buildable. Discounted. Call/text for info. (757) 529-6803 OBX Rental - Mile Post 11, 3 BR/2 bath between highways; walk to beach, restaurants, park. (757) 681-7532 House for Rent in Hampton - 3 bd/1.5 ba house in Hampton near Armstrong Elementary. Dishwasher, central heat/air, laundry. $1,150/month. (757) 813-1984
MISCELLANEOUS Brand New Makeup - Lots of brand new makeup for sale. (757) 848-6607 Umbrella Stroller - Used 1X, pink, 30 lb. weight limit. Call for pics. $10. (757) 690-6999 Items - Hedge trimmers, weed eaters, blowers, $35. Nuwave oven, $75. Microwaves, $35 & up. Total Gym XLS, $399. (757) 218-2946 Exercise Equipment - Treadmills $115 to $399. Ellipticals, $50 to $299. Exercise bikes, $65 to $220. Concept 2 Rower, $785. (757) 218-2946 Roofing and Siding - Roofing, siding, crawl space repairs. Honest and affordable. Ref. avail. Free est. Lic. and insured. (757) 641-0738 Maui Jim Sunglasses - Peahi model frame sunglasses, polarized, etc., EC. Paid $225. Asking $150. (757) 672-8256
Home Cleaning - General home cleaning. Free estimates. Special occasion cleaning welcomed. Licensed & insured. (757) 371-3904 Home made soaps and more - Soaps, body butter, sugar scrubs, etc. Many fragrances, made locally. Text for more info (774) 254-1736 Woodworking/Sawmill/Firewood Woodworking/sawmill/firewood services at a competitive price. (757) 660-9628 Charcoal Grill - Webber full-size charcoal grill. Excellent condition. $50. (757) 593-0508 John Deere Double Bagger - For SX75 (and other models). Very good condition. Have all parts. $125. (757) 285-5544
WANTED Enterprise Commuter Van From Va. Beach to NNS daily, 1st shift. Leaves from Diamond Springs Rd. Text 'VANRIDE' to (757) 450-6740
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WANTED Wanted - Licensed barbers and braiders needed. (757) 596-9600 Washer & Dryer - Broken washers & dryers that you are no longer using and taking up space. Will pick up for free. (757) 617-0100
PETS Dog Kennel - 8 ft. x 6 ft. x 4 ft. tall galv. chain link kennel w/tarp canopy. $100. Great condition. (804) 725-6476
Pets cont. Hay - Horse-quality hay, square bales, $5 each. Isle of Wight area. For appointment, text (757) 613-5002 Maltese/Yorkshire Terrier Pups - Nonshed, hypoallergenic, ready end of Oct. Text for pics. (757) 561-8601 2 Bird Cages - 1 large cage, $150 OBO. 1 medium cage, $80 OBO. Assembled. Call for pics & dimensions. Leave message. (757) 409-8200
YARD & GARAGE SALES Indoor Yard Sale - Huge indoor yard sale w/d, freezer, furniture & more. Oct. 4-6, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 300 Dominion Dr., NN. (919) 630-5553
HOBBIES Hunt Club Accepting Members - Small hunt club out of Brunswick providing opportunities to hunt big/small game. (757) 735-1512
Hobbies cont. Ride Snowboard & Flow Bindings Ride Agenda Snowboard 159 w/ Flow bindings. Both New.DaKine Boardbag incl. $300. OBO (757) 897-0304
BOAT & MARINE SUPPLY Grady White - 226 Seafarer with a 200HP Yamaha engine with trailer. Many extras. Excellent condition. $20,000. (757) 652-8919
Shipbuilders participate in a recent Fun at the Park event in the parking lot of the HII Family Health Center. Another event is planned for Oct. 17. Photo by John Whalen