Nov. 20, 2017

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11 l 20 l 2017

A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding

The sun rises over Newport News Shipbuilding. Photo by Ashley Cowan

NNS Shines During Security Assessment Newport News Shipbuilding received the highest possible security posture rating – SUPERIOR – following a recent Security Vulnerability Assessment at the shipyard.

Apprentice Elise Feldt, a Career Pathways volunteer, reads to second graders at Palmer Elementary School in Newport News. Photo by John Whalen

Shipbuilders Read to Local Students Several Newport News Shipbuilding employees spent Thursday morning reading shipyardthemed storybooks to students at Palmer Elementary School in Newport News in support of American Education Week. Shipbuilders read three books penned by NNS employees: “The Adventures of Ingalls” by Doris McNair (O14), “L’il Tug” by Phyllis Evans (E81) and “Good Ships” by Joe Purvis (E83). McNair, Evans and Purvis won first, second and third place, respectively, in Career Pathways’ New Tools for the Next Class Storybook Contest. “Not only did shipbuilders have the opportunity to come out to read books and enrich the lives of students, but they also were able to share materials from the New Tools for the Next Class Contest Series,” said Career Pathways Representative Pierrette Swan. “This was an amazing opportunity to show these students the wonderful things going on at Newport News Shipbuilding.” McNair was among the NNS volunteers who read to students in kindergarten through third grade.“It was very exciting. I like working with kids and helping to inspire them. I like seeing their thoughts and how they react to information,” she said. “I wanted to send the message that we’re all different. We all have unique talents, and we can all do great things when we grow up.” CONTINUED ON PG 2

The Defense Security Service conducted the assessment at NNS Oct. 23-27 to evaluate the effectiveness of the company’s security program to ensure compliance with the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). The NISPOM establishes requirements for government contractors to protect classified information. “The results of this assessment are a testament to the high level of knowledge and professionalism that our employees demonstrate on a daily basis,” said Facility Security Officer John Forlow. “Our SUPERIOR rating is a reflection of a lot of hard work on the part of all of our employees to learn about their security responsibilities and take them seriously.” He said the security team has worked for the past three years to address vulnerabilities and engage face-to-face with shipbuilders to talk about security. NNS last received a SUPERIOR rating in 2011. “Our ratings impact how frequently we are assessed, so there is a very real cost savings in having to prepare less frequently for audits,” Forlow said. “Everyone who took part in the preparation, execution, administration or any other facet of this assessment did remarkably well.”

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11 | 20 | 2017

Don't Become a Victim of a Scam Recently, Newport News Shipbuilding employees have been targeted for a scam of gaining money under false pretenses. The scam begins with individuals approaching an employee and starting a friendly conversation about working at the shipyard and how they are currently stranded. The individual (sometimes two individuals) ask for a specific amount of money needed to get their vehicle working again. The individual then gives them a name of an active NNS employee and a correct phone number for that employee. If the employee decides to help the pretending shipbuilder, and then tries to regain the borrowed money by contacting the person from the information given, the person called will not know of the incident and more than likely will have received several other calls of that nature. Below are tips to help you avoid becoming a victim of a scam: • • • • •

Immediately remove your badge when leaving the shipyard or any HII facility. Understand that this scam could happen to you at any time and anywhere. If possible, take pictures of the subject and license plate of the car being driven. Ensure the person you are speaking to has identification to confirm who they are. Do not allow the individual(s) to follow you to an ATM or any other place. Do not offer them a ride. • If you are on or adjacent to an HII facility, call 380-2222.

Shipbuilders Read to Local Students CONTINUED FROM PG 1

Elise Feldt (E06/E04/X57), another NNS volunteer, attended Palmer Elementary for kindergarten and first grade. She was happy to share her shipyard pride with students at her former school while also supporting education. “I love working with kids,” she said. “As an apprentice, I realize how much of an opportunity it is to get an education. It’s especially important to me to see that kids have lots of opportunities to learn and grow.” Palmer Elementary Assistant Principal Lyndon Hott said having shipbuilders come and read was “great for the kids.” “Shipbuilding is such a huge industry in Newport News. It’s tremendous to establish these community partnerships,” he said.

L.E.A.R.N. Seeking Leaders The L.E.A.R.N. Steering Committee is growing and looking for leaders for open positions in 2018. This all-volunteer organization hosts after-work presentations from members of the NNS senior staff. Committee members have an opportunity to develop skills in public speaking, organization, leadership and networking while forming friendships. For more information, visit the L.E.A.R.N. SharePoint site. Interviews for will be conducted in December. To apply, email Deborah Rogers (T51), Carrie Allen (O20) or by Dec. 8.

Recognizing Veterans: StacyAnne Schrier Newport News Shipbuilding proudly recognizes the contributions of the men and women who have and continue to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. Throughout the month of November, articles about veteran shipbuilders featured in this month’s inclusion and diversity campaign will be featured in Currents. Prior to coming to the shipyard, StacyAnne Schrier (O53) spent 30 years in the Navy Reserve. “I served as an Ocean Systems Technician Analyst and a Jet Engine Mechanic working on E2C Hawkeye, C2 Carrier Onboard Delivery and H-53 Sea Dragons,” she said. “I also did security work with the Auxiliary Security Force and worked as full-time security.” Schrier says the Navy taught her a lot, but one lesson in particular. “No job is worth

doing if you don’t do it right the first time around,” she said. “People’s lives are often dependent on your actions – so you have to get it right the first time.” Once off active duty, Schrier began looking for a post-military career. “A neighbor who was working at NNS suggested that I go to The Apprentice School,” she said. “He gave me information and I began looking into the various trades available. I learned this opportunity would allow me to return to school and also get paid in the process.” Schrier submitted her application and was accepted as a Welding Services apprentice. She graduated in 2001 and is now a Material Handing Supervisor. “I’ve been at NNS for 20 years now and I love my job – and the team I work with,” she

said. “Since I am unable to continue to serve in a military capacity, being a shipbuilder affords me the opportunity to support and defend my country in a supporting role.” View or print Schrier's poster on MyNNS.

11 | 20 | 2017


AROUND THE YARD EAP Services Available to Employees

NNS Shuttle Service Changes Begin Today

Newport News Shipbuilding would like to remind employees that Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services are available to employees and eligible family members. EAP services are free and can assist with:

In an effort to reduce cycle time, better utilize parking capacity, and increase customer satisfaction, Facilities will make the following changes to the Park-and-Ride Shuttle Service beginning today, Nov. 20:

• Relationship or family problems • Alcohol and/or drug-related problems • Feelings of overwhelming loss or grief • Loneliness, depression and anxiety issues • Stress management • Divorce and blended family issues Employees can contact an EAP representative by calling 1-855-400-9185. Counselors are available to offer confidential assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Employees can also contact their Human Resources Business Partner for additional information. Therapists and counselors are also available through the Teledoc Behavioral Health program. To speak with a therapist or counselor via phone or video conference, visit or call 1-800-TELADOC to get started.

Design a Logo for New ERG A new employee resource group is coming to Newport News Shipbuilding, and shipbuilders have a chance to win a prize for designing the group’s logo. The Generational Integration Focus Team (GIFT) will work to unify shipbuilders from all generations present at NNS by exploring and understanding the differences that make them unique. The designer of the first place logo will receive $300. The second and third place designers will receive $200 and $100, respectively. Shipbuilders who would like to participate in the logo contest should submit designs to Britta Brown-Zambrana (K93) or Emmanuel Onafeko (E02) via email by Wednesday, Nov. 22. For more information, contact Brown-Zambrana at 688-2786 or Onafeko at 688-1477.

External Shuttle:

Ed Mack, left, accepts the Security Star award from Derek Jenkins.

Third Quarter Security Star Awardee Announced Newport News Shipbuilding’s Security and Emergency Management team recently honored Ed Mack (E04) with the third quarter Security Star award for 2017. “The team takes great pride in recognizing Mack. His actions reflect a strong commitment in helping to maintain the security of our company, fellow employees, and our nation’s warfighter,” said Derek Jenkins, director of Security and Emergency Management.

Use Call Boxes During Emergencies Security and Emergency Management at Newport News Shipbuilding reminds employees that emergency call boxes are available for their safety. During an emergency situation, employees should push the red button on the box to immediately communicate with NNS Security. Employees can continue pressing the red button to tell officials about the situation. Blue lights affixed to the tops of the boxes ensure they are visible in darkness. Each blue box includes instructions on how to use the emergency call system. The boxes are located in parking lots on 38th and 45th streets between Huntington Avenue and Warwick Boulevard; Hidens parking lot; and NNS shuttle stops at 65th, 67th and 68th streets.

• Shuttles from the Hidens parking lot will only travel to the North Yard and back to Hidens. • Shuttles from the Bldg. 902/903 parking garage will travel to 50th St., 46th St., 43rd St. and 31st St. and back to the Bldg. 902/903 shuttle stop. Internal Shuttle: • A stop has been added at the 50th St. Gate and the north side of Bldg. 1816. Shuttles that run all day, as well as the shuttles at the end of second shift will continue to service the entire route. As a reminder, in addition to the Hidens lot, parking spaces on the top decks of Bldg. 902 and 903 garages are available to all employees with any NNS parking decal.

Parking Garage Temporarily Available for NNS Employees Newport News Shipbuilding employees currently have limited access to the parking garage located at 31st Street and West Avenue. Any NNS parking decal will be honored, however, parking is only permitted on the fifth and sixth decks. Because it is used to meet government parking requirements under NNS contracts, access to this garage is subject to change as the Navy’s demand for parking increases. The additional parking is expected to be available until mid-to-late first quarter 2018. Additional guidance regarding the availability of parking in the 31st Street and West Avenue garage will be issued at the appropriate time. In the meantime, NNS employees are encouraged to take advantage of the additional parking.

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11 | 20 | 2017


The Management Development Center (MDC), O25 Performance Coaching Program, and NPD Leadership Team are hosting three Coaching Moment sessions with Andy Stanley, a leadership communicator, best-selling author and pastor. Sessions will be held on Nov. 28 at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. and on Nov. 29 at 7:30 a.m. at Bldg. 1841 in the third floor conference room. No charge will be provided. To RSVP, call 688-2761 or 380-4748 or email Nov. 27 is the deadline to RSVP. See the flier for more information.


Women in Shipbuilding Enterprise (WiSE) members and Newport News Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) employees are teaming up for the annual Secret Santa project to provide local children toys, books and clothes. CASA employees work with abused and neglected children who are under the court’s supervision throughout the year. Employees interested in sponsoring a child should contact Krysti Filer (O12) at 380-4687. Gift drop off and a group photo will take place on Dec. 4 at 4:15 p.m. in The Apprentice School lobby. No early gift drop off will be accepted.


The Engineering and Design Division is hosting a Teaching, Enlightening, Aspiring (TEA) Talk featuring Jennifer Dunn, vice president of Communications. The event will be held from 4:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. in the VASCIC 2 West Dining Room. TEA Talk is a leadership development series that provides a forum for NNS employees to hear from company leaders about how their personal lives have influenced their careers at NNS. The event is open to all employees, and no charge will be provided. Sign up on MyNNS by Dec. 15, and an email will be sent to confirm your reserved seat. For additional questions, contact Renae Myles (E01) at 534-2429.

JANUARY 12 & 16

Newport News Shipbuilding’s Inclusion & Diversity Council is hosting the second annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration on Jan. 12 and 16 with guest speaker Edmond Hughes, Ingalls Shipbuilding's vice president of Human Resources and Administration. On Jan. 12, first and second shift celebrations will be held in Bldg. 4930 from 12 to 12:30 p.m. and from 8 to 8:30 p.m. A third shift celebration will be held on Jan. 16 in Bldg. 227 (Applebee’s) from 6 to 6:30 a.m. Employees can register online by visiting the EEO, Ethics and Compliance website from a company computer. An immediate supervisor may register employees without computer access. Shipbuilders must register by Dec. 8. For more information, contact Margaret Williams (O18) at 688-6931.



L.E.A.R.N. is partnering with SHIPs and STRIDE to host an after-work presentation with HII President and CEO Mike Petters from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the VASCIC auditorium. The event is open to all employees by reservation only. RSVP on the new L.E.A.R.N SharePoint site. For questions, contact Tanika Vasquez (O24) at 688-7916 or email

Visit to search for the latest NNS job openings.

Job Title

Req Number



Design Engineering Manager 1 - Structural Design Quality Manager 1 Test Engineering Manager 2 - HME Steam Plant Test Test Engineering Manager 2 - Nuclear Test Engineering Manager 2 Construction Supervisor 1 Test Inspection Supervisor Construction Supervisor 2 General Foreman X79/X42/X43 Backshift Foreman X79/X33 Certified Health Physicist 2 Cost Estimating Analyst 2 Test Engineering Manager 1 - Work Control Submarines Talent Acquisition Systems Manager 2 Electromechanical Engineer 3

19901BR 20615BR 20793BR 20934BR 20935BR 20715BR 20758BR 20676BR 20995BR 20997BR 19601BR 20391BR 20887BR 21049BR 19766BR

E16 O04 E25 E84 E84 X83 X67 O64 X79 X79 E85 O19 E25 O20 E74

Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News New London Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News

Employees are encouraged to use the "Current HII Employees" portal to apply. The company continues to offer cash bonus awards for referrals to select positions, visit for more information.



Year-to-Date Injuries

Year-to-Date Injuries with Days Away, Restricted or Transferred

+ 46%





* Compared to figures from October 2016

- 4%

- 27%

Safety Improvements (Above Goal)

11 | 20 | 2017


EMPLOYEE CLASSIFIEDS AUDIO/VIDEO Computer Repair - New build, repair, virus removal and operating system installation. $95+ parts. (757) 329-6761 XBOX ONE X - Brand new and unopened. Comes with one controller. $600. (757) 749-3146 Samsung Gear Fit 2 - Smart watch with 2 chargers. Similar to Apple Watch for Android. $80. (757) 897-3246 DJ - 10 years experience, custom playlists for any event, lighting effects and photography. (757) 869-1876

AUTO 2011 VW Jetta 2.5 SE - 86K miles, 5-spd, 4-door, blue, black interior. Very good condition. $6,995. (757) 672-8256 2007 Honda Civic Coupe - Great fuel mileage. All services up to date. $4,750 OBO. (804) 815-2161 2008 Ford Escape XLT - 123,000 miles. Fair condition. $3,900. (757) 897-5254 1996 Volvo Wagon 960 - New inspection, good tires and all new belts. Good condition. $2,300 OBO. (757) 232-1299 1995 Acura Legend - Head gaskets/ timing belt replaced 10/16. New alternator, fuel pump, battery, tires and shocks. $1,600 OBO. (757) 589-8115 2017 Ram 2500 Rims and Tires - 8 Lug. Less than 12k miles. Caps and lug nuts included. Very good condition. $400 OBO. (757) 503-4664 2012 Harley Fatboy - With bags and windshield. $10,900. (757) 803-5226 Rims with Tires - Four Toyota Tacoma 6-bolt OEM factory alloy rims with P265/65R17 Firestone Destination tires. $1,000 OBO. (757) 812-9714

Auto cont.

Furnishings and Appliances cont.

Real estate cont.

2003 Chevy Cavalier - Silver, 2-door. Rebuilt engine, 162K miles, 6/18 inspection. Runs great $2,200 OBO. (757) 753-7660

Solid Wood Dresser - Three drawer long dresser. Solid and heavy. $125. (757) 755-1485

House for Rent - 2 bdrm, 1 bath house in Old Wythe. One street from water. $1,100/month nego. (757) 636-2544

Decorative Salt Lamp - Works, but the light bulb needs to be replaced. (757) 755-1485

Lots for Sale - Two 1/2 acre lots on tidal canal in Gloucester. (757) 641-4994

Kitchen Stuff - Cotton candy maker $15, Soda Machine $5, Frappe Maker $10, Mini Burger Station $5. (757) 755-1485

8 Waterfront Acres/House in Wmbg - 2 lots sold together. Small dock on Mill Creek. Old 3-story house with 2-car garage. $900K. (757) 345-1026

2013 Toyota Pickup Limited - 54K miles, leather interior, 5.5 foot bed with bed rug and Tonneau cover. $31,500. (757) 268-2397 Penn Senator Reel/Rod Combo Never used. $80. (757) 288-8978

HOBBIES Women's Riding Jacket - Joe Rocket mesh motorcycle jacket with waterproof removable liner. Like new. Light pink. XS. $90. (231) 250-6064

Sectional Sofa 104x98, Tan - 3 sections. With chaise, 2 recliners and pillows. No pet owners. $250 OBO. (757) 826-0740 Three Piece Wall Unit - Beautiful dark wood, high quality. Holds a 42" TV. Side cabinets can be used separately if desired. (757) 719-8303

Womens Riding Gloves - Scorpion EXO Fiore-Short Glove. Like new. Black with light pink stitching. SM/7. $30 (231) 250-6064

Solid Wood Loft Bed - Solid wood twin loft bed. Has rails on one side. Newer mattress. (757) 755-1485

Men's Full Face Helmet - Large Icon full-face helmet. Black. Used. $10. (231) 250-6064

Banquet Tables $30 per table. Seven wood/steel tables available: 6 ft x 2.5 ft and 29" high. Text (757) 945-8797

Womens Full Face Helmet Scorpion - EXO 500 Dahlia 2 Helmet. Black/pink. Like new. XS. $100. (231) 250-6064 Electric Guitar - Gibson Epiphone Limited Edition Les Paul Standard Blue Royale Electric Guitar. Like new. $300. (757) 897-3246 INTOUS Pro Medium Drawing Pad Professional creative pen and touch tablet. Original packaging. $250. Text (757) 817-5255

FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES Solid Cherry Hutch - Henkel Harris Queen Anne style. Matching table. 73 inches tall by 20. $700 OBO. (757) 718-1130

Custom Wood Working - Need a present for Christmas? We build custom quality furnishings. (757) 660-9628 Haier Washer and Dryer - Two years old. $200. (757) 594-5068

REAL ESTATE Townhouse for Rent - 1,300 sq. ft., 2 bed, 1.5 bath. Large den, covered patio. Knells Ridge near Chesapeake General Hospital. $975. (757) 407-2373 House for Rent in Seaford - No pets. 3 bed 1 bath, garage, front and back porch and patio. Includes trash and grass cut. $1,300. (757) 813-4956

Solid Cherry Table - Queen Ann - 60 by 44 inches. Three 12-inch leaves. $300 OBO. (757) 718-1130

House for Rent - 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath. One-car attached garage in Denbigh. $1,200/month. (757) 594-6572

Sleeper Sofa Bed - Good condition. Pulls out to a queen size bed. $100 OBO. (757) 810-3380

Real Estate Wanted - We buy homes “as-is.� Text (757) 656-6373

One Bedroom Condo in Hampton Gated community with pool. Next to Peninsula Town Center and I-64. 12 min. drive to shipyard. (757) 240-1540

MISCELLANEOUS Ducks Unlimited Framed Artwork - 3 framed pieces. Text or call for pics and prices. (757) 288-8978 Bowflex Tread Climber - Great to build strong knees and legs. $350. (757) 690-6999 Jeff Hamilton Jacket - Wears like 3X. $150. (757) 755-1485 Ladies Dress Shoes - Two pairs, silver size 8 1/2, black size 8. $10 each. (757) 755-1485 Items - NXT Star Trac Spin Bike Gym quality $575. Schwinn Airdyne bike $215. Proform Rower $275. Bike trainer. (757) 218-2946 Items - Vacuums $25 and up. Carpet Cleaners $55 and up. Ionic air purifiers $45 and $65. Steam cleaners $35-$75. (757) 218-2946 Exercise Equipment - Treadmills $135$299. Ellipticals $50-$325. Exercise bikes $65-$220. Treadclimber TC 10 $550. Also TC 20. (757) 218-2946 Men's Jeans/Dress Slacks - Sizes 44X32 and 46X32. $6 each. (757) 288-8978 Men's Cargo and Dress Shorts - Sizes 44 and 46. Some still have original tags. $6 each. (757) 288-8978 Dell 17-inch Color Monitor - Works fine. $20. (757) 288-8978

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11 | 20 | 2017

EMPLOYEE CLASSIFIEDS Miscellaneous cont.

Miscellaneous cont.

Miscellaneous cont.

Photography - For events, birthday parties, family reunions and more. Call for quotes. (757) 371-4200

Parkleigh Sonata China for 12 - 90 pieces. White, silver edge and blue/ pink flowers. $500. (757) 288-9821

The Professional Chef - Culinary Institute of America, 8th ed. 2006. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Very good condition. $25. Text (757) 288-9821

Wine Glass Holder - Two under counter mount for holding wine glasses with hardware for hanging. $20. (757) 236-0789

Horse Shoe Set - Six shoes, two stakes. Good shape. $10. Text (757) 288-9821

Holiday Accessories - Snowmen and Angel handmade earrings. $6 each. Message or text after 4 p.m. (757) 236-0789 A/C Service - Clean and service your heat pump for optimal efficiency. Shipyard discount available. (757) 771-3441 Thirty-One - Christmas Gifts? Taking Christmas orders now. Contact me for a Thirty-One catalog today. (757) 593-8501

Kids Summer Toys - Wiffle ball/ bat, water/beach toys, badminton equip, baseballs, kites, etc. $20. Text (757) 288-9821 U.S. Divers Adult Snorkel Set - Aqua Lung model. Med-Lg (8-9.5) fins/ snorkel/mask. Navy blue. Orig. pkg. $20. Text (757) 288-9821 Adult Snorkel Set Body Glove - Surge Fin model. Size 5-6 fins, snorkel and mask. Optic green. Orig. pkg. $20. Text (757) 288-9821

Gutter Cleaning - Clean gutters by hand, bag the debris and flush your down spouts. Licensed and insured. (757) 810-5115

Satin Wedding Dress Size PS - Champagne, tucked bodice, lace neck, long sleeved. Flowers on long veil. Sealed. $150. Text (757) 288-9821

House Washing - House, roof and concrete cleaning. Most of our methods are used with less than 500PSI. Licensed. (757) 810-5115

1950s Vintage Wool Blanket - St. Mary’s blanket in rose. 70x82. Twin/Full. Excellent condition. $50. Text (757) 288-9821

Pest Terminator - Free inspections. Expert pest, termite, moisture control, under house repairs and poly installation. (757) 873-4999

Vintage Tabletop Electric Fan - Viking brand. Single speed. Cast iron base. $50. Text (757) 288-9821

Lefty Girls Softball Glove - Wilson A440 Fast Pitch youth glove. Worn twice. Fits right hand. $20. Text (757) 288-9821 Folding Webbed Beach Chairs - Two low-profile aluminum chairs with crosswoven webbing and arm rests. $10. Text (757) 288-9821 Dried Craft Gourds - Seven large dried gourds that can be used for birdhouses, dippers, crafts, etc. All for $10. Text (757) 288-9821 Pendleton Wool Blanket - 56” x 68” cream. Never used. $45. Text (757) 288-9821

Handmade Ethnic Ornaments - 12 multi-ethnic-face felt ornaments. Extra trimmings to complete unfinished ornaments. $10. Text (757) 288-9821 Virginia Rose China - Twenty miscellaneous pieces. Five with mild flaws. $200 OBO. Text (757) 288-9821 Child's Invacare Wheelchair- Foam padded seat 14”x16.” Removable leg/foot rests. Like new. $50. Text (757) 288-9821 Bios/Auto-Bios Collection Iacoca, B.T. Washington, Truman, Lincoln, Tubman, Schwartzkopf, Douglass. All for $50 or $8/ea. Text (757) 288-9821

Framed Art Beach Scene - Lighthouse, sand, fence, boat. 31”x25” $25. Text (757) 288-9821 Framed Art Pittsburgh - The Point cityscape, rivers, boat. 25”x37” $25. Text (757) 288-9821 Home Cleaning - Free estimates. Licensed and insured. (757) 371-3904 Moving boxes - Approx. 35 moving boxes in good shape. All sizes. $10. Text (757) 375-7831 Nike Running Shoes - Nike DualTone Racer running shoes, size 9. Worn once outside. $70 OBO. (757) 375-7831 Bahia Principe 1 Week Vacation - Mexico, Dominican Republic or Jamaica. Expires June 2018. $700. (757) 739-8879 Vintage Magazines - Time Magazines & National Geographics for sale. 1930s – 1970s. WWII issues and celebrities. (757) 334-5384 Laptop case - Good condition. $25 OBO. Text (757) 707-0491. Mig Welder MillerMatic 141 - $650. Call after 4 p.m. (757) 851-4435 Local Raw Honey Fresh, unpasteurized, filtered honey. From hives in Suffolk. $12 per 1lb (16oz) jar. Text (757) 617-2827 Les Miserables at Chrysler Hall - Two great seats Saturday, Jan. 27 at 8 p.m. FLORCH Row F 43-44. 13th row. $300. (757) 373-3468

PETS Olde English Bulldog Pups for Sale - Loeba reg generational tails docked, 2 sets of shots and wormed. (757) 969-2447 Fish Tanks and Supplies - 55g, 40g Br, 20g L, 10g complete. No stands. Lots of supplies, cleaning items, décor, rock, etc. (434) 294-3324

WANTED Mating Male Doberman - Looking for someone with female full-blooded Doberman to mate my male with. (757) 503-0934 Broken Washers and Dryers - Will pick up for free. (757) 617-0100 Van Riders - Van from Warsaw/ Tappahannock area. Runs through Gloucester. First shift. (804) 296-5351 Riders Needed - Five seats available. Leaving Ahoskie, NC. $10 per day. $40 per week. (252) 370-5212

FREE ITEMS Ikea Baby Crib - Free Ikea Baby Crib with mattress. (757) 869-2415

LOST & FOUND Garmin Step Counter/Watch - Lost about 3 weeks ago. North side of Dry Dock 12 near Bldg. 1861. (757) 663-9626

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