Dec. 11, 2017

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Master Shipbuilders Honored During Annual Recognition Ceremony 12 l 11 l 2017

A weekly publication of Newport News Shipbuilding

Newport News Shipbuilding’s Master Shipbuilders – employees with 40 or more years of continuous service – were honored during an annual recognition ceremony Dec. 6 at the Hampton Roads Convention Center. “Reaching 40 years of service is an extraordinary accomplishment and one of which you should all be proud,” Susan Jacobs, vice president of Human Resources and Administration, told honorees. “Many people don’t reach 40 years of service during their entire careers. We are honored and overjoyed that the women and men being recognized tonight chose to call Newport News Shipbuilding home for that long – and even longer in some cases.” CONTINUED ON PG 4

Holiday Food Drive Ends Friday A 1,000-ton barge crane and tugboats move a 42-ton whirler crane from just outside of the Modular Outfitting Facility (MOF) to Pier 6. Photo by Matt Hildreth

On the Move There was an unusual sight over the James River on Nov. 28 as one of Newport News Shipbuilding’s 42-ton whirler cranes was relocated by barge crane from just outside of the Modular Outfitting Facility (MOF) to Pier 6. “It’s very rare for us to have to move a crane like this,” said Aaron Moore (O48), who worked on the project for about a year. It had been a decade since a crane was relocated in this manner at NNS. The move was necessary because one of two cranes at Pier 6 had been relocated over land to Dry Dock 1 to support maintenance and modernization efforts on USS Columbus (SSN 762). That left Pier 6 in need of a second crane for backup and to support the workload, according to Scott Miller (O48). “We looked at cranes across the shipyard and evaluated which one was suitable based on its present condition and the rail gauge,” he said. Relocating the 30-year-old crane, which weighs 440 tons, involved shipbuilders from seven departments, multiple contractors, a 1,000-ton barge crane and three tugboats captained by Allen Sutton (X36), Tim Axsom (X36) and Tommy Wooten (X36). “Everyone did a very good job of getting the crane in safely,” Moore said. “It could not have gone better.”After about a year of planning, the actual relocation took less than three hours. Moore expects the crane to be operational in its new location in January.


about big ideas

There is still time to support Newport News Shipbuilding's annual holiday food drive. The "Shipyard Feeds" campaign, which supports the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank, runs through Friday, Dec. 15. With the help of generous shipbuilders, the Foodbank will be able to provide nutritious meals to families across the region. Donation boxes are set up across NNS. Items in high demand include: • • • • • • • • •

Oatmeal Canned fruit Peanut butter Canned meat Pasta meals and sauces Hearty meat soups Canned vegetables Boxed rice 100 percent fruit juices

Shipbuilders can also make monetary donations to the holiday food drive at www. Every dollar donated can provide four meals.

NNS President Jennifer Boykin continues her communications forum, “SmallTalk: about big ideas.” This installment focuses on safety and the importance of preparing for the unthinkable. Read more on p. 2. Past editions of "SmallTalk: about big ideas" are available on the Lead the Way webpage at

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Ford Documentary Premieres “Building Integrity, Building Ford,” a documentary produced by Newport News Shipbuilding that chronicles the 21-year journey of USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) from concept to commissioning, premiered Nov. 30 at the Virginia Air & Space Center in Hampton. Many shipbuilders who played a role in the ship’s construction appear in the documentary and were invited to attend the event, which also included a screening of the 3-D IMAX movie, “Aircraft Carrier: Guardians of the Sea.” Speaking before the premiere, Ken Mahler, vice president of Navy Programs, noted the “diverse and talented group of people” who came together to make Ford a reality. CONTINUED ON PG 4

Shipbuilders watch "Building Integrity, Building Ford" at the Virginia Air & Space Center. Photo by Ashley Cowan


about big ideas

Listen to Your Inner Alarm By Jennifer Boykin President, Newport News Shipbuilding As I stood outside my doctor’s ofce building with many others who evacuated with me, I wondered why so many people had decided to remain inside. Clearly, we all heard the same loud alarm. Did people assume the alarms were just a drill? Why don’t they believe it’s better to be ‘safe than sorry?’ And, should I have done more to get them to evacuate? It was at that moment that I decided safety would be my next SmallTalk conversation topic. Safety and Security are not just departments at NNS – they are a way of life for shipbuilders. I believe we sometimes take for granted this culture. It’s so ingrained into every ber of our being that it takes being away from work to see that not everyone has this same perspective. When I think about the recent hurricanes, res and oods; or the attack on Las Vegas, I am reminded of one thing: The difference between life and death, in many cases, is how and when we respond. I believe our culture helps us to prepare and react to the unthinkable. We are nuclear shipbuilders. Safety, quality, national security and responsibility are at the core of who we are and what we do. Lives depend on it, and depend on us. My hope is that we never have to experience a natural disaster or an attack. But if we do, I believe the more we think ahead of what we will do, and the more we drill, the more likely our instincts will kick in and help keep us safe. I encourage you to share an experience where you’ve put these attributes to the test – at work or personally. You never know how your experiences will make an impact on someone else. For me, the next time I hear a re alarm, I will not only evacuate, I will listen to my inner alarm and encourage – no, I will demand – that others join me. I hope you will also feel condent in reminding others that practicing may make all the difference for the real event.

12 | 11 | 2017


Notice: Enhanced Security at NNS The United States Marine Corps Security Force is assisting Newport News Shipbuilding in providing enhanced security. This enhancement focuses on the construction of John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) and later in 2018 for the Refueling and Complex Overhaul (RCOH) of USS George Washington (CVN 73). Shipbuilders should follow the guidelines below when interacting with the Marines or NNS Security.

Service Desk employees like Denesha Wallace (T54) are fielding more calls this year. Photo by John Whalen

Service Desk Calls Surge Calls to the Service Desk, which handles information technology support for Newport News Shipbuilding, have increased nearly 30 percent this year compared with 2016. The increase in calls to 688-HELP is driven primarily by growth in mobile technology at NNS. The company has committed to deploying 900 additional laptops for the next four years to support the integrated Digital Shipbuilding program. Laptops lead to more Service Desk calls involving encryption, virtual private network (VPN), campus wireless and login issues. The Service Desk had its busiest month ever in October, receiving 8,600 calls. Answer times for that month averaged more than 13 minutes. However, by November, average answer times were reduced to less than six minutes. The Service Desk is increasing staff, and has a goal of reducing average answer times to less than two minutes. A chat option will also be introduced in 2018, allowing for faster access to help while having the convenience of multitasking. “From a technology standpoint, we are in the process of bringing in Machine Learning along with Chatbots that allow the Service Desk agent to be more efficient as well as delivering a library of automated responses to common questions for people to solve some of their issues on their own,” said Tim Bulles, manager of IT Service Management. Shipbuilders are reminded to have their user ID and telecom number ready when calling the Service Desk. The highest call volumes usually occur between 7 and 8 a.m., so users should avoid this window if possible.

You Should: • Promptly follow all instructions from Marines or NNS Security. • Obey all security signs posted on or around facilities protected by the Marines. Individuals who violate these secured areas are subject to being treated as an intruder and may be detained for further investigation. Violations may also result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge from the company. • Report any security violations, suspicious activity or threats to NNS Security personnel, or call the Security Command Center (SCC) at 380-4031. You Should Not: • Attempt to converse with, touch, surprise or closely approach an armed Marine. • Make offensive comments or joke about assets the Marines are protecting, or attempt to position yourself between Marine personnel and these assets. • Loiter near assets protected by Marines or any Marine facility. • Leave backpacks, packages, etc. unattended in the vicinity of the Marines or the assets they are protecting. During Drills or Alerts: • Stay clear of Marine and NNS Security response forces and do not make any threatening gestures. • Stand fast and follow the directions of the Marines and NNS Security personnel. • Be safe and await instructions from: • NNS Security • Your immediate supervisor • Ship’s Force (if shipboard or in dry dock). The Marines will treat all personnel in a courteous but convincing manner. If you have concerns about any interaction you have with a Marine, you should report it to your immediate supervisor.

All NNS Dry Docks Occupied With the recent dry-docking of USS Columbus (SSN 762) in Dry Dock 1, all of Newport News Shipbuilding's seven certified dry docks are now occupied. All of NNS' certified dry docks haven't been occupied at the same time since March 1999. USS George Washington (CVN 73), which is in the midst of its mid-life Refueling and Complex Overhaul (RCOH), is shown above in Dry Dock 11. Photo by Matt Hildreth

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Ford Documentary Premieres CONTINUED FROM PG 2

“From our craftsmen and women to our inspectors, engineers, designers, and planners – we all worked together to make CVN 78 the warship she is today,” he said. Ship’s Sponsor Susan Ford Bales also was interviewed for the documentary. She could not attend the premiere but sent a congratulatory letter that was read before the movie. Master Shipbuilders and their guests enjoy the annual recognition ceremony at the Hampton Roads Convention Center. Photo by Matt Hildreth

Master Shipbuilders Honored During Annual Recognition Ceremony

“The documentary will most certainly become a special part of the ship's already stellar legacy,” she wrote.

Including the 359 members of the Class of 1977, there are now 1,161 Master Shipbuilders at NNS. Fifty shipbuilders have 50 or more years of service at the shipyard.

Haidee McKain (E25) was among the shipbuilders who attended the premiere. Now a test engineer, she started her NNS career as a designer and was able to participate in Ford’s progress in various stages.

NNS President Jennifer Boykin thanked the Master Shipbuilders for their commitment and for the inspiration and guidance they provide. “You make your mark every day, not just on the ships you are building but on the future shipbuilders you are helping to mold,” she said. “And what is so truly remarkable to me is that even after 40 years, 50 years and even 61 – many of you have no plans to retire. That is dedication like none other.”

“To see the evolution on the big screen puts it in perspective,” she said. “I had no idea it started back in 1996. It’s been a long journey for sure, and it was great to see it come to life.”

Bruce Young (X47) delivered the invocation at the ceremony, and Carolyn Cooper (O54) modeled the Master Shipbuilder jacket that each member of the Class of 1977 received.

Shipbuilders are invited to attend a screening of “Building Integrity, Building Ford” at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 18, in the VASCIC auditorium.


This was the first Master Shipbuilder ceremony for Bill Taylor (X18), who came to NNS in 1977. “I’m honored to be here,” he said. “I’ve had a good time tonight. It’s nice to see everybody dressed up as opposed to shipyard attire.” Watch a highlights video of the ceremony or watch the 1977 Master Shipbuilder video that was shown during the event on MyNNS.

Those planning to attend the screening must RSVP at upcoming-movie-event-building-integritybuilding-ford-documentary.

Apprentice School Alumni Association Gives Back The Apprentice School Alumni Association held its 27th annual oyster roast on Nov. 11, with more than 1,000 in attendance.

approximately 10 baby oysters. The shells eventually will be replanted in Chesapeake Bay tributaries.

The association works with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Shell Recycling Program, which brings empty baskets prior to the event and picks them up afterward. The natural oyster shell is the best material on which to raise new oysters (spat) and restore older oyster reefs. After washing, every half shell will become the new home for

The association also provided support for the Foodbank, collecting 747 pounds of nonperishable items and $300 during the oyster roast. The association also donated proceeds from Family Fun Day at The Apprentice School's homecoming football game in October, which totaled $300.

Alumni association members Bob Drury (E20), left, and Tom Gentry stand with Heather North of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Shell Recycling Program after the oyster roast.

12 | 11 | 2017


AROUND THE YARD New Employee Suggestion Program Named MyIdea Newport News Shipbuilding’s new employee idea and suggestion program will be named MyIdea.

VCS Program Honors Shipbuilders The Virginia-Class Submarine Program honored a different craftsman or craftswoman each week in October for performing quality work. Jeff Horner (X11), pictured above on the right shaking hands with Steve DeBusk, won the monthly award. Other honorees include Christopher Casper (X32), Ronnie Bergholz (X43) and Helen Evans (X33).

Bayport Credit Union is offering Newport News Shipbuilding employees discounted Busch Gardens Christmas Town tickets good for any single-day park admission through January 1, 2018. Shipbuilders can purchase tickets for $29.30 each by showing their NNS badge at any Bayport branch.

MyIdea came out on top during a naming contest. Shipbuilders submitted 145 names and voted on the top nine entries. A group of eight shipbuilders – Ellen Murphy (X22), Bob Drury (E20), Robin Truman (O93), Marcus Freese (O19), Shannon Blevins (X48), David DuBose (E82), Sean Belfry (E91) and Paul Lindgren (E84) – submitted the winning entry. The MyIdea program will be administered by the Integrated Planning and Production Control Division when it launches in 2018. It will include an idea collection tool

The shipbuilders who proposed the name "MyIdea." Pictured from left are Ellen Murphy, Bob Drury, Robin Truman, Marcus Freese, Shannon Blevins and David DuBose. Not pictured: Sean Belfry and Paul Lindgren. Photo by Ashley Cowan

that employees can use to suggest ideas online as well as view, comment and collaborate on other employees’ suggestions. For shipbuilders without computer access, paper forms will be available. Plans are also underway for an automated phone system.

EAP Services Available

Protect Your Identification Badge

Newport News Shipbuilding would like to remind employees that Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services are available to employees and eligible family members. EAP services are free and can assist with:

Newport News Shipbuilding employees can show company identification badges for employment verification purposes; however, badges cannot be taken from the employee’s possession. Other acceptable means of verification include business cards and pay stubs.

• Relationship or family problems • Alcohol and/or drug-related problems • Feelings of overwhelming loss or grief • Loneliness, depression and anxiety issues • Stress management • Divorce and blended family issues Employees can contact an EAP representative by calling 1-855-400-9185. Counselors are available to offer confidential assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Employees can also contact their Human Resources Business Partner for additional information. Therapists and counselors are also available through the Teledoc Behavioral Health program. To speak with a therapist or counselor via phone or video conference, visit or call 1-800-TELADOC to get started.

Photocopying, faxing or reproducing an identification badge is a violation of company policy. Identification badges should never be worn outside of company premises when going to lunch, taking a break or even walking outside. Exposing the company identification badge in public permits identity thieves to see names, office information and possibly level of security clearance. Wearing badges outside of work also increases the chance of successful forgery. Shipbuilders should always remove badges when leaving work, even if just for a break.

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The “Spear and Gear� Toastmasters Club will host a meeting from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Room 247 of The Apprentice School (Bldg. 1919). The event is open to all NNS employees and no RSVP is required. The event will provide a forum for employees to learn how to become more effective communicators and leaders. For more information, contact Jason Paquette (E83) at 534-2770.


SHIPs Network is seeking new leaders with fresh perspectives. The ERG is seeking representatives, committee leads and committee members. Interviews will be held from 4 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. at Park Lane Tavern in Hampton. For more information, contact Mike Nyberg (X10) at 534-2769 or email


Shipbuilders Together Realizing Inclusion, Diversity and Equality (STRIDE) is hosting a White Elephant gift exchange from 4:30 p.m. until 7 p.m. at Bar Louie at Peninsula Town Center in Hampton. Attendees are invited to enjoy $5 hamburgers and fries and asked to bring a wrapped gift worth approximately $15. For more information, contact Paul England (X47) at 534-3062.


The Engineering & Design Division is hosting a Teaching, Enlightening, Aspiring (TEA) Talk featuring Jennifer Dunn, vice president of Communications. The event will be held from 4:30 p.m. until 5:30p.m. in the VASCIC 2 West Dining Room. TEA Talk is a leadership development series that provides a forum for NNS employees to hear from company leaders about how their personal lives have influenced their careers at NNS. The event is open to all employees, and no charge will be provided. Sign up on MyNNS by Dec. 15, and an email will be sent to confirm your reserved seat. For additional questions, contact Renae Myles (E01) at 534-2429.


Newport News Shipbuilding's employee resource groups are hosting a Holiday Shutdown Party at 6:30 p.m. at Bar Louie at Peninsula Town Center in Hampton. All shipbuilders are welcome.


Women in Shipbuilding Enterprise (WiSE) hosted How to Advance in a Technical World Nov. 16 with Julia Jones, Chandra McCulley-Hooker, Rob Uzzle and Walter Williams. The panelists shared their personal journeys, the actions that led them to their current roles and what leadership traits they feel are important. Remarkably, each panelist shared professional connections with each other. Check the WiSE SharePoint page for more information about this session.


Visit to search for the latest NNS job openings.

Job Title

Req Number



Construction Supervisor 2 Construction Supervisor 2 - Deck Machinery Foreman X79/X31 Nuclear Instrument Shop Certified Health Physicist 2 General Foreman X10/X18 IDS Process Improvement Manager 2 Material Handling Supervisor 1 General Foreman (KSO) HVAC Engineer eDiscovery Analyst Workers Comp/Nurse Case Manager Nuclear Quality Inspector 4 (KSO) Systems Engineer 2 Software Engineer 3

20517BR 21239BR 21265BR 19601BR 21130BR 21147BR 21283BR 19783BR 20842BR 19414BR 21057BR 17627BR 20611BR 17507BR

X73 X91 X79 E85 X10 X57 O53 X09 E14 T51 O24 O96 T55 E44

Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Newport News Ballston Spa Newport News Newport News Newport News Ballston Spa Newport News Newport News

Employees are encouraged to use the "Current HII Employees" portal to apply. The company continues to offer cash bonus awards for referrals to select positions, visit for more information.

Editor: Nicholas Langhorne Currents is published every Monday for employees of Newport News Shipbuilding. To submit a story or classified ad, visit

Fourteen Complete Facilitation 101 Fourteen shipbuilders successfully completed Facilitation 101 on Nov. 1. The course teaches the necessary tools for anyone who leads meetings, coordinates teams and committees and/or manages a project. Congratulations to Bradley Herron (X51), Brett Mercer (E83), Brian Ridley Jr. (X67), Colin Smith (O67), Crystal Levenson (E85), Johnathon Hume (E83), Melinda Alberty (X51), Michael Bellavance (E83), Michael Marchiesani (E83), Paul Swank (X51), Robert Gentry (O69), Robert Grisson (E83), Rodolfo Olague (O53) and Ronnie King (O55). For more information, contact Amanda Halfpenny (X51) at 534-1232 or Maya Clay (X51) at 380-4647. Seating is limited to the first 20 registrants. Supervisor permission is required to attend as up to 16 hours is to be charged as deemed appropriate by your department. Classes for 2018 have not been loaded into LX. Check back in early 2018 for future dates.

New ERG Chooses Logo The Generational Integration Focus Team (GIFT), a new employee resource group, thanks all shipbuilders who participated in the logo contest. Look for more information about GIFT in the future. Get News. Give Feedback. Follow Huntington Ingalls Industries:



Tommy Bland 45 years

Tom Kukucka 45 years

Mark Madeira* 45 years

Raymond McNair 45 years

Henrietta“Ms.Henri”Rogers* 45 years

George “Andy” Anderson 40 years

Brent Bartley 40 years

Suvious Bland 40 years

Jeff Bolt 40 years

James “Fergie” Ferguson 40 years

David Holley 40 years

Andra Johnson 40 years

Jimmy Johnson** 40 years

Garry Jones 40 years

Bill Jordan 40 years

Andrew Markham 40 years

William Norman 40 years

David Peterman 40 years

H.L. Todd 40 years

Johnny Watts 40 years

*October anniversary **May 2016 anniversary



45 YEARS Junious Bland Jr. Thomas Kukucka Raymond McNair Dale Porter Steven Stallings

X33 E17 X33 O69 X33

40 YEARS George Anderson Jr. O26 Brent Bartley X18 Suvious Bland X33 Jeffrey Bolt X10 James Ferguson X36 David Holley A572 Andra Johnson X11 Garry Jones X36 William Jordan X91 Andrew Markham X10 Kenneth Mayo A572 William Norman X47

David Peterman Timothy Smith Herbert Todd Johnny Watts

NOVEMBER E65 O26 O43 X88

35 YEARS Tyrone Armstrong X91 Bryan Bailey X18 David Burianek O35 Charles Carden III X71 Ricky Cooper X43 Charles Crane Jr. AMSEC Thomas Fox X79 Mark Gillette O69 Frederick Greene X36 Robert Gregory X18 Randall Hall O37 Otis Holland X36 John Kitchens X18 Kelvin Larrimore X91 Larry Lavinder O37 Edward Mason O39 Doris Mcnair O14

James Mertens X42 Michael Mugler X67 Thomas Parker Jr. X11 Richard Plachta E21 Thomas Schoolfield O38 Gay Siekirski E72 Robert Stallings Jr. O87 Vincent Taylor X33 Harold Thorson X44 Kenneth Tyler N960 Lorraine West O53 Dennis Williams Jr. X32 Egbert Wilson X11 Cindy Winborne O46 30 YEARS Kenneth Bond David Brannan Colon Brinkley III Jeffrey Brinson Gregory Britt Christopher Cherry Daryl Copeland

X36 E19 X18 X79 X18 X33 X18

Bradford Cotton X79 Peter Devlieg O43 Elton Dukes X18 Jeffrey Dutton E10 Joseph Ellington E18 Albert Ferguson E65 Michael Hooker O53 Walter Jones T55 Barbara Jones X33 Shawn Jones X82 Christopher Kastner N350 George Lafrance Jr. M71 Kenneth Moore X33 Charles Osbourne X42 Tarrance Parker X10 Kelvin Rascoe X31 Raymond Rountree O67 Christine Schaffner O44 Rudie Simpson III O05 Calvin Smith Jr. O53 Terry Stallings X33 Antonio Stovall O14 Larry Vaughan X36

RETIREMENTS Richard Bryant X15 Everett Jordan Jr. O61

40 Years Ago

Jerome Lynch O43 William Meadows N365

Patrick Walton William Watson III Ronald Weade III Michael Whidbee Tracay Williams Michael Winkles Allin Woods III James Wynn Ernest Young

X73 X36 E89 O54 X47 O46 X10 X18 O14

Kristine Johnson Kari Ann Justice Keith Miller Elizabeth Overman Laquita Palmer Phillip Pauls Melvin Perry Dana Ray Bruce Roberts Kenneth Schales Jason Thompson Hoa Tran Robert Tristani Kenneth Waller Reginal Wiles

25 YEARS David Orie E81 David Park AMSEC Ronald Pulley E89 Frankie Sims AMSEC David Strahler AMSEC

E83 T52 O40 X47 X43 X10 X33 E83 K69 E83 O68 E85 X51 E83 E83

20 YEARS Kenneth Beatty Jr. E84 Franklin Blatt E13 Jason Boyce E22 Patrick Gambill X85 Douglas Heaton AMSEC

OCTOBER Kay Smith Curtis Smith

Shipbuilders spread holiday spirit in December 1977. NNS Photo Archives

X84 X33

David Tilman O22 Michael Walsh IV O19

Stephen Whitaker X47

Congratulations to all 359 new Master Shipbuilder inductees: Hasan Abdul Malik Gilbert L. Ackes Muriel Aiken Lee H. Allen Ronnelle Ames Steven W. Ames Jack E. Ammons Jerome Anderson George E. Anderson Jr. John D. Armstrong Robert W. Arthur Jeffrey S. Asby Jean D. Ashburn Larry D. Askew Fernando T. Bailey Horace Baker Jr. Joseph Banks III Mark W. Barker David B. Barnes Jr. Lawrence E. Barnett Frank C. Barr Brent D. Bartley Gary A. Bates Herman L. Batts Jr. John W. Beale Robbin J. Beale Fred H. Bell Thomas E. Bellamy Tommy C. Benton Larry Binns Patrick O. Blackmon Janet E. Bland Suvious Bland Michael A. Blount Robert M. Blount Weldon F. Bolden Jeffrey H. Bolt George A. Boone Verlie W. Botts Cleveland D. Bowens Joseph C. Boyd Rebecca A. Boyd Leslie W. Bradshaw Timothy A. Brame Quinton C. Branch Samuel Brandon Dearl L. Brickhouse Irvin L. Brooks Dion J. Brown Keron B. Brown Robert R. Brown II Gerald W. Bruso Jr.

Joseph D. Bruton Carl E. Bunch Shirley T. Burgess William W. Byrum Stephen A. Carroll Todd L. Carter Joshua Carter Jr. Luther W. Cartwright Larry L. Castello Allen R. Cathey Angelina Chale Henry W. Chapman Kevin M. Charity Reginald A. Charity Wilbert B. Chavis Jr. Moses Cherry Jr. Phillip C. Church Marshall D. Claggett John B. Clark Judy A. Clarke John A. Clifton Janice Z. Coggin Robert K. Collins Paul H. Condron Jr. Charles Cook Carolyn J. Cooper Ellen R. Council-Powell Stephen D. Crampton Stewart N. Crocker Willie C. Daughtrey Jr. Timothy L. Davenport Walter S. Davis Larry D. Deaver Curtis Debraux John W. Deloatch Jeffery L. Dent Thomas P. Deuell Jr. Clarice S. Diggs Elvis L. Dildy Carlton D. Dillard Marvin B. Dingle Wilton Dixson Althen L. Doctor Edward G. Dowdy II Alfred W. Dunston Marshall A. Edmunds Neal V. Edwards Hazel M. Eley Jessie T. Eley Kirby L. Eley James L. Elliott Jr. Max J. Elliott-Blount

Michael J. Emanuel David P. Ennis Brenda T. Evans Jackie L. Evans Milton T. Evans Ronnie N. Faltz James K. Ferguson James V. Figgs Leroy Flagler Andy Flood Hurley L. Flythe Mary E. Foley James I. Folz Tony M. Fowler Tony D. Fox Michael V. Frary Steven M. Freeman John C. Fremont Robert J. Froemel Mary L. Fulcher Phillip E. Gayles Richard A. Gent Shelby C. Gibson Rose S. Godwin John K. Goffigan Jr. James B. Goins Glenn H. Goodhart Ricky M. Grandison Mark W. Gratton Wilbur E. Grissam Jr. Ralph B. Grogins Bobbie L. Gwaltney Stanley R. Gwaltney Wayne A. Hafer James E. Hall Marlin E. Hall Craig A. Harlan Joseph A. Harrell Albert D. Harris Christopher L. Harris Mabel L. Harris Ricky T. Harris William F. Harris Jr. Cynthia S. Herbin Francis G. Hershley Jr. Michael E. Hickey Peggy D. Higgins Terry D. Hill Robert S. Hite Graham C. Hobbs III Michael K. Hobson Michael A. Hodges

Jimmy W. Holland Paul H. Holland David E. Holley Chester L. Holliman Redgie J. Holloman Albert H. Holloman Jr. Robert L. Hood John M. Hopkins Jr. George L. Howard Ivan N. Huneycutt Diane J. Jackson Timothy A. Jackson Dallas W. Jenkins Jr. Cassandra B. Joe Andra L. Johnson Willie D. Johnson Nelson C. Johnson Jr. Russell A. Johnson Jr. Beverly L. Jones Dwight D. Jones Garry A. Jones Larry R. Jones Stanley L. Jones Gregory K. Jordan Ricky E. Jordan William H. Jordan Joe L. Justice John H. Justice Samuel Justice Jr. Mark R. Keafer James L. Kearney Robert L. Keiser Frank C. Kelsey Jr. Bradley J. Kiehner Robert L. Knightnor Steven R. Knoblauch Herman J. Kramer III James E. Lake Ray D. Lane James A. Lassley Clifton A. Lathan Jr. Paul T. Layne Peter M. Ledford Scotty B. Leggett Richard S. Lemons Lavern D. Listol II Michael E. Luck Milton Lunsford Jr. Sherry L. Lusby Jeanita A. Mallers William J. Malonson Andrew L. Markham

David W. Martin Samuel Mason Jr. Hersey L. Mathias Jr. Kenneth L. Mayo William G. Mayo David C. McAbee John T. McCormick Karen G. McCormick Margaret C. McCoy Harvey L. McCoy Jr. Deborah O. McDonald Donald A. McLain Roberta R. Mebane Garnell Melvin Richard L. Messick Ronald S. Mihilasky Eric A. Miller Michael C. Miller Russell R. Minter Catherine B. Mintz Jimmy R. Mooney Edward D. Moore Garland G. Moore Pamela P. Moore Reginald K. Moore Thomas L. Moore Cheryl A. Moran Alton L. Morgan Cynthia K. Muckelroy Michael J. Mulcahy Lettie Murphy Danny R. Narron Frankie L. Nelson Kurt S. Neumann William S. Norman Edward A. Olszak Steven F. Olszak William A. Oss Paula M. Overman-Lewis

Steven A. Pangle Alvin L. Parker Glaston C. Parker Jr. James E. Pashow Lionel C. Patterson Ronnie L. Payne Tommy A. Pelfrey Rena Peoples Michael A. Perron Gwendolyn T. Perry Pamela E. Perry Jerry C. Person David W. Peterman

William D. Philpott Jr. Reginald A. Pierce Paul B. Porter Rufus D. Porter John M. Portlock Jr. Thomas H. Prewitt Andra J. Pryear Charles E. Ransom Neil J. Rawles Marshall E. Ray III Randy L. Raynard Alexander Redcross Jr. Anthony N. Richardson Barbara A. Richardson Roderick Richmond Reginald L. Riden Larry L. Ridley Anthony J. Robinson David Robinson Jr. Debra L. Ross Gary W. Rothwell Ned C. Roulhac James E. Ruff Katrina G. Ruffin Willie Rumble Jr. William S. Ruth Thomas W. Sandman Deborah Y. Sapp Annette C. Saunders Ernest K. Saunders David S. Schmidt Leslie Scoggins Jr. Billy Scott Carlton B. Sessoms Ronald E. Sharp John A. Sickles Jr. Mark T. Sink Cottes Smallwood Robert M. Smallwood Howard A. Smith Timothy B. Smith William D. Smith Robert L. Snyder Christopher B. Spellman

Charles W. Spivey Ollie D. Spratley Robert L. Stephens David B. Sykes Jr. Curtis L. Taylor Lawrence C. Taylor William C. Taylor John R. Taylor Jr.

Jefferson H. Teller Donnell L. Thomas Rene J. Thomas Stephen C. Thompson Anthony W. Tisdale Herbert L. Todd William E. Topping Larry J. Trantham William F. Truitt Larry K. Turner Nelson H. Turner Tracy D. Van Kleeck Larry E. Vass James S. Vaughan Jarvis C. Wade Robert H. Wallace Martin A. Walsh Jr. Charles E. Walters Joanne M. Ward Michael L. Warren Weldon L. Warren Sr. Lloyd Watson Jr. Johnny L. Watts Michael Weaver Wayne H. Webb Harald E. Weber Marjorie M. West Dwayne L. White Ronnie L. White Richard M. Wiatt George A. Wiggins Joey Wiggins Larry C. Wiggins Noah P. Wiggins Sr. Edward J. Wightman III Clyde A. Williams Jr. Alvin L. Wilson Calvin L. Wilson Geoffrey Wilson Joseph H. Wilson Mary L. Wilson Phillip J. Wilson Preston L. Wilson Angela T. Winnegan Thomas R. Woodruff Don W. Wynn Bruce A. Young

12 | 11 | 2017




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DJ - 10 years experience, custom playlists for any event, lighting effects and photography. (757) 869-1876

Womens Riding Gloves - Scorpion EXO Fiore-Short Glove. Like new. Black with light pink stitching. SM/7. $30 (231) 250-6064

AUTO 2008 Ford Escape XLT - 124,000 miles in fair condition. $3,900. (757) 897-5254 2002 Mustang GT Convertible 5-speed/90K mles/white/white. New top/tires/shocks/struts. All services done. Text (757) 262-6246 1986 GMC K10 Long Bed - Excellent condition, loaded, AC, pw, 35s, weld wheels, new paint, 350, 700r4 auto. No rust. $12,500 OBO. (757) 268-5667 2007 Honda Civic - Black, 2 DR, 145K miles. Great gas mileage. $4,500 OBO. (804) 815-2161 1996 Volvo Wagon Good cond.135K miles. new timing belt, good tires, newly inspected. $2,300. (757) 232-1299 Car Battery Charger - Schumacher Speed Charge smart battery charger. 6V and 12V settings. In box. Rarely used. $20. (757) 268-1080 2008 328I BMW - Convertible hardtop, heated leather seats, navigation and sport package. 73,700 miles. Garage kept. $12,800. (757) 353-9825 1996 Honda Accord - 4-door. Manual. Good tires and everything works. $1,200. (757) 672-8256 2012 Harley Fatboy - With bags and windshield. $10,900. (757) 803-5226 2000 F-350 Turbo Diesel - 203k miles. Green. Good condition. $15,000. (804) 577-7851

Men's Full Face Helmet - Large Icon full-face helmet. Black. Used. $10. (231) 250-6064 Womens Scorpion EXO-500 Dahlia 2 Helmet - Black/pink. Like new. Size XS. $100. (231) 250-6064 Scorpion EXO-500 Ardent Full-Face Helmet - Never worn. Size small. $100. (231) 250-6064 Pool Table - 7-foot Little Jewel from Long's Billiards. Excellent condition. $1,100 OBO. (757) 327-6105 Electric Guitar - Gibson Epiphone Limited Edition Les Paul Standard Blue Royale Electric Guitar. Like new. $300. (757) 897-3246

FURNISHINGS & APPLIANCES Haier Window A/C Unit - 8,000 BTU. Only used 1/2 summer in college dorm room. $100. (757) 288-8978 Antique Loveseat - Light color w/ tan and green design. Wood legs, pillows, like new. Pick up only. $40. (757) 535-7552 Haier Washer and Dryer - $200 each OBO. (757) 594-5068

REAL ESTATE Townhouse for Rent - 1,300 sq. ft., 2 bed, 1.5 bath. Large den, covered patio. Knells Ridge near Chesapeake General Hospital. $975. (757) 407-2373

Real Estate cont.

Miscellaneous cont.

House for Rent/Sale - 1309 34th St., NN. 2br/1ba. 700 sq ft. Fenced yard. $650/rent. $24K sale. (757) 871-3682

2018 Virginia Wildlife Calendar 10x14 color glossy monthly calendar w/daily updates. $7. (757) 739-8879

House for rent - N.N. 2br, 1ba. 2 story with huge yard. Recently remodeled. Hardwood floors, cen AC/heat. No pets. $850. (757) 879-2860

Pest Terminator - Free inspections. Expert pest, termite, moisture control, under house repairs and poly installation. (757) 873-4999

Room For Rent - All utilities included. Close to shipyard. Clean home. $125/week. (757) 298-1043

Items - Spinner bike $249. NXT Spin Bike $550. Ross Airdyne Bike $225. Accent Mag Bike Trainer $75. (757) 218-2946

Renter Wanted - Updated 2 bed, 2.5 bath townhome in Hampton off Magruder Blvd. With laundry. $1,175. (757) 763-0899 House for Rent in Hampton - 2 bdrm/1ba house in Old Wythe. Quiet street. Close to shipyard. $1100/ month negotiable. (757) 636-2544 Real Estate Wanted - We buy homes “as-is.” Text (757) 656-6373 House for sale - Newly renovated 4 bed, 2 full bath home located in the desirable CNU area. 1,640 sq. ft. $239K. (757) 329-0610 Lots For Sale - Two 1/2 acre lots for sale on tidal canal in Gloucester. (757) 641-4994 Room for Rent - Near Patrick Henry Mall. Quiet neighborhood. $500/ month w/ultilties and free Wi-Fi. (757) 303-8123


Items - Vacuums $25 and up. Carpet cleaners $55 and up. Portable heaters $25 and up. Ionic air purifiers $45-75. (757) 218-2946 Exercise Equipment - Treadmills $135-399. Ellipticals $50-325. Exercise bikes $65-220. Concept 2 rower $775. Treadclimb $599. (757) 218-2946 Carpet Installation and Repair Call for an appointment and quote. (757) 329-6761 Gutter Cleaning - Clean gutters by hand, bag the debris and flush your down spouts. Licensed and insured. (757) 810-5115 House Washing - House, roof and concrete cleaning. Most of our methods are used with less than 500PSI. Licensed. (757) 810-5115 Folding Webbed Beach Chairs - Two low-profile aluminum chairs with crosswoven webbing and arm rests. $10. Text (757) 288-9821

Piano for Sale - Whitney console piano in very good condition. $350. (757) 817-5607

Lefty Girls Softball Glove - Wilson A440 Fast Pitch youth glove. Worn twice. Fits right hand. $20. Text (757) 288-9821

New Year’s Eve Football - Ravens vs. Bengals. 2 tickets. Great seats, 20 yard line, covered section. $135 each. (757) 715-5460

Dried Craft Gourds - Seven large dried gourds that can be used for birdhouses, dippers, crafts, etc. All for $10. Text (757) 288-9821

Firewood for Sale - Split hardwood. 1/2 cord $95; full cord $180. (757) 715-5460

Pendleton Wool Blanket - 56” x 68” cream. Never used. $45. Text (757) 288-9821

Talbot's Petites (Winter) Mint condition: Women's professional wardrobe 12P/14P. Text (757) 268-1712

Kids Summer Toys - Wiffle ball/ bat, water/beach toys, badminton equip, baseballs, kites, etc. $20. Text (757) 288-9821

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12 | 11 | 2017

EMPLOYEE CLASSIFIEDS MISCELLANEOUS Horse Shoe Set - Six shoes, two stakes. Good shape. $10. Text (757) 288-9821 U.S. Divers Adult Snorkel Set - Aqua Lung model. Med-Lg (8-9.5) fins/ snorkel/mask. Navy blue. Orig. pkg. $20. Text (757) 288-9821 Adult Snorkel Set Body Glove - Surge Fin model. Size 5-6 fins, snorkel and mask. Optic green. Orig. pkg. $20. Text (757) 288-9821 Parkleigh Sonata China for 12 90 pieces. White, silver edge and blue/pink flowers. $500 OBO. Text (757) 288-9821 Satin Wedding Dress Size PS - Champagne, tucked bodice, lace neck, long sleeved. Flowers on long veil. Sealed. $150. Text (757) 288-9821 1950s Vintage Wool Blanket - St. Mary’s blanket in rose. 70x82. Twin/Full. Excellent condition. $50. Text (757) 288-9821 Vintage Tabletop Electric Fan - Viking brand. Single speed. Cast iron base. $50. Text (757) 288-9821 Handmade Ethnic Ornaments - 12 multi-ethnic-face felt ornaments. Extra trimmings to complete unfinished ornaments. $10. Text (757) 288-9821 Virginia Rose China - Twenty miscellaneous pieces. Five with mild flaws. $100 OBO. Text (757) 288-9821 Child's Invacare Wheelchair- Foam padded seat 14”x16.” Removable leg/foot rests. Like new. $50. Text (757) 288-9821 Bios/Auto-Bios Collection JFK, Iacoca, B.T. Washington, Truman, Lincoln, Tubman, Schwartzkopf, Douglass. All for $50 or $8/ea. Text (757) 288-9821 The Professional Chef - Culinary Institute of America, 8th ed. 2006. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Very good condition. $25. Text (757) 288-9821

Miscellaneous cont.

Miscellaneous cont.

Framed Art Beach Scene - Lighthouse, sand, fence, boat. 31”x25” $25. Text (757) 288-9821

Vintage Magazines - Time Magazines & National Geographics for sale. 1930s – 1970s. WWII issues and celebrities. (757) 334-5384

Framed Art Pittsburgh - The Point cityscape, rivers, boat. 25”x37” $25. Text (757) 288-9821 Waterford Crystal Ornaments - Beau. Marquis Waterford crystal “Winterfest” Christmas ornaments, set of 3. Like new. $12. (757) 288-9821 Brass Candlestick - VA Metalcrafters #3014 Tulip. Base 2.5” ht. 5.” Boxed. Perfect condition. $20. (757) 288-9821

Bahia Principe 1 Week Vacation - Mexico, Dominican Republic or Jamaica. Expires June 2018. $700. (757) 739-8879 Delicious custom cakes for all occasions. Call or text Miss-E. Leave voicemail if no answer. (757) 358-0092 Lawn/Yard Care - Yard cleanup, leaf/ debris removal, mow, clean gutters. Call for estimate. (757) 871-4589

Brass Candlestick Hampton Brass #83592. Base 3” height 7¼”. Pristine, never used. Boxed. $20. (757) 288-9821

Men's Cargo Shorts - Sizes 44 & 46. Some still have original tags. $6 each. (757) 288-8978

Cowgirl Boots - Size 6 women’s. Pink with silver stars and tassels. Excellent condition. Text. $45. (757) 288-9821

Men's Jeans/Dress Slacks - Sizes 44X32 and 46X32. $6 each. (757) 288-8978

Mink Pillbox Hat - Winter white. Elegant Cecile New York original. $35. Text (757) 288-9821

Ducks Unlimited Framed Artwork - 3 framed prints. Text or call for pics and prices. (757) 288-8978

HP OfficeJet 4650 Printer - Wireless All-in-One Photo Printer w/mobile printing print/copy/scan/fax/2-sided printing. $50. (757) 880-0721

Stroller Travel System - Baby Trend Jogging Stroller and car seat combo with two bases. Green and black. $100. (757) 292-9510

Home Cleaning - Free estimates. Licensed and insured. (757) 371-3904 Zumba Gold - Fitness and fun. $5/ class. M&W 6-7 p.m. Western Branch area. (757) 935-8253 EA Sports Air Hockey Table - Mint condition. $400. (757) 206-0793 A/C Service - Save money. Service your heat pump for less electrical consumption. Shipyard discount. (757) 771-3441 Community Service Opportunity Collecting blankets and coats to give to homeless individuals in Hampton Roads on Dec. 17. (757) 434-6320 Daycare - M-F 6 a.m.-6 p.m. Ages 6 weeks-5 years. CPR and first aid cert. 10 years in nursing. Pre-K program taught. 3 spots. (757) 761-0330

WANTED Van Riders - Commuter van from VA Beach to NNS daily. First shift. Van leaves from Diamond Springs Rd. Text VANRIDE. (757) 450-6740 Broken Washers and Dryers - Will pick up for free. (757) 617-0100 Lightly Used Truck Tires - Four 35x12.50x16.5R truck tires or four 35" tires and rims that will fit 2002 F250. (757) 288-8978 Salesperson - I will pay you cash to sell my swords, knives, rare items, NASCAR, etc. (757) 508-2781

FREE ITEMS Brass Ceiling Fan - With glass sconces. Pick up only. Hampton. (757) 535-7552 Cement Patio Set - You remove. Heavy. (757) 583-9869 Light Show - Animated light display synchronized to music at 108 Sheffield Way in NN. Foodbank and Animal Rescue donations welcome.

PETS Olde English Bulldogge Pups Taking deposits on 7 pups going to new homes 1-23-18. Loeba reg. Tails docked 2 sets of shots. (757) 969-2447 40 Gal. Reptihabitat Kit - New. Includes tank, double dome lamp, uvb, heat bulbs and more. $120. (757) 897-2366 Guinea Pigs - Teacher looking to rehome 2 guinea pigs due to classroom allergies. Both are 1 year old and female. (757) 417-5662

LOST & FOUND Lost Wedding Band - Tungsten wedding band lost in bathroom of shop 4651 in North Yard on Tuesday, Nov. 28. (757) 729-2571

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