The New Power Magazine V7N1 - Jan.09

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MONIQUE The queen of comedy gets serious as she talks to us about her new book and the true meaning of friendship.

JAZMINE SULLIVAN Gets a second chance. She goes from needing him bad to busting the windows out of his car.

YUNG BERG Seems that wherever he goes, controversy follows.


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NPM The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily the views and opinion of Colom Media Group, LLC, The New Power Magazine, nor any of our advertisers. Colom Media Group, LLC does not claim any responsibility for stories, photographs, interviews, audio, video, nor any other advertising or promotional material sent to us that has been misrepresented. The New Power, the diamond fist, and all related logos are trademarks of Colom Media Group, LLC. This publication may not be reproduced in whole nor in part without the written permission of the publisher. Copyright © 2009, Colom Media Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Editorial, advertising, subscriptions, and reviews: P.O. Box 8465 Columbus, MS 39705.

i’m lovin’ it


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CREATIVE DUB G. Graphics Editor JOE DENT Art Director JOE DENT Cover Graphics






CONTRIBUTORS Bob Baker, Jimmy Biggs, James Johnson, Ty Jones, E. Bernard Jordan, Lloyd Mitchell, Dr. Helaine Smith


FEATURES PAGE 21 YOUNG MEMPHIS Artist to Watch PAGE 66 C - SHARP Producer to Watch




REVIEWS PAGE 66 JAHEIM CLASSICS VOL. 1 plus.... Lil’ Keke, Homebwoi, and O.J Da Juiceman





STDs and Your Oral Health – What You Need to Know Sexually transmitted diseases are among the most common infections in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), an estimated 19 million new cases of STDs are reported each year in the U.S. – and nearly half the patients are ages 15 – 24. Despite prevention efforts, the U.S. has the highest rates of STDs in the industrialized world. If you or your partner has any type of sore or rash in or on the mouth, then you’ll definitely want to use a condom or a dental dam when performing oral sex. Now, I know you’re most likely thinking, “Who in the hell wears a condom during oral sex?” To be honest, probably not too many people – and this may be why the U.S. has such a high rate of STDs. But the truth of the matter is, what looks like a “harmless” cold sore on your partner’s mouth could very easily be HSV-1 oral herpes – a virus which, when transmitted, can reside on the genitalia as well. In fact, there is no real difference between HSV-1, the “good” herpes, and HSV-2 the “bad” or genital herpes. (As the Website puts it, one is socially acceptable, the other is not.) Of even more concern in terms of transmittable diseases, research has shown that HPV – the virus that causes cervical cancer – is also being transferred at high rates due to oral sex. Hence, unless you’ve been in a long-term relationship with your partner, it makes sense to wear a condom when practicing oral sex. Although the risk of transferring an STD via normal kissing is relatively low, I do caution my braces-wearing patients to be careful when engaging in deep “French kissing” and oral sex.



The New Power Magazine


(662) 251-0075

“Where Reading Is Fundamental !”

This is because metal braces can tear sensitive mouth tissues and scratch delicate genital areas – increasing the potential for sexually transmitted diseases, including the human papillomavirus (HPV), HSV-1 oral herpes, and blood-borne pathogens, including HIV, AIDS, and hepatitis B and C. Yes, new dental technologies, such as Invisalign and plastic braces, have been introduced, but the fact is, many dentists still rely on the traditional metal braces and their nickel titanium brackets, wires, and ties. Even plastic braces still use metal wires and ties that can cause damage – including tearing condoms. If you or your partner wears braces, it’s recommended you change the condom after each sexual activity – just in case.

Throat cancer – It’s not just for old men anymore. Many people are unaware of the importance of regular screening for oral cancer, and young adults especially may not realize that they could be at risk for a cancer that historically has affected older men and smokers. (Oral cancer is a catch-all term that includes cancers of the mouth, sinuses, and throat.)


According to the American Dental Association (ADA), oral cancer strikes over 34,000 Americans annually, and over 25% will die of the disease, which claims more lives than melanoma or cervical cancer. And, the ADA also notes, recent studies have shown a nearly five-fold increase in the incidence of oral cancer in individuals under age 40, many with no known risk factors.

Throat cancer is a serious issue so pay attention:

One likely cause of this cancer? Researchers believe the human papillomavirus (HPV), long known to cause cervical cancer, is transmitted through oral sex.

According to the ViziLite Website, oral cancer treatment often results in disfiguring effects on Researchers at John Hopkins compared patients who had oral cancer with those who did not. The patients, and can seriously compromise your study revealed that those patients who had one to five oral sex partners doubled their risk for quality of life – including your sex life. throat cancer and those with more than five increased their risk by 250%. This is higher than if you


Early detection and diagnosis can make a tremendous difference in life expectancy since oral canEven more worrisome, those with high numbers of partners increased their risk for the HPV-16 cer is 90% curable when found in its early stages. Unfortunately, 70% of oral cancers are diagnosed strain. in the late stages, III and IV, leading to a five-year As a dentist, I am often my patients’ first line of defense against oral cancer. This is because in survival rate of 57%.

addition to doing routine cleanings and fillings, I also check for signs of cancer in the mouth, on the tongue, and along the gums. And, dentists can now use a new diagnostic tool, ViziLite Plus, to check for oral cancer. ViziLite Plus, which is FDA approved, is a chemiluminescent light source that helps detect potentially cancerous lesions, and is used in conjunction with a blue phenothiazine dye to mark the lesions. BOTTOM LINE: If you have any type of persistent lesion, white or red patches, or spots in your mouth, visit your dentist immediately. If you notice any of these things on or in your partner’s mouth, refrain from kissing and oral sex until he/she gets the A-OK from a dental professional.

Keep your body and your sex life healthy. Brush your teeth. You’ve heard all your life that you should brush and floss your teeth every day and visit the dentist twice a year. This advice is more important than ever, especially given the fact that researchers have discovered a link between periodontal disease and heart disease, diabetes, and other illnesses. I hope the information in this e-book has been of help to you. I’ve long been an advocate of positive oral health as it relates to our sexual health- so I’m glad to see more research and articles in the mainstream press about it. If you learn anything from this book, it should be this: never be afraid to visit the dentist and don’t let dental problems affect your sex life. Whether you have a sore, bad breath, or loose dentures, don’t be afraid to explain the problem to your dentist. A good dentist will ask you about your life, your symptoms, and how they affect every day activities (including intimate activities such as kissing and sex). If you feel you can’t talk to your dentist about such personal issues (maybe he’s older and isn’t as up to date as he should be), consider finding a new dentist. Dental schools are now teaching dental students about how to treat the “whole” patient – not just the tooth! – and many dentists now continually update their skills with continuing education courses.

Download the rest of this of this FREE e-Book at:


Laugh&Learn Queen Of Comedy, Mo’ Nique, Talks About Her New Book: BEACON HILLS HIGH BY LLOYD MITCHELL Wife, mother, actress, comedian, and business woman. Mo’ Nique has pretty much done it all. Now she can add author to her growing list of accomplishments, as she is currently promoting her third book with friend Sherri McCovey.

Sherri McCovey. She’s the sister who’s done all the books with me: Skinny Women Are Evil, and Skinny Cooks Can’t Be Trusted ...... now our first tween book. How that partnership works, is, I sit down and come up with these thoughts and she puts them down, and brings it back and says, “Is this what you meant ?”


I don’t wanna give the book away, but you start in the second chapter like - BAM ! I that this book shows what true frienship is all about. You kept emphasizing that.

Hey Monique. How are you ?

Oh, I’m just fine darling. How are you doing ? How’s everything in L.A. ? You are in L.A., aren’t you ? I’m in L.A., baby. It’s a little rainy here, but it’s great.

If you look around Lloyd....... now for me, I’m forty years old. You have some of us in our forties and we still don’t know the true meaning of friendship. I think true friendship is when your character is not in question; when you giveyour word and you keep it. If we can catch our babies when they’re thirteen, maybe we can keep them from going thru the issues that we go thru in our 40’s and 50’s. We really did try to emphasize integrity and

Lloyd, I would love to take all the credit. There’s a sister who co-authored with named

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A little bit, Lloyd.

Baby listen, she’s in the book (laughing). One of the other things that I like is that you showed Ebony living in stable environment. She has a mother and a father at home, and it seems like she has the perfect family. Is there a reason why you did that to Ebony ?

You can purchase this book on the internet as an e-Book without ever leaving the comfort of your home. Correct ?

Well, here’s what’s funny Lloyd. It’s not the perfect family. Unfortunately, when it comes to black families, we’ve accepted that it’s got to be just a single parent. I’ve gotten that question before. Well, I had a mother and a father. There are a lot of us with a mother and father at home, but the media doesn’t but that out there. So when it came down to it, we were like, wait a minute, there are a lot of mommies and daddies still together out here.

Yes ! I absolutely adore you.

So you made a conscious effort to do this ?

How was it that you were able to speak the language of the younger generation in the book ?

Yes indeed ! My parents have been together for over 45 years. My father has always been there, as well as my mother. So I can’t tell something that’s a lie. You know, the next generation, they’re me and you. So if we don’t catch em right now, we’re in a world of trouble; we’re in a world of trouble. I will not nurture my sons when their wrong, because I don’t want them to be sorry fathers to my grandchildren, nor sorry husbands.


And you did a great job.

Come on now. The character Ebony, is that a little you? Come on and tell the truth.

Are you still trying for your Ebony ?

When you say babies, what age group are you referring to ?

Not at all baby. That’s it ! We wanna make sure that the parents can afford it.

It’s geared towards teenagers. Period. The characters are so diverse. You have Ebony. You have Juan who’s the latino. Deb, she’s a black girl whose parents are white and jewish. You have Robin who’s white, but not at all trying to be black. She Just happens to like this group of people. You have G. who is the star footbal player. So it’s geared towards everybody in their teenage years. The lead character just happensto be a girl.

You know how the character Ebony came into play ? I’ve always wanted a little girl. When I was pregnant the first time, I called my son Ebony for nine months until he came out, and then it was Ebenezer. Then when I was pregnant with the twins, they said one is a girl and one is a boy. So I’m like, ok, here comes Ebony. We go back and they say, uh oh, we made a mistake. So I ended up with two boys. So I said, I’m gone get my Ebony.

Just in my travels in going around and seeing our young babies today, I just didn’t see anything on the shelves that they could really, really relate to; that could really make sense for them. We didn’t want to do anything that was gonna be fantasy. We wanted to do something that was really gonna grab our babies and get their attention.

One thing that I do like about this book is that it’s not an expensive book. I mean what, $9.95 ?

Is this book geared towards teenage girls, or will teenage boys find this book interesting as well ?

A little bit ? Come on.

Look, let’s get right into it. I know you’re a very busy person. I’m 42. I started reading this book and sometimes I didn’t understand the language. Why did you write this book, Beacon Hills High?

12 to 18.

and you talk to them accordingly.

Like I said, Sherri McCovey worked with me and would actually sit down with teen groups. I try to make it a point when I’m on tour in a city to tell them to take me around to the worst school; take me to the school where you say the kids won’t make it. And we just sit and we rap. We talk. I listened to how they talked,

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“Where Reading Is Fundamental”


JAZMINE SULLIVAN SECOND TIME AROUND A failed recording deal with Jive Records wasn’t nearly enough to stop budding R&B superstar Jazmine Sullivan. After taking a few years to regroup, she’s landed right back on top with a brand new deal with J. Records, and a smash hit single in “Need U Bad”.


You have such a beautiful voice. How long have you been singing? Jazmine Sullivan: I’ve been singing since I came out the womb (laughing). I started singing in the church. So tell us your story of how you made it to where you are now? Jazmine Sullivan: I made the decision to sing r&b when I turned 12. I was so lucky to have supportive parents. My mother got me an audition with Jazzyphatnastees. I was given the opportunity to perform for The Black Lilly. It’s a place for women to showcase their talent. I got signed to my first deal at sixteen with Jive Records. It didn’t work out. I was signed for a few years, and then I got dropped. I think it was because I didn’t know who I was as an artist. They had one vision, and I was not that. It was a blessing because after being dropped, I was able to develop myself and go through things as a teen. I wrote “In Love With Another Man”. Both my mom and I knew it was special. Peter edge from J records loved the song and invited me in to do the song for Clive. I spent a year getting a demo together, which also included my first single, “Need U Bad”, and I got signed to a recording deal. What type of vocal training have you had, or is this all self attained and natural?

Jazmine Sullivan: It’s natural for me. I haven’t had any vocal training. I went to a creative and performing artist high school, so with that, I have a small history with classical, but I’m not that good with it. I would like to get some training eventually, because I think there’s so much more I’ll be able to do with it. Now for those that don’t know, you did a song a few years ago with Kindred Family Soul, right? Jazmine Sullivan: That was my first time recording. They were like a big sister and brother to me. They gave me my first experience with recording. I cowrote “Say I” for Christina Milian. It was intended for me, but when I got dropped, they gave it to her. Amazing. Is it just that simple, like, they call you and say we’re giving this song away to so & so? Or do they ask you? Jazmine Sullivan: They more or less tell you (laughing). But it was good because I got my feet wet. With a situation like that, it was a good look. I would rather it be used by somebody than to be wasted. I felt it was a good song. Your voice is so well-seasoned. It’s like we can feel the pain in your voice. Where does this come from? Jazmine Sullivan: Sometimes, when I go in, depending on what the song is, IO come out feeling that way. I can leave the studio feeling bad. I have to be able to go to that place. It can come from many things, like parents, and different experiences. I try to be an illustrator. Your song, “Need you bad”, has drawn a lot of comparison to Lauryn Hill, and I have to be honest and say that when I heard your song for the first time, until they said who it was, I kept picturing Lauryn. How does it make you feel to be associated so much to such an iconic figure? Does it bother you at all? Jazmine Sullivan: I am definitely not bothered. She is such a great artist that no one should have a problem with that. I think though, that once they hear the rest of the album, they’ll see we are different, and that I bring something different to the table.

And your song “In Love With Another Man”, all I can say is beautiful. I actually got chills when you hit the high note at the end. Almost a feeling in the pit of my stomach like, oh shit, it’s over now. How old is this song, and how did it end up being the song that you presented to Clive Davis? Jazmine Sullivan: It may be like three years old. OK. And I asked that because usually when people drop such a massive hit, when they tell the story behind it, you hear a lot of them say it’s 4 and 5 years old. Jazmine Sullivan: Exactly. And I have a lot of songs that people hear now and like, but I recorded them when I was 15 and 16. It doesn’t bother me though, because I’ve grown so much as a writer. I wrote the whole album, or co-wrote with a producer. I have been blessed to be at a label that supports me and gives me that creative control. You worked with Missy Elliott quite a bit for your debut. How did the two of you unite? Jazmine Sullivan: I met her when I was 13. She was one of the people that always let me know that she believed in me and thought I would go far. She has always been there and had my back. We have about 3 albums worth of songs. It’s not even like work. And that’s good to be able to work with someone at a level where it doesn’t seem like work. It’s so much easier than working with someone just for the sake of doing it, or just to get a hit. Jazmine Sullivan: Exactly. And it only makes perfect sense that she got the 1st single on the album because of our vibe and connections. I want everyone to go get the record. It’s out September 16th, and it’s called ‘Fearless”. I put my heart and soul into it. It is a real album that people will feel.

Words: James Johnson Photo: Warwick Saint WWW.NEWPOWERMAGAZINE.COM

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Marketing&Promotion THE POWER OF PERSONALITY BY BOB BAKER When you promote yourself via e-mail or with the words you use on your web site, you have a choice. You can be straight-forward and matter-of-fact (also known as bland and boring). Or you can communicate with pizzazz.

Come early for a fine dinner, or eat late ... the kitchen is open 'till close, baby. You really need to come out to Felix's and see why it's so popular! Call 'em at 314-645-6565. Felix's rules. Period.

Case in point: My friend Gregg Hopkins plays in a band called The Melroys. He could have sent a runof-the-mill e-mail to promote a recent show, including the rudimentary club name, address, phone number, etc. Instead, he sent this:

On Sunday, Amy Miller and I close out my work week at the Tin Can Tavern on the south side. We play 9:00 to 11:30 or so and we like playing together so much that we usually have to be told to quit! Great new songs, and Amy just sounds like an angel ... amazing. Please attend. or 314-865-3003.

Git yerself down to the Broadway Oyster Bar tonight where The MELROYS will present our little Rock and Roll fandango. The food is delicious, the adult beverages are cool and refreshing, the music will be swinging, and you'll fit right in with the other beautiful people there. Showtime is 9-1. See ya there!

Last week was a great week for me. So many people came and enjoyed my music that I was overwhelmed. Thank you, really. It means everything to me.

Gregg Hopkins P.S. Any person peeved by perpetual pestering such as this posting will be promptly purged from this list upon proper petition. Ya gotta admit, this short message is a fun read -which leads one to assume that a Melroys live show will be a fun event. And that's smart marketing. (The only thing I might add is an address and phone number of the venue for those fans who might not know where it is.) So don't be afraid to show your personality. In fact, go out of your way to do something fun or different or creative any time you communicate with the public about your music. Got it? Good.

Use Hypnotic Descriptions Here's another example from a longtime musical pal, Michael Schaerer. In this recent e-mail, he does a great job of painting word pictures of the venues he plays and describing what it means to him: We'll be at Felix's starting around 9:30 Saturday night ... if it's anything like last week was, it'll be a full-fledged rock concert ... and it'll sound better than most of them too! It's really like seeing your favorite band in your living room. So intimate and powerful at the same time.

This example is so powerful for many reasons. The way Michael describes the places he plays, you can't help but want to go and experience the vibe yourself. And you know the venue owners have got to love the ringing endorsements, too. Finally, as Michael illustrates in his last sentence, always remember to thank your fans. They're the reason you're doing more than just playing music in an empty room. Without people to listen, enjoy and support you, your creative process would be a lot less satisfying. So be sure to regularly express your gratitude.

Your Comfy, Cozy Computer The challenge when promoting yourself online is this: There's only so much human warmth you can get from a computer. Anything you can do to make your online communication more warm and fuzzy will make you stand out and be more appreciated. No one does this better than Derek Sivers and CD Baby. If you've ever purchased music from, you've probably received this shipping confirmation e-mail -- one of the classic "power of personality" messages you're likely to see: Your CD has been gently taken from our CD Baby shelves with sterilized contamination-free gloves and placed onto a satin pillow.

A team of 50 employees inspected your CD and polished it to make sure it was in the best possible condition before mailing. Our packing specialist from Japan lit a candle and a hush fell over the crowd as he put your CD into the finest gold-lined box that money can buy. We all had a wonderful celebration afterwards and the whole party marched down the street to the post office where the entire town of Portland waved 'Bon Voyage!' to your package, on its way to you, in our private CD Baby jet on this day (date inserted here). I hope you had a wonderful time shopping at CD Baby. We sure did. Your picture is on our wall as 'Customer of the Year'. We're all exhausted but can't wait for you to come back to CDBABY.COM!! Thank you once again, Derek Sivers, president, CD Baby the little CD store with the best new independent music Now that's powerful .. and effective! Think twice before sending your fans another e-mail message. And always remember the power of personality!

BUZZ FACTOR Bob Baker is the author of "Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook," "Unleash the Artist Within" and "Branding Yourself Online." He also publishes, a web site and e-zine that deliver marketing tips, self-promotion ideas and other empowering messages to music people of all kinds. Get your FREE subscription to Bob's e-zine by visiting today.





? T HO

Sometimes You Gotta Get Knocked Down To Get Up



hat’s happening ? As you all can see from flipping these pages, we’re trying something a lot different now. It’s something that I’ve been kicking around for about three years. Yes, this is our new digital version of New Power Magazine.

Turn your speakers on because we’ve embedded some hot new music into the magazine from some up-n-coming artists. Click on the links on our advertisers ads and visit their websites and show ‘em some love. Soon we’ll be embedding video into this publication also. So you can advertise your new singles, album snippets, commercials, and videos.





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This is hot isn’t ? Yeah, I’m excited, too. Excited because this is the internet, so the possiblities are endless. We can reach so many more people with this tool. Millions, possibly billions, of people are surfing the internet everyday. Right? No traditional magazine or music distributor can touch that many people, worldwide, any quicker than you and I, now. Just as music sales have made their way to the internet, some record labels operate strictly as digital labels, and refuse to do any offline business. That’s not entirely a bad thing, but they’ve got to do some type of offline promotion and marketing to enhance what they’re doing online. That’s why, even though The New Power will become mostly a digital magazine (we’ll publish 10 months out of the year on the internet), we’ll continue the traditional print format 2 months a year (and for special events). We’ll continue to print for The Southern Entertainment Awards that’s been held at the casinos in the Mississippi delta for the past 3 years, and for the B.E.T. Hip-Hop Awards. That way, we’re reaching people who are coming to be a part of the urban lifestyle. With the economy being the way that it is, and major record labels laying off employees, you’ll eventually start to see the internet creating a lot of middle economic-class musicians, and possibly some millionaire musicians. Why ? Because people are still hungry for music, but due to greedy record company executives, and corporations behind radio, the people aren’t getting to hear all of what they’d like to hear. So the quickest and easiest way to get it is the internet. The New Power is 6 years old this month. In the past 3 years, I’ve been approached by 2 magazine distributors wanting to distribute my magazine, and 4 different people wanting to buy half or all of what I’m doing. But for some reason, I couldn’t be a part of it; mostly because I’m a control freak, but also because of opportunities like this digital version. A lot of the old traditionalist, they have a hard time seeing outside of the box. It’s all about the norm. It’s all about not messing up the figures or projected figures. Well did their projected figures equate to what’s been going on in the world the past eight years ? Aside from the gangsters in the oil business, who really made 20 40 billion dollar profits while George W. Bush was in office ? I guess we can thank Bush for giving us Obama (I pray that he does a great job). We can also thank him for the soon-to-be demise of the old guard in this country. The playing field will be even soon. The good guys have had a foot on their throats for years. We’ll all rise out of it. Sometimes, you gotta get knocked down to get up. A.C.

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The People Champ


ADVERTISE IN THE NEW POWER WE PRINT TWICE A YEAR: 5,000 copies distributed at : - Southern Entertainment Awards Deadline / February 20, 2009 - B.E.T. Hip-Hop Awards Deadline / May 11, 2009 OUR DIGITAL VERSION IS PUBLISHED ONLINE ONCE A MONTH.

Tel: (662) 251-0075 E-mail: WWW.NEWPOWERMAGAZINE.COM

Yung Berg Troublesome ?

W What’s been happening Berg ?

Nothing man, still getting it off the album. Look What You Made Me is a crazy record. We had Eve, Amerie, Trey Songz, Collibud, Twista, Lloyd, and my new artist Casha on that joint. For those people reading who may not know anything about your background, tell em where you’re from. I’m from the south side of Chicago. I was there until 15 when I got signed to DMX’s label, Bloodline. I’ve been doin my thing since. We all know you from your gold single, “Sexy Lady”, and more recently, the double platinum selling “Sexy Can I”. How did the Sexy Can I collaboration happen with Ray J. ? Me and Ray been friends for like a year now. I wanted him to be on my project. We made it happen. He said I got this record I need you on. So I just ended up jumping on it and it ended up very successful. “Sexy Can I” was also on your album. A lot of people don’t understand how that works. Explain how two artist can have the same song on their album. Well, we’ve been friends for a while, and we’re pretty much on the same label. He’s on Koch and I’m on Epic. The song was both of ours originally. Describe how you got your big break in the business ? I was grindin’ in the streets and met DMX at a video shoot. He heard my music and liked it. So he signed me up. Who’s had the biggest influence on your career ? Jay Z., Nas, and Twista. You caught some heat awhile back when you made the comment that you don’t like dark-skinned woman, you only like light-skinned woman. You allegedly called darkcomplexioned woman “dark butts”. Naw, man. I was just stating a preference. We all like what we like, right ? They took it (the comment) to another level.

m ny Colo l Antho s d r o W

You’re kinda being branded as a trouble maker with your rumored altercations with other artists in the business. Are you a trouble maker ? Who ? Me ? (lol)


What’s been going on man ? We’ve been hearing a lot about you; you’ve got quite a buzz going on right now. Yeah, yeah! I’m just tryin to get on the map by staying busy. I’m kinda all over. We’ve been hearing about you thru word of mouth, and on the internet. What’s behind your buzz ? What is it that you’re doing ? I been kinda doing it for a minute. I grew up in Memphis. I took the title of Young Memphis in ‘98. I went to the westcoast and then back to Memphis. Now I’m in Atlanta. So it’s taken a minute, but we making it happen. I try not to stay planted too long in one place, cause some times, in Memphis, it gets kinda slow. So I’ll go to Atlanta and try to create a buzz, then leave and go to Florida and do the same thing. So after doing that for so many years, people just started calling my name wherever I went like they knew me. I’m just keepin’ busy going from one spot to the next spot. I’ve been doin’ this for about 15 years. I also produce. I been producing for about 10 years. Who are some of the artists that you’ve produced ? I’ve done some stuff with Shady Records. I did some stuff with Eminem’s people. I did some stuff with J.T. Money. I did some stuff with Dopehouse Productions; that’s like a sister label in Callifornia that Dogg Pound and Snoop Dogg them work with. I worked with T-Rock formerly of Three-Six Mafia’s camp, C Dubb, and Where Reading Is Fundamental !

that can help keep that buzz going, I’m with it. So that did kinda help out a lot.


Bout That Time

How did yall hook up? I went and sat down with him in the office. I asked if he had an intro, and he said, yeah, let me let you listen to it. So, man...... I’m from Memphis. I saw an opportunity. I told him it sounded alright, but let me hook something up for him. I did it and he was like.... dog let’s roll with it. So that’s how that happened.

Words: Anthony Colom / Photo: Young Memphis

a lot of people out of Memphis. I mean a lot ! I did some stuff with Chris. He’s a big producer. He’s produced for India Arie.

ing with, I said gotta try to create this buzz in Atlanta cause Memphis is home, and I can always go back there.

Did your buzz start in Memphis first ? How have the DJs and general public taken to your music there?

Is it a goal of yours to reach back and help someone else from Memphis after you reach a certain level of success ?

Ahmmm, it’s a little harder. People respect Memphis because of cats like 8 Ball and MJG, Playa Fly, Three-Six Mafia, DJ Squeeky, and cats like that; you know, the pioneers. But there’s so much hatin’ that goes on in Memphis, man. Memphis is well respected wherever I’ve gone: from LA to New York, back down to the South. But in Memphis...... man, I don’t know. We don’t support each other like we suppose to. Everbody’s all beefin’ with each other. That’s why I’m not in Memphis right now. I spent like 8 years there tryin to push my music. If it wasn’t a fight or something breakin’ out, it was just so much of something going on. So I was like.... I gotta change my scenery. But I can go to New Chicago, to Douglas, to Hines Park, to north Memphis, to south Memphis. I’m welcomed anywhere in Memphis. With the buzz that I’m work-

I been working with artists in Memphis for 10 years. If I can kick some doors in and get that buzz that I need to make some things happen, I’d love to go back to Memphis and develop some artists.

(662) 251-0075

Tell us something about your cd. It was released in November of ‘08, right ? Yeah, it’s 20 songs on there, and they’re all bangers. I was kinda on the road when I was doing it. Everybody’s that’s been gettin’ it, has been coming back saying that it’s one of the hottest albums out right now. That’s one thing about me, I try to make hits. It’s one of those CDs that you can put in and not have to worry about hittin’ the fast forward to another track. If I do a dance song, I’m gone try to do the best dance song. The next song might be a Memphis song. The next song might be crunk. So I try to give em a variety.

I understand that you’ve been doing some intros for DJs at radio stations in Atlanta and Memphis. What has that done for your name ? I do em, but I stay so busy that I really don’t get a chance to hear em. But I do remember riding thru Atlanta one day, and I got my music on, and I did something for DJ Redd at 107.9, and I heard my intro come on. I was looking around and sayin’, damn ! I ain’t the one playin this. I see all these cars around me playin it and bumpin’ to it.I get a lot of folks calling me and saying they heard me on the radio. Anything


Where can the music lovers go to purchase or download your music ? I’m on, i-tunes, internet stores, and some Wal-marts in the Atlanta, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Nevada area.



l 21

Health Matters

Sleep Deprivation Can Cause Diabetes


he most common factors believed to contribute to type 2 diab e t e s h a v e always been too much food and too little exerc i s e . However, sleep deprivation seems to also play a role in abnormal glucose metabolism.

According to a study published in the December issue of the journal SLEEP, subjects who reported sleeping five or fewer hours each night were significantly more likely to have diabetes over the follow-up period compared to subjects who reported sleeping seven hours. These findings held true even after the researchers adjusted for variables such as physical activity, depression, alcohol consumption, ethnicity, education, marital status, age, obesity and history of hypertension.


l The New Power Magazine l l (662) 251-0075

According to sleep experts, most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep each night to feel alert and well-rested. Adolescents and teenagers need about nine hours each night, younger kids require 10-11 hours a night and children in pre-school 11-13 hours. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine offers the following tips on how to get a good night’s sleep: - Follow a consistent bedtime routine. - Establish a relaxing setting at bedtime. - Get a full night’s sleep every night. - Avoid foods or drinks that contain caffeine, as well as any medicine that has a stimulant, prior to bed time. - Do not go to bed hungry, but don’t eat a big meal before bedtime either. - Avoid any rigorous exercise within six hours of your bedtime. - Make your bedroom quiet, dark and a little bit cool. - Get up at the same time every morning.

Joy Bauer MS, RD, CDN TODAY nutritionist and diet editor


Source: as published by

Where Reading Is Fundamental

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1. Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson Photo by Sareif Ziyadat

0 5 $1

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50 Cent has come a long way from his early days dealing drugs in Queens, N.Y., and getting shot nine times. The reigning king of hip-hop wealth banked $100 million after taxes last summer when his stake in VitaminWater's parent, Glacéau, was bought by CocaCola as part of a $4.1 billion deal. His portfolio also includes the popular G-Unit clothing line and record label, plus films, videogames and a slew of platinum albums, including last year's Curtis. 24

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Shawn “Jay Z” Carter Photo by Arthur Elgort


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Brooklyn, N.Y.-born Jay-Z had a monster year, releasing a second platinum comeback album, American Gangster, inspired by the movie of the same title. In April he signed a $150 million, 10-year recording, touring and merchandising deal with concert promoter Live Nation and days later married his longtime girlfriend Beyoncé Knowles on the roof of his New York City penthouse. Jay-Z also owns a stake in the New Jersey Nets and has advertising deals with Dell and Budweiser. 26

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Sean “Diddy� Combs Photo l Bad Boy Entertainment

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The "Dapper Don" of hip-hop continues his decadelong run of good fortune. He brings in cash from his clothing line Sean John, record label Bad Boy, premium vodka Ciroc and two reality-TV shows. His catalog of hits, both as a producer and a rapper, includes collaborations with the likes of Jay-Z and the Notorious B.I.G., as well as rap anthems such as "Mo Money Mo Problems" and "Been Around the World."


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Kanye West

n o i l l i M Photo by W. Vanderper


The pink-polo-sporting rapper and producer released his third solo album, Graduation, last September. After handily outselling 50 Cent's Curtis in a headto-head opening-week matchup, West's album went multiplatinum and won four Grammys. West has penned hits for Jay-Z, Alicia Keys and Diddy, among others. Earlier this month, he headlined the music festival Lollapalooza in his native Chicago.

West 30

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5. Timothy “Timbaland” Mosley Photo by Albert Watson

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The portly producer has churned out hundreds of tracks for hip-hop's brightest stars, including all four above him on this list. His most popular hits include Jay-Z's "Big Pimpin' " and Ludacris' "Roll Out." More recently, Timbaland has produced pop songs for Björk and Madonna. His second solo album, Shock Value, went platinum after its release in 2007. Timbaland is reportedly producing Jay-Z's next studio album.


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Pharrell Williams Photo by Rankin

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This multifaceted star made his name penning hits for rappers and pop artists alike as part of the production team, the Neptunes. He also fronts the funk-rock band N*E*R*D and is said to be an avid Star Trek fan. A geek with exquisite taste, Williams designs sunglasses for Louis Vuitton and owns apparel lines Ice Cream and Billionaire Boys Club. Esquire named him "the world's best-dressed man" in 2005.


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7. Kasseem “Swizz Beatz� Dean

n o i l l i M $17


The Bronx, N.Y.-born prodigy got his start as a producer at age 16, penning the catchy "Ruff Ryders' Anthem" for DMX. Since then, he's piled up a massive production catalog working with other artists. Last year he released his debut solo album, One Man Band Man. He has appeared in ads for the Gap, owns a stake in trendy toy company Kidrobot and is in talks with Telmex to produce cellphone content. 36

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Calvin “ Snoop Dogg� Broadus


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Snoop has parlayed a pimpish image into mainstream fame. Once the embodiment of West Coast gangster rap, he revealed a softer side this year in his reality-TV show, Snoop Dogg's Father Hood, where he's been filmed doing yoga and managing family crises. His ninth album, Ego Trippin', came out in March.


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Andre “Dr. Dre� Young


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Dr. Dre hasn't had a solo hit in years, but he still gets rich on royalties. A founder of seminal rap group N.W.A, he released his multiplatinum solo opus The Chronic in 1992. Dre spent the rest of the 1990s cutting tracks for the likes of Tupac Shakur and Snoop Dogg; this decade he's produced songs for 50 Cent and Eminem. Dre also moonlights as an actor, appearing in Set It Off (1996) and Training Day (2001), to name a few. 40

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Christopher “Ludacris� Bridges Photo by Chris Stanford


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"The Mouth of the South" is known as much for his raunchy lyrics as for his public spats with Bill O'Reilly and Oprah Winfrey. He's also among rap's most consistent performers - all five of his solo albums have gone platinum. Ludacris has parlayed his musical success into a number of substantial acting roles, including an appearance in Crash, which won the 2005 Oscar for Best Picture.


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Clifford “T.I.� Harris Photo l Atlantic Records


n o i l l i

M 3 $1


The self-crowned "King of the South" co-founded Grand Hustle Records in 2001 to distribute his mix tapes. Since then, he's become a cross-platform star. Last year he appeared in American Gangster alongside Russell Crowe and Denzel Washington, and his album T.I. vs. T.I.P. debuted at the top of the Billboard 200 chart. He might have trouble repeating last year's fiscal success. He was busted for machine gun possession last October but reportedly is working on a new album while under house arrest in Atlanta. 45

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Dwayne “Lil Wayne� Carter Photo by Jonathan Mannion



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Along with fellow rappers Juvenile, B.G. and Turk, Lil Wayne became famous in the group Hot Boys. He released his first solo album, The Block is Hot, in 1999, and soon became a Billboard charts mainstay. In June the New Orleans-born rhymester released his muchanticipated album Tha Carter III, which went platinum in its opening week.


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Marshall “Eminem� Mathers



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Like his pal Dr. Dre, Eminem is in the midst of a musical dry spell, but he still gets hefty royalties from his ample body of work as a rapper and actor. His 1999 debut album, The Slim Shady LP, has been certified five-times platinum; his follow-up, The Marshall Mathers LP, sold 1.8 million copies in its opening week. Eminem is said to be working on a new album and is slated to star in Paramount Pictures' Have Gun, Will Travel, a Western remake.



l The New Power Magazine l (662) 251-0075





Where Reading is Fundamental

ne key to lasting in the game of life is to allow things to flow freely. Don’t resist everything in life. Life is a learning process, and a spiritual voyage. The more you resist, the more you will be obligated to continuously repeat the same lessons over and over again. Some people find it difficult to even embrace a mentor. This independent age, in which we live, causes people to discount the role of the mentor. Th ey feel as if they can do everythingthemselves. Quite obviously, if you could become rich without the example of anyone, you would be rich right now. Th e reason why you are not is that you, like everyone else, need to be coached to maximize your potential.

(662) 251-0075

So then, you need a mentor on your journey, but not just any mentor. You need to have mentors who are fi nancially equipped. No one can take you somewhere that they have not been. Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction. Proverbs 13:18 Anytime a person refuses instructions, that means poverty and shame will inevitably come to him or her. Therefore, you are only poor because you refused instructions from a fi nancial mentor. Th at is getting ready to change. Also, I want you to know that no matter how rich you think you are, you still need fi nancial mentors on your level. You need to look to financial gurus who are on a level higher than where you are. No matter how high you go in life, you can always learn from someone on an even higher plain than you are. E. Bernard Jordan is the author of THE LAWS OF THINKING. and The Business of Getting Rich


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12. Lonnie “Common� Lynn Jr. Photo by Gregory Saffidi



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Formerly known as Common Sense, the Chicago native is one of hip-hop's most socially conscious artists. An avid supporter of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns, Common has also spoken out against the use of homophobic rap lyrics. Though he released his debut album in 1992, he gained mainstream fame only with last year's release of Finding Forever, which was certified gold and nominated for three Grammys. His substantial acting experience includes roles in Smokin' Aces (2007) and Wanted (2008). 50

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Aliaune “Akon� Thiam Photo by Anthony Mandler

$12 Mil




After splitting his childhood between Senegal and the U.S., Akon gained mainstream fame with his 2004 hit "Locked Up." Since then, he has become one of hiphop's most versatile artists. He writes, sings, raps and produces; he often sings the backing vocals on his own tracks; and he has made nearly 150 guest appearances on other artists' songs. His business ventures include a clothing line, an in-the-works reality-TV show and his own Konvict Music imprint, to be distributed by Interscope. 53

l The New Power Magazine l (662) 251-0075

13. Jermaine Dupri

$ 11 Million (Tie)


This rapper-turned-super-producer masterminded Usher's chart-topping Confessions in 2004 and followed it up with Mariah Carey's monster comeback album, The Emancipation of Mimi. In 2005 he joined Virgin Music as head of its Urban Music division but resigned a year later following the release of fiancee Janet Jackson's album, 20 Y.O. Now president of Island Def Jam Records, Dupri released his autobiography, Young, Rich and Dangerous: The Making of a Music Mogul, last October.


Jonathan “Lil Jon� Smith

$ 11 Million (Tie)


The silver-toothed rapper/producer is the self-titled "King of Crunk," a bass-heavy, club-thumping subgenre of Southern rap. Lil Jon became a radio sensation himself in 2004 with an appearance on Usher's hit single "Yeah!," which was punctuated by Lil Jon's trademark exclamations. That year he partnered with liquor baron Sidney Frank (now deceased) to create the energy drink Crunk Juice. His 12-pound, 73-carat "Crunk Ain't Dead" medallion holds the world's record for largest diamond pendant.



Hakeem “Chamillionaire� Seriki (Tie)


n o i l l i M


Formerly known as Common Sense, the Chicago native is one of hip-hop's most socially conscious artists. An avid supporter of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns, Common has also spoken out against the use of homophobic rap lyrics. Though he released his debut album in 1992, he gained mainstream fame only with last year's release of Finding Forever, which was certified gold and nominated for three Grammys. His substantial acting experience includes roles in Smokin' Aces (2007) and Wanted (2008). 56

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Outkast (Tie)


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The Georgia duo of Andre "3000" Benjamin and Antawn "Big Boi" Patton make up one of the most musically innovative yet commercially successful hiphop acts in history. Their six studio albums, from SonyBMG and LaFace Records, have collectively sold over 20 million units. OutKast's double album Speakerboxxx/The Love Below, which featured the infectious hit "Hey Ya," has sold over 10 million copies since its 2003 release.


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14. Jayceon “The Game� Taylor (Tie)


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After the release of his Grammy-nominated debut album, The Documentary, in 2005, The Game feuded with 50 Cent and left Aftermath Entertainment for Geffen Records. Since then, The Game released a new album, Doctor's Advocate, and picked up endorsement deals with Skechers, Kangol and British apparel outfit Lonsdale. He co-starred in the low-budget action flick Waist Deep (2006). His third studio album, L.A.X., is due out later this month. 60

l The New Power Magazine l (662) 251-0075

I’m well known in the industry as Ices. I’m from Illinois, and considered throughout the entertainment industry as down to earth and 100% focused.


I discovered my love for dancing at an early age. I live for breaking down doors as a next generation vixen. I’ve hosted countless mix tape parties, to being featured on flyers and promo ads. Occupation: beautician model entertainer

Measurements: 34C - 24 - 34 Contact me at:

62 I







C-Sharp, what’s going down ? How’s everything with you ? Awh, I’m good Anthony.

OK,we’re featuring you in our Producer To Watch section. Let our readers know why the spotlight is on you. Well, I use to be signed to 35/35 Entertainment

under Clarence Weatherspoon. For those who don’t know him, he’s also from Crawford, Mississippi, and he’s a former player in the NBA. He’s played with the 76ers, Knicks, and Houston Rockets. I’m no longer signed with 35/35 as of now. 35/35 released the “Inside Peanut Butter, Outside Jelly” track from some more artists from Crawford, Mississippi - Cadillac Don and J. Money. I wrote and produced on J. Money’s new album. I produced the majority of the album. I did the track, She Bad, that J. Money did-

with Lil’ Boosie. I produced his track “Street Boy”, which featured Yo Gotti and Tremble. I wrote and produced his track he did that featured Slim Thug. I rapped on his track, “Check Me Out”, featuring Jim Jones. As a matter fact, Jim Jones liked my verse on there so much, that told J., that my verse ought to be first. So I got the first verse on that joint. Sounds like you put in some work on that album. Yeah, I really did. Lately I’ve been staying busy doing some work with Big Fruit from Aberdeen, Mississippi. Fruit produced the Peanut Butter and Jelly track for Cadillac Don and J. Money. We been out here in the A for a minute. How did you get into producing music ? When I was 13, Clarence had a group on his label called The Crawford Boys, and I produced all but 2 tracks on their album. I Stopped working with Clarence at 17, and started producing for Doughbelly Stray. I started producing for Low Key Records out of West Point, Mississippi. I dropped an album under them called Feelin Like I’m Supaman. I had a song called “Supaman”. I did a video off of it. You remember the Supaman song that almost blew up around here ? Yeah ? That was my song. I produced it, did the beats, and everything. I was the only local rapper getting regular rotation at the area radio station at the time. Any plans on being an artist and a producer ? Yeah, I plan on dropping an album. I’m working on a new single right now. Hey, did you know that your uncle is married to my aunt. (Laughing) Huh ? Naw, I didn’t know that. Yeah, that’s my aunt. OK, well when you start making big bank, I’m gone be looking my check kin folk. (Laughing) Alright, man. I appreciate the time. Naw Anthony, I appreciate the opportunity. Would you please put my myspace in the interview. WWW.NEWPOWERMAGAZINE.COM

l 63


Atlanta, Georgia La’ Nisha is co-owner of Collabo Muzik Radio; a live internet radio station. She produces and hosts her own morning show called Waking up with Ms. Rene, and has been featured in several urban magazines. She was born in Columbus, Ohio, but raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Her goal is to open a full service hair and beauty spa, including a non profit organization for under-privileged children, and a model promotional team to help train, critique,and educate up-n-coming models in the industry. She also wants to invest in creative, unique fashion designers whose admiration and dedication include a passion for designing.


REVIEWS JAHEIM Classic Jaheim Vol. 1 Warner Brothers BY JIMMY BIGGS What can I say about Jaheim’s music that you don’t already know. This CD is entitled, Classic Jaheim, because that’s just what these songs are: New - school classics. With a voice that could easily be mistaken for the gruff, sexy soul of late-70’s Teddy Pendergrass, mixed with the look of a cat who appears to be street cool, Jaheim has carved his own niche into the anemic R&B game. This 9-track CD contains such new - era classics as “Just In Case,” “Put That Woman First,” Anything,” and “Fabulous.” This is a must for any R&B lover’s collection. Aside from R. Kelly and Usher, there aren’t many male vocalist today who can lay claim to having a catalog as nice and as consistent as Jaheim. What are you waiting on ? Go get your copy today. Let’s bring back some good rhythm and blues.

OJ Da Juiceman


Culinary Art School DJ Drama, OJ Da Juice Man, & DJ Holiday Aphilliates / So Icey / 32 Ent. BY TY JONES Mr. AAAYYY AAAYYY!!!!! OJ Da Juice Man presents his Gangsta Grillz Mixtape - hosted by DJ Drama and DJ Holiday. It Consists of 21 tracks full of AAAYYY, AAAYYY on every track. OJ Da Juice Man appears to be the hottest artist to blow next, with his catchy ad libs and a slow and bouncing flow. Tracks to look for: #4 Im Boomin and Burnin, #6 Port Card feat. Hitman, #10 Chopper Lose feat. Whoo da Kid, #15 Georgia feat. Gucci Man, #19 Fuck wit me Dog, and #20 Stupid with Playaz Circle. Production on the CD was moderate with some trunk rattling bass. If you are looking for something extra, hmmmmm..... you may want to look for something else. This CD appears to only consist of music that tells you how to cook and pack drugs, then go to the corner to sell it. Is that all rappers know now??? Well I guess the name of the CD explains it.

Photo by Christian Lantry

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The People’s Champ

HOMEBWOI The Goodnite Show HomeBwoi and DJ Smallz Fear Factor Music Group / Fi-Flame BY TY JONES If you are looking for a versatile Mix CD that you can listen to at anytime of the day, then this is the album to get! Homebwoi, out of Griffin, GA, drops his all new trunk- bumping, head-bobbing, lyrical, hilarious, witty, and a whole bunch of other adjectives that I can describe it with CD. Hosted by DJ Smallz, this 23 track CD is worth every penny you would pay for it. Homebwoi gives you a variety of music from gangster, to personal, to something for the ladies; of course something for the club. He also gives you something to let you know where he's from. I can't honestly say that there is one song on there that is not worth listening to. The Intro gets you started with something of a preview of what is to come next. Track 2, Head above Water, has a fly Goodtimes TV show sample in it. It makes you want to crank it up and start bouncing. Then of course, he gives you on track 3, something for the hood riders in the old schools. He also gives you Give Me A Break on track 7, to express his feelings to all those labels who should give him a break. Does He deserve it ? Of Course!!! Tracks to also look out for: 5, 17, 18, 20, and 21. On track 23, Homebwoi explains he and his father's relationship. You can tell Homebwoi took his time to put together a great album.


- R&B / Hip- Hop Songs #1 Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) Beyonce - Hot Rap Tracks #1 Live Your Life T.I. featuring Rihanna - Top R&B / Hip-Hop Catalog (Albums) #1 Ready To Die The Notorious B.I.G. - R&B / Hip-Hop Singles Sales #1 What It Be Like Dizzy D. - R&B / Hip-Hop Recurrent Airplay #1 Just Fine Mary J. Blige


1. Soundtrack - Notorious Fox / Bad Boy

Loved By Few, Hated By Many

2. Keyshia Cole - A Different Me Imani / Geffen

TF Records / Swishahouse BY TY JONES Lil Keke finally drops his long-awaited, highlyanticipated album. If you liked hits like “Southside”, “25 Lighter”, “Breakem Off”, “Hit Em”, “Im a G”, “Road to Success”, and hundreds more…you will add this album to your collection. This 13-track album, complete with pure Texas Heat, also has guest appearances by Slim Thug, Paul Wall, Trae, Virdue, Crys Wall, Blak, and more. Unifying the H-town rivalries, Lil Keke represents the Old and New Texas. Speaking from his childhood, up to accomplishing more goals, to continuing to provide for his family and friends, Lil Keke continues to give his all through his music. With slick delivery and humble lyricism, Keke shows listeners why they call him “Don KeKe.” Tracks “Money in the City”, “Miss my boys”, “4 Doors and Coupes”, “Im A G”, “She loves Gangstas,” are just a few tracks that will keep you listening.

The People’s Champ


3. Jamie Foxx - Intuition J Records 4. Beyonce - I AM...Sasha Fierce Music World / Columbia 5. Kanye West - 808 & Heartbreak Roc-A-Fella / Def Jam 6. Heather Headley - Audience of One EMI / Gospel 7. Anthony Hamilton - The Point Of It All Mister’s Music / So So Def 8. Plies - Da Realist Big Gates / Slip-N-Slide / Atlantic

- Adult R&B Airplay #1 Influence Musiq Soulchild featuring Mary J. Blige - Bubbling Under R&B / Hip-Hop (Singles) #1 Creepin’ Chamillionaire featuring Ludacris - Hot R&B / Hip-Hop Airplay #1 Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) Beyonce - Top Rap Albums #1 Notorious Soundtrack - Hot Rap Tracks #1 Live Your Live T.I. featuring Rihanna

9. T. I. - Paper Trail Grand Hustle / Atlantic 10. Ludacris - Theater Of The Mind DTP / Def Jam (662) 251-0075


The New Power Magazine

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