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Contributor’s Corner: Bob McNeil

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INTVW by Jazie Pilones

NRM: Tell us more about you. What has Bob McNeil been doing during this global pandemic?


Bob McNeil: While possessing a great deal of concern for the world, I read and watch the news with a zealot’s dedication. Moreover, in compliance with common sense and state rules, I wear a mask whenever my work and errands require me outside. Between you and me, I am content with staying indoors. All writers—this includes the obscure as well as the most recent Nobel Prize in Literature recipient—should enjoy being sedentary. Also, to write effectively, you need time for isolation. If nothing else, this pestiferous age affords us long periods for creative endeavors while sitting down. This pandemic, I predict, will sire a new era of philosophical writers.

NRM: What pushed you to become a writer, and who were your early influences?

BM: Two people had a profound effect on my need for literary expression: my father and grandmother. Both eloquent and quite erudite, they loved reading everything. Classical literature and modern material kept their interest. By following them, I became a bibliophile. Early on, I fell in love with poetry. My grandmother, a former school teacher, suffered from debilitating arthritis and failing eyesight. So, it became my job to read newspapers as well as various volumes to her aloud. Among them, the Bible was in steady rotation. Such an ongoing saturation of words made me want to compose poems and stories. There is one other point of interest: I was a loquacious child. My mouth had all the force of a Belgian Draft Horse.

Anytime I talked too much, my grandmother would say, “Write it down.” Unquestionably, it was the best advice I ever received.

NRM: Let’s talk about your recent publication, Lyrics of Mature Hearts. The poems revolve around growing old and facing death. Out of many possible subjects, why choose death and aging? Is there something to love about both?

BM: Young people, filled with delusions of eternal vibrancy, often look upon older people with derision. What they fail to realize is, if allowed the chance, maturity provides abilities such as greater intelligence and experience. Aging is not something hateful. It is an award after years of work-related service on this planet.

Now, about death, I will not let it get in the way of my active lifestyle. Forgive me. I had to share that joke. Seriously, just greet the Grim Reaper, knowing that you did the best with what existence allotted.

Finally, let me address your question. I looked through libraries and bookstores for a poetry anthology about the delightful and disheartening facets of aging. Upon not finding such a book, I started to create it. Talented contributors and a sympathetic publisher made Lyrics of Mature Hearts an anthology that I am proud of today.

NRM: What are your viewpoints on aging considering all the clinical/surgical beauty trends dominating in this era?

BM: I do not understand older people who covet youth. No amount of makeup, dyes, surgeries, or pharmaceutical products will reverse time.

Growing old is an epic tale. My wrinkles are tally marks for each wonderful or worrisome thing I did. These grey follicles of mine represent my well-earned tenure on this planet.

NRM: In literature, death is often portrayed as evil and depressing because it takes away people’s life. What are your thoughts on this?

BM: Death, at least for an older person, is neither evil nor depressing. It is the denouement for a long story. Throughout the ever-turning pages of existence, for as long as possible, make your character’s participation into a memorable narrative.

NRM: What would be the best way to confront death and aging?

BM: The closer you get to old age and death, do not obsess about your failures. Approach your final years without the lead weight of worries and regrets.

NRM: How do you remind the people around you to celebrate life and live it with purpose especially at this time of uncertainty?

BM: Almost with the regularity of a chanter, I tell everybody the same thing. Life is a hotel room. Before checkout time, enjoy the stay. Unconcerned with the opinions of others, while in the temporary residence, be a fan of your accomplishments.

Write the books you desire, the songs your ears need to hear, and create the existence you want for the most relevant audience in the whole Earthen dwelling—yourself.

NRM: What is a life lesson you can share to everyone, especially to the younger generation?

BM: Perhaps these lines from a second-person tale I wrote titled “Ubiquitously You” can answer your question: “Each existence will be another autobiographical edition on a bookshelf. Your tome, although awaiting more chapters, should receive herds of blurbs because it exists. Grant yourself a favorable review each day knowing you will wind up out of print at some point.”

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