5 minute read
Down to Earth
Afilm that follows a family breaking away from society to find a new perspective on life, Down to Earth takes us on an inner journey, connecting us with thesource and the mutual path we are walking.

Down to Earth introduces us to the Earth Keepers. In their simplicity and humility, their understanding of humankind is unparalleled. Their stories, their insights, and their knowledge are as powerful as they are identical. Confronting at times, not avoiding the pain points of our human challenge, the Earth Keepers lay bare the very basics of our problems--on an individual level, on the level of community and on a global level.
Amidst the magnitude of their reflections, a message for the future emerges;an empowering and uplifting message, full of hope for us and generations to come.
Dear Earth Keeper,

DOWN to EARTH is not just the launch of a film. It’s the launch of a thought, a vision for the future. The film is not just to be viewed, but to be worked with!The flm helps us become aware of our own personal relevance. Rather than continuing the aim to change the system or the mindset of its leaders, our aim is to generate people-powered change from the ground up: unlocking the potential of the common people. We hope the film will provoke thought and inspire you to help rediscover the innate wisdom within you to become a responsible Earth Keeper.
We can support this change actively by initiating a new dialogue, where you can gain insights about your own role and develop initiatives that matter, however big or small. We aim to shift conditioned ways of thinking and empower people in the three areas where one’s personal development is nurtured the most: at home, at school and at work. Not only are these the biggest influencers on our views and awareness, they are the environments where we as individuals have the most impact. We can help organise screenings with a dialogue in your communities to help unlock the wisdom of the Earth Keepers. A digital platform will be launched with the release of the film where we hope to inspire you to take action; a base to exchange ideas and access networks to enable us to continue our journey. We do not have to come up with large worldchanging concepts but release ourselves from the (thinking) patterns in which we are stuck, and make a change.We invite you, our fellow change-makers, to be part of this movement.
Please contact us if you would like to organise a screening in your company,organisation or educational institution. Share with us stories of initiatives you have started in your local communities, so that together we can make a bigger impact. We are not powerless and can make a difference in ourworld, preserving it for future generations.We have all the answers if only we dare to ask ourselves the right questions.
Watch the film now: www.downtoearthflm.com
We had the opportunity to talk to Daphne Laan, the Managing Director of Down to Earth Collective. She was the Head of the Technology and Lead for Women@Google NL, and undertook the experiment: What happens if you follow your heart in a business context and only do the things you enjoy?
Then doors will open unexpectedly.
NRM: Let’s start with you—how did you become part of the Down to Earth Collective? Is there anything personal about Down to Earth for you, or what you believe in? Daphne Laan: One of the doors that opened was to the Down to Earth Collective. One day I read an article in the newspaper our friend was writing for, looking for a Managing Director, I thought, “Hey that is me!”.
When I met the filmmaker for a tea, he shared the bigger dream using wisdom as an alternative to an MBA, as business schools do not offer personal development in their curriculum. As I was doing a postgraduate Masters in Executive Coaching we found common grounds in the way we work with experiential learning. I decided to take the leap into entrepreneurship.
My personal connection: one of the messages of the film is to follow your own path. I believe we can be a role model shaping our own direction without being limited by the boundaries of a company or what is expected. Around the social impact enterprise we form a wider community with a common purpose. The way we go about fulfilling and expressing is unique, we are approaching world challenges from different perspectives. I also co-founded the company The Board Whisperers; a creative solution to the gap in equal representation by bringing the voice to the table that needs to be heard in boardrooms. NRM: Can you tell me more about what the Collective has in store for everyone, and what the future of Down to Earth looks like? DL: DOWN to EARTH is more than a film. It is a call to action. Through our online film platform we build a global movement to inspire and educate individuals and companies to ignite positive change through everyday action. The Earth Keepers hold on to the keys for a sustainable future by connecting with nature, ourselves & eachother. We work together as a digital ecosystem and pioneer to use tech in a meaningful way. We have two pillars: education and contribution to impact.

Education: to prepare our children to become the generation that turns the tide. We offer a powerful and crucial educational ‘experience’. Help our younger generations to become the future leaders we need. We work with educators to help re-skill and empower students by fostering creativity, emotional intelligence and critical thinking. Essential for entrepreneurship and innovation to meet today’s challenges with an open mind and heart.
Impact: to use the film as a means to contribute to impact. An example is the Earth Keepers project in Indonesia, with the aim to use film as a fundraiser for 5 good causes around wellbeing and sustainable impact. We work together with partners as an ecosystem; to raise awareness to restore the planet or invite people to take action. And show technology is about making things happen you care about, view by view step by step.
We need each other to make a change. Let’s connect worlds, be creative, believe in magic and who knows what will happen?
According to Daphne, here are things you can do to participate in Down to Earth’s advocacy:
1. Share the film with friends, family or your community. During
Christmas on www.youtube.com/u/DOWNtoEARTHglobal
Host your own screening in schools or companies. 2. Sign up to contribute via We Make Change 3. Amplify our message on social media: @downtoearthfilm 4. (Facebook), @downtoearth_film (Instagram), LinkedIn 5. Reach out to me to support our work as a brand or partner