3 minute read
Feelings of the Flowers
Megan Luebberman
Tiny Bluets, content in their being. A delicate strength, Everlasting in the woods.
After a strenuous journey up the trail, Ruby was near collapse from exhaustion. Her legs shook, the achiness finally kicked in and the stitch in her side pinched. She hadn’t come here in twelve years. Taking the trip in the distant past as a hyper, enthusiastic child was easier.
Last one over the hill loses–
Yet, the view from the very top was still worth it. Ruby

stopped short and gazed out. Seeing the wide, grassy meadow laying out down below returned her breath to her all at once. Tiny, tight clusters of soft blue were scattered throughout the wispy greenery.
Let’s roll down the hill and land in the fluffy flowers!
Ruby had not been back to this spot in what seemed like a lifetime, but it hadn’t changed. The semi-shady clearing was encircled by the same thick trees that watched over everything, acting as guardians to the sacred land. The wildflowers danced in the untamed grass as a slight breeze picked up every so often. The distinct, yet muted color of the bluets brought back the most nostalgia. They’re so cute and tiny! They look like little butterflies…
Ruby’s tired legs carried her down into the clearing, the soreness completely forgotten. The soft ground bent under the weight of her heavy trodden steps, but she didn’t notice how the earth hugged her feet. She was focused on the bluets poking out from the patches of reindeer moss, subtle but boldly standing tall. They seemed to be flashing her smiles with their distinctive, pale yellow centers.
I can make you a crown out of them! Sit still while I measure your head.
When she reached the first large patch of bluets, Ruby sank to her knees. She rubbed the soft petals in between her fingers slowly. Mud soaked into her jeans where her knees pressed into the dirt.
I know mom might get upset about dirtying my dress, but it’s totally worth it!
Ruby turned around slowly on her knees, and then laid down among the flowers as her sister liked to do. The petite bluets surrounded her head, a few stroking her cheek when she turned over to look at them directly. More recent memories flooded in.
I have to go now. The plane is leaving shortly.
Ruby pressed down the flowers flatly with the palm of her hand, then removed it. The bluets sprung up again, unbothered.
This mission field could be dangerous. Yes that’s true, but….
She repositioned her head among the flowers, using the clumps of moss as a pillow. It wasn’t the comfiest, but it worked. The light blue sky spanned out infinitely above her.
There’s people out there who need my help.
Ruby felt as if she was a flower herself for a moment, tucked away in one small, anonymous meadow.
I’ll keep in touch, writing to you every month.
The flowers were never bothered way out here.
Go back there, where we used to play.
The last letter she’d received had talked about their childhood adventures, frolicking in the forest.
Speak to the little blues for me, Ruby.
Ruby turned away from the all-encompassing sky, to the bluets once more. She sighed, then slowly closed her eyes in acceptance.
When she opened them again, Ruby whispered with a soft smile “My sister says hello.”
The flowers bowed in the wind as a response. The shade of the trees kept the wind cool and refreshing.
The bluets would always be there to remember them, passing on the story of two girls in murmurs across the woodlands. This she was certain of, because, after everyone was gone, the flowers would still have memories of it all, forever.
Megan Luebberman is currently an English major, with an emphasis in creative writing, attenging Vanguard University. Her favorite genres to write in are fantasy and science fiction. One day, she hopes to publish her own books in order to inspire and spark the imagination of others. In her free time, she enjoys reading and spending time with her calico cat named Allie.