1 minute read
Convalescence, derived from the Latin root, valescere, which means to begin to grow strong. Stages of recovery require staying off your feet, as depicted in the illustration, to gradually regain physical and mental stability.
New Reader Media, a creative marketing firm working in partnership with New Reader Magazine, takes on the challenge of bookmarking emerging voices in the indie publishing world. Presented in no particular order, here’s New Reader Media’s reading list for this quarter of 2022!

My Time
While retirement seems the ultimate freedom everyone anticipates after years of hard work, retirees could find the period rather drenched with stress and uneasiness.
A touch to the soul, a motivation to the mind. A clever perspective in life, Alpheaus enriches his readers with his book. The Imaginary and Realistic Perspective, of Alpheaus III: Alpheaus III, Story Gallery shares a set of stories each with a unique input that gives its readers a lesson in life to contemplate to.
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